Circle Veterans Day Weekend – BoJ Holds

While we have great respect for “future processors” – G.A. Stewart (“Deep Breath before the Plunge”) based on Nostradamus’ writings and Clif High’s predictive linguistics work (“Idiots“).  In our view financial markets and press releasse (plus major events) calendars come at Future from “the other way.”

Taken as a whole – all of them together can shape and inform a sense of how the Future will play out.

Within finance, the future-indicating aspects include:

  • The level and directional changes seen for interest rates.
  • Which, in turn, change the balance of foreign exchange (warfare).
  • Discounts or premium on long-dated financial instruments like put nd call options.

I’m sure you know the rest: Cyclical economics, earnings windows, current sales statistics and even this week’s Fed rate decision.

They are ALL telling us of the Future. But in a peculiar way.

Imagine you are watching an empty street.  The Nostradamus’ writings might offer an analogy like “A vehicle will come by very soon…”  Predictive linguistics may offer insights like “loud, purple, cracked window”.  And a few blocks over, one of those automatic click-it and ticket machines has just written a citation for 13-over the limit. Oh, and there’s an APB out on the police scanner that says “Be on the lookout for an old jalopy involved in a holdup at a convenience store downtown…”

We have no way of specifically knowing the future, but here’s how it might really roll out in our example:

As Nostradamus wrote, there is a car coming at us in the right timeframe. It may have lost its muffler because it’s loud and purple.  The police scanner was right, too – it’s an old rat rod looking hooptie.  As, yes, traveling at a high rate of speed.  There’s a police car on its tail now and when pulled over, the windshield turns out to be cracked…

That’s the predictive problem not only of financial speculators in a nutshell, but also people who don’t play long dated financial instruments, in summary form.  There are many inputs about the future – which work, depending on the jalopy involved, to one degree, or another.

There are tons of others in the predictive game, too. Astrologers might mention Mars is strong this week.  I’m sure Hezbollah and the IDF would agree. Remote viewers will have a different take.  What I find totally enthralling is how the whole lot of predictive technologies can be Aggregated to give us a kind of “statistical gradient shading of the Future.

And that gets us to?

Veteran’s Day Weekend

Federal workers (and most local government types) will get Monday November 11th this year – off for Veterans Day. But let’s look at the Big Picture – starting with long dated finance.

The U.S. stock market briefly exceeded the July 16th level in our Aggregate Index work during trading Thursday.  But it didn’t close above.  Based on the premarket pricing, we were likely to close just under July.  But when we look at the chart – as we did in the column Thursday – we can see the markets are at least doing a Double Top.

A couple of ground rules here: This is not financial advice – You’re on your own there (along with your consigliere should you be so lucky). Second is we offer no warranty that our wholistic approach to multi-factor divination of Future works.  But, when we queried A.I. about the possible meaning of a Double Top, we clearly understood why making $10,000 bets was so appealing to us:

“A double top is a chart pattern that indicates a potential reversal in a stock’s price trend:

A double top is made up of two peaks that are close together in price and separated by a trough. The second peak is usually slightly lower than the first.

When it occurs
A double top often appears after a prolonged uptrend or bullish market.

What it means
A double top suggests that the uptrend may be losing momentum and could reverse. It’s often seen as a signal to sell or short the stock.

When it’s complete
The double top pattern is considered complete when the price drops below the trough between the two peaks.

Other factors
The time between the two peaks and the volume of trading can also be important factors to consider.

While a double top pattern can be a way to make large profits, it’s important to understand the risks involved. To manage risk, traders can analyze potential stop-loss levels and set reasonable return goals.    (Generative AI is experimental. For financial advice, consult a professional.)”

Or get a bottle of hooch…

Cycles, Elections, Fed, Taiwan…

There is a HUGE confluence of events coming the week leading into Veterans Day.  Here’s what happens:

  • November 5:  the Presidential election
  • November 6-7: net Federal Reserve FOMC rate decision
  • That week odds will still be high of a Taiwan blockade by mainland China: The rainy season is from June to September and the driest months are November and December, but winds begin rising from November into winter.
  • Federal employees will not be around for weekend decision-making, as D.C. has to burn off tons of comp time and this is historically a good weekend for that.
  • If the Election doesn’t get played “straight” (and it’s seen as fair all around) this is the weekend when mass demonstrations could appear.

Then there’s that damn 55-day problem.  The time from market peak-to-Crash of the 1929 cycle.  55-days from yesterday puts us getting whacked in November (financially) either on that Friday (the 9th) or the opening Tuesday (the 12th).

BoJ Holds

The next potential speed bump for Yen-Carry Trade investors will come at the end of October (October 30–31).  And there are BoJ meetings on November 6, and ep, even November 11th, though not specifically rates.

