Week of Destiny?

We’ve never seen charts like the ones this weekend in more than 50-years of financial writing. Everything lines up for the period from Monday out to two weeks from Wednesday.

What will happen is anyone’s guess. But we focus heavily on the charts today because they offer a lot to think about.

So, sit down, belt-in, and read on..

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George Ure
Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/George-Ure/e/B0098M3VY8%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share UrbanSurvival Bio: https://urbansurvival.com/about-george-ure/

63 thoughts on “Week of Destiny?”

  1. “We won’t list aliens landing.” Quote from todays subscriber side. Does that include aliens landing from our southern border George?

    • Can’t tell what kind of car that is , but its not a Ford.
      It cost considerably more than $100, from the look of the spare tire kits, bodywork, etc. probably at least $500, maybe more like $1000.
      I know $5000 houses went at auction for $25-50. That means a $250K house going for $2500 now.

      I want to point out that of the four possible black swans George points out today, the one that did happen is President XI being told about the Cruise Missle Strikes while eating his chocolate cake. President Xi may enjoy putting that one back at us, especially in the face of weak ole FJB.

      • The wife and I was looking at abandoned multi million dollar mansions in Detroit that was selling for a thousand dollars if you fixed them back up.. the one was gorgeous.. huge greenhouse as nf pool vaulted ceilings and big windows..
        The problem was a person at 12 dollars an hour couldn’t ever afford to fix them back up.. heck couldn’t afford the taxes on it..
        That was just a couple of months ago..when they outsourced industry property was left..

  2. George,
    You also left out the simple financial blowup possibilities: Credit Suisse is in the wings as a Lehman event candidate. Several Central Banks are also “challenged” – Bank of England and Bank of Japan. Seems much more likely one or all of these will be the trigger.

    With regard to your timing choice of Monday, this chart tweeted by @AGBrickman also lines up fractals. For 1929, 1987 and the present. Notice the Jewish High Holiday date alignment. From the Jewish calendar which is moon calendar based. Aaron also uses Puetz Crash Window and Carolan astro cycles to predict Monday as Day One.

    • I said it before and I will say it again. I been saying it since before bitcoin was a thing. Japan goes first. It is the 3rd largest economy in the world. It is the first domino that sets the whole series of financial collapse around the planet. This a planetary financial collapse. But there is much worse things ahead for the population of the planet. I will submit a final thought. We don’t have as much time as I had thought we had. And I need to handle my own business and get myself prepared as much as possible prior to that. So I won’t be around these parts if ever again. Need to focus on navigation of my life which is about to drastically change. Or so I am being told

    • The NEW water intake pipe that Las Vegas built to Lake Mead (where it gets it’s water) is now far enough UNDER water that once the Hoover Dam can no longer let ANY water out of Lake Mead to head downstream to California and Arizona … Las Vegas will still be able to tap into Lake Mead. (have to keep the Gambling Business thriving!!)

      Areas downstream from the Hoover Dam and what they get from Lake Mead:
      Phoenix (2/3 from Colorado)
      Tucson (90% from Colorado)
      Arizona farmers (3/4 from Colorado)
      California Imperial Valley (3/4 from Colorado)
      Southern California (south of Newport Beach – particularly San Diego) 1/4 to 1/3 from Colorado)
      (Coastal S. CA south of Newport Beach gets 1+ million acre feet/yr via pumping Colorado River water up and then through tunnels in the coastal range)

      While water taps will run fine in Las Vegas for a long long time as the waters behind Hoover dry up those places downstream of the dam may well have NO water available at times.

      “IF” you are buying a place in the water parched SW be sure to check on the long term water viability of the location you are buying into!!

      While I love Prescott AZ I don’t see where they will have water in 20 years to support what they have already built, let alone water for the additional 150,000 the developers want to bring in
      (Prescott is currently virtually totally ground water sourced, and the aquifer is dropping like a rock – same situation Tucson was in during the 1970’s and why they spent 20+- years building the multi billion dollar Central Arizona Project – so as to PUMP Colorado River water UPHILL to the tune of millions of acre feet per year to service the Tucson metro area water needs)

      (a couple of the new suburbs of Phoenix now have NO water available … you individually have to buy it by the tanker load to be trucked to your house)

  3. Not the destiny you allz think, Gman,

    “TieOneOn 2 USA” – Biden Admin are dangerous fools. USA IS the Target, not Taiwan !
    This is a ploy – long game “chickens”..USA is and always has been theTarget, there can be no doubt.

