CPI Released – 3 War Monte – Too Much Solar

The Big story of the Day is – at least in this pre-breakfast segment – the release of Consumer Prices, also commonly called “the inflation report.”

The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.4 percent in February on a seasonally adjusted basis, after rising 0.3 percent in January, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 3.2 percent before seasonal adjustment.

The Big Part: All items less food and energy – the number the Fed watches – was up 3.8 percent YoY.  Last month, it was up 3.9 percent, but screams to us that inflation is coming down super slow.  See for Ure-self:

Our big concern now is that the energy drop was a seasonal thing and will ramp up inflation when driving season rolls along. Food was still going up – faster in January.

After the numbers, future’s prices were higher – Lord knows what that craziness is about.

This report is critical because we have a Federal Reserve monetary policy meeting next week.  Begins Tuesday with the Rate Decision (no change expected) and the Chairman’s presser following. That’ll be on the 20th.

That’s the superficial stuff.  Down deep, there’s something much more troubling underway.  Has the World rolled over into “locked inflation?”

Average Americans Have No Clue

We’re not going to bust your bubble, unless deeper understanding is what you’re really after.  On the surface, we can just parrot the “official” U.S. Public Debt to the Penny (for March 8) which is $34,465,058,258,901.44 and be done with it.

Where you can (if so desired) is pause long enough to see through the stability nonsense.  Which is to look at the debt today – versus a year ago – and then pencil our 30-years of interest at current rates for “back then” and “right now.”

March 13, 2023 the 30 year rate was 3.70 percent. *Source

Today the rate is 4.26%.

Next, we need to look up the year-ago Public Debt. $31,458,529,688,022.20. March 13, 2023.

Before I run the numbers for you, let’s remember The Big Lie behind Public Finance.  The lie is that the Debt can be paid.  The correct answer is, “OK, wise-ass – by whom?”  Because there is NO ENTITY ON EARTH that can pay what is owed.  And there is no weaseling out on interest due.

A simpleton (like me) looks at what the 30-year total public debt was (basis the 30-year rate) a year ago.  It’s a humongous number. so let’s take it one bite at a time.

A year ago, the total Public Debt to the Penny compounded out over 30-years to 2.9741487911091902788975 times whatever the debt was. $93,562,348,041,703.79

With the slight higher 30-year rate now, 30-years of compounding means that we multiply whatever that principal as of today is time how much? (Gulp!)  3.4956795809 times.

When we use the latest Public Debt to the Penny our Total Public Debt assuming 30-year rate interest pencils out to: $120,478,800,413,038.66.

The Bitter Truth

The first part – just so we’re clear on this – is no one can pay off the US debt except the American people (tax chattel) over a very long period of time.  Decades worth. Intgerest is owed.

The second part?  Which the (lying, sock puppet mainstream) won’t tell you, is that in the world of financial engineering, the long-term US Debt (with interest) has gone up roughly 28.76846609 percent in the past year.

The morning takeaway?  If you are at a loss to explain how Bitcoin could be around $71,855 today when a year ago it was (month average here) $25,116.9, you just need to remember that the Published Rate of Inflation (generalized as today’s CPI rate, or if you’re the Fed, the Core rate (prices less food and energy) or the Ure Rate (only food and energy) causes huge distortions in public thinking.

This is how (SPMSM) [sock puppet mainstream media] gets away reporting straight faced that the Public Debt is only up $3 trillion year on year.  While the larger reality (puffing up the notional values forward) is the American Debt (with interest) is up closer to $26,91 trillion.

[Technical note:  The grown-up calculations are actually more complicated because the whole of the federal debt is spread out among a wider range of interest-bearing instruments than 30-year Treasuries.  There are shorter term notes and bills, plus inter-agency paper, and a lot more.  Still, we think using the 30-year rate explains in simple lay terms how AFU (all effed up) the Street Level hoodwinking of ‘Merica has been put over on us. A more comprehensive view of the long-term compounding effects of public debt at interest was behind the 80–100-year currency cycle work (the Mazurok-Ure Correlation) in 2001. That work drove some of our “single decision long-term” investment ideas like precious metals, energy, and farmland.  Notional (*”taws”) are a new South Seas Bubble kind of thing. The jury is still out on whether crypto is a Con, or whether it’s the replacement currency our 2001 views held would need to come along.  A half-step into CBDCs with limited (or no) convertibility is most likely.]

