So much for the best laid plans of men, mice, and all that. We got so wrapped up in discussing the state of world affairs Saturday, that somehow we didn’t start on the Big Antenna Projects until late.
Oh, and I haven’t had time to get Drone #1 back in flying condition, so we might as well start there.
Drone-speak & Drone Repair Tools
The main drones here are Potensic Atom SE‘s. Actually, Potensic makes bot the Atom (plain) and the SE. There are two key differences. The (bigger feature set) Atom features a 3-axis gimbal. Each axis of a gimbal indicates the number of ways you can adjust the camera when the drone is stationary.
The smaller version (SE) only has a single axis.
The single axis means that when the (SE) is holding straight and level flight, you can lower the angle of the camera; essentially from level, seeing-ahead, to looking straight down.
The 3-axis Atom (plain) also rotates around the longitudinal axis. In other words, when the drone banks (to make a turn) the camera stays level.
This may not seem too apparent, but shooting a turning shot while the drone is moving (and noticing the horizon in the process) the 3-axis drone footage will remain framed “level relative to the horizon” while the single axis will “tilt the horizon to the drone turn angle.”
In m”dronematography” this is a very big deal. If you are shooting B&C (boardroom and consumer) video, the “level horizon” is what is usually selected for expansive, sweeping shots. On the other hand, P&P (purists and pilots) you really like the effect of “tilting horizon” because it “keeps you oriented to the actual flight condition of your drone.”
So it really depends on what you’re planning to use completed footage for.
If you’re using the drone for regular (ham radio antenna-lifting) purposes, either one is fine. Because when you are maneuvering slowly, the drone remains very close to level, unless there is a crosswind.
Feeling empowered to shoot that dramatic opening for your YouTube video adventure series that’s going to make you a billionaire?
Hold that feeling. We need to spend money non a few tools.
The screws when setting out to work on a Potensic are all, or mostly all, tiny Phillips heads. I have plenty of screwdrivers for working on ham radio gear, but these take “manual dexterity” to a whole new level. The two used almost exclusively are the gray and yellow handled screwdriver and the blue handled watchmaker’s screwdriver.
The 1.5 mm Allen was just hanging out; it’s commonly used on the (bigger) RC craft and on smallest parts over on the 3D printers . Blue tank top and right is a small (rechargeable) battery powered soldering iron because changing out a drone landing gear involves soldering really tiny wires.
Basic Repair
In theory, it’s easy. In Reality I ended up spending an hour on disassembly and trying to do things right. Because of ancient eyes, I ended up looking at any critical operations through the 10-inch coin microscope (which does double-duty when working on impossibly small surface mount electronic boards):
Flying in from the top right is a black wire that terminates left of center, with a snap-on connector. These are tough to work on (for FFOM = fat-fingered-old-men) because experts recommend the use of tweezers.
Somehow, getting the drone completely opened to work on involved about a dozen tiny screws that would be right at home in a very small woman’s watch.
I finally quit after carefully removing the old (broken) landing gear. This is the drone view with the good gear (lower right) in place and you can see the antenna wire (black) routed to the impossible board.
This whole arrangement bothered me greatly. Because in my experience, you would never have two antenna leads just sitting there, like this (one passing over the other). Instead, you would route them differently to pick up some potential feed point losses.
So, that’s what I’m off to do next. Coffee has soaked-in and the brain is in marginal working order. News flows hasn’t spotted any nukes going off, but we are keeping an eye on the Princeton EGGS to see if they begin bumping on red. If they do, it may be time to keep the flash goggles in hand.
Happy Birthday?
If you hadn’t guessed, I really enjoy writing. And among my heroes, there was this feller name of Twain. Wrote a lot. Books by Twain, Mark (sorted by popularity) – Project Gutenberg and you can download them and read for free. (Like we all have so much free time, right?)
Two that I have always enjoyed – if your third-rate schooling didn’t require them – are A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court by Mark Twain | Project Gutenberg because this is a fun take on early time travel fiction and quite fun.
The other? It’s a rather short piece, which for reasons unknowable was housed with a collection of not-nearly-as-good other scrawls in SKETCHES NEW AND OLD, COMPLETE.
This one – “How I edited an Agricultural Paper“ has always held a certain fascination for me. Because somewhere late in my serious full-time newsing career, I did the first-ever broadcast of computer data to the Public up in Seattle in late 1982 and early 1983.
Result? A lot of self-identification as a writer, taking on an unfamiliar area of of journalism, and trying to make the best of it. This part was particularly enlightening: Twain’s editing efforts are being harshly review by his boss.
“‘Turnips should never be pulled, it injures them. It is much better to send a boy up and let him shake the tree.’
“Now, what do you think of that?—for I really suppose you wrote it?”
