FedThink Thursday and Market Waffles

On the surface,  today is starting off as another ho-hum.  But, when we look beneath the surface, there are some Big Important Moving Parts creaking into place.

Fed Consumer Spending+

We detest the Fed’s lack of “data candor.”  A familiar example began when St. Greenspan decided to hide the broadest measure of Money Stocks – M3.  Subsequent Fed Chieftan’s have also fallen into the “limit Public Information” to dispense late knowledge to keep feeding insider pricks.  Thus, the Fed hid weekly variations in Money Stocks – which are now reported –nearly two months in arrears – which is why M3b Reconstructed over at ShadowStats is such an important measure.  You’ll want to bookmark Money Supply Charts (shadowstats.com).

We can only come up with two explanations for this Hide the Big Sausage on the part of the Fed:

  1. They have an Agenda. There’s Big Money in having inside knowledge about what the Fed is doing to pump up – or moderate – markets.  M3 regularly (and timely) was hidden because common sense economic geniuses like the late Martin Zweig, followed M3 like a hawk and concluded one should “Never Fight the Fed”.
  2. The other Possibility is Incompetence.  While we don’t claim this is the case, it can’t be ruled out.  The Fed may not “have its shit together” enough to be timely like once-upon a time when actual humans did actual work – and we didn’t do social media masturbation while drawing a paycheck.

Think about this deeply:  The Fed – while the whole Universe of intelligent managers were installing ERP systems, actually GOT WORSE and LESS ABLE to deliver timely data. If you believe ’em.

Having been a salesguy and “algoist” in higher ed ERP, I can tell you all the data is available to everyone instantly if they’re “on the system.”

In this former world of mine, sure, there was data that “took a week to firm up” – like the processing speed of student loan agencies in the higher ed ERP systems.  Yet, remarkably good information about institutional cash flow could be projected in a highly accurate manner.

The Fed either can’t figure shit out or they are in the Lying or Hiding Business.  Which, you will notice, is a serious growth industry here lately!

OK – that’s our Big Framing Context:  The Fed – set up almost 110-years ago – when the derelict Congress ABDICATED it’s Constitutional Money Management role in the bankster coup of 1913 – has been slowly removing “timely” and “useful” data from public sight.

“OK – Why Mention This?”

Another Tardy Report was released Wednesday.  The Consumer Credit Report.  This cites APRIL data.  (What month is it? – This should be May data!)

Being old (useless is the game, we fear), we can look at a summary like this:

If you can’t read the fine print, don’t worry about it.  All we need to know is the color of the boxes on the right.

The top one is orange – as in cautionary – because Consumer Credit (which is Consumer Debt, but for banker’s, its all about them – they are Creditors who will come after you with big “sticks and liens”). was essentially unchanged.

The second box is green, because in April, the crack-monkey spending geniuses (*us) decreased the annual rate of indentures ever so slightly, which MIGHT trigger the Fed to wonder if spending is slowing.  (It’s not – in fact, getting worse…).

I don’t mean to be a hard-ass.  But the Fed’s behavior and lack of timeliness is so delinquent as to rise to the firing realm in the F500 data world.  Seriously?

This fall, we will all be wondering in the Next Big Crisis, why didn’t we see it in advance?

What do you me “we?”  Commercial real estate crash still looming over US economy.  And here’s a former Fed Chieftan turned Treasury Boss screaming it from the rooftops: Treasury Secretary Yellen warns of commercial real estate ‘issues’ that could strain banks.

Lock, stock, and barrel, the Fed leadership needs to log some student pilot time.  Because, when you set up a landing (particularly IFR down to DA) what the right now of the instruments tells you is “do or die” quality data.

By publishing in arrears, the Fed is – in effect – trying to “flare out for a smooth landing” – and if they insist on referencing back to the “outer marker” to set up their landing, everyone on board is fucked.

