Still Protecting Obama: The Tuesday Dot-Connector

In a shocking revelation that has just appeared in the media in the past 24-hours, we now know the Obama administration wire-tapped Paul Manafort who would become a key Trump campaign official.

But it’s really much worse that it sounds – which for our tastes is crooked enough, already.

Let’s run through some timeline, shall we?

(Continues below)


But before we do this, let’s be perfectly clear that the mainstream media is already spinning the bejeezus out of this.  Let me explain how:  Notice the typical headline on the story: US government wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman.

That, dear reader, is spin of the highest order.  Remember who the president was?  Notice how HIS name – as the decision-maker in chief – is not attached to this revelation?

Still, the fact is, one of his minions – turned the government machinery loose on a key republilcan.

To the players and timeline then:

Prior to the 2014 decision to wiretap Manafort, he would have been likely considered a “political enemy” of the democratic steamroller (the one that ran over Bernie, remember?).  His Wikipedia bio explains why:

Paul John Manafort Jr. (born April 1, 1949[1]) is an American lawyer, lobbyist and political consultant. He joined Donald Trump’s presidential campaign team in March 2016 and served as campaign manager from June to August 2016. He was previously an adviser to the U.S. presidential campaigns of Republicans Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and Bob Dole. In 1980 Manafort co-founded the Washington, D.C.-based lobbying firm Black, Manafort & Stone, along with principals Charles R. Black Jr., and Roger J. Stone. In 1984 it was renamed Black, Manafort, Stone and Kelly (BMSK) & associates, after Peter G. Kelly was recruited.

From this, we can assume that a) Manafort is smart (at least enough so to pass the Bar) and b) he was a leading back of the ticket republican.

In 2014, Manafort was on the wrong side of the EU/US deal-making that was designed to “take-down” the existing government of Ukraine and turn what had been a soft- frontier into what is not a focal point of NATO’s head-on with Russia over the warm water ports – which the EU (and the bungling nest of neocons at State) lost.

Pissed, the FBI went to the FISA court for reasons that are murky.  But we notice that Slate reported “For a judge to grant the warrant, the FBI doesn’t need to show evidence of a crime, but it must show that the individual may be working as a foreign agent.

Fast-forward to early/mid 2016 and with nothing criminal in hand, the Manafort investigation is shelved.

Then an odd thing happened in Phoenix:  Bill Clinton met with then attorney general Loretta Lynch.  June 27, 2016, with the pertinent details summarized here.

As short while later, lo and behold, the investigation of Manafort is fired-up again.  It ran until early this year.

At issue are allegations that “inauthentic” accounts were used in social media to buy ads.  It is also reported that Manafort may expect to be indicted, shortly.

In addition, other persons associated with Manafort may be involved.  But since Trump cut ties with Manafort, we expect that the sitting president will be “spared.”

What has never made sense to me, until this morning, is why would the disheveled remnants of a once-organized political party (the republicans, what’s left of ’em) be inclined not to squash the Robert Mueller “fishing expedition.”

The “let the dem’s clean up their own mess” theory would also explain why James Comey just before the election, announced a slew of reasons that would have ended in Jailhouse Orange for anyone but She who we don’t care for.

But now, as we connect the dots, it looks like the democrats – having abused state power – are being given the opportunity (and perhaps a couple of sacrificial pawns to take off the table) so they can clean up their own mess.

As part of the “deal” – never articulated, of course, the trade-off would be that Trump gets to hold office, and Hillary avoids jump suit orange.

The myth of “Government by the People, for the People,” is maintained and the republic for which we stand moves along.


To do all this, the US media has been corrupted at its core.  So, in this regard, we are anxiously awaiting what comes next from Project Veritas because you can “WATCH: James O’Keefe Teases ‘Biggest Ever Media Investigation’ — Muses ‘People Will Be Fired’.

It would be laughable, a bad novel plot at best, except when it happens IRL (in real life) to a Nation we all love and deeply wish to perpetuate, t’ain’t so much fun to dot-connect.

Sports figures, and football ninnies, and the sanctuary state of California, notwithstanding.

