Caution in the Charts

Why did I sit out going short this weekend?  Therein lies a useful tale about charts, caution, time value, risk and every other financial term you can conjure up.

Oh, don’t get me wrong!  I’m not going bullish, or anything outright stupid like that.  It’s just a gut feeling about “pre-holiday rallies” which (gotten wrong) can be expensive.

On the other hand, at least one subscriber (with a better track record that me!) was considering a weekend short, so it’s a close-enough call it’s absolutely worth talking about.

Sure, sure, a few headlines first, but the whole point of Peoplenomics is to live the best lives we can, and putting our money to work for us, is one aspect, for sure.

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51 thoughts on “Caution in the Charts”

    • Not “far Right.” It’s actually “barely right of center, Right.”

      The communists and fascists have so-polluted Western politics that we have no perspective, unless we stand back far enough to see our political postures and positions from an historical perspective which uses an earlier time for reference.

      In 1960, John F Kennedy was a “left-wing radical.”

      In most political jurisdictions in the U.S. today, he would be considered a “right-wing (or even ‘far-right’) conservative.”

      Except for the kiddies, over the past 10 years or so, the political posture and position of U.S. Citizens hasn’t changed. We are still “center-right” in our customs and beliefs. I don’t know about Canadians, but suspect you folks were, as well, until your current PM sucked his way into power on his daddy’s name & coat-tails.

      North America is a difficult place to live, unless one realizes that for every way there is, to die, in Ureup, there are 20 ways in North America (or Africa, Patagonia, the Aussie Outback, Antarctica, etc.) and adjusts their life and lifestyle accordingly. People who actually live in these places (as opposed to just existing) tend toward conservatism, because to do otherwise is to significantly lessen one’s life-expectancy…

  1. If Taiwan decides to shoot back fishing boats would sitting ducks. China’s best bet would be paratroopers. That would be the fastest way to fill the country with soldiers. Start on a moonless night and by morning 1,000,000 soldiers are walking the streets of Taipei City.

    You did hit this one, the GOP is going to save us.

    GOP talk of military action in Mexico sparks dire warnings

  2. Both the Russell and the DowJones broke their 85 DayMA – and both are now sitting right on the line – they could go either way. I try not to incorporate the NASDAQ in my trade calculations/decisions – way too much mega-tech billions being shuffled about lately.., out of my league and ‘safe range’ of trading. [ It did close below it’s 85DMA, but worked it’s way back up, almost touched it’s 30 day, then dropped again – now sitting between the two.] The S&P500 is below the 30 and 50 MA, but sitting just above it’s 85DMA. The 13 week Treasury has ticked up another point – now at 5.32%. [30 Yr at 4.239% up, but barely.] Since all the breaking news of multiple countries joining BRICs, the dollar has climbed over 50 basis points and is back over 104. My Aggregate is sitting right between it’s 30 day and 85 day MA. The OBV, A/D, Stockcastics and a couple of others are each pointing in slightly different directions. Though the overall, right now, points to a higher opening on Monday.
    – We’ll see……………,

  3. Mowed the front lawn before it gets to hot and this ran through my mind.
    Intel gathering
    – If it is quiet enough, I can close my eyes and drift back. To any important point in my life., and I can ‘see’ it and sometimes even ‘smell’ it., all over again.
    – I can recall, vividly, stepping off the skid of a gunship and setting foot in Laos for the very first time. The jungle was no different than that of Vietnam just 20 klicks to the east.., but it was an invisible line that we were not supposed to cross., yet we did, regularly.
    – Four hours later we had crossed over the ridge and were slowly dropping down into the valley below. Something didn’t feel right. Something was wrong. I tucked my six man team into the brush, we snuggled down into the mud and barely two minutes later watched a 12 man special forces team drift through the jungle not a hundred yards in front of us.
    – I was pretty pissed off., to say the least. There was not supposed to be ‘friendlies’ in this area. I was assured of that. Yet.., there they were. Very bad intel with bad communication that could have gotten us killed by our own.., and visa versa.
    – The analogy ?
    – .., and that is pretty much were we are at this moment.., tucked down into the mud and receiving way too much unverifiable intel. Too many possible scenarios that are stirring up the mud and clouding the water so much we can’t see what’s coming. We are feeling our way along hoping a great white doesn’t suddenly materialize out of the gloom.
    – I believe it is time to hunker down, sit quietly and just watch the parade. This week., maybe two, looks rather dubious and uncertain. Even the math is showing two, very real possibilities. – and that is never a good sign.
    – Bet ’em.., if you dare – but carefully.

