
Yes, stuttering like in that David Bowie song, time for a couple of reader-impacting changes here on the old (since 1998) UrbanSurvival site.

FIRST: The home page is now showing only a summary of the day’s report.  Simple reason for this:  Google Search seems to have been underscoring (and as a result under-indexing us) because the content of the Home Page was the same as the actual post page.  Posting content is more than one place is bad, unless it’s in the AMP directory. So, please, no, thanks.

SECOND: And it’s a kind of apology move on my part: I have turned on the post Scoring system.

Another idea kicking around is this whole notion of expanding the Comments Section with a more formal commenting tool.  Discus or Buddy Press come to mind.  There’s already a GLP, but we could actually organize the comments a bit more.  Let me know what you’d like.

Now to put a space after the reading time – always something, ain’t it?

OK, mark how the stars guide and write when you get rich.

Oh, and see how my rally fired early? Early enough to rally into the close and then disappointment on Retail in the morning? We’s shall see, um…

13 thoughts on “Ch…Ch…Ch…Changes!”

  1. I really like the shortened posts on the main page and you definitely should consider a more functional comments section. There have been times when having the ability to post a photo with a comment would have been useful. Of course, that’s a whole extra level of moderation on your end.

  2. often times i would have like to post pictures of stuff. pictures are more impacting. i need to go get another website of my own up and running and quit the dilley dally on doing that.

    since my decision to not juke tje pin ball machine and not alow the box to do my thinking fore me. i had a series of phenominal events shortly after. the odds of which of happening are astronmical in a series like that, but im used to events that beat astronimical odds.

    what are the odds of surviving death? now what are the odds of survining death eleven more times?

    it seemes to me, that THE DUDE and Creation approved of my answers. since shortly after, well you know, its the same amazing what the fuck. cooool thanks DUDE stuff. which happens all the time for a fella like me.

    happy monday! woot woot! says the owl.

    • i beat the system already George. i got 5 stars. so i went and got one of those Rockstar energy drinks in the black and gold cans. it has a giant gold star on it. boom! 6 stars! hahahahah beat the system. yes sir. i sure did.


    • dude i could write a book just on the last 2 days. hahaha.

      just when you think your cool. THE DUDE says, Watch this Andy! i looo and whoooaaaa! never seen anything like that before in all my days.

      the mountain tops are all a shade of golden color now because its been so hot. it looks like snow does on the peaks, but golden colored.

      the sun was setting on one of the peaks accross enoch valley and it touched the top, all the mountain peaks began to glow with golden light. you could see as it went a little lower past the peak, the golden light move accross the valley, accross farm after farm until filled the entire cab of my ore train. the entire inside of my ore train, including me was bathed in golden light. i was driving south bound with a load in my ore train #11 and i looked out my drivers window.

      all the green mountains with golden peaks began to glow in golden light.

      it looked like liquid gold. it was unbelievably beautiful.

      i was awe struck. i looked back in the cab and went to turn up the radio (the clock on the radio isnt set to the right time) and it read 11:11. i started laughing so hard. when i turned the music up, it was playing that shamballah song. the line from that song played,

      “how does your light shine in the home of shamballah.”

      took my breath away. i couldnt even say anything.


      THE DUDE! ya know?

      i said thank you DUDE, for seeing me and showing me YOU!

      and it dawned on me. on my old website the word: Future, had the same golden light around it.

      and that is only one thing that happened in the last 2 days.

      unbelievably beautiful. a moment i will never forget.

      • you think AI can immitate that kind of art?

        what did you think George. i did good?

        it was super fun to create it and even more fun to live it. it all just manifested how it did. all the way to me working in the mines at the end of it. all the music, and the shows it created for me to work at and go too. all the true to life miracle stories i put into it to give it life, to do more of the same
        and to have a more richer experiance and touch so many more lives through the processs. like i understand page views etc etc. but its different than face to face life changing connections. which are more intimate.

        wonder what THE DUDE thinks about it all? hopefully its something worthy enough to hang in his house. or make a coffee table book out of in Heaven.

        im not sure if it was a masterpiece or not. but it was fun. and that is the point of art. having fun creating. creating a real story, using real storys and processes then living it all out in real time.

        okay off to bed. time will tell if it stands the test of time. i mostly did it, for fun. to give it a shot at creating something real, and experiance my creation by living it.

        im sure there is more to come. since i just entered the future. :)

    • there wasnt a winner tonight. hahahaha

      like my Momma used to say when i was a kid. “Andy, Delayed doesnt mean denial. Gods timing is perfect.”

      Yes Mam. it sure is.

      • good morning George, i have moved into the (future) section of my banner of my old website. ~ doorfore mining the future. ~ faster than i expected. i spose a few mre items of interest and results. then some time to review what i learned and remis about the adventure and journey. it was super fun and ive grown so much.

        after reviewing my creation and having lived it out. i enjoyed it all very much so. seee what esle happens, then i will begin a new creation.

        it is good art. im happy with it. lots of really good suprizes along the way. really fun to live it out. i only wrote on it for 4 months and it took me almost 2 years to live it. the remaining 8 months i had my website, it only had one post. a song. jackie wilson, higher and higher.

        a time for review i spose and see what the future hold. higher and higher.

        the door to the future for me is npw open. that is my understanding.

        already have a website name and theme. have for a while.

        i saw some peope on here want to lose body fat. pretty eat less and do more physically. pretty simple math. just walking a mile a day does so much for you. also dsaunas are super good for your heart.

        if you are younger than me. for cadio yesterday, i put 255lbs on a 50lb sled, (metal sled with plastic skies) and sprint pushed it 25 yard on astro turf, then turned it around and sprint pushed it back. down and back counts as one did that 11 times. gets the heart pumping good. especially at an elevation of 6400 feet above sea level. nothing like pushing and sprinting as fast as you can go with 305lbs. sure makes ya good at knocking on doors. hahaha

        someone asked me yesterday what have i been up to now. i said gearing up on golden light. hahaa

        time to be still, think for a while. and see what i see. and let it all come to me.

        adios muchachos!

