Market to Rally later This Week

I moved most of the “hard news” (BS political crap) to the Coping section this morning since a keen insight into America’s death-dance deserved further elucidation.

There really isn’t much to elucidate about. Trump still Tweets too much.  Go read ‘em here.

One a day (reviewed by staff in advance?) would be fine.

Dances With Interest Rates

Here we go again with that terrible stuff called data:

I would put the odd of a Fed rate hike at about 90% a week from Wednesday.

This looks like the April ‘28 hike, so I would say next hike ought to be the June 14th meeting this (almost) summer.

If you had bought stocks 8-days ahead of announcement day, you would have made money 12-times out of the 17 most recent Fed meetings.  You would have lost on 5 of the 17.

Yes, that’s why I expect to add to my long position tomorrow when (on average and this ain’t advice) a person MIGHT do well. 

Buying the week before the Fed announcement in 2016 would have snagged  a shade under 95 points in S&P.  March before that?  55.34 points in the 2015 March Fed prequel trade.

Not advice…just how things penciled out in the past.

Besides, I just wanna pay more income tax.  Short-term gains spend just like the long-term ones and don’t take as long.  ‘spose you knew that.

NK Nutjob

Fired more missile and this time some landed in Japanese waters and so now Tokyo is up in arms, so to speak.

With all his tweeting and such, I reckon DT needs a good distraction along in here.  Popping NK might do the trick. 

I would love to hear what the “Nobel peacer” would spew on that, lol.

Travel Ban II

Coming soon to a partly invaded country near you.

Meantime, Chuck Schumer, poster-boy for why democrats have lost their majority, has a plan to block the Trump Wall plans.

Ure’s truly will offer $50 toward Schumer’s enrollment in night school so he can learn what “borders” are.

Sure, I’ll even toss in a free lunch, since he seems to be big on those.

Not related: California beaches start to reopen weeks after sewage spill in Mexico.

Hmmm…so no more shit from Mexico?

Could Become a News Site?

We had to ask based on some of the headlines this morning:

Terrified Mosul residents forced to strip at gunpoint to prove they aren’t carrying explosives as they flee fighting” reports the UK Mirror.

With up to 200-thousand stripping, they at least ought to get into the Guinness Book of Records, I would think.  And it might make for the longest strip EVER show on…

Meantime, “Explicit photos of female Marines posted online, Navy investigating” says WTKR.

Is registered?  I get a 403 error on it…

Excessive Cynicism Dept.

Double entendre alert!

I’m not sure if the Drudge Report really meant this, but their headline that…

…hit me funny.

Silly me.  Here I thought that was Melania’s  gig…

Say, think I could do stand-up news?

Blah, Blah, Blah

MSNBC histrionics.

I’d cry, too if my dad was Johnson and Carter advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski.

Catching Up to Urban

NPR should get an award for figuring out this one: “Feeling Lonely? Too Much Time On Social Media May Be Why.”

Meanwhile “Desktop Facebook Messenger Gets Experimental Reactions.”

The Social Media tracking ETF (SOCL) is up to 24 and change. But that’s down from the 25.5+ of last fall still.  Elliott Wave 2 bounce, or going higher? 

I can’t help but remember when I thought Hula Hoops were over-hyped.  Then (wham-o) they became even more of a mania…

Blow-up of the Euro?

As “Outgoing French President Hollande says ‘ultimate duty’ is to prevent Le Pen victory” we are reminded that a win by Marine Le Pen in the second round of French elections (May 7th) would put France on track to trash the the Euro.

The upside is it would prolong the US rally and people would have even more reason to fear investing in Europe – a land of phunny-muny already.

My consigliere reminds me that the Euro is NOT  the same as the E.U. (which is true) but still, at some point people of Europe are bound to take a hard right when they wake up to the invasion from the M.E. and the fact that the E.U. is plotting to make everything cashless to “fight terrorism.:”

Which is a laugh…at least if you know who the real terrorists are.

Dow Down

About 45 at the open….

5 thoughts on “Market to Rally later This Week”

  1. Dang. You’re so good at this incorruptibilness, trump would probably say you’re an officer a gentleman and a scholar

  2. George, you often refer to the kids, plural and comment on jr.’s latest adventure but I just noticed the new picture or you and your daughter just below the comment block, obviously and fortunately she takes after her mother!

  3. “the E.U. is plotting to make everything cashless to “fight terrorism.:””

    Please don’t blame the E.U. it’s people doing it to themselves, (like in the U.S.A.). When will we ever stop blaming the leaders? It’s us doing it to ourselves!!!!!!!!!!!

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