Anti-Aging Playbook

Our Merry Christmas present for you is a list.  Of more than 30 distinct protocols and lifestyle actions that may extend your Life.

This list will be made public on the website on Monday prior to my Monday night appearance on Coast-to-Coast AM with George Noory.

But since subscribers go to the “front on the line” we wanted them to have “the List” ahead of time.

None of this is to be taken as medical advice.  Rather, please use this as a list of “starting points” for your own research into anti-aging.

And of course, we will also wrap up the ChartPack for the week and slather on some headlines to go with the Christmas turkey gravy…

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George Ure
Amazon Author Page: UrbanSurvival Bio:

38 thoughts on “Anti-Aging Playbook”

  1. Third phase of my holiday projects is wrapping up. I had been looking for Linux virus, malware and internet security software to replace the free Sophos software I had used for years, without much luck. I ran across a holiday sale for a business endpoint security package that was less than $ 100 for a three-seat one-year license, so I bit on the marketing hook. I am still evaluating it, and I am not ready to recommend it, but I was able to install it under the software on my Linux firewall server, and used it on a new Linux workstation box.
    The new Linux workstation box is a mini-PC with an AMD Ryzen 5 5560U laptop processor and integrated Radeon graphics. It was on sale for the Holidays. The 15W processor power rating and published Passmarks look good. In practice, the little box is sufficiently fast, and runs cold to the touch off a 60-something watt power supply.
    I attempted to get two different versions of straight Debian Linux to run on it, but support for this newer chipset wasn’t working. The Linux Cinnamon GUI ran, but I couldn’t get the hardware accelerated AMD Radeon drivers to work, or the monitors to display HD resolution. The Cinnamon software installer couldn’t find a software repository that met it’s requirement for security, so it wouldn’t work without an installation CD. Next I tried Gnome, and the Grub loader wouldn’t install, off the same Debian install .iso I used for Cinnamon. After seeing references to Ubuntu in the Radeon and virus scanner driver literature, I gave it try. The Radeon drivers loaded up front, and Ubuntu runs a lot more smoothly than I remember it running in the past. I was able to get the security software to load on the command line, and everything seems functional. I also was also able to get Clamav up and running, but I have never been particularly impressed with it. You can allegedly configure Clamav for memory resident security, but the instructions I have seen were rather puzzling.
    The new box streams well, but doesn’t have an audio output. I am making do with the HDMI speakers in a monitor, but they are only one notch above a $10 pocket radio. I put twenty dollar USB audio card with several expansion USB ports on order. It is supposed to be Linux friendly. That will be the New Years project.
    A happy and safe Holiday to you all.

    • This isn’t sounding very good. Many moons ago Dell was selling new laptops with Ubuntu installed but the last time I looked a week or so ago no such animal existed on their website. You can find a few on Amazon but hardly any of them are i7’s with a monitor bigger than 15″ or so. The last thing I want to do is pay for a danged M$ license that I have no intention of using.

      Every time I turn around now we’re getting notices we need to upgrade to at least W10 and some of the banks my wife connects to are giving us problems for running W7. Has anyone running Linux had problems doing banking or bill paying online?

      • This is a desktop mini-PC with a low-power laptop processor. It has two 4K HDMI outputs. It came with Windows 11. The Ubuntu install is running just fine. If I had been building a server, I would have kept working with the Debian. One thing I did different when installing Ubuntu was I dropped a copy of the Radeon drivers in the .iso directory of the install USB.
        ChromeOS seems to dominate the Linux-like PC market. While you can find other preinstalled Linux machines, most are out of my price range. On holiday sale, brand spanking new, I paid $330.00 for the mini-PC. The only software expense is for security licenses.
        The security software I am using works very well on the mini-PC. I had to tone-down the installation on the firewall server, because the modules beyond the basic anti-malware were conflicting with the server software. I am still doing testing, but it is looking good. The main quirk with the endpoint Linux security is that it is managed from a Cloud account, not from the individual machine. This allows the manufacturer to side-step the gazillion GUI variants you find with Linux. You set up security profiles, then download them to the PC.

