There is a problem common to all investing pursuits: Which side of the Inflation Monster to play.
It’s important in the very short-term, like today. And in the longer-term, as well. But it’s the middle ground where the art and science of living kicks in.
Take this morning, for example. From a low of 0.9330 (that is, 93.3-cents worth of Euro for a Dollar) we have traded as high as 0.9363 today. While this may not seem like a very Big Deal, in fact the Dollar went up 0.35 percent.
Since it will now take fewer dollars to buy the same asset value (internationally) there may be some downward pressure on stock indexes over the day. It’s also the flip side of inflation.
However, reality is not evenly distributed. The stronger dollar should bring down rates. Thus, when we look at bond prices on the futures board, we see the rate is coming down as we would expect (4.64 on the 30 early, versus 4.84 Wednesday) which means bond prices firming a bit.
The see-saw is in play. Bond rates began to come down as the stock market began its manic rise last week. That’s because stocks (like home prices if you want to think of it that way) are more (or less) directly reflecting anticipated inflation.
As bond prices come down, though, the return on bonds (especially the higher rate bonds) will go up (as their price is discounted less with lower interest, if you follow).
But what is REALLY interesting is how all this works out on the National Debt. Which at the most recent from Treasury was $33,723,125,002,884.23. Which, if you want to look at compound woes of government finance, pencils out to a little over $1.6 trillion of annual interest alone on our phony-money scam. Well, $1,632,199,250,139.597 if you value precision. Based on the 30-year rate.
The risk is precision versus accuracy in our thinking, however. The calculation is precise but it’s not accurate in that the whole pile of public debt is not commanding 4.84 percent. We still have the piles of shorter-term notes and bills such that accurate thinking is closer to a trillion.
Of course, it will never all be paid off, so it might as well be $2-trillion since over time, ongoing irresponsible finance (which rules the District of Deception) will continue slowly scamming and indicators like the Fed’s “higher for longer” (HFL) is merely the counterpoise to “lower for longer” (LFL) which was touted just a few years back.
For me, the scary part is not the rate declining so much as it is the turmoil that will result when people like me point out the number of people “officially working” this month is 161.222 million people. (BLS data Series Id: LNS12000000.) Making our increased share as individuals each at the 30-year rate, pencils out to $10,123.92.
Living on our sailboat in San Francisco (2001) we bought some gold. And then in Burbank, 2005 we bought some silver. Both were spectacular. Because we saw then the very same game as now (plus or minus a middle east LIHOP war): Government is addicted to long-term ruin of money’s purchasing power and substitution thereof with debt.
Effectively, no one can even own a home “free and clear” in today’s world. You either pay the vig (protection) to the government (in the form of property, income, and sales taxes) or Uncle and local siblings will steal it all away from you. They require your participation to keep scamming us. But for now, it’s still the best place to live in the world, so we put up with it.
With an occasional bitch note and calls for ethical behavior, now and then. Which is answered with more budget stupidity and let’s toss in some wars to really jack shit up.
The War Party is doing its work, inflation is here. Only unresolved question is whether they drive America’s remnants into a Germany-style hyperinflation, or whether China – which has the same over-built manufacturing problem we experienced in our Great Depression back in ’29, will roll over first.
I keep test-fitting Taiwan as the Sudetenland and wonder if that shoe might be along next. We remain sniping at short positions and wondering about how overblown this rally can remain.
The 1500 Mile Front
We’ve decided to provide war coverage as a travelog because ‘News overload’: how a constant stream of violent images affects your brain. Picturing it as a History Channel show might make it ever so slightly less urgent. Not that WW3 isn’t mind you.
Starting today’s travelog in Ukraine, and working south to Egypt, we’d like to point out the following sights and spectacles along our route this morning.
UKR reports War update: Ukrainian aircraft launch 15 strikes on enemy positions over past day (
That said, the Ukraine leadership is in crisis because it’s clear the war is not going well at all. Yeah, in spite of Free spender Houseplant and string-pulled corporate media: V.Zelensky-V.Zaluzhny fierce clash over Avdivka: End the “No. 2” of the Ukrainian General Staff – Pogroms of persecution in the armed forces – Fears of a coup.
We should mention that someone in the White House can still read and understand people don’t like writing checks for losing wars: White House delivers bad news on Ukraine aid (
Off to the eastern side of the front, Georgia in the throes of war: Armed incidents in South Ossetia and Abkhazia – “Invaded by a group of saboteurs with NATO weapons” says Moscow! – Which is a “duh” because we all know the neocons need another front to distract from the leveling of Gaza which we’ll get to.
The BIG player which could flip any day, as we figure it, is Turkey. After effectively door-slamming SecState Blinken’s overtures, Turkey is going soft on admitting the Swedes to NATO. Because the EU has been pulling back from representation that if Erdogan would just be a “good little soldier” Turkey could get into the EU. The EU is now dicking him around Turkey says EU is ‘unjust and biased’ on membership bid | Reuters which may belie plans of the neocons to get Turkey into their global war to dominate the leftovers, which seems to be the direction of play.
Next scenic layover is Syria on our morning tour where Syria: US carries out airstrikes in eastern Syria targeting IRGC and Iranian-backed groups’ weapons storage facility. If the jets came from Turkey, that would be another Muslim complaint about Erdogan’s choice of political allies. If from a carrier…we didn’t get a sense of it.
