A Downsizing Chapter

Our 20+ years of downsizing is certainly making sense as the world changes. When we moved “out to the woods” people had this ‘tude like “What kind of people run away and live in the woods?”

Today, with the coming of a possible tariff war, inflation causing the Fed to walk-back its “more cuts” nonsense, the real value of living a debt-free life are just starting to appear.

And it all has to do with work, working for the Man, an being able to have enough leftover on payday to make something pleasurable of your life.

So we begin this morning from the ADP Jobs report which follows the weaker than expected Labor JOLTS report Tuesday. Then we get into how the charts are looking and THEN we will slide into the Downsizing book.

Which – and this is almost funny – I had forgotten I’d already written a couple of chapters on – so we will finish serializing that one before resuming the People Are Products book. (Whew!)

Seat belts on?

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63 thoughts on “A Downsizing Chapter”

  1. “if you ever want to see change, now is the time.”

    Well I second that opinion..”Brother can you spare a Satoshi ?”

    What did mark cuban just say about Hail Mary’s and getting rich ?
    ..wonder where we have hurd that before..?

    Darkness comes – you can feel its pressure as it starts to move about..WAR on DS has begun.

    Cutting off their funding via Cartel Shutdown (s) !?!

    Sure, Sinola, zetas, young jalisco..are just going to idly sit by while US spec operators dismantle their ops? FBI estimates they control 17-18 Governors/States, and have influence over how many more states? There is a show with billy bob thorton (Landman) that graphically displays the current problems.-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auQfXObDddI

    As for whats coming..jagger says it best – “The time is right” – https://youtu.be/NHugEELD8o8?si=BAJm5n3Kce9sqp22


    Zeropoint NRG is set loose on Planet – how d U think those Orb Ships are powered ? If NRG were Free or very LOW cost – whats the point of Working for d Man ? Inquiring minds G , inquiring MINDS .

  2. (“Thrills and pills”)

    I believe there could possibly be a shortage.. all of my medications are manufactured elsewhere.. the only Americanized portion of them is…the price at tens of thousands of percent more..
    its the business model…

    • So I came down with a horrible allergic cough. No covid, no fever, no congested lungs, just a nasty cough. Urgent care prescribed a codeine cough syrup for me. CVS pharmacy in the village tells me ‘It’s been back-ordered more than 30 days. No one on the island has any. No ETA on possible delivery. We will call you when it comes in”

      Gee..(cough!). Thanks!

      This allergic cough is on day eight. Today they cancelled my hip surgery due Monday. Don’t know when I will get better. Don’t know when they will be able to replace my hip.

        • “Onshore VOGS” we have. Volcanic. Mac Nuts are blooming. Sickly sweet and irritating as breathing sand.
          I’ve only had a bare cough this bad once, years before. Cough meds was ‘Tussionex’ which is Oxycodone & antihistamine. Not available anymore since the great opioid knockdown. But to have Codeine unavailable for more than a month speaks of a real meds shortage.

      • This I where the wife says…. who gave you a doctors degree so its not medical advice just what I do for cough you choose I would have to say ..follow your physicians advice but if you enjoy a good cup of the tea try it see if it helps.. raw honey red ginseng tea and a tsp of lemon juice…
        from covid I got COPD…. hot red GensingTea lemon and honey.
        I had to carry an inhaler.. ( I put two drops of cbd infused oil in it to)


        I keep it around all the time now.. as to CBD.. people have told me that doesn’t work as good as ..OPIUM .. but I swear it has to build up in tour system.. but I take six drops of oil in the am and six drops at bedtime for my seizure dissorder.. I don’t smoke but I get cbd gummies with thc one quarter of one gives me the relief the exact same as One OXY.. there are some countries tgat utilize the pharmaceutical research that has been done that put this in pill form .. someday maybe we will get some legislators that are willing to accept the academic research instead of allowing themselves to be pimped out by money and gifts to get what they want.. Since I have been doing that I haven’t had to use any opium den drugs..
        I didn’t realize it took time and cut the seizure meds out right away..dam if I don’t have one..so I continued on with the meds for a month while doing the CBD .. then tapered off..dam if that didn’t work.. prednisone I was on prednisone all the time with my joint issues..still have to use that once in a great while but nothing like I did have..
        its one of gods miracle plants just like dandelions.. I won’t kill them either.. ( makes a great tea to )

