Buying the Rumor: Pick Your Generalization Filter

Plans are in the works for another notoriously unpopular book by George Ure.  “The Mad Scientist’s Lab Notes.”

One of the core concepts, early-on in the book, is how we each wake up and put a Generalization Filter on our thinking.

How Generalizations Filters Work

To begin with, there are several types.

  • Filters you evolve, test, and “wear” yourself.
  • Filters that come with living in the “physicality” of the world.
  • Survival Filters – that best prepare you for “future events.”
  • And most dangerously, “Programmable” filters – inculcated into your thinking by outside sources such as parents, life circumstance, media (and their accompanying agendas), and schools (double-up on the agenda dose here!).

As should be obvious, my life has been pretty good because I am conscious of my “generalization filters.”  The morning review of (what passes for) news is highlighted by “test-fitting” several filters to see which ones get me what I’m after.

As a result, UrbanSurvival is mainly a:

  • Balanced-budget (double-entry) thinking site. (Reasonable economics filter.)
  • Which views through an “economic filter” (Everything’s a Business Model).
  • “Statistical filter” which attempts to judge a) central tendency of social changes (war, peace, riots, etc.) overall; b) and outliers that may influence the…
  • “Future Filter.”  Because if something is not impacting you personally *(right now, this second) and it’s not going to, then any investment of time in its study is pissing Life down a rat hole.

I like to thinks of these filters as the “garb that works for me.”  Other people, however, will have different yet equally valid filters.

For example, a high-end west coast real estate guru (Mark) probably has a much better “Opportunity Filter” than me.  While another reader (Andy) seems to have a better “Spirit, signs, and sigils” filter.  Another reader (Ray) may offer a better “Wide Spectrum” filter.  AWhile another poster, (Bolshevic) has a superior “Urban Filter” living, as he does in Midtown New York.

An Online Master-Mind Group

In the PMA (positive mental attitude) movement, there’s much that’s been said about “Master Mind Groups” by such luminaries as Napoleon Hill and Earl Nightingale.

The mechanics of how such “disparate approaches to thinking” lead to superior results is not clear to most.  I think the “magic” around here is that everyone has a filter set and to a large degree, we look at the filters each morning and then apply them to a reading of (what passes for) “the news” and sees the world in one particular way for a moment in time.

I don’t remember if I’ve laid this out so directly, but it’s one of the underlying messages in my book “The Millennial’s Missing Manual.”

Filters to Try On for Size

You were first “imprinted” with a set of filters by your parents.  Depending on your “luck of the draw” there, you were then able to pick up additional filters in school, more in college, still more in the workplace.  Perhaps some were even picked up in a religious setting. Another luck of the draw.

If you’re skeptical of the value of Generalization Filters, try going through the day looking for a particular color (blue or green, perhaps).  Or, live a whole day focused on smells.  Or the tactiles like weight and touch with all its variants.

Using a “Management Filter”

A few will argue these basic onboard filters pale in comparison to a political filter, but there’s a dizzying (OK, stupid) array of these ranging from Antifa to democons to repuzoid to neo-Nazi.   We don’t think these matter -especially when viewed through a set of “Management Filters.”

The main Management Filter comes down to “PvP” {Promise versus Performance}.

Anarchists have had 2-thousand years to demonstrate their ideas successfully build a greater country than America.  Ain’t nothing making it through the filter.

Same problem with the neo-Nazis and both crooked parties of red and blue followers.

About here, the “Inquisitive Filter” flags a research question:  If partisanship worked (and I mean  really, justly, economically, ethically, and morally) – and we don’t see much evidence of success – then is politics the right approach?

Filters don’t specifically  answer hard questions.  That’s the job of the heart and soul.  But, our filters – consciously applied – can improve the results of heart and spirit based living.

You:  The  Hypervisor

Once you reach consciousness – at least for 3-4 hours a day – in how you use Generalization Filters to tamer information overflow, it becomes apparent you need some “quiet time” to “process it all.”

