Until the bad news about this fall begins to dawn on the (stupid) public, this market might move higher still. In fact, as we reported Wednesday, another 10-14 percent is not off the table.
This being the weekend, we focus only on a few headlines and the ChartPack., But today, even after the hiccup Thursday, there remains reason to either hold long (risky) or (opportunistically) remain in cash and wait for the downside to do more than a 5-hour announcement of its arrival.
A few other news items, but this is getting into the time of year Editors hate. There’s so much heat, so many vacation days to burn off, and so very little worth writing about. Except, of course, the “news schedules” demand it.
Even if the topics are third-rate and the conclusions forgone. This is us, doing our part, too.
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Republican Convention = operation Khaos. SorASSian antifa-blm, crisis actors( see any familiar looking “school parents” in the crowds of darkness?)
Put on 3 PM mining company Call option positions end of June that were OTM, and one Oil driller( small beans) Call options. Has basically paid for Swiss Swift vacation. AEM/KGC/AG and EGY . Always say, I rather be lucky,than smart.
Color BCN Grateful, profoundly so.
Thanks for assists and data – cheap and very useful or is that Ureful?
Back to the United Disgrace of America.
In some respects this market reminds me of the lead up to the 87 crash. The market had been in a slow grind up and folks were feverishly selling puts- it was called portfolio insurance, and they got bit in the ass. This market is on steroids but they are selling volitily like crazy – crash’s typically don’t happen at tops but this structure as manipulated as it is looks like it could end in a similiar fashion but much worse.
(“Expansion of the Digital Wasteland is coming: Google TV gets 800 free channels.”)
They just noticed that….. or did they incorporate them.. there has always been hundreds of channels.. way back when I built a satellite dish receiver lna… it was amazing.. and live news feeds.. before they were edited for tv viewing..
here is a show in india..
what is funny.. is only the rich have televisions in India..
i dont even own a Tv. haha. the lady next door gave me one when i moved in. 3 months later, i relized she was batshit as so many are these days. she asked for it back. i said its right where ya left it. same spot. never even plugged it in.
not to be confused with my hispanic, bikini berista lover girl with the big juicy heart. she is a super good woman. very loving and kind to me.
once and a while i will watch a movie. i wanna see that Furiousa movie. i like stuff like that. once. and a while. the new mad max movie. if ya havent seen it. you know the one where the last three letters in the title is U, S and A??? looks super good. lol
kinda like the hispanic. the last five letters are panic. lol
i have to keep a low profile for a while. ya know. im sure everything i post on the net, someone in the .gov is reading. haha.
~ La Dolce Vita ~
oh now furiosa is spelled without the usa.
huh. it was spelled furiousa couple weeks ago.
things are changing.
I don’t see any reference to your Google TV story anywhere in G____’s column.
Android is very big in India. Most of the Android roll-outs occur there first. If Google TV is accessible from Android, I haven’t figured it out yet. The Google free channels appear to be from free services like Pluto and Tubi, which are all directly accessible from Android. Even some of the pay streaming services like Sling have free content, if you can find it.
I normally don’t watch TV on Android, but while I was on vacation, I caught a couple of Amazon Prime shows on the Android phone over the host’s WiFi, using budget headphones. Quality was excellent. You can do the same for all the other free streaming services. Also remember that there are many free music streaming services as well, like:
This means that for a minimum grass roots multi-media set-up, you can do the following:
Samsung A15 5G phone plus accessories – $250
ISP connection- $55 per month
JVC headphones- $13
So that is less than $300 investment and $55 a month for true multimedia capability. If you can leach off someone else’s WiFi, then you are down to under $300 drive-out.
120 VAC is required, unless you have solar equipment.
Amazon Prime (and Video) $140 a year.
Never tried the upgrade Amazon Music service.
Prime TV Channels with advertising run about $6 a month.
SiriusXM radio streaming for $8 a month (If you know how to negotiate). Works with Android Auto too.
Klipsch computer speakers $135 (Astoundingly good).
Theoretically you can Chromecast to a big screen, but if you have that hardware, you probably don’t need the Android phone. I watch Amazon Prime Video on the 32″ 4K computer monitor at home, with the Klipsch speakers.
