Markets: Critical Day – A Client Memo

We are waking up to what COULD – before the day is out – Turn into a real bellwether trading day.

The reason is simple:  With the close of last week’s action, we were AT our 85-Day Moving Average in our Aggregate Index work, but there have been other indicators, as well.

I mentioned a couple of times that this is the day that popped in the Options Signal Service overnights since early last week.

Another, and the one we follow in our subscriber reports, is our “back-of-the-envelope” spreadsheet-based range estimator for how far along the longwave economic collapse as gotten.

Simply:  You thought we were in trouble ahead of new year  but now, you should be relaxed and wondering what all the worry was for.  You should be a gullible again and ready for the shears sure to come.  Baah….my little bleaters.

The target ranges are pretty clear, given that we may have already had a Wave 2 rally and are on the brink of collapse to 30 percent lower levels.

agg index targets

Could this not be an ended Wave 2?  Of course.  Can 2 go higher?  Absolutely.  But, when you look at a LOT of numbers things do begin to “cluster” – even randomness clusters- which is awesome to appreciate Who rolls that one…

The “mechanical aspects” of markets just enthralls me.  Here we were back in November, seeing it as the start of a huge nested down move in markets, and since that decline ended around March 13, we have rallied foolishly. Stupidly. (But who wants to give back the gains?  Show of hands?)  Based on the Friday close, we gained 12.2% overall which breaks out like this:

Not surprisingly, then, Stock futures are little changed to start the week ( gets to it.

If you’re an Elliott wave follower, our take is simply this:  Hard Down (largest #s) 3 down could be about to begin, unless the wave count changes.

ellliot for the day

Now just imagine a big green 3 over right and much lower.  Since 3rd waves tend to the 1.5 to 1.618 range, we can take the travel of Wave 1 down, go up to the possible top of Wave 2, and then subtract Wave one times 1.5 as a kind of what may be coming if this doesn’t end on a rally note…

Ah, the task today?  A wrong wave fake and reversal would be in the script – were I able to write such things.  We shall see (plus or minus a pound of wallet contents, of course.)

An Important Client Note

Our consigliere sent us a gem, far too good to miss:

“VERY Good Yale Univ guest lecture from Oct 2018: “How the US Created Vladimir Putin”

Great background on the different approaches of the US and of Russia since the collapse of the Soviet Union which has led up to the current situation.

The lecture is by French Journalist Vladimir Pozner a Russian/American Journalist during his working career.

The lecture at Yale was done in the fall of 2018 … when you listen to the lecture you could see exactly where the world was going even back then.  The other thing I took away from the lecture is that Putin will NOT BACK DOWN.

For Russia the current situation is an Existential Threat to the existence of Russia itself … and if you go back to family /clan /sub-tribe /tribe grouping dynamics from Cave Man Days when there is an Existential Threat to the core group.

Exactly this kind of “deep background” which is easy to process is but one value of having a consigliere~.  There really ought to be a professional association for ’em.  Website, big ad budget, place for greed-crazed traders to line up and bid on their services…

Sadly, Back to Real-Time

We now rejoin real-time coverage…

While reports have it that Ukraine has now captured upwards of 1,000 Russian military vehicles, this is worth watching: Russia’s Newest fighter jet was shot down by Ukrainian air defenses ( You just know China is taking notes on this kind of thing.

Ukraine – which made big claims about civilians being killed by Russians in the fighting- is getting denials in Kremlin rejects accusation Russian forces killed Bucha civilians.  Please also note to your personal scorecards: kyiv: Eight dead in Russian shelling in south Ukraine: Kyiv.

(Hate to be brash about such things, but at some point, wars (learned this reporting on Vietnam), the daily gore stories transition the mental headspace between human tragedy and just another number.  That’s when humanity leaves and it just becomes “the daily body count” which this one is in danger of becoming.  A neuron register. The rate of story burn seems to depend on the ADD’ness of the audience.  The more ADD an audience is, the quicker it moves on from “Oh, a tragedy of war” to a “What will his mean for the Academy...”  bullshit.  I mean seriously, what of kind national unity demanded by “Be the Change” are we not able to comprehend?_ i digress..)

