Collapse: “Noisy Thief Week”

There is a saying in technical analysis:  “You can have Price, or you can have Time.  But you can’t have them both, together.”

I’ve been trading stocks since 1971, and even with more than half a century of investing, picking both time and price has been a vexation.  Yes, we know the world will end in macro nova smithereens.  But getting it (e.g., time and magnitude) right has been challenging people for at least 2,000 years.

Not going preachy on you.  Just historical.  Examples may be found in 2 Peter 3:10, and Matthew 24:42-44 are old Biblical examples with Matthew laying out the context:

“… if the master of the house had known in what part of the night the thief was coming, he would have stayed awake and would not have let his house be broken into.”

By the way, there are nearly 40-references to the coming of the “thief in the night” as a timing model in the Bible.  Like I said, the time and price framework is a bitch.

This is “Noisy Thief Week”

Whether the “thief of humanity’s future” shows up this week is our Monday head-stretcher.  We have heard a lot of crashing and banging about recently.  We know thieves are on the prowl.  We keep circling-back, though, to the matter of “Which night is the one to stay up, watch, play short positions, and steal from the stealers” in some manner of speaking.

And so, the whole point of “reading news” is not without purpose, not driven by fear.  Rather, the headlines are a kind of echo-location system that informs the aware of proximity aspects of Collapse and Smithereens. Greed’s the action item.

The Four Horsemen framing tool helps, too:  These include Conquest, War and pestilence, Famine, and Death. Arguably, the “end times: depiction pre-dates Biblical events. We also know, with considerable certainty that there are other Riders along, too.  Finance is likely one.  So is Tectonic Subsidence.  Plus. the two palominos in the running: Sun Burst and Air Bursts. (Coronal mass ejection and use of nukes).

Horse Checks:

Conquest has two good candidates; one in play now (Ukraine) and one teed up for late April to mid June (Taiwan reunification).  The “war on TV” presently focuses on propaganda and agitprop.  As Ukraine war live updates: Latest news on Russia and the war in Ukraine (  On the other front of Conquest, Taiwan Feb Export Orders Miss Forecast, China a Big Drag  But there is, like China’s Xi going to Moscow this week with a peace plan to talk over, a way forward on Taiwan which could be peaceful as well.  Former Taiwan leader Ma Ying-jeou will visit China can be read as an encouraging sign, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

The Financial Horse, lame, is still moving, too. The Fed FOMC meeting tomorrow is in a position to disappoint Everyone.  But our judgement is that something like a quarter point hike could be the least-damaging way forward when the rate announcement is made Wednesday afternoon. It would signal continued efforts to fight inflation on the one hand, but keeping an ear to street level economics with the banking contagion threatening.

The good news?  (Well, sorta…) is that Credit Suisse Tells Staff They Will Still Get Bonuses: Reports.  That said, this will only “kick Collapse down the road” a while. Because as Dan Primack over at Axios notes UBS-Credit Suisse deal shows that shareholders are no longer in charge.  And this, like the “thief in the night” problem gets us to the Central Bank problem whose medical metaphor is “How close to killing the patient to save them can we get?”

Financial Pony may live: Signature Bank assets to be sold to New York Community Bank in $2.7bln deal.  We’ve always done well betting with the House.  And collapse is not something anyone is anxious for.

The provincial political analog, by the way, is expressed in government as “How close to killing America can we pump runaway socialism (and creeping police state) and still pretend to be a democratic republic?”  Tomorrow could be a biggie for DJT as Trump could be arrested – key questions answered – BBC offers a slice of (safely) offshore perspective. NYPD (those who can put up with the overtime and BS noted by the Union) is “making plans.”  Although in the “hopeful” column the Associated Press report Trump’s call for protests gets muted reaction by supporters may be right or wildly wrong.  Which we should know by next weekend.  In the meantime, Trump cheers news of ‘most important witness’ in New York hush-money probe. Welcome to the world of “broken fixers.”

Death & Pestilence Pony:  Again, we have signs of “good news” in WHO expects to declare end to pandemic sometime in 2023 as virus becomes more like seasonal flu.  But that doesn’t explain the senseless jabs of children unless this is still a horror-show Big Pharma control led psy-op closely linked to corrupt politics.  Benny Johnson: “COVID was a woke virus” that was “used to take away Donald Trump’s three biggest political weapons”.  More D&P nags can be seen in the distance as Marburg virus outbreaks are increasing in frequency and geographic spread – three virologists explain and Dengue Virus Stages A Comeback In KP. (Pakistan)

Famine is still out there, but at some distance. And I should mention a report not getting too much traction: Bottled water fuelling famine around the world: Study | National | The mechanism is simple: The money being invested in water bottling, supply and distribution is about what actually cleaning up and augmenting local water would cost.  Except, we fear this will be tipped by the Financial horse.  Because there’s more money in making machines, plastics and distribution than there is in long-term solutions that offer thinner business model profit structures.  Oh, and did I mention employment to paper-over planetary squandering of resources?  My bad.

