News Analytics for Options Week

Third Friday of each month the financial showdown called Options Expiration takes place.  These come in several flavors, the savoriest of which are Equities and Index.  Essentially Index options time-out at the Thursday close and stocks (Equities) Friday.

Seems simple enough but peeling it back to a reasonable set of expectations is an “Onion Project” to sort out.

Outer Week Layers

I like to begin Mondays with a thoughtful view of what the Aggregate Index work teaches us.

We can look at this “index of indices” view and make a couple of observations that may be useful.  For one, the basic Wave 1 down from the all-time high Nov. 8, 2021, lasted 336 (calendar) days.  As of this morning, we have seen the rally from the 2022 fall low persist for 306 days.  However, thus far, the Wave 2 crest was posted July 31st, so Wave 2 could have ended at 292 days of rally – already.

That said, we MIGHT see a move higher and still keep the peak inside the traditional “August to early September” region where annual highs cluster.

I’m agnostic on such things.

Options Friday last month saw the Aggregate Index close at 38,707.85.  The Aggregate prices this morning at 38,181.24.

I try to look at price levels of the Aggregate on a “peak to peak” and on an “expiration to expiration” basis.  Peak to Peak we have a spread from July 31st’s 39,326 down to this morning’s  38,181.  Which would be like like what?  A Dow move of 900 points up before Friday?  Seems, oh, you know, not likely.  But before Labor Day which is late (September 4) this year?

That’s a definite maybe.

Additional Onion Layers

Internally, markets are always priced to perfection; such is the nature of price discovery.  Even if it has evolved to mainly A.I. trading at some level.

A change in exogenous factors (e.g. outside markets) is where we have exposure now.  Some discussion of the risks for the week are important.

I know – you think I’m prolly crazy for thinking Taiwan will go shortly.  But think about it:  China needs a national distraction and a “cause.”  China’s Worsening Economy Is Hurting Corporate America. Wars are a traditional lever to pull.  You do remember the three-envelopes joke, right?  Ain’t so funny out here in real life.

Some of this, at least the Retail Sales figures, will come into focus tomorrow.  For now, sure looking like the summer doldrums to us.

Police State Kansas?

With the killing of a presidential hopeful in Ecuador recently, I admit to a certain smugness about how America was still walking the “land of Freedom” role compared to what an expat reader had pictured here. He lives in the Ecuadoran mountains.

That was smashed reading reports out of Kansas, of all places.  Where?  Growing furor over ‘authoritarian’ police raid on Kansas newspaper.  Small town politics and serious concerns.

Not just small, though.  Big cities, taking policy into their own hands is expanding, as well: Take New York:”; Second migrant part of (mayor) Adams’ resettlement program charged with sexually assaulting woman | Fox News,

Backdoor Finance Exposed

Just when we thought it couldn’t get any worse on the (unconstitutional) “mandate” to get Covid shots.  Now we are seeing the appearance that officials who were bound to protect America’s health were getting paid by the very Big Pharma outfits they are supposed to keep from practicing good finance but bad medicine on the American public.

Go read NIH Secret Third-Party Royalty Database Uncovered – News – News | Open The Books and you’ll be sickened.  Why isn’t there a blind trust…or better, since so much “new medicine” is developed on the basis of public funding, why aren’t royalties paid to us dumb-shit taxpayers who get stuck with the tab for so much of this?

Variously Noted

Maybe someone cares, but we sure as hell don’t:  Zuckerberg vs Musk, is it off?  Anyone care? Hands?

BTC still struggling to bust above $30,000.  SEC Won’t Approve Spot Bitcoin ETF But US Crypto Crackdown Will ‘Grind to a Screeching Halt’ Under This 2024 Scenario –

Ure might be tempted to up update his “lousy” 4T 64-gb uhd desktop in the office.  Reason is we could see prices for chips coming down:  Intel 12th Gen CPUs Get Crazy Price Discounts: Core i7-12700KF For $126, i5-12600KF For $155, 12900KF For $329 (

Around the Ranch (ATR):  8BN8 or 6X4?

My plan to build the ultimate ham radio station are well underway.  After a Morse contact with a POTA (Parks on the Air) station up in South Dakota (yo Chad!) it was back into working on the bottom layer of what will be four layers tall of equipment when done.

An old Drake 2B and 2BQ (a speaker/Q-multiplier) is on the desk presently.

“God, could anything be more boring?”

Getting to the point, so hold your horses.

Needed to get a couple of 8BN8 tubes and a 6X4 to make repairs.

Then I ran into a wall on eBay.

After being a user for, um, ever.  All of a sudden, I need to sign up for eBay to charge my mother bank.  Previously, I paid with PayPal and that was that.  PayPal balance.

NOW the default (with no way to change it) is to charge a card (or worse, debit the mother bank).  Nope. Not doing it.  I will give up ham radio before I set up any kind of “pass-through” to the mother bank.  If I have to set up a low limit “special credit card” maybe – since there are something things that eBay does very well – obscure electronics parts being one of them.

