Two rather distasteful subjects to cover this morning, each involving death, but
at least we have a choice: Do we extend ultimate home prepping to follow
the construction plans of the S.A drug cartels, or do we die when the bond
market implodes? The one certainly fits with building a solid home defense
plan verging on the paranoid, while the other comes along to some extent no
matter what due to incredible assumptions about returns built into many pension
plans. Fortunately, before we get to the blood and gore on either front,
we’ll first have coffee and remind you not to sit too close to the monitor for
this morning’s report. We assume no liability for your cleaning bills.
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On the brighter side of things:
Shared reader Wayne asked my friend Gaye over at
“Do you have George Ure’s Ranch Beans with sweet onions recipe?”
Of course, Gaye and I being friends since back in the 70’s asked… ”See above. Are you holding out on me?”
No, not exactly, but if Wayne really wants my Ranch Beans with Sweet Onions recipe….just add cheese:
More Thursday morning, crackers optional. And yes, I dropped this can getting it ready for the photo shoot so I will have to have it with some fried chicken. But please, Wayne, don’t make me look for the accompanying KFC bucket in the trash…raccoons are probably eating it as we speak…that’s another one of my Original Recipes, lol.