This was first posted in mid December for our subscribers. The project sounds like flat-out woo-woo but it is not; at least entirely.
A quick check of the database of medical research for PBM, photo biomodulation, and related terms will turn up a treasure trove of interesting dots to connect.
A WARNING: The author of this report is not a doctor of trained medical professional. Do your own research and if you plan to experiment with photobiomodulation, please consult with a healthcare professional. Low powered LED light may see benign, but it can cause damage if at the wrong power levels, wrong frequencies, and so forth. Our investigation into the topic is with the objective of ;sharpening our thinking and improving our perception in order to make keener investment decisions.
1. Background of the light Crown project.
The light Crown project was originally described in our report dated October 8, 2016.
That report outlined some curious historical evidence that I had both discovered and intuited by reading a lot of history and, because of my wife Elaine’s experience with a cutting edge photo biomodulation technique for treatment of age-related macular degeneration, I had begun to ask more penetrating questions about possible uses of light for all broad-spectrum of medical conditions.
As you will read in the second installment of the research today, the implications of photo biomodulation techniques may not only extend into basic medical treatments, but they may be at the core of how human consciousness works.
Even more startling is the notion that light manipulations on both sides of the waking state may change an individual’s economic performance through improved focus and a large helping of what we call Woo-Woo.
To quote one section of that first installment:
“It occurred to me that if light can be used to treat (and prevent progression) of serious diseases like macular degeneration, that light’s other medical aspects should be considered, as well.
People suffering from depression, for example, are said to “have the blues.”
Certain emotions are intimately linked with color inputs such as “red with rage” (or passion) and “green with envy.” In early 20th century speech a proper response to the question “How are you feeling?” was “Right in the pink…”
Color is also associated in the psychedelic world with excessive cannabis loading (purple haze) and the ever-popular Beatle’s tune “Mellow Yellow.”
Going even a bit further, off on the outer fringes of pseudo-science, we find references in Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) of entity voices reporting a world when color on some other level of existence is associated much more strongly than it is on this plane. One entity account I read several years ago said that the physicality of objects was equaled by their coloration and tone. This is a vastly different worldview than predominates on this plane where color exists, but reductionism to a “wire-frame” reality is also acceptable, particularly in the engineering sciences.”
What eventually emerged over the course of the first report was a harebrained idea to build a headpiece that could be battery-powered, and which would drive an array of light emitting diodes located at three critical locations of the human skull.
The first position selected was just above the bridge of the nose in an area that in literature is described as being the location Of the “Third Eye” and to which much esoteric has been devoted.
The second and third positions to receive light – pumping would be the temples where a bundle of nerves emerges from the skull and becomes involved in the facial structure. These are called the trigeminal nerves and they are very close to the surface.
Underlying this intuition was a bit of background evidence from looking at historical headgear from photographs in museum collections online as well as various other digital sources.
My theory was very simple: could it be that a lost civilization. Preceding our own could have discovered a way to amplify human consciousness and make it work in more productive ways?
Thus began a study of light spectrum and how it correlates to various precious stones.
It struck me as extraordinarily interesting that crowns worn by monarchs almost universally contained precious stones arranged around the forehead. And yet, there was something missing.
There was no consistency as to the placement of such stones. In other words, while a Ruby was frequently included in the gemstone arrangement, there seemed no single location when it came to placement.
Is it a matter of “personal light tuning?” Hmm…
Similarly, other gemstones with significant colors such as the Sapphire and the Emerald could appear right, left, or even center, depending on who had designed the crown in question.
Another curiosity to me was that it was not clear whether the gemstones placed in crowns were open from front to back. In other words, would a light shined at a Ruby on a crown be allowed to propagate through the gemstone and appear (as a color blotch) on the forehead surface of the person wearing the crown?
2. The slowly evolving science of photo biomodulation.
It has only been the past 25 years or so, that light emitting diodes have become widely available for researchers at affordable price points. Moreover, power density levels that might be useful for stimulation of nerve endings or in the case of infrared light deeper penetration into the brain, were similarly not available until fairly recently.
I guess we can thank the evolution of the LED flashlight for this kind of progress.
Prior to now, much of the light interests of medicine were held by chemicals that would either phosphorescence or fluoresce under particular lighting conditions.
As an example of this, we find papers in the literature describing the use of fluorescence in neurons studies involving alcohol and psychotropics.