Some damn good reporting in BOJ Governor Ueda’s comments at news conference | Reuters.  But to us, the focal point was this (translatd) part:

“ON WHETHER BOJ WOULD RULE OUT A RATE HIKE IN OCTOBER “I won’t comment in advance whether we will change monetary policy or not in future policy meetings.” U.S. SOFT LANDING AS MAIN SCENARIO “We still see U.S. soft landing as our main scenario. But U.S. data since early August has been somewhat weak, so risks have heightened somewhat.”

And that’s where “the Future Game” is in the pre-open today. Monday the Chicago Fed National Activity Indicator pops and then Tuesday we get the Case-Shiller/S&P Housing report and that will give critical insight into what’s ahead.  All that remains is 6 /2 hours of marketing playing arbitrage of the Future odds on all of the above.  We would expect to see a few thrusts higher, but if our Aggregate closes markedly higher then we would likely chicken out of our short positions next week.

Tie to play “Spin the Future!”

For Unlawful Coinal Knowledge?

One of the major forces (and no one likes it when I mention this) that got Bitcoin off the ground was the Silk Road – ex-Swiss crowd that just loves spending “secret money” invisible to regulators.  But, here we go again, crypto ain’t that secure: German authorities shut down 47 crypto exchanges over alleged money laundering – Nairametrics

Meanwhile, remembering last summer (about the time of the market top in stocks) BTC was up around $70,000 so we won’t be surprised by a big pop higher in here (until stocks cool). Fueled by stories like Commerzbank Partners with Crypto Finance to Offer Crypto Trading to Corporate Clients, and whatnot.

War and More

Predictably, the IDF after demonstrating total mastery of “the long game” after blowing up the top tier of Hezbollah is doing what? Israel pounds Lebanon’s Hezbollah after device blasts.  But, in the meantime, the pressure continues on Israel to back-off Gaza: The World Says That Israel’s Unlawful Occupation of Palestine Must End. However, would you cut a deal with Gazan’s? November Ceasefire in Gaza Collapsed After Hamas Lied About Female Hostages (

Mexico bullshit: So now it’s OUR fault?  Mexican president says US shares blame for Sinaloa drug cartel violence. Help me with the logic here, because we have Customers and Open Borders?  What’s AMLO telling us?  (Will he endorse Trump’s strong border plans?  Wouldn’t that be a hoot?)

EU Warmonger Dept. European Parliament: Ukraine must be able to strike legitimate military targets in Russia. But, if the EU cooperates, then can Russia bring in more from its pals, Iran and the NorKs?  and did you notice where the EU is spending Russian assets prosecuting war into Russia? EU funds Ukrainian defense industry with €400 million from frozen Russian asset proceeds.

Speaking of Russia:  We mentions some months back that we could see Moldova being in Russia’s sights. Stu’s work, too, had some references to Macedonian IIRC.  And so, it is a little concerning that Russia is already telling aware trackers what will happen if Ukraine goes for the “long bomb” in Russia: Germany Warns Moldova Could Be Next Target if Ukraine Falls – – Sofia News Agency.  Now, suddenly, a Russia thrust up into the underbelly of NATO lands comes into focus. Moldova would lead to Macedonia… All fits into how kinetic politics works – f=ma – kinds of reactions.

Idiots of the Home Front

Can’t trust the polls, yet.  Harris Had Stronger Debate, Polls Find, but the Race Remains Deadlocked.  And the woman who voted to tax service worker tips is somehow surprised that…Harris Can’t Even Get a Union Endorsement. Voter memories are terrible things.

Lawyering up: Secret Service Agents from Butler Rally Hire Lawyers—Including a Notorious Anti-Trumper.

But, Trump is still very much at risk: Exclusive: Rep. Matt Gaetz Claims There Are 5 Known Assassination Teams in U.S. (

Living in the Land of Equality? Um… Teachers Told to Pass Every Migrant Student Even If They Know Nothing – Allah’s Willing Executioners. Chicago continues on our “cities to avoid list.”

And as long as we’re on point: Elon Musk on X: “Wow” / X  (“Former Chief BP Agent Aaron Heitke was ordered by Biden-Harris to cover up the disaster at the border: “Tell me you aren’t surprised…”

Around the Ranch: Heat Break & Wet Spot

Coming soon…like next week, maybe says our Houston Bureau: Tropical update: Watching for development in western Caribbean.

Off to get the lawn tractor loaded for a trip to surgery… And don’t forget ShopTalk Sunday will be along when?