      • @ n____

        My experience is Debian is more-powerful, but Ubuntu is more user-friendly, especially for the “Windows-only” crowd, so drivers are going to be written for Ubuntu flavors first, then ported to Debian, because they’re sibs, then later ported to other *NIX flavors…

  2. George–
    Thank you for the Christmas gift of the anti-aging catalog. I’ll be forwarding it to some friends with critical thinking skills but not to some that are prone to go off half-cocked.

    About vitamin-D doses: Your and Elaine’s 4000 iu seems reasonable and is the same taken by my wife after a serum-D test. My serum was low, so 7500 was prescribed. A cancer-survivor friend was prescribed 10000–the edge of no-mans land for toxicity. Suggestion to everyone: get your serum tested. D is an important part of covid defense as well as anti-aging.

    • I take 5000 IU daily, a recommendation from the researchers who did the original study and proclaimed that ‘most’ Americans would need that amount. And I’ve been fine. Magnesium, Potassium, and calcium for the bones, also.

  3. Searching for anti-aging while facing Armageddon. You are an optimist at your core.

    NORK is in. Putin & Xi may have found an old proxy. Nuclear now.

    “The Korean War was a proxy war for the Cold War. The West—the United Kingdom and the U.S., supported by the United Nations—supported South Korea, while communist China and the Soviet Union supported North Korea. The Korean War ended three years later, with millions of casualties.”

    – May 19, 2022

  4. Life expectancy shorter, well we have two trends. One is the recent virus/vaccine activity taking off a few years of life, the second is people are unable to control their eating habits and are hugely unhealthy. People wont control their eating habits, I doubt they will do much about other items to help extend their time. The medical establishment feeds off aging, making much of their profits on the last few months of a persons life. Never did I meet and old fat person. To bad we won’t know of success rates of your ideas, until we see if you exceed by any appreciable margin the ages of your previous generations of male family. People have been attempting life extensions since we could plan for the future. As far as I know everyone is still aging and dying, maybe you will be the exception. People that sell snake oil with this message get lots of attention. Many people are able to extend their lives well past being able to take care of themselves or add any value to people around them. Going through a nursing home is traumatic with sights and sounds. Maybe I will change my mind as I age, but I currently want no part of that. It seems a fundamental flaw we as a society spend the bulk of our medical monies on the people that have the least chance of providing back value to society. I guess we become a bit more selfish as we age, demanding the later generations pay us to exist (SS, medicare, etc), but many times are unwilling to plan and prepare themselves for this guaranteed eventuality. What happens to society if we do extend life for 5-10 more years, but those people’s productivity still stop at the same periods.
    I do wonder at times if covid was not engineered to help along this pending collapse of the social welfare programs to bring down the number of people collecting those benefits.

    • Eating habits notwithstanding, I remember very well the condition my grandparents were in when they hit their 60s – one foot in the grave and the other hovering in mid air. Smoking and alcohol did most of the damage. Now, compared to them, people in their 60s and 70s can often be mistaken for being 5 to 10 years younger with all the vitamins and supplements we take. Something else is going to have to be discovered to get us over the century mark on a regular basis, though, not to mention a complete revamping and re-thinking of our financial situations. But, like you, I have absolutely NO question in my mind that TPTB are actively trying to kill off as many of us as they can. I haven’t had an injection of anything in 6 or 7 years and don’t intend to any time soon.

  5. It’s not just living long but living well. My 75 year old brother had a bad prognosis eight months ago that he decided not to treat and not to tell anyone. He had a fall resulting in an emergency room visit. The doctors were insisting on extensive procedures to save his life. Those procedures might have extended his life for at most six months in a nursing home with lots of painful procedures. His living will prevented that.