Follow the Laws or Lose Your Dough?

Speaking of which, a bill which would turn Kalifornia into a sanctuary state is on its way to guvBrown for signing.  I have no doubt he will.

This is another priceless novel plot:   Behold as the Nation of Laws Myth hits the rocks with this.

The laws on illegal immigration at the Federal level are clear.  Will the left-coast revolutionaries holding office side with antifa and become a breakaway state?

Would Trump cut federal funding to Kalifornia?  Since we don’t have a political party in Washington, anymore, no telling what the Fools on the Hill would do.

If the Feds cut Kalifornia money, there go income tax revenues and here comes AmRev2.

All madness on bordering and 30 years of bordering on madness.

Libretto di Market

I have to admit a certain queasiness Monday as the ,market torpedoed those short position ETF shares Ure’s truly was holding overs the weekend as part of his “Kim Put” strategy outlined in Peoplenomics last weekend.

By the end of the day, though, the market got off the snort of breakfast blow and returned to reasonable.  As it came down, our short position slid six-cents into the green.

Say, here’s a “downer in the wings:” CoreLogic Reports a 16.9 Percent Year-Over-Year Increase in Mortgage Fraud Risk in the Second Quarter of 2017.  We have to wonder what the Equifax mess will add to future trends?

Dow was set to open up 20, earlier.  But, that’s just trading noise.  The real move will be tomorrow.  Fed decision in the afternoon and then Rosh Hashanah starts tomorrow evening.  We expect a sell-off, but hope springs eternal in the hearts of bears.

Since I am still furiously writing on my next book (Dimensions Next Door) I can only point you to the January 2007 issue of VibrationData for the primary frequency and spectral analysis of the shofar.  That’s a horn made of a large goat’s horn…nice work there!

Housing Drop?

Hot off the press release:

Building Permits Privately-owned housing units authorized by building permits in August were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1,300,000. This is 5.7 percent (±2.0 percent) above the revised July rate of 1,230,000 and is 8.3 percent (±1.6 percent) above the August 2016 rate of 1,200,000. Single-family authorizations in August were at a rate of 800,000; this is 1.5 percent (±1.3 percent) below the revised July figure of 812,000. Authorizations of units in buildings with five units or more were at a rate of 464,000 in August.

Housing Starts Privately-owned housing starts in August were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1,180,000. This is 0.8 percent (±9.6 percent)* below the revised July estimate of 1,190,000, but is 1.4 percent (±8.9 percent)* above the August 2016 rate of 1,164,000. Single-family housing starts in August were at a rate of 851,000; this is 1.6 percent (±9.0 percent)* above the revised July figure of 838,000. The August rate for units in buildings with five units or more was 323,000.

Housing Completions Privately-owned housing completions in August were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1,075,000. This is 10.2 percent (±12.3 percent)* below the revised July estimate of 1,197,000, but is 3.4 percent (±13.0 percent)* above the August 2016 rate of 1,040,000. Single-family housing completions in August were at a rate of 724,000; this is 13.3 percent (±14.7 percent)* below the revised July rate of 835,000. The August rate for units in buildings with five units or more was 348,000.

As luck would have it, the Universe provides a housing stimulus plan called?

Hurricane Maria

Whopping Puerto Rico next:

Cat 5 now…

Current Account Deficit

Press release festival?

The U.S. current-account deficit increased to $123.1 billion (preliminary) in the second quarter of 2017 from $113.5 billion (revised) in the first quarter of 2017, according to statistics released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). The deficit increased to 2.6 percent of current-dollar gross domestic product (GDP) from 2.4 percent in the first quarter.

Old saying:  The harder we work, the behinder we get.  See the growing hole on GOODS?

Baby Steps to Local Amazon Shops?

More on this in Peoplenomics tomorrow, but did you notice Kohl’s to accept Amazon returns in 82 stores?

Wal-Mart online returns are already accepted in the local stores…as the battle for the “halfway house” (online and bricks) design continues to heat up.