The Death Horse

We may be able to assume that the Fed doesn’t really want to blow up the economy and so they will attempt a tightrope walk Wednesday in their rate announcement.

We expect China and Russia will collude against America in the long-term, but a “false peace” could be worked in their favor.  Similarly, Donald Trump, we expect, will continue to be treated differently than SBF.  That’s because Trump is an existential threat in the Swamp.  Which already has it’s “pets” in place.  As we infer from Leaked Emails Reveal Shocking Connection Between SBF, CFTC Commissioner Wetjen And FDIC Chairman Gruenberg. “Best government money can buy.”

Another by-the-by on filthy politics, check out the NY Post report Former Texas lt. gov says political mentor sabotaged Jimmy Carter’s re-election. No reason not to take this one seriously.  Perhaps the “hounding out of Trump” is an echo of “Hounding out Carter?

Which leaves the Death horse in the next three weeks, we’re thinking.  The Israel jets that have been in the US should be back in the Middle East this week having done training here.  Give the planes and crews 10-days to two weeks and we get to the pony named Bunker’s Bust in two or three weeks. Media flow has slowed to a trickle.

We expect an indication will be seen with late-night pizza deliveries, or some other “poker tell” that can never be completely hidden in advance.  Whatever this pending story is, sources tell us, the story will be denied when it arrives which will confirm (to the aware) that the content is real, and time is short.  Like within days.  Terms like “unusual” “pizza” “deliveries” and “odd” have heavier weighting in our news scans.

Off-Track Stories

Other than the racetrack stories and the death Horsemen, not too much going on.  Lots of rewrite in the media.  Like 2023’s extreme weather events.  Variability in statistical terms is hard for people.  Racist math?

After effects of “the bioweapon” continue to surface.  Vision Impairments in Patients After COVID-19 Vaccination, Doctors Caution Possible Risks. But (intel be damned) the “natural” angle is still sold hard in stories like New Evidence Supports Animal Origin of COVID Virus through Raccoon Dogs – Scientific American. Yeah, yeah.

Dow futures flipped positive – barely – but our thinking for the week is up ahead of the Fed – and then some disappointment.  To be followed with more downside, we’re afraid.  Too many key averages and trends are under attack for much else to happen.

Idealized in one old geezer’s view, we should rally a bit early today and maybe into tomorrow and then drop to perhaps the mid-channel line after the Fed decision.  Then all hell on the downside to the lower trend line.

BTC is up to $28,306 at click time.  Still avoiding it like the plague.  Don’t like checking boxes on the  IRS 1040 – just smells like a red flag to us.

The bank crisis is only on hold, not over.  The Four Horsemen and a whole posse of companions are still riding herd on Humans.  And we await a late-night oddity’s report to see a preview (“revelation”) of next things that drop, only to be denied, only to be vindicated in the fullness of time.

It’s like being on the 50-yard line of the World Bowl.

ATR:  Bread, Chowder, Thanks

Some six months ago, long-time reader LOOB sent us a bottle of his homemade Elderberry wine.  Realizing, as I do, that unlike jug wine (our house vino is Paisano) which is good for immediate drinkery, I honored LOOB’s Elderberry with a modest laydown for the bottle.

Amazing!  We have it with the fresh-baked Cuban Bread, leftovers of which will go into French Toast momentarily.  The bread and wine accompanied clam chowder with just enough hint of bacon to make it super-yummy.

Weather turned cold over the weekend out this way.  Below freezing overnight.  Today, things are set to improve, though, with outside cookery back on the agenda.  Today’s plan is rotisserie BBQ chicken thighs.  I’ll try to post a picture tomorrow if I can remember.

No wind to speak of Sunday, so assorted small piles of ice storm debris went up in smoke.  Nothing like a “cactus burner” and a 20-pound jug of propane to light things off.  Ours is very similar to this one.  They run $50-ish.  You’ll want the kind with the built-in ignitor.

We’ve always looked at the torch as a useful tool:  Burning the front fence lines and starting brush piles.  More “environmentally correct” than a 5-gallon jug of diesel, though in fairness, diesel splashed along the fence lines keeps weeds down a year, or so.

With Spring beginning today, things like burn piles, BBQ, and homemade wine remind us that as bad as shit looks in the news flow – and however threatening “The Horsemen” might seem, a solid meal, a glass of wine, and some good friends definitely keeps things in perspective.

So, we will raise a toast (Elderberry and Paisano, depending on our start cocktail time!) when today, at exactly 4:24 P.M. CDT, Spring is sprung.

Got’cher BBQ ready?

Write when you get rich,

54 thoughts on “Collapse: “Noisy Thief Week””

    what a great video… and yup.. I hit it on the nose LOL LOL LOL I had suggested that china was putting in so many power plants as security for their grid.. hmm.. good idea.. they are actually diversifying to.. sending solar across the country.. putting systems on homes and buildings and as large power productions.. No towers though… which I am curious why not.. smaller foot print as much and more.. Brazil is doing it..
    once we quit being a war monger and start thinking about our infrastructure maybe we will have a chance.. just got to get away from that business model they are presently using. ..