    • This is important! I have no intention of ever being in a nursing home/hospital or even having home “health” “care”, unless it’s by an intimate partner, and few want to take on that duty. I don’t even have a S.O. for now, so the point is moot. What I want to know is the exact language to have in a living will/advance directive, or whatever it’s called, and also how to prevent EMS from even touching or transporting me in the unfortunate event that someone called them. The last two deaths of people I was close to happened suddenly with unconsciousness – one was a-fib, and the other was also some kind of cardiac event. In both cases, the medical establishment was bypassed and the person transitioned without medical intervention at all. As sad as it is to lose someone, it’s best that it be quick and ideally at home. I want nothing to do with hospitalization or other intervention and would like to lock in some kind of legally enforceable documentation, but really don’t know how to do that. I’m somewhat covered by medicare, yet have never used it in almost a decade of being “covered”. I’ll live until I die, and the only unknowns are the date and circumstances.

      BTW, I still climb ladders since I choose to, and I enjoy the feeling of
      being high up. Yes, I know the risks and they are acceptable to me. I also know who to blame if I should ever fall. If we all act like we’re old and frail, we’ll become that. Medicine is there for those that choose to use it, and we all have the right to refuse medical involvement. The only medical contact I’ve had for the last 50+ years was for flight physicals when I was actively flying. I saw the medical establishment from the inside and disowned it when I was in my 20’s. Others are free to make their own choices.

  6. Yo Ponce,

    “street” report from LATAM..

    Metformin $0.15 cents per 500 mg tab at local pharmacy, StannCreek dist., Belize. They do not carry HGH, not sure why not – didnt ask, but I suspect because high cost of stocking/inventory.When I asked for both HGH & Metformin, the Pharmacist said and I quote “oh you to want live for a long time” I smiled as several other customers were “leaning-in” to the convo, and I replied “Hell Ya! I am”.

    So I am on the hunt for HGH – will try to find it up north closer to Mexico border, otherwise will make the run into Chetumal, Mexico – at the mouth of the Rio Hondo.

    Yeah I need a new PCP, I have one but just a place holder for insurance co questionnaires and other doctors reports, I self manage my Healthcare and the results speak for themselves..those guys& gals mostly idiots parroting pharma co “blackmagic and hocus pocus crap.
    Youse two are doing great a job down there with “hacking Ure healthcare” and I applaude Ure efforts clapclapclapclapclapping- Bravo

    PS – in my world (Child Longevity 9 step Qigong) 2 be considered a Master – one of main qualifications is LONGEVITY..100yrs+ minimum – otherwise.. step off and get lost..pretenderz. My advisors martial Teacher -Monk Hai Deng, was doing 3 finger push ups in his mid nineties – AFTER having avenged his Mother & Fathers murders. Meaning the act of taking another Humans life is a negative NRG event (Qi) in your life/lifespan .

    ? only question today – will Santa be bringing G some BTCs, or are U still on the naughty-no BTC list..

    CHEERS! – hears to the Ures’ health, happiness and Longevity.

    • “9 step Qigong”

      I am Planning on Qigong but what I truly would like to learn is the morning exercises of Tai-Chi

      • Qigong movements are for healing.
        Tai Chi movements are for fighting.

        Both are great for flexibility and coordination. But there is a real difference between the two.

        Merry Christmas

      • Qigong movements are for healing.
        Tai Chi movements are for fighting.”

        I didn’t know that. you learn something new every day.. I thought two chi was for joint flexibility and breathing which is why its commonly the regular morning exercises..

  7. Was thinking about why a market crash following the 1929 and 2007 fractals, and the moon calendar High Holy Days – didn’t occur.

    Seems to me that a goal of those who have influence over the global economy, is a currency reset, given the massive debt levels of the US dollar, our current reserve currency. Replacement of the $US with a global currency shifts power to the global level, rather than being in control of a single nation.

    If a ‘29 style crash had occurred last October, it would have been deflationary, as it was in 1929, when cash was king. That is just the wrong condition necessary for reserve currency replacement. It requires loss of trust in the old currency, in order to pave the way for a new currency. Trust in the old dollar has to be lost, which can only happen with high inflation, not deflation.

    Therefore, I see it necessary for greater inflation to occur, which would also crash the bond market, with the equity markets eroding slowly in a grinding bear market. Then the combination of stagflation and loss of trust of the $US could justify the use of a new currency (most likely initially the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights currency) for bailouts and sliding in to become the new reserve currency.