      • Hi Hank is it prescription cough stuff or off the shelf ? Got to Maui on Tuesday I could look here for you and mail it to you or deliver to big island .

        • The codeine is prescription stuff. CVS (Longs Drugs) is statewide, California based, biggest drug chain here. None of them have it, nor can get it at this point.

          I’m taking off-the-shelf ‘Delsym’ Dextromethorphane with limited effectiveness.

    • Yes, but on the bright side, we have very quietly started sourcing our generic meds from India and away from China. The ChiComs had 95% of the manufacturing market, a couple years ago. The Indians now have 54% of the market, and growing. Doesn’t mean you’re not still at the mercy of the mail (Indian pharmcos typically use DHL and EMS, a few use FedEx, but for the most part, their parcel delivery is slower than China’s and their ports are considerably farther away.) On the bright side, Indian quality and QC are both better than Chinese…

      • My Rheumatologist was from india.. she would make trips home and pick up stuff to give her patients..in the USA they cost over a hundred dollars there under a dime..

        • If you want to buy direct, you can create an account at Indiamart. You search for what you want, post a query, and will generally get between 5 and 50 offers to sell to you. I think about Indiamart every time I see a Viagra or Cialis commercial. Whether you’re paying $50 a pill, $20 a pill, or 97¢ a pill, there’s 1500 Indian pharmacies on Indiamart that’ll sell you those same pills for 3¢ each and some of them will even fudge the scrip. One of the TV Viagra ads even showed the pills in the foil-sealed bubble strips in which the Indian manufacturers package them.

          When I got ivermectin and HCQ I comparison-shopped pharmacies which had both in the quantities and strengths I sought, at a reasonable price, and accepted PayPal. (This was for my protection, because I was unfamiliar with the platform.) When I have bought other things, I have used Zelle, because few vendors use PayPal or most other means of digital exchange we take for granted.

          This has worked for me. I do not recommend it for anyone else, so if you want to play in the “Mumbai Marketplace,” you’re on your own. I typed this simply to mention that it’s an available marketplace.

      • I’ve gotten DHL packs from India a helluva lot faster that Chinese EMS ‘SpeedPak’. And now China Post is being totally blocked by USPS, pending tariff collections. No more ordering cheap Chinese electronics or parts on eBay.
        I agree that India pharmaceuticals are much better than Chinese.

  3. (“The very Rich can still run a negative cash flow. While the Poor can run a positive cash balance. In short, our metrics have become detached from meaning.”)

    let me put out a Pizza Delivery boys Perspective on this!

    years ago I delivered pizzas part time for a short time. six days a month…when I first started I had the job of scrubbing the cheese out of the grout..fun job.. with another guy.. after two weeks he moved up to making pizza I was still scrubbing cheese out of the grout..I walked up to him and said.. say who in the hell do you know.. I don’t see a wet spot on tour trouser seat and no dust on your knees.. so what’s up..who do you know!
    he laughed and said yeah ..I married the owners daughter and he doesn’t want a son in law to go into his family business that doesn’t know the job..( his father in law was in the B club) the then pizza assembler became manager and upped my position from grout scrubber to delivery..
    I got my choice of neighborhoods.. I Picked the richest neighborhoods… every house was valued in the millions.. big fancy luxurious…
    but you didn’t get a wage..you got mileage.. your wage was whatever you got..(aka nothing) after two weeks I went to the boss during morning report and business and said dam I have to put my notice in.. why.. I can’t afford to put gas in the dam car.. at tHat point everyone started to laugh.. they had been betting on how long it would take for me to get smart.. rich people don’t tip.. just ask any waitress..demand more give less..OPM other peoples money principle..lol they had to bribe the drivers to deliver to those neighborhoods..