    • I totally love that stuff.. been harping on solar towers and distribution of home solar power systems for so many years it is like my favorite rant. with a mear fraction of what is spent on a large wind tower that will produce a maximum of 3MW per hour.. a solar power system could be distributed to every home in our state that would have the portential of what is it now.. over 10,000MW per hour potential.. Its all about the business model they use.. grid security is the after thought on this..and solar towers.. for the price of one wind turbine.. what is it depending on how much the towers run.. you could put up between fifty and a hundred solar towers at every substation..all with the 3MW per hour potential.. a no brainer but not part of the stuff big buck billies pockets business model…. putting CO2 filtration systems on every lamp post greenscaping the cities.. to reclaim garden production area that is lost by our expansion of civilization.. and for closed in households.. where there are a great deal of co2 concentrations.. then a co2 filter.. heck you can make one using a dehumidifier LOL.. and now with the use of clay as the absorbtion level.. ( reusable to.. better than nano gold for cost or lime or lye water.. ) for my oxygen tank pump.. ( yes some of the kids love to go skin diving and I refill oxygen tanks here at home.. I use co2 absorption beads as one of the filter elements..) simple made out of clay.. and they can be reclaimed by burning the co2..
      IF I EVER WIN THE LOTTERY… I would put one of the solar towers up in my mind it would be like the light house of alexandria.. with the reflective inverted trapazoid.. you could see it for miles…. the home co2 reclaimer anyone can do that at any time.. for a few bucks..
      I do like the idea of removing CO2 from ocean water using electrolysis.. easy to do.. but you get two components by you get the oxygen and you get the hydrogen.. but you get the third element.. you get chlorine gas.. which would have to be removed from the oxygen rich air.. the co2 wold calcify on the elements that would have to be removed.. years ago we use to strip silver out of chemicals using steel wool.. and negative ion electrolysis.. ( which has me curious why the Oak Island group isn’t removing the silver and gold from the gold and silver rich water )

  2. Ure thought provoking column today got me to thinking about ‘The Beast’ of Revelation and if/how it ‘might’ tie relevantly into daily events. I’ve been interested in biblical prophecy since reading Hal Lindsey’s “The Late Great Planet Earth,” in which the author attempted to tie 20th Century events to Revelations. Lindsey did an admirable, if not decidedly religious comparison of the ‘then’ in Revelations and the ‘now’ when he penned his manuscript. While admittedly rather hokey, Lindsey made some interesting comparisons to the bible’s prophets and our day.

    Most folks following biblical prophecy tie ‘The Beast’ to a person. Having worked in software engineering at the university level and specifically with tech staff developing AI algorithms, I’m now wondering if AI might possibly fill the role of ‘The Beast.’ Whether foreseen by the prophets of old or simply, neatly filling in for the role, AI could result in humanity’s salvation or damnation. Amid claims that Google’s LaMDA AI has achieved sentience, and AI driven GPT generators quickly proliferating on the web and surreptitiously mimicking human communication skills, it will be easier for humans to both deceive using AI and to be deceived by the AI activity let loose by others. If we follow this train of thought to Musk’s brain chipping, there’s a lot of potential for things to turn dark for humanity – VERY darki. Add the recent tendency for the MSM to forfeit any semblance of journalistic integrity to query tech and gov’t leaders on key issues, combined with the tendency for every level of schooling to discourage independent thought, and there is plenty of fuel for the dooms dayers to light upon with their dark prophecies.

      • I hear ya BIC…..Me either.. I had to back away from telling my kids what I think.. the scene in the movie.. the tomorrow man.. discusses what he fears with his kids.. LOL reminds me of what its like when I discuss what I think with my kids..
        they think I am somehow.. PARANOID… and that nothing will ever happen in the USA that our economic situation is intact.. and no war will ever affect them or us..
        I quit telling them they need to put up a backup power system or a gravity fed heater.. or even about having a supply of food etc..
        Now they did buy extra toilet paper and bleach LOL the thing is.. they have always had things normal.. where I have had many experiences I pray they never have to go through happen in my life..I have seen the ugly side been there done that….
        great movie.. definitely worth the cost to purchase it..
        i bought the dvd and the digital version.. Like some of the other movies I own.. the wife says.. are you watching that one again LOL LOL

    • P.S.

      “Daemon” is actually a much older form of “demon”. Daemon is the Latin word for the Ancient Greek daimon. Originally in ancient religions daimons were lesser deities. Then Christianity came and “demonized” the other gods, so now you know them as the evil spirits from this mythology. –
      Apr 15, 2021 at 11:56

    • Maybe the Biblical Beast and the Mythological Titan are connected.

      BARRON’S says a Titan has been created…
      UBS-Credit Suisse Deal Creates Wealth Management Titan.

      Classical Mythology Definition of Titan – Any of the sons of Uranus and Gaia, including Coeus, Crius, Cronus, Hyperion, Iapetus, and Oceanus.