Kind of related, though Westish: Victory for Hungary’s Orban means a headache for the EU – BBC News.  Because he gets along with that Russian fellow? Hungary’s pro-Putin PM Orban claims victory in national vote | AP News

The Week Ahead

Besides us watching for the “Unexpected – Big News” to drive markets today, most other stuff is lame in finance.  A few items – like car sales – will be piecemealed out this week. (“Oh shit yeah, let’s put our ass in the Debt sling for forty-large so we can sit home with a depreciating ego-pile in the driveway ’cause there’s nowhere worth going, anymore…world’s just so hosed up.  Get the luxury trim package, though.  No telling how many of us will end up living in ’em...)

Tomorrow is more like a regular day. No, not French Industrial Production (true though), but the International Trade data.  Whee!~ Let’s see how much (real stuff) we swindled foreigners out of by giving them paper with ink on it!  GRANDE!!!  Yippee!

(Whew!  Where are the meds?)

Wednesday – if the Big Story allows (an asteroid would be problematic, for example) – the sheep pen screens will fill with mid-morning energy data and in the afternoon with the Fed Minutes.  Wake me up when that’s over.

Thursday, rootin-tootin Treasury auctions and the weekly new U.I. filings.

Friday is what we live the week for. Nothing.  Sure, minor rig count numbers – they don’t matter since Joe Killed Energy.  And the prelim inventories data only matters if you play economic suicide in that arena…

ATR: Quiet Except….shhh….Listen…

Always wanted to write a daily “Astrology meets old hard-school reporter” with a side of SQL  column.  Today:

Our outlook is for an unusually nifty day.  Great time in a dandy week to get real things – important to you – done in your life.  Market turns commenced today Ref the 85 DMA may indicate long-term bull/bear directionality.

Our Gaussian forecast is:  Unchanged random system noise, but a few data indicators call for Big News as the day wears on.  Elevated risk, though no evacuations expected.

There…how about more coffee and then let’s get some things done…

Write when you get rich,

58 thoughts on “Markets: Critical Day – A Client Memo”

  1. “Baah….my little bleaters.”

    Or you could have said.. Suck in the coolaide lady’s and gents.. LOL.. I swear my son in law is sucking in the cool aide.. I asked him the other day… Just what flavor was that…LOL…

    “The other thing I took away from the lecture is that Putin will NOT BACK DOWN.”
    That is a great lecture.. seen it before.. and thought then.. who in the world would have thought something good and logical would come out of YALE publicly.. they rarely share anything at all.. their library is a song… ….
    In the study done by body language specialists.. that was a point they made.. If anyone was home in the political realm and actually read the crap that they spend millions on… they would know this and if an idiot in the wastelands can read that crap.. you would think that they could to…. the other thing is instead of our partying and drinking the thousand dollar cup of wine from the lobbyists.. shoot just take a few moments and read the autobiography or watch the interviews that have been done with Putin.. HE WON”T BACK DOWN.. he grew up in the streets and had to fight to stay alive, He is convicted to succeeding. And with all the claims of war crimes and what has happened to those that have had those very claims put against them in recent past.. he knows that the future of his family and him depend on this success and follow through… ..With the US and Nato giving support and munitions to his enemies the only option I fear that he will see left for him will eventually be to go all desert storm on everyone unless Xi jumps in and backs him.. Xi.. Now that should scare everyone.. because he is being the voice of reason right now but he has the manufacturing and the manpower to get his point across pretty dramatically…. BUT… Xi also knows that Russia and China are the last two big mountains opposing NWO…and if it looks as if Russia will fold he will be the last mountain what options does he have left in a world that will not bend… You did notice the US and NATO did back down to his demands of no nukes on our borders.. and fairly suddenly stopped threatening him with those nukes on his borders. He only had to say it once to.. so they all can’t be that stupid…..
    But.. what is that old saying about our political leaders..
    that is what we need some hot Krispy cream doughnuts LOL.. you can’t fix it but dam that sure takes some of the pain out of looking at what those idiots are doing LOL….that is probably what is going on.. JB has narcolepsy LOL.. right during the time that we need someone that is awake..
    Now think about this as a point of thought and observation….. IF.. it becomes evident that the west had any involvement in the poisoning of the troops with biologicals.. consider this.. Just where do we get the vast majority of our food from.. (quick answer.. NOT HERE….)