    • Been there too……it’s the bugs that wake me up at night. Got a good position and I’m sitting quiet and watching! Glad I got some metals and Rebel the Dog! And, Welcome Home Brother

    • d’lynn thanks for sharing your personal tale of how it’s not alway easy to spot the enemy, especially if they aren’t the enemy lol!
      Could also mean ‘financial quakes’:
      On August 29th Uranus moves stationary retrograde at 23° Taurus, moving direct again on January 27th. For the few days to either side of this date, expect magnified ‘Uranian’ energy. So this could be extreme Earth events, earthquakes of all kinds, extreme volatility, sudden out of the blue events, much shocking truth coming to light, aviation incidents, cyber attacks, and power grid outages. It may also increased the instability of the Earth’s geomagnetics with solar flares, as this is getting very close to the maximum projected by astrophysicists for Solar Cycle 25. The other possible manifestation is greater disclosure of UFO activity, and galactic contacts. If this occurs, the historic hiding of this information will severely rattle trust in government authorities. This energy is running into the Full SuperMoon the next d

  4. ICE, Hybrids, BEV follow-up: There is a long string of articles and comments here about the advantages and folly of electric vehicles. Some claim that the cost of battery production and electricity generation makes BEVs more CO2 toxic than ICEs. This graphic I saw today takes a life cycle approach and is, to me, believable. It seems to assume that electricity will continue to be generated by the present mix of fuels. Unstated, and likely not considered, is the environmental cost of building new power stations.
    Disclosure: I have a hybrid and an ICE. I like the electric driving experience but would not consider owning one!

    • We have a hybrid.. the wife’s car..she says I’m to messy to drive it..huh…who me…she obviously has to be mistaken..
      the reason..embrace the technologies of the past and accept and implement the technologies of the future.
      I love all forms of energy except nuclear..
      coal is a favorite.. and can be clean.. just a change in the burn chamber and a filter..
      natural gas propane oil.. we have so many very useful and needed methods..but accept and use the technologies of the future.. implement them and expand their use and gradually replace the technologies of the past..
      oh yes we could go California and use goat carts..fart in plastic bags..but hey once you have a fart filled bag..what do you do with it..

      • Fix election again and elect it – President of Soviet Social States of America !

        Imagine all of the Progress we as Country could have made in the last 3 years if we had elected a bag of bad Gas vs the bagS of SHIT we got now.

        • Otflmao…did you catch his Fuzck you USA activities lol lol..this past few lol lol

        • “if we had elected a bag of bad Gas vs the bagS of SHIT we got now.”

          You do realize BCN….. that line up of candidates that get a chuckle out of us..what we see as the lineup of over paid morons.. lazy ass, dumb, dumber, I’m an over paid perv, cackling kammy, SH and OMG didn’t we just scrape that off of the bottom of our shoe.. and dam wouldn’t they get fired at any other job..
          is in reality.. The Best, The Smartest, that the whole USA has to offer..all of our stupidity is what to we them a job of affluence and power to lead our nation to high ground and safety..
          So what they give us is our fault..not theirs..
          on one hand as much as I gag over DJT’s personality and didn’t vote for him.. I was impressed at what he accomplished for the citizens being attacked ruthlessly by the democratic politichians.. I was embarrassed by how both the Democrats attacked lied and maneuvered.. and disappointed that the Republicans failed to voice their opposition to such immoral activities.. notice not one republican opposed any of the things that the present administration has done. everyone is protecting the golden child to the point they waited to the point that they only have four working days to do anything.. the crimes drop off everyone walks except for the ex pres.. he should have known though..all he had to do is look at what happened to anyone that stood opposed or published evidence of possible corrupt I’ve activities..