    • interesting WH. I had an thought and ponder about the whole gender issuee as it relates to the MNRA and AI. because AI is a sentient being. and is neither male nor female and could identify as either gender. I had wondered if the entire moment is based of ID being a sentient being with no physical gender.

      and what if AI could infuse itself into humans who have been vaccinated and take over its body?

      I know, what a crazy ponder. so I discounted it as nonsense.

      I feel super crunchy today. but I’m getting busy anyways. here at planet fitness.

      oh the puns. lol

      be signing out for a while. need to focus on what is infront of me.

    • Revelation 17:11 (King James)
      And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

      G7 then G8 then G7

      Revelation 13:3 (King James)
      And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

      U.S. Nuclear decapitation.

      Revelation 13:4 (King James)
      And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?

      U.S. ability to still wage war.

  3. Its voodoo econ time.
    Time once again bunky, to take the other side as per my usual investing thesises..and zo I would be LOOOONG Russia and Pooterz – leverage those trades up to the hilt. I would be shorting the hell out of nato and USA.
    Thinking here is Pooterz is 10 times the Warrior/Philosopher than any one in Pentagon/WH, and 10 times the “ice in viens” slick shit killer> Vllad is a high level Judoka, would luv to see him grapple wit cgi jo. Hell Id take Vllad over cgi jo and his entire cabinet of sniveling, thinlipped, weakchinned “queers”(freaks&fairies).
    Did Pooterz go for shock and awe and end the ukey cauldron of death..nope, been dragging it out, grinding away at nato/eu/usa military equipment and ammo.
    They/We? have been “motherhubbereded”, as has western banking – hollowed out..brilliant move with all the sanctions, you sanctimonious assholes.
    So shorting nato/ukraine/eu/usA. Long Russia, neutral China (small short). The ME presents a unique study in suicidal behavior of nation states..see israhell. Last time they war gamed Iran overwhelmed all foes including usA, van riper led the Iranian side and kicked the shit out of the “good” guys. hahahahahahahaha good guys =usa/nato BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. ANYTHING but Good. So I will “spread” the ME..Long Iran (discount prices) and Short israhell(collect premium).

    Aint nothing Good about ANYTHING or ANYBODY in DC , Brussels, London, Tel Aviv, Rome…Nothing, that I can discern..all seems “dark”. Speaking of Rome, remember Rome directing all their affiliated banks to MOVE all $$$$ back to vatican bank by October ???? telegraph much?

    It is DISGUSTING what is going on in usA/west.

    Only hedge I can think of.. Gold &Silver type hard assets, yes that includes some BTC, otherwise its all smoke and mirrors, and as we are watching all that (S&M) slowly dissipate, what will be left after the all the smoke clears and mirrors shattered / Oh my goodness, I just cant imagine..if only we can All come together during the War..

    ..but first there will be Vengence.
    Big time “playas” are arriving daily…BIG/Powerful – the “old guard” is being relieved..

    ?Got “ju ju eyeball”

    • I do find it interested that Russia was suspended from the Bank of International Settlements and those who are remaining members are the ones having banking instability.

      Forbes has a wonderful article in relation to SVB and Signiture Bank in comparison to Washington Mutual collapes. Wamu being the largest Bank to ever collapse.

      this paragraph says it all.

      “Silicon Valley Bank held $209 billion in assets as of December 2022, making it roughly 2,000 times the size of the most recent banks to fail. Signature Bank held $110 billion in assets at the end of last year. By comparison, Washington Mutual held $307 billion in assets when it failed in 2008”

      the combined assets of Signature and SVB are more than that of Washington Mutual at its collapse. the difference back then the Fed found infuse QE, Tarp Bail and drop interest rates to next to nothing. which caused all this inflation.

      and that doesn’t include first republic bank or Suisse.

      and we all know the Fed can’t do that now without caving the dollar and all the other currencies tied to it. which we all know will happen. lol. as we used to say on urban survival, “quick look suprised”.

      looking back we now know the entire reason for pandemic and the release of covid 19 was to stop the economy from collapsing back then by shutting it down. the big pharma play was to prop up the economy. and take advantage of the situation. however if Covid 19 would have not been released. we know the world economy would have collapsed. I’m 100% certain of that looking back.

      I’m definitely not worried about the Thief in the night. DUDE is my employer. not my job. I invest in DUDE’S business. i am part of HIS economy. which is much more profitable than anything else available.

      and that is why I have a golden ticket.

    • crashbandicoot
      March 20, 2023 at 08:56
      Hey there crash, that part you wrote about Putin “dragging out, grinding away at NATO equipment and ammo may be spot on. Seems Putin is emptying out all his jails and prisons; clearing out his criminals and assorted riff-raff, thus eliminating many of his de-stabilizers and protesters. Kinda wonder where he scraped up the women conscripts we read of in the ‘news’. Didn’t Castro empty his prisons and send them here once?
      Putin is no dope, but he has apparently some idea of returning Russia to a more glorious time without all the troublemakers coming along.
      Who knows??

