Yeah, I know: Why not focus on Hong Kong? Can you do anything about it? On the other hand… The risk of a pandemic global people-killer is not something we like to think about.
The good news, however, is that there is definitely a lot we can do about them.
Which we’ll get to after we eye some “blood on the charts” and wolf-down a few headlines and coffee as a warm-up. Like we need it in mid-summer…
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If the latest tariff news drves the market down, SQQQ, currently at @ $35 with a 52 week high of @ $85 certainly leaves room for profits.As Clint Eastwood said, “Do you feel lucky, punk.”
My dream of three days ago…
1) Driving on a high bridge.
Ever see the Coronado Bay Bridge? Like that one.
2) Two others in the car. (Not clear who — doesn’t matter.)
3) I sense “something is wrong” with the bridge ahead.
4) I slow a bit.
5) I “realize” the bridge comes to a total and complete end.
Chopped off cleanly. No barriers or warning.
6) I come to a stop, get out, and carefully peer over the edge.
I see a rural farm valley far below, with several large ruined bridge
sections dropped along the line it used to follow. I see also
wrecked cars, and a passenger train also crashed and destroyed.
7) I feel deeply scared, my companions are stunned into inaction
and silence.
8) The bridge is one-way: I must go back, but I know traffic is due
to be coming the other way, and the bridge is only two lanes wide.
9) I wake up.
10) Dammit! (Wish I knew if I survived…)
You did or you wouldn’t wake up…
Not the same scenario at all, but I had 2 days ago about some sort of prophecy coming true, I am my kids in the thick of it, and waking at a critical point thinking “crap, I survived everything else, wonder if I will for this one now.” Weird stuff.
Your the first on a scene like that, you get out and walk back, letting your car be the road block. You will eventually get your car, but you will save some lives.
Good idea.
Ibn Seerin’s Dictionary of Dreams, p 57:
If a bridge caves under one’s feet, it means destruction and death. (El Paso mall shootings)
The train wreck:
Ure, does microwaving kill Ebola?
Should not that be a significant part of the prevention / protection program?
At required levels it tends to cook the human behind the skin…
“After a national disaster, a British doctor began collecting foreboding visions. Soon, they closed in on him.”
The Amish….I have a cousin, who being Amish, does not have electricity. However, being resourceful, has a very successful furniture factory. They ship out about 3 truckloads of furniture every week to retail outlets across the Midwest and that supports 6 families. They have an old tractor diesel engine sitting at one end of the insulated 50X100 building. Along the south side, they have glass windows for lighting….so, they work only when they can see. Under the floor, they have 2 inch steel shafts with bearings every 2 feet, running the length of the building, that are turned by the diesel engine. All of their equipment, their saws, their drills, their air compressors….etc, are run by engaging (shielded) belts from the shafts under the floor. In the winter time, they use the heat from the engine to heat the building. The electric motors are taken off of the tools and resold as the tools are purchased. The diesel engine uses about 5 gallons of fuel every day. (about $15/day…cheap)
Anyway, just wanted to point out that being without electricity might not mean too much of a change of lifestyle, if you plan for it…..
Also, George told you about ( hardware…..Another hardware store option is (, and a third option is The Yoder Hardware Store in Yoder, KS (no website). I’ve bought goods from all of these…if you want simple clothing ( is the place for Amish clothes. If you would to know more about the Amish, “The Budget Newspaper” is a wonderful resource. It is printed every week and is created from Amish scribes across the country. ( This newspaper has local news from a hundred different places….
“being without electricity might not mean too much of a change of lifestyle”
Typical Amish are born into a world without electricity and have it set up.
Pulling the breakers on one of our states right now would lead to insanity. As example, many would starve due to the loss of refrigeration alone. Or a group would attack the Amish village and try their way.
My uncle tells me in olden days, “Ice Men” would cut giant blocks of ice from the Detroit River during winter months. They’d warehouse the blocks of ice underground so that when summer rolled around, the people could buy ice to keep their ice boxes cool. But most common folks couldn’t afford ice. Back then their were “Milk Men” – you got your dairy fresh and it would last a day or two before spoiling. He told me about an additive, baking soda or salt, adding one or the other would make milk last a little longer.
IMHO, if there is an EMP the best bet is to lay low as a sniper and eliminate anything that moves into your sector. Your sector would be defined by eyesight distance.
“My uncle tells me in olden days,”
Steve…HUSH… lol lol lol lol..
That sure ages me ..we hot the fresh milk from the cow delivered ok r we would pick it up at the farm.. us kids would crank it through our handy dandy tabletop cream separator. Before my father had new wiring there was a canister by the kitchen door one held carbide chunks the other water.. my sister and I fought who got to put the rocks in and we’d go got to put the water in.. then mom would crank a little knob wait a little bit and then light the ceiling lights for night..
Before mom got a new refrigerator the house we lived in hadn’t been updated th o modern. In the pantry there was a dumbwaiter that you cranked into the cellar there was a boxed sand pit we with straw on it the dumb waiter was covered with a blanket or cloth covering . That was split up like a curtain and enshrouded the would take this off soak it and wring it out. I dont remember an ice man and I dont think we had one.. on the porch we had our cistern.. mom did laundry with a wringer washing machine ( just sold that last year still working) the bath tub hung on the wall and my mom heated water to fill it off of the wood stove the older kids would dump it.. the girls would bathe first then the boys.
The toilet.. was a biffy out door toilet.. making that journey was a mess in the rain or cold.. for those days we had a metal pot in the closet.
