It would take a supercomputer to model the contortions in financial markets today. Because while the early Futures were pointing to a Rocket Thursday moonshot, a more sober, inflation-adjusted view of Reality brings something else into focus. If I may?
Hold the Phone:
Cellular outages hit thousands in U.S., AT&T users most affected ( Statistically, this shouldn’t impact our readers. Either one of you.
No CFNAI & UI Filers
The “housekeeping number” was supposed to be first. But we found at the Chicago Fed site:
We have discontinued producing the PDF release of the Chicago Fed National Activity Index (CFNAI) as of February 2024.
The Chicago Fed National Activity Index (CFNAI) decreased to –0.30 in January from +0.02 in December. Three of the four broad categories of indicators used to construct the index decreased from December, and three categories made negative contributions in January. The index’s three-month moving average, CFNAI-MA3, increased to –0.02 in January from –0.14 in December.
Too much work to roll a .PDF? Or fear of bad news? Your call.
On to new unemployment filings. Which this week summarized as:
But the individual State drilldowns are where we see the “local flavor” of the job soup.
This is only the appetizer. The full meal is harder to swallow.
Lies Per Capita
If you didn’t get the insider’s memo, the Biden administration is leaving the southern border open absolutely on purpose. This is the same (idiotic) strategy followed by Europe – which embraced wholesale immigration from the Middle East and Africa as an economic tool to keep the EU from going bankrupt.
I’ve written several papers about this under the heading “Synthetic Growth” and these are in the subscriber indexes. But the conceptual shorthand is: If you have an economy in decline, there are only so many ways you can lie honestly (which is what governments do).
One way is to experience periodic, cyclical economic declines. These don’t work out at the polls too well, but they keep a country stable. On the other hand, – as open borders (here and in the EU) show, there is a handsome payoff from immigration: Synthetic growth.
There’s a story on ZeroHedge that will help read you into the game: A Stunning 10 Million Illegals Have Entered The US Under Biden; Tucker Warns They Are “Destroying” The Country | ZeroHedge. Yes, but they don’t rock the power structure. You can see this by “running the numbers.”
The present non-institutionalized population of the US is about 267.43 million. Given the ZeroHedge numbers, we can see that this is a 3.74 percent increase in population. Sure, sure, those pesky MAGA types want to close the door. And beyond that? Trump and allies planning militarized mass deportations, detention camps.
It’s all a con. Because we are a country in consumer super-saturation. How many $100,000 new pickups do we need? Or, how many 86-inch UHDs per household is enough? All while government wants/needs/demands ever more money for “administering” the Illusion?
Bring in 3.74 percent more people per year, and all things equal (ceteris paribus) America will have a 3 percent core growth rate, or some fraction of that averaging out over the number of years for assimilation of an immigrant population. We can quibble about the non-institutional population used, but let’s say immigration accounts for at least a 3 percent bump in population annually. With no growth that becomes growth.
Illegals are Good for Order
With our rose-colored glasses off, we can see the migration path that Europe, and to a lesser extent the Euro-minions of Canada, have been protyping the new “People is our Industry” world. Small stuff, at first – like the Francophone insanity where French is still spoken (remember, Canada’s on a Euro-leash mentally) and where political correctness was started long before it took root in government structures in ‘Merica.
When we step back and look at how “overpopulation is the “Global Growth Industry” we can see – as it progresses – there are short-term increases in law enforcement, borders, militaries, the courts, liberal college professorships, and so forth.
Over time, immigrants learn the language and begin moving into the mainstream workforce (as in the Canadian example). But our point is not so much Canada is full of “true dope” followers, so much as to point out that globally, absent technology change at a fundamental level, living in the Sahara or Ethiopia, for example, is much less physically doable than living in Spokane or Oregon.
People are voting with their feet. Liberals set on taking down governments focused on their own citizen’s well-being have a series of easy targets.
Boy, doesn’t that warm your heart?
OK, what to do about SynthGro and too many humans? I’m not Dear Abby and this ain’t an advice column, but no one seems to know. Biden considers borrowing a page from Trump on border security ( Which – now that Texas governor Greg Abbott has delighted Reality fans by “sharing the pain” with lying liberal enclaves – is sure to get applause.