    Got my totes.. they look great.. today I pick up the Uni Seals and get them ready to go.. the two littlist grandkids aske me what is that.. well honey it is our next science spearmint…lol
    What I was looking for was

    • upcoming “mystery’s project” on Mr Poooteeen. Is there any outside- mental influences working on/or with Pooters or any of his close circle advisors?

      – some of our “Family” members are baaack. Its a kosmic karma thing –

      • thanks for sharing that website..…I had never heard of it.. but will definitely enjoy reading the stories there..

        Well I did it.. since I wasn’t sure about ordering from china right now. .
        with how everything is moving forward.. for a biogas bag.. and the only one I know in Cali for the cow bags is Mark.. and truly doubt he would be interested in getting some of the cow bags LOL.. I ordered
        four of these for my gas storage for my methane bio gas digester project..I know its a little big.. two tanks should store enough gas for daily use..But just in case I will make a compartmentalized container with a weighted slide on top.. or use a tote to house them then put a guided slide on top to push down at twenty pounds of pressure to ensure adequate pressure for all the gas to be used…. ..

        all in all I will have about six hundred in the whole project.. The boss thinks I am nuts.. but I said.. just in case.. you never know.
        Here is Solar Cities biogas digester.. I am putting in three diagonal gas outlets so that gas won’t pool on one end.. . and with how things are developing.. its better to be safe than sorry.
        I already have this hookup for the generator.. I will put in a threeway so I can hook the backup generator to it and also hook it directly to the house gas lines in the event this goes ballistic then all I have to do is shut the valve to the main line and plug it in..
        . I did buy more than our yearly use of wheat.. but it was a challenge to get it.. the elevator is going to give me some rye.. LOL LOL so I can try making rye drink.. LOL LOL..

      • LOOB, good luck with that Biogas digester. The commercial ones I have seen for home use will produce enough gas in a week to flame a hotplate for an hour and boil water before going dead. Not a real high-output.

      • “good luck with that Biogas digester.”

        Thanks hank.. Dang that is interesting.. I wonder what they did wrong.. the ones that I have done on a smaller scale to show the grandkids always did real good.. but then I did it a little different to get it started… this is the first massive scale one I am going to undertake.. my concern is.. getting the proper starting slurry quantity.. once it is working then you just add.. We don’t have rabbits anymore.. ( the grandson made friends with a wild bunny when he was worried about it freezing in winter.. so I said toss a carrot out there.. he named jack the bunny LOL that ended up to be female.. so jack was jackie.. it was the damdest thing you ever seen a four year old going out and calling the rabbit and the rabbit if it heard him would come running up to him to be fed. Or you would hear a noise and the rabbit would be at the door wanting to see him LOL. LOL well we caught jackie and she had babies.. so for a while we had a slew of rabbits.. )
        In the smaller experiments I would take the slurry.. ( didn’t want to say cow crap) and dump the mix in an old can.. paint can works good.. then green garbage.. take salt about a half cup or so.. I had just taken a handful about a half cup or so.. and a handful of lime.. ( the kind you use in a barn.. ) and a couple cups of warm water mix it up real good then pour it over the slurry…. in the lid of the paint can.. two holes one in the middle and one on the side.. and the side tube.. was the overflow.. as the gas built up.. the water goes into the bottle once the bottle is full there is enough gas to cook with.. the burner on the center hole had a valve. just light it up.. could cook then cook the next day.. as the slurry digested..
        I had thought about doing what the guy did in 78.. he made a vaporizer.. and drove across the USA on network tv on ten gallons of gas they did daily updates on network television…. LOL LOL… of course he sat in front of the congress … telling them that a different type of carburetor would be good at saving fuel.. LOL LOL then was arrested and his car confiscated as he was leaving DC LOL no one even brought up the texaco contest that had a car made out of real iron and steel that was getting what almost four hundred miles to a gallon back in the early sixties LOL.. published it..they had the contest every year..anyway I digress… but in science experiments.. it works.. two bubblers.. one with water or whatever you want in it.. and one with fuel.. as the air moves through the gas.. it goes into and out the water.. you get a nice cool flame with it.. simple to do.. works all the time when your done cooking both sides of the two containers are the same rate of decline an hour of cooking is about an ounce of gasoline and an ounce of water.. .. just make sure you have a flame arrestor inline.. just in case… I wonder what they did wrong with the digester though.. If this doesn’t work.. well I won’t have to much money invested in it.. and the jacks can be used elsewhere.. one in each car.. the ten dollars I spend on the totes.. will be lost.. the plumbing fixtures will go back in my plumbing pile. I will be out the uniseals though.. they are combined cost on amazon of thirty bucks.. My concern over the cengas using gasoline and water was you need electricity to run the air pump.. in a car you use the exhaust.. and the motor does it.. plus you get to burn the exhaust fumes as well.. super easy. fun science project.. you can use microwaves to.. but that one scared me a little bit.. was afraid that the kids would get hurt with high voltages and if done wrong the gasoline could go boom.. anything that can be dangerous I toss out of the old mans mad garage science experiments..I got scared with the melting stone with the sun.. was terrified that the kids were zapping everything..
        Now the older kids give me hell because I am not teaching the youngest the same stuff I taught them LOL…I just tell them the boss said no more scary stuff.. LOL..
        the first tme I seen a biogas digester was on a chicken farm.. he ran his whole farm on the slurry from cleaning under the cages.. I don’t have that luxury.. and not sure if the dairy farmer that is doing it on large scale will want to part with any of his slurry..