This gets us south to Lebanon, inshore from the huge oil and gas fields which Israel wants and there are rumors of more off Gaza. What to Know About Hezbollah and Fighting on the Israel-Lebanon Border.
Further south, we’re into the highlight of today’s tour: Gaza. To survive, people are trying to leave: Watch live: View of south Gaza as thousands flee Israeli-Hamas fighting in north.
Last stop is Egypt, which has shown a lot of restraint – so far – but who knows when that will fail: The Rafah crossing is being used as a political lever: Rafah crossing between Gaza and Egypt closed due to security -US State Dept. Which is trying to get a hostage exchange ginned up and to hornswoggle Egypt into a long-term role in After Gaza. Which got a simple AYFKM from who? Egypt rejects managing security in post-war Gaza: Senior Egyptian officials – Foreign Affairs – Egypt – Ahram Online.
We wrap up the tour with the good news (no nukes, bioweapon II, and no EMP) and the bad (still bloody awful hate and more warring to come). If we didn’t have neocons and instead could focus on our own borders…
Meanwhile, the neocon promoters have been outed again for fake propaganda on the web: Fact Check: Video of policeman set on fire is from 2020 Mexico protest, not London 2023 | Reuters. The Big Lie was about a supposed video of Palestinian supporters burning a bobbie.
Feeling like a drink, are you? Sweet tea is the choice at this hour. Is it 4 PM, yet?
Niki Pompoms and Others
Our favorite GOP cheerleader in the 2024 fiasco is still Haley, followed by Ramaswamy says right here in the after-action Drudge poll; **DRUDGE POLL* WHO WON 3RD REPUBLICAN DEBATE – Results.
DeSantis was judged third, but this is all a time sink since Orange Man hasn’t tossed support to anyone but himself.
Variously Newsable
Asleep at the switch dept: Texas grid regulator and watchdog set to resign.
Back to voiceovers: SAG-AFTRA Reaches Tentative Agreement to End Historic Strike.
Oh, by the way, aliens are real. Well, seems that way as Pentagon UFO boss steps down after explosive admission | Metro News. Spoiler: He said yeah, maybe there’s some truth to recent whistleblower claims. Beam me up! Or let’s go to Bonnybridge. UK’s UFO hotspot where councilors want a Government inquiry.
Humans are working hard at covering things up and improving automated killing systems. Watch an uncrewed Navy ‘ghost boat’ fire live missiles. I should have listened to Jack Browder, who lived down the street from me 65-years ago when I was in school. Dude thought there would be a future in radio-controlled models. Didn’t mention a whole freaking industry. His dad was an early whiz at fiberglass hydroplane models…
Around the Ranch: Daily Lists
12-days, or so, until our consigliere lands for our annual turkey fest. This year, we will have a couple of drones on hand, too. He’s a DJI mini owner and I love my Potensic. He won’t risk his higher-end ride putting up ham radio antennas, but we will likely get the new “linear capacitor super-antenna installed at 60-70 feet.
Wednesday’s project list for me didn’t get done because my Chinese diesel heater (in the lean-to) greenhouse dropped a fuel line. As a result, I pissed away most of the day putting in the new line. Wasn’t bad – half hour deal – but the priming? OMG.
I could NOT get the controller to do into prime-the-fuel-line mode to save my soul. Sat there and went through many cycles and then many more to get all the air out of the new line and filter…. finally got it working though. How to fix on ShopTalk Sunday this week.
We picked up one of those new (read: cheap!) indoor hydroponics planters. We got this one, but tomorrow is Black Friday for Walmart, I think so keep an eye on prices. Make a list today. Which gets us to…
Elaine and I have been diligent about making lists every day this week. A few things are actually getting done. This is pick-up day at Wally World where 2-1/2 weeks of chow tipped in at $754. Of course, that’s because $150 of that is a couple of prime rib roasts for the holidays, then there’s some wine… but let’s see what is actually in stock…
Write when you get rich,
Had today’s column up and ready for after chores and chow call. Apparently the house plants saw it first and all are up in a tither again, thanks George. When I came in for the morning read, the Spider Plant is all in a frenzy, the Peace Lilly is acting not very peaceful, and the snake plant is hissing. She says tell him to ssssssstop calling that perssssson a Houssssssplant. How rude!!! Why doesssssn’t he call him, I don’t know, a Doorsssstop maybe. Hey, watch it you whiny little houseplant, I can see your roots, says the doorstop by the bookcase.
For Pete’s sake the entire house is full of Karen’s. Think I’ll head over to the shop. I brought a load of hand tools from my uncles house a couple weeks back that heed some clean up and rust removal. The guys in the rollaway’s are a little jealous so I’ll leave the drawers open so they can watch.
Stay safe. 73
Love your houseplant tales! Good comic relief from the non-comic world events.
George, after a couple of decades the diesel in the tanks at the ranch is finally showing signs of degrading. The tractor, I thought, was losing one cylinder (it only has 3) until I put some fresh diesel from the Stripes down the road in it and it came back to life. My question is would your diesel heater care very much if it was burning old or new diesel? Trying to find a use for the old stuff as no one is going to come get it for recycling and there’s more there than I can mix with Remedy to kill mesquite and cactus.
Re: Employment rate. One thing that you’ll never hear on the nightly news regarding the employment rate is that a significant number of employed people are working TWO jobs to make ends meet. I think it was Bob Kientz that said it on a recent video.