    Hence my thoughts favoring a grinding bear market, perhaps into sometime in 2023, rather than a waterfall collapse too soon.

  8. Thanks for all you provide us “freeloaders” to your site all year long. From one ol Radio guy to another, Merry Christmas!

  9. Some additional, personal notes:
    Quercetin is an ‘ionophore’. It ushers zinc thru cell walls to the cell interior where it is used to fight virus… such as Covid19. Same with quinine… hydroxychloroquine. It doesn’t fight the virus directly. It is an ionophore that aids Zinc in killing the virus infection.

    Pain and inflammation relief:
    I used to use Naproxen Sodium… ‘Aleve’ because I believed it was safer than acetaminophen or ibuprofen. After my bout with diverticulitis and a colon resection, I looked up what might cause this? There is nothing proven with a scientific study, but there SEEMS to be a correlation between diverticulitis and regular users of Naproxen sodium. Bingo! That was me. After apparently wrecking my gut, I don’t use the stuff anymore. At the ER they gave me combination of ibuprofen and acetaminophen together. That is what I use now for arthritis pain.

    Selenium: With enough selenium in body fluids, the spike proteins of a corona virus are unable to attach and infect cells. This was discovered when researchers found some African people were immune to Ebola (also a corona virus). Turns out they had high selenium diets.

    For your evening protocol, you need l-arginine AND L-ORNITHINE together. Both are required for precursors to Human Growth Hormone (HGH). And if you are going to keep your hormones working for you, realize that EVERY hormone reaction in the human body (thyroid) requires IODINE. Most people are lacking sufficient iodine in their diets. I take a daily iodine supplement of 12.5 mg, which is the value determined from a Japanese diet heavy on Kelp. Japanese women with heavy kelp diets have the lowest breast cancer rates in the world. Some women with hormone problems and imbalances I have read about benefit from Iodine dosages as high as 50 mg daily.

    • Many doctors view these iodine dosages as toxic, due to some flawed studied from back in the ’50s. I agree with you on the need for adequate iodine. It was once called the “universal medicine”. It’s available if you look for it, but it’s one of the less known essential minerals today. It’s also relatively rare in nature, other than in seafood.

  10. Merry Xmas George and Family …

    Friday 13 January 2023 is a date worth watching … for global equities, oil. and bitcoin …

    Everything to do with quantitative saturation macroeconomics and the incredible current debt burden at a US prime rate of 7.5 percent last seen in 2007 … and nothing to do with the F-13 date…

  11. “WSJ: Zelensky to present 10-point peace plan on February 24 – He discussed it with Biden.
    …The Z-man should have his 10 deal points on a 3-by-5 card in his pocket viewed daily!”

    Some of his points are:

    Russia leaves both Greater Ukraine and Crimea
    Russia pays full reparations at American prices
    Russia fires Putin and executes him

    Remember, Zelensky was ready to deal a truce with Russia in March, and was forbidden to do so by the Biden Administration? He got his “10 point plan” from Susan Rice and it involves neither interrupting the flow of cash to the DNC or the laundering of illicit cash for others, nor an interruption in the flow of Ukrainian (and other SE European) women and children to the Middle Eastern and American sex trade.

  12. “If I may speak candidly? What the hell takes another 2-months to figure out? The Z-man should have his 10 deal points on a 3-by-5 card in his pocket viewed daily! ”

    If i may be candid on this..I personally believe.. that if situation had been put in front of us and was up to most of us on this site… there wouldn’t have ever been a need for a 10 point peace plan… there wouldn’t have ever been a war..It wasn’t like Putin didn’t ask even pleaded for a more logical recourse.. instead of a war that hurts everyone..I personally believe efforts would have been directed at real issues to help mankind rather than destroy peoples lives and communities their homes and neighborhoods..