    Excerpted below is part of “secret” or suppressed speech from 2003 by defense minister Chi Haotain-sourced J.R. Nyquist/ Epoch Times acquired in 2005 –

    “If you get on the website using key words to search, you will find out that a while ago comrade He Xin pointed out to the Hong Kong Business News during an interview that: “The U.S. has a shocking conspiracy.” According to what he had in hand, from September 27 to October 1, 1995, the Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev Foundation, funded by the United States, gathered 500 of the world’s most important statesmen, economic leaders and scientists, including George W. Bush (he was not the U.S. president at the time), the Baroness Thatcher, Tony Blair, Zbigniew Brzezinski, as well as George Soros, Bill Gates, futurist John Naisbitt, etc., all of the world’s most popular characters, in the San Francisco Fairmont hotel for a high-level roundtable conference, discussing problems about globalization and how to guide humanity to move forward into the 21st century. According to what He Xin had in hand, the outstanding people of the world in attendance thought that in the 21st century a mere 20 percent of the world’s population will be sufficient to maintain the world’s economy and prosperity, the other 80 percent or 4/5ths of the world’s population will be human garbage unable to produce new values. The people in attendance thought that this excess 80 percent population would be a trash population and “high-tech” means should be used to eliminate them gradually.”

    reread last sentence – and chew on it, they really dont give a flying F about anyone else on planet, but there own dam self entitled asses

    In closing – “therefore our military battle preperation is far beyond the scope of attacking aircraft carriers and satellites.”- Chi H.

    Think pedo joe admin has a clue ? Think they have a comprehensive plan and strategy for winning the 21st century ?

    * When asked about such a plan and strategy, Slo was said to have responded “C’mon man, that was last year” – SNARF!

    • All that won’t matter. Read my final well calculated thought. None of most of this shit chatterd away about. will matter next year.

      • I’m curious – will it matter if we pay our real estate taxes this year? Or would it be better to keep the liquidity or perhaps invest even more in tangibles? Is it worth getting more high tech education or just spend the time learning the basics of feeding ourselves?

        Finally, is it still worth trying, or should we just eat, drink, and play, for tomorrow we’ll die from something inevitable no matter what?

      • Mike, that thought’s been on my mind for a couple of years now. As long as they have people still working in the Sheriff’s department and Marshal’s service I think it’s best to pay up. When these guys are scrounging in the streets for food that’s when you can say “Chuck it all” and flip off the tax assessors.

    • Hmm interesting.. I read some reports on the worthless eaters.
      Which ones are the worthless eaters..politicians are pretty worthless .. what about those without any talents.. who survives..
      I believe everyone has value..
      Most of our lives follow a pattern.. yet each individual no matter their age has a skill developed from their life experiences.

  4. I have to disagree with one of your hypothetical scenarios; Actually the announcement next week of low cost safe fusion energy would crash the market. The following industries would be wiped out: solar, wind, existing nuclear thermal coal power and coal mining. Since 80 percent of fuel oil is used in transportation and agriculture the oil industry would crash in sympathy with the market and then rebound as it sinks in that it will take at least 20 years to make a meaningful dent in the oil industry.

    In India researchers are working on a battery swap system. Essentially the battery is good for 5000 km without heat being used. Other countries are researching ways to swap out batteries too.

    • Taiwan has a swap system, using vending machines, for some makes of cycles. The company expanded this year to India and they’re thinking about Japan. The batteries look like the cylindrical Ni-Cd batteries used in hand tools 30 years ago, only considerably larger. I contemplated importing a moped or scooter using the tech, then passed. I don’t need another $5000 2x CD burner…

      There is a battery system developed here under a DoD contract, which is said to be much more powerful than existing systems, and utilize no lithium. The Biden Administration employed an individual to find a developer. The person did — in China. The ChiComs forwarded the system to an Indian factory which already had the capability to build units. I would assume though, that since it went to China, the CCP copied all the details before shopping production out…

  5. “What is in the headlines right now”

    Can you add a side bar to the website so we can put down our guesses and they don’t become lost?

    Way back in 2016 some guessed Trump would not win 2020. But others guessed differently. Recall when the screeching monkeys ran with USNS Mercy and USNS Comfort are docked and waiting to load most of Congress and Hollywood after the pedophile arrests. Q? None of that happened. Those are major items to be 100% wrong about.

    We need to isolate the people with emotional WAGs that never pan. The Q grind was over and over.

    For next week, I’m going with Turkey invades Europe. I’m tying it back to the 2020 fall of Constantinople when the Hagia Sophia was reverted back to Mosque. The West fell that day.

    I don’t see the change in U.S. leadership yet. Biden still has two months before Obama can retake the reigns.

      • Obama has never held the reins. Susan Rice merely took the bit and inserted it in Creepy Joe. (No, she doesn’t hold the reins either — she IS the reins…)

  6. Comrades,

    “The revolution will not be televised…”. A one man protest against Mr. Xi was beamed to the Sitong Bridge in a university district of Beijing on Thursday. Apparently Tan Sitong was one of the “Six Gentlemen” who inspired the intellectual class to take up violent revolution against the ruling paradigm 124 years ago.