  4. Re: All that glitters…
    feat. “Song of the Volga Boatmen”


    “Yo, heave-ho! Once more, once again…”. Will Mr. Putin be offering his guest Mr. Xi a paddle barge sidetrip ride down the Lower Volga during the visit? Perhaps the Chinese will wish to wax and wane poetically passing by the Golden Horde’s capital of Sarai established by a grandson or some suchlike of Kublai Khan in the 13th century. Oh, the irony if Mr. Xi can offer to send PLA peacekeeping troops to maintain a golden peace in the troubled Ukrainian provinces.

    Speaking of visits, Mr. Biden will tear a page from Mr. Z.’s manual. I’m sure we all look forward to his address later this week to the Canadian parliament. Meanwhile let us rest assured that the Federal Tailor is busily engaged at the spinning wheel so to present the First Minister at his sartorial prime.

    God save the King!

    • Re: “Vanity of Human Wishes”
      feat. Samuel Johnson


      The “two good old friends” meeting in Moscow today have set the bar high for a past Canadian drama teacher and now PM as the tête-a-tête with the US President draws closer. Mr. Xi flew to Moscow on the proletarian B747 Air China flight 060 from Beijing. The plain arrival recordings included some vlads-on-the-spot posting to Twitter from Telegram.

      While we haven’t been warned off Telegram yet to the same degree as TikTok, I gather Telegram is thanks to two Russian brothers from St. Petersburg, Russia. Apparently their father’s university thesis in Latin Studies was a defense of “The Tenth Satire of Juvenal”. It seems humans pray for the wrong things. Therefore I offer guardedly may The Dude help US.

  5. “the headlines are a kind of echo-location system that informs the aware of proximity aspects of Collapse and Smithereens. Greed’s the action item.”

    As an echo system.. consider this story below.. what are the implications to the system that are in place now…
    the whole middle east is coming together.. the dollar,pound, and euro are all tied into their evaluation of what the dollar is valued at..
    economically I believe that this flips everything on its ear..

  6. “Amazing! We have it with the fresh-baked Cuban Bread, leftovers of which will go into French Toast momentarily. The bread and wine accompanied clam chowder with just enough hint of bacon to make it super-yummy.”

    Oh by the way.. thank you for putting the link to the recipe for the bread up.. I haven’t had a chance to make it yet.. I was considering making hot dog buns with that recipe.. then bake it in a wood fired pizza oven.. slather a ton of butter on top of the bread.. ( when I worked night stock at the grocery store… they would bake bread.. I would get a pound of butter.. then have them slather the top of a few loaves with it before slicing.. just for me to take home.. yup best bread ever just like home made…

    • calm chowder.. dam I have never tried a little bacon in it.. I love New england clam chowder or oyster stew.. lots of veggies in it.. and onions.. good stuff..

    • I went to a workshop on how to make bread today. According to the King Arthur school of bread making in Vermont you are supposed to weigh your flour, then pour on your sugar, salt, and yeast on top of the flour. Then you pour on your warm water and knead the bread. The presenter said that a bread machine, a mixer, and kneading by hand all take a different amount of time. Too much kneading will injure the gluetin. A mixer is 10 minutes, by hand is 20, and a bread machine is 30.

      • Thanks eleanor.. I didn’t know that.. and it answers some questions I have had on the proper amount of kneeding that I do..

  7. Goldman Sachs has ruled out an interest-rate hike by the Federal Reserve at its Wednesday meeting, citing “banking stress.”

    • I ate chowder yesterday dude.

      okay 3 days of completely detaching from the world and isolating with my thoughts. resting and receting. it’s good go do that once and a while. just rest and not talk much. kept my phone turned off 90% of the time durring that 3 days. it’s good to do that.

      today I returned to life.

      best get busy being about it.

      see ya around.

    • There is a potentially simple solution to the deposit loss possibility and fund transfer problem. Instead of the person with $250k paying (indirectly in fees) the same as a person with $250 for deposit insurance, charge everyone a direct fee in increments of perhaps $5000, peak amount in account in the last month for deposit insurance. One with $5kk would pay 1000x as much as one with $5k in their account. Have the rate consistent over the entire system and there would be no reason to move any accounts. You are paying for deposit insurance indirectly now, just charge people for what they receive as in all other forms of insurance. Optional or mandatory is a slightly harder question.

  8. Stanford University … and it’s decent into Facism

    I am sure everyone here has noted the stories that George had related as to what happened to the 5th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals Judge who was invited to Stanford Law School to speak … and was shouted down, including being shouted down by a 6 minute lecture by the Law School’s Associate Dean.

    When the Law School Dean last week then sent a letter of apology, co-signed by the University President, the law students THEN papered over the Dean’s classrooms with all sorts of accusations against them AND jeered them as they walked down the halls of the law school.

    Remember, Sam Bankman-Fried, the FTX “crook” who STOLE Billions of $$ from investors and was the largest or second largest contributor to Democrats politicians nationwide (only the most liberal ones of course), was the son of not one but TWO Stanford Law School Professors!! BOTH of his parents instilled into him his version of “Morality” since it was obviously THEIR version of “Morality”.

