Friday Worry List, Scotch Bet, “Boy Time” Pending

Which Worry List? My, that one’s a bitch to figure because it’s so, um, you know, age dependent.

In the very short-term, if you are young (and politically involved) you could cite the coronation by the demon scraps last night of their anointed one: Harris vows ‘new way forward’ for America as she…  Yeah, no more needed, because we hold to “actions speak louder than words.”  Besides, with me 75 and Elaine 81, even with our remarkable success in antiaging supplements, the odds of us being around for the real “country hits the wall” which might come as late as 2060 (depending on if a nuke war lite is touched-off) are fairly thin.

Like I said, it’s a demographically based worry list.  If you are young, I’d be in the streets upon reading that the border breakers now have a friend on the Supreme Court as Amy Coney Barrett Sides With Liberal Justices on Voter ID Laws in Arizona. Where more than 40,000 people did mail-in ballots (promising they were citizens) only to have Slow Joe win the state by under 11,000.

We won’t worry about that one.  Floodgates are open, anchors are being thrown, and it’s only a matter of time before mush heads do to America what they are doing to Canada. Though, in fairness, we are maybe ahead in electing True Dopes.

Canada’s Killing the Working Class

Workercide? Here’s how the fairytale goes:  If you’re a working person, say the Marxist rabble, you have an “inalienable right to strike.”  BUT down in the fine print, says that one the Marxists are in power, they turn on their base and become the same despots they replaced.  Following?

In the latest episode, we see Canadian rail workers going out on strike.  Only to be crushed by the complicit, friends of corporations, who hold office in Toronto. Why, the con is so obvious that even self-respecting Socialists are calling ’em out: Canada’s Liberal government colludes with White House to shut down rail strike – World Socialist Web Site (

This should come as no surprise, in the formerly free provinces, who you’ll remember from the 2022 Trucker’s action protesting Covid shots.  Wikipedia has a better memory than me on this period when exemptions from vaxxing ran out:

“Protesters occupied the downtown core of Ottawa and stated that they would not leave until all COVID-19 restrictions and mandates, trucking related and beyond, were repealed. Officials expressed concern about the economic impact of border blockades. On February 11, Ontario Premier Doug Ford declared a state of emergency, introducing new legal sanctions on the impediment of trade routes, highways, airports, ports, bridges and railways. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and US President Joe Biden spoke on February 11 to discuss ending blockades at the border. On February 14, Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act for the first time since its passing in 1988.[d] Between February 17 and 20, a large joint-operation police presence in Ottawa arrested organizers and protesters, removed parked vehicles, and dismantled blockades from Ottawa streets. By February 21, most of the protesters had been cleared from Ottawa.”

We will skip the anti-vaccine discussion.  Personal medical decisions, however, in our view are personal.  We didn’t get ’em and chose self-isolation (which we were doing anyway) as a lower-risk avenue. Where the Truckers got nailed was in failing to comprehend how the “fix” was in: When two governments, a half-dozen seriously lucrative big pharma companies, and all the search engines collude to drive public opinion, it’s time to be afraid. Very afraid. Because the right to personal sovereignty (personal right to decision-making) was run over by the strawman foregone conclusion that government has a right to dictate your health.

The reason corporations and sham political parties run the world and issue false proclamations that are patently illegal is people have been swindled out of the 10th Amendment:

“The Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution states that any powers not given to the federal government or withheld from the states are reserved to the states or to the people. It was ratified on December 15, 1791, and is the last amendment in the Bill of Rights. The amendment confirms the understanding that powers not granted to the United States were reserved to the states or to the people at the time the Constitution was adopted.”

Healthcare decisions weren’t mentioned.

After that Founding document, we see nothing but a slow-motion takedown, aided and abetted by the stooges (mostly lawyers, few working people) bought-into-office by those who benefit most. Corporations and Fat Cats.

Meanwhile, our children are being programmed. The Sour Truth: When Lemonade Stands Need Permits, Liberty Takes a Citrusy Hit – AFNN

Need an Example?

While Kamala flies into the Oval, and RFK, Jr. may come out for Trump today, the real battle for the Future may well involve the massive oil reserves and other mineral assets of the Arctic. My consigliere has another “client memo” on the site tomorrow about the collapse of American icebreaker capacity (and by extension) how we’re likely going to cede the Arctic to Russia and their Chinese pals.

Hardest decision among Anchorage (even more, Kotzebue) parents is figuring whether to demand schools teach Russia, Chinese, or Spanish.  (Guess it depends if the kid goes outside after graduation.  [“Outside” being Alaskanese for “lower 48/elsewhere.”)

Instead, we will merely point you to Dr. C’s earlier memo on the collapse of U.S. Naval competence and suggest you read today (almost a week later) the story about how Navy Could Sideline 17 Support Ships Due to Manpower Issues – USNI News.

The reigning socialists and corporate shills, will have a busy next couple of years ahead, trying to figure out to how gently screw the bankruptcy bound Social Security Administration into cutting benefits, while paying for all the benefits rung up giving out freebies to illegals, and while chanting about how Woke (the joke) is good for the Folk.

By then, the NuScams will be blowing up like the financial madness will be breaking from California advances 0 down, no payment home ‘loans’ for undocumented immigrants.  Turns out, this kind of crap is contagious and is spreading to Oregon, too: Oregon org, funded by taxpayers, offering $30K for home purchases for illegals. Sure looks like government funding of racial discrimination from here.

What could go wrong?

Sparks in the House of Cards

You will want to watch the video (see here, about 10 AM – the KC Fed’s YT channel) when in a couple of hours Jerome Powell speaks at the Fed annual retreat and conference outside Jackson Hole.

This will be near Cirque ‘d Olay theatre as high-wire acts go. As Powell does the tightrope between hyperinflation, collapse, end of the Bank of Japan carry-trade, and the almost million jobs that disappeared this week.  Meaning real job growth for the whole country in the past year has been less than 60,000.  More than that come in illegally per month.

