Time for the 5th chapter of our “Second Depression Handbook” to roll out.
We bounce this morning into the 5th chapter of our planning book on the Second Depression. I still hold to the notion that we are not yet in a position to have the kind of down-and-out grinder of an economic catastrophe that Depressions are.
Simple: There is still too much government can do to avoid the issue. But roll forward a couple of years, out in the 2017 to 2018 period, toss in a new and failing administration, a return of the California drought, and increase in trade warfare, and massive population displacements due to too many people and not enough jobs…well, now we’re getting somewhere.
So we sit back this morning still hoping we have a couple of more years to run…which would be nice because this would not be a good weekend for the world to end…
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“”””I got the pool shot figured, it looks like the formula could be gravity or function and if it rolls on gravity without developing a function to defuse direction, then it rolls into an Iran-Saudi-Turkey – Iraq – Afghanistan – Yemen Muslim nuclear regional civil war.””””
Speaking about Nuclear.. what about the elephant in the room that no one is talking about.. well two elephants.. first if Korea.. and his purchase from Russia of a space platform that seemed to dissapear from view after the launch of the non functional satellite.and now their missile with capabilities to reach our shores.
Then the second one and probably the most important is the Fukushima power plant tragedy a few years ago.. the cores have dissapeared and feared to have burned through contaminating the earth. with how many hundreds of tons of material that has a ratio of one drop kills one square mile. the recent spike in radiation in the us.. this whole scenario could be one massive glow in the night flash goggle event.. I won’t buy salmon or any other fish unless it comes from a fish farm now.. just saying..
“””The amount of acreage planted in 1928 was 71.152 million acres. And of this 59.226 million acres were actually harvested and that led to a yield of 15.4 bushels per acre.”””
I am curious.. the change in tillable acres.. with our housing revolution we have reduced that even more.. by building towns, cities and homes industries etc.. when they look for land they usually pick the best land for their buildings..
In our small community where I use to hunt fish .. in the lush corn fields is now homes businesses etc..
the question I have is with the expansion from the 1930’s what affect will that have on food production in the event of a major drought or other event.
Yeah – that was what I was thinking out in the 2018 period after the regional war/MusRev flash dance. Oil is drying up, people are getting hungry and there’s no one going to have enough resource to grow and distribute the food needed. Which is anotgher case for a small farm property
Yeah. The ability of the MO and MS river valleys productivity is now run by chemical enhancement for fertility. Walk a field in those areas with a small shovel and try, try to find worms/insect life!
My wife [big AG college background ]and I walked one 2 years ago. My wife stops me at dusk and asks me what I hear? I go…typical husband…Uh, dunno!
That was the point. Nothing! No crickets, no birds, no butterflies, no worms for fishing or…any other function. Sterile for the most part!
Next point. I ordered some “outdoor” supplies. I got a notice the firm was bought out. Got ‘nuther email a couple days later on my back order inquiry, one from out of state, another from the EU area corporate HQ!
Arkansas wet stones sources are getting purchased by out of country entities like crazy.
Back in my father’s day…NO strategic resource – source would have EVER been allowed to be sold out of country!
Your post (lack of crickets) reminded me that a few years back, a hunter friend of mine was lamenting the lack of rural squirrels. Seems they all got wise and moved into towns.
another question I have .. is a friend of mine whose business is reliant on the grain shipping industry was telling me his whole business was in jeopardy this past fall.. He said that there was a trend where most of our grain elevators that ship grain from one part of the country to the other has started to be acquired by companies from other countries.. and the material that he needed to keep his company afloat was being offered and shipped there first.. that their major goal was to providing for orders in their country first then ours. Now.. if that is true in a situation similar to the dirty thirties.. what affect would that have on food and goods here.. would they sell just to their countries.. or would the price jump out of the shell creating a whole new catastrophic event from price of goods.
Ok. I see all those billiard balls of war. But how many are real and how many are virtual? Some of those stories seemed questionable. Van a virtual ball effect a real one? Ah the confusing world of perception!
Are you suggesting the rest of the world would be okay with the countries the USA has been waging war on for most of the last 20 years killing tens of thousands of Americans? That is a scary thought.
“… Not that regional nuclear war would be a bad thing, at least initially.”
I think, from Our Mother’s(the Earth) perspective, any use of nuclear weapons is a bad thing.
Her retaliation is to be expected.
All the farming/food was bought up in Argentina after their crash. Their food prices went sky high even though they were producing massive amounts. All of it went overseas.
Same will probably happen to us.