Write when you get rich,

58 thoughts on “Circle Veterans Day Weekend – BoJ Holds”

    • That Pendulum is swinging in the other direction than now that folks are aware of what was added to plastics [for what reason?] . The consumer is finally paying attention. Do you trust that corp has removed all the bad stuff from your plastics or do you continue to over use the products trusting nothing else will be “discovered ” ten years from now. Looks like tupperware [plastic] has guilt by association to me. In this world of TDS, It’s ok for me to do so now as well LOL…..

      Stock up now and put in storage [no pun]. Theyll be popular again on ebay in a few decades….

      • The in-home sales business model is over. Avon was another one.

        By me the malls in the nicer areas have closed and are being torn down and the land repurposed. The old ways ended.

        I think $WMT will be with us because they smartly grabbed the local prescription market when everyone went to subscription pills. Curtains for the small footprint pharmacies.

        The only reason for retailers is foodies and unexpected items. Temu and $AMZN for the rest.

        Auto parts as example, are cheapest from $AMZN if the repair can await 24 hours. Ha!

        • Exactly on point: I blew out the threads on one of the three spindles on the racing lawn tractor.
          From MTD the past was over $100 with shipping and more – in a week, maybe. Amazon, $27 and change, neighbor will pop it in for a few bucks – and I will be mowing this weekend…
          Cost and time to outcome is the war front for retail

        • I just did a fuel pump on my van. $50.00 from Ebay with free shipping and three times that from any of the local parts places. I also picked up a new TPS since the current one has about 325k miles and 30 years on it.

      • Wait till folks find out the long term health effects from ozempic wegovy and all the other semalglutide based drugs..
        No, not talking droopy face, more along the lines of Pancreatic issues in the future.

        In an accident, need anesthesia? – NERP !
        Forget that scheisse – prone to Vomitous Tres Cuervos – which youse would Drown in should they put you under without knowing about the drugs onboard..

      • Steevo, Thank you for posting the article on plastics. Excellent article. I bookmarked it along with the other stories/reports they had at the bottom of the article!

      • The “bad stuff” is the plasticizers that allow for enough flex to put the lids on. Safe plastics would be very brittle unless safe plasticizers exist, but every time thing change, they replace one problem with another. Current millennials never have leftovers anyway since they usually go out to eat and sometimes just buy pre-packaged single meal kits.

      • I wonder…do people realize what plastic is made of?
        it’s made a lot like cheese..
        Step 1: Raw Material Extractions. Crude oil and natural gas are extracted (drilled) from the ground then transported to a refinery.
        Step 2: Refining. …
        Step 3: Polymerization. …
        Step 4: Nurdle Making. …
        Step 5: Plastic Forming & Fabrication.

        lactic polymers can be harvested from fruits make healthier biodegradable plastics..
        that’s one reason I have never tried jack fruit the sap eeks out of it..

    • In one of my work apartments, the young neighbors next door had guests that kept leaving and coming back at all hours of the night ’til sunup. I turned them in for running a commercial business out of their apartment; I was afraid they were hosting Tupperware parties and selling soap too.

  1. Do my lying eyes deceive me ?
    You do know what they say about those who practice to deceive?
    You posted a whole frigging paragraph about a ponzi scheme, a scam, made up worthless numbers, WTF, over?

    To REITERATE – NO BTC for You .

    Beginning to suspect Ure been to one too many puffy freak offs. Were you not aware of the dangers of Ketamine abuse and Cocaine abuse ?

    Rapper Gstringz – “Popping some caps on back twenty, how many bottles of babyoil I can get with latest batch of chinese Fenty” -DJ FUDley

    * Please step away from the crypto – Mature and or Adult use only..might wanna step away from anything connected to IOT. You did see solar panels lighting off yesterday in Lebanon?

    • Many “security systems” are IoT and have no wired options. Everything MUST connect via WiFi or other RF.

  2. “Taken as a whole – all of them together ”

    I’m not saying any one of the cited is right or wrong.

    Posters must recall the following chatter over the last few months
    – Kam will be replaced
    – Kam will be replaced before the nomination
    – Kam will be replaced before the debate
    – Kam will still be replaced
    – They’re going to kill Kam

    So far the chatter has been wrong and some cannot come to pass. If the chatter came to pass they’d be jumping, “I knew it” but never circle back, “I was wrong.”

    Where and who posted the first post beginning the Kam will be replaced chatter? And that’s the problem I see.

    There was the other chatter about Biden somehow leaving so Kam could get presidential experience. Recall,

    – Biden is going to step down
    – Biden is going to die
    – Biden will be forced out
    – They’re going to Kill Biden
    – Who’s running the country

    I’m not saying people steal thoughts or plagiarize but have noticed on message boards posters like to be first and usually don’t cite sources implying it’s their material.