I don’t know what is driving this, but I’ve written to eBay Investor Relations to ask WTF?  There’s no longer an option to pay with PayPal balance (only).  Everyone wants into my bank.

I don’t use debit cards, for this very reason.  I want no one to have account access except me, Elaine, and that’s it.  Anyone else is firewalled.  Now PayPal won’t give eBay funds unless there’s bank recourse?  Not sure what’s going on there.

Anyway, around the ranch, a quiet weekend.  Elaine’s hand is slowly responding to treatment,

One of the wireless video cams caught a deer sleeping next to our air conditioner (which was odd), and looks like we may get a break from 100+ heat for a day, or two this week.  We’ll see.

ShopTalk Sunday is here if you missed it.  And I fired up a new CDN (content delivery network) for UrbanSurvival this weekend on the theory it might make the site faster, so let me know if page loads are faster, slower, or same-old….

Write when you get rich,

85 thoughts on “News Analytics for Options Week”

  1. Open new checking account. Keep small amount in the account Paypal accesses.

    Like new Eton 750, took it out in the woods. Giant rough QRN. Turned off cell phone in pocket, gone! Memory and SSB relatively easy for a portable. Wire antenna makes big improvement over whip.

    • If there is any upside to a complete grid failure it will be the dramatically lower noise floor which will make 5 watts (and less) low powered ham and other citizen radios work very much better.
      That said, it’s only the kind of thing a fool would wish for, but it would be instructive to experience…,

    • Agree with the “Open a new checking account”.

      I have no idea why people get so upset with me when I recommend that option to them wrt REQUIRED payment needs so as to keep other entities out of your regular bank accounts, but consistently they do.

      Sheesh … around here almost all banks have a “Fee Free” checking account option, and I have one that I use for any direct withdrawals that need to be made monthly, or other things where the an account needs to be tapped for making a direct payment. I ONLY keep enough in that “Fee Free” account for the auto payments to be made THIS MONTH and it is NOT authorized to ever be over-drafted.

      I personally think it is stupid to link an account that may contains tens of thousands of dollars in it to ANY auto payment scheme … one friend lost nearly $30,000 that way (BIG bank refused to reimburse) and another friend lost just over $10,000 that way (different BIG bank refused to reimburse) … and to BOTH I had recommended opening a second checking account just for those auto withdrawal or online payment purposes!! They both thought I was paranoid and just trying to create “work” for them.

      (I also have a low limit credit card that I use for ALL my on-line purchases, I NEVER use my normal credit cards for those purchases and have NEVER registered my higher limit cards with ANY on line service of any type, including Pay Pal)

      Get the additional checking account … it is well worth the Peace of Mind.

  2. Tieoneon – no bloodshed there Chief.

    ..the next blow is Financial . West about to be BRICed.

    ..when you think urban will have its 1 million watt flame thrower up & running ?
    SHTF seems to be only a matter of as soon as the Russian & Chyknees assault & invasion forces land on ALASKA.


    Yeah – they already got Hawaii..

    on the 2’s

  3. Spent the weekend at my daughter’s home in another city. Enjoyed the time with my teenage granddaughters who were totally focussed on getting Taylor Swift concert (November 2024) tickets for less than $1000. Most going for $2500 or more.

    Neither my daughter or husband watch any news except sport news anymore. When I mentioned some of the items we discuss on this column daily, they just shrugged their shoulders and said “really?” They did agree with me that inflation is taking a bite out of everyone’s standard of living and that was a problem.

    No extra food in the cupboards that I can see but they just spent several thousand dollars to remodel the basement and put in a well stocked bar and 2 large screen TVs.

    My son in law who runs a large financial firm did mention that he is having trouble getting anyone to quit work from home and come in to the office. They have worked from home for almost 3 years and just refuse to come in even for 1 or 2 days a week. If forced, they just quit and go to a company that allows them to work from home.

    I suspect this is how many if not most upper middle income families are living these days and wonder if they will ever wakeup up until the SHTF.

    • • …teenage granddaughters who were totally focused on getting Taylor Swift concert (November 2024) tickets for less than $1000…

      • Neither my daughter or husband watch any news except sport news anymore…

      • My son in law who runs a large financial firm did mention that he is having trouble getting anyone to quit work from home…

      • Regarding Urban Survival, they just shrugged their shoulders and said “really?”

      It’s like a mass psychosis!
      Bread and circuses!

      • Just like my kids.. I went through some really difficult times.. I did everything humanly possible to make sure that never happened to them..
        money hasn’t been tight.. credit cards are everywhere..
        jobs have been plentiful..the winters mild.. the push for pleasure.. church attendance is in freefall morals and ethics that once was taught at home is gone..when mom had to join the workforce it took the adult mature presence from the home. don’t have it in your list of life experiences… it doesn’t exist..two of those that have shared our home has had life paths that I cannot imagine.. and probably wouldn’t survive if I had to live that way. my kids except 1.. ones had a really tough life and horrors.. everyone you see..has a unique set of experiences. they have their own life problems they are dealing with..
        most put on the mask.. the one everyone sees and assumes they aren’t dealing with anything other than a perfect life..
        unfortunately they haven’t experienced hunger.. I never kept extra food in the cupboard until I had hunger..
        people covet coin and paper.. but what if.. they were hungry..or thirsty..

