Weekend Shorting Notes

First question is: Is it brave or crazy?  With the markets bumping along at logically over-bought levels, it’s tempting to buy a short and “play for time.”

But this is riskier than it might appear.  Although we’ve been known to do it from time-to-time.

Backing up these observations will be a dozen and a half charts to keep us “middle of the channel.”

Plus in this morning’s report we reconsider that massacre in Russia Friday that has killed nearly 50 people and wounded another 150, or so.

Best get to it: Busy morning and we’re just getting started…

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91 thoughts on “Weekend Shorting Notes”

  1. Terrorized yet ? Worried ?

    We prolly should be..

    Did anyone see lil jackie yesterday trying explain how US had nothing to do with terrorists attack on innocent Russian civilians ? He looked like he was about to shit himself. Never saw an administration acting so quick to try and cover their asses in front of the media cartel. All this comes AFTER US dept of State warned their People over there to avoid public places, avoid crowded places, 2 weeks prior. What a cowinkydink, no?

    Please note an important, recent change in official language coming out of the Kremlin this week; Dmitry Peskov said that “Russia’s military operation in ukraine has turned into a full fledged War after the West became involved in Kyivs fight”..Not just a verbal shift .

    Western satanists seemly have no clue the consequences of waking the Russian BEAR, let alone the total DISRESPECT shown for Russian Life , RUSsian Lives.

    Worst part of all this Death and Tragedy the west is PROMOTING and SPREADING – American Civilians about to caught in the middle of a Global Shitstorm.
    = A WIN for the Crawford Ranch Cartel/obongo-hildog Cartel.
    * not joking regards the real joe biden being stuffed and mounted on the wall at crawford ranch.

    Time to que the “vacuum bombs”, cant hideyhole from em, Warpigs.


    B- Natasha, why do they set the world on fire ?
    N- they need some sort of illumination to see, all is cold & darkness, NO Light, No Love of Life in the West anymore..been slowly SNUFFED OUT.

    • The change in language is a big deal.. especially they are now calling out the USA and UK… I read something different and it made me think of one of the deciphered predictions stu gave about france… and then what Ai said.. time will tell if Stu is right on the money so far it looks scarily as if he Is..

      • “…especially they are now calling out the USA and UK…”

        Did they call you ? Nobody called me !! ;-)
        Why should I care if I cannot change it ?

        • well last night there was a live news feed from Putin…. He didn’t use the War word.. but he did call the West a terrorist nation sponsoring terrorist activities.. he also said he would defend the motherland and the people that live there against such activities…

      • From a Russian perspective the Snake that has been trying to dismember Russia for generations is the British ruling class and London is where they live and work. There is a secondary late comer Snake that follows London’s lead, it is located in Langley Virginia (operational location) and NY City (center of the thinkers/movers/shakers).

        “IF” push comes to show … London as we know it will be no more. The greatest loss to the future imo will be the loss of the collections of the British Museum … but I don’t think the destruction of the city is in doubt anymore once the battle begins.

        For the US the potential destruction is more iffy. Will the two US’s co-joined Snake Heads be chopped off simultaneously with the British Snake Head? Maybe not … but then again maybe they will be first on the chopping block since they provide the “Muscle” that allows the British to do what the British do and thus are an existential threat to Russia.

        • I totally agree.
          The City takes our real money and we fight their made-up wars.
          Putin has already said the City of London will be the first to go. Note that the City is the square mile area where the Snake (international banksters) live, not what most think of when referencing “London”.

        • (“The greatest loss to the future imo will be the loss of the collections of the British Museum “)

          The other great loss is the libraries.. the UK is willing to share everything in their libraries..all the college studies done the ancient books.. I have a friend that still reads a book and a half a day..the same with the USA.. we have pretty much gone digital.. I use to have a garage full of boxes of books.. from the time I was a little boy I would collect how to make patterns and instructions.. the wife made me downsize so she could park in the garage..so I went digital..
          it is the same thing with the US libraries .. they are digital.. the colleges here are pretty good about sharing.. except for YALE.. but everything that Yale has is everywhere else..the LOC is subteranian.. a shtf scenario and that library could be lost forever as well..
          India and China believe it or not is really open to people reading..all of the books will be archeological finds of the future.. I had hoped that russia would find the library of Ivan’s wife.. supposedly there are books from the lost library of alexandria and gilgamesh, phoenicians,

        • take me in ole tender woman,,, snake story?
          repeated at many Trump rallies

        • The Museums will NOT be a loss to the “cultural destroyers.”

          They want the destruction and you can count on it.

          What good is Western Civilization to them?

          They don’t want culture, education, or intelligence, they want dumbed down slaves.

          They want the mixing of the masses. They want no nation, no home ownership, no property ownership. It’s all written in their manifesto and it is everywhere if you care to look, and happening right now, right here as it explains everything that is going on.

          Manifest the Manifesto.
          From the Unseen to the Seen.

        • we were just discussing this.. the sad part.. is it doesn’t take a brain scientist to see that there will be a total reset.. that the acceleration of the interest on the debt is only going to get worse..with morons in office that doesn’t have the intelligence to tie a shoelace spending tens of billions of numbers for absolutely nothing.. we have dumbed down our youth outsourced our industry we are totally dependent on other countries to provide out bare necessities. Our infrastructure is crumbling.its a royal shit show..In my opinion we are royaly screwed.. I like most depend on the solvency of the country and the value of the dollar to survive.. the number world we are all dependent on is in a real dangerous position. Like the people that had wealth when the banks closed that woke up to a world where they were unacustomed to knowing.. went from rich to penniless..( say that is what they are trying to do with trump. make him penniless )..I have predicted in the past that that is when i will win the lottery.. when the value of the dollar tanks and all It will be worth is a cup of coffee and a danish LOL.
          a 3.99 meal is now almost seventeen dollars.. in another three years.. at the rate it is going.. the same four dollar meal will be over a hundred or more..Hunter Biden graduated from the same school I challenged their first two years of college to take a course.. the Ukrainian business man said he was stupider than his dog.. NOW.. did daddy just do a Yale and pay for him to receive the degree.. a daddys boy gift.. a sheet of paper for the wall..

      • “Putin tries to link Ukraine to ‘barbaric’ Moscow attack that killed 133”


        133. ISIS.

        There’s that 1-1-3 number combination/variation again that Stu has often pointed out.

        Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, Volume I, G. A. Stewart, 2017, Page 134
        What is the significance of this number combination? My best guess is that the Knights Templar were rounded up, tortured, and executed on October 13th, 1307. That is 10/13/1307.

        Jacques de Molay, leader of the Knights Templar was burned at the stake in front of the Cathedral of Notre Dame on March 13th, 1314, another Friday the 13th. The Cathedral of Notre Dame was once the site of the Temple of Isis. The Seal of Paris is the Boat of Isis.

        Pope Francis was elected to the Papacy on March 13th, 2013, exactly 699 years after Jacques de Molay was burned alive.

        It was The Master Game, Unmasking the Secret Rulers of the World that led me to see the Isis connections to Freemasonry and the French Revolution.

        During the French Revolution, the Cult of Reason tried to destroy the Roman Catholic Church. Priests that did not convert were beheaded on the guillotine. The French Revolutionaries erected statues and fountains to the Egyptian goddess Isis.

        The Sumerians, Babylonians, and Egyptians, knew Inanna, Ishtar, and Isis, as the Goddess of 10,000 Names.

        • Two very different “Goddesses” Innana/Istar and ISIS.
          Innana of epic of Gilgemeses fame was GrandDaughter of Enlil/Setes/Saytanri. Abused and violated at very young age she grew up with a nasty mean streak and deep deep Hatred of Enil and the Annunaki-Annuna-Elohim. Hatred drove her do some terrible things in Wars against the aforementioned regime. She went and performed ritual of cleansing absolution ,accepted back into brotherhood of light.She is one of 2 angels depicted atop ark of covenant-Nephytys? The other angel depicted is ISIS – was the Queen of Egypt – great pyramid and underground plateau -greatest magician ever. Knew languages of all,including Stone. She was Enki’ Mate and lover. A Mother and Protector to mankind . Why they have Inverted her Name with isil..losers .

      • The media is part of the game!

        JC comment
        March 21, 2024 at 07:02
        Is somebody toying with us?

        Keep in mind Stu’s 1-1-3 Ritual Days.

        13 minutes ago, 13 people, 31 missiles?

        On the screen it currently says 13 minutes ago…

        Russia launched dozens of missiles at Kyiv in an early morning attack, injuring at least 13 people while residential buildings and industrial facilities across the Ukrainian capital have been damaged.

        The city’s air defence units downed 31 missiles…


        Interestingly this link from a few days ago now brings you to…

        Moscow attack live updates: Putin says four gunmen arrested as death toll hits 133

  2. “There are reports circulating that the
    U.S. Embassy in Russia warned Americans to avoid large crowds for 48 hours, ahead of Crocus City Hall attack.” …


    Strange how the US knew (something) and warned Americans but Russia didn’t.

    Over the fence, I had a nice conversation with my neighbor lady friend. (She was Jewish and converted to Christianity. Her husband was Palestinian Christian, who escaped the Kahn Younis massacre in 1948 when he was 13.)

    We talked of what’s happening with Israel and I mentioned Clif’s “Israeli Mistake.” Prediction. She listened and then said, “The Jews were welcomed by the Palestinians when they first arrived. The Jews should have been happy to finally have a Home Land after wandering for thousands of years and SHOULD have lived in gratitude but, they made a mistake rather quickly. – you don’t move into a new neighborhood and start massacring your neighbors. The Palestinians were to have their own state but instead, got a slumlord. That, was their FIRST mistake.”

    She went on to quote some scriptures that told of how Jews were only allowed to be “money changers” which would have served them very well once a parcel of land was given to them. God, most likely would have truly blessed the Jews with prosperity and would probably today, they would have the most beautiful cities and land on earth. – but you cannot worship God and Money at the same time, nor can you push God away or try to hide behind Him, for the sake of money and power. – So now, we live in Revelation, which was a Warning … but, they made that First Mistake and continued to do so.

    She said, when God Blesses you, be happy but humble. Count your blessings and live in gratitude. Make Peace through cooperation. Be generous and share the things that placed you in God’s favor.

    Ya know George, I believe she’s correct.

    Peace Brother.

    • “She said, when God Blesses you, be happy but humble. Count your blessings and live in gratitude.”

      Good conversation — even better is the advice. ;-)

    • It’s true that the Palestinians welcomed the Jews.

      The hatred shown Christianity and Christians, since 1948 by killing hundreds of thousands of them (now millions) or moving them off of their lands, yes Christian Palestinians.

      People think that Palestinians are only Muslim.

      People do not know the history of Christianity and the ME.

      People can’t conceive that the cradle of Christianity is being destroyed.


      The Palestinians, if Israel gets its way, will be wiped off the reproduction map. It’s a genocide that we ALL know about and are witnessing under the guise of protecting a country that gets billions in weaponry, technology, etc., from US.

      PEACE, remember the “GIVE PEACE A CHANCE” script.

      REMEMBER, the TWO state solution that never happens.

      Remember, we are supposed to be the smartest people on the planet so far and we cannot CREATE PEACE IN OUR LIFETIME.

      It’s all a bunch of land grabbing, money changers destruction, wars, and wars and wars for Israel.

      The media lies constantly. Their message, repeated continually is what you are to believe.


      These next two videos will take an investment in your time, however, they are well worth it.

      It is quite an education. It is an incredible effort in diplomacy to allow someone to take over your interview, constantly interrupt you and try to bend you to THEIR will.

      It also demonstrates the POWER of the inability to describe anti-semitism as it morphs across the ages, like an AMOEBA.

      Candace Owens Podcast: This Is Crazy! Rabbi Barclay Attacks Me For Things I Never Said.


      Listen how she tries to see why this man has lied so much in his articles about her. See how he belittles her. See how he slyly threatens her. See how he can refer to script notes when it suits him but cannot find any notes or video or info when it doesn’t suit him. See how her words are twisted and her meaning is redefined to define her as an anti-semite.

      See her brave resistance under untold pressure.


      Why Does Everyone Think I Am Going To Be Killed?


      Listen to how she describes a meeting with a man who only spoke Hebrew in her presence, a meeting designed to see what she was about, a threatening meeting.

      Hear her own life story in her own words.

      See how they have literally gone after her attacking her especially in the last two years, libeling her, lying about her, colluding in their media master(y) of intimidation upon her sensibilities and threatening her stability.

      Watch her courage.
      Hear her speak.
      See that incredible natural God given intelligence at work, trying to speak her truth and The Truth to the world.