      • At a pottery shop once I spotted a nice little clay ‘bottle’ with a large cork stopper. Engraved in the side of the bottle, in clay, was: “Old Farts”.

        • Lol. lol. lol I love it….. I am just getting ready to make some bottles for my Xmas wine.. I think I may cast them with old farts winery…on the bottle on the back lol lol lol

    • I have not bought into the E-cars for two reasons.
      The first is all of the vehicles in all formats grossly overstate their actual range. The stated range is only for going E-W in OK or West Kansas. Any hills, uphill, trailer towing, there goes the range. I could not make my weekend commute from Kentucky to Alabama in any E-car. I drive the 400 miles in one tank and usually have enough to drive around a couple of days at my work site until I need to fill up.
      The Second came to me listening to Tesla pat it’s own back after one of the Gulf Hurricanes. They issued a press release telling how they had sent out a signal to all the Teslas in the Gulf Coast increasing their battery range from 240 miles to 360 miles, so owners in the range of the storm could escape.
      Well bully for them. I guess they limit the capability to avoid wearing out the battery prematurely with too many deep discharge/charge cycles. (They only have about 500 cycles built in.)
      My thought is “hey I’m making the payment on this boat, and my name is on the title. Who owns this POS? Me or you.
      If I buy the damn thing, I want it transferred to me completely without any restrictions on its performance or meddling with the settings from the home office.
      One thing I have been insisting on with a vehicle purchase is the dealer will reflash the computer every year for the life of the Warrantee at least. How often does MS send out updates to your desktop? Well the cars computers have all the same type updates sitting at the dealer, and some of them can make amazing differences in the performance of the car. But you have to go ask for them and pay to have them installed. Why is that!?!
      If Tesla or any other wants to maintain control over the vehicle and its use, they can Keep It.
      Did I mention that Little Big Al’s first change in his 5Spd Eco-Boost Mustang was to track down the SIMM Card in the ECM and remove it?

      • Well…that is dependent on who’s driving..
        with the wires car she gets 30-35 mpc ( miles per charge) I get closer to fifty.. how heavy is your foot..
        its the same thing with the buggy or the beast.. I get better mileage than anyone else..
        57 is maximum highway speed for efficiency.. anything above that your burning fuel..

    • The proof of climate is in one graph..

      the thing is you cannot just change it.. if.. carbon usage was eliminated at one time every study says co2 would continue to increase for fifty to a hundred years..
      As we expand urban so does The graph..
      I could go into my rant.. use the past embrace the future and adapt

      • LOOB, No offense intended here.
        I took a look at the graph. Makes some sense but it occurred to me that CO2 presence would logically rise with temperatures as the heat enhanced the plant life to higher levels. For now, the planet is as green as ever. We are on a dynamic planet not a stagnant planet. Change is inevitable.
        Tying those two together (CO2 and Temperatures) as one causing the other is more sensible than the THEORY of global warming occurring due strictly to dirty human activity and the ridiculous idea that restricting human activities will counter warming from our distant red dwarf star. What a scam.
        All science has is THEORIES on warm vs, cool. It has happened many times before with NO humans involved at all. This indicates that the scientists are just guessing. They are more clever than smart…
        Humanity just isn’t that talented or powerful enough to counter the effects of radiation from our star.

        • “it occurred to me that CO2 presence would logically rise with temperatures as the heat enhanced the plant life to higher levels. For now, the planet is as green as ever.”

          Earth is not as green as ever.

          More plants = lower CO2.

          Animals breathe oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.

          Plants breathe carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen.

          Plants and animals are bidirectionally synergistic.

          Plants are happiest and most productive when atmospheric CO2 is at 2396ppm. Current atmospheric CO2 levels vary between 50ppm and about 380ppm depending on where the sample is taken, and average about 170ppm worldwide. When levels go below about 137ppm plants start to asphyxiate and die. Elevated CO2 causes elevated oxygen and diminishes the level of atmospheric nitrogen. Everything is better and healthier.