“Think of it? Why, I think it is good. I think it is sense. I have no doubt that every year millions and millions of bushels of turnips are spoiled in this township alone by being pulled in a half-ripe condition, when, if they had sent a boy up to shake the tree—”
“Shake your grandmother! Turnips don’t grow on trees!”
“Oh, they don’t, don’t they? Well, who said they did? The language was intended to be figurative, wholly figurative. Anybody that knows anything will know that I meant that the boy should shake the vine.”
Then this old person got up and tore his paper all into small shreds, and stamped on them, and broke several things with his cane, and said I did not know as much as a cow; and then went out and banged the door after him, and, in short, acted in such a way that I fancied he was displeased about something. But not knowing what the trouble was, I could not be any help to him.”
Sometimes, our here in the hamburger raising part of Texas, I can identify with Clemmons/Twain’s writing. Why, even after 25-years of living back on hard land, there are still some aspects of getting the cattle to roost high enough to keep them safe from predators, life remains challenging.
With the anniversary of Twain’s death (yesterday) I wanted to pause an acknowledge one of my few betters.
Write when you, oh, you know…
“one of my few betters” ??
You have a lot of people betting on you!
lol (You aiming to prove the one born every minute saw?)
Far far better to have alot of bettors, than a lot of debtors!
As for roosting do know that is how the Pollack broke his leg, right ?
Enjoy a Mooney-
Speaking of Pollacks, did you know that Alexander Graham Kowalski made history by being the first telephone pole?
oh, you know …
Nice weekend underway though Ole Man Winter keeps throwing chill round-house swings. I am somewhat of a weather geek, first due to being a sailor. Now it’s important. Overnight climate changed (it’s what climate does).
It’s been snowing here pretty much non-stop. Not enough to worry, just enough to seal the ground in a cake. Now comes a Winter Storm Watch. Our SW lower MI counties will surely get another 3″ (hardly an issue) or … 5-8″ which is another kettle of fish.
Sloth plans are set aside, lots of “do this now because it’ll be harder later” has been modulating in on off frenzy, especially since the Missus caught wind (so to speak). I’m calling audibles and hoping the Padawan makes an appearance. TBD.
“If you hadn’t guessed, I really enjoy writing.”
[insert] Buncha wry smiles …
Drone on.
ps – watching for the Canadian AirForce. Straggler geese are in and out but this *change* will get flocks on the move. Just like every year.
Pun police!! Aisle 1! Stat!
Have several mark twain books. One compilation of short stories that I re-read for fun.
“I spent a month in that town one Sunday”
Twain wrote an essay called,
“The Awful German Language,” or
something very close to that. I read
it in high school, circa 1962. I was
taking German at the time.
Bust-a-gut funny.
from planting seeds of thought into minds of men,
to just plain working the soil
the endevors of men
I once tried growing chickens
don’t know if I planted to close together or to deep,
so to ease my mind I took a boat ride on the Ella B’
down the Mississippi,,, Twain style
and enjoyed some hot biscuits and country ham
fried chicken , mashed potatoes and candied yam.
Amazing Rythem Aces song ‘Ella B’
it is Sunday and I thank God, no Killary or Kamelknees
no K’s is ok with me
take a pedo fishing day,,,
Yes, what a good band the Amazing Rhythm Aces was! Thanks for reminding me of their music.
“there are still some aspects of getting the cattle to roost high enough to keep them safe from predators”
Dump the cattle and get goats. Goats will go all the way to the top of a tree if they can get a good foothold.
Yes, but then, you have to shake the branch to get them to come down…
Mark Twain’s books and other older books:
Most of the time for your Kindle you can download an Entire Library of an author’s books for Free or for $.99 direct from Amazon (imo easier to pay $.99 and not have to spend all the time to individually download book after book). For $10 you can add a couple of hundred books to your Kindle by doing that.
Now where you find the time to read all of those books in our modern day and age I haven’t figured out yet … but I am hopeful. Maybe I can absorb those books the way Professor Howard Hill (The Music Man) .. by putting my hands on the device and the information will just transfer to my brain!!
My introduction to Clif High was through a piece of software he wrote — the “Vortex Reader.” Vortex was a really simple application into which you could drop a plaintext document, and it would send that document to your monitor one word at a time, at a user-selectable speed of, from something like 24WPM to 2400WPM.
Clif released the Reader as crippled shareware in the mid-1990s. I was building computers, but was always on the lookout for newer, better, or unique shareware and freeware, so in my spare time I trawled SimTel ( and Winsite ( tirelessly and downloaded and sampled or betatested software – a LOT of software. I had a computer set up to wipe and reload nightly, and would put between 120 and 200 utils and apps through their paces every month. Vortex was very simple, but also kinda awesome, because it could be used as both a screen-reader and a speed-reading trainer. When it passed my testing, I bought the real thing, and included his shareware release in the “sample software” library of every computer I sold. (I still use it to this day, to speed up my reading when I feel myself dragging.)
