Commies, Crooks, Crazies, and Collapse

Usability Note: If you see a strange symbol at the start of this morning’s post, I’ve installed a “voting system” to let you voice easy Likes or Dislikes of our reports.  If it gets too negative, we will abandon it (UrbanSurvival is a digital dictatorship).  But feedback is useful.

Who’s at the Wheel?

Commies first:  We have been telling you for some months now that China would likely move ahead with a “gunpoint reunification” of Taiwan in short order.

The problem is not so much IF – only a matter of WHEN.

  • Favoring late this month:  Additional weapons systems for Taiwan take time to deliver, set-up, and train on.
  • Favoring next Spring:  “Mets and Weps.”  Meteorology says winter storms in the Straits will be over.  Weapons in China – which is beefing up on “Drone Power” – will number tens of thousands more.
  • Politics Favoring Now:  China can read (flailing idiot) Joe Biden poll numbers as well as you can.
  • Politics Favoring Later:  China has power and internal “management issues” to address in the short-term. Lights on is nice.

How does it get decided?

The Asian mind is definitely cunning:  Sun Tzu’s Art of War is one of two extremely astute books on the conduct of warfare.  The other is Von Clausewitz’s On War which is worth your time. Prussian’s don’t have a dog in this fight, however.

We’re squaring-off.  But most of America’s top-shelf commanders (Schwarzkopf, Austin, and Mad Dog Mattis, et al.) have been fallen by time or that Dirty War fought by the Fools on the Hill and in the foggiest of bottoms.

That’s the fifth column ultra-liberal politics of appeasement domestically, characterized by firing competent military commanders.  Raised to an artform by ex-prez Oh-god.

Which is why we have no southern Border presently. Now, add-in an idiot marionette at the helm, and Ms. Untested in waiting and we are where?  “Infiltration and Appeasement” – would make great battle lefty battle cries for the 2022 and 2024 election charades.

The budget-busting Dramacrats may be sell-outs to the reds.  But they serve a pretty-good Free Lunch.  America has unlimited hunger, too.  A national “eating and mental” disorder of high-levels.

In the meantime, China keeps the “Chips Choker Chain” tight.  Biden may be cognizant enough to realize, with no Taiwan, collapse just comes sooner.

Don’t panic as you read stories like China Sends Record Number of Military Aircraft Into Taiwan’s ADIZ | RealClearDefense.

Our view is this is a “shaping operation” as well as a test. Picture China’s mood today:  “Let’s see if anyone does anything, shall we?”  As no one is, at least yet, we expect  down start to the week, but we’re expecting lower before month’s end in markets.

Because besides the “chips choker” China’s able to squeeze our bond market, being a massive holder.


Having dispensed with the Commies and Chips, we can now move on to the Blatant Crookery.

Not sure if it’s a word, but “crookery” is an act (to our way of thinking) that may not be precisely illegal.  But, it should be because it’s?  Crooked. Or looks that way.

Example: Fed Vice Chair Clarida Traded Millions One Day Before Powell Emergency Pandemic Statement | ZeroHedge.  Which leads naturally, in turn, to stories like Wall Street’s wild party in jeopardy as Fed threatens aid cutoff – POLITICO.

As you  can see, things are spiraling a bit.  We may have to increase the odds a bit on our outlook that Sleepy won’t reappoint Jerry.  Mutually assured destruction stand-offs are always fun to watch.  Jerry  can kill markets.  Sleepy holds the “resume and history card” over Jer.

Since we suspect Sleepy is also dopey, the Fed is unchanged for now, but the answer to the appointment question may be dragged out for yet-to-be-disclosed reasons.  Sleepy’s likely to play for time.


Commies and Crooks noted, we can now review the spread of digital insanity.  Can you tell I read the first couple of chapters of Cal Newport’s book Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World Sunday afternoon?

Social Media (Big Tech) Coupe Update:  Facebook executive says it’s ‘ludicrous’ to blame Jan. 6 on social media (  I know, you’re thinking “Gee, why would he say THAT???”  Oh, because Ex-Facebook manager alleges social network fed Capitol riot (

Think:  Business Models, “I scratch your election, you scratch my Section 230 exemption…”  We’re beginning to see Socialists Media moguls and Big Tech raising the price Dramacrats will need to pay in 2022 to deliver (another) election.

America’s Digital Coup (the Clickerment) have reasons to worry:  Former president Trump is suing Twitter to force social media comeback. And it’s a global problem for Tech: China tightens political control of internet giants – ABC News (

How do stories like this happen?  In a story out of Scotland ‘Gender critical’ activist Marion Millar in court over ‘transphobic’ tweets ( Yes, getting hauled into court on what’s essentially a free speech issue.  See, in Scotland they don’t have free speech.  Instead, they have a Liberal Clickerment backed Section 127 of their 2003 Communications Act.

We Americans don’t, in my estimation, understand that free speech is like pregnancy.  It’s there, or it’s not.  No middle-ground exists. That’s what liberals just freakin hate.  They can pander to whatever causes and say whatever.,  But YOU?

You DO know what week this is?  Banned Books Week Celebrates Texts That Some Want To Censor : NPR.  And the very existence of banned books means that the Coward’s World is afraid of competing ideas.  God knows how things could get worse if the world was full of better ideas, right?  This one being perfect and all…

Deep Finance

Who, Me?” Go short via a leveraged index ETF on the manic Friday close?  Why would I do THAT?”

(Answer:  Lunch Money!!!)  To understand, here’s where I THINK we are since the Labor Day All-Time Highs:  (Based on 6 AM CDT futures)

Which – when the lunch money comes off the table today, I’ll be going directly to cash.