Fortunately, I was able to arrange a grocery pickup at that moment to avoid being tempted to trade it.  Still, a strong rally into the close might get us thinking about a short for next week.  Iran and Israel haven’t fallen in love overnight. Iran’s got a hard liner rubber stamp going as Iran’s hard-line parliament approves all members of president’s Cabinet, first time since 2001 | AP News but not much different than the corporate checkbook stamping we (or everywhere else) does, anymore.

Oh, and if we crash into the close?  Guess there wasn’t a net, huh?

About that Scotch Bet

Last night’s close. Because the Futures don’t matter, and we’ll see how the close goes in tomorrow’s Peoplenomics report: Here’s where the bottles were floating last night.,

I like adding airline-size mini bottles to the chart – may have to do more of that.

Bitcoin was only down about a thou from Thursday, which in my world of scrying financial entrails, means shorting a week-ending rally is not completely insane, though have I little knowledge of this “sane” measurement idea. I mean, why else would I consider placing pictures of bags of blow on the crypto charts?

Blissfully Distracted

Assuming you aren’t doing a straw, mirror, and razor kind of breakfast, these are useful things to know.  (If you are, are you running a trading firm run?)

Not everyone has swallowed the Kool-Aid:  Election 2024: Trump 49%, Harris 46% – Rasmussen Reports®

Hand me that balloon, would you? In Just The Last 15 Years, 85% Of All Of The Dollars That The Fed Has Created Have Been Created.

There goes a conspiracy theory: A toxic byproduct of aluminum production put in your water really is bad for you says a group: Bombshell Fluoride Report Finally Released. Come on, tell me you ain’t surprised and understand why we distill our own water in one of these…(This is not medical advice). This, on the other hand? Fluoride: Can it be so Simple? – by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Around the Ranch: Boy Time Planner

If everything goes according to plan, an old Hallicrafters S-76 radio will arrive tomorrow.  These are pretty interesting old radios, because they were among the earliest of double conversion designs.  More information from here Hallicrafters S-76 receiver (

There were several others along the same line before Hallicrafters became victim to a corporate buyout and later left the ham radio game.  One of my prizes is a well-done SX-100.  That is the quintessential shortwave listening tool. Nice reviews at Hallicrafters SX-100 (and S-85) (

Along with a break in the heat next weekend (three-days worth) where I may get started on the new deck (been too damn hot to work on it over summer) Elaine’s promising to shoot plenty of pictures.  Because next weekend will have no ShopTalk Sunday – it will be posted as ShopTalk Monday, instead.

On that note, S&P futures are up 30 after losing 50 some last night. The Nikkei was up 153 last night, and that’s one of my main indicators as to whether the Powell speech or picking up some steaks and ETOH is more important.

Would you believe? Wasn’t that hard a choice!

Write when you get rich,

81 thoughts on “Friday Worry List, Scotch Bet, “Boy Time” Pending”

  1. Brainiacs youse bee, but did you know Wednesday was not only Buck A Shuck at local tappy (BricksideGrille), but more importantly it was Bitcoin Infinity Day (BID).

    Thats right home gamers – time for a little attention, specially youse smartasses back in the “gallery”..

    In the Numerator position we have the Infinity symbol, an 8 laying on its side. Middle Line is the Divisor. This symbol
    represents the possible size of the Economy.

    Got It ? I didnt stutter, Ure ears must be flapping.

    In the Denominator position we have 21 Million – this is TOTAL amount of Bitcoins ever to be Mined..21 million thats it .

    You now have a Mathematical Tool/Model to Calculate the future Value of Bitcoin….

    We bee in the middle of “The Great Replacement” brought about to you by the mother weffers, suggest youse all help bring about their replacement by ADOPTING the BTC..or suffer possible fin. slow death knowing misery loves company.

    * Since they have LIED about everything – you gonna now trust em regards their GOLD & Silver Holdings?Backing? CBC’s?

    Ya know I still got a toll bridge in NYC that is available for Sale – easy terms, built in maintenance contracts..a cash cow! Interested parties, please send inquiries to ImADumb

    • Sounds like a down payment grant on debt slavery.
      I would like something cheaper and further out of the metro than I already am, with lower taxes, and then I realize, there isn’t anything smaller, cheaper and further out with lower taxes. I have no idea how people who are paying notes on half-million dollar micro-McMansions live and eat.

      • I have often wondered how the african american community feels about their unconditional support of modern day slave traders and pedophile groups.. . there is a reason we had put a vetting process into the loop..
        we know how Californians think by their actions.. its the only way we can get CHEAP labor

        • “we know how Californians think by their actions.. its the only way we can get CHEAP labor”

          That was the big lie of the pro-illegal alien community. If you remember, [real estate] Mark used to say if we used domestic labor, a head of lettuce would cost $12?

          The dirty secret is, that head of lettuce costs $12 anyway. The taxpayer and consumer merely subsidize its price.

          Blacks are kept ignorant. They are not taught, and are actively discouraged from learning, that what we call the “Democratic Party” is the political ideology of our society from which permanent indenture, the KKK, “Jim Crow,” housing, financial, and territorial discrimination, etc., sprang. If you go visit a “Black (or Hispanic) ghetto,” talk and especially listen, you discover that the basic POC is likely more conservative than you, and if you’re talking to folks that’re 55+ in age, they may well have better “family values” than you — at least in theory. In practice they won’t, but they’ll tell you a story of heartbreak and damnation, how these values were wrest from them in practice, and how they learned to play the system, to survive — not because they wanted to, but because they had to.

          They have no concept of “modern slavery” (which, like its classical precursor, is economically-based, but is less-obvious because the slave believes the work he puts forth is in his own behalf), how they’re victims of it, and how, if it didn’t exist, there’d be no need to play the system, to survive.

          Other cultures not so much, but virtually all genuine “African-Americans” of color absolutely abhor pedos, and are like as not to mete out “street justice” if they find one preying on their community. That’s why sometimes a guy will show up at the local ER, badly beaten up but with “no recollection” of how he got that way. His amnesia is caused by the locals “running a line” on his family and letting him know they know how to REALLY hurt him, should there ever be a repeat performance…

    • Nobody cares.