    • • … remodeled the basement and put in a well stocked bar and 2 large screen TVs…

      2 TVs? One wasn’t enough?

      • Who even has time to watch TV?

        When it comes to real work, like installing a sewer line, unless it’s yours, there’s no such thing as “working from home”.

        • That totally depends.. I have two girls that work from home one works one day a week at home the other works three days at home..
          what they save is transportation cost..

    • Similar occurrence a couple of weeks back. Visited a couple that we know.., Probably won’t do that again.
      There is no food in the house, at all. They take turns bringing take-out home each night and, on the weekends always eat out.
      Their back yard is close to a quarter of an acre – of nothing but grass. Thick, green grass. Looks great., but there are no bushes, trees, flowers, tables, chairs.., nothing but grass, that he spends hundreds a month on., and really doesn’t like people walking on it.
      They have one of the largest gas barbeques I have ever seen. Mammoth. He has used it once since they bought it last year.
      Their son is obsessed with his cell phone. Texting. You can’t have a conversation with him. Every two, or three minutes he checks his phone and starts typing away. He grades have fallen from 4.0 in his Sophomore and Junior years to just barely over 3.0., and the parents don’t know what to do about it. They are completely stumped. He has no other interests. None.
      They drive matching Lexus’s., and are very proud of the speed boat they bought, but have no way to tow it to the lake., and have to have a friend tow and launch it for them.
      I had to spend fifteen minutes, politely being interested in their new TV. It is huge. There is not a wall in my house that I could hang it on. Color was impressive., but useless to me.
      As we left, we both said at nearly the same time, that we felt kinda sorry for them.

      • My speedboat is a 21-footer with a strong-running Mercruiser 225 i/o. It is seaworthy up to about a 50kt chop. It cost me $800 (plus about $100 in petrol to trailer it home.) Book on it is more $$$ than a new WRX. It sets under a tarp behind a privacy fence and most of my neighbors have neither seen it nor know of its existence.

        I have a hard time understanding people who play the “keeping up with the Joneses” game. You can have nice stuff without being a show-off, and you can do so without spending much money if you have patience and a good eye.

      • “And the real ruling class benefit from an apathetic, diseased, non-rebellious populace, focused on the 124 flavors of ice cream choices at their local obesity palace.”

        “They take advantage of weaknesses inherent in all humans. They push the masses towards committing the seven deadly sins: pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth. Their propaganda convinces the masses to do whatever they are told.”

        “Wanting to be part of an exclusive clique and the desire for status symbols, so others will find you interesting and worthy of recognition seems to be a driving influence for a vast segment of the population, spurred on by the ruling elite.”

        “Neck tattoos, sleeves, full leg tattoos, and a hodgepodge of ridiculous artwork mar the bodies of young and old alike. In a desire to be different and display special status, millions reveal themselves to be nothing more than trend following branded sheep.”

        “It seems most people are incapable of thinking, reading a book, or just ruminating and enjoying nature. Listening to the sound of the ocean crashing on the beach or watching the seagulls swoop down on an unsuspecting dupe to snatch their soft pretzel, is unthinkable among the smart phone addicted. Whether they were jogging, biking, pushing a stroller, or sitting in a beach chair, the iPhones never left their hands. It’s as if they are afraid to be alone with their own thoughts.”

        “They need to know what others are posting on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, so they can do and think whatever is fashionable and popular at the current moment in time.”


        that’s what I have … j can put my wood fired pizza oven on it or my travel pellet smoker…or griddle
        now I never use the smaller trager smoker I have the bigger one that’s used..
        the travel grill is perfect.. the only time it isn’t is if your going to have a huge party..easy storage..

      • “nothing but grass, that he spends hundreds a month on., and really doesn’t like people walking on it.”

        what a waste of a good needs a bunch of children playing ball croquet lawn darts or bachi ball..

        the and scrappy teachers..
        I have a grand child ..her childhood aspirations was to be an astronaut to Mars… won a couple of physics awards .. I told her parents that they needed to talk to the schools or get her in advanced classes..push her academically.. they didnt..after she went into middle school the teachers didnt have the knoweledge to teach someone at her level. .the schools don’t push her..she is to bored.. and two years ago the teacher suggested she get her GED because she didn’t need to go to class.. it sucks..the parents don’t have the finances to send her to an advanced school..and she will never go on to be an astronaut.. she will graduate this year if she doesn’t get into trouble from hanging around the wrong crowd..

        • The concrete was powdered! That would indicate a very fast explosive unless some exotic technology was used. Falling doesn’t powder concrete.

          Unless a radiation device was used, I can find no reason that metal would remain molten for weeks or months.

    • Poor poor Hawaiians – $45 billion in new kickbacks for demonRat party/ukroNAZI’s..and not one red cent for the “crispy critters” on Maui. They Love Us so much..