Seeing Future? Hedge

Assuming I get a few cents for lunch today, I may NOT play what MIGHT (and that’s not trading advice!) the C Wave up.  Even though we have targets for it, the current mood of markets has been ADHD.  Can’t stay on task.  All this left field crap going on.  Like the China-Taiwan picture. Or that volcano holding Florida’s future, potentially.  New variant to be released come?

Take money and watch from the bleachers for a while.  Implementing   Thoreau Economics for a while.  Which is?  Best with an example:

“We had plenty for dinner last night and the time and stress of trading won’t change how we eat and drink, so WTF on the more work, right?”

I’ve always been struck by the relationship of “Thoreauan Economics” to the Collapse of Complex Societies thesis by Joseph Tainter.

Rereading of Thoreau in the present era is useful.  Because when he wrote Walden Pond (back in 1837) America was in a Depression.  There’s some nice rhymony to it.  Brain expansion click:  Thoreau’s Life | The Thoreau Society.

Back to Markets

Factory Orders data is due at 10 AM Eastern. Also some treasury action due.

Tomorrow yields international trade – which given the labor and rail screwups in L.A. may take a hit.

On the crypto front, BTC $47,427 when I looked. Helium!  And not to go off on the ignorance (let alone honesty) of coinsters, but am I the only one who can read? Last week I read where China’s answer to crypto is the digital yuan — Quartz.

Which leaves us wondering who is in an alt. [economic] universe?  China or headlines like…China ban will not hamper cryptocurrency (

We’re guided by a number of sayings and caveats (SnCs) squeezed from almost 73 years of confusion and looking at finance much of that:

  • You can’t con and honest man.  (Except in Presidential years.)
  • Bitcoin has zero intrinsic value.  Except to coiners.
  • Beware specious or competing claims.
  • Truth too often repeated reveals a lie.

We jump to the crypto media where headlines tell the tale. China’s Ban Made Bitcoin Even Stronger, Says Edward Snowden (

Now maybe Snowden knows more than me, but if the government of the Biggest Country on Earth is rolling to a digital Yuan and banning competing private financial schemes, you sure you want to bet against CHINA?  (And eventually the U.S. Fed?).  Not sure of Snowden’s righteousness…

And no. Not ANY government has an appreciable incentive to allow any conversion from competing digital hash schemes.

Speaking of “Let’s Pretend” economies:  Venezuela introduces new currency with 6 fewer zeros (  Whee!!!!

Climate Follies

People who are hunkering down, buying coal, and predicting a return of the Ice Sheets, may have missed it, but here we go again.

South Pole posts most severe cold season on record, an anomaly in a warming world | The Seattle Times.”

We’d offer there’s another possibility besides “in a warming world”. Maybe the Seattle Times could climb off the Climate Wagon and NOT claim it’s a “warming world.”  Unless also mentioning it’s been warming for 10-thousand years and according to Thoreauan Economics the whole climate scham is just a way to keep 7.7 billion people paying taxes for repetitive fails of human “bleedership.”

On the other hand, at a macro Solar level, the Times wording is for now coincidentally correct:

In terms of prepping?  Crop “blooms” are more plentiful at the solar peak (very broadly).  The stalk crops do better in cool.  The tomato versus the lettuce.  Famine in 2028 but that will be after the nukes, famine is lingering out there.

Well, and here lately everything versus the Supply Chain: On-time cargo ships drop to 10% as supply chains struggle: IHS Markit (

Ure’s obvious solution:  Grow food at home.  Stay at home.  Cut out all the middlemen you can!

ATR:  Fall Dinners Arrive

Although we are still a month from Daylight time ending, I’m starting to cook like late fall, just to “tune-up” a bit.

Around here, summer is Rolling Rock, salad, and steak (or other meat) BBQed.

But, last time with double-teamed the kitchen with scalloped potatoes and a delightful chicken Piccata con limon.  (And don’t skimp on the tarragon!)

People who don’t live out “on the land” at all, don’t need to think about seasonal diet issues.  But outdoor people (e.g. the real jobs) do think about it now and then.

I’m not saying that salads disappear in the fall.  But I will tell you the best time to lose weight is in summer – or whatever time of year you’re not to inclined to eat as much.  Excessive heat just kills my appetite.  When it gets cold?  Bring on the comfort food!

Write when you get rich full,

75 thoughts on “Commies, Crooks, Crazies, and Collapse”

  1. George

    It’s a new month and the coffee has run out as usual so I switched to Earl Grey in desperation.
    With that said, the little grey cells may not be hitting on all eight cylinders this morning.
    So here we go.

    I agree with you Mr. Ute that when Bit Coin mining ends the coin will have a disruption. But for now let’s put that issue aside.

    The Federal Reserve note we call money is a fiat instrument. It is essentially Vaporware as it is backed by nothing

    Bit Coin is also Vaporware as it is backed by nothing and only is of interests by humans by mutual agreement.

    Other than the Gov saying use Fed Notes or else I see not much if any difference. As both are now computer entries with cash being discouraged.

    When the Petro Dollar dies Bit Coin may offer some utility as it will survive where ever in the world electricity is available.

    What comes after the Great Financial Realignment no one can say especially me with no coffee to fuel the little grey cells.

    I welcome your input Sir on how this may play out!

    • Thanks for the link. What amazes me most about the entire covid con is not that a very small group of people have profited hugely from the vaxx, or that a very small group of people have been pushing a huge depop program – those are things that any of could have guessed at based on previous behavior of a small cabal of criminals.