None of this is new; it is just going mainstream after being relegated to Android TV side-loaders for a decade or so. I used to do the Android TV deal, but it is just a lot easier to pay for a couple of Prime Channels, and not constantly be dinking with finicky side-loaded software.
I am sorry i should have said that to get digitally shared channels You have to first download a tv app..
here’s but one..
there are several to choose from.. on your roku tv or Google tv just head to the app store..on out television they have a roku app channel..
lately the big seller for dish and direct tv has been that cable has gone net tv as well..
now.. you can get a playmaker for campers..
the playmaker similar to the old microwave antenna will pick up all digital programming being broadcasted as well as a pay as you go dish programming.. in larger Metropolitan areas the cable and networks broadcast via microwave.. for me if I didn’t live in the hole.. I could get somewhere around 35 channels..
if you have satellite you can get something like 4000 or more I mostly watch Disney plus, hallmark and prime.. I love Gaia and curiosity stream discovery network and the history channel.. the wife isn’t as excited about those channels but I love them. taste of home is a cooking channel.. some satellites go pole to pole while the majority are in the Clark belt.. its been decades since I had satellite. I did have dish network but hated customer service.. and there was a dish network shop next door..their business model sucked for their employees so I dumped it went to cable.. cable got so expensive that we went sling tv.. with cable and the cost of programming.. it still costs us around 150.00 a month but that’s way cheaper than the 500.00 a month we were paying..
when I posted the show on YouTube I was just using you tubes free tv section..that has ads ..
Now I love siriusXM but..check again on price that’s the introductory offer it jumps up to 30.00 a month if you don’t renegotiate rates at renewal time.. I did get them to lower it but its no bargain.. they auto deduct to.. if your not on the phone before renewal they increase it automatically.. Gaia is like a dollar a month give or take a few pennies.. curiosity stream is a little more but nothing to crazy..great programming.. I pay extra just to get the child educational programming..
“Now I love siriusXM but..check again on price that’s the introductory offer it jumps up to 30.00 a month”
It doesn’t have to.
I have a Stratus radio. It is the SiriusXM “plain Jane” radio. However, it has one unique feature. It is the only radio which allows you to subscribe to SXM’s “A La Carte plan.” With the “A La Carte plan” you can select to go with just talk channels. This strips the Royalty Fee that SXM tries their hardest to slap onto every customer:
“The U.S. Music Royalty Fee is included in the advertised prices you see and is based on the subscription price of the plan you purchase that includes musical performances. The U.S. Music Royalty Fee is 21.4% of the subscription price of satellite plans* which include music channels as of January 15, 2019.”
No music, no royalty surcharge. I have “A La Carte” stocked with my version of the “best of” their “News, Sports & Talk” plan.
I have a number of talkie channels, but just listen to the only three non-hard-Left XM channels: Patriot, Road Dog, and Triumph which, excepting a very occasional special, encompass virtually all the worthwhile content of SXM. I pay $13.95/mo. counting all fees & taxes. If I want music or audiobooks, I have other sources, which also don’t charge fees.
wow.. thanks again Ray…I will check into that..
(“the 32? 4K computer monitor at home,”)
wow that has to be one awesome setup.. I still have a 15 inch monitor lol almost 24 years old..
I paid a whopping 300 for the whole computer setup used..
a 32 inch monitor..dam with something that big I wouldn’t have to put my nose to the screen to see it lol lol lol..
I run my laptop through my 75″ Samsung TV.
It makes it a 75″ monitor. Perfect
Wow, I wish to be able to do that ;-).
LOOB- $8 a month if you know how to negotiate. If they don’t want to negotiate, then cancel and wait’em out. You won’t have a long wait. To get your foot in the door, look for a six month sign-up special. Keep up with the renewal, or they will get to you for a month at full price.
Watch the Christmas sales for big monitors. Tiger direct was bought out by Insight, and I haven’t bought from them yet. $300 is possible, even mid-summer. I have an LG which is good enough.
I share that big monitor for both work and home computers, with the second monitor for both computers above and flanking. I have an older monitor flanking opposite for the firewall server, all on a trestle table with a stool on one side and the comm rack on the other for the flanking monitors. Very efficient layout. I have a recliner behind the work chair for leisure and backseat viewing. I figure I could live comfortably in 1/2 the space I currently do with the integrated entertainment and work space, and do without the traditional den.
