Coping: With What Kind of Money?

Our last mental enema of the week as we try to keep the unconventional UrbanSurvival mentality is to upload another cup of liquid speed and ponder that which the zombies (programmed by the Collapsing News Networks) are too stupid  – or too busy trying to get laid on Tinder – to figure out.

First let me explain a few facts of life that get the short-shrift in public education.


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In  other words, if you have a LOT of money, then you can have a lot of servants.  And all the toys on earth.  I speak this as a graduate of American Success University where the course offerings consisted of fast women, sailboats, Porsches, an airplane of your own and so on.

Without money?  None of it happens.

When you are trying to get hooked up on line, there is a simple, easy to use formula:  Lie and pretend to be rich.  Men and women (and lately other) are all looking for the Sugar Daddy, Sugar Momma,, or Sugar Other, so they don’t have to work to eat and not sleep in the park.

Money is something you gotta have and anyone who gets up on the moral soap box needs has a cranial impaction in the Charmin zone.


This a really difficult thing to wrap the old nog around.

But it goes something like this:

Money’s historical role has been as a STOREHOUSE OF VALUE.

Until, that is, the moneychangers who were “chased out of the Temple” in the Biblical accounts, figured out that the road to domination of their bankster leech class was to convince people that paper is as good as tangle valuables.

Tangibles?  Sure:  Food, cattle on the hoof, land that is deeded (so the Sheriff will kick trespassers out), and oh yeah – silver and gold.

These later are “precious” for a list of reasons that are both chemical (within the Platinum, Gold, Metals) for things like catalyzing reactions and in the case of silver while it does fine in photography, it is also key in electronics and increasingly antibacterial applications and medicine.  Look up monatomic gold sometime.

Run out of the Temple a few thousand back, the slow-motion scam has been to convince the populace that “paper is as good as gold or silver.”  Which it is not and which is proven by counterfeiters and ID thieves daily,

Worse, after getting kicked out of the Temple, the money-changers have been looking for a new place to set up shop and they’ve found it inside computers.

The notion here is provably workable because the bankster class has been enjoying the profits of online banking for years.

Here in the Outback, though, where life is slow and thinking faster, we observe the Great Rollover of Money that is in play.

Step 1.  There were only fungibles:  Cattle on the hoof, grains, and demonstrably precious metals for jewelry and medical/scientific uses.

Step 2.  Was to introduce a piece of paper (made up or “fiat” currency (a scrip accepted by officialdom) but lie to people about the “convertibility of paper back to silver…”  And thus, the US had the Silver Certificate and anyone could take such paper into a local Federal Reserve Bank and exchange it for some measure of silver.

Conspiracy theorists imagine all sorts of things about the assassination of President Kennedy.  But to me the most credible reason for his pointed removal from office was the Fed’s plans to  end the convertibility of Silver Certificates and their replacement with “Federal Reserve Notes.”

As Wikipedia notes on point:

Silver certificates are a type of representative money issued between 1878 and 1964 in the United States as part of its circulation of paper currency.[1] They were produced in response to silver agitation by citizens who were angered by the Fourth Coinage Act, which had effectively placed the United States on a gold standard.[2] The certificates were initially redeemable for their face value of silver dollar coins and later (for one year – 24 June 1967 to 24 June 1968) in raw silver bullion.

We don’t need to rehash the Kennedy killing, but we do need to acknowledge that the most powerful force in the Universe (Money) wanted out of convertibility on demand.  And they got their way.

Still, that didn’t make bankers stupid rich.  That would need?

Step 4:  Unlimited creation of “paper money.”  As noted, we have seen this in the monumental clusterf**k called the Federal Debt.  Essentially, the coopted Congress abdicated to banksters in the last Depression.  Corporate law’s crooked seeds were sown and today we suffer the fallout through rulings like Citizens United.

Step 5.   This was a no -brainer.  With computers and online, it was no time at all before computers were further nationalizing money to make it even more of an abstraction that it was on its face when the convertibility was ended.

Step 6 – and this is where the Greatest Fools may be found:  Taking notional (paper money) and turning notional PAPER into notional ELECTRONIC “money.”

Step 7 is what lays ahead – and it’s why our recent outlook on the side, in which we rehashed and test-fitted events of the English Civil Wars (See Charles 1, Cromwell, et al.) with present-day happenings.

The progression is clear:  In the coming Second Depression, the government will DEMAND and REQUIRE that all financial transactions take place ONLINE lest those criminal users of cash (e.g. fungible assets) for the past 10,000 years, instigate an uprising to challenge the bankster scree.