Let’s Make a Deal candidate? Toys ‘R’ Us files for bankruptcy in US.  Maybe they didn’t get the memo:  Kids don’t have toys anymore.  They just grab mommy or daddy’s phone….appropos.

U.S. Department of Useless

When we’re not trying to hack space-time, or out-calculate the HFT’s, we are endlessly entertained by useless “news” that supports our contention that the world has too little original research and far too much news “channel capacity.”

Among our picks today:

Winter Olympics 2018: British Bobsleigh to withdraw funding for women’s team.  We’ll just watch the video of Cool Runnings, then.

Kaepernick: I’m ‘ready right now’ to play…  After what he did to the game?  GMAFB.

Again Time magazine amazes us with their broadening view of “news” with their story Here’s the First Look at Alicia Vikander as the New Lara Croft.

I may have to create a new category for them and Fox:  T&N.  News being the second word…

Far too much fun this morning.  I’m going to go put bamboo shoots under my fingernails now…moron  the ‘morrow…

38 thoughts on “Still Protecting Obama: The Tuesday Dot-Connector”

  1. I think that the only way to stifle the endless Trump Bash is to ramp up the investigations into Hillary and Obama. When the real criminals are about to be exposed, the deals can then be struck to stop the madness.

    • that won’t happen …
      I think there’s to much dirt floating around DC that all sides are afraid of any of it getting out and is usually swept under the rug. Also check the historical data of anyone that has investigated issues and started to get serious or about to give testimony..
      On various issues.
      If it doesn’t fit the puppet masters agenda it’s not going to happen.
      I am surprised that at this point they are still using their negative campaign..
      This also give them a good reason to do absolutely nothing at all.
      I really loved how he is basically forcing them to make a formal decision on whether or not children born here will either stay or go..maybe he can get them to actually do something about some other dead horse issues.
      I finally figured.out why they refuse to read the bills they vote on and why they take so much time off. Reading that garbage would drive any sane man insane and by voting on it justifiable ignorance. Time off because if they were there people would expect them to actually do something.
      Brick and mortar. The last three visits I’ve made to Walmart I’ve had to go in to the break room to find someone to assist me.. they’ve cut staffing that much. Where there once was twelve check stands open there’s two the opened up twenty self checkout stations..

    • Actually there is a less complicated solution to the problem of a person being ‘in power’ being under investigation versus two people not ‘in power’, not being investigated.

      Move the person i.e. Trump – out of ‘the power position’ and perhaps, they too ‘will not be investigated’. Wouldn’t bet on it though . . .

  2. If kalifornia goes sanctuary, passports and visas need to be required to enter the rest of the nation. How could you allow free travel to and from?

  3. After watching Trumps UN speech, I am horrified, scared, and unsettled. Please, someone stop the madness before it’s too late.

      • “Rocket Man”, “we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea” and certain parts of the world are “going to Hell”.

        It’s not normal language. Your president sounds like a deluded despot – Kim Un or Duarte.

        Trump is scared of the world. What’s beyond our borders is a scary and fearful place to Trump. He never speaks of hope or a new promise.

    • Really? I am thrilled — that someone finally talked to the petty despots at the U.N. using the same language and rhetoric they use to address the U.S.

      NO ONE LIKES US except the U.K. and its satellites, Israel, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and the western, former Soviet States, and no one is going to, regardless the amount of money, aid, or assistance we give them. Frankly, after Mr. Obama’s treatment, it’s a wonder Israel and the U.K. are still on that list.

      I have followed foreign press and foreign governments since 1990. I’ve seen the political cartoons of Clinton-as-Hitler, Bush Crucified, Clown Monkey Obama, and a thousand others, and read (thank you Babelfish, and later Google/translate) the accompanying articles and op-eds — have you?

      We are not going to win any popularity contest at the U.N. until we become a 3rd world craphole which mirrors the majority of the member Nations. I’d prefer we never be popular with that crowd. Sadly, there are many factions within the U.S. which long for that popularity, and are willing to sacrifice our standards of living and conduct to attain it.