I use an external tuner on the TV in the den, and that would work on the 4K monitor on the remaining HDMI port. My 1080i 170 lb analog TV in the den has a beautiful picture, but it only functions as big heavy monitor. It does off-air ball games too well for me to toss it (or rip my shoulders out of socket and crush my foot)
Ray- I like VLC for the preinstalled Icecast radio directory under Windows. I have never used VLC to stream live video feeds, probably due to ignorance. I haven’t ever gotten any use out of VLC under Android, but again, that is probably due to ignorance. If you run across a VLC for dummies source, pass it along.
VLC is available for Android, and you can d/l it as an Android phone app. I don’t know what the app gives you, but I know it exists.
For Pete’s sake, hang an antenna on that analog TV so you can use it as a tornado warning device. Tornadoes broadcast on 55Mhz, which is (analog) channel-2. A straightwire will give you an antenna (or you can get fancy and mount a foot of wire in front of a tin saucer for a 1/20 wave unidirectional antenna that’ll tell you where the funnel is. I use both, along with live radar.) Keep the antenna by the set and only use it when appropriate. It will give you a much better early warning than NOAA
My best suggestion for VLC is a Usenet archive. Marvelous proggie — Lots of people played with it and it seemed nearly-infinitely configurable. I believe it was originally designed as a simple A/V daemon for local or internal ‘nets, but then, the damn’ Internet came along. The Asians piped their VLC through Shoutcast to broadcast it. Since I was a poor nerd and actually had to sell computers for my kids to eat, I never questioned — just copied. My kids were heavy into anime when they were ‘tweens and teens. I ported Shoutcast through one of my computers (which became a sort of firewall/filter) and passed a hundred eighty-some Anime channels (along with some educational channels and classic ’50s American TV which they may, or may not ever have looked at) through to their computers — both running Winamp. Winamp handles the Shoutcast stream natively, and was more configurable (lockable) than VLC… Oh, and it really kicks the llama’s ass!
You DO understand what “VLC” is, right?
(if not)
It is the media player part of VideoLAN. If you have a media-serving computer, you can install VLC and Shoutcast on it, and broadcast your media to the world. MY media server is either an Athlon or a Pentium II (I can’t remember), probably running either Win98SE or OS-2 WARP. I haven’t even looked at it in 20 years. It has been in a cold dark room since the last millennium, functional, without a hiccup. A computer with a single purpose always works better than one that’s used for everything; a computer without users has no reason to ever not function. Remember, for every four 60,000 hour MTBF hard drives that’re DOA, there’s one that’s gonna last for 240k hours.
wow .. thanks Ray I didn’t know that….
I will warn you: I’m sure SXM makes a couple bucks off their royalties assessment, because they make it really difficult to set something like my “arrangement” up. They like having that, nearly nine bucks a month, coming in from 40 million subscribers.
I suggest, if you want to copy my route, you buy a Stratus 7 off eBay. If you are patient, you should be able to buy a new or open-box radio for $25 or less.
You MUST have the radio, first.
Then you go to siriusxm.com to look at plans and activate the radio. You will find a link buried in the text at the bottom of the “Plans” page which says “other plans.” On the “other plans” page, you will find a link to the “A-La Carte plan,” (they feature two) which will say you can pick your favorite 50 channels and pay only the a la carte price.
If you carefully select only talk stations from the list of stations available for the “A-La Carte plans,” you will pay no royalties fees. If you are not careful, even one station with music content (above just buffer and “fair use” music) grants them the legal right to slap you with that fee.
The Stratus will receive the XM Traffic channels, but it will not receive the dedicated sports channels for which SXM has to pay a periodic licensing fee (no NFL, NBA, MLB, or NCAA, other than what comes over ESPN and FOX Sports, and Westwood One. If you can live with these limitations, go for it…
July 12, 2024 at 10:50
President Biden’s ego and life-long ambition will not allow him to just “walk away”. He can’t do that. In his current mental state that is nearly impossible for him. It looks to me like he is trying to “run out the clock” until the convention – hoping that he can still capture enough votes for the nomination. His entire political career, his “legacy” is at risk and he knows it
It isn’t any life long ambition that “keeps him ‘hangin on”.