One of the most delightful “learnings” about how humans operate, has been the evolution in computer programming of this understanding of “filter” (sub-routines”) and the need for an Overseer.

That why  deeply thinking people need down-time.  To “figure it all out.”

The term for such an aspect of personality (in psychology) would be the hypervisor modules in code:

“A hypervisor (or virtual machine monitor, VMM) is computer software, firmware or hardware that creates and runs virtual machines. A computer on which a hypervisor runs one or more virtual machines is called a host machine, and each virtual machine is called a guest machine.”

The “guest machines” are your “filter modules” and you – the  hypervisor you – is hosting these processes.

You can, and should IMO, consider them daily.  It’s what I do during my morning “light feedings” which we will get into more in  Peoplenomics tomorrow in part 2 of “The High-Photon Diet.”

We now run through the abbreviated Friday Filter.

Jobs Suck – Gov’t Figs are B.S.

Can’t have lockdowns without breaking a few income streams, eh?

“The unemployment rate declined by 1.4 percentage points to 13.3 percent in May, and the number of unemployed persons fell by 2.1 million to 21.0 million. Reflecting the rffects of the coronavirus pandemic and efforts to contain it, the unemployment rate and the number of unemployed persons are up by 9.8 percentage points and 15.2 million, respectively, since February.”

The bullshit part?  The Labor Force is down more than 4-million since March.  Oh, and “estimated into existence jobs”  numbered 345-thousand.

We’ll roll out the detailed analysis tomorrow.  I’ve got an 8 AM tractor tire repair appointment 10-miles down the road in 15-minutes, so time to “quick bookly.”

What’s Hyperinflation?

Federal Reserve “Making Up Money” policy.  Here’s the latest sliding window:

M1 being cash and equivalents while M2 is cash plus certain time deposits.

There is a broader measure – more honest – called M3 which the crooked Fed hid during Greenspan’s tenure – but which John Williams of  ShadowStats tracks with an analog (M3b) over here.  M3 is “going vertical” and is over 25% now.

When is “hyperinflation”?  Most economists view 18% as the “line in the sand” but revisionists using extreme numbers – like 50% per month – and say  that is hyperinflation.  All depends on which filter.


Big demonstrations (and riots) are on tap this weekend.  In advance of them, the attacks on  the (nominal) commander-in-chief have already ramped up:  “Is John Kelly joining the generals’ mutiny? Former chief of staff calls Donald Trump ‘nasty’ and ‘confused’ over attack on Jim Mattis – and lines-up interview with Trump-hating Mooch”

Trump hate is still running strong as we read how Twitter blocks Trump campaign’s George Floyd video tribute.  We trust they will also block any Biden “Tribute” but don’t make a big bet on equality.

The whole “flow of events” – regardless of filter – is to increase the anti-Trump rhetoric to improve the chances of a Washington Coup this weekend when Trump calls on the military to restore “order” in the country.  It’s wet dream time for the Obamanistas and embedded insurrectionists.

Will Trump try to throw the Internet Kill switch for 2-weeks to restore order?

Our server team is setting up a Dediocated IP for Peoplenomics subscribers and they are funding the static IP for Urban which should come up this weekend.

We also have www2 prefixes in the works for both websites.

Ure isn’t  predicting the Internet Kill switch will be thrown, but when we get the dedicated IP (V4) addresses up, please make note of them.

No, we’re not paranoid but do remember if the web goes down that you can get to Google’s DNS directly via or  And look for our direct DNS static IP addy’s to come up later today or tomorrow.

Reliability is what we aim for both in our thinking and writings.  Got your bank’s I*P addy?  Online Trading firm?

In Your Shorts

Our predicted “Wave II” from riots, Memorial Day, and premature ending of the lockdowns may be seen arriving inWHO sees ‘upticks’ in cases amid reopening; global deaths cross 390,000.”

Closely related? More than 1,000 US Covid-19 deaths in past 24 hours.