    what did I see those two weeks.. houses that stood empty.. if they get visitors they staged the homes.. someone comes in fills it up with furniture until they leave.. they would hide their house numbers ..thirty minutes or its free.. turn off all the lights pretend no ones home..lol lol unless its a child..
    if A wealthy persons child orders you bust your ass to get it to them..the kid doesn’t care about the number on the sheet or what his daddy or mommy has to do to get it..he will flaunt his position..
    my summary of it..its all like bitcoin on a sheet of paper a number on a screen.. now you deliver to a working mans house..they know how hard it is and shows their gratitude.. ( why reaganomic trickle down didn’t work)
    one of the girls I worked with..her mom had a business where she only catered to the staging of those places as an interior decorator) she was having troubles because they wouldn’t pay her..I helped her set up a budget so that her husband wouldn’t divorce her..
    years later our towns mayor was from one of those families.. he was going to set up a business..he thought his daddies friends would jump in to help..
    we were having coffee I told him my experience..he he thought I was being lying..
    so he had a big meeting with those good friends gave his business proposal.. they thought it was a wonderful idea.. he could use their names clout.. for ten percent of gross income..lol lol lol not one dime would be invested to help him set up..
    its all paper.. A number on a sheet of paper
    you also see that in the medical Situations to.. what was the old saying about image.. ‘Pomp and circumstance its all
    an ostentatious display of ceremonial grandeur.

    • Pizza boy perspective is AFU.

      “rich dont tip” – pure 100% bullshit .

      Majority of the “rich” folks I know tip and tip well. Sure their are plenty of rich assholes who didnt earn a Dime of it, but instead were handed everything and acting like their shit dont stink.

      Most of the really wealthy folks I know or have known WORKED their asses off and are still working at it. Delaware Duponts all have to work the “factory floors” prior to moving up, same with the “Generals” family at superior in Pennslytucky. Dont know about current richest guy in Pennsy, but I did work along side of him in the 80’s on Options trading flr – PHLX. Know him to be a generous Host and Tipper.

      Personally, I Bussed and Waited Tables in my youth. Biggest tip I ever got was from Lenord Tose – used to own Da E-A-G-L-E-S, or as DEI mayor spells it E-G-G-L-E-S.
      My wife – daughter of world renowned Surgeon – worked at Mickey D’s in her yute. Both of my Kids worked in food service area in their yutes.
      We tip generously for good Service..very generously. “Workers remember, as I get treated very well at the few establishments we like to frequent. Usually dont even have ask for new Moscow Mule w/extra candied Ginger..they know.

      It is the selfish, greedy, egoists who never tip, as well as Urepeons and many pro atheletes ..majority of em? Not sure what that says about modern Athelets..nothing good thats for dam sure.