One paper translated from the Russian original in 2004 is titled: “[The prognostic value of albumin fluorescence test in the evaluation of outcome of acute intoxication with psychotropics].”
The abstract of this paper demonstrates some useful characteristics of fluorescence in a traumatic clinical setting:
Two hundred and five patients with toxicogenic and somatogenic intoxication with psychotropics (PT) were examined for the purpose of evaluating the prognostic value of the albumin fluorescence test. An analysis of distributions of laboratory indices in the groups of survived (n = 176) and diseased (n = 29) patients demonstrated the following: the parameter “efficient albumin concentration” (EAC) measured by fluorescence is informative in respect to prognosticating an outcome of PT intoxication of both toxicogenic and somatogenic forms. EAC provides for isolating a subgroup of patients with the risk of unfavorable outcome that is 3-4-fold higher versus the mean value. The routine laboratory parameters, e.g. level of creatinine, serum urea, are rather of a less prognostic significance versus the EAC fluorescence parameter.”
The cited paper is located here:
A bit of generalizing is always useful when considering fluorescence. My first exposure to florescence came in understanding how certain phosphors can be driven to florescence under slightly negative mercury vapor pressures and in the presence of electricity.
The every day florescent light utilizes the ability of phosphors to act as frequency translators.
Think of it as mixers in radio theory.
You see, what happens in a florescent light is that electricity and mercury vapor will make a large quantity of ultraviolet light. This is usually around ultraviolet –C (UVC). When this ultraviolet light strikes the phosphors coated on the inside of the florescent light tube, they are excited to a different energy state and they translate the ultraviolet (retransmit) down to a more pleasant frequency. This (output) is typically in the 6500° Kelvin temperature range for daylight florescent, while a cooler white – without so much blue/white content – measures in the range of 3500° Kelvin to perhaps 5500° Kelvin.
It is one of the cruel jokes of physics that the cooler color temperature at 3500° Kelvin is called warm white, while the higher frequency 6500° Kelvin is called cool or daylight white.
A personal aside: it is also absurd that scientists replaced the perfectly good term cycles per second abbreviated CPS which is entirely self-explanatory to students of electronics with the utterly absurd Hertz (abbreviated Hz). Sometimes we have to wonder about the mental acuity of those who politicize science in order to keep it from being more accessible. Don’t mind me, I’m just being grumpy here about scientific elitism. Back to point…
When one understands the frequency-translation possibilities of mixing light from one frequency such as ultraviolet to another such as middle yellows, or even infrared, excitation of cell tissue and their related behaviors becomes a rather intriguing line of inquiry for the homeschooled self – study experimenter.
We are not alone in our curiosity.
3. The science shift of 2009 – 2010.
Fortunately for us, the science of light began to make a major change in 2010. An Article Appeared in the MIT Review Of Technology titled: “The Puzzling Role Of Bio photons In The Brain.”
There is one passage in the article that is directly on point with our explorations here which I would like to share with you:
“Today, Majid Rahnama at Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman in Iran and a group of pals, suggest how this might work. And they even go on to make a startling prediction about the role that photons might play in the way the brain works.
To begin with, Rahnama and co point out that neurons contain many light sensitive molecules, such as porphyrin rings, flavinic, pyridinic rings, lipid chromophores and aromatic amino acids. In particular, mitochondria, the machines inside cells which produce energy, contain several prominent chromophores.
The presence of light sensitive molecules makes it hard to imagine how they might not be not influenced by biophotons.
But photons would also be absorbed by other stuff in the cell, liquids, membranes etc., and this ought to make cells opaque. So Rhanama and co hypothesize that microtubules can act as wave guides, channeling light from one part of a cell to another.
Microtubules are the internal scaffolding inside cells, providing structural support but also creating highways along which molecular machines transport freight around the cell. They’re extraordinary things. Could it be that they also work like optical fibers?”
Big bells were going off: Is the nervous system sort of like a big fiber network in the body?
Again, we revisit the PubMed government database to find more research (circa 2015) on this release of photons question:
“Abstract (from: )
Methods to control neural activity by light have been introduced to the field of neuroscience. During the last decade, several techniques have been established, including optogenetics, thermogenetics, and infrared neural stimulation. The techniques allow investigators to turn-on or turn-off neural activity. This review is an attempt to show the importance of the techniques for the auditory field and provide insight in the similarities, overlap, and differences of the techniques. Discussing the mechanism of each of the techniques will shed light on the abilities and challenges for each of the techniques. The field has been grown tremendously and a review cannot be complete. However, efforts are made to summarize the important points and to refer the reader to excellent papers and reviews to specific topics.”