  3. ESL (English as a second language) students fall under the Special Education category. If you are stupid, or refuse to work due to emotional problems, or don’t know English then it is not “your fault” that you can’t/don’t learn the curriculum. Passing failing students is standard practice in schools. At least it was when I taught in Pennsylvania. In Oklahoma you don’t have to have an IEP or be an ESL student to pass. All students pass in elementary and middle school regardless of their grades as long as they have at least one graded assignment per marking period/semester . The one grade can be 7% and the only assignment they turned in, but they did something so they pass. Parents blame teachers but it is difficult to teach a group of kids when at least half of them have huge gaps in their knowledge. You can’t teach all of Kindergarten, all of first grade,and all of second grade knowledge in one school year. My daughter teaches middle school math. Every year she has a large number of regular students who can’t do 4th grade math skills or use a calculator while she is teaching 7th and 8th grade standards.

    • As a high school student told me when I asked why he refused to do the work, he said, “I’m going to college. They’ll teach me what I need to know when I get there.”

      He was the result of being passed in every grade prior regardless of his unwillingness to learn.

      • silly question… did he become president…
        I can’t stop being did kamala graduate .. I was so stupid I barely passed and in comparison from how she talks on interviews I am a blooming genius

        • Loob – you just gotta ask Ureself, well do I swallow?
          Assuming you have No Morals, and willing to submit Ureself to anothers’ perverted desires to get a head, just as kammy the dirty communist does..

        • Thanks to last night’s Gutfeld! Show, Cameltoe Harris has a new nickname. She may now be alternately referred to as:

          Cackles McKneepads

          I don’t know if Cammy screwed her way through High School, and I don’t care enough to research it. I suspect she may have banged a few of her profs, but a lot of girls did. She obviously didn’t fuck the California Bar board, since she flunked until Willie gave her a hand (and vice-versa.)

      • When I was a kid, we also had just one English teacher, one Social Studies teacher, and one Math teacher, who taught the 12th grade classes. These were the gatekeepers. EVERY student had to pass these three teachers to get to Commencement Exercises, and the teachers had carte blanche WRT grades.

        The Senior social studies classes were Government, Civics, and Economics. You could choose which two you wanted to take, and which semester you wanted to take them, but you WERE going to take two of these classes, from this teacher, and pass them, or you were not going to graduate. The first day of school, the teacher had me stop by after school. He addressed me:

        “Ray, I have seen your grades. I have also seen your Stanford Binét and your SAT scores. You are a fuckoff. (I was not. I was merely constantly bored.) If you do not pass my class with an “A,” I will flunk you, and see you again next year. I have also spoken to Mrs. G___ and Mr. H___ about you.

        I earned the (tops in the school) “A” grades, and not just in his class.

        Better safe than stupid…

        • I was bored in school also. I didn’t know my IQ score then, but one day the class advisor stopped me in the hall and asked why I wasn’t a straight A student. I just shrugged. I had As and Bs… good enough for me. Averaged better than 3.5 of 4, and I maintained memgership in the National Honor Society from previous years. One quarter of civics class my final paper was one day late. Teacher decided to teach me a lesson and gave me an ‘F’ on the paper. My quarter grade for that class was a ‘C’… the only one of my high school record. As it happened, the ‘pulse’ reading for graduating with honors was taken at that semester end. I was a 3.34 at that point, and denied ‘graduation with honors’. Despite this, I had maintained membership in the National Honor Society for four years, which was determined at years ends. I graduated with a 3.63 average. National Honor Society pins were awarded at graduation. I was the only one present without the gold cord around my neck signifying ‘Graduating with Honors’, despite having a higher score that some others in the group. I had to go sit down alone, ashamed, before they awarded all the other gold cord bearers their “Graduation with Honors” certificates. I learned then what a racket ‘education’ was, and never forgave that teacher for the unfair ‘C’ I got. It also affected my outlook for university, and what a financial racket that was. I quit college after one semester when I got my FCC First Class Radiotelephone license and went to work… and avoided all the student debt. No regrets.

        • God, we could be brothers Hank. I figured out that the fix was in with the booknosed clique kids early on and said crew it. Spent most of HS working CW on 75 with a history teacher, the late K7WYK – and got my code speed up to 40 WPM and a first phone. Somehow I had free time to build amps and such because with no studying – paying attention in class all got B’s and C’s and they kept bouncing me in and out of advanced math. SMSG math was good – the rest BS. I’m with you on the first class radio ticket – didn’t bother with college until I was 40 and I was 50_ when I finished the MBA – both distance programs because I don;t pay butt rent in chairs, I want tyhe knowledge not clique membership.
          Biutter? No…disappointed – even now, never here from HS peeps except for the odd reunion note.

    • “Passing failing students is standard practice in schools.”