    Former CCP member and forced labour camp survivor Jennifer Zeng has gathered together and translated events of the protest moment in the early part of her YouTube update from New York.

    Hold the halibut! Ready to rock the foundations of reality with a bass line? You know it, it’s DJ George with Halloween treats.
    Smashing Pumpkins
    “Bullet with Butterfly Wings”

    • Re: “We won’t list aliens landing.”

      It’s amazing that a multi-billionaire Texan brewing vodka from yellow corn changed the orbit of a binary asteroid by 32 minutes the other week as the dust settles on Nasa’s DART mission. It seems the Nasa mission’s private partner, the B612 charity founded by illustrious academics, has “Tito” the distiller as a primary donor. Bottoms up on 80 proof vodka, anyone? B612 was the home asteroid of “The Little Prince” written by journalist, children’s author, and aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

      Well, best be prepping for the East Texas Tool Times. The sky might be falling, but stuff still needs to get done. Some might whistle along to “That’s what I love about Sunday”. Others may choose to peer “Beyond the Edge”.

      Of course, do stream by the studio for a DJ Ure nightcap to soothe troubled minds.
      Tipple some Widespread Panic from the Dirty Side Down album.
      “Saint Ex”

  7. Some missed the overarching issues:

    1. The banking system is failing. The FED, QE forever, is bailing out the U.S. financial system. Since when is debt a problem? The FED is a collection of U.S. banks and ergo, its debt is the debt of the banks.

    Likewise, the UK had to save its banks by buying loads of securities. Very recently Germany’s large Deutsche Bank was failing and the IMF was unable to bail it out so the FED “loaned” Germany $6 billion. Ergo, shifting the failing EU financial system to U.S. taxpayers. Greece is broke. Italy failing.

    2. U.S. debt held by foreigners.

    Foreigners hold 1/3rd of government debt: Foreign: over $7.6 trillion; State and local governments: $1.45 trillion; mutual funds: $3.26 trillion.

    The U.S. system will be jeopardized when foreigners begin to sell their U.S. treasuries. State, local governments, and mutual funds (read that as U.S. pensioners) saying ouch. Interest rates increasing? Oh my.

    3. The value of the US$.

    The strong US$ is a big problem. Moreover, higher interest rates are wracking the economy and foreigners. The US$ is beating up most Europeans. Foreigners need to sell their U.S. debt to stop the hemorrhaging.

    It makes it very expensive for them -and cheaper for the U.S. Lordy be what will happen when the $$ falls and the price of imported oil rockets higher? Europe et al., will love it, we, not so much. How will OPEC+ respond when the dollar has less value???

    Like other nations, ie., the UK, the Japanese Yen is well below their acceptable targets and they appear unable to deal with it. They would need to sell a truck load of treasuries. China?

    Because it is expensive for them and that the dollar is used as a weapon, foreign nations have substantially stopped buying U.S. treasuries.

    Which leaves the FED and dumb Americans to buy. All foreigners need to do is start selling and the system becomes unglued.

    With both stocks and bonds weak, sensing the above, the outlook for the economy and markets is shall we say, precarious.

  8. My comment disappeared. Huh. I got distracted by a beautiful woman.

    Final thought,

    I remember as if it was yesterday. Funny how I remember evryone and everything when I need to recall it. I was riding home on my bike as a little boy from the library on the dirt trail. And I dropped a book. I stopped, set my bike down and went back to pick it up. And I found a little religious booklet that was hand made and and had drawings in it. I distinctly Remember the page that said. Man would not stop sinning and the earth became very hot. There was no water to drink.

    It was 81 degrees yesterday on October 14th, 2022 in Everett WA. The 2 weeks forecast ahead says a 0% chance of rain for the next two weeks. The leaves haven’t even begun to change yet. Never in my 52 years of life have I ever seen a day in the place known mostly for raining have a 0% chance of rain in October let alone a 81 degree day mid way into that month.

    Remember what I discovered buried in a million web pages. 1/3 of the population will die in the worst natural disaster ever in history. And we don’t have as much time as I thought and I started searching my personal data sets and reviewing them.

    Such as the pope saying a few years back “we don’t have much more time squeezing this orange until it’s out of juice”

    And the real reason for bengazi wasn’t oil. They killed kadafi not because he was one of only 4 countries with a federal bank institution. All that I’m sure was part of it. But Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System. The largest fresh water under ground lake In the world.

    And a song keeps coming on the radio that has a line that says, “we set July on fire”

    Cross referencing with over 1000 different data sets and supporting meta data that some how beyond me i can store in my brain. Along with everything else. I often wonder if in meditation I store info on some sort of Cosmic memory bank and can access it at times. Because my little brain isn’t that big to hold all this information. It’s beyond me how I remember all of it.

