Let’s begin at the beginning: “A wait state is a delay experienced by a computer processor when accessing external memory or another device that is slow to respond,” It is precisely analogous to the problem faced by people (like us) who can see what the Future may hold, but there could be some time – months or even years, in fact – before said future actually darkens our doorstep.
What to do in the meantime? I mean “seeing the Future” can be done. Sometimes via fiction (think Jules Verne) and sometimes in movies (Shatner’s fine work). But how many people find themselves today – reading the “scary headlines” and yet remain paralyzed and unable to do a damn thing about it.
DIHLW: Deer in headlights world.
That and our usual Saturday morning ChartPack while Mr. Ure does an “early write” so I can be welding at dawn before the fire retardant on the lawn (dew) burns off…welding on solar rack #1 calls.
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“It is precisely analogous to the problem faced by people (like us) who can see what the Future may hold…”
Criswell: Greetings, my friends. We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives. And remember, my friends, future events such as these will affect you in the future. You are interested in the unknown, the mysterious, the unexplainable. That is why you are here. And now, for the first time, we are bringing to you the full story of what happened on that fateful day. We are giving you all the evidence, based only on the secret testimonies of the miserable souls who survived this terrifying ordeal: the incidents, the places. My friends, we cannot keep this a secret any longer. Let us punish the guilty. Let us reward the innocent. My friend, can your heart stand the shocking facts about grave robbers from outer space?
Looking for signs of war.
Oh, here’s one …
Exactly Pathfinder Bob – while in the wait state – we can notice things!
And if you dig into it and do a little reading … Ladies please take note …
The U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee’s intends to require women to register for Selective Service as part of the National Defense Authorization Act for FY25.
3. Strengthening the Joint Force and Defense Workforce
• Authorizes funding to support a 4.5 percent pay raise for military members and a 2 percent pay raise for DOD civilian employees.
• Increases monthly basic pay for junior enlisted servicemembers in the grades of E-1 through E-3, in addition to the force-wide pay raise.
• Amends the Military Selective Service Act to require the registration of women for Selective Service.
…… bla, bla, bla …
No Worries for the Ladies PB.
In fact the recent medical breakthroughs in Pregnancy have shed light on and proven that Women do NOT need a Males’ sperm to become Pregnant.
Thanks to disney and star wars franchise we have been given insight into exactly how this “magic” is accomplished. C4 Ureself..
Putin has shown remarkable restraint – but I wonder how much longer he can allow the west to mobilize for a much broader campaign against Russia when it may get to the point of taking away any advantage he may currently possess …. maybe the Major can address the tactics ……
This Defense bill is virtually dead on arrival in the Senate.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., blasted the bill on Friday afternoon over the inclusion of amendments curbing funding for abortion, transgender medical care, and diversity efforts.
These “inclusions of amendments” virtually guarantees that the Defense Bill will not even see a vote in the Senate. Effectively killing the bill as it is written.
Here’s the whole thing, if anyone cares to read it …
Hey George, now I know why folks have been getting the Census Survey 2024. Think they’re wanting to know where the kids are …
Sinister shit, ya know?
ure quote from “Trump-Friendly CEOs Shocked By ‘Meandering’ Ex-President .”
” Per CNBC’s Andrew Ross Sorkin” needs to be included from the original headline.
“The CEOs included Apple CEO Tim Cook and JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon.” in the article,
I would not consider them to be all that ‘Trump friendly’ to start with.
and then there is this guy
Palihapitiya: “I’ll give you two observations. The first is that I think there is a huge gap between how the media tries to portray Donald Trump and what he’s like when you meet him in person. And that gap is really wide. So, I would say, specifically to Democrats and independents, you really do need to sit in the room and feel what it’s like. David is right. He is charismatic, he’s intellectually sharp, and he’s funny. When you put that together, he can engage an audience for a long time and be totally extemporaneous.
“The other thing I would say is that he is very polite and he’s kind in a way that was disarming and was not what I expected. I felt that I had misjudged him for many years in the past. I was very glad that I had an opportunity to sit beside him and to actually interact with him one-on-one. It was really engaging. That’s more about the style. Then about the substance, what I would say is that it was not just a pro-American agenda, but it’s very clear that he was pro-innovation. He was really supportive of AI in the details that he talked about.”
welding rebar, have fun,,, way back when I was a rebar foreman for a while, Did the rebar in the foundation for a 500ft smoke stack. #18 cadwelded 50′ sticks to 60′
(for the unknowing cadweld is NOT arc welding)
Yeah, arc welding is a skilled craft, cadweld is thermite pyromania:
If you still think there will be a Presidential debate on June 27, this is definitely worth the 5 minute read.
One thing that I find annoying about these various analyses is that they leave people confused about the actual role of president Joe Biden. The analysts don’t state clearly that if Joe Biden withdraws from the campaign he will still be the president. If Joe Biden retires from the presidency Kamala Harris becomes the president of the United States. But, she won’t automatically be the candidate, for the Democratic Party. That will likely be either Gavin Newsome, Hillary, Michelle Obama, or someone else. Theoretically they could draft AOC to run against Trump. Stranger things have happened! I just had to clarify that. I feel so much better now ;)
Now I’m going to have nightmares.
Terrain figures into the practicality of a wind turbine. There is one spot on my property where there is always a breeze blowing, at the edge of a slope running down to wooded area, adjacent to the main drainage ditch. Visually, there is nothing remarkable about the spot, except there is always a noticeable breeze there even when the rest of the property is dead calm. Fluidics sometimes defies common sense and observation. But it is 1000 ft from the house, and on the wrong side of the drainage ditch. I could put up a charging station there, but that would be a lot of expense for a marginal KWH pay-out.