Oh bath water and overflow rainwater from the cistern along with laundry water went into a ditch that flowed to the garden and branched off for various rows .
I’ll never forget the year everyone razzed my dad.. he was digging ditches..the reason he wasnt going to use th hat biffy in winter again.. he dug a septic system.. the toilet was first put in a closet..
The coal train came once a week dad would go get a few washtub filled with was us kids job to break up the big chunks and mix it we with corn cobs and chopped cornstalks.. my dad of course mostly heated with wood the majority of his life so wood cutting and splitting was a regular ..event. my father always replanted to if he cut three trees then he planted three trees..maybe not at the same location but it happened..he would give a long speech about replacing what you take and proper wood lot management..
When my health issues first started..they were doing a study on health issues like mine and the white sands nuclear testing..seems the fallout was mostly in our area and people that drank farm fresh milk..
It really wasn’t that long ago..and theres still houses that work that way..the son in law just sold a house an old mansion that had the sewer line that drained to the river lol lol the owner didnt know why it was necessary to change that before it went on the lol lol
You can still buy the ceiling lamps and the carbide gas setup and wood stoves..
My kids just razzed me last night for not teaching the younger kids things like I did the older kids and want me to start.. so the papa projects will begin..I suppose charcoal briquettes is a good beginning. Cleaning out the shed I gave away the solar oven and a few more items ..later on the kids and I will make another. I plan on a solar grill and a wood fired pizza oven.. the thought of a loaf of bread is in my mind..
It wasnt that many years ago that there wasnt any internet..most people would die if their cell phones quit.. or they had to use a pen and paper..I’d freak if spell check quit..
Lol lol
The Amish and colonies will make it not so much because they dont have modern conveniences but because they can and do work together. The mormons can work together but mainly prep for individual survival not community survival.. the do have the yellow shirt groups that show the old mormon mentality.
Monson a great man addressed this very same issue in a magazine article. Unfortunately it was pretty much disregarded.
My thoughts is in a community every man woman and child has a value .. in some tribes in the Amazon during hard times the very young and older are discarded for the benefit of the tribe. I think that’s wrong we can learn from everyone. When FEMA had individual communities write up their emergency response plan I was in on it and helped write ours. With it everyone was included. The farmers and gardeners,the hunters even those that scavenge, sew,knit etc.
Think That’s where our forefathers had it right we needed a strong commitment to community. Today our business and personal goals are for self.
The communities that work together and glean off of each other utilize the talents of everyone build on each other will be the ones to survive and grow.
Great information – a diesel powered version of an 1800’s factory. My question is how do they start the engine? Clockworks, pony motor, air, crank, or other? Is an electric starter and battery permitted?
Using compression release, I can (prior to hernia surgery lol) hand crank my 13 HP generator diesel.
Enjoy that reasonably priced surgery while you can, Trump has other plans:
A DC submersible pump which can run directly off batteries is the way to go for a back-up well. I would think a dedicated 12VDC standalone solar system would be the best for power, especially if it is located a distance from the double-wide. Making it easy to connect to a vehicle battery as back-up satisfies one piece of the two is one redundancy rule. A hand pump in the same well gets you the other piece of the redundancy. And of course, a spare pump isn’t too paranoid. I’m not sure you can be too paranoid about potable water back-up. Secure and camouflage the back-up well. It isn’t easy to decontaminate a well.
There are a lot of possible infectious biohazards ahead of the ebola scenario. The least plausible of that genre is the zombie apocalypse. The most likely is weaponized influenza.
I tend to be more afraid of Sociopaths Bearing Syringes (SBS) on hospital visits than biohazards. Either will get you in the end.
My central Colorado community has been working hard to get Simple Pumps installed in current wells. It seems to be the best pump that can go into the same pipe as your electric submersible pump, and has a weep hole 6 feet down so that that the Simple Pump will not freeze up in Colorado winters.
We have on from years back – ready as a backup should we need it…in pieces now though…
Can I get a shot now to prevent
Mass shootings…..
Just listening to a news broadcast on how it is all TRUMPS fault……
what gets me.. is Congress left for another month off of work didn’t do anything.. everyone is giving the its trumps fault ..
and past predictions of possible huge false flag events to happen in the USA..
so…. are these recent events False flags…..
Congress didn’t think the border issues was one of the real important issues otherwise they would have done something before they left for vacation..
not just pack their bags and run..
by doing nothing what I see is that the
public sentiments and outrage will sponsor sentiments that will allow illegal’s to enter freely…
the shootings help speed the agenda of disarming the US citizens..
follow the money.. who win’s in this….
What will the public be asked to give up with these events..
ElPaso – maybe.
Dayton – no, unless Manchurian Candidates really exist.
“Full moon” in the mass shootings department.
3D printing
using DC power direct from solar panels
Both Colloidal Silver and MMS/chlorine dioxide are antiviral and antibacterial.
Both have an infinite shelf life if stored properly.
The US military requires colloidal silver on all of the combat dressings they purchase.
Colloidal silver increases the effectiveness of Antibiotics by 30%.
You need to educate yourself, this information is hard to find, never on the first page of Google results. Using CS, there are no drug resistant pathogens in the world. NONE.
There is more than $40 billion of annual big pharma antibiotic profits riding on the fact that the public does not know the above information. Both are safe and effective, I have used them for years.
George, this is a late post, you might consider passing this on to your “survival” readers.