      No, the real surprise is that the evidence to understand the con from day one has always been there. I have family and friends who like myself, figured out the entire scam in early March 2020. None of us are scientists or doctors – just good dot connectors without any professional incentive to want to hide the real story. Even after a year and a half since the scam began in earnest, we still have tens of millions of Americans who cannot see a scam so obvious that I would think you would have to try not to see it. Truly, the elephant in the room.

      Oh well, PT Barnum was correct. Like many scams, the evidence is hidden in plain sight. We still have people wearing masks, locking themselves in their homes, and taking a deadly vaxx. Leaves one speechless that humanity completely lost its intuitive abilities.

      • And, supposedly, the best educated generation to ever walk the planet! I thank God I didn’t get a degree because all I ever saw was wasteland of conformity to make a living. Had I gone through the colleges of my parents’ generation I’d have loved to gone through a geology course but all they had to offer at the college I went to for a time was indoctrination – and this was in the 70s.

        Clif’s latest interview with Greg Hunter says we’re in Red October now and this week is one of rising tension with the 24th through the 28th being release dates but, otherwise, a month of real troubles beginning.

      • Stephen, I’m still wondering how those who don’t trust the jab will be able to avoid it as it seems eventually they will cut off our ability to transact Business. Especially if tptb cut off interstate travel with your papers please checkpoints, thus curtailing any exodus to a red state more protective against medical tyranny v

      • For the campers in the group of commenters I love to make a high pressure camp stove out of the supply inlets and a cat food can LOL…and a pop bottle and the bottom of a
        #10 can…. small flow valve and the wicking.. easy to make..
        below is the kind I make.. but the top video pretty much explains what fuels it.. in the cat food jet can.. or you could use a soda can.. take your quarter inch copper pipe that is in the service line and make a coil.. in the service line put your wick that goes into the end of the service line.. coil it pinch off the end and drill a small hole on top towards the top of the pop bottom.. drill small holes around the pop bottom as your jet.. the pop bottle feeds into the service line with a control valve on it..
        pretty simple and easy to make.. hardest part is making the small coil.. by heating up the cat food or pop can vaporizes the alcohol the coper pipe is the gas expansion chamber..
        mantle lanterns work the same way and also just as easy to make..


        he didn’t put a coil in the pop can.. which surprises me.. but a good video on how to make it..or jb weld for the seams.. I put a small flow control valve similar to what you use for an ice maker by the supply side.. that way I can adjust the size of the flame.. the same for a lamp.. put the flow valve at the bottom with the wick going to it then make the loop to create the pressure..

  2. My local ( non-corp owned) newspaper has the thumbs up or down under each feedback poster, interesting to say the least, one ping, one ping only, ya can’t give multiple thumbs up or down to someone ya disagree with.
    A little Red October humor

    back to politics, I see someones could be cooperating with Durham. here’s the headline:
    Kash Patel: Peter Strzok and Lisa Page Are Cooperating with John Durham #LoveBirds

    but Q posted back in 4/27/2018
    Bill Priestap, Head of Counterintelligence and Strzok’s boss – Cooperating witness [power removed].
    Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence – cooperating witness [power removed].
    Lisa Page, attorney with the FBI’s Office of the General Counsel – cooperating witness [power removed]

    Q also mentioned in that posting, that McCabe and Comey as targets,, so did the Gateway article,,, just saying , ya know

    They call me: Maytag, cause I am a hell of an agitator. Got to keep the lefties stirred up to throw them out with the wash water. They hate all things Q and they hate all things Trump, they hate US

  3. I don’t like thread ratings.

    You currently have 28 positive and one negative. Is that negative a commentary on you, or on the information you proffered, or on the way it was presented? I don’t know, and neither do you.

    It’s just more mental clutter…

    • Comrades,

      Two thumbs up for ratings on posted comments.

      Imagine, under a new blog readership loyalty program, one could redeem likes for ‘Urban swag, and dislikes for the latest in-fashion proletarianisms. Of course each if the dichotomies will offer sequential award levels that members can aspire to. Zeus will be powering up the 3D printer asap for Mr. Ure’s ready to rock & roll marketing department to hit the ground running.

    • I agree Ray…
      Most have those..what’s funny is i think google etc. Wants it for marketing sake..what gets me is the polls can be anything you want for a few bucks..and doesn’t have to be from the owner of the site..
      I watched someone buy ten thousand likes for under a hundred dollars..of course that was a while ago..

  4. RE: China

    It occurs to me that China recently banned coal imports from Australia, and doubled coal imports from Mongilia, while also boosting domestic coal production. This has the effect of securing Chinese coal supplies from risks associated with seaborne transport from hostile (well, “not friendly”) nations.

    They also banned crypto mining, which is particularly energy intensive. Bitcoin mining used 1.1 percent of China’s electricity in 2020. Coal produced 57 percent of China’s electricity in 2020. Thus, banning crypto mining saves coal. Lots of coal.

    And they continue to build coal power plants at the rate of about one per week.

    And now they are having mysterious blackouts. Idling factories (including food production) blaming low supplies of coal. This doesn’t compute.

    They have cloaked this in a “green mantle” with some rubbish about reducing emissions, but the reality is that they are stockpiling coal by curtailing consumption while securing supplies.

    I fear that the real reason is more sinister: They are planning a move, possibly against Taiwan, and want to limit the international fallout.

    • Interesting. Mining crypto makes sense in the winter if you’ll be heating with electricity anyway. More so if solar. Yes, electricity isn’t the greenest way to go due to transmission losses, but coal is most efficient in large stationary plants.