      Might be now; certainly wasn’t when I was tutoring. My last Elementary School kid was a 6th Grade girl who had failed so many times (and was in the process of failing 6th Grade for the 3rd time when her parents enlisted me) she would’ve been driving a car to her 6th Grade classes (or been a 6th Grade dropout), had we not gotten together. I mentioned her here once before. She had a non-standard type of dyslexia, and in 11 years of Elementary school, no one had caught it.

      I believe were I on a school board in one of those areas, I would establish parallel classes in each grade — one for kids who were no more than 10% below the norm, and one for remedial kids. First week testing every year would determine placement. Nobody would pass until they met the minimum proficiency standards in four of the five principal subjects, and the remedial kids would have to pass all five. Participation in ECAs would require that no grade in any class dip below a C-.

      This was essentially the school planning program when I was a child. It was geared toward getting brats to make themselves into successful young men and women, and it worked well.

    • I know this sounds like a segue but I helped a friend who is a professor at a college mark some essays. A student not only failed to answer the question but failed to use punctuation and paragraphs. The student also misspelled their own name. I recommended a mark of F-. My friend reviewed the paper and awarded a grade of F the lowest possible mark the college allowed.

      He was the called to defend his decision and the department head upheld it! The reason being that the majority of the students, over half, received a grade of A. Also my friend stated that he felt insulted and disrespected because of the student misspelling of their own name. It showed a complete disregard of the subject and contempt to the professor.

      The student then appealed to the college board and the mark was set aside and a new exam was ordered. Surprise, surprise, the student spelled their name right and used paragraphs and complete sentences. He got a B.

  4. “One of the major forces (and no one likes it when I mention this) that got Bitcoin off the ground was the Silk Road – ex-Swiss crowd that just loves spending “secret money” invisible to regulators. But, here we go again, crypto ain’t that secure: German authorities shut down 47 crypto exchanges over alleged money laundering – Nairametrics”

    OK homegamers [not just Oklahoma]. Here’s my Friday gift to you all.

    Here’s the plan from what I can grok. All crypto currencies need to be MICA complaint or be delisted on the Bourses by X date.

    You’ve been “warned”.

    “For further context, ESMA would also like to share the previous statements and warnings
    with relevance to the provision of unregulated crypto-asset products and/or services in the
    – See: Joint-ESA warning (here) to consumers on the risks of investing in crypto-assets
    – See: ESMA statement (here) on investment firms offering unregulated products or
    services, which includes information on how to mitigate the risks
    – See: ESMA statement on reverse solicitation (here)”

    Got “select” blockchain? Not Advice do your own homework.

    Excuse me while I spend this week’s lunch money on some more HBAR LOL.

  5. .., and speaking of options
    “Triple Witching” – contracts tied to individual stocks, indexes and exchange-traded funds – $5.1 trillion dollars in options will expire this Friday.
    This quarterly event usually has higher volatility and ‘elevated’ volume – and it comes on the heels of ‘The Fed’ rate cut.
    This could be an ‘interesting’ afternoon.

    • Well, says AI

      In options week, most index options, including the S&P 500 (SPX), Nasdaq (NDX), and Russell 2000 (RUT), typically stop trading on Thursday afternoon before the expiration day (usually Friday), meaning they effectively “expire” at the close of trading on Thursday; if Friday is a holiday, the expiration would occur on the preceding Thursday.
      Key points about index options expiration:
      Trading halt on Thursday:
      Most index options stop trading on the Thursday before the expiration Friday.
      Settlement on Friday:
      Even though trading ends on Thursday, the settlement price is usually calculated on Friday morning.
      Holiday adjustments:
      If the expiration Friday falls on a holiday, the options will expire on the previous Thursday.
      You smelling a down week ahead with Housing Prices coming Tuesday?

  6. (“Mexico bullshit: So now it’s OUR fault? Mexican president says US shares blame for Sinaloa drug cartel violence. Help me with the logic here, because we have Customers and Open Borders? “)

    We personally will never know for sure the total truth on this its all carefully hidden away.. just like the news and information sharing we are shielded on purpose from knowing what is really going on. my thought is if we knew the would be so bad that it would terrify all of us.. but there’s tons of studies and articles on that subject of suspected alleged USA agency involvement and the cartels possible collusion with our politicians to obtain and control laws and their creation. with billions being invested by the dark elements to pursued our politicians. with this administration we have seen the weapon last ion of the very organizations that were created to serve and protect. the opening of our borders to suspected slave traders child trafficking and drug .. we seen how powerful the puppeteers are with the BLM and Antifa march across the usa doing damage, pillaging,violence and alleged involvement of agency personnel to start and escalate the Jan 6th demonstration of the capital.
    oxford has a great study on this along with Harvard etc.
    even with the congress using this as a campaign platform they all left.. none of it important enough to stick around and work through the issues. our border is essentially still open.. there’s states that are offering to pay for the illegals to get new homes while our elderly and veterans our poor do without. with what the greater majority of the population seeking our politicians to do the right thing they all walk away..