    • The 4 part Oliver Stone interview with Putin in 2017 is also very good for understanding Putin’s personality. All parts are on YouTube but for Part 1 you have to poke around a bit for a free one since most of the Part 1 videos are PAY videos (others are easily found for free on YouTube).

      I downloaded and saved all of them off of YouTube to my hard drive since I wanted the chance to go back rewatch certain parts of them later.

      WRT the entire Ukrainian mess Oliver Stone has done a couple of very good interviews over the last 4 or so months. If I get the chance I will try to dig out the links and put on this site under today’s date comments for those who might be interested (can be hard to find old stuff on George’s website, so just note today’s date on a notepad somewhere so you can get back to today’s postings)

      Seems like the Washington Crowd, especially the NeoCON crowd, thinks that they can destroy Russia without any blowback to the US.

      NOPE. They don’t understand Tribal Cohesion. They don’t understand history. They don’t understand Russia’s WILL to survive. They don’t understand Putin.

      As I read Putin since this IS an Existential Event for Russia, ie: will Russia be able to survive as an entity going forward, Putin WILL take it nuclear if it appears to him that Russia as an entity and as a tribal grouping is going to be destroyed. For whatever reason those NeoCONS forget that other Tribes besides those that wear small hats also have a strong tribal identity and are willing to DO WHAT IT TAKES so as to ensure the survival of the Tribe.

      Putin is NOT operating alone. I suspect most of the leadership of HIS TRIBE, both in and OUT of government, are also thinking like he is at the moment. (ie: his internal 80% positive polling numbers inside Russia)

      Remember Tecumseh and his last ditch effort to save the American Indians. He took most of the Indian Tribes still remaining west of the Appalachians to battle against the interlopers, lost both battles, but did everything he could to SAVE the remaining Indian tribes west of the Appalachians … and those tribes WERE WIPED OUT for all intents and purposes. Tecumseh was just 50 years too late to be able to do it without special weaponry, but if he had nuclear weapons at his disposal … well European Whites would have had to stay on the East Side of the Appalachians.

      • Tecumseh was too early, Chief George too late. Westerners didn’t come close to wiping the Indian out (at least no-closer than the Indians did themselves. When they weren’t fighting Europeans, they were fighting each other.)

        Conquerors throughout history either eradicated or occasionally assimilated the vanquished. Our real crime WRT the American Indian is we did neither, but instead locked them away on tracts of land which took away their nomadic lifestyle and gave them poverty in return. Oh, and we gave them BIA heads (for nearly all of the past 120 years) who were more-interested in feathering their own nest, than caring for their indigenous charges…

      • “Seems like the Washington Crowd, especially the NeoCON crowd, thinks that they can destroy Russia without any blowback to the US.”