      • Lol lol lol they sure don’t reside in the waztelands..now I do know a young woman that is a waitress at the golf vlub..I asked her she said they have to..the exclusive club house rules are they have to tip .25% automatically added to their bill..
        oh I got a tip I think I got 1.00 for the days work.. the kids now that was a different story..
        I wormed at the grocery store to..same thing there..it was a joke because someone would come in for their weekend party buy fifty or a hundred rib eyes then on Monday come back in to get their money back..the store couldn’t sell the remaining steaks because someone claimed people were sick from them..so we would grill them in the back for the workers..
        you must live in o e of those areas where banks hand out unsecured billion dollar loans to someone that has a crappy credit report..
        there were some that did tip..but it wasn’t very common..the pizza shop had to bribe drivers to deliver those neighborhoods.. today they add it onto the bill..
        there was one kid..he got great tips..I cornered him and said come clean son there’s no one here that hustled harder than I do..he showed me the secret his dad showed him…dollars in one pocket change in the other…hand the pizza to the customer count down the dollars then dig for the change the customer smelling the pizza will almost always say keep the change.
        on cars there’s a reason cadilacs and Mercedes are the cheapest used cars on the lot to..people that can afford them buy them for the image lookey me and my car.. those that can afford them trade them off for image.. someone that can afford that doesn’t want to be seen with an old car..so car lots sell them to young single women or poor boys.. a couple years ago I took the wife’s car infor an oil change..the salesman was showing me the prettiest Bentley 4 years old the idiot that bought it paid 264 thousand dollars hand rubbed wood dash..we went for a ride..they had to get new brake pads for it..a team had to be flown here to install them..sweet car only 24 thousand miles on it.. we went to Wal-Mart a few miles away.. I said I wonder how much they would take for it..he says offer me 15 grand a d its yours..they only wanted the brakes ..they finally suckered someone in Atlanta I believe.. the wife wouldn’t ever let me park something like that in her spot in the garage..I couldn’t afford to drive it..

        • Buy a classic older car cheaply and change out the entire driveline for something reliable and popular. It’s a lot of work but you get a Sunday Driver.

      • I do have a seriously funny story…
        in I believe 87 a family member was invited to the country club ..we went for some big function.. it was spendy but made their night fun..what they served us was beautifully prepared ed and arranged..but It was such a small proportion that I had to stop at burger king.. years later at a lunch with the boss they picked a group from all the shifts and departments..we went to the country club.. one of the other workers asked me..have you ever eaten here..yes..but I hope you have some money..you’ll probably have to stop at burger King when we leave..
        the waitress was passing out the water.. when she took orders she got to me .. I ordered my meal..she says would you like a half portion or a full portion..oh honey I will need a full portion..lol lol she brought out everyo es meal.. then she goes back to get mine… comes out with the biggest bowl I have ever seen filled to the brim lol lol it was enough to feed the town I live in ..lol lol lol
        there are some the vast majority are struggling rich..
        my best childhood friend his mother inlaw didn’t want her son inlaw stocking shelves at albertsons and sacking groceries. she bought out a liquor store they put lotto machines in it.. about a year later his grandma passed on..she was my adopted grandmother..wonderful woman.. his brother and I swam Laps and jogged.. we invited him to join us.. he was telling us how much he paid for his garage..at that time he paid more than 250 thousand for a garage..I built one for under two thousand..laughed at him and said you best check your shoulders.. there might be hand prints on your shoulders someone done bent you over and took your virginity lol lol..he says..I had to spend a million to save a million..I stopped by..he spent that much two furnaces carpet to the cars a full theater the dam lamp in his front door cost more than my house..his kids all hot a half million when they turned 16.. he was making a million every three months off of video lottery..
        when his brother got married..he had a cobra Shelby cobra his baby fresh off the car carrier. beautiful car..well we were scared to frost up his windows or hang cans he’d kill us.. so brilliant us ..they had little hub covers on the tires..we put marbles in it..he took off..not a sound.. he comes back after his honeymoon . driving a cavalier. where’s the cobra..oh we got two hundred miles away and threw out the rear end. omg..those dam marbles..so the car parts were all custom..the car lot just gave him a new cavalier.. he delivers for napa.. still has a little cobra on his keychain..
        I feel horrible over that and it’s been decades..so his brother and I was talking and in his six stall garage he had a 69 camaro just like the first car he ever owned ..I said you know you and I are the cause of your brothers dumped his baby.. he laughed and said oh he has lived this long without it. now the nappa driver and I still keep in touch. his brother’s wife won’t let his brother have coffee. I think she’s afraid we will ask for money or something..like I care what he has.
        their sisters husband and their kids got cancer..I was talking to him a few weeks ago now.. they all died..where they live is close to where I scooped hot dirt way back in day labor. is there residual radiation there left from that spill? don’t know when spring comes I will take a Geiger counter out there..beautiful area.. got their own duck pond the area was turned into an exclusive housing..