The Fed hires a lot of near-genius types to study mechanics of the economy. They know that over time, asymmetries of information pile up.  The more asymmetric the data (e.g. old, stale) the worse it gets.  See fed working papers information asymmetry – Presearch to begin a remedial reading list.

This is related to a larger problem of incompetence of elective and appointed leaders. Which arises because we tend to elect people interested in sharpening the financial guillotines for the electorate.

Reduced to Practicum

The market is topping off its macro Wave 2.  Based on early futures (we ain’t perfect, either) we see a “down waffle” this morning.

Rally to the upper trend channel?  All comes down to the Fed.  While it was once possible to rationalize the Fed – in advance – now we’re never sure what they were thinking (*if at all) in historical detail.  Sheesh.

Thursday’s Data Points

Weekly unemployment filing figures are mixed:

Meanwhile, overseas: Euro zone enters recession after Germany, Ireland growth revision. Surprised?  War and megalomania – what could go wrong?

Air Quality Alerts

For the Northeast as New York Air Quality Index spikes to hazardous ratings as wildfire smoke forces school closures.

For Reader Hank out on the Big Island: Hawaii on alert following the eruption of volcano Kilauea.  Hank’s latest was an “all’s well” message.

Noted in Passing

Bitcoin, under the $26,250 handle overnight was 26,427 when we looked. Altcoins Crash by Over 20% As US Court Summons Binance CEO (coingape.com).  Meanwhile, US Congress Takes Action: Lawsuit Against SEC and Gary Gensler Over Inexplicable Public Listing Approval Followed by Registration Blockage.

War is war, after all: Kremlin accuses Ukraine of shelling Russian rescuers in dam flood zone | Reuters

Wray wriggles out of Contempt – but until we actually read the document provided about “the crime family” and how it “wasn’t worth following up on” color us, oh, skeptical?  House Republicans pull back contempt charge against FBI Director Wray.

From our Houston Bureau:  Texas leads nation with 55 companies on annual Fortune 500 list.  Take that, runaway, rampant, coastal liberals.

ATR: An “Andy-like” Moment

Reader Andy has, over the years, reported many events where some version of manifestation was involved.  This morning, I ran head-long into one myself.

I’d gotten out of bed thinking about a project in the shop – where the 3D and CNC toolbox will move to a roll around cart.  Which I just touched up the top of…

I was thinking (walking from bed to the liquid recycling center): “I have to get Elaine to find her stash of furniture and cushion pads so I can put them on the bottom of the toolbox so as not to scratch up the finish.”

I’d no sooner finished peeing when I turned around (looking for eye drops) when I see about a 1 1/2-inch black square on the floor.

Which revealed themselves to be?

Exactly the pads I will be using in about 5-minutes.  Whether this is an AOG (Act of God) or a mere synchronicity can be argued all day.  But the bottom line from me was “either” and “Thanks!”  Impressive experience.

True story – can’t make it up.

Write when you get rich,


50 thoughts on “FedThink Thursday and Market Waffles”

  1. Hello Chickens ! top o the morning to you all..

    Savy ?

    “the problem here is we find ourselves in the chicken coop amongst the chickens trying to understand them when we need to escape. I pity them, I emphasize with their suffering, and I dont want to eat them but that is not as out of the question as becoming one of them. The only solution I see to this dilemma is to Kill the Farmer, free ourselves and consequently free the chickens. Although I dont hold out much hope for them in a natural environment. Chickens dont do well in nature and tend to end up as a meal for the wild beasts. No sense in crying over spilt chickens the ceremony has already begun.” -JHeart (cross posted from substack)

    Do you fell an urge to crow at the rising sun, or picking out dough in a bread pan -https://youtu.be/wBjPAqmnvGA

    • Good lord! Kauai is overrun with wild, feral chickens. All islands have them. One rooster invades my back yard every morning at 6:00am sharp. Feral chickens do just fine in the islands here. Also wild pigs. No shortage of protein for a starving hunter here.