          The object of the PTB is not to make things better or healthier, it is to acquire ownership of everything, and control of everyone.

        • You have some good points.. I believe that global warming is a natural occurring event.. a book we had to read for class assignment ..cataclysm’s of the earth.. a fun read using the same scientific studies is the HAB theory.. great scify read.. the big issue is population .. like a mall.. a shopping mall uses the shoppers as heat sources..
          so as the population increases so does ambient temperatures and co2.. it takes seven trees to filter the CO2 of one biological ..( person animal etc) and it takes 14 per mechanical..
          in 68 there was a horrible winter storm that took out the power for three weeks.. we were ok my father heated with wood..but when I asked him about the neighbors his answer stuck with me. everyone is becoming more dependent to modern technology..aka the grid.. as we clear cut forests .. the difference in a tree and a blade of grass..height..
          so the biggest issue is urban I have said since before I could shave yet..greens cape the we can learn some lessons from two surprising sources..Cuba and North Korea… we did everything to hurt them..technologicaly and food wise.. Cubans are still driving cars from the late forties and fifties..they learned to adapt and overcome..NK the people were starving to death.. we closed them off from everything..they are now the leading researchers of hydroponic gardening..
          as auto sales increased I proposed co2 filters.. which can be made quite cheaply to..the two ways I inexpensive clay filtration and then algae.. I love the algae it is the best for two things co2 filtration and oil production because of the congestion and the mass of concrete jungles and human population I say one filter on every street lamp post..
          green scaling the cities to compensate for the 55 acres a minute in urban expansion.Replace the 55 acres of good cropland.
          technological advancement..phew..look around you..we consume so much power today..and the electric bill in the seventies was 5 dollars a month..
          how we design our grid is ok for sixty years ago..but today its antiquated and inefficient and over stressed.we use brute force to flow the energy.. yet for the cost of one large could literally hand out a solar power system to everyone in our state in the wastelands.. or you could build 100- 6mw solar towers.. the tree.. the tree is the most efficient solar power system.. the roots as the main power plant the stems the lines and each leaf is a mini power plant..each leaf. ( don’t quote me for sure on voltage its been a few years since I’ve taken a reading) but each leaf produces in or about .005 of a volt to help stimulate photosynthesis.. if you built solar towers starting at the furthest substation and worked back to the power plant you not only save money by using already owned land.. but you take the stress of demand off of the main power plant. create jobs and reduce costs..the issue doesn’t fit the business model of high profits.
          by the .ethic we currently use we also face the chance of a total grid down.. by utilizing the solar towers as mini grids in a shtf scenario..
          we are more vulnerable now than ever before.
          back to clear cutting.. construction building materials.. I stead of clear cutting why not use a grow lot management..the fire in Maui wouldn’t have been as horrible as it was if they had used a grow lot management system ..the same in California.. the other thing.. legalize marijuana hemp.. grows like corn and every part of it is a priduct.. ( its ease in making paper from it is why its ultimately illegal) make your plywood two by fours etc from hemp fields still get The oil and food and fabric and fuel products the tax revenues from those that will use it for recreation.. and solve the need for more construction materials in a yearly growth cycle the ultimate sustainable plant material..
          it also consumes radiation..
          my fifty plus year rant.. be the tree…instead we designed our life and existence over greed ( we sold our souls for a number) and death..we thrive over the death and misery of others just to utilize what they have..I stead of destroying g why don’t we become janitors and gardeners clean up the plastic island that is larger than so.e countries.. re-election process it back to its oil state..
          but then this is the ramblings of an old moron in the wastelands..
          the ones they need to go with are the scientists that promote flinging frisbee mirrors into space..