      The “housing bubble” was created by minority Dems in Congress.

      They pushed a bill which lowered home loan qualification requirements, allegedly to provide a home ownership path to low-income, predominantly Black and Hispanic borrowers. It sounded good — really good, like “vote for this bill or your constituents will fire you” good. Many Republicans signed on. Hundreds of thousands of poor, but newly-qualified, unqualified borrowers began to scarf up properties.

      Then they went broke.

      A bazillion houses were returned to sender.

      Lehman lost its sibs, and the economy tanked.

      The Republicans got fired and we got Pelosi v.1.

      While all this was going on, the folks at Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street began buying those bright red albatrosses from banks’ loss sheets (at a huge discount.) Now this is basic, “just good supply & demand economics…”

      And then, about 10 years ago, along came ESG and suddenly all those “single family residences” became a political lever instead of a bargain waiting to produce a profit. Instead of Smith’s “supply-side economics” or even Marx’ “capitalism,” “the big three” had a cudgel to use, to beat the economy into a fascist, communist hybrid and people into accepting it.

  2. re: Super Heroes Cont’d
    feat: Legends


    One marvels at the week of the President of the Ukraine. After making a personal appearance at Super Hero School in his hometown Kryvri Rih, Ukraine media dictated another adventure in the journey. Year 2024 recipients of the National Legend of Ukraine award were announced.

    Yesterday he who was fêted as a largest private donor of around $500 million to Ukraine in the war effort made the list. Private citizen and billionaire philanthropist, Mr. Howard Buffet, made his tenth visit to the Ukraine, and personally collected his National Legend of Ukraine award. The President’s website duly was updated with a still image from the made-for-TV presentation portraying Mr. Buffet being welcomed to the stage by First Lady Zelenska. Both were dressed in formal, solid black suits. Footwear for the pair was matching fresh out of the box camel-hue hiking boots perhaps as a fashion forward nod to President Zelensky.

    Wikipedia editors may wish to update the platform’s creative commons image of Mr. H. Buffet to reflect a sampling of yesterday’s finery. The current image space filler is a rather casual looking attire affair dating from December 18, 2023. That was Mr. Buffet’s venture to Kyiv for the unveiling of his plaque on The Walk of the Brave in Constitution Square adjacent to the Ukraine parliament building. It would be remiss to omit mention that Canadian PM Trudeau received his plaque on The Walk of the Brave on May 9, 2022. To the best of my knowledge, neither President Biden nor a designated underling of the Administration has been awarded a plaque on The Walk of the Brave or a National Legend of Ukraine honour.

    • re: 2353
      feat: Pavlov Rings a Bell


      Speaking of President Biden, he received the Presidential Briefing at 1300 on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at Sante Ynez according to Rollcall dot com. Interestingly the weekly “Santa Barbara Independent” announced the impending arrival of Mr. Biden to the area with reference to Rollcall, but also with mention of a White House correspondent. The correspondent is the same as encountered the other day – Kesenija Pavlovic McAteer, spouse of a retired US Army Brigadier General, and founder of a blog “The Pavlovic Today”. It could cause one to wonder why the eminently qualified newsletter publisher Mr. George Ure is not a White House Correspondent ahead of a foreigner from the Balkans. Here is “The Santa Barbara Independent” link:

  3. best chart of the day i have ever seen. give this fella the Elliot Wave Nobel Prize.


    that is all ya need to know. best vhart i seen in a long time. dejavu!

    also, there is strong indicators the crazy train runs out of track in tombstone somewhere year 5150. using the start date of the myan long count. the year 5150 is in about 12 years. lol

    one must consider The Lord of the Vineyard is back. or will be very shortly.

    • ya see that George? someone in Dubai nailed it. That is straight up biblical.

      ya dont get much more Elliot wave than that.

    • I did a ton verification on this. Mark Chapter 12: 1 through 11.

      I’m not so bold to think I’m THE LORD of the Vineyard all caps.

      ya know what my life had been like. reading the world around me through experiance. first running passgate at the big show. then working in a massive dynamic expression of a merkeba, “The Cheriot of God” to end up in a scaled relpica of The City of the Gods. and booting people off the light rail at end of line.

      this is end of line, everyone must exit the train. no exceptions. you must exit. willingly or forcefully. all passengers must exit. The Train is out of service.

      as i have said many times.

      all the while finding what i called The Finger Prints of God. then finding a book called The Finger Prints of the Gods.

      all this talk about trains. i mentioned this to the Hopi Elders. when you take a step back and look at their prophecy stone which is 2000 years old. its a train riding along the tracks. smoke stack and everything.

      In Mark Chapter 12 Jesus talks about THE LORD of the Vineyard sending HIS Son to the Vineyard and those who were trusted to run it whack Him.

      now, when the spaniards came to south America. they built their Chathederals on top of The Foundations of the temples of Quenzeicotal.

      all but one. the one found in the City of The Gods. where there is one date written inside using the dot bar method we find in what is commonly accepted as The Myan Long Count Calander. only one date is written. which calculates to August 19th, 3114 B.C. the only reason that sticks out to me is that is my birthday.

      we just crossed over the anniversary date of year 5,138.

      5150 is in 12 years.

      i was thinking about all this and i said what does all this mean? the Tv was on at a friends house. that movie Tombstone came on.

      I hadnt seen it in a long time. so i shook my head and started watching it. the opening seen is the slaying of the groom at the wedding. the Priest says, Behold a Pail Horse, his rider is death and hell follows him.

      the next scene is of a train coming into tombstone. the train number is 5150.

      ding! ding! ding!

      Christ refers to himelf as The Bride Groom. who was slain. the Heir. The Son of THE LORD of the vineyard. the stone that was rejected built upon Quenzeicotal foundation.

      all these puzzel pieces fell into place.

      everything to Armegedon aka The Shoot out at the Ok Coral. earth is a loosh farm. etc etc.