Finding a place in a tree farm on relatively level ground with a wind sweet spot would be a good find; otherwise, it may not have a payout, even as a desperation prep. If you do proceed, keep us posted.
Or just move the house…Brown Bros Engineering dynamic duo grab line 4 stat – got a customer needs a wide gauge housing rail system 1000 feet long and under $10,000…don’t forget the coupon for Father’s Day
70 cubic yards of concrete under the house and attached garage (garage is bigger than the house), with full Simpson Strong-Tie strapping into the concrete on every 2″ x 6″ structural support stud, and every other 2″ x 4″ non-structural stud, would be a tough move. Not sure the rail system would handle 3’+ or so deep ground beams. I would have to cut a lot of hardwood trees and cut off welded drill-pipe fence and gates to clear a path.
There is a reason I have weathered at least three tornadic incidents in a decade with minimum damage. A thousand foot of deep trenched cable might be a lot cheaper, but $10K sounds pretty light for either. The windy spot also has seen a lot worse tornadic damage than the house. I wouldn’t want anything that wasn’t substantially earth-sheltered back there.
Still, it is an Interesting idea for a residence that isn’t as deeply rooted in the clay as the current one. Don’t forget about the water, septic and electric utilities cost at a virgin site.
“Friends in Cities”. I know the feeling. Honolulu, Pearl Harbor, and several military bases on Oahu are shining targets. Retired friends of half a lifetime spent there are unable to break away from the ubiquitous good times the big city offers. “Why would you want to live in the jungle in the middle of nowhere, Hank?” (Sigh!)
Covid is on the upswing with increasing hospitalizations, again. I’m growing my own food and going nowhere.
” to a serious global war. And yet, people – like deer caught in headlights”
All we can do is pop the vote placebo and whistle as we walk past. If you think of a system as a living process war can be the hidden hand of euthanasia.
Remember the line, “As General Motors goes, so goes America.” Well, GM or old America went BK. BK was the death of that system. People say what they will about China but BYD is the new global car company while America has the old GM structure on their backs smothering their future. The old system doesn’t want to let go and won’t. The old system has to be killed. That’s war.
Musk has a pretty good quote:
“Old people don’t change their minds, with rare exception, they just die. Without death, there would not be change.”
The sheep in the meadow goes about it’s day unconcerned of what tomorrow may bring. Tomorrow is not in their Day Planner. It relies completely on the flock’s guardian to warn and protect them from danger.
You do not have that guardian.
It occurs to me that we’ve already burned off the Russian ‘DEW’ line. Is ours next?
Headline Fun:
” House Speaker Mike Johnson slams ‘two-tiered justice system’ after DOJ protects AG Garland from Biden audio subpoena”
Seriously? AG Garland is HEAD of DOJ. Does anyone expect him to OK prosecuting himself? Duh!
” Bill Belichick, 72, is dating 24-year-old former cheerleader”
Should read: ’24-year-old former cheerleader is gold-digging Bill Belichick, 72′ for truth-in-advertising.
” Top 7 SCARY TRUTHS The CDC Does NOT Want You To Know About Covid-19 “Vaccines” and “Boosters”
Actually there are only two: It doesn’t work, and its toxic to your health.
“The rest of the world? Joe Biden and Donald Trump are both well-past their prime and now come questions about Trump’s mental acuity. Trump-Friendly CEOs Shocked By ‘Meandering’ Ex-President.”
Gee, if you’d listened to Mark Levin, several weeks back, when he said the Leftist “press” would soon be attacking Mr. Trump’s age by making it seem he’s in mental decline, because they were past the point at which they could hide Mr. Biden’s decline, you’d know from where this came.
NBC (Comcast, Xfinity, CNBC, MSNBC, Peacock, Hulu, Netflix etc.) are hard in the tank for Biden. Mediaite is owned by George Soros. 85% of those “Trump-friendly CEOs” (really? Jamie Dimon and Tim Cook are Trump-friendly?) are political Leftists, and 100% of the links off that page are political hit pieces against Trump.
Perhaps y’all should watch the first five and a half minutes of Brian Kilmeade’s interview with Dana White?
You can find it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_k_1wbxtUkE
BBQ pork roast
1 pork roast
1 can of Dr. pepper
sweet baby rays barbecue sauce
good shit spice
onions chopped
place in slow cooker.. ( I like to pre-slice the roast then tie it up)
pour over the dr. pepper Sprinkle with good shit spice then pour sweet baby rays barbecue sauce ( it’s good with famous Dave’s) to. and onions
slow cook on low for 5 hours
slaw shred cabbage
shred carrots
2 tbsp Bragg apple cider vinegar
1 tbsp sugar
1 cup mayonnaise
The King’s Official Birthday was celebrated today with great pomp and ceremony with the Trooping of the Colour at Buckingham Palace and along The Mall. It rained cats and dogs.
Speaking of which, coming soon to a mall near you, the Duchess of Sussex – lately of Montecito – has dropped new product for special occasion celebrants. A billionaire polo-playing buddy of the Duke has taken to social media with the Duchess’ latest batch of jam preserve, this time raspberry. She has also branched out with a dog biscuit offering. I don’t know if her marketing team has brainstormed ad slogans to chew on with their biscuits and raspberry spread. How about “Fit for a king” ?
re: “A wait state is a delay experienced by a computer processor when accessing external memory or another device that is slow to respond,”
Back when I was learning the art of ‘bit twiddling’ we called it “deadly embrace” … longer ago than I usually like to admit.
Such was the days of using a ‘Green Card’…. :)
Good Luck to us All