      • Hunh – no Raptors/Hawks/Birds of Prey ? What about Lava bombs ?

        Here on right coast-mid atlantic, raptors are #1 threat to free range poultry, domestic dogs and wild fox come in at #2 and #3. Long horned Owls are a threat as well at night, if you have any holes in chicken wire enclosing Ure coop – they will reach right in and snatch a burd from outta the coop.

      • My Dad always said a fresh chicken was always better than anything you could get in the store even ‘way back in the 60s.

        How do y’all prepare them out there?

    • This is what happens when somebody reads “Animal Farm” after hitting the ‘shroom patch too early in the morning…

    • phew..texas has seen more than thirty share of aliens..but they aren’t falling from the sky hell their falling off what’s left of a wall..

      • Give us a chance to commandeer a UFO and THAT ongoing event on the border will come to a screeching halt!

  2. “The Fed – set up almost 110-years ago”

    The transfer payment complex wouldn’t work without the FED. Without the FED the pensions would be bust. The Foodies would stop. Farm subsidies… we wouldn’t even be here.

    I live between Detroit and Ann Arbor. Yesterday the air was actually smoky from the Canadian wildfires. Not Smokey Mountains level but the sight and smell was obvious.

    This UFO story may have been posted back there. Link includes 911 call.

    Las Vegas family claims to see aliens after several report something falling from sky

    “LAS VEGAS (KLAS) — A Las Vegas family claims something crashed in their backyard, prompting them to call 911 about “non-human” beings – the thing is, this time, several people saw it.”

    “About 40 minutes later, a man called 911, saying he and his family saw something fall from the sky and that there were two moving things in his northwest valley backyard.”


  3. Folks,

    Are you Fed up with stale banker flour which leaves your waffles wilted? A report this past Monday from “Reuters” kneads the dough on the latest batch ingredients in the Black Sea Grain (price suppression?) Deal. There’s a war on, and business is booming.

    The report notes that Mr. Putin has secured a framework of talking points towards a multi-year agreement with the UN pertaining to exports of interest from Russia. An American commodities trading company headquartered in New York is quoted as being “happy to help”. Perhaps individual inquiry within the public domain would suggest ownership of the currently-mothballed ammonia pipeline from Russia across the Ukraine to the Black Sea has worked its way into western hands?

    Mmmm. Nothing like the smell of freshly baked bankers bread wafting out of the kitchen.


  4. Some things would be illegal … if there were Laws against doing it. But, when you’re in charge of making the laws to uphold the rules … no worries, just bullshit your way through.

    When the best you’ve got is a past tense, and you project that into the present tense as “the present, the negatives become worse going foreword into future. Building more problems, more negative load … until there’s a negative overload … and the more difficult it will become to catch-up and resolve.

    I don’t think there is any intention to resolve anything. The agenda is to bring us down.
    Level the playing field until we’re on equal ground with Venezuela.

    There is no Home Team Advantage anymore. They’re just continuing to take the Advantage from us.

    Kill the American Dream but bring the “Dreamers”? It doesn’t make sense.

    Calling Credit, debit and calling Debit, credit … doesn’t make sense.

    And it seems only males are running for gender transitioning to get into female restrooms. I don’t see women transitioning to get into the male restrooms. Strange.

    Killing farm animals because they fart, while huge herds of animals run free in Africa across the plains … guess they don’t fart. It doesn’t make sense.

    Paying Farmers NOT to Farm ? WTF ?? – Fake Food ?

    Burying old practical and efficient energy technologies and uses back in the day, to now reintroduce them slowly back into society?

    Vaccines that do and don’t do what and what?

    I remember the discussion about the Great Depression and, “at least we had other countries to trade with.” – but as this present situation is global, we need another Planet to trade with. – I wonder sometimes if there is another planet involved in all this. – and they don’t like us. What would be traded in such an endeavor? – A: What’s missing.