      • I do know there are those but overall..
        I know one friend that has a communications company that also has over 50 companies in our largest city..he jumps in with me on some of the hand ups ..a wonderfully young man big heart another of my friends has done so much to literally save lives all at his own expense.. so there are some that do.. I was telling of my personal experience at a very limited part time job as a young man.. bussed tables seen waitresses start crying because they had to choose gas or diapers.. my wide was a waitress so we’re the girls.. I personally give OST’s ( oh shit tips) and at the places we go to when we go out to eat..we most generally go to the head of the list for seating..

      • (“Majority of the “rich” folks I know tip and tip well. “)

        Now did they do that just because they were around others in their social class and wanted to show the others up? ( competition)
        you know the old mines bigger than yours thing… lol lol..
        my brother.. he had an old inn and restaurant remodeled into his home.. he has three 400 amp services in the stupid thing not sure how many but several living rooms and a bunch of bedrooms and bathrooms etc.. ( the only thing I want to see is he has 6 inch copper sewer pipes..I didn’t thing they made them that big) for 2 people…

    • My son had the same experience delivering pizza’s. Quickly learned to always have an excuse to NOT DELIVER to the wealthy parts of his area, only to the working class parts or the poor “college students” parts. He claimed that the absolute BEST tippers were the poorest, the working class full time college students who barely had two extra nickles to rub together.

      Over beers over the years in listening to a LOT of small construction type guys I was always hearing about their problems in getting their customers in the richer suburban areas to pay. No problem in the strickly middle income areas, payments were made immediately and generally without argument, but take on a job where the houses were expensive and more show places and OMG problem after problem in getting their money paid to them on a regular basis.

      In my business I was forewarned and starting early ALWAYS got the richer folks to pay up front, something I didn’t require from my middle class or even poverty class clients.

      • I made the mistake of hiring one of the more prominent members of societies construction construction companies to put in the concrete foundation of our home..
        they required a third down..a third when materials and a third when finished.. I like an idiot gave the third.. he took it left a hammer and ran.. he did leave his hammer..my guess is it fell out of his truck..
        his wife worked with me.. she tried to get me fired .. ( I was working in exchange for a hospital bill for a year during hell year there wasn’t any way they were going to fire me just because of his social status and bruised ego over the pit bull )
        I went to the hospitals attorney that made my life a living hell..he says why me.. well you made my life a living hell and I want to share that experience with this killer lol he couldn’t represent me but he had a nasty friend that could..I didn’t get any of the cash back but when he drove by flipping me off ..that was payment enough.. I do have my ten thousand dollar hammer ..the wife won’t let me get it gold plated..lol lol..

  4. Things not working:

    About 500 ft of telephone cable fallen from power poles has been on the ground over two driveways for a week here–phone and pwr companies notified…

    • We started out with line on poles 45 years ago, and it worked until a few ice storms brought trees down on the lines. Then the phone company decided burying the line would be better. Not so much. They buried it with a small dozer pulling a blade that fed the cable out the bottom. It only went down maybe 18″ at best. Here in the boonies, when it came to a creek they suspended it in mid-air over the water. Over time, neighbor kids cut our line with a machete while playing in the creek, and the county’s road maintainer gouged too deep in the ditch and dug up a few hundred feet of it. The repairman spliced new cable at the break and ran it to the next junction box, but the cable stayed on the surface for over a year. It got cut or otherwise disrupted at least once a month. I finally got tired of calling in repair orders and went with a cell-based home phone. So far, so good.

