Don’t buy it yet – we are still in the proofreading adventure on the new (non-fiction) book Dimensions Next Door, but we’re now in the test-loading phase at Amazon…but ONE of the interesting items in the book that I’ve mentioned before is the shofar.
Called “trumpets” in the Anglo-centric interpretations of the ancient texts, the shofar was typically a ram’s horn. March around a city you don’t like with six friends for six-days, and then on the 7-th day, all seven blow shofar horns – and presto – the walls come down. Only worked at Jericho, so far, but that made it into the record books. Not sure if it would work on the walls of Quebec City, but to even asks is to risk rendition here on Planet Paranoid.
Having only musical skill in production and electronics – sure and some voice work, too – there didn’t seem to be anything on the web under So, instead, we picked up an Amazon Hand-fired Modern Didgeridoo – Beeswax Mouthpiece – Easy Player! It was about $30-bucks, so not exactly breaking the bank…
(Continues below)
When the book is done – in the next couple of days I hope – there will be an announcement on here. In the meantime, if the fences around the ranch fall down, I will have hit upon the magic described in the book.
In the meantime, I am looking at the didge and wondering how to get it to make all those marvelous sounds instructors on YouTube show off. Also wondering where people get all the breath to keep one playing.
If you’re at the other end of “over the river and through the woods” (paying exorbitant tolls and fees) AND if you don’t mine catching communicable diseases from the kids, it might be something for the old folks to have on hand to keep the “wee people” busy this time next week when Turkey time comes rolling around.
It comes with a bee’s wax mouthpiece and some spare wax. I’m thinking it is the finest mustache wax ever.
Scheduled Days Off, Black Friday
If you are still working (who can afford not to?) might be an idea to put in for a couple of days off the week after next. That way, when you hit the online sales on Black Friday, you’ll have someone home to collect the goodies when they land.
Just thinking ahead…
Annual Old Man Web Hosting Sale
We’re still happy with our web hosting services provided by Brian Carpenter of As happens every year, he has a birthday sale, so you can pick up some deals on web site hosting if you’re of a mind to.
Their shared WordPress hosting is less than $5 a month in honor of Brian turning the big five-zero. Click over to for details if you want to become a famous blogger. (If you succeed, let me know how you did it…I’ll write the book on it and get rich. I’ll leave you to pay the taxes and provide the fans and a private jet for us for lifetime use.)
Good Letter
Not as a comment, but in a very pleasant email from one of our readers – and the topic is “climate change.” As I’ve tried to explain, climate has been changing since the volcanos cooled and anyone who is trying to monetize that is a schuckster, plain and simple.
When a get thoughtful letters like this one, I am very pleased that our average reader’s IQ has not been reduced to the temperature of cold bath water..
“Hi, George,
I just finished re-reading a Michael Crichton book, State of Fear. Publish date of 2004 Mr. Crichton states “This a work of fiction. … However, references to real people, institutions, and organizations that are documented in footnotes are accurate. Footnotes are real.”
The story debunks Global Warming and the footnotes substantiate the debunking.
His book greatly foretells your many comments on this and other issues, especially the development of a “state of perpetual fear” as a means of controlling the populace. He describes the results of 9-11 and the Patriot Act, most likely unconstitutional and very telling of a future police state.
I find his novels very rigorously constructed with scientific information and thought provoking ideas. And here we are 13 years later with Global Warming BS still taking up press time and effort. And as you said in today’s article “We have arrived at a day – long-predicted here – where the over-built media doesn’t have enough “real news” to keep the bloated information channels full.”
A world of Fake News.”
The problem on Planet Stupid is that everyone wants to be a star, no one does their homework, choosing instead to repeat the thoughts of others.
I’ve got a secret for you: The reasons that religious orders throughout time have taken the vows of silence, simplicity, minimalism, and manual work, is to quiet the mind.
This reader in Atlanta might as well be part of a Lost Tibetan Order – because he’s obviously able to read more than 200 $CHRS before his brainwashing forces a GOSUB and the brain is mired in spaghetti code.