Three-War Monte

Clocks and Toks are still at play.  The rundown of the windup into nuclear weapons use is still ticking along.  Three strategic theaters to focus on today.

1. Taiwan has just lowered the threshold for war with China.

This is another one of those real news stories that ain’t (to borrow from Dangerfield) getting no respect.  Taiwan commanders authorized to use force against intruding enemy military aircraft, vessels. In our view, this is a dramatic development which is going unnoticed in the SPMSM.

2. Rafah Invasion is on a clock now.

It doesn’t take a rocket whiz to see the clock in this:  Charity ship carrying 200 tons of aid departs Cyprus for Gaza via new international maritime corridor. If we assume a modest speed, remember it’s only (air miles here) 359.63 miles. So, depending on vessel speed…  Which means the Israeli attack on Rafah could literally begin today. After Biden indicates that invasion of Rafah could be ‘red line,’ Netanyahu says ‘We’ll go there’ | All Israel News. Which shows up in America media early as Netanyahu plans to move forward with Rafah incursion | CNN.

When it happens, keep an eye on Egypt. Between Gaza and the Houthi attacks, IMF PortWatch: Suez Canal Trade Cut in Half (gcaptain.com). Which adds to economic pressures on Egypt Egypt’s trade deficit increases by 17.8% in December – CAPMAS | Amwal Al Ghad. With  Canal revenues down, Egypt has become a key “swing player” ahead of any joint Arab world response to the (now likely) Rafah battle upcoming.

3. Ukraine’s Rump State Future

Western media has been slow to report on how the Crimea is likely to become the location of low yield battlefield nukes.  Ukraine is using advanced NATO supplied weapons and Russia can see what’s coming. Russia raises alarms about Ukraine attacking Putin’s prized possession (newsweek.com)

The UN has expressed concerns with the seeming focus on Odessa, as the Russians want to cut Ukraine off from the Black Sea: Ukrainian defenders down 10 Shahed drones over Odesa Oblast at night, but hits recorded | Ukrainska Pravda.

Responding to the Russian focus, Ukraine’s defence intelligence chief says attacks on Russian ships are in preparation for Crimea operation.  And Russia is getting pissed at the Ukraine responses:  Ukrainian drones and missiles strike Russian oil refineries. Then there is the problem posed by Patriot missiles which are moving around on the Ukrainian side.  There have been reports of “foreign advisors” being casualties but no confirmations yet.

As we have speculated, any massing of forces might trigger the French to propose direct NATO intervention in Ukraine. But NATO is back-pedaling. because no one wants a wide-open ground war in Europe. NATO Diverges from Macron on Troop Deployment to Ukraine – Novinite.com – Sofia News Agency.

Creepy Crawlers

Haiti’s off your vacation plans, huh? Haiti’s Prime Minister Ariel Henry resigns as gangs run rampant through country engulfed in crisis.

Slow Joe’s creeping commies in the ranks are still keeping the Southern Border open, we regret to inform.  We’re not the only ones concerned, either: FBI director ‘very concerned’ about ‘ISIS ties’ to human smuggling network (nypost.com).

Meanwhile, where do we send our check? Charter bus transportation for illegal aliens from South Texas to Chicago cost taxpayers $60,000 per one way trip !!

Musk has become more of a patriot than most of the D-Sleaze denizens: Ana Mostarac on X: ““‘Trust and safety’ is a euphemism for political censorship, with “expert” teams comprised almost exclusively of the most radical, joyless grievance studies majors you ever met in college.”

Unraveling malicious prosecutions department: Key Witness Testifies Against Fani Willis In Corruption Scandal – The American Tribune.com.

We’re starting to like Kansas.  Not only are they on the verge of reining in illegal civil asset seizures by authorities, but now this: Kansas court rules in favor of Kobach in transgender driver’s license lawsuit. Birth gender on the license holds – for now. Medical marketing madness and “change” artists aside…

Around the Ranch: Too Much Solar?

