This morning we’re really focused on the market which is about to enter (late this week and early next) one of our “crash zones.” These happen 55-days after significant market peaks. Full Moon comes along with it just to kick it up a notch.
A couple of words on where we are and how to use that information seems like a reasonable thing to do, regardless of whether you are a fiendish bear or a rabid bull.
Something as simple as a small retirement account, or mega millions – it doesn’t matter your financial position in life. The idea around here is focus on ways to make it better in any regard…
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Interesting this should be brought up.. I have a friend whose parents bought a savings bond every payday for each of the children.
When they got older they continued it on.. they would put half of what they made in savings bonds the rest they budgeted with for living expenses..
and ten percent of that went in for ready expenses.. they did this up till the turn around by congress on the middle class mid eighties.. by that time one was able to retire very comfortably and the other two are very well off but had to continue working..
all due to savings bonds..
we had talked about it a lot.. the savings bond being the little guys savings plan.. back in those days it was easier to come up with seven dollars and change for twenty five dollar bond.. today a twenty five dollar investment.. and he was able to use the bonds as collateral..
For the bottom feeder that doesn’t have an extra fifty thousand laying around to invest in stocks or an extra five grand to put in a cd.. this is the easiest way to put away a nest egg for the future..
Unless of course the conspiracy theories is true and the dollar collapses.. but then if that happens and the united states has to adopt a different currancy by investing in the country would that go for the new currancy..
The thing about investing and planning, for today and for those who used to buy bonds 40 years ago, is to change their investment style and standards as the times change.
One of the problems that face people who do only one thing year after year and expect the same results would be called “insane” by Albert Einstein.
But are people capable to make the more complex decisions themselves, do they pay a fee to managers to do it for them and suck away percentages every year in management fees? Do they roll the dice and manage their own money with limited “feelings” (ie. gambling). Or do they study hard for multiple years before making macro-level changes in their investment planning and grow the level of their own responsibilties?
The market is full of people losing money on confirmation bias and others making money on the opposite side of the trade willing to take their money. If everyone invested wisely, the market would look and act differently. Just as people trade-in a car and take “whatever you’ll give me” for it (say $2000) instead of private selling it for $6000 – convenience of the consumer really is just as much a draw as many other factors, sometimes even stronger. So many pay far too much for convenience. And buying bonds weekly from a paycheck was convenient but not always prudent as the times changed.
What is most important to learn is “the more you know the more probable your success”.
Something to keep in mind as you listen to all of these expert talking heads on TV – they are in fact no better than real estate agents (It’s always a great time to buy Real Estate) and it’s always a great time to be invested in the stock market and that is because they get paid by AUM – Assets Under Management – and if they tell you to sell and get out their pay goes down – that’s why when the market gets crushed despite all of the prevailing evidence to the contrary they always say they never saw it coming but now that prices are cheap you need to buy more – the old saying “Don’t be Sore, Buy More” Or “I have all of the experience and you have all of the money and when it’s all over I’ll have all the money and you will have the experience”.
Cash your bonds out and buy a piece of property to live on. You can’t eat those bonds. That’s what I did.
Hey George,
Whaddaya do when you’re staring “nukler” Armageddon in the face and it’s YOUR country that’s being the knucklehead? I often wonder if we’re far enough away from Angelo and Goodfellow, the “intelligence” base in town, but I know our family isn’t since they live and/or work there. 17 miles and behind a hill, supposing a strike would be accurate, may still leave you with a pretty good rash if it happens at night. Day strike? Fuggeddaboutit.
That being said if this is what we’re looking at along with currency destruction – or even making it illegal to HAVE a fair amount of currency on hand that I think you’ve talked about, too, in the past – increasing your net worth by six times can only happen if what you’re holding in your hand is worth anything to anyone else. Looking at the upcoming elections I find it exceedingly difficult to think in terms of anything other than holding on to what you have already. With Trump we *might* have a chance. With Billary? … …
I don’t think you would have to worry about a small base.. unless of course they have missiles there then that would probably be at target..
But consider an ‘airburst’ vs. actually hitting the target – not to mention the extreme overkill both ‘sides’ have . . . kiss your () goodbye!
Oh great. According to the map in your first link above we’re on the list for the limited as well as all-out, hail Mary (or Marx), nuke ’em till they glow scenario. If that’s the case prepping ain’t that much of a concern then is it? The other articles are great, though, for the EMP and CME events. Thanks.
First there is a war in heaven and the dragon is cast down. Until that happens, yawn….
Here in the fish bowl we call earth rememeber its all a reflection of other relms.
If ya have to flip a coin, use a penny. After all, Lincoln was the only honest one.
There is a reason all mirror’s are made from geeen glass!
“1.They never hurry the process of making money. They take their time. Desperation to maintain cash flow from trading profits has a nearly magical ability to turn trades sour.
2.They have a method to their trading and they stick to it. This is done because everyone has a unique take on trading.”
Having been a work a holic I was frustrated one day while working out with a gentleman that was at the time a financial advisor and investment broker.. why is seemed as if I was some rat on a wheel spinning around and around..
His answer was simple.. he said.. is your change in your pocket or a jar on the dresser.. I said its usually in my pocket.. thats why..
Wealthy don’t spend money they save it.. or have you spend yours for them.. they put every penny at the end of the day in a jar on the dresser when its full they put it in savings or a cd etc.. if they get overtime money that money is taken out and put in savings not spent or added to the general budget.. they buy cheaper products Or go without..
Where the average spend it on children and commodities to survive on a daily base..
is your change sitting in a jar or in your pocket..