      The Big Picture came into view.

      im not so bold to claim im Christ or THE LORD of the Vineyard. but i do know that the sequence of my life, from standing in the dry well as the living water at the Hopi Rez all the way to now. is a sequence of a Grander Scene. showing me something. its hard not to make it about me. because im living it out. but i understand what it represents.

      seeing the Massive Harvest Moon sitting on the road right infront of me. when i know that the sequence in the City of The Gods takes me though on a path to where Moon over looks the earth as the last leg of the Sequence. what that tells me is THE LORD of The Vineyard is really close to arriving.

      so we are not far off.

      as Jesus said, Let him who have ears hear. Let him who has eyes, see.

      I see.

    • That is an interesting comparison. The big question is, what is already in motion that could be equivalent to 2008, which had a lot of financial disasters in flight.

      Let’s recap 2008:
      The subprime meltdown was well under way, with interest rates headed skyward and turmoil in the credit markets. Hmmm… interest rates on the increase in 2024; credit markets are showing early symptoms of broad deflationary stress, but nothing in particular to blame, just a lot of pocketbooks slamming shut.

      Shearson Lehman collapse. Nothing equivalent in the news so far this year, that I would pin a new Great Recession on.

      Corporate earnings issues and lay-offs of contractors and directs. I’m hearing rumors, but lay-offs may have abated a bit from 2023:

      Of course, the full effects of 2023 may only be being felt at this time.

      There is evidence that something is going on down under the economic hood, but nothing at the 2008 level as of yet. The threats from a certain candidate aren’t helping the economy at all.

      Has anyone got a favorite black swan to contribute ?

      • Two:
        * Financial … unwinding of the Yen Carry Trade which ING says totals $1 trillion, I believe it is at least double that. The vast majority of that money was used to invest in HOT tradable instruments so when the pricing of those HOT tradable instruments start down there will be a huge crowd trying to get out of the exits. There are only so many retail rubes there who will be willing to buy what they are trying to sell in a “flash sale”.

        War … the US getting dragged into a War and it getting some early “spanking” which spooks the markets. (Iran /China / Russia)

        A Taiwan invasion, which cuts off our supply of high tech chips as well as everyday pedestrian chips would hammer large segments of what remains of our manufacturing economy. Where do you think Nividia, which is really a design and marketing shop, gets ALL of it’s chips for it’s AI products? 100% come from Taiwan. What is Nividia worth if it has NO PRODUCTS to sell?

        What happens if Iran sinks a US aircraft carrier and thus closes down the Straits at Hormuz? 22% of ALL oil pumped in the world goes through that location … if one just looks at what gets pumped and transported to other countries the percentage is even higher (the US, Russia, Canada, Mexico, Brazil internally consume LOTS of the oil they produce so it is never part of the international trade)

        Russia … Ukraine could drag the US into a direct conflict with Russia. Where that would lead is impossible to accurately speculate except that it would NOT be a nice place to be going.

  4. One of the small differences in many common weed killers versus a nerve agent is the substitution of a chlorine (herbicide) with a Fluorine (peoplecide).
    Just sayin’.

  5. “Navy Could Sideline 17 Support Ships Due to Manpower Issues – USNI News.”

    Nice find George. I go by actions not MSM tripe, so, this action doesnt square with WW3, or re-mob to SE Asia, Tiawan et .al.. It does square with the article mentioning a “great reset”. That being said, We are in for more interesting times ahead.

    Got Blockchain?

    • Cheaper distiller model tho.

      Re Rx’s: Yes SX100 among the best, I redid one, it’s sealed in a box with the manual…to be opened by ??

    • No wonder you fellas have such high electricity bills. I finally started using a ceramic table water filter for drinking water. It seems to help, without taking out all the minerals, or spinning the utility meter like a top.

      • minerals in the water are inorganic,,, we are organic beings that need to get our minerals from our food as organic molecules

        I don’t know about ceramic filters for water
        I would have to look up initial cost
        how much use from each filter
        what do they remove
        what do they miss

        I am well pleased with my old, bought used on fleabay many yrs ago paid about 250$ close to 10 yr ago
        Pure Water Mini-Classic CT Countertop Water Distiller

      • Now old high school science experiment:

        Start some seeds and for one group of seeds water them with tap water or well water

        For the second group of seeds microwave the water first, letting it then cool of course, and use that to water the second group of seeds.

        The microwaved water causes the seeds to have stunted growth, or even die, while the normally water ones sitting right next them grow well.

        Living Water? … and by microwaving it you are literally KILLING it?

        Water is much more complex than just being hydrogen and oxygen.

        • My friend Dr.Rob – who worked with me on light crown and such, did some time 2007 in Germany with the famous Dr Franz Pop. They found that light-charged water will hold its charge of positive life force energy for more than a week. the trick is to light charge immediately when water in “young” (just distilled) and then keep in dark.
          The method of action that destroyed microwave water has something to do with the microwave zapping causing local “rest” of the water followed by waves with specific antimitochondrial effects. Red and NIR light is OK (sunlight is good, too because it is wide spectrum and the mitochondrial bumb over time is likely what people naturally gravitate to “sun tea” so much. Because it’s not just the tea, it’s the life energy in broad spectrum light. Dr Rob says the Russians had 6-8 academic papers on this but here in the west?

      • my electric bill is the least of all of our bills.. our water bill is over double what the electric is.. I have solar.. my daughter that I have been harping at to consider solar was complaining because the electric bill went up thirty percent this month.. well I said they told us that it was and its going to go up another thirty percent next spring.. wasn’t you reading the stuff or going to any of the meetings.. the water bill is going up thirty percent to..
        where the cost of one large wind turbine the electric company could hand out a ten kw solar power system grid tie to every single customer.. for the cost of one wind turbine they could set up between thirty and three hundred.. ( depending on tower cost ) solar towers at every sub station starting at the furthest point from the power plant.. they won’t.. because that is not condusive to their business model.. and instead of six mw with the cost of the two towers.. they would have somewhere close to ten gigawatts..
        what has to change is the business model.. instead of worrying about big buck billies pocke book .. they should be more concerned with national security and the security of the grid..
        I personally like this one.. add in a battery backup and you have enough power..
        the reason I like it.. is individual inversion one panel goes offline you don’t loose the whole string..
        I like this one to..
        and this month.. set shipping on every order of what was it they texted me.. one hundred and seventy five dollars..