Off and Running

Back shortly – however long it takes to put a 200 pound tractor tire right at the tire shop.

Have a great weekend – update your critical numeric IP addresses and hope we won’t have to use them.

But the world is getting stupid beyond belief.

After the lousy jobs data?  Dow Futures were up 300.  Financial crack, anyone?

Write when you get rich,

33 thoughts on “Buying the Rumor: Pick Your Generalization Filter”

  1. yeah we are getting suckered by a bunch of clowns and conmen .. no complaints here .. just ride em out .. disgraceful morals and disgraceful liars , non human creeps

  2. I believe people being paid their wages thru the SBA loan program are not considered unemployed – additionally I believe there is some additional trickery in the survey that pertains to virus related absence as not considered unemployed or temporarily laid off which is also not counted and lastly the general trickery around the birth death model.

    • Using my eyes rather than government stats, 13.3% is clearly bogus. “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” Obviously, some “adjustments” have been applied. Sometimes you just have to look around.

      • Oops! Would you believe 16.3%? Probably not, but it’s a step in the right direcrtion.

        From the Stamford Advocate: “When the U.S. government’s official jobs report for May came out on Friday, it included a note at the bottom saying there had been a major “error” and the unemployment rate likely should be higher than the widely report 13.3 percent rate.

        The special note said that if this misclassification error had not occurred, the “overall unemployment rate would have been about 3 percentage points higher than reported,” meaning the unemployment rate would be about 16.3 percent for May.”

    • Hey Clawsy. I took a PPP loan at my attorneys rec. So they gave me 2.5x my monthly payroll. I applied Monday and Tuesday afternoon the freakin cash was in my account. So everyone on my payroll is getting a paycheck. No unemployment. That was the whole idea. I hope there is another one. Without it it would have been much more difficult. So no they are not considered nor unemployed. I mean I consider them but not so sure uncle Sammy does. I don’t expect this to all blow over, they have to keep attacking DJT even at our expense. Hope this helps. I hope they don’t do a reversal and not forgive the loan. I used it specifically for payroll only so I did my part. I will update everyone. Blessings

      • I received one also. My bank updated me yesterday that forgiveness terms are being updated by the government & should be firm by the end of June.

  3. G – did U hear about an overheard conversation at kerPOWell household last weekend. A unidentified source overheard jerome kerPOWell signing in outdoor shower – in A Round with Christine LeStrange of ECB fame..

    “Ah push it – push it good” -JkP
    “Ah possez il – poussez il reel bien!’-CL

    Its year ZERO and everything is inverted – good/bad, light/dark,up/down..

    Thinking needs to adjust – No Measurable Cash Flow for at least 1 quarter(3months) means Earnings are going BUYBUYBUYBUY MOAR stock in THAT company!

    BUY EVERYTHING! – except US Treasury Bonds due Yields be rising.

    Its Disaster Capitalism and U too can make MOAR MONAY – just BUY something, anything who F-ing cares J. kerPOWell has Ure back!

    Side note – BTFD was winning strategy yesterday – 4 the Shortz – BOHICA BABY – its Thirtythou on the DOW – or bust.

  4. Our IRA had to rollover a little while back. We need a fiduciary / advisor, but we rolled it over with only very minor changes.

    We’re in, MOTAX, CBNRX, SRBFX, FDAAX, GTEYX, GRIFX, SHY, IWD, IJJ, PFIUX, TGBAX, BSV, AND BND. This is a pretty lack-luster bunch. Not much exciting here. (We’re old, and income is somewhat more important than growth.)

    Here’s the part that amazes me: we were off only a very little bit — maybe 8% — and in the latest report, we’re slightly UP from where we were before The Corona started to ruin everything.

    Go figure.

  5. Glad you’re setting up a new dedicated IP address. You’d given us an address some time ago but if I saved it somewhere I’ll be danged if I can find it now.