  13. “Santa Slow: Joe and Jill Biden mask up for visit to children’s hospital ( Wonder what Hunter will lay under the tree, hmm?”

    hmm.. let me make a wild guess… a bag of m&m’s …lol lol can’t hardly look at them and not think of how he made those sweet candy coated chocolates famous in his home movies lol..

  14. “But here’s the thing: I haven’t found a compact list of all the approaches that might hold promise, along with a simple one to four sentence explanation of how they might work.”

    For supplementation information, “The Nutrition Almanac” by John and Gayla Kirschmann is THE consummate source. The information is all there, but none of it is sorted or collated. Their organization is by supplement, not by clinical or other study, nor by malady. AFAICR “Life Extension” is similarly organized. Perhaps you could bait Durk or Sandy into calling in on Coast?

  15. Anti-aging protocols. What’s the point?

    We all die and the way we die depends, like the way we’ve lived, on our karma. So you get good & bad lives & everything in between – and good & bad deaths & everything in between. It all depends on your past actions. Present action determines, precisely & exactly, future circumstances. Cause & effect, couldn’t be simpler – or more just or fair; we get exactly what we deserve. In the long term.

    And that’s the (largely Western) problem; we’re hooked on ‘one life then Heaven or Hell’ concept.

    Nope. There are No Accidents in the Universe and we are not all born equal. We are born according to the consequences of actions in previous lives – and repeat it time & time & time again..

    So good luck with trying to live longer. Fact is, when your number of breaths (determined at /before birth) is up, you die.

    Have a peaceful Christmas.

    • With all due respect Ian. I have to disagree. If we all took this attitude, we would not believe in any control over our lives. Wouldn’t wear seat belts. Wouldn’t go the doctor. Wouldn’t help a blind man across the street. Wouldn’t get the brakes replaced on our car.

      I believe we are in control of our lives more than you accept. Karma works in our current life as well as our past life(lives). I suggest you read George’s book “Packing to Die” and his “life film reel” theory. It had a major impact on me.

      One of the benefits of living a healthy life is that it allows you help others in need. No one is suggesting living a long unhealthy life but living a healthy life for a long time. We have a lot of control over that. Visit any nursing home and ask them if they would live their lives any differently if given a chance.

      I’m on George’s side on this one. I do believe in Karma but the kind that allows us to make other people’s lives better. Good health to you Ian and to all the other readers here.

      And a peaceful Christmas to you as well.

      Bob in Canada

      • Amen..
        I made it a point to attend the funerals of those I took care of..
        one of the saddest I ever attended was of a very wealthy business woman.. I cared for her what ten years.. never a visiter..alone in pain..
        I entered the chapple…I expected to see businessmen ex employees family and friends..
        the only name in the guest register.. was mine.. except for the preacher paid to give a speech.. the total people attending.. was me.. she built her life on the backs of others cared about nothing but the number on a sheet of paper..she suffered alone she died alone.. because of that one funeral.. I made my funeral plans.. there won’t be one.. just a simple obit that says I went on vacation..
        if somebody is curious they can get together and head to pizza ranch..

      • Well BIC you make some good points. It’s our responsibility to make the best of our lives (a human birth is said to be very rare) and we should live *healthily & wisely. Reckless & unhealthy living can & often does shorten an allotted time span.

        But George said, ‘Of more than 30 distinct protocols and lifestyle actions that may extend your Life.’

        Can’t be done, not by a single breath. Sorry.
        * do as I say, not as I do

    • Having seen too many die slowly and miserably in hospital beds, doing what you can to stay healthy and going with your boots on is the way to go.

      Individuals who fear no eternal consequences for their actions are more vile to deal with than cobra snakes, and from what I have read and observed, that is about 90% of the population. I don’t see much difference in Eastern or Western snakery. Competition between sociopaths for the title of most self-righteous and holy is non-denominational.

      Have a merry Christmas.