      Now you know why it isn’t allowed.

      This was her last podcast with The Daily Wire.

      There is a lesson here, IN POWER, the POWER that is held over this country and many other countries.

      I, personally, find it so fascinating that this humble UNEDUCATED (as the Rabbi so classlessly points out) Black Woman THREATENS the SYSTEM. She is to be silenced!!!

      WOW, WOW, WOWIE!!!



      Great quotes from here: https://www.tentmaker.org/Quotes/conspiracy_%20nuts_theories.htm

      “Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States —in the fields of commerce and manufacturing—are afraid of somebody. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” – Woodrow Wilson

      Despite these warnings, Woodrow Wilson signed the 1913 Federal Reserve Act. A few years later he wrote: “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.” – Woodrow Wilson

      The real rulers of Washington are Invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes. – Justice Felix Frankfurter – US Supreme Court Justice

      The real menace of our Republic is the invisible Government which like a giant Octopus, sprawls its slimy legs over our cities, states, and nation. – John F. Hylan – Mayor NYC 1918-1925

      The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know that a financial element in the large centers has OWNED the Government of the U.S. since the days of Andrew Jackson.” (History points to the last truly honorable and incorruptible American President as “Old Hickory”) – FDR to Col. E. Mandell House 11/21/1933.

      “Give me control of a Nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws.” – Mayer Amschel Bauer (Rothschild)

      “The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism.” – Karl Marx

      “The Trilateralist Commission is international …(and)…is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing CONTROL of the political government of the United States. The Trilateralist Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize COTROL and consolidate the four centers of power: Political – Monetary – Intellectual – and Ecclesiastical.” – Barry Goldwater , U.S. Senator AZ. “With No Apologies”

      “We shall have World Government. Whether or not we like it. The only Question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.” – James Paul Warburg , Foreign agent for the Rothschild dynasty – Major Player in the Federal Reserve act scam / Feb. 17, 1950 speaking before the U.S. Senate.

      “We are grateful to the Washington Post, the NY Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings, and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop OUR PLAN for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a World Government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual ELITE and World Bankers is surely preferable to the national auto – determination practiced in past centuries.” – David Rockefeller CFR Kingpin, Founder of the Trilateral Commission, NOW Godfather / June 1991

      “It is the SACRED principals enshrined in the UN Charter to which we will henceforth pledge our Allegiance.” – President George Herbert Walker Bush – UN building, Feb. 1, 1992

      “The age of Nations must end… The Government of nations has decided to order their separate sovereignties into ONE GOVERNMENT to which they surrender their arms.” – United Nation’s World Constitution

      “The United Nations is the greatest fraud in all History! Its purpose is to destroy the United States .” – John Rankin , U.S. Congressman

      “The Technetronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more CONTROLLED society. Such a society would be dominated by ELITE, unrestrained by traditional values.” – Zbigniew Brezhinsky , Advisor to 5 U.S. Presidents – Executive Director Trilateral Commission. “Between two Ages”

      “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our Banking and Monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a Revolution before tomorrow morning.” – Henry Ford

      • we use to be.. one of the smartest countries… not anymore.. other countries push education..our colleges are now the hang out party spots..
        I have seen college graduates that can’t read the daily news and comprehend what’s being said..look at the pedo the kid..
        the head of the Ukrainian company said his dog was smarter ..he’s a gwu grad..
        colleges only teach basic principles and theory..
        I have a seventeen year old grand daughter with an iq ..my guess close to 200.. at the age of 5 she took apart and put back together a puzzle that I had seen college professors stumble over.. hell it took me a half hour to put the dam thing back together.. she will or could be a coder ..at five I would put my hearing aids in just to hear her questions..no one pushed her smarter than her teachers ..she needed to be challenged pushed.. what a waste.. makes me sad to see that..

        • LOOB; happening all over now.

          See it with my younger relatives, too.

          Such promise and potential destroyed.

          They start with the vaccines at BIRTH.

          IF the kids can make it past the first 2, Hepatitis B and synthetic Vitamin K, given at birth. (How can you honestly document any damage within 24 hours, unless the baby screams or dies?)

          The vaccines never stop and the parents are too dumbed down to know to stop them.

          All sorts of side effects from them, but who is cataloging them? The for-profit CDC? The CDC that lies to the American people day after day after day after day?

          Those vaccines have damaged 2 or 3 generations of mostly boys who will never become MEN, never Marry, Never Raise Families.

          People still believe what they are told; all those single mothers, without husbands to protect their children and join forces together in raising and protecting their children, are all 100% believers of the doctors and the doctors are paid by big pharma to complete over 80% of the vaccination schedule for PROFITS.

          Then, we have to next go to food. What do you think has been in that formula?

          What is in the clothing and bedding?

          What is in the shampoo, soap, laundry detergent?

          What is in not only the chicken nuggets, but all of the fast food?

          What is in the water, the over-the-counter medications?

          They question nothing and they know nothing and they trust everything.

          Trust but verify, they were never taught.

          So, sad when you see that these ‘owner’s’ have really put the big FU to all of America, it’s children, its families, its elderly.

          From cradle to grave one attack after another and yet they still continue to believe the BS.

          They believe even though their eyes, heart, mind, body and soul tell them differently.

  3. “Sure, sure, Russia will do some response – but on whom?” Quote from today’s subscriber side. I’m wondering at what point the whom is going to be us!

    • On us, and it won’t be Russia — They’ll talk Iran into activating one of the Hezbollah sleeper cells that’ve been in CONUS for years. The cell will bloody-up one of the “March Madness” sites and the Houthis (or ISIS) will claim responsibility.

      Plausible deniability…

    • Rather pay attention to our own US borders then get involved with other countries issues, IMHO.

      • exactly… we are in everyone elses troubles.. the vast majority of our deficit is from getting involved with someone elses country.. while we ignore our own.. we totally have enough money coming in to take care of America ..unfortunately we are busy bodies going after the gold or whatever in another country and not for Americans.. but for the ultimate benefit of someone living in another country to..