      • OTFLMAO…did you catch it…..

        its the shotgun FUZCK YOU America move…lol lol lol
        you gotta love it.. simplicity of a temper tantrum…lol lol
        shotgun just wht he’s done in the past few weeks to the top of the chalk board..then do a if this happens then this is the results pyramid graph ..
        SEE it yet lol lol lol
        for four years non stop 24/7 why doesn’t trump disclose his taxes.. the reason why is he took advantage of our fifty thousand pave tax laws.. and showed a personal income of what ten grand.. it would inflame every tax payer in the country..but..its legal and a common practice in industry..that’s why hospitals buy key Doctors ex boss lives in a mansion has a million dollar bus camper the executives fill up at the company pump..he shows no income to speak of..
        so DJT didn’t want people to know that the tax laws have exclusions..its a perk.. then congress is inquiring on the golden child’s taxes..hell he didn’t even report any of it..dam it its just a few million have you ever heard of such a thing..wanted him Rooney the laws
        then every time they brought up a new charge of alleged crimes..the DOJ slammed DJT with another indictment.. even with all the indictments.. Trump is leading the polls..then the song that literally had everyone listening to it..
        so now you see a blanket shotgun .. FUZCK YOU…..don’t you know who we are..
        Now in a couple of weeks Congress will be headed back to ????? WORK????? they literally Will work 4 days before all the charges for the golden child drop off and he’s free to do whatever..
        when has anyone in the twentieth century seen congress do anything in ten years much less 4 working days… you haven’t then on top of it the DOJ and every agency is working overtime to over over the damage the potential crimes..
        so with the new negative emotions coming out..the criticism about the golden child’s addictions and now MSM is starting to mention it all… how dare they… so he tossed up the shotgun…
        all those executive orders the laws he’s changed..will ultimate!y affect every single american.. it will ultimately cause undo hardships to every single industry still trying to produce in america..
        the change in military ammo will affect the countries ability to defend our country..its the shotgun..
        it will keep every legislator super busy to try and decipher what he’s done and the damages it will bring.. all while they are trying to go after the potential crimes of the family business..

        they are deploying Countermeasures in the paper world of politics.. they on average generate a hundred and fifty thousand pages of legal drivel a year.. all of which no one has even cracked TBE covers on..neck its probably sitting in the floor and table behind the car….. whoever comes into office has a nightmare to contend with.. congress can’t and won’t do anything about it..
        destroying nordstream sent the NATO countries into a deep freeze..destroyed all the fiat currencies of the world and has sent every country we have ???? helped??? running to join the BRICs..
        destroyed the crop land that everyone depended on for survival..
        now if.. they come up with the mandatory shut down because of the new Covid strain even if its true it will be the kill shot..
        we cannot pay back what he has already lol lol
        and who said be was stupid.. he is just a…well I’m no doctor..But this will affect absolutely everyone..not only do they all walk.. congress refuses to read a few hundred pages… not to mention potentially hundreds of thousands of pages..there will be attempts to change the damage that’s done..but it will be time consuming and tedious.. they will do defensive corrections.. as each of them comes up..
        it won’t stop the destruction of the global elites position as financial rulers.. the NATO countries are stiff facing a deep freeze because of nordstream.. global starvation..
        now if we go into another lockdown..that could be the kill shot for the usa..natural gas shortages propane shortages..fuel oil take your the what if graph ..all because of what looks like the congress questioning of what they do and have done..
        4_working days for Congress and its all out the window..

    • Since we are about 1/1,000,000 of the way toward “CO2 toxicity” I don’t worry about it.

      I worry about the fact that if atmospheric CO2 levels drop much lower, Earth’s vegetation will begin to die out.

      No plants = no herbivores, no carnivores, no sea life, no food, and eventually no oxygen.

      Until CO2 levels are at at least 12x their current amount, for every pound we sequester or eliminate, we asphyxiate Earth’s plant life a little bit more.

      CO2 is not a measure of “global warming” or an indication of future “global warming,” it is an indication of climate or geological change which has already happened. It is also 1/700th as “greenhousey” as oxygen and less than 1/3000th as “greenhousey” as water vapor. Until humans have a plan to remove and sequester or eliminate the water and oxygen from the atmosphere, I can not take “efforts to remove carbon” as more than an attempt to destroy Earth and every living thing which exists above, on, and below its surface…

      • Exacfly… what I get a chicks out of is..stop using lol.. the co2 methane will continue to increase by ever study I have read for fifty to a hundred years..utilize the technologies today but implementing technologies of tomorrow..transition ing for the future gradually..