    Now as utility rates increase … here it’s 28% … watch as people get behind and fall from grace. Blame it on a shitty grid, that no one cares to improve. They just tell us, “the grid isn’t up to par.” Gee, that’s comforting … as folks lose more of their livelihood.


    • Its the Moose, quarterbacking for Whats Amatta U WEFers.
      “Natasha, we must stop the Moose!”

      See Pageboy – new book release from former Elliot Page..who is now somehow a Dude.
      You cant make this stuff up..
      She, now He was/is attracted to Females..NO Shit.

      I can relate biggly, as they have been driving me to distraction my whole life.

      * Everything is Canadas fault – BLAME CANADA – https://youtu.be/kYB6ZSwdrvM

      Wonder if Neutron Nukes would extinguish those fires up Canada ways ? Just a harmless ponder, similar line of thought to Neutron Nuking Wuhan 3 years ago. Think maybe RE south of the border might be improved with a couple strategically placed neutron nukes..Sinola, Quinta Roo, LZ’s ..

      Caucasian Daggers think would be overkill, no rush – slow, steady & methodical..

      • Martin Armstrong: Conspiracy theories are spreading faster than the fires. Some believe that the missing 30 tons of ammonium nitrate were used for this attack, and are calling it economic terrorism. Others believe that Canada deliberately started the fires. With countless areas covered in smoke, the people cannot see. This would be a great way to test a potential attack in broad daylight. Some are concerned that there are chemicals in the air that they intend to use to start the next pandemic, as numerous agencies have said they are preparing for a second one. I won’t even go down the rabbit hole of the conspiracy theories regarding the sun or the Chinese balloons. No one trusts the government or the mass media anymore.

        • “No one trusts the government or the mass media anymore.”

          To that I say WOO-HOOOO! About friggin’ time! Normies pull thy heads out of your butts!

    • “I don’t think there is any intention to resolve anything. The agenda is to bring us down.
      Level the playing field until we’re on equal ground with Venezuela.”

      This is why I asked Mark, several years ago, if he could survive on $3150 per year in income.

      That was the average yearly household income, worldwide, at that time. IIRC the average homeless American was having the government spend around $21000 per year on him.

      The object of this prong of the attack on capitalist republicanism is to lower everyone’s income to about 85¢ per hour — everyone, that is, except the chosen few permanent leaders and oligarchs, whose income will be in the billions per, just like now.

  5. I myself can accept that there are probably other intelligent sentient forms of life in the universe and that they visited earth – but given everything thats going on at the moment I think its just another diversion to keep folks preoccupied and eventually imprisoned in their homes again from the next emergency ……….

  6. Here’s something else that ought, OUGHT, to make any person with a tenth of an ounce of Humanity in their souls MAD AS HELL about what this administration is doing, facilitating, PARTICIPATING IN and probably profiting from. UN-traceable babies for the child sex trade. Start the video at 3:15. I don’t know if you can do what you do with YT videos on BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/VJI5JnfARmNe/ . And they worry about untraceable ARs.

  7. AN UNHOLY SMOKE…..WTF…..magic fires up north….. NEVER in my life have i seen smoke so bad,I;m 62 & my dad 88 has never seen anything like this…4 days of smoke so thick you could not see across the street! I call bull sh……t, must be a smoke screen for russian/chicom / space alien attack………………..no cali fires nor mt. st, hellens ever comes close to this……a taste of things to come ? God help us ALL

    • The burn went from 6 million acres, 3 days ago, to 9 million acres on Thursday.

      Impressive, for a forest fire.

