While I am working around the ranch – where we mostly raise bugs this time of year – little things go through my mind. Items from the daily news flow that I can’t get out of my head.
Yeah, I should be able to banish them, but stories – like VP Mike Pence going to South Korea to stand on the border with North Korea struck as as expensively redundant.
You can say that again…
(more follows)
What I mean by this is that we don’t really need to send Pence – I mean he may have had other agenda items, sure. Inspect the troops and what-not.
But since the president has shown little regard for the “old way of doing politics” perhaps it’s time he started holding press conferences with props.
Here’s how it could be scripted:
The president comes out, looks directly at the camera, and says “I don’t know how hard of hearing the little kid in North Korea is, but let me tell you why I think he has a hearing problem.
We plopped 59 cruise missiles into Syria the other day.
Shortly thereafter, we used the Mother Of All Bombs – the MOAB – to kill upwards of 100 ISIS fighters in Afghanistan.
Now, I don’t care how dumb an American you are,, everyone ‘here gets what I’m telling him.
But he still doesn’t hear me. So instead of sending the Vice President to yell from the South Korea border, I thought it would be a lot more humane if we sent him two gifts.
The first is a top of the line American Made hearing aid. We’re tossing in a one year supply of batteries, too.
Then, because we don’t wish him any harm, we’re going to send him a six month subscription to his choice of Jenny Craig or Weightwatchers.”
I don’t know, but seems to me that such a press event would be an instant hit.
We could, with the simple addition of props, dramatically improve the ratings of the live newsers who are always making up slanted Trump-bash stories in order to feather their own ratings.
Let’s consider the props that could be used elsewhere:
When congress – predictably – doesn’t actually do anything about healthcare reform, Trump could use a box of Kleenex or a 12-pack of Charmin for the babies who won’t step up and the whiners who are afraid of the future.
I could suggest sending the president of Mexico a new Kindle with some landscaping books preloaded. So they can figure out how to improve the look of their side of the wall.
I could get a Louisville Slugger baseball bat and pass it around for the Joint Chiefs to sign.
“To Vlad: This is out littlest one. the bigger ones come airmail. – The CiC and the Joint Chiefs…”
To be sure, keeping secret who is coming to visit the White House is totally uncool. Must be something in the plumbing that takes control of people who come in creative.
Maybe that Directorate 153 group we suggested…
Whatever the reason, there are ways that Trump could push his poll numbers up – and playing golf of bringing the wife and son to the White House instead of NYC isn’t it.
No, I think we need to have a government Props Department. One we can actually talk about.
We’ve heard it rumored before: With the Philadelphia Project,Montauk, shock & awe…and maybe the moon landing.
But where is the Props Department when we really need one?
Except…maybe…trying to find an American made anything to use as a prop.
That would go some distance toward making us great again.
It’s one thing to have a Joke in Chief as the lefties wail; but a little levity and laughter? Sure…why not? A lot of America is a joke any more, starting with political correctness and the whole melting pot deal.
My “Prop du jour” for today?
Ear plugs.
Can’t stand the whining of Trump propping things up without props.
Write when you get rich, or hear an actual PC acceptable joke.
Funny you should point that out, Snap On Tools was the prop this morning.
Oh, the arrogance of a dying empire.
One factor to be considered here is that North Korea has artillery embedded in the mountains overlooking Seoul that has the capability of firing 345 rounds per minute into the city. More than a thousand artillery pieces in nuclear hardened emplacements that require pinpoint precision to remove. For North Korea, any incursion triggers a doomsday scenario, fire everything you have now.
It’s not just armchair quarterbacking for entertainment for the 2+ million Iraq refugees still not back in their homes, or the 4-5 million refugees from Syria. North Korea in minutes could add millions more Koreans to that number.
Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers
If you want to live longer ,find small things that tick you off enough to make your spirit soul get up and talk or write about it and if that’s not enough then take a walk in the direction of things that you want to change
Well let’s see here all the chicks that were on the porch have been there about a month I started getting a little bit too big so we put them out in the back and a chicken tractor and what we did put on the porch is some sprouting seeds I can give you a small short story here back in 2008 2009 in preparation for 2012 ibox over $2,000 worth of us will close to $2,000 worth of seeds sprouting seeds in 5 gallon buckets what are you going to do with him most of them will not Sprout now so anyway we take some and put them in containers and saturated for 24 to 48 hours and see what happens we do that and Ours cabinet it’s called a sprouting testing cabinet that cabinet has a crock pot in there and the heat from the crock pot along with the LED lamp which doesn’t put out much but it puts out enough heat 80 to 90 degree Heat where are any seeds that you put in there which is where I do one seated a trial and error and then also I do the start of the sprouting seed procedure that winds up on the brasses lazy porch card and then from there it goes after it sprouts if it sprouts Even If It Don’t Spray it goes to feed the chickens that’s one way to reduce cost of feeding chickens is buy sprouting it and when it’s crowded the volume is increased just like growing a plant from seed and if the volume is big enough that it reduced the cost feeding the chickens of course I guess you could hang a dead animal or rodent from a string in the middle of wherever your chickens are hanging down far enough for them to jump up and grab the Flies and maggots which are a good source of protein for them and of course that goes to your eggs or chickens wow you didn’t know all that crap today it kind of disgust you to know where your eggs really come from they come from things growing in the ground things going on the ground things growing on plants and from things flying in the air it also comes from things that died in any of those categories and came in including the human species or cow species are animal species you name it chickens are great for doing that they can help you exceptionally in just about every area now I saw on a website not a website for the YouTube thing about snakes yes they say kill all the snakes because you I thought frogs I’ve got a ditch in the front and I’ve got two to three ponds with two to three the way I say 3 is because it’s smaller in the back where water comes through them all and there’s lots of frogs and frogs eat mosquitoes frogs eat spiders frogs eat just about anything and text you name it but snakes that grab a rat and they sit around for a month and going to like I’m digesting this thing while frogs they get it every day they’re feeding all day long all the things that can harm you and your kids and I got that from Don z51 I think is his name on YouTube thanks.
Dont hang up/leave around dead things, expecting maggots for chicken feed. Some guy did that, and the entire flock died. As it turned out, the maggots ate from the intestines, and the chickens got botulism from intestinal flora which the maggots consumed. They performed autopsies and found this out.
And third I think that if you’re in the stock market or still in there a sell tomorrow afternoon because it’s going up oh gosh I like it when I’m wrong I learned so much
And this fourth entries for you George or as business-wise this is my suggestion piano it’s not mandatory but couldn’t take it or leave it what I would do is in the comment section I would require a $1 a year fee to be able to go into the comment section so we have two different fees we have the $1 a year or anybody to go into the comments section past a certain date and then you have your $40 fee 4 the people know mix so 4801 or 1 the 40 I mean it’s like oh gosh the chickens are going to go over there where that $1 stuff is because there’s not too many rules over there and ask over there any cheaper and there’s less was going to you know and in for the more adventurous chickadees Dayton banking go to people economics for 40 bucks a year I just reread what I put up there and it doesn’t make any sense but I’m going to post it anyway maybe you can make some sense out of it what I’m saying is you have your $40 a year program entice the billions of people for $1 a year just to get them into the door of your $40 and your program have a good day George may all beings be lovingly fulfilled so be it oh and yeah I did like that Daisy Mae picture you posted the other day tell her that I say a okay
Here’s the New Concept $1 to read the comments a year and $1 to post comments for year we got him coming and going now
I learned the cost of that MOAB yesterday; they’re $341 million each! Talk about “bang for the buck”!
Actually . . . $170K according to these sites:
They couldn’t fly that thing from the deserts of the US to the deserts of Ghanistan for 170K. The hourly cost to keep a C130 up has to be 10k+. DOD accounting is wacky. It’s not like real world double entry stuff.
Program cost 314 mill/23 units = …..
Unit cost also doesn’t take into account the cost of delivery….
Or the overhead to move it from here to there…
or targeting.
In most accounting settings R&D is separately capitalized…just sayin. The $170k is the n’th unit price
not many comments on ure website any more….sad, HUGELY… not many readers? Guess they don’t like your support of the Trumpet. What a stodgy,contrary old fart you have become. Very, very pathetic.