The more we know about the inner workings of this economy the more it’s appearing to be like the Banda Aceh tsunami that traveled the width of the Indian Ocean basically undetected until sudden death and destruction hit and made history. Anyone in the path of destruction is toast.
Try adding Pri-D. Performance Research Institute Diesel additive.
I use the gasoline version. It’s good stuff.
The label doesn’t look familiar but I’ll check around at the local auto parts and service stores. I’ve been using Diesel Kleen, mainly for the lubricity additive but it also boosts the Cetane level, in the tractor but that didn’t seem to matter over the last couple of tanks. I could be getting down to the bottom of the first tank but the filter on the tank doesn’t show any rust or water intrusion yet so I figure I’m dealing with a chemical breakdown due to age.
I concur with OO above! Pri-D is a good product, ideally circulated with the old diesel. I’d use at least partially new diesel in the winter, but in summer, most old school non-common rail diesels will sip most anything that burns. Good luck!
Power Service and Stanadyne are both good manufacturers. I use PS myself — keep Kleen +, 911, and antigel laying around. PRI will not raise octane (gas) or cetane (diesel) levels, but it will not interfere with other additives, so I’ll use Kleen + in my preserved diesel. Meijer sells 50 cetane diesel. They take the crap 42 cetane stuff that everybody has, then crank it up with Stanadyne. Pri-D works just fine with this diesel (and so do Kleen and 911…)
Your best bet for scoring PRI products is likely Amazon. They’re stock Wal-Mart items, but not all WallyWorlds carry them, and those which do will have 40 bottles of Sta-Bil for every bottle of PRI. Same story with truck stops — name recognition wins the shelf-space wars…
Performance Research is a Texas company. They’re located over on the west side of Houston.
“PRI is the industry leader at restoring old and stale fuels. PRI can bring back to life most gasoline and diesel fuels of the worst condition. PRI has been independent laboratory tested on 10-13 year old fuels, and has restored the fuel to usable condition.”
PRI formulation is excellent for all mid-distillate fuel (Diesel #1, Diesel #2, Kerosene, Home Heating Oil, Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel, Low and High Sulfur Diesel, Marine Diesel Oil, Marine Gas Oil).
Pri-D is reputed to be able to rescue & restore 30yo diesel or HHO.
Pri-G is reputed to be able to rescue 10yo “gasoline” or real gasoline (no alcohol) that’s 30 years or more, old.
You used to could call the folks at PRI and they’d talk to you about their tech, and exactly how PRI works, even if you were just buying a gallon. I’m guessing they’ve gotten big enough that this is no longer SOP for them.
Petey buttgag is in ukraine doing business. What is his job title again? And does his husband know that zelenski is also gay , hmmmm. Also , it has come out that cnn was inbedded with hamas on October 7 raids in Israel. Prior knowledge?
Nooooo, impossible, say it aint so W, say it aint so..
-Israhell lying ? NEVER!
bwahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaahh =LAUGHING @ yawehseth
Natasha – we must no let the noggodniks push the Caucasian persuasion into killing themselves anymore, dam the gods! -
I can’t even watch the wars anymore, because there’s nothing credible or justifiable about them. Too many holes in everyone’s stories … but that’s what ya get when covering a script.
Saddest thing is, people are needlessly dying and the rest are faced with a living hell.
The frightening thing is, what goes around can come around. Population control. Who’s next? And who after that? Rinse and repeat cycle.
“I can’t even watch the wars anymore, because there’s nothing credible or justifiable about them. Too many holes in everyone’s stories … but that’s what ya get when covering a script. ”
Bob, the “holes” are placed there. It is propaganda, manipulation, and mind-fucking, and it is intentional.
I am truly being the eternal optimist when I say: There will be nothing said or done in the lead-up to the 2028 Election, which can be believed. It will all be able to be faked — speeches, appearances, and interviews, and it will be able to be faked in real time. The only way one will be able to believe their eyes or ears is if they personally attend a political rally and witness the goings-on, live.
The pessimist in me says I’m not giving the technology its due, nor giving political nihilists credit for the level of dishonesty to which they’ll stoop, to black-ball the candidates their “guy” (or gal) is running against… and this scenario will play out for the 2024 Election.
If you think about it, that would both permit us to “hold an election” and validate Stu’s contention at the same time, because it would be the real-life illustration of the question: “When is an election, not an election…?”
there are so many holes it can get real buggy trying to figure out what is real and what is made up…
I honestly believe that there won’t be an election.. COG will be enacted marshal law and the election will be put on hold..if it all doesn’t just take off from there..
the thought is confusion.. get so much crap going on and concerned about their personal safety that no one will care about the rest of it..
It’s funny how the cameras have always been convienently there ready collect the prefect photo/vid op and coverage. Mr. Ure ?Care to comment on the currrent state of the MSM News industry?
It’s all going as I wrote so many years ago, and frankly that is disheartening, because the worst is almost here.
Nostradamus Quatrain I-40
The False Whirlwind [Trump] concealing folly
Makes Byzantium (Turkey) change its laws:
Hystra of Egypt one who wants to protest
[The] Edict changing money and alloys.
Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars, The Propehcies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 552/656
I might suggest that Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan will fully embrace Russia by withdrawing from NATO altogether and then closing all NATO military bases. “Makes Byzantium (Turkey) change its laws” is Erdogan’s payback.