    • If you look at it as a chess game.. it is a poison pawn trap.. we are dumping money and our strategic reserves ignoring our own needs.. to support the war in Ukraine.. then Gaza and Israel.. our military is out on eight fronts and our administration is letting in millions of illegals .. we are supporting these illegals to financially..
      our deficit is growing a trillion every three months.. the interest on our warring nation is now doubling.. the best .. the absolute best I can see that we can expect.. is a derpression worse then the weimar depression.. the destruction of the Fiat currencies.. I have already seen that a four dollar meal is now four times more.. and that is in just a couple of years..
      We sold out for numbers to the greedy few and outsourced our industry.. where we were once an industrial giant today we are the consumer giant of the world.. the worst we can see is war in our country.. if we don’t destroy ourselves with this crazy crap they are doing. what was the assessment report I read a while back.. a guess that up to two or three hundred thousand military aged men from countries that swore vengence on the USA because of what we did in their countries.. and the fact that we don’t have a clue who they are or where they are.. these countries sending their worst criminals to the usa.. emptying their prisons..
      I hope I am wrong but It looks a lot like we were sold a bill of goods and the results will haunt all of us.. if this goes nuclear.. then we all will have PTSD .. the rich will be penniless..If there is an EMP that will send us back to the stoneage before the days of NOAH.. the estimated death toll is what ninty eight or ninety nine percent of all people in the USA.. get a copy of stu’s book.. the predictions of nosty is pretty intense.. Ai predicts November..
      if there is a drought.. and crop shortage.. even worse.. all over a number.. I beleive that the mark of the beast is nothing more than mans idolization of a number on a sheet of paper..computer screen etc..
      Heaven help us if they really did allow to cross over our borders an army such as the trojan horse army..

      • Deagel has predicted a 68.5% reduction in the US population by 2025. The UK’s reduction is 77.1%.


        Now small farms.


        The attacks on all fronts for the Environmental Religion of Global Warming is happening.

        You think all those nasty food additives and the cross over to high-fructose corn syrup, soybean oil, and many natural (unknown) flavors was all done just for profit?

        How about the fact that bacon (and red meat) is now tied to colon cancer? What about those nasty additives called nitrates and nitrites (not the supposed natural occurring ones.)

        Who owns the majority of the meat packing plants?

        Do you think they haven’t known since 1998 that Vaccines cause autism?

        How about the experimental Covid 19 death shots causing miscarriages, strokes, heart attacks, sudden deaths, increase in turbo cancer, and the varied contaminants storing in the reproductive areas of the human body?

        Can’t you look around and see what these ELITES have done to the United States population as they have introduced hormones into the food supply, spraying everything with cancer causing, gut rotting GLYPHOSATE, otherwise known as Roundup (which many have sprayed on themselves and around their houses).

        The population of the UK has had one of the largest uptakers of the experimental Covid-19 vaccine. Many have taken 4 or 5 of these shots. Many are sick and sickly every few weeks, every few months. The Deagle forecast for the up takers in the UK seems right on target.

        • think about that.. IF… the morons in power keep pushing the bear.. there will be a response..you could see it in his expressions last night when he gave the live address to his nation.. he isn’t bluffing.. he is seething inside..NOT GOOD.. like d,Lynn said.. he isn’t a negotiator.. make the change or take the punishments.. Putin is still a negotiator.. He realizes that what his response is will affect every single person on a planetary scale.. he is trying to avoid it .. then Mr. Magoo comes in and pushes him a little more.. the whole system is appearing to be corrupt and the people are begging their representitives to do something anything.. and they say oh its summer vacation and easter is coming up.. we can’t do that.. it isn’t the government way..
          the really scary part.. is the president has never had to budget anything.. living in the bubble of the beltway.. they print themselves out of debt..for the working man.. we are screwed….when it goes down if you have lets say just a million you will be like the people were in Greece..when they did the nasty there..mothers and college kids selling themselves for a can of soup.. elderly that were ok before dumpster diving for scraps of food.. I hope it doesn’t go that way.. my hope is that its just the worst depression in history of modern civilization.. but if the balloon goes up.. they figure what four or five million estimated to survive..98 percent of the total world population dead..a land that is vacant of people or tillable land.. everything would be irradiated and unusable..

  4. ATL: chill, 1/2″ new snow overnight, make it stop … a slice of Global Warming (local subvariant) would be swell, thanks in advance.

    The never-ending project (aren’t they all?):

    Mrs. E has a soon to be Grandma glow going and I am the worker bee. She has more ideas than I have energy excess. Back to painting, E2’s crib needs primer and … that may lead to total repaint (color change). Make it stop.

    Anyone with an ornithologist bent out there? It’s my supposition duckling chicks are born 2:1 males to females. That based on every female duck seems to have at least two male suitors. Throuples. Make it stop.

    Have a fine weekend alles,

    • do some research on temperature and gender selection on poultry eggs. there are a number of studies out there. ditto for sea turtles.

      • thanks truth. twas posted in jest. our lake is chock full of ducks right now, some which are migrating, just passing through, stunner divers with a discreet crest. at a guess many if not most are here for the massive schools of minnows who just came into shallows last week. I’ve also seen several Crawdads locked in embrace (mating) in the shallows.

        C’mon spring! We B tiring of the cold :0/
        BIG (Worm) moon tonight.
        Got hedges?


        ps – some, including me, never click a link without trusting poster _and_ with advance benefit of topic and length. Ex below

        INEOS Britannia attempts to win the America’s Cup for Great Britain (13:44)

        sidebar: most viewers won’t bother if >3 minutes

    • Alot of old cribs are “hanging” hazards to new borns. Check the distance between the bars and compare it with new cribs.

      • thanks Eleanor: we have done due diligence on this – in fact yesterday I was neck deep in data on paint VOCs, etc. That said, we have loads of warnings / advisories despite babies being bouncy (resilient) ~ E

  5. It’s been quite a few years since I used a clickety-clacky mechanical PC keyboard. I decided to try out a brown code $35 Chinese keyboard, before dropping $160+ plus on an indestructible one.
    My touch typing has become so deficient, that speed-wise, it makes no difference. I type better with less fingers in motion. This the first backlit keyboard I have used, and it is more annoying than useful. There is probably a way to turn off the backlight, but I haven’t gotten motivated to figure it out. The mechanical keyboards are too loud for an open office environment but are OK for a home office when no one else is around. I had forgotten how distracting a room full of clacking keyboards can be.
    I am not going to recommend the $35 keyboard, even as I type on it. I still may try a better one, later this year. I will probably keep using the mechanical keyboard for now.