    How Government Structure Encourages Criminal Violence: …

    • “We personally will never know for sure the total truth on this its all carefully hidden away..”

      well ya aught to know that before Washington DC became the Capitol of the United States and it had that name?

      It was first named Rome, because it sits on 7 hills.

      and the person who owned all the Land before its name was changed to Washington DC? was a fella named Francis Pope.

      now go read that part in revelations 17 again,

      The seven heads are seven hills on which the woman sits.

      The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries. 5 The name written on her forehead was a mystery:

      babylon the great

      the mother of prostitutes

      and of the abominations of the earth.

      now go look at all the women even Oprah at the DNC when they all signed up to support Harris. every single one is dressed in as George mentioned today, -> purple.

      if harris wins this election? she becomes the prophecy.

      she wont win. but she might do the next line,

      “6 I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of God’s holy people, the blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus.”

      The More ya know.

      and if i had decided to do border patrol who would have i been working for?

      id rather not work for

    • people say all the time, The United States isnt mentioned in Revelations.

      Buuuuuulllshit it isnt. the entire book has the united states written all over it.

  7. Now I’m just an unedjumicated moron with an opinion from crap I read and wonder.. is it just me or is this shit show for real..
    am I just a shallow thinker on this and reading more into it than what there really is going on? even Ted Cruz and Rand Paul are silent..I had always seen them as the nobleman standing tall for the people..
    I should stick to my kitchen gadgets and go back to reading Winney the pooh books

    • What earings was Kamala Harris wearing in the debate? Perl. What color was all the ladys wearing the DNC convention? Purple.

      this is not just a republican verses demicrat thing. this isnt just a trump verse harris thing. this isnt a battle for democracy. which we are a constutional republic not a democracy.

      these themes if they play out the ripples will get bigger and bigger. this is Good verse Evil and this decides if all humanity tavels down the ripples fullfill The Good Books ending. or not.

      i highly recomend you read Rev chapter 17 again.

      The waters you saw, where the prostitute sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations and languages.

      what nation has a multitude of peoples, of nations and languages? The United States. we have a multitude of people from all nations and languages.

      this line clearly indicates civil war clearly ->>>

      because it once was, now is not, and yet will come.

      you know this stuff LOB.

      i see a mix of super good and super bad. i see alot of Super Good in my personal life. i tend to lean on that. and keep that as my focus

      as well as be aware of the context of things on the world scale.

  8. A personal rant

    Living below the poverty level has increased 18.9% over the past eighteen months. [ Reuters]
    .., and
    Children living below the poverty level has hit a five year high. [ HSS – Aug 2024 ]
    How can the economy be doing so well, consumers spending happily and managing to keep its collective economic-head above water with such numbers on nation-wide poverty levels ?
    – The numbers of people at, or below the poverty level is a national disgrace.., in my opinion.., but everything is just fine ?? One out of twelve people in the U.S. now live “below” the poverty levels. In Mississippi & New Mexico 18% live below the poverty level.
    What is going to happen to all of these millions of people if/when we do run head-long into a recession?
    Right now one out of every eight adults in this country are struggling to get enough food to eat. That is 8.5% more than last year. And according to Feeding America – one out every six kids are not getting enough food on the table.
    They have coined a cute little term for this – Food Insecurity.

    * * *

    How does your garden grow ??

    • (“How can the economy be doing so well, consumers spending happily and managing to keep its collective economic-head above water with such numbers on nation-wide poverty levels ?”)

      I visited with a guy.. he was telling me he got ten grand..just walking across the border..gets free medical and dental and at least two states are buying them new homes.. kind of like putting a photo of your hand on the wall and backing into it essentially patting yourself on the back..
      with millions and millions and still estimated 40 thousand crossing the border.. if each of them is just getting ten grand cash card..the economy will totally appear to be booming..housing should be leaping.. when these people won’t be paying taxes .. its a shadow game..
      I had read that the administration was going to hand out 2000.00 stimulus to all social security and low income people.. the people would use it and the economy will look amazingly strong..they of course didn’t do that but hand out cash cards to illegals that’s not traceable just like the illegals it doesn’t exist..

      this guy in this video explains the smoke and mirrors pretty good..
      they show stats that say how great it is..yet there isn’t any reference or accounting on what’s going out. if they had given the stimulus like what was said a month ago for the three months till the election. that would have to be shown. this way its the allegory of the cave..
      of course that’s just what I see..