This notion that cells might be utilizing light for the purpose of communications becomes most interesting indeed. That’s because our recent press release from the Optical Society of America, quoting research done primarily in Japan, suggested that students who took tests under close to daylight classroom lighting conditions scored generally a bit better than students who were tested under less stressful, cooler lighting.
The color temperatures used were 6500° Kelvin for the higher scores versus 3500° Kelvin for the lower scores. This is useful information. Indeed, because it suggest to us that if we set our monitors for the whitish blue color correction temperature that goes more to white blue, we might do better than if we use the more relaxing, yellowish, tint for white background.
A press release from April of this year (Optimizing Light for Better Learning) is available here).
4. Commercialization of photo biomodulation.
At latest check, our friend who is chief medical officer at Lumithera ( which is using low-power lasers mixed to healing frequencies as a treatment of age-related macular degeneration was progressing nicely in trials both in Toronto and in Europe.
While the United States may have some public safety benefits from the difficult Food and Drug Administration requirements for a new treatment to be fielded in the US, there is also a substantial lag in time – to – market. As a result, Lumithera is conducting Canadian trials as well as European trials, because obtaining the CE Mark will likely speed US approval.
It is axiomatic that no one likes to be first with a new treatment that doesn’t have a long history of success. Such is the result of life in a litigious society.
5. Biblical and historical light references.
As of this articles date, I am in the process of reviewing the 177 references to light in the Old Testament of the Bible and the 95 references to it in the New Testament (KJV).
It’s the kind of material you have to look at several ways: Literal, spiritual, and well as systematic-generalized – our favorite and most productive tool for gleaning new insights. Does take time, however.
A further line of inquiry is utilizing what we are learning in the Light Crown project to make a breastplate as described in Exodus.
This picture from Wikipedia gets precisely to your point when you look closely:
They have used opaque media as jewels.
We expect this would NEVER work. The color-arrangement is a useful start, however.
If we can discern whether the layout is left to right (or right to left) on the body’s side, and power it with about 7-watts of LED’s? Standby to conquer the world.
Elephants for the mountains of Europe? (A slightly oblique reference to Alexander the Great, if it’s not too early…)
6. Models and Materials.
In building the first of our light crown test platforms, one of our initial decisions was which color model to use. As you know, there are two major models used in the graphics world: one is CMYK, which is used primarily in four-color ink processes. The other color model, RGB, is widely used in television broadcasting and is the one I have the most personal experience with.
Either model can “mix” all the colors of the rainbow.
This, in part, drove me to begin our initial studies using red LEDs, blue LEDs, and green LEDs. OLEDs, with better spectral purity are of future interest.
Relatively low power levels are used in the first test device.
Total power consumption of the first light crown is somewhat dependent on driving voltage. For example, at 8 V. The unit draws approximately 200 mA. That’s about .533 watts per array of power at 8 V.
Each array is comprised of four diodes. There didn’t appear to be any special magic associated with using four diodes, except to note that three or four diodes sticking into your head from an elastic headband is a lot more comfortable than the single diode approach which produced a lot of pressure on a single point and did not distribute light has evenly over a substantial area.
Oh, and we don’t know how big an area to cover yet, either, whether the forehead or trigeminal areas.
At higher power levels, such as 9 V of input for the three 4-diode arrays that are arranged in series, saw current consumption increase to about 350 mA. This translates to approximately 2.8 W of power, which is divided about equally between the three arrays. 0.93 watts per square-inch, roughly.
We could have the meaningful discussion of how much power is actually translated into the nervous system as nerves transit near the surface of the temple, but since we don’t really know what were looking for (in the literature is vague and barren to say the least). we are going sort of by feel.
The completed light crown, with the blue, red, and green lights turned on, looks like this on the bench:
7. Initial results of testing.
Now we get into the interesting stuff.
There seemed to be a very small (barely noticeable) amount of psychological change after using a light crown for approximately 20 -30 minutes at the 1.8 W power level (remember, this is divided between the three arrays).
For me, the effect was not unlike walking on a treadmill for 10 or 15 minutes; you know the place – were you just begin to feel a small buzz from the release of endorphins.
But the release was not significant, and may not have even been meaningful. Experimenter bias, maybe?