      Obviously Hawaiians dont PAY Taxes.. or they GOT ZERO as in NONE – Representation in the usgovMINT..Oh wait they got that Crazie Mazie .bwahahahahahahahah- no wonderz.

      ” I dont know, where Im a gonna go…when the volcano blows.. -JimmyB.

      What IS Taxation WITHOUT Representation ? Teatime anyone?

      No Really – what exactly does that entail, what exactly does it mean. Who actually Pays Taxes in this here USA ?

      Think billionaire elites who brought you JFK, 9/11 & Covert19, pay any Federal Income Tax ??????
      Think their kids ever Have to enlist ??? Let alone Serve ??? Think Ure Church pays taxes ???

      And yet all of the above, ALL – R trying to get their hands on URE KIDS – Presido/Frankilin/WestPoint/Archdioceses of Every City in America …the lists are endless.

      Bringing Dark 2 THE Light !

      IS/WAS that too bright 4 U ?

      • “Think billionaire elites who brought you JFK, 9/11 & Covert19, pay any Federal Income Tax ?”

        Of course they do. They pay exactly what their tax liability is, and not a penny more. They also pay millions to limit their tax liability as much as possible, and they also can afford to do so.

    • I went to the web site and found only an assertion no evidence. I love a good story as much as the next guy. But I would think that a directed energy weapon would also have electromagnetic gravitational and visual effects. Were any reported? Were any reported at 9/11. If a beam of energy were to pass through the atmosphere it would generate thunder or a cataclysmic energy release from the conversion of the atmosphere directly to energy. (A fear at the Trinity event.) It is well known that cataclysmic amounts to energy can be created. The technology to contain and direct it approach magic (Asimov)
      Maybe it is possible that the fire was started
      by a muggle with an illegal magic wand.

        • You do have a point about the microwave. We have all blown stuff up in one. But lets think about this a little more. Your microwave is rated in watts. A DEW would be rated in gigawatts. There is no comparison. BTW most hams know that when you run a full bucket the rules and practices of power management change. Now just what are the rules for handling a gigawatt?

        • “You do have a point about the microwave… Now just what are the rules for handling a gigawatt?”

          If you are a government, there aren’t any.

          My problems are purely physical (as in distances and the inverse of squares, and such like that there.)

          I do not believe humans could put a self-contained energy device into space which could generate the power required to create an effective space-based, energy weapon which would be effective at ground level. It would take dozens of nuclear power plants, daisy-chained together, to power one such weapon. Amateur astronomers would long-since have noted the location and orbit of the “object” because it’s be too big to hide.

          Such a weapon could be built, if someone devised a way to harness the Sun’s power in real time, and focus it in a relatively tiny spot, as with a moveable, variable-focus concave mirror or convex lens. I’m guessing that would probably be visible to the astronerds, too, but it is, at least, theoretically possible, and is a viable workaround for trying to engineer a self-contained weapon.

          Calling Bill Gates…?

        • The Archimedes effect dopes work good on shorter distanced items such as the solar tower with the inverted trapazoid reflectors..but to start a fire from thousands or even hundreds of miles away is not practical..
          I seriously doubt that the cause was a DEW… my guess is it could have been a water bottle with a little water in it..laying at the right angle with dry tinder below it.. or a campfire that wasn’t totally out..

        • As for using the Archimedes effect in three sided solar towers ..placing them at the substations starting at the furthest point from the power plant would have a series of benefits..
          A mini grid effect..
          Optimized Land Use: The unique shape of the solar towers maximizes the use of available land, fitting well within the substation’s footprint and potentially making use of otherwise unused space.

          Energy Generation: Solar panels on the tower’s surface would generate renewable energy, contributing to the substation’s power supply and potentially reducing reliance on non-renewable sources.

          Reduced Transmission Losses: Generating power closer to the point of consumption can reduce energy losses during transmission, enhancing overall grid efficiency.

          Voltage Support: The generated power could help stabilize voltage levels at the substation, enhancing grid reliability and reducing the need for additional voltage control equipment. it also could be used in a hard grid down utilizing its potential as a mini grid.

          Local Energy Generation: Placing solar towers at substations could support local energy generation, contributing to energy self-sufficiency and reducing strain on the larger power grid. and cost effective.

          Reduced Environmental Impact: Solar energy is clean and produces no direct emissions, contributing to reduced air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.and no radioactive waste to dispose of.

          Aesthetics: The unique design of the solar towers could be visually appealing, potentially integrating well with the surrounding environment. I think it would be beautiful besides sustainable..

          Educational Opportunities: The distinctive design could serve as an educational resource, showcasing renewable energy concepts to the community.

          Resilience: Distributed energy generation can enhance grid resilience by providing power during outages or disruptions in the larger grid.
          by creating a mini grid in the event of a failure.

          anyway who am I just some old geizer suffering from a mental deficiency..

      • The spread… to keep it focused is the issue.. take a pointer laser as an example .. 12_feet.. the pin point laser is what an inch..from space would cover the whole state.. now that’s just a guess I didn’t do any math.. Archimedes laser was what a mile and took Thousands of mirrors.. yes it is possible but definitely not practical and would not be instant..