      We can, however, achieve respect — something the U.S. hasn’t had since 1991. Mr. Trump is not very articulate, and he shows his Queens upbringing nearly every time he speaks or tweets. His bluntness scares people who are anti-American. Mr. Reagan scared people with his Berlin Address; Mr. Kennedy scared people when he told Mr. Khrushchev to remove the missiles, or die. On the World Stage, scared is good…

  4. No the only way to end the endless corruption in Washington is the same way our ancestors did “the hard way”..

  5. If California becomes a sanctuary state, then they should not be allowed to participate in national elections,since illegal aliens will be allowed to vote there.

  6. YUMC (YUM CHINA) is up another $.90 as of 12:53 PM EST after a $1.48 yesterday indicating the success of President Trump’s UN speech in improving relations with China. This is the best USA/CHINA indicator I have found. Many say the CIA suggested to YUM to split off its China part to give us this indicator. More business is done over lunch than golf & who doesn’t like tacos, chicken, or a slice of pizza. China needs USA business to complete it’s takeover of the world, & they will not let NK get in the way.

  7. Tapped his phone? That’s so 1960s in terminology. All of our calls are recorded now. All the NSA, FBI or DOJ have to do is acquire the recordings and assign someone to listen to them. Multiple whistleblowers have exposed that once dirty little secret. Been happening since at least the mid 2000s.

    • do you really believe that all transmission isn’t being monitored by some very powerful computer.. just look at google.. or yahoo.. we do a search and it pops up.. we open the browser and things we are interested instantly pop up.. now if you have a surveillance program you monitor what people are sending and use power words to determine. a good point to that.. is years ago a young lady I worked with at her lunch period would call and talk to her boyfriend.. now at the time of her break there weren’t any other people on break she was alone.
      Yet the subjects of her conversation was brought up in meetings and the whole conversations were brought up.. the company was monitoring all phone calls.

      • Ive had that happen, simply talking to someone about something and I start getting related ads. Some friends told me about their conversation and how it turned to vacationing in Mexico, and the next thing they knew, ads were showing up on their searches for trips to Mexico… getting creepy.. Sometimes I wonder if our cell phones are constantly listening to our lives. They have quite a good radius of sound they pick up.

  8. Re: Manafort — The video says that “A secret court order…” I think that means the wire tap was was legal.
    Good thing they caught him before he could undermine the election process (or whatever US process was being subverted) even more!

  9. Sorry to inject simple facts into the discussion.

    1. Trump’s image. When Trump stops perpetually lying, starts acting less batsh*t crazy, and becomes less supportive of young men carrying torches, the media would change its focus. As it is, such aberrant behavior in an American leader remains newsworthy.

    2. Warrants. In order to obtain a warrant, a prosecutor has to convince a Judge (typically here a Republican appointee) that it is more probable than not that a crime has been committed.

    3. Climate. When 97% of all reputable, published climate change scientists conclude it is man induced, isn’t it time to reassess? For example, if but 50% of all reputable engineers said the dam would fail, would you continue to put water behind it?

    4. Income inequality. It’s bad. Lowering taxes on the upper 8% will make it worse.

    Best, Mike.

    • 1. The Media will NEVER change its focus. It is heavily invested in regressing the U.S. into a corporatist socialist utopia and will fight to the death, anyone or any thing which stands in the way of our path to serfdom.

      2. 71.8% of Federal Judges are liberal (they’re not all Democrats, BTW) and a full third are Obama appointees.

      3. 500 years ago, 99.99999% of all reputable scientists proclaimed the world as flat, and the center of the Universe. 1000 years ago, my ancestors farmed a portion of Greenland which is now under 2880 feet of ice.

      4. How many of the lower 92% are employers?

    • 97% !? Figures don’t lie but liars do figure. Please go and do some more homework – there’s lots out there on this subject both pro and con. The bottom line is IT’S THE CARBON TAX STUPID! When the earth is plunged into the next Ice Age I assume all these carbon taxes will be revoked – NOT!