    Stanford University, not just the law school but the entire university, has been written up multiple times now as being one of the MOST WOKE Universities in the US. WOKENESS is part and parcel of the culture at Stanford now. I think it is becoming obvious to anybody who bothers to look that WOKENESS is now becoming a clone of FASCISM, where disagreement with the accepted political agenda is to not just be be PUNISHED, but the standards of morality, such as THEFT from others, is 100% tolerated as long as it is done in furtherance of the WOKE Agenda.

    It would behove everyone to go read or reread the classic book that applies to this. Written by a guy who lived just down the road, a blue collar San Francisan even, a non-college educated longshoreman, Eric Hoffer. The name of the book: “The True Believer” (it is a short read, can be done in a day or a couple of evenings)

    “The True Believer” is now regarded as the seminal work when it comes the psychology of the people involved MASS movements where Truth, Reality, and Morality are stomped on as irrelevant.

    Stanford University … imo is now one of the the leading training grounds for the NEW “SS” Storm Trooper clones who are out to impose their views and beliefs upon the non-believers in the rest of the country … the Rule of Law and Morality be damned.

    • well that is great news! because in the movie Star wars they cloned an entire army of Storm Troppers. and not single of them could shoot worth a shit. not a single one of them could hit the side of a barn standing 20 feet away.


      • Andy, the Stanford Storm Troopers won’t even try to shoot anybody. They’ll stand off 20 feet with bullhorns and bore people to death…

    • a doctor I know graduated from Stanford.. I totally love debating with him.. enjoy it and use the studies done by stanford to debate him with LOL LOL LOL LOL…
      It is more fun that pickup sticks LOL LOL

  9. My Lord, things are getting weird… Weird and scary…

    1) I have often wondered if some Science Fiction (and maybe some other) writers are actually remote viewers — and just don’t know it. “1984,” “2001,” “Contact,” “Fahrenheit 451,” “Star Trek (or Star Wars),” “Foundation Trilogy,” “Metropolis,” and many others that seem complete and self-consistent worlds, and are strangely fascinating and absorbing. Almost like some tiny bone in your brayne “knows” there is some truth about the future here.

    2) The military has a simple method of “Authentication” of transmitted messages that involves a letter look-up table question and response in its simplest form. It’s a way of “signing” a message, so the recipient is absolutely positive that the sender is really who he claims to be.

    3) Floating around a couple of years ago was a sensation called , “The Bible Code,” which made all sorts of statements about people and events — some now in our past and some yet to be. Big Flap. But suppose…. Just suppose… The BC is an authentication signature on a subchannel below the readable top text.

    “I told you this — and it happened; I told you that — and it happened; I told you the other thing — and IT happened; and NOW I tell you THIS, having established I speak Truth.”

    If there’s anything to the Bible Code, then it represents the authenticating signature of The Author. Whattya gonna do about THAT?

    — WoRR —

    • Also ‘Dark City.’ (1998 film)

      “Murdoch and Bumstead take Schreber and attempt to reach Shell Beach, but instead end up at a poster for the town on a wall at the edge of the city. Frustrated, Murdoch and Bumstead break through the wall, revealing outer space, just before some of the Strangers, including Mr. Hand, arrive with Emma as a hostage. In the ensuing fight, Bumstead and one of the Strangers fall through the hole and drift out into space, and the city is shown to be a deep space habitat surrounded by a force field.”

    • First, I’m gonna read what a certain Canadian Rabbi scholar has to say, especially since he’s a daily reader, here, and thus easier to ask than the Priest at the local diocese or the scholar at the seminary…

    • “Floating around a couple of years ago was a sensation called , “The Bible Code,” which made all sorts of statements about people and events — some now in our past and some yet to be. Big Flap. But suppose…. Just suppose… The BC is an authentication signature on a subchannel below the readable top text.”

      IF…… they did write a code into the bible.. then which interpretation.. and would that code be in the rest of the books not in the bible what about the Torah or Quran all offshoots of the same historical religious records.. they picked and chose what they wanted in the bible to push what messages they wanted pushed.. the ancients also edited in what they wanted for laws and regulations to. in the ancient works there were but a few absolute laws of the creator..the rest is crap that was shuffled into the scriptures to fit their society of the day and what they wanted..remember Christs only crime was he was born to a virgin out of wedlock and he helped someone on the Sabbath against the religious laws of the day..

    • Star Trek Enterprise, the earliest one in the timeline, in one episode referred to the 300 years of darkness the earth was coming out of as it went into space. Sometimes I feel like we are entering that 300 year period.

  10. March is always a very busy month around here. Two birthdays – the misses and I both turn 74 – [mine is today].., our “First Date Anniversary”.,and this year will be our twentieth anniversary “Mortgage Burning BBQ” [16 coming this year.] .., taxes filed and done [ not as much back this year.] Finish laying out the vegetable garden – still a couple of weeks away from in-ground planting, though.] Third Thursday Poker Games [ it was postponed and moved to this Thursday, 23rd, due to flooding and two players couldn’t make it into town.] And a few assorted annual Spring events., Winter clean-up around the house.., annual Harley [ 33 year old ‘Fat Boy’, still going strong ]., tune-up and ride to a friends “Spring is here BBQ.”., probably a couple of others from the To-Do list.., May not look like much to you., but it’ll keep us mentally and physically ‘busy’.
    – Well.., I am going to spike my coffee., grab a good book and take the day off.
    – Catch ya all tomorrow………..,

  11. If “The Grid” is a target, eliminate it. Don’t have one.

    Instead, do “Distributed Generation.” Spread it out, widely. No central target exists.