        I watched those interviews Stephen2 .. they are awesome and what surprised me is..From my perspective he was quite open and candid he wasn’t being deceptive at all .. the stuff he told Oliver Stone is exactly what a guy I visit with had told me several years ago already.. about the people in Ukraine asking Putin to help by cleaning up the deep corruption they suffered from those in power in Ukraine.. none of which is even a secret at all.. even the USA was doing investigations on the corruption and money laundering part of it until a prominent politician shut it all down..
        I totally believe that this whole mess could have been avoided if we had done exactly what we said we would do. Then we make the same stupid mistakes that were made in the early sixties. Now my fear is that it is to late in the game and all this talk about war crimes that keeps getting bantered on the MSM news is not good.. The one good thing is Putin has not been impulsive or easy to act out impulsively in anger but scarier is he is more calculating…. well what does Putin have to reflect back on that have been claimed as war criminals…. He has the recent history of Hussein and kadaifi. And what happened to them and their families as reference points.. the scarier part is Xi knows that if Putin starts to loose he is the last hill to climb and it is all on his shoulders to either oppose it or just say here your the big dog.. and then consider Kim.. he may not have the size or power or the manufacturing etc..and knowing they want his lithium.. so he has no other choice but to go for broke and he is a real impulsive wild card. Remember what he did to his brother and uncle that deep state bought to try to oust him. and with the leaders in SK making the comments like they did this last weekend about NK.. dam.. it just gets scarier by the day..I am trying to stay away from the news and am finding that it is really hard.. I keep getting drawn back to what is going on.. and I can say I am terrified on how it is progressing.. and all we can do is watch it all unfold and for what.. the minute Xi decides well being the peacemaker is not going to work that he has a choice to give it all up or stand opposed…I think that is when it will go nuts.. the good thing is it wasn’t the poison pawn trap.. if it was.. then I believe that things would have escalated a long time ago now..and lets say the US and NATO do move the nukes off of Russian border.. and this deal in Ukraine is over with sooner.. then we still have the financial mess that has been created.. it was touchy before now it is totally devastated and in a spiral that from my perspective we cannot climb out of unless we claim bankruptcy as a nation and the dollar collapses..

    • “That is a great lecture.. seen it before..”

      I haven’t, but it is on my watch list now.

      “BUT… Xi also knows that Russia and China are the last two big mountains opposing NWO…”

      Um, no. Xi is one of the sponsors of the NWO. He didn’t used to be, but figured since Western banksters and oligarchs were assembling the framework and putting it in place, he might as well take advantage of it, and save himself some work.

      Xi is simply playing all sides until he can get a foot in every door.

      Don’t get lazy and assume Sun Tzu’s teachings apply, only part of the time…

      • “Um, no. Xi is one of the sponsors of the NWO. ”

        Wow.. this is a revelation.. I didn’t know that he was a part of it…. I missed reading about that..
        that clears up some of the foggier things that kept creeping up on what wasn’t happening like I had assumed it would..

  2. Comrades,

    Who would have thunk it that when The Grammys were postponed from their originally scheduled January 31st date at LA’s Arena, it would give Mr. Zelensky a Vegas stage to again deliver his finely-tuned video message of peace through war. This was followed by introduction of the Ukrainian songstress Oxana Hrycaj more familiarly known to the shepherded by her more foxy moniker Mika Newton. Regrettably her first American hit single “Don’t Dumb Me Down” apparently was not on the Grammy setlist.

    In the proverbial batting of the butterfly wings from the other side of the world, none other than Amero-Aussie musician Flea held down the stage yesterday evening at Arena in lieu of the Grammies. It was quite the trip I’m sure. (Note to self – check around for a copy of Flea’s magnum opus book, “Acid for the Children”.)

    • Thank goodness I missed that part of the Grammy’s. I didn’t know he was going to speak (well “LIE”) to the American public through the Grammy Megaphone or I wouldn’t have even turned it on later.

      The NeoCONS are certainly structuring the PR to only show one side of the story … and I can’t believe that they are willing to risk the Nuclear Destruction of the US in order to accomplish “Their Goals”, whatever they REALLY are.

      We already know “they” are willing to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian … but to also risk US Nuclear Anhilation makes you wonder WHAT is the real “End Game” they are trying to accomplish? It has to be some sort of Religious thing … there is no reasonable sane explanation that explains their behavior.

  3. I can find no mention of it anywhere. Wasn’t Sunday the cut-off date for Russian energy flow into the EU ? Did the EU pay in rubles? Has Russia cut off the oil / gas / coal ? Whys is he waiting?