      Not really a big deal as far as particulates or reduced visibility, although it might be an issue WRT diminished power on solar-cells. When Krakatoa blew it’s top, 150 years ago, it caused all of Earth’s atmosphere, worldwide, to look like this, FOR TWO YEARS. — Made for some intensely-beautiful sunsets, back when people could enjoy such things without politicizing them…

  8. 4 days to prepare …US and NATO largest military exercise and it’s history taking place in four days. Look for a false flag event to take place. They need an excuse to go to war with Russia.
    Alois Irlmaier, Freislassing, Bavaria. Predicted his own death in July 1959.
    The Third Great War comes, when three high-ranking men will be killed. Then comes a single aircraft from the East. It throws a “neutralizer” in the great water by England. Then the water lifts in one single piece as high as a tower and falls back down. It makes an earthquake and a giant wave and everything will be over flooded. Almost all of England and the European coast to Berlin will sink except for a few mountain peaks.

    “The “Great City” of the United States will be destroyed by rockets, and the West Coast will be invaded by Asians, but they will be beaten back…

    The Third World War will come, but I cannot predict the year. It will be preceded by signs in the skies, which will be seen by millions of people. War will begin on a rainy night, shortly before harvest time, when the ears are full. War will begin after the assassination of an eminent politician in Czechoslovakia or in Yugoslavia. An invasion from the East will follow…

    • The unredacted SEC Hinman emails are due to be released by Judge Torres on June 13th. Not much time left to create a distraction that can eclipse that news. Maybe another, larger ACH shutdown?

  9. Ever walk into a forest or even a small wooded area of trees on a really hot day, and notice the immediate drop in temperature? Even in the areas where the sun beams down through the trees is much cooler.

    Trees are like an insulation from the heat. – and they do much more as they filter the atmosphere and eventually decompose back into the ground.

    They say the wildfires are caused by Climate Change but, could it be, those fires are going to (cause) the climate to change. – The reasons given for the cause of the fires is/are very questionable.

    Get rid of some forests and take the earth’s temperature. A betting man would bet the temperature rises. Bet the Agenda folks are loving it.

    • Trees are generally good, though for security purposes, it may be necessary to clear cut around and within your curtilage. Sad, what humans do, and are.

    • Nope. Instead, bet that the fire will lower temps.

      Trees “cool” via shade, and the leaves of deciduous trees act like little “fans” in even the slightest breeze, to amplify that breeze for people who’re underneath the canopy.

      A clearing fire is also a cleansing fire. It leaves behind an incredibly potassium and nitrogen rich growth medium. It will take a generation for the trees to return, but there will be extremely aggressive growth within two weeks of the ground cooling, of grasses, ferns, shrubs, and bushes, and trees like jack-pines.

      With all that said, the sucking sounds you hear from Eastern Canada are Weyerhaeuser and Canfor, and a half-dozen other huge lumber companies, whose principal worldwide softwood source is currently burning the eyes of New Yorkers…

      • FWIW I just went out and bought a bunch of $5.71 2x4s. A couple weeks ago (the last time I priced them) they were under $4.

        • We were just looking at ATVs on my wife’s FB Marketplace. People are selling their toys now big time and the prices are what we bought our last 4-wheeler for several years ago – around $4,000 to $4,500. There’s going to be some outright steals showing up soon as time goes on.