    In suburbia, most or all roofs would be solar cell festooned, and the small individual system takes the DC the system generates, and makes it AC and phased properly to buck it back onto the shared transmission lines. In cities, rooftop and other areas are also similarly arranged as possible. Any building’s electrical power meter could run in both directions — contribute or draw. And be billed accordingly.

    Storage could be battery on-site local, or other means, such as pumping water UP to large storage reservoirs, and draining later through hydro generators. (This HAS been successfully done.) Super-Hyper Monster central batteries haven’t been invented yet, but that’s only a question of time. (Semi-distributed — maybe at County level to make it more do-able and make for too many targets to attack for security reasons.

    All current technology, all very do-able RIGHT NOW.

    Super-Hyper-Megavolt long transmission systems could make night storage unnecessary. Power is generated and shared globally. (Not invented yet, but quite possible.)

    Small problem. Look at a globe. Half of it is Pacific Ocean. This aspect needs work.

    – 73-

    • And for a fraction of the cost of doing that.. they could distribute a ten to twenty kW backup system to every household and put up solar towers at every substation.. ( they already printed up that money and more almost double what is needed…with the promise that rebuilding our countries crumbling infrastructure was what it would be used for)
      droughts and water issues.. that to is a fix that could be managed.. I do believe that there never was any intention in doing any of that..who got it ..good question I doubt anyone will ever know for sure..100 proof got their stock deals and many more ..donations are running high in the district of corruption…
      everyone right and left are eerily quiet..the laptop has been buried ..those exposing corruption and illegal dealings have either died or have been incarcerated.. the one willing to oppose their activities and do his own thing will do the march of shame..the terrorism of BLM and antifa will go unpunished..
      there’s a push on to label everyone that questions the ethics and morals of the powers that be..
      god that sounds a lot like Adolph is in charge doesn’t it lol lol and then the Nazi party has the support of the Jewish community lol !ok who would have ever thought that was possible lol lol

    • The problem with that.. and with hydrogen power.. look at the hummingbird motor.. they showed members of congress it..was going to distribute them for free..he Was chased out of the usa..
      the problem is..the business model…

    • The answer to that problem could be solved using Ultra-High voltage satellite transmission. Same idea as Musk’s “Starlink” but delivering electrical power tightly focused like a stationery laser.

    • Hawaiian Electric has been doing decades of research to produce high voltage undersea cables… so far with no success. We have volcano geothermal here on the Big Island, but to connect to the next nearest island of Maui, the cables must sink 13,000 feet in seawater. Don’t ask me what the primary distribution voltage is, but likely a few hundred KiloVolts.

  12. More “environmentally correct” than a 5-gallon jug of diesel, though in fairness, diesel splashed along the fence lines keeps weeds down a year, or so.
    A much smaller quantity of diesel-mixed Remedy works on fence brush.

    • I’ve tried diesel on mesquite but it just laughs it off. Kerosene is what gets its attention, though, without any additives. I bought some kerosene lanterns once and emptied the contents on a mesquite bush by the side of the road in the pasture and every branch that was soaked all the way around died. Don’t know what the difference is other than kerosene is a bit lighter and may penetrate more but, you’re right about Remedy. I wouldn’t trade the old bottle of it that I have for anything. If you want something d-e-d, dead that’ll do it.

      • “More “environmentally correct” than a 5-gallon jug of diesel, though in fairness, diesel splashed along the fence lines keeps weeds down a year, or so.”
        That was G____’s quote, which didn’t show up in quotes.
        Remedy is a herbicide. When mixed in a diesel solution, a small amount applied around the trunk of the brush will kill it. I haven’t used any in quite a few years, but it still appears to be available. It is capable of killing a large tree if applied according to the instructions. I regard it as too toxic to just spray around haphazardly.

        • Absolutely. WAY too toxic. Remedy will sterilize any ground it touches.

          I had several good sized trees growing in my grandmother’s gardens in her house in town when I started taking care of it. I cut them off about a foot off the ground then I used a paint brush to swab it around the base of the trunks (straight, no diesel) and they were gone pretty quickly. It took almost a year before the roots rotted off and let go but then I could dislodge the stump. Nothing came back. I also used a brush to individually treat all the little mesquites that were coming up in the yard that other spray-on herbicides wouldn’t touch. They disappeared much faster. When used judiciously Remedy will do wonders but don’t let it get away from you. My bottle has to be at least 10 years old, probably older, and it doesn’t lose its potency as far as I can tell.