It IS the $100,000,000.oo campaign ‘war chest’ that has amassed around him. It won’t be his unless he actually first, wins, the DNC nomination. This won’t happen unless he somehow convinces his betters that he is still able to function which ain’t happening. OR some sleight of hand with Hunter the bagman left standing to keep 10 for the big guy coming in regularly. $100 million is tough to walk away from or leave on the table for someone else to claim.
The scam goes on…
the business model.. did he sell out the USA for cash money.. and if the dollar implodes.. how much would a hundred million be worth.. we see someone that has a million now.. that is reduced to the spending ability of a half million four years ago.. if the Bric’s is successful… and we turn to zimbabwe economics.. then he might have enough for a loaf of bread and some peanut butter.. LOL LOL.. or maybe a dozen eggs for a good egg sandwhich.. LOL LOL…
Its actually to everyones benefit if we strengthen the border.. revalue the dollar by cutting spending.. I remember when I thought if I ever made four dollars an hour I would be RICH… not that long ago a home in the hills was thrity thousand dollars.. now the same home that I looked at sold for over a million dollars.. I had a chance to buy several acres of some of the worst land around.. for two grand.. the lots on that land now are selling for over a hundred grand a fifty by one twenty lot…. who would have thought..I sure didn’t expect that..four years ago .. a two cheese burger meal with fries and drink was four dollars and tax.. now.. almost twenty dollars and they charge for any catchup that you want..
Now in comparison.. since china has taken on improving zimbabwe economy.. a loaf of bread is no longer 37,000,000.. its now 16.52 zar I am curious how argintina has faired as well.. $14.50 USD (13,500 pesos) worth of groceries in Argentina not as good as zimbabwe.. of course they started to help zimbabwe long before they started to assist Argintina.. or.. the dollar has lost value that much in comparison..
I totally fail to see how Slo Biden could possibly spend $100 million productively in his lifetime. Perhaps if he wants to visit the moon, but that’s about it. I honestly think that any money at all spent on that guy is wasted.
I’m far more concerned about assassination attempt on President Trump. As of now(9:30pm MDT), I can’t get any clear idea of President Trump’s condition. We can all pray that he’s OK, or will be within a week. This is definitely a black swan event! There are people pulling strings and we really don’t know who they are or what their real agenda is.
(“I totally fail to see how Slo Biden could possibly spend $100 million productively in his lifetime.”)
LOL LOL LOL LOL… The Business model is not about the money Mike.. it never has been… its the symbol.. he was a success..
“Luke 12:16-21 The Message (MSG)
Then he told them this story: “The farm of a certain rich man produced a terrific crop. He talked to himself: ‘What can I do? My barn isn’t big enough for this harvest.’ Then he said, ‘Here’s what I’ll do: I’ll tear down my barns and build bigger ones. Then I’ll gather in all my grain and goods, and I’ll say to myself, Self, you’ve done well! You’ve got it made and can now retire. Take it easy and have the time of your life!’ “Just then God showed up and said, ‘Fool! Tonight you die. And your barnful of goods—who gets it?’ “That’s what happens when you fill your barn with Self and not with God.”
It is the Image they seek…. the prestige of having the number.. to be known and recognized as successful see its the same with those living in the hood.. a young woman that doesn’t have her hair made up in an expensive manor or wearing the best clothes is nothing more that a worthless thot only good she is is to be grabbed and screwed.. the same thing with young men.. if they aren’t wearing the best or driving the best car.. its the symbol of value…. but then what is success..In his own book he tells you the answer to the Biden quest for more..
His father Failed lost his position of being known as successful.. taught his kids that if they didn’t have the numbers they were not worth a thing the loss of personal value..
Similarly.. I have had my down turns.. I teach my children and grand children how to do the things I seen as important.. the things you take for granted if you see a bully picking on another stand beside the kid being bullied if you have two pieces of candy offer one to your friend that doesn’t have any. the kids across the street.. poor parents going through a huge thing.. I keep a snack tray on the counter.. my grandkids come in grab a snack.. I told them aren’t you going to take any out to the kids your playing with.. in kindergarten if you bring a treat they tell you to bring one for the whole class.. .. his father.. taught them if you lose that position your a total loser a failure if you don’t have that number.. the quest for numbers is either a game .. whether or not you have it doesn’t really make any difference.. its the game…win it lose it doesn’t make a difference its the game..
then those that store it away so when someone asks them what did you do today they can pull out that piece of paper and say see.. my number .. they know they won’t leave with it.. but what good is it if you don’t work it put it to good use.. a number bury it in a jar in the backyard.. stuff it in the sock drawer.. What did you do with it.. just sitting there it is nothing.. the old industrialists knew that.. the velocity of money.. the symbol of success and power.. if used to build and keep a local economy going benefit the whole community.. the people are happy and content.. they don’t care what number you have.. they care that you cared enough about the community and you become the community leader..
the symbol..