  6. (“financial madness will be breaking from California advances 0 down, no payment home ‘loans’ for undocumented immigrants. Turns out, this kind of crap is contagious and is spreading to Oregon, too: Oregon org, funded by taxpayers, offering $30K for home purchases for illegals. Sure looks like government funding of racial discrimination from here.”)

    Seriously G…… where is your morality and common sense on this matter.. These people had a very long walk.. they only got a measly ten grand for coming across the border.. experiences long hardships and had to wait in long lines to get the free flight to the inside of the usa.. they only get how much for food and medical again..
    You seriously don’t want them living in campers, or on the street in cardboard boxes or even shitting on streets like the taxpayers and laborers have to … do you.. LOL LOL

    great article.. reminds me of the guy that I worked with .. he was a refugee.. he and his wife was given a house.. a new car.. guaranteed forty hours a week while I had to work six jobs to make a living.. he got free food, medical and dental, daycare and college tuition and utilities.. ( I have actually met quite a few that get free college degrees)
    at the end of the year they still sent out checks.. his check he got back everything he paid in everything the company paid in and the EIC tax credit.. his check was more than I grossed working six jobs.. a couple weeks ago.. well about three weeks ago.. I was visiting with one gentleman he commented he got ten grand just for coming to the USA… while a poor family a couple months ago now had to move into the camper on the back of an old pickup because they didn’t make enough at their jobs to pay for low income houseing rent.. the elderly head south to the border for medical treatments and medications because what they get is not enough to pay for it.. something is definately wrong someplace.. at least they could do is keep them all in california.. they have plenty of celebrities with big yards that could keep them …

  7. i mean look at the scene of the mockery of the last super at the olympics. a world participation event.

    and the opening scene in the movie tombstone. where the bad guys kill the bride groom, then sit around the wedding fiest mocking God and Then Johny Ringo shoots the priest after he quotes the book of revelations about a rider on a pale horse.

    the themes are present and an exact match. exact match.

    its a trip.

    i assure you all the puzzel pieces fit.

  8. I am sure by this hour you have now placed your Scotch Order with your favorite supplier for pickup next week.

    Don’t go cheap and don’t go light … they may be thirsty by the time they arrive.

    • I would normally disagree that Scotch is not as good as Irish Whiskey…BUT Red Breast is one of the finest Whiskeys that you will ever have,

  9. I spoke to the Eldest of the Elders abour this. He read my (more in depth) assesment but did not reply. He always replies. I get the feeling He knows.

    when i left on my walk about, i asked. THE DUDE for verification about all this,and i asked again yesterday. then i pulled into this parking lot to meet a friend. I sat for a minute walked around the corner looked over and saw this.

    i always am right where im supposed to be. all the time. how could i not be. im in harmony with all that is. you cant even make this stuff up.

    this no bullshit. these are a clear sequence of signs. a language of sorts. its not something i am projecting. its not something im creating or even doing with intent. it is something being shown to me.

    a pictorial language, in living expression. becasue some how, i am able to comphrenend it.

    you can see it. its no different than reading english.

    its like reading a first graders book. “a boy thows a ball for a dog.” and you look at the pictures in the book and see the images of a boy throwing a ball for a dog. and sound out the words. just like when I was a little kid.

    same exact thing. a language. a story of the future.

  10. the time painted on that image of a train station is 11pm. what that tells me is, “The Hour is at Hand.” “the end of the day. we are in the last hour. “

  11. “Amy Coney Barrett”

    We talked about Amy way back there. In the end if one didn’t support Amy it meant one didn’t support Trump and was declared to have “TDS”. Amy is 52 y/o. Ginsuburg served 27 years. A lot of people are working on anti-aging/life extension so it’s reasonable to think Amy will be on the court for 35 years or more. Spain just had a woman who made it to 117 y/o. That puts 65 years in front of Amy.

    “and all the search engines collude ”

    I think Musk is supporting Trump to control “news consumption” using the X Everything App. Some folks say they don’t use Apps. It won’t matter because Musk will control the back-end “single point” where all news originates.

    Google knows and is starting to buy the little newsrooms:

    California’s news funding battle with Google: New agreement includes AI support

    “CALIFORNIA, USA — California lawmakers are abandoning an ambitious proposal to force Google to pay news companies for using their content, opting instead for a deal in which the tech giant has agreed to pay $122.5 million to support local media outlets and start an artificial intelligence program.”

    The local news shops are folding up their tents. Does this mean there will be no news or news will come from the A.I. “single point”.

    Once a mainstay of the radio dial, local news is signing off as stations struggle to survive in the digital age

    “For more than a century, Americans have been turning to a trusted and reliable source for local news: the radio. Now, the terrestrial broadcasts are facing an existential threat as listeners and advertising dollars rapidly shift, forcing stations to slash staff and even sign off the air for good. ”

    We can’t control it so strap in.

  12. final consideration.

    how do know Quenzeicotal is THE LORD, (all caps) of The Vine Yard and Jesus is HIS Son?

    Above the Threshold entry into my place is covered in a Grape Vine. which again, if i laid down an arial view of The City of The Gods and its position as it relates to the Sun. and Drew an schematic of my place as it relates to the Sun. it is an achitechtual m match to scale.

    the grapes on that massive vine are Wine Grapes. before i left to go on my “Walk about” i went and looked at them. there is millions, too many to count on that vine. many which have already started to turn purple. they will be ripe soon. very soon. couple months at most.

    the grape vine rests under where the Temple of Quenzeicotal would be in the scaled replica. The Master Bedroom. My Bedroom.

    one vine runs up to my bedroom window and stops right where it opens.