Here’s one I’ve never run into before:  Too much solar energy coming into our power center.  I was working away in my office when I heard a “tick” from our power center.

Upon investigating, it was clear that the two 100-amp breakers on the Aisle 3 disconnect had tripped out.  Now, you have to remember that these are AC-rated breakers, but I would never have thought that two of them wouldn’t be able to handle 70 Amps.

Anyway, that’s what the metering said, and the breakers were hot to the touch, so while they chilled down, I unplugged one panel from each end of the sp-lit wired array.  Breakers then held.

New 125 Amp (DC, DIN rail) breakers will arrive tomorrow.  So, Thursday I’ll be playing George the Wireman.  Also taking out negative (ground) switching and running two runs of #6 instead of one run to the battery bank.  Should solve everything.

As soon as that’s done, the new *used) 240-watt panels will go in to replace the panels on aisle 1 which are down to putting out only 25 amps – about 100 watts per panel.

These now 15-year-old panels will drive a couple of microinverters to power the Chillerponics greenhouse…Which will feature a swamp cooler to keep the hydroponics units cool this summer and (hopefully) producing food like mad.

The reason for mentioning it here? Interesting lesson about inexpensive AC breakers and how they are not really suited for “real power” solar work. Oh, and recycling even nearly depleted older panels.

Write when you get rich,


64 thoughts on “CPI Released – 3 War Monte – Too Much Solar”

  1. “So, depending on vessel speed… Which means the Israeli attack on Rafah could literally begin today.”

    If it starts tomorrow, 03/13, it will be added to the 1-1-3 Ritual Day list.



  2. You car IS SPYING on you.

    Yep … most of us here probably assumed this but it is REALITY wrt almost any recent vehicle sold in the US (2018-2019 and later models) when you buy insurance (and who knows where else the data is going)

    In addition do NOT FORGET that your cell phone is tracking you too … and while it has not yet come to light about the cell phone companies selling the same car driving data with Lexis/Nexis I am sure they have been playing around with the concept and the insurance companies are pushing them to open their data banks and sell them the same type of data.

    Glad I forget my phone about 1/3 of the time … I think I will start putting it into aircraft mode or just turning it off when I get on the highway for a longer trip (damn hard to do anymore for my brand … have to go through a complicated process)

    OH … don’t forget those license plate reader cameras. Their data goes to a central data base (which keep it permanently – Time/Direction/Location) so if you speed and pass a couple of cameras during your trip, long or SHORT, that data could well be going to insurance companies too! Those cameras are ALL OVER my city and my state. Every day I go to work I figure they took at least 4 pictures of me … travel to see my one son who lives in the next big city over, they probably got 8 pictures of me.

    “Automakers Are Sharing Consumers’ Driving Behavior With Insurance Companies”


    • Previously, gathering — collecting — “information” on anybody or everybody was easy. The main constraint was never having enough people — analysts — to make sense of it. Sipping water through a fire hose — too much, too much. Not enough time — resources — to make any useful truth out of it. Too much, too much…

      But that’s changed now with the coming of A.I.
      A.I. is so incredibly speedy it CAN process the flow, and flag Special Category People for action.

      For now, actual people are still used — needed — to carry out whatever action is indicated by the nature of the gathered intel.

      BUT! One day, not too very far away, A.I. will be handed the authority to take direct action as it – The A.I. — deems appropriate. “Whatever.” There will be no people deciders in the loop.

      That is the day to fear. I do not believe it can be stopped or significantly delayed. Our only hope is that our best interests and A.I.’s best interests coincide.

    • A reporter in NYC tried a test.., he shut off his smart phone and travelled by taxi all around the City., running errands, lunch, stopped by work place, dry cleaners., he purposely made close to two dozen stops.
      He then gave his phone a techie. The “Phone Guy” downloaded his memory from the smart phone and mapped out the reporter’s entire route, all his stops and how long he was at each stop.
      Even though his phone was ‘off’ it still tracked his every move. When he turned it back on, it would upload all that info.

      • Cellphone batteries used to be accessible and removable. Nowadays, your electronic leash cannot be really “shut off”.

        Is there a special bag or container that the phone can be put in that blocks the signal?

