From our server team:
A number of serious security vulnerabilities affecting multiple CPU architectures were recently disclosed by Google’s Project Zero team as outlined in our support annoucement on Jan 4. In order to address the disclosed vulnerabilities, the physical hardware on which your website resides will need to undergo maintenance. This maintenance specifically patches the Meltdown vulnerability; the Spectre vulnerability will be addressed in a future maintenance cycle. We will inform you of these maintenance cycles via additional communications.
The maintence begins at:
Jan 13th 2018 – 11:00PM EST
During the maintenance window, will be cleanly shut down and will be unavailable while we perform the updates. A two-hour window is allocated, however the actual downtime should be much less. After the maintenance has concluded, the server will be brought back online.
We regret the short notice and the downtime required for this maintenance. However, due to the severity of these vulnerabilities, we have no choice but to take swift and immediate action to ensure the safety and security of our customers. For these reasons, we must adhere to a strict timetable, and will not be able to reschedule or defer this maintenance.
They will have it up shortly.
Ah, the joys of high-reliability computing…
No apologies necessary. Everything in this 3D universe requires maintenance for optimal performance. Postponing or avoiding that is what causes folks a lot of grief in this life.
Thanks for the great essay on people this morning.
Since Monday is MLK Day, I was almost tempted to put it on Urban as a “freebie” Monday…what do you think other subscribers would think of that?
You need a plot in order to accomplish your quest
You want to give me something of the food that you have because you have an excessive amount so you put it in the Mason jar and you deliver it to me but you say hey I need something .
The food is free.
but I need another mason jar in return for the one that I gave you with free food and if you don’t have one what’s it going to cost.
This is how the Bitcoin system is working another words I can provide it to you but it’s going to cost you a fig if you don’t have the right type of transportation for the item that were transporting
Getting back to the alkaline nature of where cancer can’t survive because Kansas of eyes in the area of a soliciting and there’s lots of being well anyway though so many thousands of beans and some of my have an ass this city and some of my van alkaline basic mixture in their system.
To understand more about the things that were talking about you will have to look up your biological terms and your physics terms but most important is to get back to the chemical elements your periodic table and if you are on to the new stuff you’ll find out it changes every day they keep adding new stuff and your use units of measurements the conversions have different meanings different styles from what they had in the past so what you want is to look into the vital records of everything that’s ever been and you won’t find that within your government you’ll find that within your secret government or you can just ask about the questions on the internet maybe YouTube and you’ll find things you never knew that’s going to open your eyes up to the day which could be today y’all have a good day remember thoughts of weeks and may all beings be lovingly fulfilled so be it
In it’s place I viewed this youtube vid This was not in my math classes in the 60’s kind of opened my eye’s May help you on some of your projects your working on.
Other Newer version of this visually computerized on youtube
Randy Powell: Intro to Vortex Math [Full] [1/2]
looks like the fib.. harmonics..he gives a really good explanation.. thanks for sharing
Good video, I haven’t watched that in a while. Thanks for shairing.
isn’t it funny that even our life saving saline solutions for surgeries etc.. are produced outside the usa..
can’t we in the USA that won’t let the people negotiate for better pharmaceutical prices because the levels of quality aren’t there at least pick a country that has some sort of polution control on their industrial complexes.. sheesh .. I sound like a parrot.. all for the money..
so now not only the eye drops and nasal sprays but the water that is injected in your body comes from manufactures working in countries that have little or no regulations on environmental standards.. I say as long as we are going to purchase our products from these places then the people in the USA should be able to buy their pharmaceuticals from market places other than the inflated USA marketplace. That is where they are coming from anyway.