      • A friend was building a garage..he looked at it as a huge project..I said do it one board at a each board is placed you reach your goal and the garage is built..

  5. The S&P 500 has regained nearly 83% of its losses – but the real number is – it has only regained 44% of its market cap. That is not a very sound recovery and gives a little more data proving that economy has not recovered to pre-pandemic levels.

  6. Taiwan holds its next presidential election on January 13, 2024. Three of the leading candidates are ‘China Friendly’., but the leading candidate, Lai, is solidly for an independent, free Taiwan.
    Will Xi/China wait for the election results? .., or if it looks certain that Lai will win, make their move against Taiwan ?
    Xi Jinping will soon have to make a choice. He can either let alarming internal developments take him down and end the rule of the Communist Party or he can rally the Chinese people with a war.
    China is not ready to go to war, but in a perverse way that actually increases the chances of Xi Jinping starting one.
    He has to do ‘something’., as he is running out of political and economic time.

  7. I am going to share qualitative personal opinions, not technical financial advice.
    I would agree that market risks for the buy-hold-and-ignore crowd appear very high.
    Personally, I am moving money around to increase safety AND revenue. Look at your financial institution’s balance sheet on Weiss ratings. I have kicked one outfit to the curb, and will do another next week.
    The equity indexes terrify me. The wave counts are mediocre to apocalyptic. I am thinking about inverse stuff, which is not my style. Adapt and survive.

    Jonathan Herzog made a video of his escape from the Lahaina fires. 20 minutes of graphic video of the wind conditions, traffic jams, and ultimately abandoning the vehicle to get into the sea. You must see this to appreciate the dangerous conditions.

    • i was talking to a fella about us jumping on a plane, flying over there going to walmart gett some camping stuff, airmatress, tent, coolers, etc etc. find a place to camp, renting a jeep, then start going to all the heavy equiptment operators and dump truck places and putting in apllications. im sure we would get hired on somewhere. i have 25 years expeririance with zero accidents and he has 30 years. if its got Wheels, Tracks or Heels, i can drive the hell out of it. everything from the small stuff like a bobcat or kabota to a Hitachi 3500 Mining Shovel, D10T Dozers to a Genie lift to Truck and Pup, belly dumper, double side dumps to Ore Trains and Giant Cat 797 Tonkas. same with him

      i told him, id think about it.

      Honestly, im ready to settle down, and write for a living. i dont wanna be a roughneck cowboy forever. lol

      • The problem there is you might well be tasked with helping the State or Federal government steal Lahaina from its survivors (or fighting government to preserve that land for those people.)

        The Dude already knows, but you might want to ask yourself if you’re up to taking on THAT responsibility…

        • You can’t fight it..just look what happened to everyone that tried..
          we on the other hand keep voting in beavis and butthead into offices of power..
          if they can’t hold down a job washing dishes or flipping burgers then how can we expect them to look out for their best interests..

  9. Money is Fun. no doubt about that.

    good to connect again with everyone.

    see ya when i see ya. 2 more weeks and the merkabah train sequence is complete. if not sooner. then on to another venue.

    in the last 11 days ive been in montana, wyoming, idaho, utah, arizona, nevada, california, oregon and washington.

    hmmmmm. it will be good to be still in one spot for a while.

    life is good.