    And all those accumulated data sets I’ve tucked away in there that says no rain on the planet for 3 and a half years which I kept discounting because it’s prosperous. Preposterous.

    And talks with the hopi Indians who for thousands of years lived and thrived in the desert heat since the last aeon disaster “the great flood” after the ice age in which they hold accurate descriptions of surviving. They have perfected over the years farming with little to water.

    And how that all relates to Methusila the oldest tree (a pine tree) on the planet. Over 10,000 years old surving on the harshest conditions growing slowly.

    And like I said over 1000 other supporting data sets.

    Along with the decree I found about the last major natral disaster a drought that killed 10 million people who died of thirst and lack of food in 1769 and the language shift to “will” not “had” killed 1/3 of the worlds population.

    I’m not afraid of anything. I’m not afraid of death or any man or anything in this world. My children are God’s children. When someone dies, they belonged to God. I was grateful to experience what they brought into my life. I’m not afraid of evil or anything except 2 things. And I’m not even afraid of THE DUDE. I know my life is in the palm of his hands. I’m not afraid of making mistakes or anything like that. I always end up where I’m supposed to be. I’m exactly with who I’m supposed to be with and have everything I need and usually enough fore knowledge prior to arrival at any point in my life.

    The only thing that scares me is a woman getting in my heart. That is it. I’m chicken shit and want to run away when I get squishy over a woman. There is only one woman who has got in my heart since my ex wife who crucified me when we got divorced. Relentlessly made me suffer and when I love someone truly love someone. I don’t know how not to love them. It’s forever. I hope I never see or talk to my ex wife again. She hurt me than any other person I’ve ever met.

    You know that play boy bunny I sent you a picture of George. I asked her why me? Why do you want to be with me. She said because I’m Madly in love with you, I can’t find a better man and I’ve met alot of men in my life. I’d sign a prenuptial agreement and I’d marry you tomorrow if I could. And I told her I will always love you. I always want the best for you. But I’m not in love with you. I was going to give her George II number. But she was pretty upset and said I don’t ever want you to contact me ever again for the rest of my life. And I replied as you wish and I deleted everything between us and that was that.

    And I think, it’s easier for me to spend my life with some one who can’t get in my heart because they can’t hurt me. I’m a hard asss, I’m an asshole. I’m a rough neck cowboy and I will pit any man no matter how big they are on their head. I ain’t afraid to get down in the dirt and bloody with anyone. I been shot, stabbed, left for dead several times in life and im still here alive and well and the other fellas are not alive anymore. Because THE HAND OF GOD is apon my life. I’m not afraid of the powers that be. Nothing. But that girl. She is only thing that I’m afraid of.

    You all have ways of knowing me in ways that most of the world doesn’t even have a clue about. Except that girl. Who has me in her phone as the Cosmic chicken bunny. She knows me through and through and still loves me anyway. Not even my children know me like you people here do and her.

    And that other playboy bunny I don’t how she even got in my heart. At all. She scares the shit out of me. She wanted to make a go with me, and I got all feelings. And I pushed her hard away. Hard. Told her to fuck off. Deleted everything and blocked her and she made a different email and said im not her. I’m not your ex. I just want to love you. Why are you pushing me away and running away. Your such an asshole. Your a scared of me??? And she is right. So I owned it and I told her. You could hurt me. Nobody else can. Nothing in life could hurt me. I been head first through the front windshield of a car at 50 mph and through the back window of another car into its back seat once. And I opened the passenger door got out went over to the drivers door and asked the lady in the front seat of she was okay. And she started hysterically crying my face was all bloody and had Glass shards stuck in it. And was saying are you hurt. I will call an ambulance for you. Then I went back to the other car and got my cell phone, checked on the driver of that car who was out like a light and called 911. When they got there. The cops were like so let me get this straight, you were in the passenger seat. You flew through the driver’s window and the back window of that other car. Then got out checked on everyone and called us. And i said yeah. I scratched up a little bit but they need your help.

    So I’m not afraid of anything. At all but that girl in my heart. She could hurt me. She still wants to be with me. And want to make a go of it. But she did say, if you bleed on me again and be a dick about it when I didn’t cut you? I will cut you and atleast then when you bleed on me it’s because I cut you and not someone else and not because I’m trying to love you.

    We have till July to prepare. I highly recommend water storage and sunscreen as a purchase to stock up on. I don’t know how hot it will be. But from my calculations it will be 90 degrees here in Seattle next October. The following year 110 degrees. The following year, you won’t be able to go outside durrig the day. It will be too hot.