    • “What really happened in Hawaii?”
      A strong wind-driven grass fire… really!

      Death toll now at 93. Cadaver sniffing dogs have only covered 3% of area as yet. Families of missing victims are asked to supply DNA samples for identifying victims.

      • Thank you for continuing to set the record straight in Hawaii Hank. I have always believed if you want to know what is happening on the front line, ask the guys on the front line. I am so sorry for the terrible tragedy the people of Hawaii are suffering through. It is like something out of a horror movie.

        It is really easy to get caught up in conspiracy theories. I am guilty. Sometimes, too many co-incidences like fires all over the world at the same time.

        Whether nature or man made, I still believe the fires, floods, hot weather, etc. will solidify the resolve of the overlords to eventually call a climate emergency and all the restrictions on the peons that go with it.

      • From #1 Intel guy in Ure western hemi..the shrimpdyk.

        “My sincerest sympathies to the friends and relatives of those murdered in the German attack on Maui, the deadliest attack on the Hawaiian Islands involving Germany since Pearl Harbor. (Jerry supplied many of the dive bomber pilots, from the Graf Zeppelin air group, which was not disbanded after work on the carrier, below, was stopped.) It’s clear that a scalar high energy weapon was used, both to interfere with the jet stream and boost a hurricane, to provide the wind. This was combined with a carefully planned programme of arson and instructions, I assume from the White House, to stand down the alarm system. The Biden Administration of course favors mass murder as an instrument of policy, no offense intended.

        It is long past time that these scalar high energy weapons were shut down. The Russians could help by going public on the ground station they have seized and shut down near Chernobyl.

        I’ve never saved the life of a Seal, although I have certainly saved the lives of a Delta Force team (by warning the NSA and the Pentagon about that Chinese SAM battery protecting bin Laden’s first safe house). The Seal Team 6 raid on the second safe house of course depended upon intelligence supplied originally by me on the first safe house, which allowed the NSA to track the move to the second safe house (nothing to do with the CIA, who have falsely claimed the credit!).
        It was intel from me, passed to those nice people the ONI, which generated the tasking for the Marine Corps raid on the covert U-Boat base in the Sao Tome and Principe group, which was used to trans-ship Madeleine McCann. I also briefed in ONI on the probable course of the Type XXI U-Boat carrying the Vulcan One SS-N-19 nuclear warhead extracted from East London after my warning to the Ministry of Defence in 2012. The warhead was recovered, brilliantly, by a Seal Team deployed off the Comoros Islands from a Los Angeles class SSN.” – Micheal Shrimpton (author SPYHUNTER) proper, gay Englishman. read “real deal”

        • BB, the sad thing is that those devices could easily be built by most anyone with redneck skills, though they’d be insane to do so. Very disturbing!

          One interesting thing is that the railroads here seem to be rather highly patrolled and monitored, including drone patrols. There’s no telling how many cameras they have, nor who or what monitors them(AI?). I can’t speak for the rest of the country, but I’d hope there’s decent security
          there too.

          It’s been obvious for quite a while that we’re under attack by a covert enemy or fifth column. Unfortunately, most Americans are more interested in their 4K TV.

        • “BB, the sad thing is that those devices could easily be built by most anyone with redneck skills, though they’d be insane to do so. Very disturbing!”

          exactly mike.. and where are the line men..I live close to a railroad track..the guys are out there checking the line daily.. If some moron puts something like that on the track putting the workers and equipment in jeopardy the guys would find it quickly..

      • What’s happening in Hawaii is horrible and tragic prayers go out to all the families..

    • I’m having a hard time picturing Oprah Winfrey as a SPECTRE archvillain trying to wrest control of Hawaii. I’ll keep trying.

    • Recall the guy who took the gun into the Comet pizza place. He inadvertently proved there was no dungeon.

      Is there any proof that DEWs were used?

      Were told high winds fanned the fires. Start a small fire in your backyard then aim fan at it then turn the fan on high. The fire will grow rapidly.

      Separately, why are we paying for the Emergency Broadcast Systems? The systems failed during 911 and failed again during the Hawaii fire. Grift and scam.

      Note: if there ever is an attack on the U.S. I wouldn’t count on an Emergency Broadcast.

      • For those who live in arid grasslands, high winds, clear skies, and summer heat spell danger. Islands with trade winds frequently have wet and dry sides. Blend in an electric Company with crowded pole lines, and a local government that doesn’t maintain essential services like fire water or warning systems, and you have a recipe for disaster. There is no need to look for exotic weaponry and ray guns from space. Incompetence and indifference are sufficient.

    • The official reactions to the fire are even more suspicious than the fire itself. Here’s a local woman explaining how the fire destruction conveniently fits into previous plans for Maui to become a “smart island” with “smart cities.” Local help for the victims is being totally rejected, with citizens having to do it on the sly.

  4. if you don’t already have one, you might want to get a little flir camera. I have a small usb-c model that plugs into tablet or smartphone.

    great to identifying leaks in the HVAC or insulation. might find a clue as to why the deer was by the AC unit.