  4. Would you like to fly in my beautiful…lead balloon , xtremley poisonous lead.

    Yields too high – “she cant hold together” We be soonly going down, dodah market stop here -nope..a long ways to go.

    Only a matta of splatta – whether or not the end results in one giant Cock- a-Roach infested planet. Embrace the HATE, become the heavy fearful darkeness – Lets Go Brandon – To Hell and Beyond!

    A CULL-in-ary Feast awaits the our enslaved planet, dont forget to RSVP

  5. ” Hungary’s pro-Putin PM Orban claims victory in national vote”

    ” a defender of European Christendom against Muslim migrants, progressives and the “LGBTQ lobby.” * ”

    * and George Soros…

    I’m not sure Orban is an ally of Putin, as much as he is a friend of Hungary and an enemy of both Soros, and the things that’re destroying civilization. He refuses to march in lockstep with the rest of the EU when their policies conflict with the greater good of Hungary, and has refused to commit Hungary to Zelenskyitis, or anything but strict neutrality in the Ukrainian dust-up.

  6. Putin won’t back down because, having framed the Ukraine conflict as a good vs. evil cultural / religious crusade, he CAN’T back down without losing face. When the Russian Orthodox Church has encouraged and blessed your “Greater Rus” wet dream, how can you not fight to your end. Absent regime change, this will be a long hard slog and many, many good people will suffer and die. Vlad…what an asshole!

    • Um, you framed it as cultural / religious. Putin framed it as “keep the nukes and nazis away from Russia, and quit killing Russians in the Donbas.”

      Have you considered seminary? You seem to have this extraordinary fixation on religion. Perhaps you should examine it before you miss your calling in life…?

      • Thanks for the suggestion, but I don’t do well with authority – especially authority claiming to be divinely-given.
        I admit to being perversely fascinated by those who claim religious inspiration to kill as many people as possible. So screwed up, but fascinating as a train wreck.
        If you want a bit of background on what I’m noticing, see
        After all, “God with us” was on every Nazi’s belt buckle.

      • Ray ,the man Quotes the Daily Beast, atheist George stands for nothing. I have not seen him pro anything, but he is always anti Trump and anti God. He refuses to see the nazis in Azov in the Ukraine national guard, that were promoted by assholes in the US gov, No Name and the little Vietnamese boy sodomizer, Graham. Antifa George will blowvate from his easy chair and tells US how full of crap we are. Ya, kind of, got to feel sorry for him with his attitude. He feels immune from any negative effects from his vax, while athletes world wide are having heart issues, no, not all of them but enough to get attention the many news outlets, but the lame stream media chooses to ignore, he is a classic sheeple.
        Poor ole george sorass had a bad day is is due for many more. He can not see that the United States lost the war to the Throne corp, with the Federal reserve act, a stunning left hook to the US Constitution by the ruling class of Europe. The global elites ruling the so called free world, do not want to let go of their control over US. It is pretty bad when Putin is a better man the the current paedophile in the president office.
        Trump will return and it is driving the dems and RINOs over the edge. They can’t stop it, remember Teddy R. 2 terms separated. Who can stop a tidal wave
        Anti george can not see that the EU and the US have been a bunch of schoolyard bullies pushing Putin into a corner, demanding his lunch money, doing their best to start the WW3, we are ruled by a bunch of satanists. Time for a change.

      • So you’re telling me the Daily Beast had a spot on the wall to hear Kirill speak?

        It is propaganda.

        If Putin wanted to exterminate the people in that region, they would all have been dead, weeks ago.

        The only “holy war” the Russians are fighting is the one for the survival of their civilization…

    • You kno understand Frequency & NRG’s , Earth is alive, she vibrates to Us. As it seems only seeing half the show..

      The dark Nazi Occultists -Hi gyrgory, hollar vicky- are gearing up big time for this WW111. Global call-outs for group “rituals” to help in fight against the LIGHT..

      FUN DA Mental ! U have already made Ure choice- enjoy the ride, its getting bumpier by the day.

      R U afraid, yet ? The “darkness” Is.

  7. “The other thing I took away from the lecture is that Putin will NOT BACK DOWN.

    For Russia the current situation is an Existential Threat to the existence of Russia itself …”

    And this is why I’ve been saying for weeks that for Russia to lose in Ukraine is not an option, and why I said they viewed this fight as “life & death.”