  10. Preparing for the Future – Preparing for War
    My Little Town
    – My Little Town is the epitome of consumerism. The vast majority of this town’s revenue comes from tourism. I would venture to say that 70 percent of the businesses currently in operation would not exist without the rude, entitled, usually drunk, garbage throwing and always obnoxious tourist.
    – The Fat Lady., she steps out from behind the curtain, takes center stage, grabs the mic and turns it loose. We take a deep dive into recession. No more happy-talk, we are in dire straights and the economy tanks. At this time a war breaks out [ China making it’s move to retake Taiwan?] and we, along with the rest of the world now drops squarely into a depression.
    – My Little Town – starts to feel the pinch within weeks. Revenue starts to dry up., that thin monetary margin that keeps a small business running starts to impact, heavily as the tourist just can’t afford to “take that vacation trip”. Within a couple of months, some businesses will start to close., supply chains start to dry-up and within six to eight months I would estimate that half of the businesses and wineries will be forced to close up shop, as they simply will not be able to meet their debt obligations. Unemployed will jump, dramatically. People will start moving away, hoping to find some place they can find a job and a place to live. The crime rate will slowly climb and that too will probably reach record levels. Desperate people – do desperate things. ‘Hungry’, desperate people do horrible things.
    – If the Depression last for ten, twelve months before recovery starts to take hold, I guesstimate that two thirds of all the businesses in My Little Town., will have closed. The population will probably drop by 20%, or more. Crime will be at a record level. ., and because of our unique location, you will be very hard pressed to find anything on the shelves, or a gallon of gas to buy. We are not a large enough market to send a shipment too.
    – My Little Town.., will be devastated economically, and it will take years for it to regain any semblance of it former, excessive, consumerism glory.
    – Good luck to us all.

    • Mostly correct.

      When the poo hits the blades, tourism will die because when a nation becomes directly involved in a war, people stop spending money on luxuries, and ALL tourism is a “luxury item.”

      Crime will soar, but then it will drop back down, much lower than it is now. Unless they’re confined to a specific area, criminals go where there’s stuff to steal, and places to fence hot merch. Once the tourism dries up, the townsfolk have a few antiques and heirlooms, some garden machinery, and tourist-trap knick-knacks (which are worthless unless they’re made of gold or silver, or inlaid with gem-quality turquoise…) Once Aunt Hermione’s Seth Thomas wall clock is gone, she has nothing of value, left to steal.

  11. March 30, 2023

    Prayers for the Pope: Vatican: Pope has good night in hospital despite infection. We will have to look in on G.A. Stewart’s The Age of Desolation website – best of class in Nostradamus decrypting – to see if he updates the Pope’s roll in “whence come the nukes.”


    June 07, 2023

    Pope Francis to have abdominal surgery, in latest health concern


    June 08, 2023

    Speaker of the House Sends Lawmakers HOME – Three Days Before NATO Exercise . . .that may start Russia War


  12. George
    The Dam of the once impregnable UFO cover up now has a crack in it!
    The crack will get bigger by the day and accelerate as it’s spread!
    The man who made this crack is a Federal Government insider named David Charles Grusch. He is a former combat officer who served in Afghanistan and lately with the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force.
    He now has official status as a whistle blower. His lawyer is a former Intelligence Community Inspector General.
    Mr. Grusch claims the U.S. has retrieved UFO,s and can prove it.
    The DOD is taking this very seriously due to his government work.
    You can read all about it at the June 5 article in The Debrief.
    This is the real deal! This changes everything!

    • Oh, lordy. It changes nothing. Not a damn thing. If he can prove it., then prove it ! Sit down, shut the hell up and let’s see what you’ve got. Otherwise?????? He’s just another disgruntled talking-head looking for his 15 minutes of glory.
      I have heard this crap so many times.., it’s painful.

  13. Is swamp gas and politicians the real source of methane ? Save the holstein fill in the swamps.

  14. .., and why has oil prices suddenly stabilized? The U.S. in near then end of its secret negotiations with Iran to sell their oil., as the Suadi’s cut production/shipments.
    – Thats a bitter pill to swallow to, folks.

  15. Okay, this UFO-thing is becoming intellectually-insulting.

    I KNOW UFOs are real.

    I KNOW they are not products of present-day Mankind.

    I assume they are piloted by beings which have the technology to either hop through space at speeds measured in parsecs per second, hop through time from some point in our far-distant future (this seems terribly unlikely, since we’re on the verge of blowing ourselves back into the stone age), or waft between dimensions or planes of existence like Nine Princes in Amber.

    Now, some folks have been trying to tell us that beings that’re this technologically-advanced, still suffer car crashes?


