Survivors can’t rule out famine. Although what will really happen in the long-term is out of everyone’s reach, if we are to transition out of a less monetized existence, there will be widespread social risk. One of the largest of these is “food risk.”
Not just the risks with a pesticide lawsuit, nor the idea of “terminator seeds” being weaponized, or with tariffs on food items (esp from Mexico) – or over-slowing the labor sources needed for production and harvest.
The problem is most complicated and we are probably less prepared for a breakdown of the food supply than at any point in recent history. Remember, the Great Depression was also called “The Hungry Years” in America.
For your reading list: The Hungry Years: A Narrative History of the Great Depression in America.
Today, we look at how monetization has screwed up the future of food and strategies to take-back some personal control. After headlines and a few charts along the way…
Then, at the end of the report, some “woo-woo” detective work…
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I have been waiting for that smile.. what a pretty sight.. my month has just been made…..
a month ago a young ladies tragic story passed by me.. I ended up actually visiting with her only to discover that she was the young lady in the tragic story that was shared to me..
Boy her whole month was crap.. if she didn’t have bad luck I don’t think she would have had any luck whatsoever.. No food.. because the doctor won’t let her loose for full time work she was stuck with just a few hours a week.. three hundred dollar paychecks.. etc.No one that could help her… I took her food twice.. to make sure she and her little girl had enough to live on.. ..
She was so stressed.. I felt so bad for her.He landlord was giving her crap again. I told the landlord hang in there.. I have a hand in this be patient… I kept telling the young lady.. just hang in there.. it will turn.. KARMA….
Well a new month.. the tide is starting to turn.. and she for the first time in a couple of months now she finally had a smile.. it made my whole month….
God bless you, “Our Walk the Talker.” Glad to hear it. You honor us with your postings.
thanks Honored.. that was a fathers day gift that smile is a fathers day gift that I will cherish the rest of my life..
the look of fear and terror was out of her eyes.. and she had the best smile playing with her little girl who was smiling to for a change..
She made the comment.. god I have such a headache.. I had to tell her it is because finally most of the stress that you have been going through was lifted.
I can’t believe that damned landlord though.. was giving her crap even though I told her not to.. let me take care of this.I had to actually get after them.. what azz holes.. all because they know she isn’t back to full time yet…
talked to her therapist.. ( who I know) and she is improving on schedule should be ready to go back to full time in the next few weeks..
I knew I could do it.. I sure don’t mind helping someone in true need with a hand up.. not a hand out..
George –
Beware the Bounce…precious metals market is NOT buying the BS, Bond Market is NOT buying the BS..and the Bandicoot ain’t buying it neither!
Extremely thankful/Grateful to live amongst Amish and Mennonite farm communities, in the county & state with some of the most valuable farmland in the U.S.
No GMO anything -period! No Roundup, No Pesticides.
Hell we get real WHOLE milk -bottled – no nutrient killing heat treatments (pasteurization) – talk about brittle bones in old age (osteoporosis) -never heard of it (U is what U eat).
Fertilizer ? see above bovines
Pesticides – Nope
These folks were “organic” before organic as even a thing.
Mr Bandicoot (crash’s dad) had young Crash spend a week living and helping out on a Amish farm when Crash was 8yr old..up before the morning light – cows milked and feed before breakfast – mom went out back and killed the dinner for that night with quick snap of her wrist. Did more hard chores before sun came up than average Joe does in day. Black eye 1 st day from cow tail smacking face in milking barn during milking operations. By the way – these hard working folk do not use Banks – they are unBanked.
Around the world the greatest impediment to making a living is Banking& Govt. – how do small “mom&pop” businesses in:kualalampur/mozambique/stans ect do any business with all the restrictions and barriers in the way?
Peer to Peer Paxful..built on top of Bitcoin Blockchain – small mom&pops r building their own businesses literally creating a fleet of new entrepreneurs around the world.
Example with Paxful – buy Bitcoin with ANY payment method -over 400 & still growing.
Instead of paying fees to banks to Transfer/Wire $ to someone/thing – U get a 1.5% bonus.
One real world example of how this can work.. Jorge’s’ family(dirt farmers) r still living in Guadalajara, Mexico and Jorge used to send US $ to his family every month via Western Union and lately w/ Paypal.
Now Jorge uses Paxful to buy Bitcoins and Sell them to Mexican housewife (businesswomen) in Guadalajara. Mexican Business lady converts Bitcoins to Pesos and transfers money via bank of Guadalajara to Jorges family – in less than 5 minutes time – fo free! Plus Jorge is making 1.5% cash “kickback” on value of BTC’s at time of transaction. 1.5% comes from premium EVERYONE around world is willing to pay to get some Bitcoins.
The opportunities are almost limitless..another example..