As I mentioned, presently Quatrain I-40 is coming into play and we have the anagram HYSTRA, who turns out to be Libya’s new strongman, General Khalifa Haftar.
Nostradamus and the Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2010, Page 617
Let us consider that the “Gateways” to Europe are both of the Turkish Straits, the Dardanelles, known historically as the Hellespont, and the Bosphorus Strait. That means the Chinese will move through Iran and the Caucuses and be in Turkey in one week.
Nostradamus Quatrain V-54
Of the Black Sea and great Tartary,
A King who will come to see the Gaul (France):
Piercing through Alania and Armenia,
And [from] within Byzantium (Turkey) leaves Gaul (France) bloody.
Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars, The Propehcies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 721
I believe we can narrow the future attack on Eastern Turkey to a Russian invasion through the Caucasus countries, and an attack on Western Turkey by NATO forces.
Nostradamus Sixain XXXI (28)
He who has overcome the hazards,
Who has never feared sword, fire, water,
And of a country close to Toulouse,
By a blow of steel the entire world astonished,
Strangely given by the Crocodile,
People delighted to see such a spectacle.
Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars, The Propehcies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 791
The Blows of Steel are more than likely the precursor events to igniting a much larger war. They seem to occur before nuclear weapons are used in Turkey and the in the Aegean Sea. I now suspect that they are part of a terrorist false-flag act designed to start a nuclear war.
Nostradamus Sixain XIX (16)
Six Hundred and five [1605-2010], six hundred and six [1606-2011] and seven [1607- 2012],
It will show us up to the year seventeen [1617-2022],
Of the pursuit of fire anger, hatred and envy [nuclear weapons],
Under the olive tree [Israeli-Egyptian Peace Treaty] for a long time hidden, The Crocodile [Egypt] has hidden on the land,
That which was dead, will then be alive. [State of War between Israel and Egypt].
Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars, The Propehcies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 789
In the Berlin Lead Tube Prophecies, the prediction for the year 1979 was “The Death of Judah”. Israel did not die in 1979, but on March 26th, 1979 it did sign the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty.
Both The Lead Tube Prophecies and Nostradamus seem to agree with the prophecies in Islamic Hadith. This Sixain specifically addresses the prediction that the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt will be broken.
Jealous of Israel’s possession of nuclear weapons, “the pursuit of fire”, Egypt has secretly developed nuclear weapons
And Monday is November 13th, another potential 1-1-3 Ritual Day.
“Nostradamus Quatrain I-40
The False Whirlwind [Trump] concealing folly”
fixed it below for ya, unless ya got a logical reason to inset Trump into an old prophecy
Nostradamus Quatrain I-40
The False Whirlwind [Biden] concealing folly
the election thief
The False Whirlwind [Obama] concealing folly”
the homo cocaine addict with a he/she mate
That’s not how it works. And Q is a PYSOP. And there IS NOT going to be an election. So, please stop the silliness.
Trump and Pence threatened Erodogan. That’s over. The Turkish Lira has collapsed. Erodgan is done with NATO.
And yes, it is all about “The Gay Deep State.” It’s a Skull and Bones coffin thing.
See the reply to myself on why I think it all goes down in the next few weeks.
like Trump and Pence are a team, I think not,,, Pence was forced on Trump. I missed this threat you talk about. towards Erodogan
Yes Q is a psyop, raising children is a psyop,
like any other tool, it is neither good or bad, it is the heart of the tool operator that determines intent.
as far as an election in ’24’, I do see the possibility of it being problematic as the criminal element will NOT yield power voluntarily. There will NOT be free and HONEST elections as long as we use machines to count for the cheating owners, and the software flipping votes in a ratio.
We all shall see, I went & read,,, Trump’s letter
“You don’t want to be responsible for slaughtering thousands of people, and I don’t want to be responsible for destroying the Turkish economy – and I will,” he wrote.
“History will look upon you favorably if you get this done the right and humane way,” Trump continued. “It will look upon you forever as the devil if good things don’t happen.”
“Don’t be a tough guy. Don’t be a fool!” he finished, adding: “I will call you later.”
none of us is 100% correct, but I like to think I am, even when I know I AM human, for the time being,,, I AM open to being corrected, by truth,,, over opinion or deception
I bought ure book and think you are one of the good guys and like to read your work.
I am finishing up my book, and my claim to fame is that a dating code exists in 33 Nostradamus’ prophecies. Most of them have passed. I didn’t think there was one for 2023. But I have changed my mind.
In the original 1555 Almanac it specifically was printed 23.
Nostradamus Presage 7 May 1555
The five [1605-2010], six [1606-2011], fifteen [1615-2020], late and early the one sojourns.
The heir [Henri] without end: the cities revolted:
The herald of peace 23 [or twenty & three] [2003] or [2023],
The overt 5. [five] [constrained/locked down]. news invented.
2010: Arab Spring
2011: NATO attacks Libya
2020: COVID-19 lockdowns and BLM Riots
It all interlocks, and I say it is possible that in 2023 “the cities revolt,” because the dollar collapses after “The First Blow of Steel.” That happens, because of “the Princes of Jerusalem’s heinous deed,” which seems to be in progress and we now await, “The First Blow of Steel.”