  10. Hey Mr. Ure, just wanted to let you know that using your info from Peoplenomics, i was able to gain about 20% in the last 2 months from the trading account i set up. Of course, i don’t have quite the dough you have to play with but I’m still very pleased with my gains. I reinvested it into my preps. None the less, looking at Peoplenomics, since you say the US (or was it Global?) high is in (from your work with Elliot), do you think we still have a ways to go or could a serious drop arrive anytime? Would possibly going short be smart or is it simply in the “wait n’ see” phase of the wave count? Thanks!

  11. George
    Are you familiar with the world wide phenomenon of very loud horn and scraping metal noises coming from the atmosphere?
    No one has any good explanation for it.
    Some think it may be related to activity in the earths core. What ever it is it’s certainly a vibration.

    • Hmmm.. I thought it was plasma waves that made those sounds as solar winds vibrated against our magnetosphere..

      • I guess I shouldn’t have answered that like I know. I’m no scientist but to me that was the only logical answer and the answer I’d tell my kids if they asked.
        If you check the times those are reported around the same time there’s been large plasma emissions.
        Kind of like listening to the wind whistle through the trees or buildings.. the sounds of nature

      • Sit back in your lawn chairs out your feet up..put your old man or woman hat on.. grab a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy the music..
        That’s my suggestion it’s all natural and enjoyable kind of like watching cloud formations..

  12. I don’t think it necessary to withhold Federal fundage from “sanctuary” areas at this time. For now, the FedGov should simply enforce the law — by arresting people who facilitate the creation and maintenance of “sanctuary” anythings, for aiding and abetting in the commission of a Federal felony. 8-figure bail amounts and mandatory hard time behind the wall at Lompoc should fix most problems in short order…

  13. A wiretap was allowed on Manafort well before he started to work with the Trump campaign. More recently a judge was convinced enough that Manafort is a scumbag to allow a no knock warrant on his home.

    Flynn immunity, Nunes midnight ride, DJT’s lies and meeting, FB ads, stolen voter rolls, Russian bots and fake news, Felix Sater, Boris Epshteyn, Sessions recusal, Trump Tower Moscow, Kushner, Rohrbacher (RUSSIA), shady real estate deals with Russians, Russia favoring Trump, WikiLeaks

    There’s more than smoke here. It’s a conflagration. I hope this gets fully investigated, the traitors get convicted and sentenced to hard time or death.

    You’re defense is more faith based than based on the facts on the street. Look at it as the journalist you were not the believer you are.

  14. George, I keep getting a security notice when I go into your actual commentaries. It says I can go back, proceed or look at the certificate. The reason it says is the name of the site and the certificate don’t match. Day before yesterday I just proceeded and had to reload my cell phone back to its original settings because the emails would update. I noticed on that day, when I was trying to write a comment that the cursor would get lost and the page would jump around and the typewriting box wouldn’t pop up. Anybody else inform you of this? No need to publish this but some kind of response would be nice. My email is below.. thanks, Robert PS- it only happens when I use my cell phone to respond.

  15. Answer to Kalifornia:(Image file)

    Also:Constitution Article 1 Sec 8: To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

    A trifecta! All three in one act, in one place.
    I have suggested that the Alabama militia be first to invade, burning or seizing) their crops and raising their cities. Or maybe Georgia. Or Mississippi. Its only fittin’.

    • Calm down Art!
      I would never raise the militia to keep the land of fruits and nutz from succeeding!
      Now, once they are gone, and our free-state, red county brethren (those living on THIS side of the Fault line) want to succeed from THEM, ala W. VA., THEN we can raise the militia and go to their aid, and RESCUE their crops (and water, and oil, and natural resources, including all the rare earth magnet minerals over on the E.Cali/NV boarder)!

  16. “We could, obviously, destroy North Korea with our arsenals.”

    And wasn’t Obama the guy who started his presidency in the home of a terrorist? Bill Ayers was the guy.

    So don’t pretend Obama wasn’t just as much a thug-gangsta as Trump just to make a point today. You think we don’t have memories? Where is Obama’s imperial pen and phone when he needs it? Is Trump such a dictator? No.

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