Post ad “I will sell U Bitcoins for Amazon Gift cards” – this can be set up right now and U will b rocking your own business. Two wrrningss to the wise if U would like to make money this way – make sure you deposit AMZ gift card to your amazon account, and it that it Credits your account BEFORE releasing Bitcoins to customer, and insist on a Cash Receipt for ALL gift cards – if gift card bot with credit card – charge backs will kill U…beware.
What rhymes with Black Monday ?
Just too many people (in relation to available resources!) and they all want to make a living that’s understandable.
Geez George, I too am confused.
Tariffs good for market because potential interest rate cut but bad for consumers because of increased prices. Tariffs not put on may be bad for market because of potential interest rate hikes but good for consumers because of lower inflation. It all reminds me of the Hee Haw barber shop routine (that’s good, no that’s bad) many years ago.
They also had a great routine on “Gloom, despair, agony on me”.
Dang I miss that show.
I’m definitely not confused about ‘potential’ interest rate cuts and/or raises, but I’m much confused why it’s such an overriding issue in our society for many posters while in reality the quanty of money per person is of so much more significance than interest rates.
Hi George,
Being a fellow “former” Radio person I thought you might appreciate this well-done article:
I hope it isn’t an imposition from me to comment on a link you posted regarding the Venezuelan 4 million refugee story. I think your posted link leaves you in the lurch and could charitably be taken as suffering starvation pangs of pertinent facts.
I’m posting a link from the CBC about the exodus of people from Venezuela. The problem is not disposed of in the simple knee jerk response that it’s all socialism’s fault. Rather, the CBC points to the slow genocide imposed upon the Venezuelan oil industry by the US embargo on equipment and spare parts. Also, domestic tranquility has been curtailed by the apparent failure of an allegedly US-inspired coup that has introduced Cuba into the mix going forward. Anyone care for a side of Bay of Pigs 2?
I do so hope my small contribution to the potluck stew discussion serves to enhance an aroma of inquisitiveness for truth lest a Conquistador again bulldoze blindly on in the vanity of Empire.
And now, World set right, pardon me as I close to partake of a small repast.
ah, but there are reasons WHY that US embargo was in place: As the US Congressional Research Servidce Explained:
“For more than a decade, the United States has employed sanctions as a policy tool in response to activities of the Venezuelan government and Venezuelan individuals. These have included sanctions related to terrorism, drug trafficking, trafficking in persons, antidemocratic actions, human rights violations, and corruption. Currently, the Treasury Department has financial sanctions on 112 individuals, and the State Department has revoked the visas of hundreds of individuals. On January 28, 2019, the Trump Administration announced sanctions on Venezuela’s stateoil company, Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A., or PdVSA. Several days before the imposition of the PdVSA sanctions, the United States recognized Juan Guaidó, the head of Venezuela’s National Assembly, as the country’s interim president and ceased to recognize Nicolás Maduro as the president of Venezuela.”
Bon gestit!
A couple of comments about Crash’s comments. I grew up Amish. We worked extremely hard. It’s true that you will not find harder working people anywhere. (at least that’s what we were told. ha) However, while many Amish do use banks, it’s true that they have mainly cash basis communities. (But, you are beginning to see some credit cards)…I hope that folks do not have the idea that they keep large sums of cash at their homes. ..That could be dangerous. All the Amish communities are different. They hold to rules that are agreed on by all in that particular church/community. Should one person disagree on a change, it won’t happen. However, if the entire church/community agrees, then that community changes. And so, you will see some Amish communities with tractors and next to them, other Amish communities with horses only. While most Amish are very poor, many Amish communities will have one or two guys that act as bankers to the rest of the community. The idea is that they want to minimize the communities interaction with the “world”. Many Amish will not use banks, especially to borrow money, generally there are some wealthy families in every community that will use banks. I had an uncle, who was a bishop in the Amish church, who owned a great deal of stock (think millions$) in Pepsi. He also owned much farmland, think $3000 to $4000 an acre for his thousand acres. He acted as an “unofficial” banker to the community but he used the local bank. Also, I knew another guy that happened to have oil wells on his land. He ended up owning a local bank. And, yes, he still farmed with horses. I have a cousin that owns a large furniture company (without using any electricity). I’m trying to make the point that there is a lot of variation in those communities, and it’s difficult to generalize too much about some of those things. There are a core set of principles that the Amish community tries to hold to, but the implementation of those principles varies quite a bit as the community tries to survive in this world.
Ralph.. I totally adore the Amish.. for one its a community working together…. I go to the colonies all the time to buy stuff.they also are willing to share tips on how to prepare or store goods… My sister has been trying to move closer she lives a couple of miles from a colony and would actually love to live within the colony but since she isn’t a member cannot…. some of the finest people you could meet and yes.. some of the hardest working..
I have said before.. in the event of a catastrophic event.. the Amish are one of the few that will survive..
I don’t know anyone that has ever thought that they had money at their homes.. the amish from what I know live simply as a community.. wealth or having more isn’t something that drives them..