    I understood the underground facilities much better now. It’s cooler down there. The surface will be come very hot. The hopi Indians have been digging underground tunnels for over 2000 years. I understand why now. I understand what it means in the Bible about hiding in mountain caves in the end times. It all lines up now. All of it fits. July at the latest. It’s already happening. Even people on Wyoming who are friends said it 71 degrees yesterday. They never in their 80 years of living there not seen the tree start changing leaf colors yet nor have they ever seen it so hot this late in the year there.

    Ya see, it won’t matter in 2 years about any of that other shit. The stock market? Lol. China or Japan or the collapse of the dollar etc etc. It will be get water, find food and shelter away from the heat.

    The most important strategy you can have is to avoid others and the city. To stay healthy as long as you can while everyone else uses up their amo, looses physical strength, and lean mass. Because if your are physically healthy in 3 years when everyone else is skinny and thirsty and has no physical strength? You stand a better chance of winning any physical conflict.

    I have to see about that girl who could hurt me. My only kryptnite is her. Tonight running back stage security at the Scorpions tonight, Elton John show tomorrow night.

    Ive been told in many forms my life is about to change drastically and suddenly. Sooner than I think. And I don’t know how. I only know that. A sudden shift in a positive way.

    I can’t tell any of you what to do, where to go, what to get to prepare. Each must do as he or she conscious dictates based on their own conclusions. I don’t know who will survive and who will die. But many will die just from lack of water, food and heat. And many will not make it because not very many people will be prepared and when everyone is desperate and still has realive physical strength in their bodies. They will do anything to get what the need to survive including taking others stuff who is less physically strong. So I would suggest you stay away from that when it’s happening and sit it out until it’s run its course. Better chance of survival not being John Wayne about it.

    And I understand a great many things now. How it all fits. And that is a sort of sweet assurance to help me navigate this all.

    I got invited to Paris recently for Christmas. I declined. For that girl who has my heart. Grrr.

    Everything happens they say for a reason. I spose that is true in the long run.

    Cryptos are set to rally. I hit my goal in them. They will rally up for a good while. Enjoy!

    And the forge and The Great blacksmith sets his hammer to the anvil of life.

    On the other side then. I will see you there. As I’ve been told by over 100 people who had NDEs that met me in person before. you are the guy I saw on the other side when I died! You said I’d meet you again in life and there you are standing right infront of me. Your him. The guy I spoke to when I died!!!!! And I have no idea what they are taking about. But over 100 people in my life had said that to me. And not a single one of them new the others who saw me when they went to the other side and came back. I have had people scream accross the grocery store. Oh my God! You are the guy I saw when I died in my car accident! I don’t know why that is. But it must be for a reason. Until we meet on the other side of life,

    Truly, I am Blessed and Highly Fortunate. It is my hope you are as well.

    Revelations 14:15, “Take your sickle and reap, because the time to reap has come, for the harvest of the earth is ripe.”

    Que: ~ international harvester ~


    Craig Morgan

    • P.s. that is why I kept seeing people with grocery carts filled to the top with nothing but cases of bottled water. Every where I went in grocery store parking lots for weeks. Some people are preparing already they probably don’t even know why they need to buy so much water. But they are doing as their conscience tells them too.

      And all them Texas plates i saw. I asked about that and meditated on it a while and THE DUDE finally answered, it will be Hotter than Texas summers in Washington state. I said what about the other states? What about Texas. HE said if it’s Hotter in Washington state than Texas summers. How much hotter do you think it will be in Texas? I said hotter than hell. DUDE said. Not quite that Hot. But close. So I said what George and His family? DUDE said, I’ve got George’s life and His family in the palm of my hand much like yours Just Andy. I said okay that is good enough for me. HE laughed, and said that girl. And I said fuck. HE said, you know why eve was made from Adams Rib? I said why? He said because the rib protects the heart Andy. Eve was made from Adams rib because then only she would have access to Adams Heart. Not any other living being. I said Oh for fucks sake DUDE. HE laughed. Quit fucking around. We have work to do.

      Take care. I hope you all make it through. Truly.

      • Autumn in SW Ontario is in full colour just like every year in the past. Weather is totally on-track. Please dont ask me to work for you, Andy.
        Good Luck to your Luck.
        Have enjoyed your adventures as much as my hardcovers of Mark Twains collection of short stories.

      • Havent seen Augelmir, huh ?

        Sounds like you guys have not had opportunity to meet. He was “unleashed” end of April..been raining ever since in many places around world..location location location.

        ..Bifrost – burning rainbow bridge breaks down – destroyed as Surtr and his flaming sword cross over, leading fire giants into The big battle.. Guess they got some scheisse up around Washington to “clean up” ..gee wonder what large corp has huge underground workx all over that particular area?