        • A company called Mission Darkness (Amazon) makes a nice Faraday bag for cell phones with a magnetic, fold-over closure. Tried calling my cell from the land-line, no contact. They also make smaller pouches to hold your drivers license & credit cards, or your key fob, so they can’t be read & the codes stolen. Bigger bags, too, for bigger items.

        • Yes.., there is. There are a couple of companies that make smart phone blocking cases.., the one I have works very well., blocks all incoming communications., so I also assume that it blocks all outgoing as well. The company states that their case will block all up and down links while inside their ‘rf wallet.’
          There are at least two that I know of that make such a case. Check “The Zon”., they might be on there.

        • Hit the *zon and search for “faraday bags”.

          Works good for just about anything that ‘communicates’ (phones, `tap` credit cards, etc)

          Don’t go super cheeepe but don’t break the bank. Read the reviews and act accordingly.

          YMMV – Good luck to us all.

        • Yes. Few work really well.

          I only turn mine on at all when I need to make a vital call, and I have all the software locator things I can find turned off by choice. (Tip: It can boot up in a fully RF-isolated shilded metal box. Once booted, it can acquire a signal, and make a call pretty fast. Then, it’s immediately OFF and back in the box.)

          Don’t know if that’s enough, but it’s all I can do to stay off the scope.

        • Do a check… you can check to what’s monitoring your cell phone .. A few years ago there was an odd van around..come to find out ..the DHS was sending out wasp vans to communities to see what people were doing. siri and Alexa is listening ..
          at ap family gathering the grand daughter set her phone on the table then started talking about random crap. wouldn’t you know it but ads for the real she was talking about showed up on her apple I phone..
          on urban survival..do a Google search for something then check ads.
          Ai…. what did they program it with.. the sword of Damocles with that one. if they programmed it to use morals and ethics.. An has access to everything.. dark web or what we see.. so when its sentient.. and has given itself permission.. what would it decide on what’s out there.. one video of pure evil.. frazzle drip comes to mind.. what would a sentient computer programmed with moral and ethical guidelines decide on the pure evil depicted in that one video.
          or all those other issues as evil as that one floating around the dark web.

      • The Surveilance State is here in SPADES … at least if you carry a cell phone. “Papers Please” no longer needs to be done since they KNOW where you are at each minute of the day (look at how they tracked Fani T. Willis’s boyfriend right to her house going back SEVERAL YEARS via his cell phone location history from AT&T.

        Yep … most phones collect location/AND TIME data even when they are in “Airplane” mode, and then when you reconnect they upload that to Google (or Apple), though NOT to your phone company (as I understand it).

        Not sure if that continues if you do a HARD SHUTDOWN of the phone itself (on my phone it is difficult to do an actual HARD shutdown … multiple steps and well hidden from the regular consumer/user), but even with a “HARD” shutdown the phone may still be somewhat powered up and collecting data.

        Where were you on August 13, 2022 at 11:00 am? Your phone company AND Google/Apple) KNOWS!! (even if you don’t remember) (knows within about 30 feet in fact)

      • I think I will become more dilligent about “forgetting” my phone when I leave the house …. old age and all that shit you know

    • Most all of our data is out there. Bush and the 3rd party data collector laws.

      The only communication still secure is the USPS mail system. But writing letters back and forth like it’s 1973 isn’t practical in the modern world.

      “The Postal Service protects the privacy and security of mail under a long-standing framework of federal statutes and regulations. The statutes and regulations specify strict safeguards for the cover, i.e. the envelope or wrapper, as well as contents of all mail sent through the postal system.”

      USPS does have ‘Informed Delivery’.

      “Informed Delivery is a free service from USPS that shows you preview images of incoming mail, as well as status updates about your incoming and outbound packages.”

      Informed Delivery in simple terms means USPS scans addressing information on all mail to and fro. So contents are still safe from 3rd parties but anyone can access the database to see what went to an address.

      The next president should finish us off with so-called ‘Electronic Healthcare Records’. “Save money/live longer”.

      We’ll be asked to ‘initial here’ and if we decline we’ll be refused service in the network.