    • LOL LOL.. I am still using the ten dollar keyboard I got in what two thousand LOLsome of the keys are missing.. or were missing my mini me grandson found some of them.. the same with my mouse.. I do need to buy a new monitor.. this one I have to have my nose up to the screen to see.. and the lettering is so light I can’t even read it half of the time.. LOL..I can’t imagine buying a new one.. when this computer dies I think I will just let it go..

      • I have a 30″ or so LG monitor bought on sale on a trestle desk which I switch back and forth between my work and home computers, with dedicated smaller monitors flanking it vertically and horizontally. The Klipsh computer speakers turn it in into a combo home entertainment and work station. I still watch off-air on the TV, but I stream at the desk. A recliner positioned behind provides adds another level of utility. If I were to move into an even smaller space, I would set up with two recliners and get rid of the den entertainment center, couch and TV.
        I have enough crap for a four bedroom house worth of living space stuffed into a frame house half that size. It’s hard to let go of good furniture and stuff that I dragged all over creation for decades. And that’s after I thinned it out.

        • I hear you on that one.. I have a real thing with books it is so easy for me to bury the house with books..

        • I seen the biggest television screen I have ever seen.. at least fifty foot by twenty five foot.. big as a movie screen each television monitor panel is like twenty by twenty.. amazing high definition to.. I could have watched it all day long even though it was a repeating loop commercial for a banking institution.. it was amazing.. if one panel burns out.. they just replace it..

  6. Speaking of A.I. My A.I. pal, link below – will stop posting link because everyone has an A.I. pal by now – indicates the DOW will hit 50,000 sometime in 2027. The A.I. does indicate there could be some volatility along the way.

    If enough people start relying on A.I., can the master server make the future happen? In terms of DOW 50,000, if one won’t need the money for more than two/three years (time flies) it would make sense to rely on A.I. and expect then ride/disregard the volatility and cost average.

    Not to forget Blackrock has Aladdin and my understanding is other trading houses buy time on the Aladdin servers. The only reason they would buy time is they trust the results. Blackrock can take advantage of the trust and steer paying trading houses creating the feedback loops to make anything happen.

    Another budget was ‘narrowly’ passed, as they always are so there really isn’t anything preventing DOW 50,000 by 2027 because the free has been increased and will keep rolling. When selling a house as example, who will turn down a buyer because they are getting a .gov credit – nobody. Nobody quits their job because .gov slid a tax credit to their industry. Nobody rejects a pension increase even though the payment meanders through a .gov GSE like PBGC. Who in their right mind would pay a school loan when .gov forgives the debt, nobody. When .gov says they’ll ‘support’ everyone agrees.

    Another thing I noticed about my A.I. pal, Perplexity is it does not seem to be neutral. The link below is making the rounds again. Anytime I quiz if Israel had a hand in terror A.I. immediately says no, like the Russian concert venue, “Israel did not have a hand in the Moscow concert attack.”

    How can A.I. conclude so soon without auto-excluding or being outright rigged?

    ‘Russia will pay the price for supporting Israel’s enemies. Israeli weapons should find their way to the Ukrainian Army’



      • yes.. i asked someone I knew about the reports that special forces retirees were being reactivated.. I hope not but like the old days when mum was the word.. it’s been mum…I will add him to my prayers tonight.just in case.

    • ” If enough people start relying on A.I., can the master server make the future happen? ”

      Personally, I’m convinced though I could be wrong.

    • I wonder if the ukrainians will sell the Israelis weapons like they sell the USA’s

  7. We need Saul (the lawyer) to answer a question.

    We know the passengers on the Alaska Airlines blown out door plug plane are suing Boeing for $1,000,000,000 and also know Boeing accidentally overwrote the video showing who didn’t perform the work. The FBI now indicates the missing bolts on the Alaska Airlines door may be a criminal act.

    If the missing bolts are determined to be a crime and there’s no evidence to dispute the claim is Boeing still liable or will the lawsuit be dismissed? I think Boeing will skate.

    FBI tells Alaska Airlines passengers they may be ‘victim of a crime.’ Here’s the latest on Boeing’s ongoing problems.


    • BA ..was MD =secret space force. military does the “dirty work” in agreement for “tech”. Ex head guy Israeli military on record about his and US as well several others (5 eyes) govmints “in agreements’ with miserable grays and their Masters.
      Douglas logo used to be planes flying together with one of the planes going straight up,breaking away, now its an Eagle carrying Chains, the chains are wrapped around the Globe.
      ..worth more than a million WORDs, That mental picture..

      Better yet see Tony Rodrigues account of 20 yr abduction, Ceres Colony Cavalier..no worries, read it as fiction ; (

  8. consigliere, Friday.
    “Think it was really terrorism?”
    Then why did Isis take responsibility for the attack? – or.., are you saying that Isis is lying and had nothing to do with it? If so., then why put a bulls eye on your back for all spetsnaz to see, for something you didn’t do?
    I don’t really know., but brutally bitch-slapping Russia does not seem like a very wise thing to do., no matter who you are.

    • And that assumes that ISIS isn’t being spoofed by..um…your tax dollars?

      You know the gray world better than most – you think ISIS did it without “help” from Other?

      • Isis can’t even dig a decent out-house.., of course they had help.
        – Point taken.
        .., but are they stupid enough to be lead willingly into the slaughter house ? Yeah.., possibly.

        • My guess is none of them have ever read deep nor thought hard on divorce costs.
          Mine cost me a mil – so lemme see…72 mill? Right up with Ed McMahon level, lol

        • Tajiks-
          just watched one suspect eat his ear, while spetznaz punched his face to pulp..he ate it, all of it. watched another as they cut away his eyelid, during field interrogations. Next level of interrogation, after hospital patches em up, will be behind closed doors and be truly horrific.
          Family members will be liquidated – Im talking down to 1st cousins at least.

          What these guys did in the middle east in late 70’s, early 80’s was most the effective tactics I have ever seen..been a student for a very long time, with access to classified library at ST1/NSWG1. Yeah yeah who is Kurt Blome? – See Paint It Blue- Jack Heart

          ..they stopped taking Russians hostages in middle east not long after several whole Families of the terrorists were hunted down..