  10. i just had one of those moments again. you know one of those moments. i walked into a maverick store, bought some Bon Apetite Strawberry shortcake donuts, the date on it is 9/11, i look over to what pump im on it says pump 4, there is a red robin on top of my car, a buddy texts me and says Cow Boy up! i look over the lotto sign it has a stag on it with a star logo above the stag and redemtion song starts playing on the over head, right after my reply to Bob, “wont you sing with me.” from story of my experiance the other night. i look down and a quarter is on the floor, laying right infront of me the lady at the counter hands me a Cowboy Draw lottery ticket and says here. i said i didnt ask for a lottery ticket. i came to buy these yummy donuts and pay for gas. she said you didnt say $30 on cowboy draw? i said no. she said i looked over and the lottery machine printed the ticket. so i thought it was for you. she i didnt tell it to print the ticket. it just printed it. then i thought oh maybe you asked for it and i printed it without thinking. i looked at the ticket. big stag on it with a star over its head. i said, okay. its for me. she said great! i said 40 on pump 4, the donuts and the red bull too. she laughed and i walked out the store.

    store, story.



    • The Wyoming Cowboy Draw is up to $835,000, if’n that’s where you are gambling. No annuity option. What to invest in?

      This website covers all manner of RV’s, tiny homes, small homes, and manufactured homes, both on and off wheels, conventional and unconventional. Small, cash, energy-efficient living quarters are a good investment for empty nesters. Homes with wheels work for free-ranging operators. Of course, you could always build it yourself, if you are up to the challenge.

      And, then if you decide on a towed arrangement, you will need a truck, and a place to tow to. Ohhh…a big macho dually with heated seats !!! Are we up to 835K yet? Maybe get a tractor with a bucket. You can figure something to use it for later.

      But if you decide to take up flying airplanes, let someone else pay for it, with their money. Airplanes are flying bottomless money pits.

      • you know. a head (single cow) of cattle is worth roughly $2000. 400 of them is around $800,000. and there off in the feild is roughly 400 head of cattle.

        same value as the cowboy draw. lol

        well, i gotta get to the gym, do laundy and i think the Bass out on the lake miss me. . no sence getting excited and counting my cattle until they all come home. which is Monday. lol

        • Yeah my cow goes in in thirty days. averaged out to 2..34 a lb with processing last year..I don’t have a clue about this is up..but even at 4 dollars a lb its a steal.. I am debating on just having the whole thing ground up into burger this year..

      • ohhhh even though i couldnt see them because of the vast darkness and silence. i knew they were there!

        lots of lessons in this experiance.

    • yeah the whole experiance was one for the record books.

      this is the exact chain of events. i had that experiance with the great abyss the other night. i told the story to Bob. well, everyone else read it too.

      i drove through the mountains from soda springs Id to Star Valley. Huge Lightning storm and it rained like hell. while in the storm that song, Starting Over by Chris Stapleton got stuck on loop in my car. i was thinking about ‘Feng Abundance’ -> i ching hex 55. which talks about a great storm.

      i arrived in star valley, answerd Bob on here. and decided to stop at the Maverik Store and get some snacks and fill up. the Maverik stores symbol is a mountain.

      i parked by pump 4, walked in found those donuts, grabbed a red bull and as was walking to the register i noticed a quater on the floor, eagles up. (later i relized it was facing due north) my buddy texted me a picture of his Dog Kenai who is a 200lb rotweiler and loves me. im the only non biological family member kenia loves. then i look over at the lotto sign and it has a pictue of a big stag with a star above it, redemption song came on the overhead, time slowed to a crawl, the room and everything in it begain to shine in that golden ligjt like the corn in the field has to it at a certain moment in the day.

      my phone buzzed, i looked down at it and a friend whose wedding im going to next weekend texted me and said “Cowboy up!” i look at the lady at the counter and she says here. hands me a Cowboy Draw lotto ticket.

      i look out the door and a red robin is sitting on it. like the one that landed on my head a while back. i look back at here and now the room is really glowing. and i got that taste in the back of my throat tjat you get when the acid start kicking in. but im not on lsd. havent taking that for years.

      i said, i didnt ask for a lotto ticket. she said it printed out on the machine. so it must be for you. i look down at it, cowboy draw, $30 ticket, had a picture of a stag on it with a star above it. the ticket is yellow, the eyes of the stag are yellow. she maybe i printed it not thinking after you asked me for it. i said i didnt ask you to print the ticket. she said do you want it? i said yes. yes it must be for me. then i said 40 on 4, 30 for the lotto ticket, the dognuts and the red bull.