    • “Right now one out of every eight adults in this country are struggling to get enough food to eat. That is 8.5% more than last year.”

      Nostradamus Quatrain II-75
      The voice of the rare bird heard,
      Over the cannon breathtaking coinciding,
      So high will the bushel of wheat rise,
      That man will be eating his fellow man.

      Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 889
      Once again, we see this term “insolit oyseau”, “rare bird”. “Insoli” can mean “rare”, “unusual”, “bizarre”, or “freaky”.

      “Respirer” means “to breath”. Extrapolating from seeing something rare that coincides with a great war that leads to cannibalism, I would say that the intent is some event that takes people’s breath away.

      “Estaige” is “etage”. As a masculine noun, “etage” can mean “floor”, as a verb it means “to superpose” or “to place something above something else”; in geometry, it means, “to make two figures coincide exactly”.

      This is such a very serious Quatrain that is straight out of The Book of Revelation.

      Revelation 6:6 (King James)
      And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.

      • I see that a lot.. people to bulk foods..
        I had someone in a checkout lane just two days ago trying to decide what they could get for the 18 dollars they had.

      • Amen JC.. see it all the time..
        when I worked as a bagging clerk stocker.. there was a couple old ladies.. come in.. and they would buy cat food…one day I said dam they must have a lot of cats.. NOPE .. the store manager said no silly.. they buy that for themselves.. Walmart recently reset the shelves.. they put the dog food that our beast eats on the bottom shelf.. old people buy that.. so it isn’t uncommon to see them laying on the floor scooting along to find the dog food..
        just the other day.. a woman in the checkout was trying to decide what she could get.. she had eighteen dollars left till her next payday.. bread milk eggs.. or gallon of gas.. you will hear the old people at senior citizens meals on wheels discuss this stuff..
        the difference is.. they were tax payers..

  9. I Israel and Palestine have a very long history, but they have many treaties that have been violated, and Palestine begins again to attack Israeli civilians. I try to imagine if terrorist were being protected in Mexico and kept firing rockets into our border cities. Then they attack a festival and kill hundreds and take hostages. There is no way we would listen to UN telling us to surrender and to agree to yet another treaty that will be ignored. We would invade and try to kill each and every terrorist and then convert the country into an occupied territory. The entire attitude from other countries is nonsensical.

  10. double top, looks like tits ups,,, prepare for sex, so to speak.

    Been hearing stuff about the Az election voter counts and ballots not matching, seems to be some bad ballots in the mix,,, PANIC
    heard the demons that bitched about Trump’s complaining about elections being rigged are now going to claim the elections are uncertifiable, as they see the Trump landslide coming this Nov, that they do NOT have enough cheat built into the system to hold back the flood, they will claim system failure, but will deny they created/controlled the failure/cheat
    Constitutional chaos

    and more Diddy in the news
    , I heard he has obama and big mikie tapes,, BUT you know how rumors spread,,, wildfire,,, we ‘ll wait and see.
    hollywoodpedos and dc pedo politicians sleep in the same circles,,,

    and we now have the NY covid czar undercover tape admission of sex/drug parties during lockdowns for the commoners

    Camela wants neuter the 2nd amendment for you but not for her household, rules for thee and not for me.
    and go in to your home to check,

    for some strange reason, I el-believo that Space Force has been monitoring internet connections of Dominion/Smartmatic voting machines, we will see

    And YES,, It is a NEW election season with teamsters members supporting Trump but the union leaders go neutral-neutered,,, who would have believed it a few short yrs ago

    • If this is indeed a ‘double top’ forming., then to confirm it we need to drop, now, to the low in the trough between the two highs, which is roughly eight percent to reach the trough low. Which is, once again ‘roughly’ 5,000 points from today’s open., using my “Carnac The Magnificent”. [ about 500 points on the S&P500]
      That’s a good size chuck-of-change – however, that is very doable with the computer systems ruling the markets trades today. ., and I believe would pave the way for a continuation downward for another 20 to 25 percent. If panic ensues, war breaks-out, etc.., then it might be another 20 percent on-top of that. 40 to 45 % overall. Which, if I am reading all of this right, would force us into the recession everyone has been blathering about for over two years. [ add a trade embargo with China during this drop and voila – depression.]