After I bought the unlimited version, I piped its stdout to a TTS engine linked to Microsoft’s (incredibly arcane, by today’s standards) voice library, which let my computer read Project Gutenberg texts aloud while I was doing real work on one of the other computers. Vortex could do about 1200-1250WPM before the Microsoft “voice” lost its ability to “keep up” with the enunciation required to keep the spoken word recognizable without effort.
Acquiring a device which does TTS and reads aloud is a lot easier now than it was in 1995 or ‘6.
Just sayin…
I’ll be Ure huckleberry..
Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot.
by ORDER of the AUTHOR
Per G.G., Chief of Ordnance
..But I reckon I got to light out of the Territory ahead of the rest, because Aunt Sally she’s going to adapt me and sivilize me and I cant stand it. I been there before.
When you mentioned getting the cows to roost higher for safety from the coyotes and such, I remembered your instructions for “limbing up” the property to make it easier to walk without ducking.
That should get the cattle up higher, but I imagine that is why Texans were wide brimmed hats, for the falling cow patties.
Another reason to choose goats over cows… pellets bounce, patties splat.
as expected, Trump going after BRICS … let the games begin
And there off !
..and coming around the first turn its…Bejing!
Selling US dollar bonds in Suadi Arabia = China sells these bonds, the ARAB US dollars can be diverted to Belt&Road Initiative (BRI) partner nations as Loans, so they are able to repay their extortion-style debts to the Hegemon controled IMF and the world bank.
Best Part?
– these BRI partners can repay those dollar loansto China using – The Yuan, as well as merchandise they produce or their natural resources = FAST De-Dollarization Highway-
“there are still some aspects of getting the cattle to roost high enough to keep them safe from predators”
So… you live in ChickenBurger country?
Yeah I hate it when a flying cow drops its poop on the car windshield lol lol lol lol…just kidding lol lol
how does a cow hide in the strawberry patch ..he paints the toenails red..have you ever seen a cow in the strawberry it works doesn’t it..
the good news is ..we are still here today.. Scott Ritter did a post yesterday that was afraid that nukes could be flying in 48 hours.. so far so good..and so far Congress is still doing the Macarena and doesn’t see anything worthy of them coming to work and intervention in what’s going on..
neither side.. now I had visited with our congressman.. she he was first running his wife and he went door to door..sat at the table and we all had coffee and I believe if memory serves me well cake.. he’s not an idiot.. or stupid from what I gathered.. and I don’t think rand Paul or Ted Cruz is why aren’t they bringing this moronic stupid crap up.. no one on tv or in any news making references to what is going on.. are they bought off..or just to insulated from real life that they just figure who in the hell cares..
that is what scares one cares enough to jump in and do their jobs..all of it will be tabled and used again the next campaign season..that is if things don’t escalate out of control first..
Kowalski was an upright citizen.
Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana…
(“We got so wrapped up in discussing the state of world affairs Saturday, that somehow we didn’t start on the Big Antenna Projects until late.”)
I hear ya.. I went to brew a pot of coffee.. maybe got an making coffee was never an issue.. I collect coffee pots and grinders .. but this keurig is convenient.. its a duo so a pot and a cup.. I like mine a tad stronger than the wife..put in the de-scaler…oh no.. so I debated on using a stronger acid..when I made cleaning chemicals part time day labor.. I had seen the scariest thing ever making toilet bowl de-liyming.. so acids do make me nervous.. the question was do I do it or just run to the store and buy a new coffee maker.. we do like the keurig duo.. well I finally decided to use the stronger acid..
it took a few hours but its now working..I will leave the acid in it for a few more hours before I rinse and restart it..phew..
Thanks for reminding me who wrote “A Connecticut Yankee…”. I played King Arthur in our high school production of it way back last century. Brings back memories fer sure.
(“Turnips should never be pulled, it injures them. It is much better to send a boy up and let him shake the tree.’”)
yes I can see that.. and women are the only ones that should deal with a mans rhubarb.. men should never pull or deal with another mans rhubarb.. it just isn’t right…lol lol lol lol..
Well , pedo joe just sealed his historyby breaking his “Word” that he would not pardon his son. Any one got a salty taste in their mouth when he said he would tap on your head ? Accually , he just handed the American Citizens a Shit sandwich, try it ,you will like it.
On the eve of nuclear destruction of the world as we know it, we’ve fallen to cow-shit and Texas hat jokes?
What the Hell? Why not?
Ya just knew he would…,
WASHINGTON — Joe Biden pardoned his son Hunter Sunday night, a reversal for the president, who repeatedly said he would not use his executive authority to pardon his son or commute his sentence.