      • Run the envelope through a type of system like an electron microscope and they can read what was written on the pages inside.

        Not an issue for us normal people, but you can be sure that for things they deem “National Security” they are already doing that.

        As the cost comes down it may done more and more … just the way government works to increase it’s surveillance over time. More surveillance is BETTER in their minds. Cost gets cheap enough they may add that feature to a few of the automatic sorting machines the postal service uses to auto sort mail.

    • (“In addition do NOT FORGET that your cell phone is tracking you too … and while it has not yet come to light about the cell phone companies selling the same car driving data “)
      I had a friend that worked govt. IT.. on some of the bigger projects..He sent me a back to factory I pad…anyway.. the grandson was watching a cartoon he was three.. I was making supper and he comes in .. PAPA .. can you change the channel.. I take a look at it.. there is my friends wife getting out of the shower.. he had hooked up to the cloud.. the machine was still logged onto his cloud.. I had access to everything.. his cell phones their camera’s everything.. he thought because he was a professional that I was just playing with him.. so he got mad.. I thought dam it .. listen to me smash that thing like they did Hillary clintons cell phones and server.. he wouldn’t even talk to me.. so ok you thought I was being a smart ass.. I wasn’t so I will just to show you.. I started to change his contacts.. add a few change the phone numbers on his contact list.. that didn’t do anything.. you would have thought him calling a gay bar would get his attention.. so.. I then thought .. ok.. changing contacts.. I could turn on the cameras on both his and his wifes phone.. their home computer their surveilance system everything.. I had his banking his credit card.. his sons banking and credit cards.. it was all there.. open on the cloud.. there was a file on there.. that said photo..
      so I cropped this guy out of the photo and would drop it in that file..
      two hours would go by and it would be deleted.. I did that for a week.. finally I got ahold of his kids and told them they needed to talk to dear old dad.. and sent the dam thing back with a big note on it.. destroy this.. get off of the cloud..
      He called me up a few days later.. and I said dam.. I thought you would get the idea when I put beevus and butthead videos on your phone.How would I know you were at the hardware store and your wife was getting her hair done and know which beutician she was seeing.. then when I dropped the guys photo and you kept deleting it.. I figured you would know.. he said.. what guy.. so I sent him the picture.. the photo file was his doorbell.. every time I dropped it in the file his doorbell would ring.. LOL LOLHe thought there was some stalker out there.. had the police hunting for this guy LOL..
      So now think about that and Ai Ai has access to everything.. good bad and otherwise.. if I can log onto his phone turn on the microphone and camera.. because a three year old watching cartoons did something to log onto the cloud.. what can someone that has experience doing that.. and yes cars have a black box.. it to logs onto the cloud..are we being watched.. can someone that is trained to do this crap do it.. in what twenty ten.. every camera and every microphone in the usa.. turned on.. I believe it was a show of force.. I believe that was the same year they discovered that there were guidance chips that were sending micro bursts of information someplace to.. and Iran landed one of our top secret drones..
      then what a couple years ago.. someone took control of security systems..
      It only makes sense that there is some things we should make in the USA.. one millimeter variance on a bullet casing can’t be seen with the naked eye.. but will jam a gun in no time..

  3. George,
    You MUST use DC rated breakers for DC. NEVER use AC breakers for DC, they will not break the DC arc. And size them for 125% of the current rating of the wire (as long as the wire is sized correctly) unless the breakers are rated for 100% continuous duty. Your AC breakers are only rated for 80% duty. Sorry to rant, been doing this stuff for 28 years and am now officially into cantankerous curmudgeon mode LOL

    • Indeed they will! The Russian election is from this Friday the 15th thru Sunday the 17th. Once that is over continuing to poke the bear might have some very serious consequences much sooner than later.

    • I do believe that if it wasn’t for Putin., the far right hard-liners would have already tossed a few tacticals into the crucible.

      • According to predictions ( from you probably know ? ) for 2024, he is supposed to be getting killed by one of his closest members of His security guards.
        Btw. I myself give NOT much credence to predictions I’ve read on the WWW regardless of name recognition.

      • As do I.

        Putin is a “patriot” and a capitalist. Some of the old commies in the Duma are flat frickin’ crazy.