But, as we see it, the damage is already done. Now that Black is a minority smaller than Hispanic (which is 5 percent larger now) we can look forward to likely internecine warfare as American subgroups fight within the borders and among themselves – with unwitting government fueling this uprising fever through its politics of division and dis-equality. Like the White Supremacists are bad, but the Black Supremacists get a pass.
All leads to a train wreck down the road…unless…
We get Global War, first.
In which case, the gene pool is already redistributed so an average of humans will survive…going too fast for you? OK, let’s stop there and focus on making money in the collapse of society.
Inflation is the Key Lie
The headlines are pretty simple: Japan’s Nikkei Stock Average, After 34 Years, Closes at Record High. What no one bothers explaining is the value of the Yen is collapsing. This came out last week – the Yen collapse underpinnings – in stories like Germany overtakes Japan as third-biggest economy as yen falls against the dollar.
The reason for recent stories about Japan being in a recession (like Japan slipped into a technical recession. The Bank of Japan has to juggle supporting the yen and fragile growth) seem to be counterintuitive because Americans don’t think in international valuations and exchange rates. Now, go study the Yen chart here: Futures JPY Chart Daily (
I remember as a kid, one of the neighbors had a bunch of old Civil War Confederate Money. Couldn’t buy anything with it, but at one time, yes.
That’s the extreme case out at the margins (I have a few trillion worth of Zimbabwe Agriculture Notes, to remind me). But as the Yen goes down in purchasing power, the number of Yen goes through the roof. This is what Roof Busting looks like.
This is also what is going on with the U.S. stock market today. Our money is buying less, but it takes a lot more of it which makes it appear that the stock market is rallying. See how this is played?
Problematic Stock Charts
This gets us to the two points I would make about today’s Rocket Rally which is due to be realized if Futures pricing earlier is any indication of what s to come. Projecting these, the Elliott Wave and Trend Channel chart zooms in like this…
Which is based on our “non-denominational” way of considering markets called the Aggregate Index. There’s a Church of Tech (trading as the NASDAQ) and a Church of Blue Chips (where the sermon is the Dow) and the Broader Church which is the S&P or you could attend the Church of Wilshire, or the Church of… Well, you get the point. We like nondenominational for Big Picture stuff.
A word of caution, though. Just because the market will be putting on a fine display (reprising Lazarus) today, that doesn’t mean the overall picture has changed – yet. That’s because in this other view, we see in our Differential Moving Average Crossings that we have not left the Risk Zone. This is where the market is at peril if it fails.
See, when a “fast mover” (like in my work, a 2-day moving average) drops below a “slow mover” like a 12- or 13-day moving average, then you may be onto a real market turn.
So that’s what will turn this into a ballgame when later-on today, Ure will look at the future and try to sort out whether we will imitate Japan and do a falling currenvy move (inflation, less purchasing power) which will drive the nominal market higher, or whether we return to earth and decline into the weekend.
Sort of long-winded, but that’s what seems to matter most. Except for how Nations are moving into positions where we could have a major international war, which would lead to a lot of immigrants (here, in Europe, and so forth) wondering “Why do I want to get involved in this fight?” Which would then open a path for the real Satanic world-ender where a Global War becomes a Global-Local everyone for themselves mass population die-off event.
Not suggesting we go there, but studying the future long ago, it became clear that the Bigger a future event, the further ahead it will be sensed” and since G.A. Stewart has decoded lots of Nostradamus – and it’s fitting uncomfortably well now – this international, domestic, and sides of natural disaster all served up at once, well….you can sense it and that’s why you’re worrying.
Creepy Crawlers
Now think about this headline: 500,000 Dead and Maimed in Ukraine, Enough Already. No, actually, it isn’t. The Western media is still cheerleading with stories like Russia Loses 41 Artillery Systems, 35 APVs in a Day: Ukraine ( without fessing up to their own losses.