There were two other possible low-level psychological effects noted.
The first was the apparent increase in wakefulness occurring 3 to 6 hours after the light exposure. This might be related to what light exposure does to melatonin levels or there may be some other phenomenon at work.
The most interesting one that I’ve seen so far was a modest change in dream state activity.
Simply, my dreams seemed considerably more vivid after I had used the device in the preceding day.
Now what do I mean by more vivid?
Well, it’s hard to describe except to say that the world I was “in” while in the dream state, seemed nearly as objectively real as the world that I am in during the waking state. It is different from a lucid dream, however.
Remind me to look for food over there, lol.
Where a lucid dream involves some degree of conscious control over a dream’s content, the aspect of dreams that was most different was in the apparent reality of the background of the dream content. Seems to have its own rules of physics.
8. A dreamscape discussion.
As an example, let me describe to you the dream that I had last night.
Elaine and I were in some kind of business setting and we were about to have business meetings with a group of Russian technologists.
The meetings were to be held in a very small exclusive restaurant in a modern city. I cannot describe it well, but the building was all modern glass and steel, and the restaurant itself had a private room located downstairs, where approximately 10-15 people could be seated comfortably.
Presently, refreshments were served.
While I began the discussion with the technologists, Elaine was invited to go upstairs for other meetings of an unspecified nature. Momentarily, I grew a little uncomfortable with her not being around in the dream, so I went looking for her.
Sure enough, there she was upstairs, having a pleasant conversation with a couple of people, but not seeming to be aware of my presence.
This is the kind of content that has been slowly percolating out of my dream state, and will likely end up in a second David Shannon adventure novel series to be titled Co-Dreaming, that’s on the drawing board.
But whether this is related to my conscious work on a new novel, or whether the high degree of reality – or feel – can be attributed to the light crown project, I simply do not know.
But I did get a very clear – for lack of a better term – teaching – that the technologists at this meeting were sacrificing the future of their country in order to fulfill huge desires for material wealth and prosperity. And no kids to share it with.
In terms of dream analysis, this might be related to my recently reading about how Russia had a large demographic collapse ahead in its future and how perhaps the United State’s rush to increase immigrant populations was designed to maintain the United States as a larger country – and thus more able to suffer large losses of population in wars – than Russia.
The second part of the dream was even stranger. (Like this wasn’t strange enough?)
I was on a large vessel of some kind, about the size of an 88-foot US Coast Guard vessel, that was on a body of water that I remembered being on previously. I’ve been keeping pretty good track of the lands in my dream world and I was pretty sure I had been around this region before.
I was manipulating some kind of an energy projection device that was pointed at a camouflaged inflatable raft. A soldier of some kind was in the boat and it was up on a plane.
We were just off this mouth of a river that came into the bay and as we sat there the current in the river began to run out into the bay very quickly.
Since I have done a lot of sailing – thousands of miles – I would estimate the river almost immediately began an outflow in the vicinity of 15 knots, or so. This is very unlike any terrestrial river since tidal changes take place very slowly. This was almost an instantaneous change.
This river was 300 feet wide and apparently quite deep. The man in the camouflaged inflatable boat had something like an outboard motor on it and he started to head up the river which became somewhat choppy with two or three-foot waves that were not quite breaking but close to it.
About ¼ mile up the river I could see that there was a piling in the river and the river was parting around it and then filling in behind it.
The man occupying the inflatable boat ran up on the leeward side of this barrier in the water that almost look like a caisson for bridge. I saw that he was going to run his inflatable boat up the wave then turn quickly and come back down.
I realized, controlling his power source with my power projecting device, that I could increase his power and assure his safety as he transited this area of difficult water.
We did it a couple of times.
Now the amazing part is that as he came past my boat on the down river run. He yelled up at me. “1700 RPM next time!”
I’ve been around boats enough to know that 1700 RPM is about the speed you would typically run a diesel engine at, not the kind of RPM that would be applied to an outboard motor which made no noise, by the way, that was attached to an inflatable boat. That would never plane anything.
As I woke from the dream, another bit of the dream about the light crown and its uses, suddenly fell into place.
9. Adventures at the Coral Castle.
Next came an amazing breakthrough for me that changed my thinking on the subject of light as well has money considerably. Let me see if I can summarize it for you.
It is an article of faith in scientific circles that the human eye takes in photons that are flying all around us. This is especially personal for me, having just been through four I surgeries this year. Yes, of course, that’s true.