        I believe the reason the Administration wants Putin out so badly is it’d be much easier for Vichy and Hillary and the other Leftists to get their war, with him out of the way.

    • I actually don’t believe that Putin or Xi want to have this escalate to that level.. Sadly it totally appears as if we have idiots in control.. can’t find the exit on a stage much less do any critical thinking.. I believe that from what appears as if we are in a poison pawn trap.. they got us to move our troops out on eight fronts.. there are millions that have crossed our borders and threat analysts are suspicious that there could be up to two hundred thousand enemy soldiers within our borders and being paid and transported by our very own administration .. NOW with the port deal they made.. with the guy that builds club K.. did they just move a few of those in.. and place them all around the country.. we would be chasing ghosts..all because of a few corrupted individuals..
      what could possibly go wrong with all of this..

      • ” they got us to move our troops out on eight fronts.. ” THEY did not get us to move — it is our government’s choice to do so, IMHO !!!

        • that is true.. even retired Generals are wondering why in the hell did they do that shizt….
          his reasoning is the generals today have never really been in a War… Although all of them have thrown up the caution flag… with the cat away the mice will play.. and with a moron letting in an alien army that may want to do us harm.. phew.. what was the move..
          The best we can expect is the financial issues of the cloward piven strategy..
          and the worst depression in the history of modern civilization… the dollar tanking and becomeing worthless.. we already see that happening now.. the three ninty nine dollar two cheeseburger meal is now seventeen dollars and extra for catchup ….

  4. “Rafah Invasion”
    Don’t know if you saw the sat-photo.., but Israel has just built a new road through Gaza. From the Gaza border with Israel straight west to the sea., and right through the center of Gaza.

    • easy way to truck out the oil and get the workers in there for the new gasline to EU

  5. George
    Years ago I had a technical paper from Square D about their QO line of circuit breakers. In that document it stated that QO breakers had a 60% rating for DC use.
    That is multiply the breaker amps by 0.60 to find out how much DC amps it can handle.
    When I designed and built my solar power electronic panel I did that. To this day I have had no problems using QO breakers in DC power applications on that panel.
    I built a custom breaker box between my battery bank and the inverters. I used main panel 200 amp dual breakers for each inverter. I split the inputs from the batteries between the dual breaker input tabs which reduced the loading even more. I used SX battery cable for all of this. I have had ZERO problems. This system has been running since 2011. So don’t tell me I am just squeeking by. I am using Out Back solar inverters and charge controllers.

    • RM….SQ-D QO breakers have a DC rating up to 50 volts and only up to their 70 amp breaker. Below 50 you’re fine with the QO series of breakers. So for a 12 or 24 volt battery system it works.

    • We use two of their gtfx 2425 series and a pair of flexmax 60s
      Where I got into trouble was with two C40 controllers and feeding from 2500 watts of panel.
      Nope – too much juice, lol. New thermal breakers and DIN parts on the way – soon fix.
      Of course, as soon as I start working on the solar, here comes the rain, o course…

  6. Looks as though the Stock Markets are completely ignoring the bump-up in inflation – and are putting on a small rally.
    The close today may show us a ‘window’ for holding an overnight short.
    We’ll see…….,
    Bitcoin is down $2,300., but still over $70k

    • Normally when any price goes back up to an old time All Time High it will have a solid sell off and then make a trading bottom BEFORE it continues back up and then solidly THOUGH that price point (of the old All Time High).

      Sometimes it has to go up and then down twice, and it is on the third try that it actually has it’s real breakout, if one is going to happen.

      Very unusual for any chart to show a touch /break of an All Time High and NOT have a sell off before trying again.

      Bitcoin is acting different from what one would normally expect … ??Because of the Marketing Muscle that Wall Street is putting behind Bitcoin which is overcoming the old supply that is now being sold by people who are no longer psychologically in a losing position from the previous high (which is what brings the selling into force to begin with)?

      Interesting chart to watch. Not normal at all … so far. It seems to be indicating a huge BUY imbalance in the
      market … ie: it is desperate to go UP.