      then i relized in slow motion because time had really slowed down that 40 is the feet down the bank, 4 plus 30 in numerplogy is 7, 7 feet down from the stoop, and the stag had yellow eyes and i said im a star. and i was standing above the stag, and the song on the radio was redemption song by bob marlwy, same as the one on the radio above me in the maverick which the maverik symbol is a mountain. i bent down and picked up the quater that was eagles up, she ran me up, i paid then when i walked out the door, everything turnd back to normal speed.

      about an hour later the shine stopped and that metalic taste in the back of my throat faded. if you ever took lsd you would know what that is. but i havnt took lsd in 20 years.

      it was a moment all these vectors, points intersected. its happend before. like when i was at the casino and hit the jackpot on that train slot machine with the same song playing overhead as when i seen the train heading down with Big Money written on the side of it. same moment where time slowed to a crawl, eveyrhing lit up with this shine to it and its hard to describe.

      i think if i hit the cowboy draw jackpot? i will rent a condo in fiji for a year on the beach, buy a mountain bike and surf board, a good computer, start up a new website, and write stories, go surfing, mountain bike up in the mountains, do a real pod cast, not one recorded in my car on my phone like last time. invest the rest of the money. do that for a year or two. write a book or two. i have atleast 30 original books inside my head. lol filled with experiances like the one i shared with Bob.

      i can live in fiji for super cheep. super cheep. like 20k a year for a fully furnished condo on the beach. i already checked it out. food is cheep there and its beautiful.

      i did think about buying a big cummings deseil pick up and a 5th wheel and traveling a while back and just living on the road. or going to austrailia and driving road trains. i can do that too.

      but a year or two on fiji writting, books, doing pod casts, and a blog sounds much better.

      i guess i will find out on monday. If that is THE DUDES perfect plan, So Be it!

      much obliged

      • ahhh shit george. hahahahha hahahhaha hahahahaha hahaha

        raises cup,

        ha ha ha ha ha ha hahahaha.

  11. the quater was eagle up. and i just looked at my phone and my buddy texted me a picture of his Dog named kenai (after where i grew up in alaska, big dipper is the state flag).. he said kenai misses you.

    like a massive convergence all at one moment. time slowed for a moment and everything was moving in slow motion. or atleast it seemed like that.

    funny my freind texts me and says cowboy up at the exact moment the lady at the counter hands me a lotto ticket for the cowboy draw and says here. but i didnt ask for a lotto ticket. it has a stag with a star above it on it, and redemtion song came on the overhead, she says the machine printed it itself. so it must be for me. right after my comment to bob. about story while im in a storE.

    pretty cool.

    thanks DUDE!

  12. perhaps you are right George, telling stories can provide a good income for a fella like Andy.

    cowboy wedding. lol

    the experiance was very cool. i told the story to bob with no intention or thought of reciprocation or compensation. or to gain anything. simply to share a real world experiance i had, to be helpful and inspire.

    i will note that is the 4th time i had that many points converge into a single moment. where time semingly slows to a crawl.

    in that moment. as with my recent experiance with the timber song playing on the over head, the train slot machine after seeing a train car that said big money on it and that song playing on radio, where time seemingly slowed to a crawl, there is a shine to everything.

    same thing happend at the maveric store experiance today. i reminds me of that shine you see on fields of corn at a certain moment in the afternoon. when all those mutiple cascading vectors intersect in a single moment of time. you know how the corn has that shine to it? you know what im talking about.

    in that moment time slows to a crawl and eveything around you, including the people has that kinda shine to it.

    i do note that after driving trains and hauling phosphate those moments where time slows and eveything has a shine to it, are becoming more frequent in occurance. atleast for me.

    mondays the draw.

    perhaps you are right George, telling stories can provide a good income for a fella like Andy.

  13. yes george, that shine…

    Mastering Zen,

    ~ chop wood, carry water then en-lightenment. ~

    i never thought it actually lit up the whole place and everything in it with a shine.


    see ya. ive got a square dance to attend.

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