That’s refreshing.
More Holiday Reminders
Yes, we will have a column on Black Friday morning, but Turkey day I have a late appointment to test horizontal polarization issues.
On that note, don’t forget to order a bunch of Tom&Jerry mix Alcohol-free rum flavoring and the microwave works – and it’s yummy. If you still are consuming, Braveheart 92-proof spiced is good.
Just remember, heat and hold over 170-F to burn off the booze, or use the flavoring. Walk don’t drive, otherwise. If you have a long ways to go pick up some DEWALT DG5204 Professional kneepads.
Oh, thanks for asking! No, I haven’t talked to anyone in the NFL about logo licensing kneepads but I think it’s one way to get back in the good graces of those of us spending cold fall winter time out in the shop..
Write when you get rich,
The thing about the web is you have private material and you have not so private material and then you have completely not private so there are you three different things of course you could organized it differently and more precisely but yet when you search just like Cliff does he’s can’t pick up on the stuff that’s private.
And that’s the stuff that’s the Shakers makers and Breakers weather its stock real estate Bitcoin banking or nations being overthrown.
And that’s where the hackers come in and tell the truth about what everyone has been lied to about so.
For those who want to prepare for winter and you’re getting old and you’re not sure how you going to make it when the electricity goes off or if you just want to save electricity on your bill the thing to get is one of those safe G warm technology.
It’s a heating pad that goes under your body under your sheet or under your blanket you lay on it Scott settings and it where from 0 to 10 well low-to-high and they actually work there DC so you not going to get shocked if someone has an accident in the middle of the night or something else happens but the thing about it and only uses 50 some watts of power.
So it could be freezing outside and in your house but under your complete length of your body you will be toasty warm with a and.
And you could use two to four deep cycle batteries with a small sine wave inverter .
Have you ever woke up in the morning and you were chilled to the Bone you just couldn’t get warm enough
This thing works you’ll your whole body will be like a battery when you wake up in the morning your whole body will be warm and it can be freezing in your house and you’ll be energized to wake up and do what you got to do.
And as you know once you start doing you get the blood pumping get that coffee into your system you’re warmed up and ready to go whether it’s freezing or what.
You can find them on Amazon DC bed heater I think something like that but they work really fantastic especially for old people especially that you know yeah when the fire goes out or when the electricity goes out and you have a setup like that you can survive unless of course you really got your Chi going.
How to keep a relationship going I’m a male she’s a female but she lives next door and we’ve been like this for many years but how do you keep that relationship going well I’ve got two pictures of her I keep above my bed what is kind of country Wild and the others a little on the risky side with a smile and I go I take a picture of both of them and send it to her in a text message and say I can’t make up my mind which one of these beautiful ladies I want.
First of all because you’ve insinuated that you want this person.
That implies that Sparks are still going to be flying.
May all beings be lovingly fulfilled so be it.
I would love to have a photo of NFL kneepads. Maybe with a burning old glory under the logo.
A retired NFL friend tells me that NFL rules require all players to stand respectfully during the national anthem. It is interesting that nobody in the “news” business reports that. And they vilify Jerry Jones, the only owner who publicly takes the fans’ desires into account. ESPN is in freefall.WAPO, NYT, CNN, etc. are in freefall.
Interesting how rapidly big institutions are becoming irrelevant, right before our eyes.
If you’re going to ever get one, get a good one, don’t cheap out. You might also want a prayer shawl, they go hand in hand.
or lower price:
Good luck learning to make these babies blow LOL, My son and 8 year old daughter can do it better than I can.
I think this guy just spilled the beans on the new tax changes. Appears to be a way to help businesses bring on our AI overlords. Don’t see this helping the worker much……
They makers yeah the makers and the Shakers.
I have some “Horizontal” work to do on Turkey day as well. After the meal I will find a suitable place to do my “research” which involves a pillow and a little peace and quiet. I predict a productive hour or two of horizontal research.
I’ll let you know.
They sell Shofar Ram Horns on amazon. Why not get the real deal.
Remember some thoughts lead to a lawyers office.