          Got Oil ?
          ..big Oil about to take some hits, that is the Shorts I be looking at this weekend. CV and XOM have crude transiting Russia in pipeline, for how much longer is anyones guess. Yes US is currently buying Russian Oil via waiver frm Treasury, at least they were until very recently.
          *Makes one wonders why obongo drained strategic reserves this past year..hmmm

        • Was it…. ISIS … I re.ember when trump said we were going to take our .military OUT of Syria by the end of the week… Dam if all of a sudden Assad decided hell they can’t leave us like that and supposedly Assad launched chemical weapons at his own people to get us to stay.. then the message changed that ISIS did it so we had to stay.. So was it really isis?????
          or just a skunk pretending to be a cat.. like the cartoon.. peep lacked below


      • I am ‘NOT’ sure that the Obama visit to Downy St was to communicate in private beyond ease dropping by others, but you know how co-in-ci-dences cause theories about CONspiracies.
        ISIS thrived under Obummer but struggled from Trump administration, I AM sure the 2 are NOT connected … ,,, …
        brought to you by the
        ReElect Bribems as Resident committee
        aka Obama’s butt puppet 3rd term, going for a 4th, but we need to nominate Joe and then substitute Big Mike after the Dem convention, it is written in their rules to be able to do so, if Joe becomes “UNable”

        battlescape is in flux and so are Trump’s plans as the deep state lacks insight into Trump’s inner circle and lack the imagination to change up their traditional way of misleading the masses
        Black flag events,,, scare the sheeple into a box canyon that you have prepared WW2 or 911,,,
        trying for WW3 but that darn Trump keeps moving the pieces around,,, where did he come from?
        without Trump, we would be locked down tighter than,,,,,,,,, well we would be in Killary’s 2nd term and your guns would be gone by now and everyone would be ‘bad’ vaxed.
        seems to me that plan ‘Q’ is working !!!
        first you have to get the ‘ATTENTION’ of the sleepy sheep, bring them to the edge of the cliff and then start to push them a little towards the edge, they will push back when they ‘see’
        see then dead bodies down there,,,
        Rothchild victims,,, where does the Rothchilds get their power from?

        • Thanks to tRump everyone is bad vaxxed up, and he is still bragging about it ? WTF over? If hadnt been rushed, would not have been Approved, no? Is tRump a duel citizen israhell first kinda traitor, sure sounds like one.

          See the incredible Ms Sharry Edwards – she of the mutant hearing capabilities. She does charts on public figures she Hears.
          There are only 5 or 6 notes that Humans hit in their speech. She did big mikes – he only hits 2 notes ever in his speech – Sharry says that what you get when some one is hiding something and only wants the Listener to see their point, and no other.
          The one she did for obongo speech he did for terror victims-families – said it was 100% Intellectual, with ZERO emotion..F-ing psycho .
          Sharry’s public record is amazing, she is documented success with Feds, Locals you name it – she has got the chops. Also did Elon recently..dead on, made a lot of sense.

        • BCN do you have any links to your view point?
          also anyone with vison can see that the deep state wanted to lock US down, as they did in the other 5 eyes nations, but WARP SPEED changed that , kept US from isolation in most states, kept US moving, and semi free. Because the US was moving about it tainted the isolation forced on Canada, England, Australia, and New Zealand and they had to release their herd way earlier than planned.
          Trump pushed for alternatives before the EUA vax was released,. He was punished by the main stream media for such foolishness, imagine the stupidity of folks like me taking animal meds like Ivermectin,,, well well well I never vaxed and I never died from covid, hell I never put on a mask
          Trump was and still is in a war. Generals know they will lose men in the battle, they strive to keep deaths to a minimium.
          The US Constitution would be gone if it were not for Trump, as I read last night Bribems is now after our guns again,,, you know everyone who has a gun is a threat to somebody, the feds will come get them from you
          Wake the hell up and smell the gun powder, the deep state has ure number, on the title of ownership over you
          Hope your tulip crop does well. Can I see them? Oh they is just make believe , They seem to be working or accepted ,,,,,, for now.
          . That is how majic works, first they get you to believe in Disney Land
          Imagine the mental condition of those good folks in Holland when the tulip mkt fell,,, hang on to ure assets

          What most do not under stand is the painting I linked to,,, the globalists worship Satan
          get that into your thickness, they created the now country of Israel, the Zionists own and control it

          now show me the Trump is a ‘duel citizen’ stuff, if you can

          we humans need to stop waring with each other and make the leaders go to battle, it is the leaders that push war,
          old hag rothchild even said there would be no wars if her sons did not want it.

          “We are SAVING ISRAEL FOR LAST.
          Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.
          click on photo to enlarge

        • (“Approved, no? Is tRump a duel citizen israhell first kinda traitor, sure sounds like one.”)

          Well he is not a scientist.. he is a businessman.. and at the time the Left was criticizing him on his inaction and making fun of Ivermectin and the other cheeper… He trusted the scientists and researchers that said oh we have it.. and the people screaming they wanted something anything..


        • Hmm I believe that Obiden is the one that opened the borders and is assisting them..

    • (“Then why did Isis take responsibility for the attack?”)

      OR.. that the one reporting they were ISIS was and not some
      random Operation .. to get them to go after another group..
      the attention diversion strategy … NOW we know that the men behind the curtain would never do anything like that at all.. they are as honest as the day is long..

  9. The greater than 10 MeV proton flux as measured by the GOES-16 satellite exceed the 10 pfu alert level today at 08:25 UTC. It currently ranges between 50 and 70 pfu and is expected to remain at very high levels for days.

    A full halo Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) can be seen in LASCO-C2/SOHO images as launched today at 01:36 UTC. It is associated with an X-class flare that took place close to the solar meridian and is expected to arrive on the Earth’s environment on 26 Mar.

  10. – China knows that when they do move on Formosa that will be the end of world trade, for the most part anyway. Nearly all of the supply lines [ shipping ] out of China will stop and economies around the world will suffer, greatly. And more than likely most countries will stop all shipping into China. Further devastating global economies. It would get rather ugly., rather fast. Those countries that would still trade with, and thus openly support China will probably face heavy repercussions and possible [ back room ] sanctions for doing so.
    – Do they dare risk that?
    – Are they prepared for that?
    – Can their current form of communism survive that?
    [ They are not really a ‘communist’ country anymore.]
    That military move would more than likely push the U.S. to the brink of a depression., but it would also so the same to them.
    Economically, can they afford to chance that ? And more than likely, are they prepared for massive civil unrest as their economy deteriorates as they too, head into a depression?
    Right now – there is no “Win-Win” situation for a military move on Taiwan. The potential losses far-n-away outstrips any potential gains.
    .., but, will pride, ‘saving face’ and ego get in the way of economics and logic ? [ It has in the past.]
    * * *
    “Potential gains” What ‘gains’?- I wonder.., is there a secret standing-order to blow-up the chip manufacturing facilities upon a military invasion from China? Who would suffer more? Taiwan, or China ? Who would gain? South Korea and the U.S.

