Reader Advisory: Stormy Monday

We are under a tornado watch here in the East Texas Outback at this hour (3:40 AM).  And with the lights off, the winds howling, and on our backup power systems (with sat comms down due to high cloud and precip densities) we are down to bare-minimums today.

Could be a while coming back, too.  Because while the local utility company has done their usual fine job getting power back up, there’s a big area involved this morning.

We’re in the cluster of outage reports there to the right of Montalba, Texas.

As is usual under such adverse conditions, we will be posting in segments.  So if things seem a bit sketchy or incomplete today, that may be  because they are.

We will keep going as long as the back-up power and phone lines hold out.

More as the coffee hits…refresh we don’t know how this will play.  The power center is down one inverter due to a recent lightning event so we’re on just one now.  Good news, such as it is, is that keeps the main computer and modem going.  With Inv. #1 down, though, we will be without some of our usual services.  Like lights…