      I’m not convinced that Taiwan is the only goal in China’s sights.

    • no savings coal – btc miners usually operate on the margins – buying and using excess/leftover/unusable electricity that would normally go to waste. these guys are smart cookies after all – they have been mining bitcoin (scarce, and highly valuable) while rest of Ure world been “mining” Zeros and Ones for fiat/ script.

      Sinister no doubt, just ask the soon to be NCDU
      (new coolies down under)

  5. “free speech”

    A lot of people voted for Little Bush a second time, Free Speech Zones and all. People don’t want free speech. Most people don’t know what they want.

    Think radio. The audience, “We want new songs, variety not repetition.” The radio station changes the playlist. The audience, “The radio station no longer plays my favorite songs.”

    Trump suing Twitter again. Toward the end of the week recycle some of the same questions from 1 year ago. ‘Gee, why doesn’t Trump switch to Parlor?’

  6. A brief comment on the book “The Art Of War” I have read both the Liddel Hart translation and the James Clavell translation. I preferred the James Clavell translation.

    The publisher of the James Clavell print version used a bigger font for the footnotes. With the digital age it doesn’t matter as much but if you buy the book version the footnotes make for tougher reading if the font is too small. In simple terms James Clavell’s publisher realized that the footnotes notes are important and made them accessible without a magnifying glass.

    My suggestion is, buy the digital version of The Art of War and set whatever font size you want.

    • favorite quote from The Art of War, “To fight and conquer in all your battles is not with supreme excellency. Supreme Excellency is to defeat your enemy without fighting.” coupled with MLK quote: “Love is the only way to turn an enemy into a friend.”

      all sales is the just like fishing. You set the hook, feed them line, then when they are tired enough??? you reel them in. same with battle. its the rope business. I find it is best to let people hang themselves. be it in sales or anything else. You give them enough ego strokes, over and over and over, let them be smarter, more everything. when they have enough rope? and it ends up. Ya see. im only 208 lbs, but i can push 400lb on bench and dead lift 585lbs. I dont look like a threat at all. Just skinny dude with a white beard. no threat at all. but if you are out of line like a fella was on saturday, dropping his drawers in my office as he was tucking in his shirt with a lady present applying for a job? well he found out real quick, I’m a lot stronger than i look like and he met the hedge outside. kinda funny George, I used to go by the handle zero and i toss people in the hedge, zero hedge. LOL it was a bush before someone came and trimmed it down to a hedge. LOL

      I am for giving people many chances.. but somethings, you don’t do. I’m not the only source of employment in this town. hope the best for him. sometimes tossing someone out of your office and in to the hedge? is loving them and one day who knows, we may be friends. i just look at it as business. and business is business. I don’t take that stuff personal. $43.11 an hour prevailing wage, flagging job or being tossed outside my office head first into the hedge. For most people this is a no brainer. I was as surprised as you are.

      my sales strategy is simple: push (but not two hard,) just enough for them to push back. when they push back? don’t resist, and they come right to you. and next thing you know, your doing the money dance together.

      you want them to come towards you not walk away. closed the deal last week on staffing security for the Seattle Kraken. I had one of my own people tell me this morning what i tell them all, when he found out. Get that Money!

      to wit I replied, Yes! 1000%

      love it.

      ya have a good day. I already am.

      Iam truly blessed and Highly Fortunate! it is my hope that you are as well.

  7. I like a good Thumbs up/down option, but what are we approving/disapproving?

    China is positioning itself for future conflict. One thing that always has to be done for large action is to prepare the minds of the people. The people have to WANT to suffer for the good of the country. In this case, China has been busy with a huge propaganda effort to prepare with direct military conflict with the United States and the ‘West’ for some time.

    You want problems? We got ’em!

  8. As of thirty minutes ago my U.S. Aggregate index crossed the 1000 point mark below it’s 85 day MA. I am out of my three ‘puts’ this morning. Did rather well.

    Didn’t China initiate a test run on their digital currency in two major cities ? Haven’t heard anything about that in a few months.

  9. FYI: this just in, Facebook is down. Site crashed. LOL

    oh lawdy! its the end of the world! whatever shall we do?


      • you know the funny thing is George, about a month or so ago. I went through and deleted all my likes, comments and posts prior to that moment. I do that about every 2 weeks. I go back delete every comment and every like and all that. In the world of instant gratification and attention deficit disorder fueled by gobs and gobs of fluoride and chlorine flowing from the tap. nobody remembers what I liked or commented on from 2 weeks ago.

        Maybe Trump made an announcement. I only use Facebook, for business now. and picking up women. its hands down the best dating site there is. until they show up forgetting their selfie filter at home.

        hmmmmmm and maybe it was karmic reality check that needed to be cached. looked and saw their stock taking a dump.

        I’m sure more will be revealed. one thing about places like glp that i love. those imput junkies over there have a way of getting to the bottom of things. hahaha no doubt about that.

        see ya around old dude. there is money to be made. less talk more of that!

        • You will find my rationale in the book “Irresistable: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked.