    That is how I know.

    i can see the images in the book, “Temple of Quenzicotal, (The Masters Chambers) above the Grape Vine, ripe with fruit, readily above the threshold, to be tread, Jesus first miracle turning water into Wine (The Son and Heir), Harvest Season,”

    all way too coincidental.

    and i sound the words…. just like i did when i learned how to read as a little child.

    “You must be like a little child to enter The Kingdom.”

  13. again. i am not so bold to think I am THE LORD of the vine yard. nor am i bold enough to say that i am HIS Heir. Im just andy. in good with that.

    whay i am saying is, THAT! is what im being shown. so much so a redditor with a GED in wikipedia and google having an ID.10.T error could piece it together.

    and its an exact match to only to HOLY scripture and exact match to the season humanity is expressing thoughout the world.

    12 years until the Crazy Train makes End of Line Station. Final Stop, Tombstone.

    All passengers must exit, willingly or by force. the train is out of service. This is end of line. Thanks again for riding the light rail.

    i have asked several times, Is this right??? am i seeing this correctly? am i reading this correctly? and every time, it is confirmed. that is 100% correct.

  14. Yesterday speaking of a Russia being a cohesive society today there was a rumor floating around that Islamists took over a Russian police station and butchered the police. Developing or disappearing.

    The X videos were taken down so could be fake.

    As example.

    Islamists have taken over a police station in Russia, butchering the officers by hand.

  15. Hope you called ahead so you can pick up your Scotch next week.

    Your friend might be mighty thirsty by the time they arrive

    • From way back in my college days, I never understood how anyone could drink Scotch. I’ve siphoned gasoline that tasted better! Bourbon, please. Better yet, potato Vodka.

      • I’m not a drinker, so when I do, it’d damn’ well better be tasty:

        Rye, or Myers’s Rum for me, please.

        For his birthday last year, I tried to get my son off Jameson by getting him a bottle of RedBreast. Sometimes, money wins out… (sigh)

        I can’t stomach any Scotch that’s less than Glenlivet 16yo single malt. My brother who was forced to drink Scotch socially for 40 years used to say: “Anything that tastes this bad, HAS to be good for you…”

  16. Update to the butchering.

    Four dead in Russian jail hostage-taking

    Four prison employees have been killed after prisoners staged a revolt in a Russian penal colony and took hostages, federal authorities say.

    Special forces stormed the IK-19 Surovikino facility in the southwestern Volgograd region after knife-wielding prisoners, who identified themselves as Islamic State (IS) militants, claimed to have taken control of the sprawling complex.

    • Commrade – you be distracted by some smoke..nothing but an irritation.

      Did you not see that the Baysian sailing yacht went down in less than a Minute ?????? Thats quicker than Ure Vice President !

      This is not physically possible to sink that yacht in less than minute = IMPOSSIBLE.

      Unless of course you be a conspiracy kinda Citizen – then, maybe then an Italian super yacht can be sunk in less than a minute. “They” also got majority of the people on board.

      Ure CLues; MI6, MOSSAD, CIA and lil a something something called DARKTRACE. The tool used by israHEL to assassinate the muzzie peace brokers.

      Sniff, sniff,sniff…smells like Russian Spetznazties at work, with help from mobile weather mod team on shore..

      Natasha – those people will believe anything! still we must ignore all the Potemkin Villages and stop ze dam Moose & Squirrel!

      • Boris Badenof,

        Please rest assured that coinkydoinks are routine. The Darktrace you mention was co-founded by the Anglo-Irish Mr. Lynch before control was wrestled away by Americans. I think you may have mentioned already that his acquitted co-defendent of two months past coincidentally passed tragically only a day prior to Mr. Lynch. The latter was apparently also an avid James Bond fan driving an Aston Martin DB5 according to the UK’s “Sun”. There was allegedly even a piranha tank at the office just like Blofeld had in the 1967 film “You Only Live Twice”.

  17. Sailing … The Great Grain Race: Australia to Great Britain
    (around Cape Horn in typical Cape Horn weather)

    Is one of those 14 ocean going sailing freighters George’s next boat?

    (long video is best)

    Short video
    Medium video

    Long video (best video, includes interviews with sailors)

    History of the Moshulu, built 1904, the last large ship to sail commercially which now sits in port at Philadelphia and is used as a restaurant, well worth a visit if you are ever in Philly.
    (several slightly smaller iron/steel sailing vessels are still used as training vessels for at least Russia, The Netherlands, and the US. There may also be others)

  18. well what we know for certain is. errors have been made and others will be blamed.


    and sometimes, Ya come out on Top in a fair trade.

  19. 2 tsp. organic wormwood
    1/2 tsp. organic gentian root (per bottle)
    1/2 tsp. organic chamomile flowers
    1/2 tsp. organic juniper berries
    1/2 – 1 whole organic vanilla bean ( you can do two)
    1 organic star anise pod
    3 cinnamon sticksk
    1/4 tsp. organic sage
    2 tsp. dried organic orange peel ( chop up a whole orange and a lemon)
    4 organic cardamom pods
    1/2 tsp. organic coriander seeds
    1 cup of simple syrup
    1 cup vodka
    1 bottle of white wine…
    I am guessing the alcohol and wine is the Analgesic..
    to mix .. juice or a sparkling wine
    2 ounces of this..
    used for years ..a sweet vermouth is comparable