    If we, and the Urepeed-on Union had kept our materiel out of the fight it’s be over. Russia has been tagged “the bully” in the media. As someone who kicked a lot of bullies’ asses when I was a kid, I feel competent to advise that the way to deal with a bully is not to give the kid he’s picking on, bigger and bigger sticks until he lands a lucky swing. It is to fight the fight for him. All that “bigger stick” thing does is prolong the fight, stimulate the blood-lust of the onlookers, and eventually lead to a hospital stay for the kid being bullied, when the bully gets pissed and punishes the kid instead of just beating him up.

    Now, just as a purely rhetorical question: Suppose Russia isn’t the bully? Suppose the bully is the kid whose been giving all the onlookers sticks (nukes) and telling them they should beat up that “Russia kid” because he doesn’t want to play with them?

    • Worse than not play, Ray is he won’t share his resource toys =- ISS rocket motors and all that lithium and other goodies. Nope, bullies want everyone else’s toys – free. He won’t back down.

      • I realize this is almost heretical thought, but dammit, I’m gonna be impartial and disconnected from this crap if it drives me to distraction (or the U.P. of Michigan, which is much the same thing…)

      • Ray, my mother was from the U.P. I spent summers up there. I hear Copper Harbor is nice in winter, buried under 200 inches of lake-effect snow.

      • Hank, Houghton is one of the prettiest, character-rich little cities I’ve ever seen, but I’ve never yet made it up Highway 41 the other 50 miles or so to the point. ‘Bout all I know WRT Copper Harbor is that’s the port from which the majority of our copper and uranium shipped until the early 1960s. Gorgeous country (but only 5mos of the year…)

  8. “Our consigliere sent us a gem, far too good to miss:”

    You are so right George. This is quit a long video but every single truth seeking person should watch it. As Paul Harvey used to say “and now you know the rest of the story.”

    Good day.

  9. Just wandering by and thought I would check out this bullsheet farm . Yep still functioning exactly the same as before and feeding the vegetables their daily dose of manure . Yes it doesn’t age !!! Bullsheet just smells stronger and is timeless . The gurus and vegetables of the coalition of willing. The 4 great sewerage farms . USSA , Canada , oztralia and NZ . Wow like an Arian race of stump inserters

  10. Good blog today.

    What makes America great is its constitution and its democracy. Our democracy – while corrupted by partisan reelection-seeking politicians. non-rule-of-law-following individual judges, and attacked and sickenly manipulated by left wing and right wing media fascist-end-game opinion news – still (at this time) represents the best of the world’s places to live for individual citizen security, creativity, and innovation.

    Because America is the best place to live in the world, property in the US is a premium and property valuations in the US were easily able to be increased by 30 percent on average over the last two years with the historically low 30 year interest mortgage rates created by Federal Reseve money printing and Federal Reserve mortage-back securities, 80 billion dollars a month for 18 months during COVID. That transient, but to be used again US Central Bank property/wealth stimulous program, ended in January and the US 30 year mortgage rates are up over 200 basis points from their 2021 lows at nearly 5 percent. America’s new property 2-3 percent 30-year mortgage buyer population pool has been effectively eliminated with the curret near 5 percent rate and the current inflated property valuations.

    Maybe Blackstone BX, a US real estate corporate represents the best proxy for America’s Asset-Debt macroeconomic system. From the 2009 low’s where money printing and QE’s became the dominant element of debt expansion: the fractal progression for BX is 40/81/41 months. Blackstone’s bell weather progression matches George’s Elliot wave qualitative progression. Expect equity valuation nonlinearity in a empirically observable nonlinear system.

  11. Before I leave this part of the great swamp I found a heap more sewerage farms . The Elliot wave farm the golden turd farm the hidden pivot farm the tech farm the cnbc farm . But by far the biggest the political farm . Wow what a stink comes out of all this bullsheet

  12. Comrades,

    Surely not since the days of Plato has The Republic seen such a sophos as Mr. Pozner. He delivers words of wisdom. Belated happy birthday greetings of this past Friday to the good gentleman.

    It’s a rather fascinating sight as he threads two worlds together. This son of “Platon” (Plato) is an oracle. To think that Platon featured in the Venona Project as he did according to Wikipedia without even President Truman directly knowing.