      • The one I want to like..
        There was this really nice lady.. every night was the same..she would read and watch the Letterman show..about 11:30 she’d put her light on and ask for a 7-Up…to sit by her bed on the bed stand..
        one night I was super busy I went in and she asked..I said you bet but it would be a few minutes I had several people up.
        the other workers seen and came to help so I was able to go right away.. went in to give her the soda there she leaning on her chest a smile on her face as if she had just dozed off..
        another one was in horrific pain.. I would beg her to ask for the medications she could get to relieve the discomfort she had.. she patted me on the shoulder and said.. it’s ok honey I know you care.. but I’m ok…she to went peacefully..
        the rule of 3.. well I believe it..and so does most floor workers..

  16. I do not remember the correct amounts, but I think that on the average, 85% of our total medical expenses during our lifetime occur in the last three months of our existence on this plane. If I can live a useful and healthy life until I exit without those costs, that would be great.

    • When my parents passed on..every dr. associated with the hospital sent a bill for consultation.. question this..why would a gynecologist, a podiatrist and a proctologist hundreds of miles away need to be consulted..
      my mother was paying almost 12 grand a month in a home almost twenty years that’s beginning that time it was 250 a month for still had to pay for medications from their pharmacy.. 1 Tylenol a day was 500 a month.. that was then..
      the hospitals are notorious about letting sick employees go and taking healthcare coverage away..25 visits to a physical therapist cost me most of what we had in savings. the last gentleman we had living with us..his wife was a cancer they let her go.. he sold antiques and raised thoroughbreds.. her final expenses took their farm his businesses and a retirement home he had for renting out.. he came with just the clothes he had on.. we took him shopping for clothes and to get winter clothes..
      the man before him was a master engineer had a wall of pretty sheets of papers..he designed and responsible for the construction and safety of deep water oil drilling rigs.. a big explosion and horrific oil spill and a hurricane had him loose everything he had.. he was required to give testimony on the spill and explosion.. he told the truth and was black called by the industry he loved..he couldn’t get a job cleaning dog companies gave him a penny on the dollar..he wandered the country bitter and alone trying to find work any work..his car broke down and he had a heart man..had it all..
      lost his family was bitter about what happened to him..ended up in our spare room..
      the illusion is made thinking you’ll leave billy and Sarah this etc. you leave nothing if your not in the super mega bucks area.. except for them in the b club all give it away.. elderly throw farms at them homes etc.
      the only one I met..kept it .. I asked hi. how..he said to me..he gave it away..but he had to give it so many years before he died otherwise they take it..
      my plan is tosell my home to the neediest grandchild for a hundred dollars..if it looks like our health starts to take the plunge..
      you may think you’ll be supporting and beneficiaries will be getting..that is a rarer than known event.
      insurance companies and drug companies are made to make huge profits not pay out..
      medications in the USA are at several tens of thousands of percentage higher than in Canada accessing a physician has just as long of a waiting period as there..
      I could go on it is a pet peave.. the inequality.. then again one 8 hour shift at minimum wage is a couple of grand a month..a standard wing has 3 nurses 9 aides 1 housekeeper that’s not counting administrative,maintenance, kitchen,laundry etc. or facility costs, supplies and food , lawn and garden etc.

    • There are fates much worse than death..I have seen a few.. taking care of your body beforehand just makes sense.. men of faith go quieter than those that don’t have faith..
      seen people given a cancer diagnosis one day die a day or two later..they wanted to put me in hospice almost twenty years ago..told me I had a horrific cancer..that just vanished.. every day is a blessing..take it as a gift..let those you know how important they are and do what you can to make a difference while you can..or you can let it all go to slow and the perve..

      • “…There are fates much worse than death…..every day is a blessing… make a difference while you can..”

        Some seriously accurate & astute observations right there. I’d guess that many of us are in the ‘death zone’ – 70’s – and we face our inevitable mortality in different ways.

        In my case, I’ve led, let’s say a ‘robust life’. But having acquired solid and fact-based spiritual knowledge, and knowing (or rather, strongly suspecting) that I have considerable unfulfilled negative karma to address, I am, to put it mildly, shitting bricks.

        Will prayer help? I’ll find out. But I suspect that the Iron Law of Karma will not be gain-said. The best I hope for is mitigation, but no guarantees. I’ll find out, soon enough.

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