  20. Yep – I’mmmm back. Let me explain:
    I was about ten minutes behind my own schedule and ten yards from turning the corner around a building as I headed to a very nice boutique hotel when I got the “STOP” message – so I did. That happens to me a lot – a sudden clear message to – “Run like the devil is chasing you”., “., don’t get in that elevator.”.., or in this case, “Stop!”.
    I went up against the building, leaned-in and lite one of my rum-soaked cigarettellos. And casually looked around for the danger. Nothing obvious. A few pedestrians., a few cars.., pretty quiet. Nothing felt out of place. [ Except me. A tall ‘old guy’ with a white goatee in a three piece suit – kind of stands-out.] So, I walked up to the corner of the building and looked around. Two police cars and a large police van were just pulling-up in front of the hotel that I was heading for, and a dozen officers piled-out and rushed in through the brass & glass front doors.
    I took a deep pull from the cigarettello, blew a cloud of smoke and slowly turned around and went back the way I came., just as I turned, two ‘suits’ came out of the restaurant next door to the hotel and followed the raid into the lobby. Halfway down the street a cab was letting a nicely dressed couple out., and I hoped in and was on my way to the airport.., a few blocks down the street I told the driver I had changed my mind and take me to the ferry terminal.
    The game had been raided.
    I was on my way to an invitation-only poker game in Canada. The largest buy-in I have ever done. Two “very good” players were supposed to be there – and I really – REALLY – wanted to go up against them. It was not to be. Someone ratted out the game that was to be played in that great little, expensive, hotel. [ Cheapest room is $890 a night ] Wonder who? ., and why? That was a lot of police for a quiet, professional poker game.
    Off the ferry, back “in-country” and called ‘Lady Fingers’. She already knew., and so did everyone else.., except me. There was no one at the game and they had all been informed. I wasn’t contacted because I don’t have a cell phone. She discovered, through talking with the manager, that it was the assistant manage that informed the police of a “large drug & gambling party” that was about to go down. The Manager was livid., especially with all the police storming his quiet, expensive hotel., and all the sudden room cancellations. The assistant has been fired. [ ., and probably black-listed. The Chinese do not like ‘rats’.] Escorted out the backdoor by the very security the manager had hired to protect the game. The manager knew of and approved the game. Guess he has done this before.
    So., another little [mis]adventure for the books., and quite possibly another argument for getting a cell phone. [ A burner, just for travelling? ] A little bummed-out. I was looking forward to going up against at least two “very good players” in a high stakes game. Probably be a while before I get ‘that’ opportunity again.
    – ohh, well…, my misses is glad that my instincts are still working.
    – [ Over dressed old white foreign dude arrested in illegal gambling raid. News at six. ]

    • ABSOLUTELY get yourself a burner, and PAY CASH (or use a “burner” debit card.) It is an insurance policy, not an investment or toy. Select a phone and plan which does international calling. Buy the cheapest you can get by with, then disable it or throw it away when your “adventure” is over. Ask someone who knows the tech, about late-gen burner phones, how you should handle them and what their identity issues may be.

      I personally don’t know.

      I bought a case of TracFones years ago, gave a couple to each kid and socked the rest away. Once every few years I may use one. I have no problem placing one under a tire and rendering it unable to become an identity or security issue (take the SIM card out first, and torch it separately, preferably in a different location.) I established several identities last century for purposes of dealing with certain circumstances (which would peripherally include burners.) In today’s world of disposable debit (VISA Gift) cards, I’m not sure that is a necessary precaution any more, at least for burners.

      • we use tracphone.. have for years.. the cost of the cheapest plan is about one fifth our income.. so tracphone it is.. except for the memory on them being so small.. nice service.. I will cut mine off in three weeks anyway.. we were talking last night.. and the wife and I spend about a hundred a month for the privilage of being available for the only one person that cares to call.. LOL usually wanting something.. so why spend that kind of money.. the same thing with the dishwasher.. they cannot make a dependable one anymore because of the business model.. and with it just being us.. going old fashion is the best way..

        I know I can find them cheaper.. but this one has everything I want and the material is a lot better quality.. I sure in hell would hate to buy and have to replace them every year or two to. LOL LOL

        a family a few blocks away the kids were over playing they were so excited because I have tomatoes.. they never get anything like that.. so I took over some for them to munch on.. only to discover that was all they had had for a week to eat.. needless to say.. a mysterious box of food will be dropped at their door step.. along with some milk and cerial .. and some snacks.. told the daughter that if they come over to play.. make sure they get a meal..

  21. A guy I know sent me an email while I was gone. We aren’t really friends, but somehow manage to stay in touch a lot – usually meet at the pistol range. He is a previous ForceRecon Marine. Married, two kids.., level headed, nice guy.
    He suddenly finds himself – with family – living in a small two bedroom apartment out near the golf course – a far cry from his house out near vineyards in Manson.
    The story? He has a three wheel electric bike – the same one I have been looking at. One afternoon he took it for ten mile ride., and then parked it in the garage, as usual, pulled the battery and put it on the charger., as usual.
    Around three o’clock in the morning the fire alarm went off in the garage. The battery had literally exploded and was burning white hot. The fire extinguisher that he had didn’t made a dent in stopping the sparks and flames.
    By the time the fire trucks arrived the garage was completely engulfed and the house was burning. Ended up loosing the house and everything else. All got out safely., but now they are homeless and with nothing. Insurance may, or may not cover the loss. He doesn’t know their policy on battery fires.
    This is the second battery fire from an electric bike that I know of in this small area. Both times the owner lost their house., as the damn things just won’t go out.
    This might be a heads-up for those of you looking at electric bikes. Bike in the garage and battery and charge out in the shed ??

    • I keep mine out in the yard, in a “bicycle storage bag.” When the snow starts flying it’ll go into a shed.

      Thank you for the post.

      Because of your post, the battery will go elsewhere until Spring.

    • don’t get me going on insurance policies.. they are con men for sure.. ask anyone that has gone through a catastrophic event.. or had high expenses.. and I spend a ton of money on them every month.. when they should be writing the policies on four inch wide double layered soft paper on rolls..

      • Always Loob, always hire Ureself an Adjuster when dealing with pricks from the insurance industry. Worth every penny they charge, getting you Ure just desserts…ya know like a Fresh made Strawberry Shortcake wit tons of fresh made Whipped Cream..

        “Wheres theres a Whip, theres a Way” -W.Wonka

  22. And a lungful or two of a lithium battery fire smoke is usually fatal. Are there any other good reasons to keep an internal combustion vehicle?

    • When the Tesla electric semi caught fire on I80, it shut down the freeway for 18 hours while it burned itself out. The fumes were a major issue.
      This fire is forcing another look at Kali’s electric truck mandate.
      I have a 3-while bike, but it had lead-acid batteries.