  5. (“If you happen to be a warm-blooded air-breather? You don’t get to “keep your own machine revenue”. It’s squeezed out of your paycheck through taxes over an entire working life. “)

    God that is so true.. similar to what we were required to pay for just the wife’s health insurance..because of a past history of a stroke.. all we could get was a high deductible catastrophic policy..the years we paid. we paid out over three hundred grand..if we wouldn’t have had to have that policy..( clinics won’t see you and if the what if happened the costs of the same procedures are tens of times more than if you had the policy)We could have put that in savings bonds and would have had over six hundred grand..its the business model..
    through the years if just what was deducted from my checks for social security had been invested in a secured fund like savings bonds..( the poor boys path to financial security)
    I would of had a retirement fund greater than fifty million yes million dollars as a retirement fund if the amount that the employer gave then well over a hundred million of the funds compounded through a lifetime of labor. that are now referred to as peaches on society..the true peaches are those that . instead we handed it over to congress that was rolling out money to to big to fail businesses that were handing out multi million dollar bonuses to executives that fails in their jobs..
    putting social security and all the laborers retirement packages at risk.
    notice congress secured their funds.. companies don’t offer retirement packages any more..they openly tell you that social security is your retirement packages

  6. Leaches ..are those legislators that handed the working mans safety net to fund wars to enrich the oligarchy wanting more power and everyone as slaves to their desires of want..
    ( I believe there’s never enough to satisfy WANT)

  7. (“The most recent hourly wages per worker (Nov. 2024 preliminary) came to $35.61 per hour.”)

    the problem of that figure ..is appearance…. that takes in all income brackets..so the guy that makes a billion dollars a year is divided into the whole of laborers.. school teachers.. in the wastelands the teachers complain that those living in ..oh lets say California where food stamp qualification is just shy a quarter mill and rent of a bunk bed is a couple grand..or my friend in Alexandria he taught at GWU ..his house payment for his home of less square footage than my garage was what almost 8 weeks a month..it doesn’t reflect the area..where they want the same income ratio those areas pay while not considering the realistic wages of the area..around here wages are low a manager of a local establishment is 13.50 an hour the workers 11.00 an hour.. so it looks as if everyone is doing great instead of splitting the wage incomes into social classes..to get the realistic numbers .. looks great but not realistic in any way shape or form.

  8. George: pfew, will have to revisit PeopleNomics (the contributor side of your online tomes) after a cocktail (or, read: plural). The only thing worth busting your b***s for after cursory read is: “Accumulating too many Friends” Sorry, lost me entirely. Our local clan can do anything because of our strength in numbers. Plumbers, electricians, carpenters, Board Members, Bankers, Lawyers (OK, they aren’t really a plus but), horders, engineers, tinkerers. I’m in the Sailor Village Elder section.

    Got ice? It’s fresh here (Germanic phrase) and the ice cake is expanding in the heat of the day (depth and in every direction). Ice storm tonight and winter comes in for a Lakeland winter party on Saturday. Think I’ll remain indoors unless His CatNess wants to go out. Or, the sail goes up on the DN! Stay chill … Egor ~~ /)/) ~

  9. (“We can already intuit a path into a hybridization of workfare – which would make a lot of “common sense” out here. We could afford to put in a downsized mobile home, or two. Hook ‘em up to power and water, put in septic’s. That part isn’t too bad.”)

    lol lol..an Amish colony approach.. got cucumbers..at the colony I was amazed.. the colony was what Joseph smith based the original LDS community on..the re emerge of the faith.
    the church reverted back to the old levites of Israel where they are now the temple keepers. the LDS community-based faith is now tied into the business model of modern materialism..in a cataclysmic event whether its environmental, war torn or economically ..the faithful even though they are faithful or not.. will be torn away like every other religion.. you have to work and survive..t like most Christian faiths are going through an apostasy that will separate the faith similarly like the Mayan and Aztec and many more lost to history. while the Amish have adopted some forms of modern living they still keep to the original plan. I was amazed what I seen was a small community that appeared as what you would see in a Norman Rockwell painting. the communities citizens..stress free..the girls in the cannery..teased me about my gardening capabilities.. it was a stress free everyone had their job and value..
    there are other communities with similar goals not associated with faith..