“I believe in the justice system, but as I have wrestled with this, I also believe raw politics has infected this process and it led to a miscarriage of justice — and once I made this decision this weekend, there was no sense in delaying it further. I hope Americans will understand why a father and a President would come to this decision,” Biden said in his statement.
Hunter Biden was scheduled to be sentenced on Dec. 12 for his conviction on federal gun charges. He also was set to be sentenced on Dec. 16 in a separate criminal case in which he pleaded guilty to federal tax evasion charges in September.
Heads up on subject matter – Slo-pedo-Joe
Every single remote viewer ( that has viewed this entity has had the exact same reactions to his Mind/Spirit/Energy, and that is one of REVULSION. A very dark minded individual – none of the viewers were able get anywhere near “comfortable” while engaging with the entity.
Dude is one creepy ass mutha fucka. He is a “hate the face” kinda entity, one of the most arrogant pieces of shit I ever had the displeasure of being around at a Phillies game..once or twice.. His lack of “color” in aura suggests a very compromised Spirit&Soul, or worse.
It would not surprise me to see someone go after Hunter now.
Minus the ones gotten out by people like Glenn Beck, Mr. Biden sentenced about 270,000 Americans and Afghan “American assets” to death via his “Afghanistan pullout.”
I said at the time I wouldn’t be surprised if someone who escaped but whose family were executed, would find his(her) way to CONUS and acquire a .338…
Professor nez on nez nation…
Joe Biden pardoned Hunter ..
now will this be on any news channel..
Two and a half freaking billion dollars
James Carville is on the warpath against the Kamala campaign and its torching of billions in donor cash:
“These fundraisers are burnt. The damage that the 2024 campaign has done to the Democratic brand is almost unfathomable. We’re going to audit everything. We’re going to audit the campaign.”
{Forgot the link…}
A journey through the world’s newest narco-state
Drugs transformed Ecuador from a Latin American success story into a war zone
By Alexander Clapp
This piece was supported by the Pulitzer Center
Resting on a crest of highland overlooking Ecuador’s Pacific coast, Los Bajos is a squalid collection of rough brick homes interspersed with the occasional slot casino. A jungle-clad hill looms over the town; vultures wheel above the unlit dirt road that weaves down to it through scrubland exuding a sour stench, like that of too-fresh fertiliser. Signs warn that anyone caught dumping rubbish along the road will be subject to a $900 fine, though for the residents of Los Bajos it’s hardly the litter that’s been the problem of late. It’s the corpses.
Not Lawfare. Justice.
The estimated half a billion tax dollars spent by the DOJ over the past four years to pursue Donald Trump and his supporters demands accountability. And consequences.
After enduring nearly a decade of torment at the hands of hyperpartisan, unaccountable prosecutors and judges, President-elect Donald Trump appears poised to make good on his promise to hold government officials responsible for destroying public trust in the country’s once-revered legal and judicial system.
Trump officials to receive immediate clearances and easier FBI vetting
Exclusive: president-elect’s team planning for background checks to occur only after administration takes over bureau.
Donald Trump’s transition team is planning for all political appointees to receive sweeping security clearances on the first day and only face FBI background checks after the incoming administration takes over the bureau and its own officials are installed in key positions, according to people familiar with the matter.
ISTM most of Trump’s appointees already have security clearances, so this is just a stirring of an empty pot. Were I Mr. Trump, I’d not trust the FBI either.
Trump’s Border Czar spent his Thanksgiving doing what REAL leaders do…
It’s downright disgraceful how quickly the Biden/Harris regime managed to destroy this country by throwing open the floodgates and letting hordes of criminal illegals pour into our communities, all in a calculated effort to change the face of US elections and cling to power for generations. This is exactly what tyrants do when their policies and agenda are rejected by the people—they rig the system to keep themselves in control.
Texas will bus illegal aliens to ICE directly instead of sanctuary cities for deportation.
Greg Abbott is going to work directly with Border Czar Tom Homan to implement the largest deportation operation in U.S. history.
Nothing like a little holiday weekend family values to tug at the heart strings:
And remember, no one is above the law (except the lawyer gangs and their offspring, employees, patrons, spouses, etc).
Late getting to the comments section today.
Came across a link to “Replacement Migration”
You will find it with a search for:
“Replacement Migration UN Report”
Add “pdf”; scroll down for an
“Executive Summary” to review.
It is a eye opening even shocking report
on declining birth rates in western countries.
So of course the UN says we must let large
numbers of third world citizens into our
countries or we will lose our national stature.
I am an old man but I just had a new grand-
child born this year. Will not be able to help
her much but do worry about the world
and the U.S. she will grow up in!!
Be Well to All that Pass By Here!
What do you say??
UN out of the U.S.
U.S. out of the UN
Thank You Mr. Ure and all the commentors
who leave behind so much of themselves
with their comments.