Peoplenomics: Straight Talk About the Future and Futuring

The title of this morning’s discussion is pretty straight forward – as we have a number of items to mull over as we continue plodding along our methodical path into a future which, to many, is terribly uncertain.  But such high-powered thinking can’t be done on an empty stomach, so a few crumpets and coffees while we dash through a few headlines including retail and CPI, and then this morning’s chart pack before we get down to the serious business of making the “great bank-shots” of Life…those personal financial decisions which grow the nest egg.

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If you’re not a subscriber, be sure to read this morning’s update at especially the part about “protocol six” which was posted last night.

And, on the more cheery side of things, how about the article on mapping out a road to personal self-sufficiency?  Sounds good, provided it’s yellow and brick, I suppose….

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George Ure
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