Except, what if it’s not?
When Elaine and I lived in Boca Raton, Florida in 2002 and 2003, we had several friends and relatives come to visit us. Sometimes we would go on a gambling cruise, other times we go up to Orlando to visit Epcot or Disney World.
But on Several Occasions we went down to the Homestead, Florida area to Visit the Coral Castle.
This dramatic structure which was built by a man – Edward Leedskalnin – reportedly weighing approximately 120 pounds and it consists of huge monolithic rocks that were cut out of local “iron shore” rock.
To this day, no one knows how he was able to accomplish this remarkable task. Some of the rocks reportedly weigh upwards of 20 tons, and yet they have been placed with precision by a single scrawny man in a way we would have difficulty repeating today using heavy equipment. It’s quite remarkable.
But here’s what’s really remarkable about Edward Leedskalnin – and this comes from reading his books available in the bookstore at the Castle: He believed that the human eye was not ONLY a receptor of visual input. Rather, he believed that the eyes were used to PROJECT as well as to receive.
That’s up pretty remarkable assertion!
We need to ask an important question here: did Edward Leedskalnin cross (or blend) some aspects of photons, and photonics, that we do not yet fully comprehend today? Did he master the use of optical projection into this world from a dream realm where different physics applied?
Magicians (occult, not stage) claim there is a barrier that keeps the waking and sleep realms apart; the barrier that prevents mental constructions from popping out all over the place in the nominal World. It’s called “Ring-Pass-Not” and there are veils to getting ideas out of headspace and into shared space, although you may already know this.
Let me give you an example of how Light manipulation may work at some level:
What if the main difference between people who are rich and people who are poor is not so much about what their eyes take in, but about what their eyes transmit outwardly?
Let’s go through a checklist of some of the things that would begin to make “scientific” sense if there was something to this bidirectional view of how human perception of light really works was discovered to be True.
Okay, for one thing, it would mean that people will remember items based on lighting conditions. Burn things into “memory” using photon generation capabilities of neurons is no stretch. We have seen in the literature we are already knocking on that door.
A second implication would be that memory is conditioned upon the easy transmission of photons at a cellular level! Might some foods facilitate this? (*Fish, fowl, high Omega-3’s?) Might other foods obstruct this? (Hence the Biblical “don’t eat pork” edict. And I so loved lobster…sheesh.
Lost a memory? Try changing lighting during recall. Or has the wrong food blurred your recall?
And even more interesting is the notion that all of this stuff in religions going back thousands of years about there being a “light body” might actually be real. Is the soul a collection of photons? Are clouds of light moving around us as a kind of photonic memory cloud? Moving along acupuncture (light body) channels?
And most important of all, Edward Leedskalnin’s notion that our eyes can project reality could then could explain why prayer works – but only some of the time – and why even well-established physicists with skeptical minds, like Dr. Dean Radin, have experienced realities such as metallic spoon bending and yet can never repeat the same process. Much to Radin’s own reported consternation on his website here.
10. The new line of questions and how it relates to economics.
The very first question is “What do we know about the linkages between photons generated by chemical processes within the body’s nervous system and the conscious perception of a person?”
Closely related to this is the matter of whether mind – altering substances, such as alcohol or psychotropics, achieve at least part of their effects not so much by chemical reaction but by an ability to modify photon (memory and reaction) behaviors or interactions at a cellular level?
Further to that would come the matter of whether or not a person under the influence of “light”” would have different perceptual powers than a person who was kept (and it’s amazing how the hints are right in front of us, yet totally overlooked!) In the dark!
Then on the matter of finance (and why this is of interest here for Peoplenomics readers) one of the intuitions I had in the dream-state was that the crossing of the boundary between dream states and consciousness may revolve around our use of light. Is it possible – even as a stretch – that as we develop greater skills on both sides of the barrier of consciousness we call sleep, we might become more effective at the creation of our own optimal states of health and wealth.
In other words, do people who become “rich” have an inane ability to project from their light resource into nominal world at some higher level than the poor or spiritually challenged?
That would open the whole door to the Good and Evil questions, in sequence.
For such projection to work may be facilitated by projection training that may be encoded into religious philosophy as well as ritual majick.
Which would neatly explain why the Christian-Judeo prayer model doesn’t have more consistent high payoffs, while Satanism seems to have a large (*and possibly growing) following.
