Nachos and dips, beer, jerky, in fact, you could go through your entire prepping kit and try out all those things this weekend.
After all, since SB is the quintessential do-nothing weekend, what better time to pop open some Mountain House Beef Stroganoff 10 Can Freeze Dried Food – 6 CANS per Case. OK, don’t need a whole case? Then save it for camping of when you get the flu. I like it as comfort food.
More seriously? (Aw shucks, to we have to?)
Around here, we won’t be watching the game for any number of reasons. First, it’s a game. Second, it’s too long. Although I have a theory that if you drink enough beer during the game, you’ll be getting up often-enough to pee that you won’t get deep vein thrombosis… Or, if you’re worried about DVT (are you a lardly couch-Russet?) and don’t have a bleeding disorder and, and…then a baby aspirin an hour before kick-off and kick-back.
Main thing to have on hand for Monday? Drink a lot of water (Pedialyte is better, or Gatorade) before bed. You’ll wake up a lot better off than without ’emsince much of a hangover is lack of hydration. And then a B-complex wouldn’t hurt the night before, either…
Congeners! Watch the freakin congeners. For as the Great Wikipedia advises:
…congeners are substances, other than the desired type of alcohol, ethanol, produced during fermentation. These substances include small amounts of chemicals such as methanol and other alcohols (known as fusel alcohols), acetone, acetaldehyde, esters, tannins, and aldehydes (e.g. furfural). Congeners are responsible for most of the taste and aroma of distilled alcoholic beverages, and contribute to the taste of non-distilled drinks.
Is it the booze that kills, or the crap in in? But I digress….
Here at “the ranch” the day begins with a trip to the propane dispensary…open until noon. They’re open on Saturday in the summer on account of BBQing and in the winter on account of heating. This means I ran out of propane while out fence line burning Friday… Elaine will be on a T-bone or Porterhouse mission later…and well as foraging for mushrooms in the veggie department.
After that, a short article for next weekend will be based on my simple upgrades planned for our old table saw. I’m tuning it up and changing it around somewhat since cabinet-making it as hand.
Then I’ll get out the welders and pay with the stick rig and the plasma cutter. I do enough Tig/wire and gas already. The next baby stick welder, though, is still in the “learning to play it stage.”
Which explains why I went by the local machine shop here in Palestine Friday. To pick up some thin sheet metal to begin welding with the new stick machine (review to come).
While there, I had a very pleasant conversation with the fellow there about whether the 3/32″ low amp 6013 rod I’m planning on using on the thin metal will work well.
He offered some fine advice, having pushed puddles for 25+ years. Welding is easier, he explained, if you run the welds “hot and fast.” His judgement was that 1/8th” rod would burn cooler because thinner rod tends to burns hotter. I have some of both so I’ll test both.
Being around experts in any field, I’ve found it pays to keep the mouth closed and the ears open…experts have made more mistakes than I have and it’s cheaper to talk to people than attend welding school.
As long as the machines are out (if the rain doesn’t move in) a number of add-ons for the tractor are in order. One is a long overhead bracket off the roll-over bar to the front to carry a pole saw. I’d also like to put one of the chainsaws on the brush hog, but that seems silly – yet it’s not if going back up to the hour from the lower 10 is a 15-minute break in the work…
The greenhouse should be dry enough to finish laying out the seeds on the hot mat to get started…regardless of weather.
By them we ought to be pooped.
And for reading after?
Read: Gaye’s Book!!!
From my buddy Gaye of Strategic Living Blog: “Get the Updated Prepper’s Guide to Food Storage for Free: Feb 1-5. “Prepper’s Guide to Food Storage: A Practical Guide to Storing Food For the Long Term.”
Wait…you did see the word free, right? And if you go to Amazon they have readers for people who don’t have Kindles though how a person can live without both a reader and a notepad and a laptop and a…well, you get the idea.
While You Are Out Shopping?
If you are in one of the cold-struck parts of the country, make sure to pick up a fresh can or two of medium and hot-set Oatey PVC glue at either Lowe’s or Home Despots. A few handfuls of 1/2 and 3/4 PVC end caps (and CPVC caps if used to route hot water in your home) can save a ton of problems when pipes thaw if they have broken.
You do know where your water shut-off is?
We assume you have PVC cutters like unbelievably verbose XOOL Pipe and Tube Cutter, Ratcheting Hose Cutter One-hand Fast Pipe Cutting Tool with Ratchet Drive for Cutting Less Than 1-1/4″ O.D. PEX, PVC, and PPR Pipe, Ideal for Plumbers, Home Handy Man. $10-buck at the ‘Zon.
What else to cover? Ice? Spare Batteries for the remote?
TOILET PAPER. Toilet plunger? What if the nachos…well…you know… have extra.
And last, but not least, if you live in a one-day Amazon delivery area:
Instead of Mountain House Beef Stroganoff in a non emergency, why not Hamburger Helper Beef Stroganoff. It is delicious. Hamburger is $1.49 a pound at Aldi’s this week.
Patriots by 7, maybe 16 if they put the game in Brady’s hands. In the last 2 games, the Patriots have had great 1st halfs, then nothing till Brady saves the day in the 4th quarter. Brady is the offense, but Bullycheck is trying to run a well rounded offense for some reason. The opposing team figures this out at halftime & stops the Pats in their tracks till they give control back to Brady in the 4th..
Conclusion: Brady is the offense & wins games, with or without a deflated ball.