Making matters worse? Dumbo speaks: Biden calls Putin a ‘crazy SOB’, takes aim at Trump during fundraiser for 2024 election – The Week. Which Russia does not take lightly: Russia slams Biden’s derogatory remarks about Putin, calling it disgrace to US. If you’re waiting for peace talks, ain’t happening. Planned insults.
By the way, we have always believed that you can tell a lot about a person’s character by seeing how their pets behave. That being the case, decode this headline: Joe Biden dog Commander bit Secret Service agents at least 24 times « Khabarhub. Gone to the dogs, indeed.
Flag-waving on Formosa: US Representative Gallagher arrives in Taiwan with delegation. As the US approves a new Link 16 communications system…which – let’s all guess here – is – or isn’t – going to make China happy?
The late, great, electric vehicle hype fades. OK, just because the grid can’t support it, and neither can the consumer market: Rivian lays off 10% of workforce as EV pricing pressure mounts | TechCrunch
Globalists Coming for Home Gardens: WTF? WEF Orders Govt’s To Arrest Citizens Who Grow Their Own Food! The con is on…and they’re a coming for free humans.
Globalists are also planning to use a coming Disease X to impose the international takeover and create their One World nightmare. Now, plug this into how that is rolled out. Governments Must Reject New Amendments to International Health Regulations ? Brownstone Institute
Vp Milquetoast is back making headlines: BREAKING: Mike Pence group launches $20 million effort to defeat populism in conservative movement. What’s wrong with populism? It’s what politicians do, for crying out loud.
Two-timing soldier’s wives note: In China, if ‘Jody’ steals your girl, he gets 10 months in jail – Task & Purpose (
And if that’s not enough, how about this climate lie buster? After heavy storms, Death Valley is now open to kayakers: The return of ghostly Lake Manly. All that rainwater and our 14-month timer to a major SoCal quake is running…
Around the Ranch: Taxes and Solar
I will be trying another fresh clean import attempt to see if TurboTax and E-Trade (by Morgan Whozzit) is working yet and keep you posted. I really don’t want to do the alternative data entry. I gotta life and I don’t need busy-work. This is not a big deal, since it only involves the New E-Trade accounts that have wash sale adjustments. But, if you’re an active trader, it’s a PITA. See yesterday’s post here.
Trucking company called last night. Our load of 10 used solar panels (285 watts each, derated used to 240 watts per) will arrive tomorrow. Which means next week more solar work. The goal is to get down to where we only buy a few bucks a day worth of power from the grid.
Carolina Reaper pepper seeds came in. This will be interesting – they include directions like “do not handle with bare hands.” If those WEF pricks come for home gardens, Ure will be ready.
Winter’s End? Those hydroponic units are pushing up all kinds of baby plants now and the long-range weather looks like an early spring will be around this year. Only two nights with temps down into the low 40s through month-end, so we survived another winter. Supposed to hit 80 today which is hardly winter-like. Solar panel work next week and then greenhouse revisions in following weeks…
Write when you get rich,
Rover, the majestic eagle who was spotted soaring above the Central Park Reservoir just last month, was scavenging along the Henry Hudson Parkway on Monday when a car supposedly hit him, according to Manhattan Bird Alert.20 hours ago
“Europe – which embraced wholesale immigration from the Middle East and Africa as an economic tool to keep the EU from going bankrupt.”
Rather to exsting “wish” Caucasians, IMHO. ;-(
Caucasians have asked for it by continuing to vote for bolsheviks.
I don’t have much concern that the dipshits will be able make a move against our gardens anytime soon doesn’t mean I won’t prepare for it. Like moves against Social Security, that would be revolutionary. More likely it would be to attack the businesses who sell to the gardeners.
Stay safe. 73
Coming after your garden sounds like a practice run for coming after your guns. The provocateurs will stop at nothing to flush out the brave to react. They must thin out the herd before they make their big move.
Their is a big fight coming, prepare yourselves.
When Amazon ran Augason Farms “5-14000” heirloom seed vault on sale for $17, I made sure each of my kids got one for Christmas (also brothers, families, ex-wife, etc.) 17USD was considerably less money than one could buy just the seed for – the nitrogen vacuum-pack was merely a bonus.