What happens then, when the People on Top can dictate the lives of the People on the Bottom, is you have finally achieved corporate feudalism.

Yowza, yowza we’s all woikin for de Man!

So if you plan on being an UrbanSurvivalist, there are only three things you need to track:

  1. The progressive hollowing out and removal from autonomous use of “money.”
  2. The progressive victimization mentality upon which the co-conspiring media base false claims of the need for gun control.  It keeps the down-trodden, well, down.
  3. And last, but not least, try to see the assertion of transgenderism as a new “right” as only a stepping stone to Transhumanism.  (That’s the blending of humans and machines.  It’s let’s “Condition the herd up a bit” by running through gender morphing and such..” It will make machine-merging almost seem “normal.”

Final Free Thought

This one has been bothering me.

I don’t care if you’re a person of faith, a person of science, or like us,  understand there’s a long-term merger going on over in those Realms too.,.

Point?  I have awakened a couple of times this week with what I can only call an intrinsic knowing that the Bible is (old testament) largely a retelling of a civilization before the present run.

See the Vimanas – the ancient flying machines of the Jain Texts.

Bring me to a discussion I need to hae with Chris Tyreman up at – where the original (Aramahic and other) lingo’ed words of ancient tests are slowly being retranslated.

Take their rework of Daniel V27, for example:

v27 And the sovereign, (Emperor Hadrian) ongoing, toward many shall invade. And the invaders arrows shall slaughter complete family lineages. And that which goes before (them) as a standard; wings (the Roman eagle). Detestable (to him) is that name of those (being slaughtered) and unto (that name) an end…”

Anglicized and put into current newswriting parlance it conjures up something like this:

“And the Sovereign will invade.

“The invaders (arrows) missiles shall slaughter family lineages. “

And it all seems to reduce in many ways to the work of G.A. (Stu) Stewart over at The Age of Desolation has a new book (out shortly) from his site which is called Nostradamus: The Third Age of Mars.  (Note to Stu:  Send review copy!!!)

Maybe it’s because I’m aging (dang) or maybe I’m just seeing it clearer:  Many paths converging…but no peaceful way into that post-convergence future is in sight.  Because there isn’t one or because we’re too fascinated with the doom porn to get it.

Yet depletion never sleeps.  And the burning of Damascus?  How soon is that?

There’s a part in the Chronicle Project work where the Garden of Eden is described as guarded by what sound like laser-sword packing robots.

But the haunting question seems now whether the warning not to “eat from the Tree of Knowledge” was a coded messages to future generations:

Something like  Don’t do networking.  Runaway information is bad, very bad.  Life-ending.  See how Babel worked out?

Was Eve from Cupertino?  Home many Tinder young things are?

Time to compile and run:

Is the Old Testament a Michelin Guide to how the previous civilization blew up?  And to the degree it may be, how much of the grand replay of human folly can we sketch in on the fair chance we’re going down the same path now?

Screw it.  Deep philosophical questions like this can wait for Monday.

If you see bright flashes, it didn’t wait.

Have a fine weekend. Write when you get rich, and goggles for the Fall?

8 thoughts on “Coping: With What Kind of Money?”

  1. You have slipped over the edge into the profound. Some recent woo-woo sources claim that during the history of this Universe, many other planets have raised up sentient bipeds that passed through long aggressive periods and most did not make it past self-destruction. We do seem to be facing that ourselves. I’m not ready to bet on success.

  2. ‘One day at the time,’ that’s what I think; I may not be here tomorrow!? Thou I live five minutes away from “the crossroads of the world” I never know what is going on there, unless I happen to be there. I don’t even know what’s going on in (my ;)) building, unless the doorman tells me so. I’m living there already happily for more than halve a century. All I wish is to finally go w/o pain. GU has a business to attend to — God bless him! He’s doing a great job.

  3. George,

    Thank you sir, for the mention and attention; I have been so busy lately at the job that pays and working on Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars that I feel like I have been living in a cave.

    I read your column today and it touched every base I have been thinking about lately.

    You know, in May of 2004, The Age of Desolation took a drastic change after I had dinner one night with Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the 6th man to walk on the Moon. It was at a banquet for many famous astronauts and cosmonauts. Doing what I do now and having worked on everything from the space shuttle and the SR-71, and points in between, for me it was like having drinks and dinner with Columbus and Magellan… “So, how was that voyage across the ocean…”

    From the source, you get to hear that the world is not flat. I do not think twice about the reality of extraterrestrials, I accept it as a given. So, when Dr. Mitchell and I began talking about that as a matter-of-fact, it was interesting to watch the reactions on the faces of other people at the table. I think we opened up some eyes that night.