          Sample: (Writing of Olds and Milner (who discovered the pleasure center of brain):

          “Their biggest discovery began modestly. Olds and Milner were trying to
          show that rats would run to the far end of their cages whenever an electric
          current zapped their tiny brains. The researchers implanted a small probe, which
          delivered a burst of electric current to each rat’s brain when the rat pressed a
          metal bar. To their surprise, instead of retreating, Rat No. 34 stubbornly
          scampered across his cage and pressed the bar over and over again. Rather than
          fearing the shocks as many other rats had done earlier, this rat hunted them
          down. The experimenters looked on as Rat No. 34 pushed the bar more than
          seven thousand times in twelve hours: once every five seconds without rest. Like
          an ultramarathon runner who deliriously refuses to stop for sustenance, the rat
          ignored a small trough of water and a tray of pellets. Sadly, he had eyes only for
          the bar. Twelve hours after the experiment began, Rat No. 34 was dead from
          At first, Olds and Milner were confused. If every other rat avoided the
          shocks, why would Rat No. 34 do the opposite? Perhaps there was something
          wrong with his brain. Milner was ready to try the experiment with a different rat
          when Olds made a bold suggestion. Olds had once crawled around to imagine
          life as a fruit fly, and now he tried his hand at reading the mind of a rat.
          Considering Rat No. 34’s behavior carefully, he became convinced that the rat
          was enjoying the shocks. It wasn’t that he was seeking out pain, but rather that
          the shocks felt good. “The genius of Jim Olds was that he was open-minded
          enough and crazy enough to think that the animal liked being shocked,” AstonJones said. “At the time, no one imagined that electrical stimulation in the brain
          could be pleasurable, but Olds was crazy enough to think the animal was having
          a good time.”
          So Olds investigated. He removed the probe from the rat’s brain and noticed
          that it was bent. “Olds had been aiming for the mid-brain, but the probe bent into
          the rat’s septum,” says Aston-Jones. A fraction of an inch made all the
          difference between delight and discomfort. Olds took to calling this area of the
          brain the “pleasure center,” a simplistic name that nonetheless…”

          And so, a few more “friendly shock bars” – not enough to offend, but I get use from it and readers get empowered (indirectly in this digital dictatorship) to have running input (or the illusion thereof).

      • The Art of War is mentioned above. I’d keep this in mind for the afternoon.

        What is the first casualty in battle? the plan.

        What is the first vector of physical attack? Isolation. Knock out the lights and comms.

        What I’m wondering is what’s going on, that would go differently – if millions of people weren’t suddenly unable to talk and coordinate?

        That’s some real power, turning off the comms for millions of people. This is playing like a movie plot right now. I’m sure it’s all coincidence, I mean fool me once, fool me 7wice ;)

      • ROTFLMFAO! George has got jokes! ha hahaha I spit my coffee out! F you old man! as I have a dozen fruitfly’s whirling around my office! Im not even joking! I will send ya a pic of them all of them sitting on my fricken coffee cup! ha hah ahahahahaha!

        Well played linguistics!!!!! Holy Cow! not alot of people got that kind of magic! I had to step outside and have a smoke after reading that!

        Damn Dude!!! that was good! really good! ha ha ha hah ahahahahah!

        ya know if memory serves me, when we had the blessing night, i distinclty remember the Shaman on the topic of Facebook saying, “F Facebook! Its a disease!” come to think of it.

        ha hahahahahaha

        im sending you a picture as soon as this posts. I took out the trash because there was 50 of them on it. I dont know where they came from. I am the office janitor, and I clean this place ready for inspection just like I was in the military. and i had at least 50 fricken fruit flies on my waist paper ben with on some paper in it.

        ha hahahahahaa.

        on the other node: ya know what, i sat in front of a TV that was on yesterday. big one. 70″ for first time in 10 months and 3 days. Some sitcom was on it. it was just on and someone was just doing their thing in the house while it was on. it was weird seeing a TV on with a show playing. I just dont have time to watch it. and it just is an odd device now when i took so much time away from it.

        only a half inch from pain to pleasure?

        thats what she said.

        ha ha ha! thanks man! i almost fell out of my chair. been a long time since someone worked some magic on me, like that. :)

      • come to think of it the other day You said to me George and I quote: “10-4”. So its probably Ure Fault Facebook went down. I’m over the whole fruit fly thing. Still, pretty funny shit, tho. :)

      • “What is the first casualty in battle? the plan.

        What is the first vector of physical attack? Isolation. Knock out the lights and comms.”

        Hmmm… Philistine you forgot..disrupt the supply lines..
        Our whole country’s existence is dependent on someplace else’s manufacturing capabilities and their distribution logistics.
        We push profit and control so that a few can retain their social status and keep everyone dependent.. this also shows our vulnerability and weakness.. cut the juice and we would be lost.. estimated 98% loss leaving them to walk in take control without a fight.. the other thing let us spend ourselves to bankruptcy..

  10. “Team Biden clings to reconciliation bill zero-cost claim shot down by Washington Post fact-checkers”

    It’s bad when Bezos tells them they’re wrong.

    Leftists have an uncanny way with numbers: They’re amazingly accurate when it comes to their net worth and A/L sheet, and staggeringly inaccurate with respect to cost, when spending other people’s money. I generally move the decimal point 2-places to the right whenever a Leftist makes a cost estimate…

  11. Here’s a personal example of what Ivermectin can do for you.

    I’ve had a sinus infection since about Wednesday this past week that just would NOT go away on the nasal cavity’s side that is usually clear. When it first hit it was like I’d inhaled a dust ball and the infection was fast and furious. I responded as soon as I could with sinus rinse with generic Listerine in it and it did knock it by about 90% but that last little bit lingered until Saturday when I could tell I had something. The tonsils were stirring as the infection increased in intensity but there really wasn’t that much drainage and nothing had reached my chest as yet. The wife and I had spent the day in town taking care of things so I had to just suffer through it until we got home. I was thinking about that left over bottle of Cefdinir (if you can ever get your hands on this – GO FOR IT but I think it’s been discontinued) but I thought MAY-be the horse paste may be a better option after all I’d heard about the Delta and how it starts. Long story short, I measured out a line of paste in a spoon for my weight range and also took another D3 at about 8pm. By the time 10:30 and bed time rolled around I was actually feeling better and by this morning I felt better than I had in a week or more. I did not expect the Ivermectin to work that fast on something that had had 4 or more days to root itself in my sinuses. If I have a relapse I’ll let you know.