Its when pride and Arrogance becomes predominant that you lose sight of success..Money .. its only the symbol we use to create or display our true value.. what is your or my true value.. for some if they don’t see the numbers behind the name.. you aren’t able to become a member of the club.. they fear having friends because they fear their friends are going to want their numbers.. their number becomes their god.. even though everyone knows the number doesn’t mean a thing.. its what can be done with the number..the velocity of cash..
you ever read that book called The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz? its super good. my sexy little half mexican lunch maker lady gave it to me.
there is always indicators of THE DUDEs next move. im living in a giant 9000 square foot mexican style hacienda house. with a beautiful hispanic lady living down stairs romancing me with food, kindness and double d tiddies, on eagle mountain ranch. which the upstairs place so happend to be a scaled replica of ~ The City of Gods ~. a 16,000 year old city, built prior to the ice age, by a blue eyed, blonde, bearded white dude named quetzalcoatl. who is credited for developing was is commonly refered to as the myan long count, but was first used by the olmecs. first recorded date, August 19th, 3114 B.C. my birthday. 5,138 years before i turn 54 this year. the city of gods found within norther mexico.
pretty wild stuff. really.
and i relized after seeing 3 eagles circling yesterday before i worked out. as 8 putting on my new running shoes. that i bought right before i left star valley wyoming to move here. they are the same exact colors as the border patrol uniform. ok, cool, already
i can see clearly this stage, sets the scene for the next.
i dont have all the answers. i dont have to have all the answers. i just do the applicable footwork. oh i have the shoes already. lol. yes. that makes sense. now.
i certainly didnt get here on my own. as my im often told, i do have an abundance of BDE (Big Dick Energy). i am humble enough to know, it takes many hands seen and unseen to perfect my path that are not my own. i am living out my life as the answer to many spoken and unspoken prayers. from people i have probably never even knew they even prayed for me.
and THE RESULTS, are of course, THE DUDE making. HIS buisness.
i did have a thought upon awakening of a reduction of the Dow to 50% but it was not after i was already working boarder patrol. and the result of the Dow dropping 50% to 15,000 and change, boosted the dollar, and dropped inflation like rock. gas prices plumeted to less than $2. and everything stablized there.
strange first thought upon awakening, for me.
if ya ever get a chance. read
The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. highly recomend it.
its big concepts, written in laymans terms. easy to read. and grasp. i dont buy into the concept the whole world is a dream. simply because books that state that, like A Course in Miracles disolve any accountabity for actions if injustice. and i am firm beliver that those who been pushing their policies through a senial old demntia president, and covering his ass to undo the constitution of the united states, and fuck over their citizens. when that comes to light, those elected and those appointed, should be held to flame of the letter of the law.
contrary to popular opinion. the united states is not a democracy. its a constitutional republic. the constitution is the law of the land. not new york judges. reguardless of their delusions of grandure. and their is always a price to pay, come due, especially for corrupt judges.
but i love concepts within the book. its pretty good.
anywho. happy saturday. see ya in the future.
infinitely NOW!
just andy
I have that book.. I haven’t read it yet.. I have been deep into old cook books right now.. fascinating stuff.. I love those old cooking books.. and I have some projects for the kids yet.. we have to put some DAT’s together and a few lamps.. my wife is going to shoost me.. LOL.. I am using her ice cream cone form for the bright betties LOL LOL… got some pipe inserts.. to hold the wicks..
