I mentioned this morning that the “hamburger menu” was not working right – but I think the problem is now fixed. When you “hit the burger” on the upper right of your phone, the menu should now pop open.
Traced back to a caching program that I’d gotten a bit too zealous about. Thanks to Monica and Jason at ElegrantThemes/Divi for the hint…
Mobile users may notice the screaming fast page load times will be a zillionth of a second longer, but even the impeckerble Mr. Ure still has his débile légère days…. Never feel bad about posingt a note on site issues because we’re all going to be learning the web for the foreseeable future. Until it’s “Bury my heart at Wounded Mouse” time.
A continuing problem in all computers seems to be that code is not infinitely compressible. Drat-damn!
In from the ledge, moron the morrow, then?
It’s working fine now .job well done Sir..lol