  12. Would prefer a scale of 1-5 instead of thumbs-up, thumbs down. After all, the world is a variegated range of good, bad and everything in between — like 50 shades of grey!

  13. China is clearly preparing for War …. but I do not think they will move just yet … UNLESS chaos breaks out elsewhere that distracts the US and it’s ability to respond (though it is less than 50% odds imo that the US will militarily respond even if China moves though they may jump up and down and scream a LOT).

    Chaos breaks out elsewhere that ties up the US? China is going to be ready to POUNCE and POUNCE FAST.

    Everyday China is ramping up the Air Incursion pressure on Taiwan … which over time is going to be reducing Taiwan’s Air Force capabilities since for each hour one of their plane spend in the air that plane then requires massive amounts of maintenance time. Just the way the US has built it’s military fighter type aircraft for eons now. Intentionally!! HIGH MAINTENANCE machines. Give the Chinese another month of these ever increasing incursions and 1/2 of Taiwan’s Air Force will be “out of action” because of backlogged maintenance needs.

    (ie: That HIGH repair requirement of US built military aircraft gets back to MONEY MONEY MONEY for the airplane manufacturers … a nice annual guaranteed ANNUITY for the aircraft manufacturers in other words!! – one son an AF mechanic who works on Boeings, just rolls his eyes at what they pay Boeing for stuff that they could be doing in house but are not allowed to, so they don’t even have the machines in the shop that could do the work as a result. Either the part gets shipped out to Boeing to fix, during which time the plane stays grounded … or Boeing sends IT’S maintenance people to his AFB to do the fix, during which time the plane stays grounded. Why do you think we bought the Afghans RUSSIAN helicopters? Simple to fix!! NOT the high maintenance HOGS that US military helicopters are)

    By November … China will be ready, and the Taiwan AF will be in maintenance trouble, IF something happens to distract the US (Israel /Iran?)

    • Whenever it occurs and I don’t know who moves first I believe it will be in tandem with N Korea’s invasion of the south……..

  14. Ure such as stateist mighty miltary man.

    That is one hell of a fearless leader U got there Tex!
    Ure commander in chief & military will fold in face of conflit – USN ships that dont work, airfarce fighters that dont work , inferior EW/AEW ! not even close to Russian tech, Gen miley et al – hahahahaha – desk jocks at best. TOAST

    Thumbs down = Clownish

    POWER IS THE PEOPLES . Was LENT to this Satanic-false guberment!

    This is –
    the elites GREATEST FEAR – PEEPS coming together all around the World. This IS the PTB/reptilian overlords greatest Fear as well.
    Coming thru Ure misheave – feels like U – Fear the POWER OF THE PEOPLE as well. Whats a matta bunky – is not self determination is good thing?
    Shame, “another one bites the dust” – looks like they got U addicked to slavery-guvment.

    Got a Fork ?

  15. I think the U.S. is negotiating Taiwan with China over the $3,500,000,000,000.00 spending bill.

    The last spending bill gave-up Afghanistan and the bases. But because that wasn’t enough to pawn we got 25% inflation/currency dilution… and frankly less choice

    The $ stores are complaining but don’t forget the original $ stores… S.S. Kresge or F. W. Woolworth Company were the original five & dime store.

    A silver Roosevelt dime (1946 and 1964) is worth about $1.60/65ish. Today’s $ store will be a $1.60 store…. with some watered down stuff for .80 cents, but that’ll round up to $1.00.

  16. I recently spent 19 days in the hospital for covid. So I got a little more interested in the disease. Not to long ago I read India was in severe trouble from covid outbreaks. I just read where one province declared itself covid free. Does anybody know the true facts on the India outbreak and how it was handled.

    • The boxes contained Tylenol, vitamin c, zinc, D3, Ivermectin 12 mg, and Doxycycline. 5 day regimen reduced the disease 97% in a province containing 230mm people. Supposedly pfizer’s new wonder tablet contains mostly ivermectin pretty much a 10cent per tablet that in this concoction will cost?
      The Indian box cost $6.50 for the regimen.

  17. Shipyard says unvaxed will be fired on Nov 22nd. Contractors and all…

    Locally that is 49% of about 15000 people
    My source says Norfork is 85% unvaxed, Hawaii is 35% unvaxed
    So much for our countries defense ..
    It is one way to reduce federal spending though.
    Is there a plan they are not sharing with us little people?

    County health department is having an open zoom meeting Tuesday reviewing last weeks closed meeting topic with it’s citizens. They want to limit patrons of local businesses to the vaxed only. All grocery stores, theaters etc.. this is getting real interesting! Entertaining to say the least.

    I’m a brush painter. Dislike rollers
    Thank you for the tips Pathfinder. My house was built in 1901 before plumbing and wiring. This house can tell stories. Will try some of the decorative touches.