My translation in line four of serre fixes a nearly 500-year old printing error. “Serre” translates as tight/squeezed and I have seen Nostradamus use it for chained/imprisoned in other prophecies. I suggest this means another lockdown or Martial Law in 2023.
Well., we have 52 Days left in 2023. Gonna be moving rather fast from here on out.
I certainly hope you are wrong … but unfortunately the way events are speeding up the potential is definitely there.
When Covid was getting going the guy over at “Peak Prosperity” (who got banned on YouTube because of his disagreement with what the government was saying – and he had a Phd in the sciences and wanted to talk REAL science which was a NO NO for You Tube /Twitter /Facebook at the time) had a phrase/saying the concept of which has always stuck to me about diseases, but really applies to anything, including markets.
His concept was (since I can’t remember his exact phrase):
A single problem here, and then there
Then a very small groups of the problem(s) scattered around
Then SUDDENLY without anymore notice it all falls apart and is everywhere and overwhelming in scope and depth ALL AT ONCE
If you go back and look at the history of modern full scales wars that is exactly how they happen. From just a small event … to a massive War in just a month or less.
WW1 went from an assassination to a full scale war in less than a month. WW2 went from an invasion of Poland to a full scale European War even quicker – though the “False Peace” of the winter of 1939-1940 made some people think it had been contained but once it broke it’s containment it was Full On in less than 48 hours. The US Civil War ramped up at nearly the same speed, even though communications were considerably slower back in those days.
I pray that you are wrong, but fear that you are right.
33 Stewey – 33
theres them degrees again..a sweeping 33 degrees from Orion. From that vantage point Earth “appears” to be in the clutchs/pincers of the Scorpion/Scorpio. There is even a Nosty drawing of this Scorpion in the pieces given to his Sun..depicting where we be in startime when that particular quatrain hit the headlines..
Where did I leave those LibertyCaps ? Got a plane to take…………………down.
I hear ya stu… dam if I wasn’t just hoping that the books were just interesting reading.. to see it unfold as you had written.. is quite scary to say the least..
Hmmm.. what is that old quote…
“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”
— Henry Kissinger”
The view from my front porch the Bric’s..via the slo joe play.. will take a seat on the top if not forcing the group that is currently on the top off of their pinnacle.. IF those on the top are forced down from their few thousand year of controls perch will be historic.. and all of it because of some Dumb ass’s criminal son and brother.. all for a few children to rape and some drugs and a few bucks hidden away..then because of their greed and addictions playing with important powers that demand compensation.. we are in this position and the people on the top rung are forced to consider the prospect of them having to bow down.. not a good view from here.. nothing I can do about any of it.. right now.. NATO countries are being forced to deal with another deep freeze winter.. the groups sending men and boys across the borders hasn’t slowed down and what seems to appear as an administration that is harboring and helping them along the way.. None of this looks good.. Either way we lose.. I don’t see those at the top taking this lightly either..
“If my sons did not want wars, there would be none.” Gutle Schnaper Rothschild”
EVEN if for some miraculous reason this is resolved peacefully .. the best we can expect to see is a depression worse than the weimar depression.. the dollar,pound and euro’s total collapse..and a new multi nationional currency developed..
they have signed agreements with the majority of the food markets.. all around the globe.. these countries are buying into the bric’s.. the opposition bought the greedy joe card..and now are in a pretty scary position.. what was that that monkey brought up.. the shipping container companies dropping laborers because they see a shipping and demand crisis coming up..
I was talking to someone at costco yesterday about the 250.00 rotisserie chicken we both got caught in the mix of the store with carts filled to the sky.. LOL and we were joking about all the toilet paper sales they were making.. everyone had a couple of cases on their carts LOL all the golden goodies sat in the display cases..
As G.A. Stewart wrote, “It all interlocks.”
Madonna is one of Satan’s Cheerleaders. This video from 2019 has been carefully analyzed, lot of messages here.
What Madonna was telling us was that death (Covid) “isn’t in the air” – it’s “inside of us” (in the vaccine!)
Nice [X] Eye patch. That the key? The Message delivered..
Turkey baster for priming?
If you look at the following video of a channel called Boats vs. Haulover (Inlet) you will see that the Navy’s autonomous vessel seems to have the hull of a Cigarette and the top half of a Midnight Express.
Dont look now Luddylu, but BTC is running this AM..up 7% already ! Oh my I’m feeling light headed..hard to walk..Somebody call BCN a Doctor!
All fun and GAMES, Kemosabe, fun and games.
“Now is not the time to think about money, if you do then you really dont understand current events…
Not saying live in shack with no electricity and no food, no income but the following:
All that happens hear is based on money, this worship of material things, if you want to change the current path, guiding ideas in our live must be represented by something else…
Call it SPIRITUALTIY, back to roots, involution, call it what you want…I will just call it a normal state of human beings.
Humans do not kill other humans, it is not in their need to push them to START hating each other.” -HP
“$1.6 trillion of annual interest”
The $ amount doesn’t matter as long as computing power can keep track of all the chit marks.
The percentage of GDP could be considered a real cost.
But don’t forget the other side in the Treasury Direct accounts. This group recovers the interest in economic exhaust.
The IMF has interesting data tools.
The ‘Watch Live – people fleeing’ is something. In that scenario they grab the bug out bag and go but it looks like many had no bug out bag. Not even a bottle for water.