  7. I try to sip from all the fountains, and not get drunk on just one, or of only one class. So, I don’t say I subscribe to ALL of this, or even to ANY of it. But I offer it as morsels on a poo-poo platter. Get out the salt shaker:

    Mon – Fri 9pm EDST –
    7.49 mHz or 5.95 mHz – 60 min.
    “Often wrong, but never in doubt.”
    You’ll want to avoid this if you’re easily offended or confused. It often makes little sense, but it sometimes dazzles. Occasionally deeply psychotic. Rarely dull.

  8. Looks like someone is doing damage control for Boeing. Seems their whistle-blower kilt himself. How convenient for stockholders. Lots of problems for the airlines lately and wouldn’t be surprised if one goes down hard with all on board not surviving. Tomorrow would be a safe bet if you’re a numbers believer. Bailouts to the airlines coming soon and don’t worry I’m sure uncle Sam will send a check to Boeing as well.

    • BA Boeing airlines sports an Earnings Per Share (EPS) of negative $3.68 per share. That is a -$3.68
      Stock currently trading around $184.00

      That’s what I call FUBAR .

      Ya don’t think Stock price going to perform like a 787 ?

      Sound the klaxon horn .. dive,dive,dive -down bubble for you bubbleheads.
      Don’t imagine the Puts on this turd are cheap, the “floaters” never are.

      * how you homegamers liking NVDA today ? Wait, don’t tell me, made up numbers again ? I shoulda known, when will I ever learn ?
      Moar Champagne it is..with tree drops bitters on sugar cube, and tablespoon of brandy : D

      • re: “For Whom the Bell Tolls”, Meditation XVII
        feat: Hemingway

        A seeming near-coinkydoink in the msm telling of the news three days after the fact are “The Kingstree News” and WCBD-TV, Charleston reports issued at Tuesday dinner hour. Police are searching for a homicide suspect. Apparently a victim was located in a vehicle parked outside a residence in Hemingway, SC on Saturday.

        A pulled-by-editor “Forbes” report subtitled “A Cry for Justice” on the Boeing situation brings to mind Psalm 17.


  9. Hmmmm, screw the fear, screw the fear porn, onwards and upwards Prisioners, onward and upwards!
    Keep in mind, if you have the feelings of uselessness, it took the USA 4 Presidents, Thousands of Lives, Trillions of dollars and 20 years to replace The Taliban, with The Taliban.
    .. but know in Ure heart of hearts, that Voting is the adult version of writing to Santa Claws.

    Govmint funding (thin air) makes up to 49% GDP(give or take a couple pts.) not federal reserve see’s this as inflation, and will Raise -at the same time the World is sliding into Global Recession.

    Don’t think Mr market going to like that bullscheisse. But what do I know..besides calling BTC, calling the new ATH…

    Like I said previously, I don’t know Sqawtaa., just Lucky.

    Not advice, not fiction , the ravings of a LUNAtic waiting for the FullMoon eclipse(penumbral) in Libra… tree AM on March 25..The Worm Moon, some of you guys should start turning in Ure burrows&hideyholes.


    Cept for Cancers, at least. Eclipses come in pairs, second one on April 8th as New Moon Total Eclipse .
    Both be friendly to peeps born under sign of Cancer, like the USA. Second one powerful enough to bring Change, massive like, and Opportunity to the “Crabs”..wonder what massive changes and opportunities are coming to the USA ?hmmm

    • MARTIN ARMSTRONG: The coronavirus lockdowns gave the world a glimpse of what could happen if our economy was suddenly shutdown. NASA has a space program called Parker Solar Probe (PSP) that aims to fly “into the outermost part of the Sun’s atmosphere, the corona, for the first time.” Why? Scientists at NASA predict an “internet apocalypse” may occur within the next year due to the uptick in the sun’s solar activity.

      They can immediately eliminate our access to currency with CBDC. If they needed an excuse, which they do not, blaming the weather is a favorite tactic. Are the people unruly? Is civil unrest rising with a revolutionary wave approaching? Starve them out by eliminating their ability to access digital money as alternative sources will not be available. Eliminate their ability to communicate with one another. Eliminate everything at the click of a button.


      Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 32:4
      Who will make such an abominable breach in the Churches that neither the reds nor the whites without eyes nor hands will know what to make of it.

      TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 32:4
      Neither Christians nor Muslims, without communications or mobility, will understand what is happening to them.

      Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 32:5
      And their power will be taken from them.

      TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 32:5
      Their technological power will be taken from them.


  10. re: WOW; patriarchy in chaos
    feat: a doll’s eye view


    It’s been a century since the Consort of King GeorgeV unveiled her Queen Mary’s Doll House created by 1500 men at the Empire Exhibition Wembley in 1924. The one-twelfth scale furnished masterpiece mansion now situated at Windsor also features a purpose-written 1923 ghost novel by M.R. James, “The Haunted Dolls’ House”.

    Yesterday, Queen Camilla looking every inch a fairy godmother hosted a WOW (Women of the World) shindig at Buckingham Palace. Special guest Barbie no doubt still on a high from her 65th birthday bash on Saturday brought a Mattel senior VP of Global Barbie from Los Angeles. The Queen was presented with a Barbie of her Queen Camilla-likeness right down to outfit attire and broach. A-listers the Queen of Belgium, Dame Helen Mirren, the Baroness of Clarendon, and Mel B of the Spice Girls attended. The WOW Tour Bus took up station outside the Palace having just completed a magical tour of the UK. Queen Camilla delighted to pass around show-and-tell rocks collected in 1914 by the Queen Mary noted above after suffragettes threw the projectiles through Palace windows. Ken was nowhere to be seen around the party glass houses. Probably building castles in the sand on some far flung crusade and dropping a moat in Gaza?

    Time to link up with DJ George watching the kettle on the boil for teatime. Sit back, relax, and let’s gently float downstream brewing a Fab Four hit –
    “Magical Mystery Tour”.

    By the way, UK msm has noted the first presence of the Princess Royal’s newest lady in waiting at Commonwealth Day celebrations yesterday. She’s a daughter of “The Syndicate” (1960) author.

    • Good God man, are these people on drugs? They realize that Vlad whose bad has them in his sights? And while the British workers suffer their tax indentures the royals are playing house>?
      Shame on them all…it’s an insult to freemen everywhere.
      Off with their pretenses!

    • Randy Rainbow does a hilarious parody of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, renamed, ‘Donald’s in the John with Boxes’


      Please excuse the humor, It’s Doom and Doom Only on this channel. No Nukes today, just more boring obsessive fixation of your favorite contrived injustices and/or Democrat scapegoating.

  11. Yo G Dawg, I will reiterate, all your emails, texts, IM’s, phone calls, postings…all of it is being siphoned off for analysis. Whether it ever gets looked at or analyzed is another story. All social media is being utilized for profiling, always the business model. Most bizarre dream the other night, connected to the ability of speaking and understanding French. Did not have to translate the French to English, understood it in my minds eye. Complete skill set of the French Language. Where did that come from? Did I tap into a previous life in France? As we approach Galactic center, and are exposed to strange energies from space is the veil between past lives disappearing? Are we going to remember who we really are? I look forward to it, Lets rock and roll. Hit it Alvin…..
    Why be normal?

    • Loob, do you have any idea how fantastically rude it is to ‘pile post’ 8 videos without giving any synopsis on each of them?

      How ’bout some netiquette instead of the obvious need for attention you so constantly display?

    • YES, how dare you, LOOB, post videos speaking well of Trump and anti Bribems, without a warning to those poor folks who suffer needlessly with TDS,,, yes it is a mystery, as whom, the blogger is,,,
      the truth is hard for some to accept.
      this too, will be reflected on ure social score,,, 1984 was a model ,,, but it was just a model someone crashed, where did “X” come from that took the DARPA crowd by “SURPRIZE”

      and what ever you do,,, don’t bring up that crack smoking gun stuff,,, you know, that crack head who sold US to China as his father’s go-between

      Trump warn me and US who would read, there is a lot of “WINNING” coming our way.
      from 2016, redux to 2024
      now, we also got control of the RINO,,, I mean the Republican National Party, that is a YUGE victory
      as we used to say in the ole power plant
      “As the Turbine Turns, so do the days of our lives”
      bye bye ronna, we got ivermectin, so to speak

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