    I tried to talk my granddaughter to join this one..a definite lifestyle changer..but less stress where everyone there has value..

    • Dancing Rabbit Looks like straight out of the old original Mother Earth News. We subscribed 50 years ago or so.

      • Yes…they sent me an email a week ago seeking someone to garden.. you should see the colony great I was so shocked..no stressed out young people..both places would be great..if I wasn’t so dam old I would jump on it…simpler way of life.. the layout at the colony is fabulous.. they have a sunken greenhouse and grows crops year round.. the kids each has their place…
        Dancing rabbit great place..perfect place to build a rammed earth home..


        I have the block machine.. seen one once..they use to teach it at the college. A professor I met once and I discussed this ..he had a summer workshop and the kids built a few buildings..The strength test was somewhere around 6000 pounds per square inch..
        not long ago I seen a post where a guy instead of making the earth block used ICF forms then poured earth create .. to build his house.


        • One thing I have always wondered about… Tires.. thousands of tires every day… why do the dispose of them rather than reuse them?
          the process is pretty standard on this stuff.. freeze them.. chatted the deep frozen tires then heat separation into basic components. remove metal.. then pelletize the rubber to be re- vulcanized and molded into tires again.
          its confusing for me..and it would save money in that reusing materials that can be harvested cheaper would make for a less expensive product.
          I use to get a big thrill when I was little dad would go get tires made.. some recap some complete..

        • @LOOB


          Tires are made up of, from 4-14 different rubbers, combined in different ratios with other substances (always carbon black, sometimes other stuff) added. Ever wonder why one tire has a 35,000 mile rating while another, similar tire from the same manufacturer has a 75,000 rating, or one tire is “B” rated (for heat dissipation) while the next is “A” or “C” rated?

          Crinkle-wall slicks and cold, dry weather racing tires are extremely sticky. At someplace like Indy, the cold dry tires will run nearly 60 laps if it’s 60°. They’ll run about 38 laps if the temperature is 86°.


          The tire company can’t re-use the rubber to make transportation tires. (I think they might be able to use it to make solid tires for hand trucks, tricycles, and wheelbarrows, but I don’t know if they do. My experience with automotive rubber was with the mixing and molding, not recycling or repurposing.) They CAN possibly re-use it to make other things, but they mostly pull the cords & bands and shred the tires, then sell them as playground turf, because that’s a more-efficient use (from a monetary standpoint) of the rubber…

  10. Kleenex or Puffs
    the tards of Lib are going to cry harder and more quantity after this column gets perused
    I wish they would use my ‘Trump mug shot’ coffee cup to gather them ,, as they are the just reward of the many yrs of uniparty rule and proof of the change of guard,
    I love the howl of the swamp creatures , as I have never heard them howl as they now begin to howl in earnest, the swamp is being drain, but remember how many bitched because Trump did not get the swamp drained during Trump 1.0,,, now Trump 2.0 came into office swinging away, they were unprepared for life on dry land,
    Trump is still in first gear, shifting into 2nd as his appointments get approved, meanwhile the temps are raising cane, and the swamp creatures are having trouble dodging DODE troubles, follow the money has always been the clue,,,, finally someone , who has the courage to face death and still keeps on going.
    He deserves Mt Rushmore in my opinion,
    ‘USAgeny of International Destruction’ NEVER EVER SENT ME MONEY
    but always had an unending supply for certain folks and causes.
    Mass exodus at FBI, DOJ, and CIA is what we the people have demanded for years on end, and now the minorty of opinions is put in their rightful place,,, last

    I am still so darn happy, I got rocks in my pockets to keep me Earth bound,,,

    the government having a fund of money, free from interest to the Feral Reserve,,, hummm

    the rubber duck gives items of interest,,, food for thought
    “The Rubber Duck ™
    if you hear anyone on the internet saying Donald Trump or the United States is controlled by Bibi Netanyahu or lsraeI – you can tell them to fuck right off and send them this video.”
    the video is in the above link

    Is Obama related to the Bush family?