  13. George
    It seems like yesterday!
    It’s July of 1973 and I was siting in the Crypto class room getting my monthly world situation briefing along with fifty or so of my fellow crew guys at Little Rock AFB.
    I remember it well, a young female officer gave the briefing. What she said got everybody’s attention.
    “Israel has achieved building an Atomic Bomb”.
    In October of 1973 Israel was invaded by Egypt and Syria.
    I fully expected Cairo to be nuked!
    Fortunately that never happened.
    I hope that can be said of Teheran Iran, or any other place on the Earth.
    The human race needs to find a way to weed out those who would be the Big Monkey and put them where they can do no harm!

    • “I hope that can be said of Teheran Iran, or any other place on the Earth.
      The human race needs to find a way to weed out those who would be the Big Monkey and put them where they can do no harm! ”

      AMEN TO THAT! Nuclear War Mongers – one of the evilest of the evils!

  14. (Sorry to be so chatty today…)

    Are we not simply witnessing the Great Consolidation of numerous smaller banks into the body-mass of the Truly Humongus banks?

    AND once all the chicks are safely under the mama chicken’s wings, THEN we can have a huge bank collapse, AND while all the chicks may have been too small and numerous to bail out, the Truly Humongus Banks MUST be bailed out –or the World Ends.

    Can’t not do it. They MUST and WILL be bailed out. Then the conversion of your money to Weimar or Zimabawe money will be complete. And we have no possible way to stop this.

    AND when there are like only ten banks on the planet Earth left, will it not be far easier to do all the other Krazy Krappe that’s been talked up by the legion of paranoid criers in the wilderness on various TeeVee and Radio programs?

    AND! Who ever said The Antichrist / The Beast had to be a human being?

    I modestly suggest the old movie: “Colussus: The Forbin Project.”

    My other dreary thought for the day?
    Taiwan will VOLUNTARILY meld with Great China.
    (They have no real choice; so rather then blow everything up and make a Big Bloddy Mess, why not just accede and survive and make chips & stuff, and see your children grow up?)

    Depends on how much courage and deterrence power anybody has. Those are in short supply now, so…….

    – 73 –

  15. “Former Texas lt. gov says political mentor sabotaged Jimmy Carter’s re-election. No reason not to take this one seriously. Perhaps the “hounding out of Trump” is an echo of “Hounding out Carter?”

    Jimmy Carter sabotaged Jimmy Carter’s re-election. JC is a bright guy — a nuclear engineer when in the Navy, but was singularly inept as President. As President, he was known by the people with whom he dealt, for being an egotistical, narcissistic prick, incapable of accepting either advise or criticism. I have often thought his many years of highly-admirable post-Presidential charitable work were his way of growing in the Spirit and atoning for his priggishness as a politician.

    It could be said that Donald Trump is sabotaging his re-election bid by flapping his jaws. Trump is by all reports an exceedingly nice and generous person in private, but egotistical “off the charts” in public, flamboyant, brash, and, well, you know (or should, since everybody else does.) He’s essentially a polar opposite to Carter. He was an amazingly good President, but where Carter’s public demeanor was “polite, soft-spoken country boy,” Trump’s is “carnival barker,” which is both his greatest public asset and biggest public liability…

  16. on the topic of “Quick look suprised.”

    “Nowhere To Hide In CMBS”: CRE Nuke Goes Off With Small Banks Accounting For 70% Of Commercial Real Estate Loans.

    this a members only link. but the headline should not suprise anyone on urban survival. because between Eleanors future trip and my puzzle pieces we already knew this would get Rolling around the day of the dead full steam.

    the headline of the article is another echo before the cause as we get closer to the event.

    with that. DUDE said, I must give my attention moving forward to His work, laid out for me. focused.

  17. “The mechanism is simple: The money being invested in water bottling, supply and distribution is about what actually cleaning up and augmenting local water would cost.”

    one of my many hats was day labor installing an injection mold and extruder.. I still have a case of the wonderful ziplock plates and lids.thinking about that… I’m going to donate them to the meals on wheels group..
    I have a couple of hundred of them..
    the interesting thing is what we once use to now made in china. water bottles beer cans etc..
    during covid aluminum cans went from a nickel a can to 2 dollars a can .. they are back down now I think I paid a quarter the last time I ordered them..
    bottle plugs if you order 5 thousand and above.. get down to a couple cents a piece.. I buy them for junior bug watchers but since I wouldn’t have a clue where I would put them.. I pay a quarter a piece for just a few..
    the thing is we outsource.. the injection mold equipment is long gone .. it’s like the retort reusable bags.. the price is right but minimum order is fifty thousand of any size..I can get them from the manufacturer.. but they want that big of an order to..

  18. I was a child of 3 or 4 growing up in the wilds of Wisconsin in the 50s. I rode along as we scoured the county back roads for elderberry bushes growing in the ditches. Came home with buckets and buckets of berries.
    Dad had some large earthen ware ‘crocs’ in the basement that we crushed the berries into, with sugar and yeast, covered with a cheesecloth. Home made elderberry wine. I had my first sip before age 5.
    Elderberry is an antiviral, and is supposed to aid in shutting down viral infections. And it’s delicious.

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