  5. I am always hesitant and very careful trading during Options Expiration Week. When those big-boys start rolling over hundreds of millions in options it is very easy for a small options trader [ like me ! ] to get caught in-between the rollers.

    According to Warren Buffett’s preferred indicator, stocks are currently overvalued, a lot.
    A reading above 100% indicates overvaluation, and it is at now 170%
    The ratio between the stock market’s overall capitalization and the nation’s gross domestic product . – Buffett firmly asserted that this particular metric holds the potential to be the most precise barometer of market valuations at any given juncture.
    – Though not foolproof, it is a great litmus test for the overall market direction.
    – The only real fault of this indicator is that the GDP can not include foreign assets and income like the corporations do. So.., that is a weak-link in this indicator.

    They have changed the forecast for my area.., we are now heading solidly into the triple digits for the week. Previously it was the mid 90’s. That’s gonna stunt the garden a wee bit !

  6. A Harvard professor went on YouTube to explain to the unwashed lower masses that we will view aliens with higher intelligence as gods.., and that we should.
    – Seriously ?? .., damn. Is he in for a surprise.

    • d’Lynn You mean, they are competing with the Govt and the Vatican for eyeballs? Why, this would break everyones gaze off of the Official AP narrative. Who would be considered to be in charge?. Or worse yet, Like the trial ballon attempted in NJ in the 1930’s by Mr. Wells. Would Panic Ensue? Probabaly not anymore , the public has a 3rd degree gaslight burn. As CZ Bianance so aptly put it, the more the press harps on something the less effect it has on anyone to pay attention to it [paraphrasing]. Maybe our intergalatic reptiles shed spikes? Do They eat bugs? LOL.

      Problem reaction solution.

      Combined with art once again immitating life.

    • That’s already been done. Read Zecharia Sitchins’ “Earth Chronicles” series and the 4-book “Eden” series by Paul Wallis, a Church Doctor, Theological Educator, and Archdeacon in the Anglican Church in Australia. The latter’s re-translation and reinterpretation of the Bible is VERY fascinating!

  7. “… it was back into working on the bottom layer of what will be four layers tall of equipment when done.”

    And with the tubes all lit up, I have visions of Irwin Allen’s ‘Towering Inferno’! BTW, we had a 4.3 earthquake yesterday at Kilauea summit… while the ham club was meeting. (Hint?)

  8. They really have no news to report., it’s just too damn hard to do any research – so they just make it up on the fly.
    – “Gold plummets as the fear of……,”
    Gold is down $2
    – “Markets surge on economic news.”
    Dow is up 0.69 points – S&P is up around 17 – Russell is down 9.
    Not one mention that the Japanese Yen just went over 145 to the Dollar.., which may force the BOJ to intervene.
    Be care full what you read.

  9. Hawaiian Electric
    Stock went from $32.40 to $20.60 a day after the Maui fire. , dropping 49%., but recovering to down 41%. Looks like they are going to take the brunt of the blame., and people are asking why the CEO didn’t order the juice to be cut when the fire started to rampage., leading to the deadliest wildfire in over 100 years.
    “While no cause to the fire has yet been determined, suspicions are growing that Hawaiian Electric equipment may have played a role.”

  10. “Hunter Biden counsel says US prosecutors reneged on plea deal.”

    Um, no.

    Judges are not obligated to accept plea deals. The attorneys for both sides work out the deal, then they’re done. They have no say in whether the judge accepts the deal.

    The Judge in this case is a Leftist, but not a communist or nutjob.

    Personally, I’m waiting to see if somebody gets prosecuted for banging a 12yo niece. Many documented occurrences of underage sex were the reason a legal team would make a deal to proffer immunity from prosecution for anything (and everything), in perpetuity, and said immunity would likely be a reason why a jurisprudencial jurist would dump it.

    It would have created a class of person who was literally and permanently, above the law.

    • “Biden has “issues” (changing gun laws for Hunter?) in 2024. Whining is just going to make it worse: Hunter Biden counsel says US prosecutors reneged on plea deal. That was reneged on because it was a “sweetheart deal””

      nothing will ever come of any of this its a pony show for the campaigns.. that’s why the council for the special investigator is the same one that wanted to give the get out of jail free card this will be shuffled under the rug…on one news station the way they were talking makes me wonder if the judge that said no way ..even has a job left..
      honor and fairness is not in the description of our system any more our politicians bought and paid for none of them read the laws they vote on or write them . when agencies can tell congress to kiss their ass and nothing can be done but say hey that not right . the virtues and ethics taught by philosophers throughout lo the ages is now discarded..
      that’s the analects but almost every philosopher has them..Plato is a favorite..
      nothing will ever be done.. Anytime it involves someone in the do not touch crowd .. its either a fake news story or Russian disinformation..
      As with the Biden .. the best friend.. once he was no longer protected he gave testimony.. throughout history it follows the same path.. every time there’s something new on the Biden’s then trump is brought up on new charges and Biden is described as a saint.. its a dead horse issue that no one will ever change..
      the best we can imagine seeing is the worst depression in modern history..the worst thing we could expect is..learn to read and write Chinese or Russian the poison pawn trap..