That is not an example of love your neighbor. That’s what .gov think of us too, we’re all equal.
The problem is the interest.. its at the point where the interest takes over..
it can work both ways.. which is why I had always told the kids to take the poor mans investment route ..
strange shit happening, the TRUTH needs needs to be exposed, this ain’t no co in ci dence
conspiracy theories seem to have actual occurrences. Unrelated? sure and I just the Powerball and Mega Million
We live in a world of the allegory of the cave.. the truth we will know is what they want us to know..
And here I thought, having two teens that heavily drink milk, my two Aldi’s grocery trips for a month coming up to nearly 1k was really, really bad. That’s a big bill for a family of four in my book. The only saving grace is I bought up freezer friendly meat which is the bulk of that dastardly cost! But ya got me beat there, G. Oh, on a funny weird note, that first bill came to$666.77. I’m guessing I must be something of a tossup between chaotic good and bad, juusssst leaning the wrong way. Oh, well…
Dear silvermitt – Know/nos that in two Sevens can be found power – for the sum is 14…
14 Pieces did seth cut Osiris the FatherCreatorCivilizer, The Slain God,into..defiling it all as he went.
Enki/Asar -Orisis was murdered on a July 16th…many many moons ago.
Must know the the Exact numbers to work or undo/unwork previous baddeeds/black sciencemagic.
* It is Osiris bones that are in Arch #1, in #2 are the codes, taken (etchings) from walls/texts at Abydos in the Osirion. Was Ramozzes -akehetons(sun worship) Vizier who stole the arches and made off in middle of night..these “cats” were the OG israelites. That is source of all kabala & other jewish “magical” bullschiesse.
That big a bill I get at Costco, but at Aldi’s?? Good grief! My niece entertained me back in the midwest with a trip to Aldi’s. I had to keep my jaw from dragging on the floor. Eggs in Hawaii were $5.56/dz. Aldi’s was $1.06 ! Niece is heavily into fruits, and makes a lot of jellies and jams for sale. Aldi’s is her source. What kind of meat costs that much at Aldi’s… the whole cow?
Maui wildfire victims’ families, survivors could get $1M each from state…
“Could”, not “will”.
There’s always a catch, isn’t there?
Bacon (some other pork too), chicken, 90% or higher ground beef adds up wayyyy fast. I’d buy it more often local grown, but there isn’t a price difference and I’m already therefor gluten free foods for my celiac daughter. The meat buy up is because it’s damned well doubled in the past year and I’m trying really hard to build up the freezer supply in case I CAN’T afford to buy much of it anymore. Roasts are a rarity, and I only buy up ham/turkeys after their niche holidays are over, so I keep a couple of those for when it’s time. In all sad seriousness, an Aldi’s typical grocery run used to be between $150-200 for a month for us. It’s now around $400, so I break it up or buy up dairy or meat when there isn’t any extra bills like insurance or vet appts. I didn’t used to have to be so extra cautious in the past.
Are there any Amish in SW Indiana? I know there are a bunch in the SE because McDonalds used Batesville as a testing ground for computer kiosks (which were targeted toward the Amish/Mennonite community, because such tools of the Devil are strictly verboten in Amish and Old Order Mennonite homes.)
The Amish tend to either have markets they own, or frequent, which cater to their culture. When you could not find a roll of TP in a store, and people were asking $100/roll on eBay, the stores in Shipshewana had packages of anywhere from 4 to 72 rolls, in stock, and at their normal price. If I can’t make it to Pinconning (Michigan)* I buy my cheeses in Amish stores, as well as sacks of non-GMO grains and spices.
I also kinda like their $1.29 bacon and $3 roast beef…
* If you’ve never had real Pinconning cheese, you can never be a real cheese connie sewer. If America fell apart and France could mount an army, Pinconning, Michigan is the one place in the U.S. they’d try to save…
1) PA Hunting License – Resident Adult Hunting -$20.97
2) Bolt Action Rifle – sufficient caliber to take down Deer ..30-30,30-06, 308..
3) Shoot Deer, take off scent glands around ankles, clean out entrails (eviscerate), throw carcass over hood of vehicle and take to Ure local processor. Have processor cut and grind Deer meat – cept for butter steaks/backstraps.
4) Cut or Add to Ure ground Deer meat some Beef Fat and Pork Fat – grind into Meat.
Kids, Spouse – unless told otherwise, will never know that Chili and or Cheeseburger is in fact Bamby Burgers…YUM!
This is how Pennsyltuckians stretch their meal $
See the little Deer? Does the Deer have any money ?
Yeah, 2 Bucks .
A thousand for 4…thats not bad you must be eating most of your meals away from home..
this year I am budgeting 18.00 per person per day 4.50 per meal and three snacks at 1.50.. our monthly food is 2160.00 of course that’s only two ups of Starbucks a day..
or not meal at just about any fast food shop.. I just had this talk with a friend that had his wife pass on . he doesn’t cook so he eats all his meals at the fast food drive through lane..
No, food away from home isn’t often. It’s just gotten that damned expensive at the grocery stores near us. The local small town of Rockport has an IGA that sells breyers ice cream for nearly $10 a container. No f-ing joke. I only shop it as an emergency run, but I hate going there.
