OK, It Works and People are Afraid

This is really interesting – my idea to turn social into something really cool with click to talk to post on the web.

We did get out first (and so far only response) as of martini time Tuesday.  Here, take a listen for yourself.

Thank you world famous Amazon Author A.G. Kimbrough – whose work you can browse here.

And then, since everyone LOVES the Adventures of Andy?

Well no shit, dude.  WTG!

Still, sort of waiting for Elon Musk to call because this would bail Twitter out of backwater and put it back in the lead.  But, WTF, right.

We got old people shit to get on wid.

Uh huh…yada yada and a “Write when you get rich….”


17 thoughts on “OK, It Works and People are Afraid”

  1. ha! i told her when i win. i will take you to maui for a month. but we aint getting married. we are just going to act like we are on our honey moon.

    she said hell yeah! cowboy up! hahahahahahah

    she is hot! looks totally like pocahontus. so funny. its been 4 year since i talked to her. hahaha. texts me out of the blue because she missed me. hahah

    alright now.

  2. LOL! If you had a hundred people’s recordings lined up on the page here with no one giving their names I think we could pick Andy out 90% of the time! He sounds exactly as expected. Totally fun dude.

    A.G.’s voice fits, too.

  3. “OK, It Works and People are Afraid”
    Naw- bashful maybe, but not afraid. Andy always has a fresh burner phone at the ready. BCN will probably have to ride a pack mule back to civilization to get one.
    Are you going to allow synthetic voice?

    • Perhaps but my best is given through the keyboard. Extemporaneous speaking has never been my forte. I much prefer spending a half hour picking and choosing the right words rather than going on the fly. Suffice it to say it would be like Eeyore with a serious attitude with a little Gomer Pyle thrown in if you listened at all.

      • Amen bro! I’ll keep my voiceprint to myself and select others. Perhaps that’s half of why I shy away from Ham radio – I have nothing really to say to the open air. That was a problem back in CB days, even though I tried to get with that program. If there’s nothing important, there’s nothing to say.

        • I did the CB thing when I was driving across the country from one duty station to another. It came in handy but I dropped it pretty quickly after that. I’ve got four or five old units in the attic of the store room that I often wonder whether they still work or not. Guess I’ll find out when TSHTF. If others are using that band and don’t get arrested or blown up by homing missiles after keying in it may be worth dusting them off.

  4. OR.. maybe record and edit a voice message offline, then post like a little micro-podcast.
    Say, there aren’t any service charges for that 900 number, are there?

  5. huh. the cows actually came home. when i got to enoch valley. i said outloud at the store, “wonder how long i will be working up here driving ore trains.”

    the lady next to me says, “till tje cows come home.” and laughs.

    i said, Great! thanks!

    when i got to work. i had to stop and wait for the other ore train to pass. i looked out to where that head of 300 + cattle has been grazing with the Big Bull as the leader of the pack. they were all gone.

    i said hey where did that herd go. another worker said, oh the rancher took them all back to his ranch.

    i said oh.

    then it hit me,

    oh The cows went home!

    i forgot that they actually do that!

  6. Mr. Ure,

    You might be opening yourself up to a new radio station type job where you spend a lot of time editing rambling call in’s down to the juicy nuggets. A throw back to your early first love career in radio. Analog then, digital now. still a time sink. Be careful what you innovate for.

    • Yep, no joke there. You ready to edit a live call in radio show every day, George? Talk about a time sink!

  7. Really cool George. I did imagine Andy with this voice. I can hardly wait to hear LOOB and some of the others thet post here regularly.

    I am going to suggest you put a one minute time limit and only one per day. Otherwise you will take even more time editing than for written comments. Some of us tend to ramble.

    Thanks again for your innovation and all you do. Will say a short voice hello later today after some medical tests.

    • I second this.

      Some of us get kinda windy (ahem) and when you have a popular thread, it’s not uncommon for it to hit 70-100 posts. That’s still a family-sized grouping, but it’d be a PITA to edit…

  8. Is the voicemail link a Windows thing? I’m not seeing any voicemail links on my Linux laptop.

      • stealth and concealment it is then..

        dateline:15/7/23, Plaqueme-Louisiana (near GoM) -DOW Chemical Plant. (ethelyne oxide used in thermobaric munitions..like the AGM114 hellfire missile).

        B.B.- “Natasha, did you see that?”
        Natasha- “Yes, my big strong bull, we must stop the evil empire”
        B.B. – “was that z spez-nasties doing the work of the Motherland?”
        Natasha -Shhhhh! my big bull, z loose lipz will sink Z shipZ.

        * producers note; due the current special operation on NAZI/Terrorists, Rocky and Bulltinkle will be on hiatus.
        We do not expect a return to production until after GBR & coastal USA areas have been “autoclaved”..

        ala z ruskie nuke moles, digging in holes all along NA coastlines.

        Got a naval base in Ure state ? AFB? Army?

  9. I’m probably the only person who thought Andy would sound a little more like Keanu Reeves. No idea why I figured it. Neat idea to play with, but I will not be partaking. My voice is nothing special.

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