  11. “Growing furor over ‘authoritarian’ police raid on Kansas newspaper. Small town politics and serious concerns.”

    What? You didn’t read the news bit I dropped last week:

    The First Amendment is over, buddy. Those in power have reduced it to “a suggestion.” This should have been apparent when the highest-paid chair-polisher in the U.S. Government abridged the Rights of hundreds of millions of religious folk in this country, to practice the communal ceremonies of their faiths.

  12. “NIH Secret Third-Party Royalty Database Uncovered. Open The Books and you’ll be sickened. Why isn’t there a blind trust…or better, since so much “new medicine” is developed on the basis of public funding, why aren’t royalties paid to us”

    We don’t fund “new medicine” — we subsidize it. That’s why Entresto, Farxiga (sp?), and the other drugs advertised on TV are advertised, and also why they’re $10-$100 per pill. The pharmco has to pay for the R&D, PLUS an obscene amount of money to keep the drones in the FDA employed. Things are the way they are, because the pharmco has to recoup the money it spent to bring a drug to market, before it loses its exclusivity rights to manufacture the drug.

    Since the late 1950s, pharmcos have created drugs which affect an observed, specific action or response in humans. Often, when one of these drugs is created, there exists no malady for the drug to “treat.” In these cases, a malady is invented and its behavioral parameters defined by the actions of the drug.

    This is necessary, because the FDA requires extensive, expensive, and time-consuming testing of any drug. It costs nearly $1bln to bring a new drug to market, around $300mln to have an existing drug certified to treat a different malady, and when a pharmco has dropped hundreds of millions in their lab before spending a dime on testing and certification, they’ve got to have a path which leads toward reclamation of their investment.

    If the path doesn’t exist, they simply invent one…

    • NIH is literally analogous to a condo development complete with labs, select shared resources, and a homeowners association for big pharma. Walter Reed is across the street.

      They are doing some amazing things for our vets at Walter Reed . Bionic prothesis grafted directly to the bone, arms and legs.

      Its not a stretch for Elon to be taking things a step further with a brain-CPU embedded interface.

      • I seen a young lady.. her arm and hand .. she had told me she could feel what she was holding.. amazing..

    • Exactly..that’s also why we pay tens of thousands of percent more for a drug than anywhere else…
      or have the golden goose govt. insurance lol..
      the average citizen will die penniless..Owing the hospitals and medical institutions..

  13. “Then I ran into a wall on eBay.

    After being a user for, um, ever. All of a sudden, I need to sign up for eBay to charge my mother bank. Previously, I paid with PayPal and that was that. PayPal balance.”

    Remember when eBay and PayPal were the same company?

    The two have drifted farther and farther apart, since the divorce.

    The solution is simple:

    Open another checking account at your bank. INSULATE it from every other account you, Elaine, or any of your relatives may have, and take the debit card. Link the debit card to eBay and after they confirm it, link the bank account number for this new account to eBay. You now have a “credit card” and a “bank account” both linked to eBay. When you want to buy something, transfer money into the account. When the account balance exceeds the amount you intend to spend, by more than a “buffer amount,” transfer money back out of the account. Neither eBay (nor PayPal, Amazon, GooglePay, etc.) check to see whether the card is tethered to the account number, so AFATK they have two funding sources for any purchase you make through their interface.

    This also lets you limit your liability, should someone’s card or account database get hacked…

    • “INSULATE it from every other account”

      This means removing “overdraft protection.” Thanks to a little one Mr. O slipped up all our backsides, ALL banks where a person has multiple accounts automatically link accounts, so they can withdraw from your savings (or other) account to cover an overdraft. Until Obama, this link-up was voluntary and defaulted to “off;” after Obama, it defaulted to “on.” It is still “voluntary,” but your bank will do everything it can to sell you on the idea it’s a good thing.

      It is not necessarily a “good thing…”

      You must physically (and legally) remove this link.

      With no link or “overdraft protection,” the bank can not access another account to cover this one, which means: If you attempt to purchase more than the balance in your account, even by just a penny, the transaction will be declined. i.e. It is impossible for you to overdraw the account. Also, with this as your one “public” account, should the account info ever be hacked or stolen, you can not possibly lose more than is in the account.

      This is why I put money in mine when I’m going to buy something, and take money out when the amount in the account exceeds my $200 “buffer.” It is also why I make fewer impulse buys. I have to physically transfer the money, which means I have to take a physical action before I can spend anything, which means I have to also think and reconsider my actions before I can make that purchase…

    • Yep, that’s how I do it. PayPal agreement also allows them to ‘suck money back’ from your bank account if you are a seller, and the buyer (maybe fraudulently) claims the merchandise was never received. I quit selling on eBay when I found this out. Many scams were described and I had one tried on me when I sold my Segway on Craigs List. Didn’t work.

      You might want to insulate that PayPal bank account completely in a different bank from your mother bank, so they cannot cross-transfer between accounts.