  3. Listen G, “it dont make no difference to me, baby
    EVERYBODY’S had to fight to bee free
    You see, you dont have to live like a refugee” -T.Petty


    Unless of course youse live close to my good friend and companion Phil E. Delphia. Looks like ole trudope is sending moar toxic smoke via the BIC wildfires. Thankfully I exfiltrated my ass out da soup – wit my better half by my side last week.

    Ya know “Bob”, up there in the middle part of da north american continent – Americans have been taught by a Smokey Bear “not 2 play with matches in the forest” .

    Wise Smokey, that Bear.

    Canucks might want 2 write when they get a clue to Forestry Mgt…”Burn2Sow&Grow” instead of todays ops – “Burn for Dough” Any question trudope getting “paid” by same folks “paying” turdturdgone IMF loan money for nato vote/approval sweden?

    Signed- Sealed – Delivered.

    Dont forget – to BUYBUYBUYBUYBUY some Bitcoin for Fun, P&L’s and SHTF.

    Worse case – you lose Everything you put in it, will That matter after the fact – SHTF???? Ure results will vary, but on balance like the stock market – “Going Up!
    Like my current position in BITF – long July 2.00 calls (67% original position)
    30% Up = “automatic” Rule-Trade
    Buy more or Take profit?
    Love my ice cream -took profits, now July 2.00’s are out of the money again.
    Double down ? think will start “nibbling” on them again shortly, building up for a bigger bite tomorrow = 3rd red candle down/day of decline. calculating Homegamerz, gotz to bee calculating.

  4. Old School …
    The Dow Jones: March 15 2023 ..

    16/37/ 36 days … do the (fractal) math …

    xy/2-2.5xy/2.5xy or xy/2-2.5xy/2-2.5xy/1.5-1.6xy

  5. George, I personally like having the intro on the home page and a link to the rest. It’s much more convenient for me, since I’d have to jump anyway if I wanted to read the comments or add to them. It’s also much easier to scroll down and find something I read or failed to fully read from days or weeks ago.

    Regarding having an outside entity(Disqus or other), my personal plea is NOOOOOOO! The reason is quite simple. Those outsiders take possession of your comments and since they insist on their own registration, they have your email, phone, or whatever and can aggregate your comments between sites, and then sell the distilled product to the real data aggregators! I won’t comment on any site using those things, and sadly, there are places that could use a valid comment. I won’t do it because I’m not prepared to have separate personal info for every site and subsites. I trust this site since I’ve actually been on it for over 20 years and had the privilege of meeting you, Elaine, and various readers. I absolutely do not trust the aggregators that correlate data and info from multiple sites using common variables(such as email addresses). Call me paranoid if you wish, but that doesn’t mean that they’re not out to get us all, or at least profit from us. GLP is about as close as you can get to anonymous on the net, and I chose to trust my ID with this site and PN. Others – not at all.

    I’m not sure about the stars. I’d probably think highly of most posts since I read for information content and insight. Sometimes there are boring subjects, like food, but that’s a personal thing. Perhaps it’s best to leave the stars as an optional field.

  6. You’all may have heard of a sad crash of a Cessna 310 this morning a couple of miles from Santa Fe airport. It’s an interesting commentary on the relative safety of twin engine aircraft, and of course, the dangers of hot and high. I don’t live there, but a close friend lives between the airport and the crash site. I visited there only a couple of days ago. I’ve driven past that site many times. It seems that the aircraft, with only a pilot aboard, had a left(critical) engine failure on climbout at a time with very high density altitude(~9000 ft). Santa Fe is high anyway, but it was hot too. ATC suggested a left turn INTO the dead(critical) engine at less than 200′ AGL and the pilot apparently complied. If I recall correctly, the main tanks are the tip tanks on a 310 and it had full fuel for a run to California, so that would push even more mass outboard. That would make handling near stall speed much more dodgy. Regardless of that, I’m not sure that any action could have saved that aircraft other than possibly a slight right turn and landing on the nearby freeway, assuming that the pilot could avoid a bridge and the cars. The preliminary story is here:

    The pilot died and a house and the plane were destroyed, but there were apparently no injuries on the ground.

    • 2nd scariest landing in my life was as copilot of a Malibu and we had to set down in a hurry at ABQ on a hot one. The fault was a pump, so all the way down I was toe braking/pumping so when the CIC needed brakes on landing they would work.
      Third scariest was in one of the square states -was Wyoming or up that way – Elaine and I took off (full fuel on hot day and near max gross – after 5-mins of flying I was 760 Agl. Almost like the time in Deming, NM we did something simo;ar/ Density altitude’s a bit when it’s hot and you don’t drive a 4,000 smoke blowing sled….

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