    Your site was returning a notice this morning for a while that said something to the effect that “this address is not private and could expose you to unwanted phishing” or some such. I thought you’d been hacked big time.

    • I had noticed that for a short time yesterday, and then it resolved. It was probably whatever configuration changes were propagating at the time. I was using Pale Moon(Firefox fork) at the time. All seems to be well this morning.

  6. So a police officer was murdered in the riots and many injured and in hospital. If any life matters, then do the police now have the equal right to go on a week long rampage of destruction wherever they want?

    Of course not.

    Are the left networks continuously running stories of what has been done to the police?

    Of course not.

    Learn the Mantra of the coming government….zieg heil, zieg heil, zieg heil.

    Be very afraid, this has happened before.

  7. I assume these may change if you are working on changing to different IP. But easy to find what is current.

    C:\apps>ping -a []

    C:\apps>ping -a []

    I normally use opendns or, I don’t want give Google even more then I already give them. – For info on their privacy policies

  8. George, an IPv4 static address is good, just wondering if you would also get an IPv6 while you are at it. Outside the US many places are seeing double NAT.

  9. “I don’t remember if I’ve laid this out so directly, but it’s one of the underlying messages in my book “The Millennial’s Missing Manual.””

    …Which some of us are still waiting for you to publish in book form.

    “A few will argue these basic onboard filters pale in comparison to a political filter”

    A REAL political filter would be like a David Clark headset. It would filter the bullsh!t and what you’d hear would be dead silence…

    “When is “hyperinflation”?”

    Everybody who knows anything about banking, finance, or economics has an opinion. Mine is that when inflation exceeds 20% per annum we’re hyping out. I use the 20% line because an economy can still be saved (Reagan) using extraordinary (and sometimes unpopular) methods, but can also go absolutely ballistic from that 20% line (Mugabe.) And yes, I know 20% is less than 2% per month. How fast does anyone else want to see their purchasing power dissolve before they acknowledge a problem exists? Until an economy is accepted as “broken,” it can’t be fixed. I (for one) don’t believe we have to go Argentina or Weimar before fixing it, but maybe I’m wrong. Maybe a good dose of mass starvation and prostitution-for-bread for formerly wealthy, UMC, and middle class America IS what it will take.

    p.s. I believe what I, and many others both named and not, do WRT our “custom filters,” is broaden George’s, and each others’, minds — His specialty on these two websites is putting stuff into words, ours is feeding his mind so he has more stuff to put into words, and more perspectives from which to see the stuff that’s already there, and hopefully feeding each other’s minds, just a little…

  10. George,

    RE filters
    We should all remember that no matter the source some one else is controlling what we see hear and read.

    Back in day I realized that the BLS was cooking the books when it was decided to add the military to the fully employed column so it would look better.

    Question. How far to the right side does one have to get to a population that can understand and benefit from the really good ideas you have put forth?

    Please keep up the good work. Clarity of thought on the internet is a scarce commodity.

  11. They have the system just where they want it,I see the wealth of the 1% increased 16.1% during the virus into the billions of dollars,while the working class was in shut down with their debts waiting for when they come out.Also read that they say that other than the $6 trillion or so that by the end of the year it will be $9 to $10 trillion dollars,Also read in a poll taken not long ago that 53% of those polled said that this government no longer works for them,they have lost faith in their government..not good for its without a doubt higher now.Meanwhile we are fed nothing but propaganda on how well ever thing is going, the market headed for the moon so they say,well they lie about other things as well…..

  12. Question: What would restore peace within the US?

    Answer: An electric grid failure for about 2 weeks!

    Now, don’t anyone start something stupid ;-)

    • Except for this place, everywhere else I put my old eyes on, it’s anti-police, anti-Trump, and ati-establishment; And not just in the US ;-(.

      So many people who just hate themselves and are trying to take it out on everyone succesful.