      • Definitely! I do that and have done it for years. One thing you might get dinged for is an overdraft charge when they decline a transfer. I’m not sure if that would apply without an actual check, but it’s a minor risk. If you know your bank staff, they will likely work with you.

  14. Hi George,

    Ure page loaded pretty fast today. Faster than it has been loading, I do believe. Then again, if I access it from work, which is an ISP, we have 100 GB pipe out and back, triple-redundant, so, it could also be the path the data travelled today as well. :-)



  15. The article below is from Geller and goes to your points listed as factors 1-5 and the Kansas Police article. The article lays out most all of the changes we have seen , been encumbered with over the past 3 years. AND we , the people, have allowed it to happen either through ignorance, laziness, or intentionally.
    This is no longer our country, the question is can we reclaim it?
    And of course this article does not even address the anger the residents of Maui are feeling at the Fed. (Angre enough to become a Japanese protectorate?) And Russian and Chinese are pushing into Alaskan waters?? nothing to see here, move along. JJ

    This article is stunning when you actually put all of the issues that we are and have faced in a single list. JJ

  16. George, I seem to be having a hard time getting to post this today??
    Below is an article (from Geller), that follows along with your 5 factors and the Kansas Police issue. It lays out very effectively how we have lost our country over the past 3 years, laying out all of the things that have happened / laws that have been passed or repealed. It is fascinating that this could all happen within an approx 3 year period , (although the foundation has been in the process for quite a while). We have effectively lost our country, through laziness, ignorance or by intention. Is there a way to recover??
    And then there is Maui, I would not blame them if they asked to become a Japanese protectorate. And what gives with the Russian and Chinese making navel and air incursions into Alaska waters?? nothing to see here, just move along. JJ

    Well written and goes to the core of our national affliction.

  17. I’ve been thinking about climate change and of course am very suspicious of the HAARP program, That program went from one sit near Anchorage approx 30 yrs ago to approx 16 sites world wide???(as per my best information, check for yourself to confirm) 2 south of the equator and the rest spread through the northern hemisphere with at least 1 in China, and 1 in Japan.
    The original intent of HAARP as best I understand it was to cause holes or bubbles in the ionosphere?? by dumping massive amounts of focused RF into the sky. It was believed the basic intent was to alter weather patterns, would that be like CLIMATE CHANGE??
    NOW the important question. If one massive station dumping a million watts into space could affect the weather, would 100,000 stations dumping 10 watts into space also affect the weather?? Maybe it’s not my car or my truck or my cow that is supposedly causing climate change, maybe it’s the cell phone towers I use??? JJ

  18. Gee Wally , the head of law enforcement in Maui is , ding ding ding , the sheriff that lead the cover-up to the las vegas shooting. Nothing to see here.

  19. ‘Ebay/card’

    I mentioned Google won’t let me back in until after they send a text, which is a positive ID in my thoughts. I used a burner for the account and that phone is long gone so locked out forever.

    Since the start I only had an ATM card. ’bout a year ago I upgraded to the Debit card. Under $100 Debits showed up for $AMZN.

    Like others I use a certain CC for Internet and pay the CC from checking. Checking has never seen the Internet. I canceled the Debit and went back to ATM only.

    Checking returned the cash but I had to call them twice to get it resolved. I just don’t need the hassles.

  20. Some banks still offer ATM cards if you demand them. I won’t take a debit card.
    I would suggest reviewing your financials on Weiss ratings. It is easy to get complacent with insured accounts. I am moving money around for risk avoidance, and to get better interest rates for the first time in a long time.

  21. re: Europe or Bust
    feat: steerage class


    The BBC website features a piece by one of their London staff journalists with a self-described interest in “long form storytelling”. It seems that in the wee hours of Tuesday, June 27th, a Nigerian man named Friday climbed atop the rudder of an ocean tanker vessel in the port of Lagos. Three other stowaways were already aboard. All hoped to soon be in Europe.

    Fourteen days later the virtually-expiring quartet were greeted with water upon arrival at Sao Paulo, Brazil (followed by offer of free shelter and Portuguese lessons).

    Dreams of Europe shattered, the half full/empty glass syndrome surfaced. Two of the four “decided to take up an offer of returning directly to Nigeria”. I mean, why not, right? Those two maybe felt like Christopher Columbus searching for Asia and ending up in the New World. Defeat is stolen from the jaws of victory again.

    Hundreds more unaccounted for yet.

    Harrowing stories of driving for their lives thru firestorms in high wind. “Running people were jumping into the back of my pickup truck! It was apocalyptic!” Some families didn’t make it and burned to death in their cars.

    With DNA technology now that seems the most efficient way to ID victims. Authorities are asking for DNA samples from relatives of missing victims yet. Cataloging them now and will start releasing names soon, they say.

    I had a tragic accidental death in my neighborhood today while I was away. Workers clearing a jungle lot across the road where a new house is being built had a huge Albizia tree trunk fall and crush one of the workers. I came home to a cluster of police parked out front. Body is still there under the tree. Gonna be a fun job to cut it up and get the remains from underneath.

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