      • “P.s. that is why I kept seeing people with grocery carts filled to the top with nothing but cases of bottled water. Every where I went in grocery store parking lots for weeks. Some people are preparing already they probably don’t even know why they need to buy so much water. But they are doing as their conscience tells them too.”

        LOL that is so true.. I was in costco and seen a guy and his kids buying a half ton of rice.. and bottled water LOL.. Now I like rice.. and because I make fangs food I guy quite a bit of rice.. but a half ton.. I thought I was being over zealous when I bought five hundred pounds of rice last spring.. ( we have a hundred and fifty pounds left of that.. almost time to buy more rice.. )If I didn’t make the dog its food.. the most I woul d have gotten if fifty pounds..
        People buying extra.. at the grocery store the other day they had cerial on sale.. one cart was stocked with several boxes of cereal .. My guess is they are buying extra because of the weekly price increase for it.. the stores are buying extra on items that thye are getting in.. bought one item off the shelf and it was exprired.. jokingly told one of the manager they needed to get their aunt in here.. ( https://youtu.be/ol4cn5I6peo ) he said hey we were lucky to get that..
        Now I wouldn’t mind so much if they still put the epoxy coating in the can’s but they went with that other coating..
        and you don’t find any expired toilet paper.. LOL

    • Andy, I always appreciate your ‘visions from the other side of the curtain’.
      Be well, and visit us when you can.

    • Lol lol..are you sure the playboy bunny wasn’t just interested in hanging out with you because it appears like your carrying a chub of summer sausage in your trousers lol lol…
      I knew a guy..big guy hairy bald and smelled like sweat all the time.. not th e brightest bulb in tha pack either. ( well I’m not the brightest bulb but in comparison his light wend iut )
      He was always talking about his girlfriends..lol we went out to eat..and dam it if one woman after another came up hanging all over him.. I told our Co worker..dam it if one of those ladies crawls under the table I’m going to shove him aside and take his place..lol
      Well each one invited him out. Come to find out..they were all tellers at the bank..this guy had every penny he ever made.. but we were going to can and sell his sweat lol..

  9. All I can say on the charts is my patterns are similar and see a variety of possibilities all of which result in the same thing. It’s only a matter of when, not if. It would be unfair to provide specifics here, since this post is not available to folks who haven’t subscribed.

    THIS is one reason they should.

  10. George
    >A HUGE announcement about open -source low-cost fusion energy >would work. Highly disruptive, but it would change our futures in a >meaningful way.

    Many years ago working at Marshal Space Flight Center (MSFC) in Huntsville, I ran across docs that showed Westinghouse teams working on the Minuteman Missile systems, Mainly radar and guidance, had accidentally created “Over Unity” circuits.
    These were written up and sent to Westinghouse Management.
    Management then told them “that’s not your job, its not in the Government scope of work, stick to your job. Add enough resistors to eat up the extra power and get the system built.”
    Meanwhile Westinghouse submitted about 13 patents that locked everything up so nobody else could use it.
    I went and looked up the patents a long time ago, and had them in a box somewhere but…. time passes.
    Meanwhile the patents supposedly recreated Tesla’s work to receive power from the “universe” whereby he would receive the many Gigaherz frequencies of plant and star astral radiation and similar to a radio receiving sound from a station, turn it into work. My son did this for a science project in school, hooking up a receiver to catch all the extra AM radiation in the area, and run a lightbulb and a little motor.
    was told it amounted to theft from the radio stations and not to do it again. (You probably know way more about any of this than I ever will.)
    Anyway Tesla’s patents are still on the books in Romania, in his native language, what ever that was. He had a Peirce Arrow that was driven by a 90 HP DC motor with no batteries or wires, just a small box with two rows of amplifier tubes on top. He would supposedly plug it into the car leads, tune knobs until the pilot light came on, and say “Now we have power.” and drive away,
    One of his assistants at an old age in New York had a converted Packard Station Wagon that worked the same way.
    The US Army Missile Command, NASA, and Westinghouse and others all have this stuff.
    They do not believe in an economy of abundance. They want a system of scarcity, and therefor control.
    We know that there are ways to do this.
    I’m sure you have probably run into this yourself. It just no one knows how to put a meter on it and charge money for it.
    They do not understand that you monetize the incredible wealth people would derive from having unlimited free energy.
    That is why they (Morgan and Westinghouse) shut down Tesla, and why he quashed his patents here, so they say.
    We all are working on the wrong things, and now we have run out of time, it appears.

  11. The only other thing I’m afraid of because I did say 2 things and I only mentioned one that girl who might not take me back. We will see. She is on the fence, I pushed her hard. Because she could hurt me.