Did you know you can make a stuffed rose.. take beet juice.. mix it with your flour and egg make a dough.. similar to pasta dough…
then make white dough toll out your beet dough.. then take the pasta dough have it in a tube shape.. wrap the beet dough around it cut off about a half inch of the dough.. then roll it out so the red of the beets is on the edge.. cut out circles with a cup or cookie cutter.. lay out three of these in a row.. take your meat or what ever filling you want.. and scoop out a little to go down the center of these three circles fold over the one side so the filling is on the inside like a dumpling.. then roll it up and separate the petals.. now place them in a chinese steamer just like you would with dumplings.. and steam them for fifteen minutes till the pasta is done.. you now have a meat stuffed rose.. be creative on your fillings.. it is a royalty dish.. fancy.. I haven’t made any yet but I love dumplings.. and I will make some of the roses.. I am thinking stuffed chicken in them.. with sweet and sour sauce.. dam that would be good..
LOOTB. you must be a ‘time manipulator’,or?
How do you accomplish all you do, and still have enough time to read and write mile long prose, I often ask myself ;-).
I don’t even have the time to read half as much as is posted every day. That’s how fast time vanishes for me. Sad, but true or so it seems.
George, I just came across a video about stuff people keep in their pockets for survival. The speaker said that if it was not on you it could be taken away or lost. I had a P38(?) for years on my Keychain but it was taken away by security at our local courthouse. Could you do an article about what to keep in your pockets?
hun do you need another P38… let me know through G.. I will send you one.. I have a lot of them.. in my pocket.. I have my Rose Quartz stone, a p38 a flashlight and a fire starter..
at xmas I always give a form of light.. let your light shine..
oh I have a multi tool pocket knife I keep around the one I have is called a hobo knife…. to.. but that is about it..
I gave away knifes for xmas to so if you need a cheap multi tool knife let g know.. I will set you up for stuff in your purse.. everyone thought I was nuts getting them but it is something I gave everyone.. have a few left.. the ones that have the spoon and fork on them I only got those for the wife and myself.. the ones i gave away.. have all the basics except for the spoon and fork..
People are really beginning to notice her. She is the real, ‘military’ deal. Knowing of her family in Hawaii, she is the outlier. I really hope Trump picks her.
“Tulsi Gabbard – The Ultimate Insurance Policy For Trump”
G.A. STEWART: Yes, the second Donald J. Trump assassination attempt has occurred and it is clearly predicted in Nostradamus Quatrain I-57. I had just added it to the Trump Prophecies in the update to the old html side of this website several months ago. And it is in my 2023 book.
Nostradamus Quatrain I-57
By great discord the whirlwind [Trump] trembles.
Broken agreement, raising the test to heaven:
Mouth bloody into the blood crawling:
On the ground his face anointed with milk and honey.
wow.. wonderful post by Stu…
Century 1-57 perhaps about Trump 2016 election:
Trump against background checks to purchase a gun, he joked about killing people:
Shooter registered as a Republican:
Long guns (rifles) don’t require a background check in PA (although shooter’s father purchased the gun used):
Some see Climate Change & Musk in Nost’s writings:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UY-TdF5MfZ0 Then the 11:00 mark.
This from a janitor who has been touched by Grace – posted in march before the eclipse.
My, ain’t reality a bear to explain away?
Wanna sketch out the mechanics of this kind of thing for those of us not your intellectual equal?
I believe she IS under consideration, but not high on the list. However, she is high on Trump’s list of “prospective hires.” Tulsi is a liberal, but she’s not a hardcore Leftist or wannabee Marxist, and she consistently demonstrates a trait which has become completely foreign to the modern Democratic animal — That trait being “common sense.” She is also honorable, loyal, and patriotic, as one would expect from a Lieutenant Colonel.
“Until the bad news about this fall begins to dawn on the (stupid) public, this market might move higher still. In fact, as we reported Wednesday, another 10-14 percent is not off the table”
Didn’t one of our READERS predicted DOW 30 @ 14,000 long time ago, when it was so unreasonable to entertain this thought, that no one bothered to responded to the post? ?
Someone just tried to kill Trump in Pennsylvania – supposedly hit in the ear rushed off of stage
looks like the communists have started the civil war.
So by the time this passes Ure screening, everyone will know DJT has been shot, grazed his ear. Apparently afterwards he was asking for his shoes… I think I read somewhere (maybe Stu) that losing one’s shoes is symbolic of losing power.
this is not good. someone kicked the hornets nest. we may be in a cival war soon.