    Well, spot me a notepad, is that a turntable or what? Watch DJ Ure thread the needle into the groove for us now with “Glass Onion” from the Fab 4.

  13. “Russia’s Newest fighter jet was shot down by Ukrainian air defenses”

    Interesting photo. I’ve never seen a plane crash photo before, where the aircraft was in one piece. I’ve certainly never seen one where a combat plane was hit by fire or a missile, where it was in one piece… ‘Looks almost like it was landed and the tracks covered-up, then set afire…

    Is Russia’s newest fighter jet really 35 years old?

    • Russias newest fighter is the SU57, supposed to be the rival of the F22.
      Word is it’s not very stealthy and has serious engine problems, under powered and unreliable. They may only have 12 operational.

    • I’ve never seen a plane crash like that either. That plane in the photo maybe landed after being hit and then burned. Probably an older photo. Propaganda at its finest.

  14. {Econ, hither and yon}:

    Russian Ruble Has Recovered ALL Post-Sanctions Losses And Is Now Trading HIGHER Than Before War

    Less than one week after Joe Biden claimed his “unprecedented sanctions” had reduced the ruble “to rubble,” Russia’s currency has recovered all its losses and is now trading higher than before the war began.

    I shoulda bought a million of ’em when OOWSteve mentioned the bottom had fallen out of the ruble market.

    “A Paradigm Shift Western Media Hasn’t Grasped Yet” – Russian Ruble Relaunched, Linked To Gold & Commodities

    With Russia’s central bank having just profoundly altered the international trade and monetary system by linking the Russian ruble to both gold and commodities,

    Edging Towards A Gold Standard

    Commentators are trying to make sense of Russian moves… However, there is a back story which differs from much of the speculation, which this article addresses.

    Biden Admin Reverses Trump Fuel Efficiency Rules, New Vehicles Must Average 49 Miles Per Gallon By 2026

    New vehicles sold in the United States will have to travel an average of at least 49 miles per gallon of gasoline in 2026 under the new federal rules. The requirement would have been at 32 mpg if going by rules under the Trump administration.

    Instead, I think I’ll put money into the insurance industry. 49mpg cars are going to be so lightweight they’ll make Yugos and Geo Metros seem safe, by comparison.

    Sri Lanka: Mob Storms President’s House as Country Runs Out of Food, Gasoline

    Hundreds of protesters – reportedly armed with clubs, iron rods, stones, and other rudimentary weapons – attempted to storm President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s house in the Mirihana district of Colombo, Sri Lanka, on Thursday night, demanding his government address the chronic shortages of fuel, food, medicine, and electricity the country is experiencing.

    READ THIS! This will be coming to a country near you, before the U.S. has its fall election.

    UK Govt Allows Sale of Largest Microchip Factory to Communist Chinese-Owned Firm: Report

    The British government has reportedly approved the sale of the United Kingdom’s largest microchip factory to a firm owned by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), despite concerns over national security.

    Stupid is as stupid does. If the kneelers are too stupid to learn vicariously through us, I guess they’re entitled to fukkup their manufacturing base. I suppose I really couldn’t expect better, since Irwin bought Marples and relocated the company to China, and Parliament learnt nothing…

  15. Breakaway Georgian Region Planning Referendum To Join Russia

    The leader of Georgia’s breakaway republic of South Ossetia has said he’s ready to take steps to join Russia, and a referendum is expected to be held within the next few months. South Ossetia is a de facto independent state and has been recognized by Russia and several other countries since the brief 2008 war. Russia intervened in 2008 to help South Ossetia fight off the forces of then-Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili, but most countries still recognize South Ossetia as part of Georgia.

    When this happens, even if the referendum passes by a percentage of 100 to 0, the lamestream Western media will still refer to it as a Russian conquest.

  16. Everything is bigger in Texas !! Certainly is especially the bullsheet. But that’s a guru thing$$$$ god bless bullsheet . All hat . More bullsheet than a Harry Potter movie . Maybe that r writes the scripts

  17. TOBD,
    I’m not anti-everything. Just trying to fit in with gang here. Most times, the warm glow of your positivity is absolutely incomprehensible. I feel so honored to be flamed by your blowtorch of love.

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