    Being a daily reader I appreciate the comments as much as Mr Ure’s reporting. I don’t comment often, today I seem to be on a roll so I will toss out some books I found worth listening to recently

    Betrayal of Trust, the Collapse of Global Public Health by Laurie Garrett

    The Buried Book, the Loss and Recovery of the Great Epic of Gilgamesh by David Damrosch

    Against the Grain, a Deep History of the Earliest States by James C Scott

  18. “add-in an idiot marionette at the helm, ”

    At the clinic today there was a huge sign.. if you need an interpreter please ask..

    I ask.. are you serious about the interpreters.. oh yes we are..
    Then could you get one that speaks congress… huh…
    Yes I need one that can speak Dumbass fluently…lol lol.. the whole reception area erupted in laughter lol lol guy says.. I gotta remember that one..

  19. “But most of America’s top-shelf commanders (Schwarzkopf, Austin, and Mad Dog Mattis, et al.) have been fallen by time or that Dirty War fought by the Fools on the Hill and in the foggiest of bottoms.”

    My fear is… if the idiots in office picked their replacements.. that we will find ourselves being led by LARRY, CURLEY AND MOE… or someone worse..
    May heaven help us..

  20. “Which is why we have no southern Border presently.,”

    Unfortunately.. from my perspective I’m afraid we don’t have a southern border because the kid and the night guy.. and the idiots in congress are…

  21. George, you are the first thing I read every day, You give the business. side, but the main reason I read you, and love the commenters is be cause you make us feel like family, You talk about your pretty wife, your a lucky man, and son George. Andy always makes me smile, (smile) I read kitco next to see how my one coin is doing, (smile) then Drudge, then zero hedge, then look at main stream news to see what the sheep are reading. If it is called a conspiracy theory, you better believe its true. Do really think. we landed on the moon in 1969, but have never been able to make it back since 1969. Filmed in the desert by Hollywood. But we beat the Russians, (smile). They call me Tim The kook, or crazy Tim, but people don’t mess with crazy people, that have tools and plenty of lead, I do not usually post stuff, on the web, I am old lost my wife of 30 years, this year and not the guy to mess with, I’m not getting on the bus because I do not have my vax passport, it will look like ruby ridge, or worse, this post will probably having them come to my place in the woods to haul me off, Don’t fucxk with some one that does not give a shxt. Love you George, e too, and all the regular posters, you always make my day, (smile). Love you all, Stock food, lead NOW, before they come for you, Tim

  22. plenty of penis sarking down under in the penal colony ozhole on ASX open !!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. my great mate cage rattler !! 25 years ago in bar and grill !!! fools . follow the 4 arrows of lenny d

  23. should be so careful here . but nah poisoned by that elliot garbage . please please short hard !!!!!!!! put gun at head with yep !! old yella !! had a gutfull boys !!!!!!!!!! here it comes . you know the cross trades . burn in hell !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Reprinted in its entirety from the WashTimes (because they threw up a paywall and pissed me off…)

    “Out of the daily spotlight and openly flirting with another White House bid, former President Donald Trump will return to Iowa Saturday with better favorability ratings than he ever saw while president,” says the Des Moines Register, which conducted the poll in question.

    “The latest Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll shows 53% of Iowans now have a favorable view of the former Republican president and 45% have an unfavorable view — his best showing ever on either metric in the Iowa Poll. Another 2% are not sure how they feel about Trump,” the Register said.

    “The numbers come as Trump begins to reengage with the state that is expected to kick off the 2024 presidential nominating process for Republicans. And they show favorable feelings for him have not waned in his absence,” the paper added.

    [redacted by ex ed to reasonable Fair use length. Sharks in suits, etc. sorry Ray.]

    53-37 in IOWA, and we’re two years from the start of the election cycle.

    IIRC Nixon won in 1972 in a (roughly) 61-39 landslide — the largest victory in modern US Presidential Election history.

    I’d like to take this opportunity to proffer three pools:

    1) Will Trump beat Nixon’s record?
    2) Will our resident never-Trumpers stroke out from apoplexy when he does?
    3) Will they absolutely lose their, well, you know, when he takes California?

    • “redacted by ex ed to reasonable Fair use length”

      Meh, that’s fine. By now, someone could run a googoo search using a dozen words of that writeup (enclosed in quotes) and locate the entire article.

      {Old information-sniffer trick…}

  25. “independent departures”

    Hundreds of Afghan refugees walk away from US military bases to parts unknown rather than complete resettlement process – report

    More than 700 Afghan refugees have reportedly left the American military bases where they were being hosted after being evacuated from their country, finding their own way in the US rather than awaiting resettlement services. More than 300 of the so-called “independent departures” have occurred at just one base – Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas – Reuters reported on Friday

    Texans: Keep your perimeter secure and your powder dry…

  26. Rising reports of ‘breakthrough infections’ scramble reopening plans, fuel vaccine skeptics

    Disney’s “Aladdin” shut down on Broadway just two nights into its long-awaited reopening, Harvard Business School moved its MBA classes online, and a State Department spokesman kicked off this week by saying he had to quarantine for 10 days. The common thread? Infections in people who have been vaccinated, which are being reported with increasing frequency and are complicating efforts to reopen society and promote the shots.

    NOT a vaccine, or this news item wouldn’t exist…

    • Ray, your posted article clearly states that (WA State location where population is 80% vaccinated)

      Unvaxxed, here are your odds:
      8X more likely to catch
      41X more likely to be hospitalized
      57X more likely to die

      Spin that wheel any harder Homer, well, some get it….some Duh not!

      • Really, Mr. Troll?

        Spin this: We, as a society, achieved “herd immunity” when ~65% of a local population became vaccinated or caught & survived the virus, remember?