I buy Breyer’s at Meijer when it goes on sale for 2 for $5 (or Hudsonville, when they have it. Hudsonville is a small town west of Grand Rapids. They have a dairy which hand-makes ice cream and they’ve been doing it for about 90 years (I’ve been there.) Meijer just started carrying it a year or two ago…)
Do you use the ALDI in Evansville or the one in Owensboro?
I know Evansville is a few miles for you, but…
Meijer – 2622 Menards Dr. Evansville, IN 47715.
(812) 647-2200
It’s over behind Popeye’s and the Lucas Oil Center on Green River. I haven’t been there, but I’ve been by it on Morgan, a couple times — Jus’ passin’ through town. It is only about 2 miles past the eastside ALDI.
BTW, as weird as it sounds, Menards occasionally has a food deal or two.
I eat out all the time during “working weather.” I love my $9 bacon, eggs (over easy or soft-poached, please) pancakes (or French toast) sausage, and coffee. That’s $12 after tip, and the waitress always smiles. It is often, two complete meals.
‘Beats the hell out of $18 Big Mac or Taco Hell meals, the food is much higher in quality, and I don’t have to deal with the attitude of some HS or college brat who’s too good to work, and is only at McD’s because Daddy stopped buying his kids’ gasoline.
Prefer my eggs in the morning the same way I like the Ladies…On their backs, with eyes wide open!
“Prefer my eggs in the morning the same way I like the Ladies…On their backs, with eyes wide open!”
Hunter S. Thompson rolls over quietly with a grave look.
Oh, hey did you happen to catch the highlight of the republican “debate”? Seems VR pulled out Trump note cards and finally unloaded on how the whole thing that night is a sham and a disservice to republican voters. I never bother to watch the debates as they don’t include the obvious frontrunner, but he DID say all the quiet parts out loud!¤tTweetUser=bennyjohnson
Interesting conversation with Nino and Juan.
Haley got ‘hip’ after seeing election results on abortion rights!
High Holey Haley got the message, pro-life is pro-lose the election!
Think you are right @c. It’s a dead issue so to speak. I would not be able to abort a child in the birth canal or even upon exit from it but I am old school.
On the other hand, retroactive abortion needs to be mandatory. If the kid’s still a screw-up at age 18, mom’s required to take him down to the creek and drown him.
Say, that gets me to wondering: If my mom had a retroactive abortion could I get 60 some years of tax loss carryforward? I’ll check with our consigliere on how that might work.
Tesla has a current PE ratio of 67. By 16 November that number will likely be less than 25. COIN is the proxy for the cryptos and is following a 26 Sept 2023 7/18/10 of 15 day fractal series ending 16 November. COIN’s final 15 day subfractal (3), like the SPX, is following a 3/7/7 day fractal series. The sum total of all stock and commodity valuations support each individual element’s valuation. Crypto will not be immune from the nonlinear valuation collapse of the whole. On the other hand, smart money exiting stocks and commodities will flow into bonds raising the value of previously purchased and held debt. Observe the 31 Aug US Ten Year Note (TNX) 9/20/16/12 day declining interest rate fractal ending 16 November.
“Georgia in the throes of war: Armed incidents in South Ossetia and Abkhazia… saboteurs with NATO weapons – Which is a “duh” because we all know the neocons need another front to distract from the leveling of Gaza which we’ll get to.”
“…Turkey says EU is ‘unjust and biased’ on membership bid which may belie plans of the neocons to get Turkey into their global war to dominate the leftovers, which seems to be the direction of play.”
Mr. Biden is not a “neocon.” Neither is Mr. Obama. They are DEMOCRATS. There are no “neocons” in top-level positions of power.
A basic requirement of problem-solving is “identifying the problem.” In politics or diplomacy, this corresponds to “having the guts to identify the problem.”
Yes, Victoria Nuland is a danger. However, she is the only neocon in DoS who is. EVERYONE ELSE in the State Department who’s powerful enough to be dangerous, or whose conniving, or anti-Americanism is a potential life-ender for most of Earth’s inhabitants, is a Leftist Democrat.
I have no use whatsoever for neocons, but Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Kagan and company are not running the show.
You can’t fight an enemy and defeat them, if you’re afraid to identify them.
It’s far more likely the U.S. is not involved in Georgia. The whole “Turkey thing” in no way involves any neocon. NOBODY has a hard-on for Constantinople any more, except the Turks themselves. Erdogan wants to be an Ottoman king. That means he wants to own all the real estate from Algeria through Hungary (which is the entire Middle East, except for Greater Arabia.)
Georgia has had issues with South Ossetia and Abkhazia ever since the Soviet Union collapsed. In the mid-90s, South Ossetia even had a peacekeeping force made up of U.S., Russian, and Georgian soldiers. The really interesting thing about this newsbite (if it’s accurate) is: Georgia is historically an American ally, the breakaway areas of South Ossetia and Abkhazia are allied with Russia. Why would Russian allies be using NATO weapons (meaning they’re using 5.56 M-16s and M-4s rather than 7.62 AKs)
N.B. The Ottoman Empire also included Georgia (and parts of Crimea and Ukraine.) It is possible the MIT (Turkey’s spooks) are the ones keeping the pot stirred. There are a lot of clandestine ops in the world which don’t involve the CIA. We are NOT omnipresent…
“Further south, we’re into the highlight of today’s tour: Gaza. To survive, people are trying to leave:”
“Last stop is Egypt… Rafah crossing between Gaza and Egypt closed due to security -US State Dept. Which is trying to get a hostage exchange ginned up and to hornswoggle Egypt into a long-term role in After Gaza. Which got a simple AYFKM from who? Egypt rejects managing security in post-war Gaza”
If the Leviathan gas field extended down to Gaza, Egypt would be a lot friendlier toward The Strip. The Gaza inhabitants are not being allowed out, because many are criminals and Egypt simply does not want to deal. The Egyptians HAVE a wall, and it works…
“We wrap up the tour with the good news (no nukes, bioweapon II, and no EMP) and the bad (still bloody awful hate and more warring to come). If we didn’t have democrats and instead could focus on our own borders…”
Fixed that for you…
“Our favorite GOP cheerleader in the 2024 fiasco is still Haley, followed by Ramaswamy says right here in the after-action Drudge poll; **DRUDGE POLL* WHO WON 3RD REPUBLICAN DEBATE – Results.”