    And then we discussed reverse-engineering, and the bad hombres in control of the technology. He told all of us it “kept him up at night”. Later, I had discovered that he was talking about this on Art Bell’s Show back in the 90s.

    Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars, page 270
    The most important question I asked myself that night in 2004 on the way home was a variation of Gene Roddenberry’s Star Trek Prime Directive.

    “Why would an advanced extraterrestrial species, obviously in command of such basic scientific principles as observation and measurement, give highly advanced and deadly technology to an inferior species with a propensity to kill, enslave other members of its species, and at the same time destroy its environment?”

    That is the multimillion-dollar question to ask people who believe that extraterrestrials are helping humanity reverse-engineer alien technology. I now consider this aspect of the Extraterrestrial/UFO Phenomenon a red herring. The only question that needs answering is spiritual intent. We have several thousand years of scriptures specifically warning us about deceptive beings.

    In the 1960s, a 20th century human being, Gene Roddenberry, had the good-sense to write into the Star Trek mythos that giving deadly technology to an inferior species violated the highest moral code of a space exploring species. Readers should think about that!

    In 1965, did Gene Rodenberry stand on higher moral ground than the extraterrestrials supposedly giving humanity ray guns and spaceships?

    So, it comes back to deciphering our recorded history, just like Chris Tyreman at is trying to do. I feel the pain just trying to make sense of Nostradamus’ conglomeration of Old French and Latin.

    We have a hidden history. Why I Enoch was left out of The Old Testament, we’ll never know. It certainly explains a great deal about a Heavenly Rebellion and humanity’s place in that rebellion.

    And then when you are done with recognized Judeo-Christian texts, you can move over to the Gnostic Christian bookshelf and make sense of the Nag Hammadi texts, and universal overlords of reality,The Archons.

    When I realized that The Apocalypse, The End of Days, The Kali Yuga, Ragnarök, whatever you choose to call World War III, are all about the continuation, or should I say final ending to a “Heavenly War”, I was astounded. Ragnarök literally means The Final Destiny of the Gods.

    These facts alone took five chapters in Nostradamus and the Age of Desolation to explain, because it is there in Nostradamus’ work too… And perhaps a very important message will be delivered to the world just before TEOTWAWKI.

    What is it all about? I’ve added one more fungible to Step 1.

    Step 1. There were only fungibles: FREE HUMAN LABOR-SLAVERY-FEUDALISM, Humans on the hoof, Cattle on the hoof, grains, and demonstrably precious metals for jewelry and medical/scientific uses.

    Sometimes I think you and I are on the same data bus.

    • God .. I don’t know if I should talk about this or not.
      Even though it happened such a long time ago.
      But yes from what I have been told I personally and firmly believe we have been visited for reasons I feel I cannot discuss in the past.
      What I think though is that there is usually a pretty good reason why that information isn’t being shared to the general public.. ignorance is bliss in my mind’s eye and my curiosity has been satisfied. maybe we really don’t want to know the truth and or hidden agenda’s.

      But looking at all the proof and disclosure given from other countries it’s a pretty common belief.
      My aquaintance Bill Birnes can give a pretty convincing argument on the subject of being visited by extraterrestrials he has published many books and magazines and has hosted several shows on the subject.

  4. As a bottom feeder. We already are working for the man. Dictated by those in power. Again take energy costs the rise in one utility was small but actually affected wages by seven cents an hour. Of course a small employer had the same increase. If he did the right thing and increased wages reflecting the minor increase he would have to increase income by around fifty grand a year. Instead he is bound by market and has to reduce his expenditures to compensate for his increase.
    This ultimately forces those in his employ are forced to seek out those funds via a new job more work hours or a social program.
    The other thing is making all transactions via electonic needs. I think it already is.. most people don’t keep their cash in the mattress.(although those that experienced the last depression did keep some )
    Most of us keep our funds in a bank or securities.
    Nothing more than a piece of paper. That’s how old Bernie got away with it.
    A changing electonic number.
    During the last depression people put money in a bank and the banks folded. Then congress passed that law a couple years ago allowing foreign countries to buy and invest in property and companies. From grain buying and shipping to meat packing plants ranches and the mortgage lending.. didn’t the USA sell ports of entry and toll roads a while back.
    Weakening our country.
    What are the consequences for the actions of those lawmakers being driven and controlled by the puppet masters.
    I think it’s highly possible that we have already been sold down the river.
    I think about a magic act.
    Watch the left hand so you don’t know what the right hand is doing a few flashes of light some smoke and mirrors and our attention is drawn away from what’s really going on.

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