    I heard you george. The only other thing I’m afraid of is how truly powerful I really am. Because I don’t know the limits I haven’t discovered any barrier to anything I can’t figure out a way to have it work to my advantage. Not a single limit I’ve crossed even death which most people in this world can’t beat. I honestly have
    No idea how truly powerful I am. That scares me as much as she does. Maybe more so. I’ve things in this life alone most people can not even grasp, so many miracles with THE DUDE that I could never sit and tell them all. If I truly ever stepped into my full power whatever it is? I don’t know what would happen. I don’t know if the entire world would change.

    Someone gave me shit the other day about being humble.

    So I will tell you all my honest reply. Being True to God, my children, myself and the world around me about who I am and what I am is being humble. I refuse to embrace weakness so everyone else can feel better about themselves because that is not being humble. Embarrassing weakness so others feel better about themselves is false humility because it’s not authentic to God, my children, myself and the world around me.

    I have no idea how truly powerful I am. Others tell me lots of things. I just like being a regular guy and having fun and God gave me two Hands. One for Petting kitties and one for feeling titties. ;)

    That is the only other thing I’m afraid of. So now you know. There is a thing that someone placed to cut down my power on a few places. I go to those places time to time for only 2 reasons. To cut my power down because it scares me time to time how I can think something and the person next to me will say exactly what I thought and then say I don’t know why I just said that. And I laugh inside. Sorry. Then they look at me ans say sorry. I just think it’s ok your thoughts are yours now. Then they smile. And the other reason i go to those places that cut my power down is so when I see something manifesting I don’t want? I mention it there so it doesn’t manifest. So it works to my advantage. Every time.

    Like here. I could have won the jack pot lottery a thousand times now. But I wouldn’t have met that girl if I did. Now would I? So I mentioned it so it wouldn’t happen.


    If step into my full power, I don’t know what will happen. So I’d rather live a simple life of driving truck and being a mountain man and that has nothing to do with Embarrassing weakness so everyone feels better. It has everything to do with what is good is good and it’s better to he good than right.

    Now you know. That’s all folks.

    • Nice

      Well, you are powerful, Andy – and much more aware than most.

      But life is like a power crowbar. You can move anything, but sometimes the set u p and effort isn’t worth it. And the DUDE’s big joke on us is the lesson about “things we can/should” move and the things we “shouldn’t/can’t” – that girl on the fence for example.
      If Dude wants it? Nothing will stop it. If not? Wasted effort with a power crowbar, lol
      Like I learned sailing. “Let the boat balance itself and light hand on the tiller. Trim the sails if you are putting too much work into holding your own course. (Or fall off the wind a bit and go faster – just toward some other destination…)

      • I told Her. I understood I will accept your decision what you choose. I took 100% of it on me. It is my fault for being a chicken shit. I told all I can give you is my word i wont do that again and me. If that is not your Best for you. Please go get your best. I will not try to lie or manipulate you or be selfish to keep you from whatever you choose. Be it me or someone else. I told will always love you. I don’t know how to not love you. I will respect what ever you choose for your life path. I only wanted the best for you when we met. And I want the best for you forever and always. I want the best for everyone even me. And If you choose another life path and me? If another woman can get in my heart and I get squishy inside again. I won’t do the same thing to her as I did to you. The link in that chain is broken. I told her. All I have really in this world to give you is my word and me. And my word is good and so am I.

        Thank you George. I told you i heard you. I saw a bee get caught in a spider web after I posted that about power. I love bees. They love me. And I stood there and watched a big spider grab ahold of it and spin it and the bee stung the spider but the spider won and wrapped the bee up. I wanted to help the bee. I truly did. Because the bees love me and I love them too. They always Land on me and never sting me. But I had a thought exactly you just said George. This is the way of life. This is a natural order. The bee and the spider. So I let the spider take the bee and I watched it. I could have stopped it. Or squished the spider. But the spider needs to eat and its the end of the season for the bee. The bee had lived its life’s purpose for it’s hive and the flowers and had a good life. It wasn’t good for me to rob the spider it’s life, nor it’s food it worked so hard on a web to catch nor the bee an honorable death in battle after a long and happy life being a bee.

        As you said George, things we can/should” move and the things we “shouldn’t/can’t”

        i dont need to come here for you to know what is up with me nor me come here to know what is up with you George.
        I see in the world around me. Around my own ranch.

        I’m off to the scorpions concert to handle buisness. I’m taking a new friend who just got a job out there. She is from my home town. 7500 odd people Keen eye Alaska. The odds of us working running into each other working show a while back,

        Well, you know me. The odds don’t matter that much in my life. I’m always beating the odds.

        Sne asked me how do I get a good spot out there. You know everyone. They let you do whatever you want. I said I will you up and vouch for you. Get you a good spot. Your from my home town. I don’t give my word out there much for anyone. When I do, they know it’s true. And you will get a good spot.