Is the “nominal world” little more than shared thought projections? Do the “rich” just do a better (perhaps even inadvertently so) job of it?
11. Breakthroughs treatments for disease using light therapy are coming quickly.
I had a sad and sobering moment. Talking with the subscriber up in New York the other day, I promised myself I would look into his condition; or, should I say his wife’s condition.
He’s a long-time subscriber and he’s just been given the terrible news that his wife has the early symptoms of dementia.
I was able to assure him that yes, there is new research into light therapy that suggests that flickering lights can be used to repair certain degradations of mental function.
“Flickering lights may illuminate a path to Alzheimer’s treatment” headlines a story in the Los Angeles Times just in the past week, or two.
Let me give you a sample quote from the article and you’ll see why this is such exciting news:
“Light therapy for Alzheimer’s is miles from being ready to treat patients – even those with the earliest signs of the disease. But the new research has already prompted creation of a startup company – Cognito Ttherapeutics, Inc. – to approach the Food and Drug Administration about clinical trials, and to explore ways to deliver precisely calibrated flickers of light to human research subjects.”
For the benefit of our reader in New York, he may wish to explore this article in the Journal Nature which describes a process of stimulating the brain using gamma – rate flickering.
As you may know, the lowest frequencies of stimulation are in the theta range and these are down to a fraction of a cycle per second. The gamma oscillations are in the 20 to 50 Hz range. And these are readily achieved, at least at low power levels, with a typical off-the-shelf audio signal generator or a waveform function generator and an audio amplifier of modest power. 3-5 watts out to be a “get-started power” level.
And that gets us to where we are today with our little research project.
Number one. We do not know how well the brain will react to stimulation at differing frequencies. So for all of our work has been pure DC, but we have more than enough instrumentation to test light stimulation from DC to daylight. Steady-state testing now, pulsing will follow.
Number two. The test plan for this technology is quite daunting. Remember that we have three LED diode arrays consisting of green, red and blue. Our arbitrary placement of the red over the center of the forehead is merely intuitive based on looking at a lot of old crowns. Similarly, placing blue on the right trigeminal nerve pack and green on the left back doesn’t necessarily mean we’ve got it anywhere near right. The red may need to go on the left. So we have six configurations to test just using DC.
Then we really have four or five bands of stimulation frequencies to test beginning with theta down in the half hertz in higher frequency and working all the way up through the top end of the gamma frequencies up around 50 Hz.
Intuitively, it seems like relatively low risk stuff, but as a pilot I have personally experienced a slight bit of nausea, landing while going into the sun and looking at my airport through sunlight being flickered by a slowly rotating propeller.
This is called Flicker vertigo and it is a well understood phenomenon.
However, increasing light frequencies, densities and positioning outside of the traditional optical input channels may reveal other aspects of human behavior. No, I don’t expect Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde kind of stuff, but this is new territory.
Flicker vertigo to a trained pilot involves changing the flight path and engine RPM, or just changing the dissent profile to an S shape to reduce the amount of Flickr. On the other hand, when one is doing home science and the lights being flickered are on your head, no telling what all might happen, but that’s the risk of going out and doing new stuff.
We humans have a very limited capability for spectral input. We can feel light with our eyes, but only over unlimited pass band extending from blue-white down to the top of infrared. For those who have had cataract surgery, such as I’ve had, being able to actually see light into the low ultraviolet range can be a difficulty to adjust to. And it ruins things like nightclubs and Disney World.
To explain, early lens implants used for cataract patients did not include the yellowish ultraviolet absorption layer. They were just clear plastic. The extra capsular lens that is removed during conventional cataract surgery is a kind of almost egg yolks, yellow stuff. It absorbs high levels of ultraviolet light to prevent damage to the back of the eye. Nature does a good job on this stuff.
When you walk into a nightclub after your operation, however, and discover you can read the menu in what other people think is the dark (although it looks blue, white, and takes a little straining to read) or when you go into Disney World get on Pirates of the Caribbean and you can see all the strings hanging down from the ceiling in what is supposed to be blacked out background for the ride. Well, it just changes your perception a bit.
That said, we will continue our tinkering around and we won’t bother you with particularly long reports like this one. Unless of course we come up with a marketable breakthrough, and in that case we won’t mention it until we’ve done a preparatory provisional patent filing (PPA).