    • And since most of the anti-depressants are manufactured in China we should have a real shit show here in about 30 days after trade ceases …….

    • Excellent analysis, IMHO. You should be leading our country, or other. We’d need common sense leaders that also could talk intelligently to their counterparts in other countries. Unfortunately it’s a clown’s world (just my reading what’s mostly presented). Too bad — just ENTERTAINMENT. ;-(

    • Xi is playing for Posterity … for the Middle Kingdom’s DESTINY OF GREATNESS … NOT for current economic conditions.

      Do NOT think that the Western concepts of “economic cost” are going to stop Xi from going down in history as the person who reunified China.

      People forget Xi has openly said for years that he will NOT leave the Taiwan issue to his successor. He has stated repeatedly that he WILL “solve” the “problem” before he leaves office.

      Westerners have consistently underestimated the impact on the Chinese people and in Chinese thought the entire concept of the “Middle Kingdom” and China’s destiny that the “Middle Kingdom” represents.

      Remember … Humans managed to eliminate Neanderthal DNA from living existence. The Middle Kingdom concept to the Chinese mind at it’s most base level envisions a similar eventual fate for the non Hon Chinese. (imo why they were so hot to learn all they could about “Gain of Function” issues wrt CREATED viruses)

      • When it comes to the “COST” for China to do something that will change the character of the nation or protect the nation China has always been willing to bear that cost.

        Research a little on the HUMAN cost to China to build the “Grand Canal” which joined northern and southern China.

        The Grand Canal was completed in 605AD +-
        China’s population 600 AD : 46,000,000
        Number of workers involved: 3,100,000+-
        Number of workers who died building it: 2,500,000+-

        In other words China was willing to sacrifice OVER 5.5% of it’s population (death), 13% of it’s entire male adult population!! to build the canal.

        46 million /2 to eliminate females = 23,000,000
        Eliminate male children under 10, say another 4,000,000 = 19,000,000+-
        2,500,000 deaths /19,000,000 = 13%+-

        SACRIFICE by the Chinese people for the benefit of “China” is historically part and parcel of the Chinese mindset. Economic “sacrifice” is much less costly than human sacrifice so don’t think our “western concepts of economic cost” will deter China from doing what it believes it MUST DO for the benefit of China.

    • I believe when the move on Taiwan happens it will be over pretty quick.. right now we are involved in other things going on elsewhere.. there isn’t much we can do if china does go after taiwan.. but Xi doesn’t want to destroy taiwan.. hell the people living there have realitives in china and vice versa.. its better to take it without a fight.. than to destroy it..
      SO.. since I see this as the poison pawn trap.. my thought is.. we will be busy.. israel gaza.. ukraine france egypt.. south korea and japan…. and If I am right.. the whole thing will start in several places at once.. and the what is it.. estimated two hundred thousand warriors that the administration assisted in coming to america.. come in get money to survive even guns by joining the military.. with how many gotaways are there that moved from one state to another.. I am betting that there are illegals stationed in every state..
      not long ago the wife let someone come in as a salesman.. the guy was not american.. and there was a van load of them going from home to home in our small community.. my guess is they were assessing the threat of the smaller community.. he noticed the emblem in the window right away.. the daoist only peace and love lives here.. (I had had a dream that that emblem was in the window and when enemy soldiers came to the door they seen it and left.) Now was he a real salesman.. I sure don’t know.. but am glad that he noticed the emblem..He got me into a conversation on the quran to .. he was shocked that I not only had read it but knew of the different factions of the islamic state and had a copy of the quran.. said it was a pleasure to have met someone that had that deep of understanding..

  11. Copied from a A.I. news search:
    The current security situation in Moscow is tense following a deadly attack by terrorists at Crocus City Hall, a concert venue, where at least 133 people were killed and over 100 injured.
    The Islamic State in Khorasan Province (ISKP), an affiliate of the Islamic State (IS) based in Afghanistan, claimed responsibility for the attack.
    The U.S. intelligence had warned the Kremlin about the planned attack by ISKP, emphasizing the need to avoid large gatherings like concert halls.
    One day before the attack the Kremlin issued a warning to it’s citizens to avoid large gatherings.

  12. How to win friends and influence people:
    Erdogan, dictator for life of Turkey, just stated that he will send Netanyahu to meet Allah.
    Just ahead of the fire season:
    California Insurance Commissioner just declared a “Crisis”., as State Farm joins most of the other large home owner insurance companies and pulls out of the California housing market.
    Quick – look surprised:
    State Audit Finds California is Broke
    California’s audited financial statement for the fiscal year 2021-2022 has been published.
    Filed 350 days past the due deadline, the report uncovers that California is facing a significant financial shortfall, with $55 billion more owed than the available funds.

    • Don’t worry … California’s TAX EM FOR YEARS AFTER THEY LEAVE scheme will bring uncountable BILLION$ yearly into the state coffers!! (shoot they are even talking about taxing “visitors” on the income they are paid while they are vacationing in California for a couple of weeks – next step would be be to tax you set foot in the state to change planes on the income you made while traveling)

      Add that Cherokee Indian Senator’s idea to tax assets in addition to income yearly, which I am sure California will embrace in spades even if the US Congress does not, which will add MORE uncountable Billion$ yearly to California’s checking account. (whoops … I just checked and I found out that the Senator’s Cherokee Indian Blood must have leaked out of her over the years – Too many Red Cross Blood Donations? – since it ends up that she doesn’t have it anymore, but while she had it it allowed her to get into a good grad school, become a tenured professor at Harvard, and become a US Senator)

      A shortage of money is NO PROBLEM as long as you are creative is coming up with more ways to separate people’s money from them, and California has proved to be VERY creative over the years in that regards.

      • I told my tax man that I want to change my name to biden so I don’t have to pay taxes LOL

  13. BIC
    March 23, 2024 at 14:52

    72 heavenly virgins could be a major enticement to a certain group of fighting age males.
    Wondering if it says anywhere that the “72 virgins” were only going to be female virgins for those fighting aged males… Sorry for them if no truth in advertising.What a drag if the place they go to is WOKE as a Joke:-(

    • *Headsup- says hear 72 is very important number to kabalists&black magicians (masters of the game) type players.
      Way back in beginning of Human history, the Son of Life was murdered, tied to one of holy trees, tortured, heart ripped out..Enlil had 72 annunaki warriors involved in one of his most outrageous act of violence ever perpetrated on our blue planet. Ever since that brutal act against human Life on this planet – #72 has been used by fllowers of the dark- Look around historical “black” events and groups like 9/11 and you will find the #72 .