        So she said. I will cook you Alaskan moose for dinner before the show. My dad brought some down and gave me some about a month ago.

        Interesting combo. Moose and scorpions tonight.

        As always.

        Infinitely NOW!


        • ON your way then young man. Thanks for dripping the paradoxes on us.

          For we are keen enough to see you “saving the spider” and then going to a Scorpions event.

          Just saying the rhymes in the life of Andy will soon a great book make.

          Will anyone survive to read it’s the thing.

    • “I haven’t discovered any barrier to anything I can’t figure out a way to have it work to my advantage. Not a single limit I’ve crossed even death which most people in this world can’t beat.”

      I don’t want to sound condescending or anything negative.. but I still thought I could conquer the world at fifty… I was still pumping out a hundred hours a week..my song was this one… https://youtu.be/B4c_SkROzzo
      still benching three hundred pounds.. running ten miles a day … and pumping out two full time and one part time jobs.. then it happened…..

      ………….OLD AGE………. then my Physical limitations.. all that time I was pumping out work.. I should have been slowing down taking care of my body..You are at the turning point in age..unless your RICH..you just have you to attract the opposite sex..
      PARTY AWAY my friend.. but remember what my doctor told me.. she said.. you know one day that is going to catch you.. and it did in less than two years after she gave me that diagnosis..body broke down .. not good.. age and my lifestyle started to take its tole
      what I learned is what was important wasn’t money.. it wasn’t some shiney gee gaw.. It was FAMILY, FRIENDS, and FAITH….a new shiney gee gaw will have to be replaced..When your age starts to affect you.. you realize that money is just a number ( that we all rely on) but it is those the closest to you that you need.. and as you get older.. muscle turns to fat.. you begin to LOOK YOUR AGE.. and young women don’t want someone that is fly by the seat of your pants..here today gone tomorrow..

      • To cope I have simple rules you a re welcome to borrow

        1. Focus on your greatest happiness don’t do what you like, do what you love and can’t get enough of.
        2. Work slower. Enjoy the mindfulness of it.
        3. Hire a kid to do some of it. I plan to have a kid mow my lawn in 11n-years when he’s old enough, for example/.

  12. “something actually worse than 1929 is out there in the wings?”

    I can’t find it now.. but years ago I read one of the .any books on the k-wave with projections on the depth of the fall…and it was earth shattering.. it wasn’t that long ago that I thought we would be rich if we made 4 dollars an hour..
    Because of the mishandling of our economy.. I believe that’s one of the reasons for the push for a war by our administration. If we go into the war of wars. There won’t be that many left.. and if those in the bunkers are able to survive.. they can emerge as heros.. no one will care about the economy or the stock market crash. We would essentially be starting out from square one..
    If they let the crash happen then the whole system will look corrupted and a failure. The puppeteers don’t like failing.. I see this as scary..to further their agenda they refused to back away the nukes.. refused to guarantee that Ukraine would never be a member of nato and I assume is the reason we are willing to dump so much into Ukraine.

  13. Don’t need the king of spin 73 to rev you up . Just stay short . Get it money finds the best home . Short short short

  14. @WMTs had some rice and I noticed the rice $WMT has hails from Thailand or the Himalayas. Putin may “only” cut a cable that destroys what’s left of the chain…. visited the other $WMT and combined bought 120 pounds of rice. Which isn’t a big stack. 60 Basmati (Him) and 60 Jasmine (Thai).

    It’ll be a week or two before what I bought gets replenished, if ever.

  15. Where’s west Texas ? Only bloke that makes sense in this gin joint with 73 souping you up . Der things are bad der schwab and facists . Der slo jo had a stroke in feb . Der Xi ping ping is gone . Der Ukraine and nato crushed by Russian army . Seriously take a flying Fark to Fark ville !!!

  16. Woke this morning to the sounds of heavy rain. Grass is already scorched and dormant well ahead of a frost. Maybe this will save some trees.

  17. Take a look at the 1987 Black Monday chart. Back in 1987 the market dropped 22.6% in one day.

    A difference between then and now is the 7%, 6%, 7% circuit breaker rules. We in modern Bubble World can ‘only’ lose 20% in one day then everything stops for reassessment.

    Any decline over 20% is going to take at least two days.

    So we guess if the event will be physical or digital.

    Using 911 as a guide back in 2001,

    “Stock exchanges closed between September 10, 2001 and September 17, 2001. After the initial panic, the DJIA quickly rose for only a slight drop.”

    A physical event the magnitude of 911 directly against the empire closed the markets for about one week. We don’t expect the markets to close for a week.

    Physical – but not directly against the empire, lose Warsaw as example.
    Digital – a bank blows.



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