If someone shoots biden in retaliation. We will be in a full blown civil war forsure.
maybe the simpsons were right. they said by september 2024 US civil war. back in 2014. same time the degal report came out.
From my new favorite book.. 1897 the housekeepers cook book
mother’s bread.
Put about 2 quarts of flour into a pan, and pour boiling water over it until nearly all the flour is wet. Stir the flour while pouring in the water. Now add 1 pint of cold water, and beat well. Let it stand until lukewarm, then add 1 cup of No. 1 yeast, butter the size of an egg and ^ teaspoon soda, and flour to make a stiff batter. Turn it out on the moulding board and work in more flour by slashing it with a sharp knife. Slash and add flour, and knead unci) the dough is stiff and smooth. Too much flour cannot be worked into it. Let it stand until morning, then knead it down without removing it from the pan. After breakfast, turn it out on the board, and knead it for 10 minutes, then put it back and let it rise as much as possible without smelling like wine, then make it into loaves. When the loaves are light, they should be put into a hot oven, which is allowed to cool gradually until the bread is done. Bread made in this way will keep fresh a long time
all 7 of my saftey lines went active. including the titan missle silo. i replied, lets be calm and see how this unfolds.
im not changing course. in 2 to 3 weeks. i will be near roswell new mexico doing training for the green and gold. im staying the course.
Pray for our nation. if someone puts a red dot on biden, you do not wanna be near a big city. it will be george floyd riots X 1000.
if it isnt already going to be that way.
stay safe out their kids. see ya in the future.
I am not normally one to go chasing ‘conspiracy theories’, but I do enjoy deep digging a good rabbit hole with revealing woo-woo tech. This video is an hour and a half, so set aside the time to see it all. There is leaked ‘classified’ video that stunningly reveals just some of our “national technical means”. We know exactly what happened to flight MH370 and why not even debris was found. I started out with “that cannot possibly be…”. By the time the video was finished, my head had exploded. This will change your outlook on what ‘we’ are technically capable of.
In regards to the main news topic of the day:
The shooter was an amateur, and almost certainly a nutjob. He may have had some rudimentary military training, but I suspect most of his experience came from playing Halo.
Trump turned his head suddenly (which saved his life) and the assassin either took his eyes off his target as he was squeezing off the shot, or closed them completely. He then dumped four more shots, because he saw that he’d missed, and he panicked, not realizing the recoil would throw his muzzle off-target.
In my head, I heard the string of f-bombs Biden dropped when he was told. I would guess he was as pissed as Trump, because this is going to cost him a lot of votes he won’t get back.
I can’t believe every “witness” says they heard “firecrackers.” Fireworks and firearms have totally different sounds…
(“I can’t believe every “witness” says they heard “firecrackers.” )
It is sad for me to say this.. but I doubt I could tell the difference between a fire cracker and a gunshot…
A supersonic bullet fired from a distance has a sharp cracking sound down range:
The sound is very up close and personal, like it is next to you, not like it is at a distance.
This is a real combat video. The cracks at 26 and 31 seconds are particularly scary:
The last time I heard that sound i was standing at my mailbox. We believe it was a renter two farms over shooting at a f’n coyote. I had a neighbor talk to him, rather than risk losing my temper and going to jail. He was better liked than me, even if he was posing a threat to the public welfare. I encourage neighbors to think before they start blasting useful critters cause they’re skeered.
The folks who heard firecrackers in the distance at the rally were not in the direct line of fire. That was the difference.
Twitterpix from media…
1 gallon whole milk
1 qt. cream
3/4 cup powdered milk
1 tbsp. or 1 packet Knox
1 tsp salt ( you can adjust this )
1 tbsp baking soda
1 tsp citric acid or 1 Renner tablet dissolved in 1 tbsp water)
put the milk and cream in a pan bring to 100 degrees..
add annato cheese coloring to water and color your cream..add the Renner or citric acid and stir it in. let sit till it curds.. strain the curds of cheese after a good hour..
take the water and powdered milk and Knox mix them up with boiling water stir vigorously add to your cheese curds add the rest of the ingredients with the butter and put on low heat and melt the curds into the powdered milk and knox..
once its all mixed pour it into your greased cheese molds and put in a refrigerator.
valve’s extra creamy.. you can add any flavorings to this simple recipe for a processed cheese..