  13. strange messages trying to access site .. probably deleted any posts on sanity and crime of the great empire of satan USSA .. couldn’t care

  14. Some static IP addresses for Google search that seem to work are: through … and so on and so forth up to … through

    A good tool for doing traces is:

    I have a static IP access point available for my webmail, but I have to turn off the security add-on for my browser to get it to come up. I am unsure how secure the link really is. Check with your email service for availability.

    I wonder if asking your financial institutions for a static IP access address might get you on a terror watch list. I tried one time, and the questions that I were asked had me fuming.

    A lot less sites have static IP access points than were once available. There are also problems with browsers and security software choking on the initial unsecured access. Most compilations of IP addresses you find on the web are way out of date.

    If G____ would give his paying customers a static IP access point, it would be like, real 2012 retro man.

  15. From my “prophecy”

    “New York city will be on fire for a whole month. Once civil Unrest occurs. The US markets will be no longer as they are known now. There is a great possibility that the US Government will assume control of a few large corporations as it did with Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac.”

    Hmmmmm without the Fed stock buying and all the stimulus money wonder where we would be on the Dow. “Like the markets wouldnt be like they are now.”

    Which the Fed is buying ETF’s and company stock galore to keep the house of cars from falling.

    We are on schedule for marshal law. I wrote this before I met my PGA golf master with the same name Marshall.

    ‘Martial law will be declared by August 2020. Under the guise of “National Emergency.”

    “** Then there will be complete civil unrest and outrage after a video gets leaked on then internet of a young boy being shot by a police officer with an itchy trigger finger in protest/civil unrest???? His last name is coincidentally “Hancock” the location is as of now “undetermined.” * similar in nature as the Event echos of the British troop shooting Event of the shooting of kids throwing snowballs. ****Remember time is cyclical and moebius. ”

    I kinda got that one right. I kept thinkin George not Hancock but I didnt want use George because my friends name is George. Lol

    From March 22cnd.

      • My aunt is telling its my duty to step out on the world stage. As I am the 7th son of the 7th son. My grandmother’s favorite. She was youngest out of 17, My grandfather the oldest out of 14, My Dad the oldest out of 13. I’m the oldest boy. Apparently we all have “the shine”as my grandmother called it. Every generations someone gets “the super shine. ” long line of farmers. Tons of us in South Dakota. I’m the oldest out of the 63 grand children. We breed faster than a muslim mosque after Ramadan.

        I won the jackpot on that one. Hahaha

        I loath fame. Pride comes before the fall. I never wanted any part of fame. I just wanna hang out with Jesus, a pretty girl, read some old books and go fishin. Lol. I dont like seeing the future most of the time.

      • My grandmother would even die until I gave her, her last rights. Which I have done over 100 times for people. All my grand parents demanded that I pray for them and give them their last rights. I’m not a priest. Lol. She gave me all the family rings and a Bible that was printed in 1726. She told my aunt that I was a gift to the world. I dont know if I buy all that. I’d rather hang out with Jesus, read some old books, dance in my underwear with a pretty woman, do some naked wheeling and fish. HAHAHA.
        I was born still born. Pronounced dead at birth. The 7th son of the 7th son. Lol but I lived anyway.


        It’s getting to the point I cant hide anymore. Ugh

        I dont like fame. Lol pride always comes before the fall. Doesnt matter if we are talking about people or nations.

        I gotta go meditate. I’m trying binaural beats. I actually can rememeber my dreams when I listen to them. I never remember my dreams.

    • Andy,

      Rumor has been the American capital will be moved to Denver.

      Today will be the largest DC protest “ever”.

      A dirty nuke could “fix” a lot of problems.

      See anything like that?

    • “From my “prophecy””

      Andy, it should either be one our the other, if I may advise you?!

      Post about “prophecy” or your other opinions in separate post, please. ;-), If you mix them two within one post you’re not doing yourself, or us readers, any fafour.

      To an old man’s mind “prophecy” should not be contaminated ;-(((

      • Thanks. I will consider your words. Ray put them all in one pdf. You can ask him to send it to ya.

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