  23. Tropical Storm WARNING now posted for the Big Island. TS Hone could drop 4 to 8 inches here in the ‘Puna’ district. Puna means spring water…. we get a lot of it here. Storm will pass south of the island, and ccw circulation will throw a lot of water against the east side of the mountain. No worries. We drain well. Ham radio networks are primed to take situation reports to relay to Civil Defense as needed.

    • Looks to be in mint condition, but only worth half that. I did get a Hallicrafters Tornado and that power supply I have been looking for in an auction last night $400 and change for both, ps will need recapping and a few tubes, quite sure…

  24. I’m curious about Ali-Express and how reliable they are to actually deliver as agreed on what seem like great values.

    I know LOOB and Ray enjoy getting great deals from China. Does anyone have experiences – good or bad, with this outfit? They seem like the Ebay of the East. Is there any way for the buyer to vet a seller? “Free delivery” on a walk behind brush mower is offered for October some time. I’d trust Ebay, but I’m a bit less sure about this outfit. The thing is only around $240, and they’re rather rare on the secondary market.

      • Customs seems to never be an issue. It’s just like buying off eBay. It will go through customs as it’s leaving Asia (or Ureup, S.A., or Africa — I’ve ordered stuff from everywhere) which is usually a pass-through, although sometimes it hangs for a day or three. Upon arrival it goes through U.S. customs, where it often hangs for a day or four (although I’ve only had one Temu shipment hang in U.S. customs, and that was a 3-day delay which did not trigger Temu’s delivery guarantee or add money to my account.) I have never paid a customs fee, so I assume it is seller-paid — built into either the item’s purchase price or s&h fees…

      • $800 anything over requires a custom charge
        when US air gunners buy air guns from Krale in the Netherlands there is a custom charge from UPS separate from the Krale purchase

    • When I start comparing Ali-Express and Temu prices with Amazon, I’m not seeing much difference in like-quality items. Example:

      Mongoose 27 .5″ Status Mens and Womens Mountain Bike
      Ali-Express: $403.75
      Amazon: $ 470.00

      Don’t take this as a plug for Mongoose; reviews are mixed on the downside, but compared to most of what you see on the Chinese sites, it is relatively upscale. Expect to have to do replacements and upgrades to make this sort of thing useable. Personally, I prefer Taiwanese TIG-welded Cr-Mo frames, complemented by Japanese or Taiwanese components. These go for more mainstream prices, but will last a lifetime with care and maintenance. I can’t afford first quality European stuff. The Chinese stuff will be an aggravation to anything but the most casual occasional rider.

      Not sure where the incendiary bicycle chargers and batteries are coming from. I have suspicions. Remember- the batteries are only half the equation; the charger is just as likely to be the problem, especially with cheap components. If the batteries are igniting when not being charged, I would like to see evidence of the incidents. I have looked for an electric bicycle with LiFePo batteries, and haven’t found one. I have seen aftermarket LiFePo battery packs from no-name far eastern suppliers, but that is a crap shoot upgrade I would not touch. I am no longer buying Li ion products. I only do LiFePo.

      • Mongoose used to be decent, and it used to be American-made.

        Like a lot of things, it became “just a brand” and was purchased by a Chinese conglomerate.

        The battery in my E-bike is about 5x5x5 and I assume it is Li-ion. I don’t care because my “charging station” for it is dedicated, and is 90′ from anything else.

    • Ali Express is the “consumer division” of Alibaba. I believe (as I do WRT Temu) that Alibaba has an extensive network of warehouses in CONUS (sorry, Hank). Either that, or they own their own Freight airline and have a customs area that expedites the hell out of their shipments (like eBay.) The last big thing I bought off Ali Express was a Bissell vacuum cleaner for one of my daughters: Best price in the U.S. was $168 ($199 from Amazon.) I paid $62 and change from Ali Express with free ship and received it in 3 days.

      AFAICT Ali Express is like IndiaMart, in that by providing access to the U.S. and Urepeein markets for millions of small-time vendors, they have so much power that those vendors will literally do almost anything to avoid a bad review or complaint to Corporate. The only issue I’ve ever had was in purchasing two animé figurines. The vendor did not furnish sufficient funds to pay s&h for two figurines, so they hung at the shipping expeditor. Like with eBay, you have to wait until the “expected delivery date” has passed, but I did so, then filed a claim with Ali Express. They refunded my money within an hour, plus $5 for my trouble, and apologized profusely over the course of 2-3 E-Mails.

      Temu will issue a “delivery date” that’s usually 9-10 days out from the first business day after you make an order. They will send you a cash credit if your order hasn’t arrived by the delivery date. I don’t know how they are for refunds — I’ve never been in a position to claim one. Temu also periodically throws its customers a bone. I have three cash “gift certificates” in my inbox (probably $5 each, but still), just waiting for me to cash them in.

      Most Asians have a refreshingly strong sense of honor.

      They are also genuinely thankful when you patronize their store or storefront. Not infrequently, some of them (especially the Japanese) will include a “gift” with a purchase. I’ve purchased DVDs (lots of, between 20 and 36) several times from this Mom & Pop media store in Kyoto. They always throw a few magazines or posters into the box. The last time was a half-dozen (very good to near mint) Newtype magazines from the early 2000s (Newtype is geek-out info for gamerz and otaku {shut-in animé or manga freaks.}) My eldest daughter lost her shit when she saw them. Two of them sell for over $100 in the U.S. I’m sure the store was just getting rid of something that wouldn’t move in Key-town, but they made my (30-something) little girl very happy, and stuff like that keeps me returning to their storefront…

      I have come to trust the marketplaces, but I’d still never make a purchase that, if it went wrong, would cripple my finances. I would (and probably eventually will) buy a Chinese excavator from Alibaba, but not until I have $2000 that I can afford to simply throw away.

      N.B. If not purchasing through a marketplace, ALWAYS check the shipping charges. I’ve seen CDs listed for a penny with a $60 shipping fee. Not all Asians are honorable…

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