    If there was an alien crash is Roswell, or anywhere else, it was almost certainly an artifact of an interstellar war which crashed after being disabled and damaged by weaponry, the power and function of which, we are incapable of comprehending. The same with any other crash.

    I strongly suspect, if such crashes exist, the probability Man could cannibalize and reverse anything in them is less than drawing three to fill an inside royal flush — three hands in a row…

    • G.A. STEWART: These cornerstone questions of The UFO/Extraterrestrial Phenomenon need answers. “Was there an ancient high-culture that existed on Earth or anywhere in the Solar System? If so, when and what happened to it? Secondly, how long have Extraterrestrials been involved in humanity’s history? If so, when did that relationship begin?”

      The failure of logic for me is that I do not see human beings developing Extraterrestrial technology on their own. Some of these devices may still be buried on planet Earth, and that is made clear in ancient texts.

      If in fact, Dr. Greer is right, and some of these Extraterrestrial cultures are hundreds-of-thousands to millions of years old, that far surpasses the evolutionary distance between today’s Homo sapiens sapiens and the Neanderthals. One would think that an Extraterrestrial civilization this advanced should be able to differentiate between The Good Humans and The Bad Humans.

      Do these Extraterrestrials have a moral point of reference? I have written about this before, but where I am going in this post is to Atlantis. I will once again post my standard response to humans reverse-engineering Extraterrestrial technology.


      • One thing that will be difficult to wrap your head around when the big reveal happens is which one of the little guys are real and which ones are automatons being controlled by another entity somewhere else? The ones in that category all seem to be cookie-cutter duplicates of each other while others like the Tall Whites, Reptilians, Nordics and what-not have a greater degree of individuality.

        • See Ceres Kolonie Gesellshafte..breakaway guys and girls majority -Germans. Plenty of Americans involved in space commerce with drac reptilians – their lackeys the big grays and Germans via OG Antarctic expeditions/WW2 -where Adm Byrd got his scheisse and US militaries, sliced right off .

          – codified classification system, like everything else military.
          -higher the number on the end, the more dangerous..5 being “drac” reptilian types..annuna/Annunaki.
          Their gray slave race are miserables – they do the dirty, hard work and menial shit, they are arrogant POS, though not so arrogant as repto’s.
          Grays have developed their own their Hybrids utilizing Human DNA – these guys and girls are known as the Essaseani ? About 50% of whom are Human sympathetic, and willing to Help/Fight and teach/train telepathy.
          “5’s” dont need to physically touch/interact – mental/telepathic capable of horrifying terrible mental damage. Frozen in FEAR, they Prey on Human emotion, make you very physically sick with a thought, make you pee your pants with a thought..luv to Humiliate/mental torture their “pets” – stinking, nasty FUCKERZ .

          Sirius – Pleiades – Uras/Earth – they are here, they were here prior to Humans..2 diff parts ancient human frm homo erectus period and 1 part common kingu/repto.

          Others came “after” and utilizing Royal kingu (tall whites) in place common kingu (greenish) genes = Caucasian persuasion..

          No worries – these guys are only 7-8 feet tall..see last weeks Vegas 911 call transcript to dispatch regards the tall entities onboard the crashed airship. Thats the gross tech/stuff.
          – they can “portal” you back and forth from Moon today..much like the the train station scene in original Harry Potter – Train station number 9 3/4 – walk STEADILY in and thru -Do Not Hesitate.

          ..stone room..walls,floor,ceiling, bright “plasmatic” light in center that you walk into…

          THE Truth is WAY, WAY, WAY stranger than Fiction..WAY.

  16. “In this former world of mine, sure, there was data that “took a week to firm up” – like the processing speed of student loan agencies in the higher ed ERP systems.”

    Yes, but ISTM this would be a combination of float and interagency communications lag. Da gov don’t have that. When a stat materializes, it does so systemwide, practically instantaneously. When it doesn’t show up within a few seconds, that means someone is either cooking the data or spinning the release.

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