Haley = neocon
Ramma = MAGA lite
Since Drudge sold out, it has proven many times over that it has degenerated into an unreliable propaganda outlet. Therefore, logically the people who would participate in a Drudge debate are either socialists or sheep. Accordingly, the results of any DRUDGE poll will be skewed by propagandists and idiots. Which would you prefer to follow?
I DON’T [follow either] because my time is too valuable to waste. Once a source proves itself unreliable, I will only go there when I have time to piss away, backtracing links and digging historical opinion and voting/donating/associating info on the author(s) to adjudge their bias and level of integrity WRT their personal (public) beliefs.
If you were to read transcripts of Nikki’s interviews without knowing the source, your mind would have no trouble attributing those words to John McCain or Lindsey Graham…
“my Chinese diesel heater dropped a fuel line. As a result, I pissed away most of the day putting in the new line. Wasn’t bad – half hour deal – but the priming? OMG.
I could NOT get the controller to do into prime-the-fuel-line mode to save my soul.”
I take it you’ve never run the Kubota dry?
Diesels are incredibly difficult to prime, once the fuel-flow system is interrupted. The Jetta is easy, and it’s still a 2-3 hour job. My little Deere L&G diesel with its Yanmar 2 is at least a 3-hour job. It’s almost like you need a perfect siphon path before the things will draw. I suggest you buy a couple large irrigation syringes. Use the syringe to both blow fuel in, under pressure, and to suck air (&fuel) out under vacuum. Filling a fuel filter or water trap will take a few minutes, but will save a LOT of time, overall. If you run a system dry, bleeding the injectors is probably the biggest PITA, so don’t.
Use the syringe to flow the fuel until there’s no air anywhere, then reassemble. On a MV you would leave the injector hoses very slightly loose, so as to blow any air you’d missed, out of the system. On a heater, that’s probably neither possible, nor necessary. Once it’s “puttin’ the tools away time,” disassemble the syringe and wash twice, with dishwashing liquid, then coat the rubber piston-seal with silicone grease. The rubber bits are good for about two brake power-bleeds or diesel fuel bleeds before they start melting. Cleaning and silicoating will keep them usable, indefinitely.
BTW, I used irrigation syringes to bleed British brakes and clutches, when they refused to bleed in the conventional manner (which was about 20% of the time with brakes, and about 60% of the time, with clutches) — Put hose over nozzle, put other end of hose on nipple, unscrew nipple and push piston, tightening nipple while brake fluid is still flowing. Remove hose from nipple, insert into brake fluid, draw fluid, hold upright and push piston to bleed air out of syringe, reattach hose to nipple, while syringe is still being bled — repeat steps as necessary, until air stops bubbling up through master cylinder reservoir. It can be messy, but it will work when nothing else will…
My old 3-cylinder ‘Merican diesel primes a lot easier: only two hours of diesel mechanic gymnastics working down from the top of the tractor, but no syringes needed (unless I have to go to the witch doctor afterward). I have to swing out the oversized battery to access. If I recognize what is wrong and shut it down promptly, it might only take 1.5 hours to bleed the injectors. But don’t break anything. It took me more than a day to find a way to improvise a replacement for the recirc line with fuel line and hose clamps when it cracked with me moving stuff around. About 18″ of factory tube and fittings was $800 or so, as I recollect. The clerk at the dealership clued me in after I had a panic attack at the parts desk.
Regular auto parts store fuel line seems to work for diesel, at least for low pressure services.
When I got my VW Jetta wagon, I was warned many, many times to NOT ever let the diesel tank. I wouldn’t be able to afford the cost to fix that error.
I ran my Jetta dry once.
That was sufficient.
There’s a reason that bitty car has a giant, heavy, Group 92 battery in it…
Bacon (some other pork too), chicken, 90% or higher ground beef adds up wayyyy fast. I’d buy it more often local grown, but there isn’t a price difference and I’m already therefor gluten free foods for my celiac daughter. The meat buy up is because it’s damned well doubled in the past year and I’m trying really hard to build up the freezer supply in case I CAN’T afford to buy much of it anymore. Roasts are a rarity, and I only buy up ham/turkeys after their niche holidays are over, so I keep a couple of those for when it’s time. In all sad seriousness, an Aldi’s typical grocery run used to be between $150-200 for a month for us. It’s now around $400, so I break it up or buy up dairy or meat when there isn’t any extra bills like insurance or vet appts. I didn’t used to have to be so extra cautious in the past.