    • (“I wish they would use my ‘Trump mug shot’ coffee cup”)

      I got a cup..its a hoot..it says this cups hotter than a spoon in the Biden household…lol lol lol

  11. Do you remember that upper respiratory thing I had in October, December, January, and again this month? The local schools are closing for 2 days for a deep clean, so many people are sick. A local hospital sent out a message saying to stay home if you are sick. They stated that a normal shift is 35 patients but they have been getting 139 and that people need to be patient if they have to wait. Each time I got it it was less severe but darn it’s annoying. My relatives are plague carriors. :)

    George you said that people were jealous. I lived in a monastery for a few years. One of the nuns was jealous of my size 18 clothes that I bought at a local thrift shop. Certainly nothing fancy and I wasn’t skinny, and she had access to community funds and could buy whatever she wanted. Another was jealous of my “freedom” and complained to our parish priest. I was teaching full time and taking graduate classes to get a counseling degree. She also had a teaching degree and could easily have gotten a teaching position and signed up for college classes and therefore have more “freedom”, but she hated teaching. People want what you have but don’t want to do the work involved. If nuns get jealous there’s not much hope that the rest of us can escape it.

  12. Hey G Perp,

    How does it feel ? getting struck down like a deepstate libatard ?


    Cmon – you can share Ure feelings here – no judgements.

    Need a hand wit z Cypto, now that Ure shorts & frilly things have been ripped off. Damm !

    “lying naked in rain, but I never wave bye bye-https://youtu.be/jLMUZahN7NU?si=otUWZSx-0cX_Fswn – David Bowie

  13. re: “English official US language”

    Flemish-Belgian broadcaster VTB offers video recording of the melee outside Clémenceau Metro station in Brussels. Early-to-rise commuters witnessed alleged exchanges of live fire. VTB reported that efforts by authorities to locate the shooters in Metro tunnels had “drawn a blank”.

    Clémenceau station is two stops distant from the European Parliament. It’s named after the French PM who apparently asked without success in 1923 for President Coolidge to forgive France’s WW1 debts. Anderlecht is an originally Flemish suburb of Brussels. It appears that as of 2023 ‘Belgian inhabitants of Belgian background’ comprise 18.14% of the suburb’s population.

    Here is a link to the gunfire video with musical accompaniment on the VTB website. (Thankfully there were said to be no casualties.)


    The same video playing on Russian msm does not seem to feature pixelized frame edits.

  14. It didn’t take long..,

    Saudi Arabia, in swift response to Trump, says no ties with Israel without a Palestinian State.
    OK.., we will establish a “Palestinian State” in Saudi Arabia – who has coincidently and constantly refused any Palestinian refugees.
    That puts the ball squarely back into Trump’s court.
    Stay tuned…,

    • Gee, ya mean Trump’s MAGA-Strip proposal was the opening gambit in a Saudi deal?


      ‘Never saw that one coming (don’t mind my post on this from a couple days back…)

  15. I desperately hope that the USAID revelations are a snowball that becomes an avalanche. Some genuine transparency finally. Now we will see if the American Cows care enough to do anything about it.

  16. nah george you are always the smartest one . did well with your beautiful wife . i have been hit on all fronts and marked for death . i should have acted years ago . you did . oh and that crash thing will never happen . communism won . the biggest thing with communism is corruption and control . thats called AI. evil abounds no way out . yep comrads put on your red hat , wave old glory and eat apple pie

  17. Ure Gingseng usage could be adjusted to the Season Ure in.
    Winter time, cold weather = Red Korean = Heat

    In Summer time in the Hot Weather better results from taking the cooler American Ginseng…as recomended by my YXQG advisor.

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