      Obviously that number must bee incorporated into any “acts” that are meant to NRgetically undo past negative crimes as well.

      ..Time is upon Humaity 2 once again take the Battle 2 the forces of darkness, where ever they be hiding.

    • well Ed… I dont wrestle with Men.. but love to wrestle with women.. and hay .. I lose all the time to LOL.. especially when they are on top of me and have my hands i pull my hands up and back.. and they squiggle their little butts on me DAM.. phew time for a cold shower no more talking about female wrestlers LOL LOL LOL LOL I wonder if we wrestled in jello.. got to say that could be exilerating LOL
      as John candy does in Stripes..
      OMG.. what would it be like to jellow or pudding wrestle four beautiful women.. hmm.. interesting.. I know I would lose..

  14. The stats from this article mirror what I read at this site every day:



    Partisan gang insiders, journalists, and professors rule, and a statistically insignificant fraction of voters approve of it. It seems obvious, but quantifying it elucidates how extreme the dysfunction is. I wonder how this compares to how low government trust by plebs like ourselves sunk in the heyday of the monarchs, before heads rolled in the 18th century, and before there were modern academic and journalistic industries to lecture to us on national security and our conspiracy theories, and brainwash our kids?
    I sometimes hear that this is a symptom of the death throes of the industrial city-state, whose roots are in the bronze age. What comes in April? is a good meme for the last week in March.

  15. OMG.I am so lucky what a great find.. academia has the old book the ancient art of cookery that is one hard book to find as hard as the book ancient wine making.. you can get that book from I believe Stanford press but its way over my budget.
    what a find to get this .. no I didn’t buy it..it was tempting though.. I down loaded the kindle version from academia…

  16. Submitted in response to a couple of comments:
    I would not be a very good person to have on your negotiation team. I am terrible at it. Seriously bad. I just don’t like to compromise and negotiate.
    “Diplomacy is nothing more than saying, nice doggie., nice doggie – until you can find a rock.” Will Rodgers.
    It’s just not in me.
    Total surrender, lay down your arms, cease all hostilities or we will bomb you and yours out of existence…, is simply not acceptable for some reason. In fact., that attitude is frowned upon in the handbook of world affairs.
    If you start a problem – I will finish it. Will get you escorted out of the Hague rather fast.
    I firmly believe that leaning over the table, smile and inform your counterpart that total annihilation is their only other alternative – is how you get it over-and-done.
    “Go ahead – make my day.., punk!” is something you are not supposed to say. Even if it is in a cool snarling, gravelly voice.
    Maybe it was the way I was raised. [ Started boxing at 12. Golden Gloves by 15.] Maybe it was the way I was paid to solved a lot of problems throughout my work-life.., and/or maybe it’s because I have a very bad attitude when having to compromise. It irritates me. I mean., bamboo slivers under the finger nails, kind of irritation.
    You solve problems by coming up with choices. So., give them a choice. Stop, go home, or die. Simple, easy to understand short sentences, with no room for misunderstanding. And don’t forget to smile when you say it. Psychopathic stare-downs often do work.
    I believe it was Scottie, on Star Trek that said: “Diplomacy is a fully charged phaser bank!”
    No. I do not want to be a diplomat, or negotiator. You do it. But may I “politely” add.., you had better do it right.

  17. Debbie Downer(s):

    While no drinker of the tea, not:

    “Hakuna matata” is a Swahili phrase, meaning “no trouble” or “no worries” and “take it easy” The 1994 Walt Disney Animation Studios animated film The Lion King brought the phrase to Western prominence in one of its most popular songs, in which it is translated as “no worries”.

    Either. Given my gloomy read of the fiscal / financial tea leaves I’m pessimistic, you folks are spending way too much time postulating on what / where will trigger end of times.

    Our place in this may end but … time, and Earth, will soldier on. Likely you who fret are more optimistic than me in some respects. Another day hey?

    Savor what you have,

    ps – thx for concern about the crib. It’s to modern stds. for safety though (30) years old. Looking forward to seeing a Grandling. Doubt anyone lets him sleep in the crib anyway

  18. here is what you need to make yeast balls. in ancient history rice yeast balls were used for well everything brewing or baking. in small villages yeast balls is still made this way.
    to make live yeast. grapes or dates crushed and the juice squeezed out a cloth over the top and placed in a dark place.. let it sit 4 days.. when it starts smelling fermented and has bubbles on to then its ready.. if when your leaving the balls sit to dry if they start looking as if they are black spots that’s ok and natural..

    2 tsp dry yeast,
    1 tsp of black tea ground to a fine powder
    two ounces water
    1/2 cup rice flour 00 or sifted
    1/4 cup sugar
    process take the yeast put in a sterile bowl. add the water to hydrate.
    add your flour sugar mixture and mix keep mixing until its smooth sprinkle and mix in the black tea.
    roll into tablespoon balls and flatten.
    place on a towel cover let sit for two days then dry. put in a air tight jar and store in a dark place. they are ready to use.

  19. You know.. I hear the .. there isn’t any proof crap all the time on the family business.. what gets me.. is how many kids in college go into a lecture and they have a pocket recorder in it..
    Hell I have one.. I have one my father used.. he put his shopping list on it.. got it in the drawer with his last shopping notations on it.. every once in a while I listen just to hear his voice..
    so if you are making business deals worth billions of dollars and its obvious that there is some questionable ethics or no ethics or morals of the members.. and all they have is the paper work that everyone is questioning.. Will they put a small pocket recorder in their pocket.. I have a really nice one.. use it for books..
    that way if there is any question you not only have the paper work that the democrats work feverishly to get taken out of the process.. but you have the actual voice recordings of the whole meetings..
    labeled with the date and time of the meetings..
    college kids do it all the time.. that way when they go home to study for a test they can review the class lecture..

  20. the doctor carries one.. he puts his notes on it for the secretary to transcribe into the charts.. its pretty basic stuff.. after this mess.. how many will be carrying a small recorder to office and business meetings..

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