I laugh at this effort, sometimes. But I’m reminded that my great great-great-grandfather, Andrew N. Ure suffered the barbs of Mary Shelley in the novel Frankenstein for his experiments involving electricity on a recently dead murderer named Clydesdale.
Fast-forward a couple of centuries and my son was applying that same crackpot electric therapy to heart attack victims as an EMT.
Sometimes, you just gotta go out on the edge and see what’s there.
At least this time, the family won’t be looking for recently dead murderers to experiment on.
Instead, we will judge our results on the veracity of our market expectations and the size of balance in our personal trading accounts.
Oh, and in the first article I made mention of a light-pumping bed, similar in layout to increase athletic performance. Turns out there is a company now (NovoThor) which is using the process for whole-body anti-aging work.
Needless to say, Elaine and I are looking for a used tanning bed to hack and rewire with our parts list. We don’t want to get old and “get the blues.”
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous 2017. We’ll keep a light on for you, too.
Write when you get rich,
Was this posted for non-subscribers? I thought I remember someone nit-picking about Donovan’s “Mellow Yellow” vs the Beatles “Yellow Submarine.” I thought I invoked Dr Fred Bell (Art’s brother) as well. Maybe I’m having a woo woo moment.
Hi Roberta, I’d mentioned Donovan regarding Mellow Yellow in the comments after the original Peoplenomics post. Perhaps someone else posted regarding the Bells. I actually think this column is a great gift by George to the general readership base, though I think we should all subscribe. It’s one of the few subscriptions I have and definitely worth it.
I’ve been informally doing some research of my own and wavelengths definitely affect people, just as they do plants. This has been useful already. Pulsed wavelengths are something else, and I need more data to know where to start. The great thing is that we can do this with very simple electronics, though George’s cautions are important. If anyone does do their own research, it needs to be thoroughly documented or it’s nearly useless.
It would be fairly simple to build a USB interface to a light controller such that protocols can be coded, then repeated, progressed, or changed with ease. The real challenge is experimental design and interpretation.
wow.. now a subject of great controversy that I absolutely love. My personal belief is in the harmonic theory. is light a photon particulate or a wave that creates a magnetic field that causes the light.. we have found we can cook with sound there is one theory that the magnetic wave from talking on a cell phone will cause brain cancer from the magnetic and sound frequency to.. the deep emotional results from rhythmic drums.. then you can see plenty of videos and stories of monks levitating with sound.
the frequency .. so do colors each have a different frequency that they emit. what is the wavelength what effect will it have.. is there a corelation between the woo woo and different light wavelengths or frequencies.
Is time and space separated by frequencies.
My personal thoughts have always leaned towards harmonics change the focus of harmonic frequencies and you change the direction, cure an illness, change an attitude.with what 12 percent being white light and the multitude of frequencies in between each of the colors the list is endless with possibilities.
I once watched a documentary that showed some kids all tapping rythmicly on a boulder and the boulder crumbling. then talk about tesla and his earthquake machine.. match the rythem and you cold bring down a building or a bridge.
Now put that in light.. is it just the light itself or the frequency the modulation. Bio wave and the possibilities are endless..
The walls of Jericho came tumbling down by circling it with marching and a cacophony of sound.
“Mellow Yellow” was by Donovan, not the Beatles.
Submarines and yellowness errors
Question, would you try to use a frequency that would boost your brain frequency (38 to 42 Hz) or would you add something that might be noise?
I wonder if a frequency that introduces resonance would make you spacey or boost problem solving.
Further, do you sense time slowing down (hence your brain is speeding up) for a particular frequency?
Would you test with a problem set (something like solving a chess question) to see the results?
Well, I hope your subscriber from back east reads about Dr. Mary Newport and how she has striven to help her husband, Steve, who suffers from Alzheimer’s. Coconut oil is what she found helps and she wrote a book on the subject, “Alzheimer’s, what if there were a cure and we didn’t know it”. I learned about it because I needed help after a mild stroke caused me many problems along those lines. Coconut oil does help; it isn’t overnight, but things seem to trend in the right direction. Three tablespoons a day seems to be appropriate.
That is essentially a ketogenic diet. High in omega 3 fatty acids, which help to reduce inflammatory conditions.
no- it’s medium chain triglicerides the brain uses for fuel.
