Just yesterday morning we were having a discussion of terrorism marketing on these pages; some readers think it may have been a stretch connect the attention-seeking of suicide victims and terrorist, but I doubt it.
But, just so we’re clear, there are a couple of key points to reiterate: One is that all products, movements, and much of what you think is controlled by well-described psychological reactions that are understood and used by media experts. The single-best quick read is Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind that explains a ton of how messaging works.
If you’re in a hurry,, simply read the CNN headline on how “Syria’s al-Nusra rebrands and cuts ties with al Qaeda.”
Not that the fine jujitsu of branding lives solely in terrorist groups; Did you notice the phrasing of “Bill Clinton tries to Rebrand Hillary, for example?
One of the classic concepts of positioning is that a “brand” encapsulates a product…any product. The closer the correlation between the positioning statement and product name, the higher the recall. Which is why a positioning concept and name being the same makes a product more easily recalled.
Black Lives Matter is a “hot” brand right now and what makes it so interesting to observe – from a brand-marketing perspective – is that it poses some difficult decisions for brand managers.
Ure blowing smoke? No, never. Check out “The agency argument for brands to embrace #blacklivesmatter” for some enlightening discussion.
In a short description – and think of this as the second level of our overarching Everything’s a Business Model paradigm, it is axiomatic that Everything is a Marketing Plan in order to support the Business Model.
When I look you in the eye and assert the primacy of the American “monetize everything” disaster, it’s one of two core flaws in runaway capitalism taken over by the mob. The other, of course, is that capitalism is too efficient. It requires continuous growth because absent that, we roll into periodic long wave economic depressions which serve the function of synthetic growth.
Where we live in these “interesting times” is at the outer margin of these two systemically limiting equations: We will have a collapse (or a large recession) in Spring 2017 or (if the Fed can manage it) fall 2017. But recede we must since we’ve begun to run out of clever things to monetize. Not the least of which are LBGT and black lives – both social issues.
Monetization never stops, either. The democrats massive importation of people through other than strictly legal immigration channels is another monetization/cheap economic stimulus – for the very short term – effort.
You see?
America is a Business Model. Or, more accurately, an orchestrated, semi self-organizing cacophony of competing models (owned by special interests) that government attempts to modulate for the larger national model’s direction.
Unwilling to monetize massive infrastructure or energy consumption models, we instead have been focused on social issues…and the unimaginative demos are re-running that marketing program that began with the neighbor organizer from Chicago. He, it must be recalled, cut his teeth (consciously or otherwise) on the carbon exchange business model in ‘99, or so.
Even now, he has learnt a great deal about “balancing the models” – because there are many and they do compete – which is why we can not totally leave Smackghanistan. Yes, drugs-crime-corporate prisons, well, it’s just another model, don’t you know.
So is ISIS, Al-Nusra, and even Hillary or Trump.
The most informed person is one who can read the morning news not purely at face (“My, ain’t that interesting…”) value. But also from a marketing plan perspective because when marketing plans (in support of Everything’s a Business Model) become clear, forecasting “next events” is not particularly difficult.
You simply project the marketing plan – anticipating collisions with other, competing models – and presto!
The future clarifies a bit and understand of life ain’t so difficult, at all.
Tragedy in San Diego
One police officer was shot and killed, another in hospital in dire condition from a traffic stop in San Diego overnight.
This follows the Dallas and Baton Rouge shootings and we suspect it may be related to the gang call to kill cops, but that’s supposition on my part. We await data…
Trump’s Job Just Got Easier
Americans for Tax Reform is out with a list of Hillary tax plans. Some highlighted include ending many tax breaks, a 25% national gun tax, and higher payroll taxes according to the group.
Employment Costs Up
Our hot off the server press release du jour:
Compensation costs for civilian workers increased 0.6 percent, seasonally adjusted, for the 3-month period ending in June 2016, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Wages and salaries (which make up about 70 percent of compensation costs) increased 0.6 percent, and benefits (which make up the remaining 30 percent of compensation) increased 0.5 percent. (See chart 1 and tables A, 1, 2, and 3.)
Civilian Workers
Compensation costs for civilian workers increased 2.3 percent for the 12-month period ending in June 2016. In June 2015, compensation costs increased 2.0 percent. Wages and salaries increased 2.5 percent for the current 12-month period, and increased 2.1 percent for the 12-month period ending in June 2015. Benefit costs increased 2.0 percent for the 12-month period ending in June 2016. In June 2015, the increase was 1.8 percent. (See chart 2 and tables A, 4, 8, and 12.)Private Industry Workers Compensation costs for private industry workers increased 2.4 percent over the year, higher than the June 2015 increase of 1.9 percent. Wages and salaries increased 2.6 percent for the current 12-month period. In June 2015, the increase was 2.2 percent.
