While we’ve been listening for half a century, shortwave radio is almost on its last legs. This morning a discussion of the decline and its replacement with streamed content from government websites.
Plus, as always a few news headlines and those charts which do a marvelous job of keeping us “out of the ditch.”
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(Allied Radio) Knight-Kit R55 receiver:
First novice rcvr. The BFO shifted as you breathe on the front panel.
(Radio Shack) DX-150 receiver: All solid state & stable. Made first novice contact on this.
Lots of 2M VHF gear in intervening years as a tech license.
Yaesu FT-100 & FT-857 as HF and VHF radios still have.
Lusting after an Apache Labs SDR transceiver after reco. by local ham who is retired telecom engineer who set up cell systems internationally for years.
Old Boys and their toys… it never ends.
“Our next move around here will be to do the daily Urban reports as podcasts – seems it would be more accessible that way… ”
When you finally transition UrbanSurvival, as the shortwave radio broadcasts you mention have been, shall we refer to the print incarnation as “taken down by streaming disease”?
Busting rhyme merchants are no doubt relieved that Young Dolph’s most recent shoe shopping expedition was not fatal.
I haven’t switched frequency to a post-EMP world, but my Hallicrafters S-38D is good to go because one never knows, right?