Hi George,
This is ancient technology we are only beginning to re-understand or re-learn. If go with the theory that we are part of the fifth wave of man or epoch of man then this makes sense. What we have left is a derivative of this lost technology which could be used not just for healing or enhanced consciousness but also enhanced quantum communications which will lead to subspace communications of the future; this will lead to understanding of how living things can be manipulated and how life inanimate can be animated; is like a resurrection of the dead? NO, more like making a golem like in Jewish legends. But the things will do with light will child’s play to what we are doing now. This include when we will really understand true nature of light and in so doing be able to create a teleporter and force-field; it is only a matter of the lens or medium being used to create the desired effect. The quantum computers of the future will aid in this research effort.
This all fascinating stuff and there so more to come. The key thing is not be afraid of all this disruptive technology but have the leadership to prepare the means and resources to help the millions of people suddenly unemployed transitioned to the next stage of our society – a global one and united not by force or deception but by purpose and the goal of going to the stars. Sounds like Star Trek doesn’t. This really exciting!
One again Great George!
Please check out The SOTA LightWorks. It offers the benefits of both light and a choice of frequencies to provide more energy as well as health and well-being.
Both the Red and Near Infrared LEDs as well as special frequencies gently stimulate natural body electricity. To use the SOTA LightWorks, simply place the Hand Paddle anywhere on the body. The unit automatically cycles through 8 Modes. Each Mode can also be individually chosen.
The LightWorks features 60 Red LEDs on one side of the Hand Paddle. On the other side, there are 57 Near Infrared (NIR) LED lights plus 3 Red ones for a visible indication that the NIR LEDs are on. NIR light is invisible to the human eye as it lies just beyond the range of visible light.
for light therapy ideas, consult
It includes basement tinkering research by Canadian physicists on various color laser beams as therapy. My chiropractor does similar with a red laser. He says the cheap ones available to the public will work but require much longer exposure.
No link?
“This picture from Wikipedia gets precisely to your point when you look closely:”
In the interest of enhancing your love making with your partner stare deep into the eyes of each other as you are engaged in this physical and deep mental activity. Seems to help females achieve more satisfactory results. A thought, this might be useful in connecting 2 brains to work on a goal.
Fascinating subject George. Please keep those of us that don’t subscribe to Peoplenomics informed. If you chose to keep further posts on this subject on the paid side, please let us know. Even though I’m not in the market, I would have to scrape up the $40 to follow this subject.
Don’t forget, George, to look into commercially available “SAD” lights– People who get depressed during the short days of winter often improve with exposure to a sky-blue SAD light for 20 min a day. Just search SAD light on Amazon and you can read all about it…
Hey George,
Have you seen the WS8212 LED’s? RGB and easily controlled with an Arduino nano. Can get the up to 300 on a waterproof strip quite cheap on Amazon. Pretty cool to play with.
Coral Castle explained:–_Interesting_but_not_Magic/
I’m wearing Christmas lights around my head and communicating with a red nose reindeer….
Also, there’s a rumor that some Alzheimer’s cases may really be Mad Cow, but we don’t have to officially declare it exists in the U.S.
India does not have our rate of Alzheimer’s and they eat a LOT OF TURMERIC!!
“The eyes as a projector” gives further credibility to the idea that we give importance or energy to the things upon which we focus, which is what media manipulators have known all along, maybe. How much energy do we really waste through frivolous visual drainage; curse you, netflix!
That is why love can shine from our eyes, very important when talking to young and old people. Also, who hasn’t seen the beautiful light in children’s eyes???
About 30 years ago I had an amazing dream and I felt it was a peek into the future. I was standing in a room, or my consciousness was, and the room was lit only with the color red. It was a room designed to treat people who had injured their spinal cords and couldn’t stand or walk. They were first put in a red suit, like a scuba suit, that was inflated with air. This air inflated red suit helped them stand without pain or pressure on anything, and then they were treated with this red light to repair the spine and help them regain the ability to stand and walk.
I hope I live long enough to see this invention and treatment come true.
Hello, George,
Kinda puts the ‘jewels in the crown’ in a totally different ‘light’, so to speak. Consider that in ancient times, sometimes the most intelligent became the ‘ruler’ of a particular people. Those ‘jewels’ may well have been used as lenses! Study of the particular gems used in different crowns may yield useful results. ‘Gems – ancient human’s LEDs’. Just floating the idea.
Robert in WA state
Blavatsky wrote that more energy comes out of the eyes than goes in. This was in the Secret Doctrine published in the late 1800’s.
Energy comes in through the eyes via sunlight, there are several sun gazing techniques used by breatharians.