        At this point in the State of Washington, there should be NO cases of COVID, because y’all are herd-immune…

        ‘Care to explain…?

  27. DOJ says Texas law illegally replaces women’s constitutional abortion right

    President Biden’s Justice Department argued before a federal judge Friday that a new Texas law banning abortions after a fetal heartbeat was discovered illegally supersedes women’s constitutional rights.

    I got this at

    but it’s up verbatim on about a hundred thousand sites.

    Please, someone, ANYONE, show me the word “abortion,” anywhere in the Constitution.

    The verbal dynamic of the “abortion debate” has been mis-applied, and “adjusted” to tweak the delivery in order to score the maximum number of points with the maximum number of (mostly female) voters.

    Why are those opposed to voluntary abortion called “pro life” but those in favor, not called “pro death?”

    Why has the subject of an abortion, the baby, been taken out of the discussion and replaced by the mother?

    Now, stop and think about this for a minute. A male donates a sperm cell; a female donates an egg cell. Once fertilization occurs, the cell-donors are “out of the loop.”

    The female hosts the zygote, while its cells multiply into a baby. She is the house, not the subject living at that address on a 270-day lease…

    Consistency and lack of bias — would that we could find such…

  28. Senate approves legislation to extend government surveillance powers

    The legislation reauthorizes the authorities included in the 2015 USA Freedom Act, which updated the 2001 Patriot Act. It includes a reauthorization of FISA’s Section 215, which allows law enforcement to collect “tangible things” in national security investigations, a roving wiretaps provision and a “lone wolf” provision.

    Who’da thunk? We can’t let FISA or Patriot go away, now can we…?

  29. HUGE INTERNET CRISIS: Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp — CAUSES UNKNOWN! — Twitter, Verizon, Google, AT&T, Telegram, Others are Also Reporting Issues

    It’s unclear what caused today’s global outage which saw Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram all crash.

    Rumble is running smoothly.

    Users worldwide are reporting issues with the following services:

    •Facebook & FB Messenger
    •T-Mobile / TMBLE Metro
    •Cricket Wireless

    Could’ve been a backbone router hack,


    # (RWC Belgium) #

    SOLAR FLARES : C-class flares expected, (probability 50%)
    GEOMAGNETISM : Minor storm expected (A 30 or K=5)

    Just sayin’…

    WE don’t understand potentially grid-killing CMEs, except in theory. We won’t know how close our theories are to real life, until real life slugs us in the gut.

    No law says only astronomers and radio amateurs are entitled to follow SIDC…


  30. On the topic of Real Change and the Time line shift. I happened to be in a late night conversation with Someone High up the Food Chain and they said we sure do appreciate all you are doing for us at the Stadium Events. Is there anything we can do for you? Long pause. I said ya, there is one thing. She said name it and it’s yours. I said you can give all my secutity staff a $2.00 raise across the board. Everyone from the ticket takers, bag checkers, isle checkers, gate keepers and the roving patrol. Long pause. You got it. I said I will need that in writing. As I’m talking to her. She sent me an email. I approve a $2.00 an hour rate increase for all the security staff working for you effectively 10/7/2021. I replied, thank you. I will submit an amendment to the contract tomorrow morning.

    HELL YEAH George! All my people are going shit their pants tomorrow morning when I make the announcement they all get a $2.00 an hour raise.


    “You wanna buy Real Change for two bucks.” Uhmn yes sir. I sure do!

    Sooooooo awesome! I’m so happy for them!!!! Whooooo hoodoo!

    Now that is economic! Everything is a business model. Ain’t that right George!

      • Hell Yeah! Everyone gets a raise and ….

        You all know I ain’t no dumny. This increases my bill rate %, for office profit enough push me up into the next level bracket of bonuse by 2 % Ha ha ha ha ha.

        At every single event!

        And all my staff just got loyal as F!

        Cooperate contact fellas will have it on the desk signed and approved by noon.

        Jumped out of the bed this morning and danced.

        Looked and saw, I didn’t win the powerboll. Dang. Oh well. I still got THE DUDE and HIS perfect plan!

        Ha hahahahahhaa

        Cue: ~Bad to the Bone ~
        George Thoro-Good

  31. George, you don’t need a up or down vote clicker. Most come here for info, and always leave better off than when they got here, and why should any of us vote on you, your thoughts, columns, etc.?

    This is YOUR place, and it’s an honor to come here.

    If you want inputs, ask us for column ideas.

    • Yo Jorge, I will second the above comment, I visit this site because it is inhabited by the “smartest people in the room”. Seems I always learn something from you or the comments section. As far as the military is concerned, don’t underestimate the brass that are truly in charge. You don’t think they would allow the current Bozo in charge with access to the “button”.

      • Spot on. Playing with a water pistol is fun. Pointing a loaded firearm at somebody’s chest is serious. Pointing an army of trained killers with loaded weapons? Ever hear the joke about the general who said, “just kidding!”

        Neither has anyone else.

      • It’s not whether the brass is, or is not in charge. The point is that Mr. Obama fired or retired virtually every general officer who was unquestionably loyal to the Constitution — 68 of ’em when I stopped noting the military exodus (because there was nothing I could do about it.) We lost virtually every field commander and nuclear commander in that purge, which I stumbled upon when Texas and the Carolinas were moving, trading, and storing nukes. One of the writeups mentioned the change in command, so I started digging (now you know the time frame of when the purge became both obvious and notable within the news organizations, even though none of them carried it.)

        Milley is no Schwarzkopf, either in command ability or loyalty to the Nation. He also is not unique amongst the current brass…

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