        • its been one crazy ass ride since the Oct 2022 blast off …. the UP trade has been the only one sided trade there (with rare down moves that power reversed) ….. and yes very profitable if one did nothing, given all the past 2 years of gloom and doom …. but as is said … markets will fool the most, most of the time ………. good luck to all

    • Garden Grow?
      It does not for the less fortunate in my local county. But the county is very well to do, and we have a large county food bank. Nobody in living in this county has an excuse – food/meals/precook meals/fresh veggies and fruit – all available – just have to inquire. County Foodbank has a huge Volunteer force/crews, mostly retired types giving back and staying busy.
      But what I really appreciate is the CEO personally signs Thank You Notes/Donation acknowledgement letters with tiny hand written note.
      Stopped monthly donations to a homeless shelter in Philly past year, as neglected to acknowledge several months worth of AMZ donations (personal toiletries kinda things) and a monthly check..some kinda transitional BS story regards development ofc..

    • no shitski obD,
      word on street is Feds called Ben A. in to ofc and showed him some footage of J Lo in action wit another Gal, as puffy pours a bottle of champagne over their heads..think it might of have been one of the white out parties.
      Meek Mil got hammered on tape by puffy- I can hardly listen to him screaming, and you know theres tape of Beber fever getting it on.
      Homework – research Puffy’s Daddy – biggest Herione dealer up in Harlem back in the day..yerp.. christians in action, again.


    These people were seated behind and to Trump’s right on the stage, and at least five people seated close together suffered the same symptoms.

    My theory is that someone in the audience to Trump’s left front may have been trying to blind Trump and/or his supporters with an IR laser. The person using it would not be able to see where the beam was striking without a night vision device, so he aimed it in Trump’s general direction hoping to score a hit. But Trump would have spent very little time looking at the audience to his left front, where those in the stands to Trump’s right rear would be looking in that direction the whole time.

    It might be a good idea for SS to have someone use night vision to surveil the audience during events.

  12. re: Election Fizzles
    feat: Livermore, Ca.


    Sisters in the know may be confident of a November election slam-dunk. Yesterday saw the former First Lady Mrs. Obama in the confines of a retail warehouse merchandising establishment catering to excess consumption in Livermore, Ca., off the I-580. The east of San Fran burg is apparently named after a naturalized Mexican of English birth who earned a nice nest egg selling goods to prospectors heading out to the 1848 California Gold Rush.

    Voting and all that jazz may be important on some dais, but let’s face it – nothing need get between a First Lady co-founded low sugar, fizzy beverage and her customers other than a phalanx of Secret Service agents.

    Here’s a link to a Chinese-platformed Tik-Tok’er who was there. (Apparently the “no white fashions” after Labour Day is optional in Cali these days.) Lots of smartphones are taking pictures, but nobody appears to be buying product. I guesstimate that the influencer can’t earn more than $125 from TikTok for their well-liked post although perhaps $20-$30 is nearer to the actual mark? The motherlode on the day’s work might be going to Secret Service staff salaries.

    The public official White House schedule this afternoon reflects the President traveling from the WH to Wilmington, De., with a transfer at Fort McNair (shift change?). While the President then meets the PM of Australia in Wilmington, the First Lady hosts the cast of Hollywood television’s “West Wing” at the real White House…President Biden’s Wilmington meeting is private without press. However here is a C-Span link to the White House shindig. Ladies and gentleman, please welcome President Jed Bartlett, aka Martin Sheen, to the White House!

    Another successful episode instalment goes on tape for posterity. Have a great weekend everyone!

  13. look at the language on this,

    it was my question of the day a few days ago.

    watch to the end of this scene in the movie Law Abiding Citizen. pay attention to the judges last words in the video.

    like i said. its a good thing, some how God moved me out in the mountains before all this. away from cell serivice.

    always one step of the game.

    as it is, i just been enjoying life. have a super good last few days.

  14. Team Trump ‘Collecting Info’ After Rallygoers Report Blurred Vision, Burning Eyes, Chemical Burn

    The Trump campaign is looking into reports of rallygoers in Tucson, Arizona, experiencing a mysterious illness and what appear to be chemical burns after attending former President Donald Trump’s campaign event last week.

    “The emergency room staff [were asking] ‘Are you sure you weren’t sprayed by anything?'”

  15. Interesting – in a odd way.
    Someone, or group, has hacked it’s way into the Mensa mainframe and downloaded all the past and present members & info. Mensa is now neither confirming – or denying that the breach occurred.
    It’s been over a week since it happened and they still can’t figure out who did it.
    I took and passed the Mensa test at university on a challenge from a professor – passed and joined and then showed him the certificate I got in the mail. He was rather ticked-off.
    Never did anything with the organization.., just forgot about ’em. Lately I have heard that they have turned rather cult-ish and holier then-thou. No proof of that. Just repeated comments.
    Why would you want all those names ? Especially from that organization ?

    • “A cadre of intelligensia” in reserve, I once heard it described as. That turned me off. I qualified by way of maxing out my military aptitude scores, but I never joined. I didn’t want to be on some official list of ‘eggheads’. Looks to me like those on the list now have targets on their backs.

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