The increase in the cost of benefits was 1.7 percent for the 12-month period ending in June 2016, and in June 2015 the increase was 1.4 percent.
Here’s the part I found interesting:
State and Local Government Workers Compensation costs for state and local government workers increased 2.3 percent for the 12-month period ending in June 2016. In June 2015, the increase was 2.2 percent. Wages and salaries increased 1.7 percent for the 12-month period ending in June 2016. In June 2015, the increase was 1.9 percent. Benefit costs increased 3.4 percent for the 12-month period ending in June 2016, a higher rate than in the prior year when the increase was 2.7 percent.
West Texas crude was under $41 this morning, and the Dow futures were down about 40 points.
Not exactly thrilling trading conditions but we are mindful of “Be careful what you wish for…”
well-described psychological reactions
There is this link (youtube 30 mins on the web and presentations to ‘make’ you do things. Its via slashdot
A WOW REPORT this morning Mr Ure. A lie report from govergrunt
You might find this blog interesting.
Well we have to ask ourselves who benefits from conflating the threat of terrorism? Our greatest dangers are from car accidents, illness, falls at home and burns. If we were a true business we would allocate resources in proportion to the probability of each risk occurring.
Re: tax plans. I favor removing the FICA ceiling. I don’t think it makes sense that someone who makes $120K a year pays $7,300 while someone who makes $10,000,000 or $50,000,000 a year also pays $7,300. I know benefits are also capped, but we generally don’t have a system where payments are based on benefits. We also need to do away with the rules that allow surviving spouses and ex-spouses to collect the higher benefits.
Wrong!!!! Surviving spouses NEED and DESERVE the higher check!!! Shame on you!!! For many, it is the only income they have AND they earned it!!!
“America is a Business Model.”
And that’s partly why I’m voting Trump this fall. He at least knows the shady crap that is pulled in and out of business meeting rooms and deals with it accordingly. Won’t be any different at the WH. The other reason is because I’m fully aware that HRC is untrustworthy on too many levels, and she’s got too many suck up shills ready to make a buck off any evil deed she requests.
Why, oh why couldn’t it have been any other woman….
Edward L Bernays, the father of modern advertising. Sold WWI to the American people, sold pork for breakfast to America, sold cigarettes to women. He was awesomely effective
Operation Mind Control by Walter Bowarts. Documented alphabet agency mind control research. Remarked in a later interview that research had stopped by the early 1980’s because they had achieved every goal they could imagine.
To someone well versed in these principles, manipulating humans, including all you exceptional, aware Americans, is like manipulating a room full of kindergarten kids.
Mind control is not getting someone to robotically do what the master wants. It is programming people so that when presented with certain information or conditions, their reaction is 100% predictable.
The most obvious issue today is that candidates are REQUIRED to present some kind of negative information about themselves, causing people to say, “I could never vote for someone like that!” So people end up not voting for someone they really support, they end up opposing one of the candidates, and the first rule of mind control is that if they can get you to resist something, psychologically THEY OWN YOU! In a state of resistance, your mind is wide open to new programming.
Politics today is not a game or something for entertainment. It is an opportunity to program the population to new ideas and concepts to move the population more deeply into slavery. Who wins the election is irrelevant, but the lockdown on the consciousness of the American people in regard to freedom will be very near 100%. The finishing touch is that they will be publicly going after a few of the major alternative new people for a “Wellstone” effect. The reaction will be that people will subconsciously be AFRAID of criticizing the government.
Being allowed to choose between Wrangler’s or Levi’s is not freedom, going to McDonald’s or Burger King is not freedom, and choosing between communist/fascist A or communist/fascist B is not freedom.
Just keep in mind that in the 1980’s Lyndon LaRouche wrote a book called Dope Inc. that proved that the only terrorism in the world was sponsored by western governments and financed by drug money to pursue policies that the public would find unacceptable. Thirty years later, he has yet to be proven wrong.
There is no need to waste money and time on these current books addressing the situation. Once you understand the basics from the sources I wrote about above, the situation is quite simple. Nothing has changed our lifetime, except that we have lots of intelligent people who are too arrogant to research older sources, and egotistical enough to believe they are original thinkers.
Once you get far enough out of the USA Americans all start looking like Oreos off the production line, sure there are chocolate and vanilla and double filled, etc, but in the end, you are all just products.
Well stated!
That is a lot to absorb. I will spend some time on your citations. I have the feeling you are more right than not. Thanks for the post.
Another cop murdered in a non-battleground state.See the pattern here,along with the relative calm of Cleveland and Philadelphia,battleground states?