“Now, go study the Yen chart here: Futures JPY Chart Daily (”
I’d be buying the “double bottom” for my account if I where still trading. It’s a gamble, what else! ;-).
“We have discontinued producing (docs) ”
That’s more evidence of Communism.
“How many $100,000 new pickups do we need? ”
Don’t get us started.
General Motors shouldn’t even be here.
Keep an eye on Boeing. A leader over there quit. That’s the setup for more bailout. And the he is being replaced by a she, Katie Ringgold and that’s the old GM bailout setup.
The Declaration of Independence states that all people are created equal.
Since General Motors is still here and Boeing will be here, both on the taxpayers dime we should all get bailout and all drive $100,000 pick-up trucks. We are just as deserving to free as they are, equal.
As a topper we didn’t endanger fellow citizens while ruining iconic American nameplates so our pick-up trucks should be the $125,000 pick-up trucks which come fully loaded.
Intel gets bailout to compete. At the local level we all need fresh Fruit of the Looms and Crocs to compete. Since merit is out of the system per capita equality as the forefathers declared.
“Created equal” has always been a problematic line there.
Equal before the law and in the eyes of god, at least theoretically.
Other than that, the differences can be huge.
We were all CREATED equal. It’s what we did from birth forward that makes the difference. We are all the culmination of every decision we’ve ever made.
The Declaration of Independence states that all MEN are created equal. It says nothing about women. Perhaps they’re created MORE equal, and the EEOC, etc., seems to agree. Why are the majority of people in the USA female and they’re considered a minority?
Because leftist-socialists drive the narrative.
And the narrative is (not what they say, but) whatever they say it means, but only at the instant in time that they say it.
“We like nondenominational for Big Picture stuff.”
Though, I personally would put the VIX and 10-YR note on the same “page of illusions.”
“Around the Ranch:” Is this man’s favorite section. I am delighted and amazed to read what your duo is able to accomplish. Enjoy and blessings to all.
(End of my rant; Don’t know what came over me?)
What part of WEF orders governments….. did I fail to understand? Since when does anyone “order” governments, unless it’s the citizens? The UN was set up by governments, and it’s willfully ignored unless convenient to comply. WEF is simply a private organization, organized and run by idiots with too much money and far too much ego. I’d grow a garden if it was possible to do so without losing my shirt, along with all of my time. As it is, I do compensate as best I can(pun implied). Every major life system deserves attention, but not to the exclusion of the others, and there’s just so much a guy can do. I think I’ll just order WEF to provide me with the same level of opulence and resources that each of their members has.
I’ll just say, that when I was writing about islands, I wasnt talking Manhattan…. Just sayin….
Wow – they Chased Remington out, are trying to rob Trump and my ex-NYC neighbor just moved her sister down here, losing easily $300k on her home in the city, AFTER she was robbed and kicked by immigrants. Now some truckers have gotten it into their minds to cut off NYC, the seed planted. Any list of things crazy and wrong in NY state would easily outstrip today’s post!
Now this about Rover getting killed…and I read somewhere that NY is looking at taxing stock transactions universally too.
I think G.A.Stewart’s off the cuff predictions about NY are looking more possible by the day…
Hmm..Or will the war powers act will kick in.. the secretary of defense will call a national emergency they stop the elections.. and then the president takes control of industry..
What are all the other business’s thinking though.. Trump has an empire.. he is considered to be a great boss.. he pays billions in salaries a year.. The message is pretty clear.. oppose our political standards and ethics.. and we will destroy you..take your companies.. or will they move out of NYC.. find a different spot to open their doors..
big questions.. I am willing to bet that the powers that be won’t allow any of that to happen … look how much of our money they have been spending to destroy him..I doubt seriously that the supreme court will intervein very fast.. the last time they opposed all their personal information was released and they and their families were put in the line of danger..FEAR… is a big thing.. the young woman I send a few bucks to every month so she can get the necessities and medications when she is sick.. comes to mind.. she was to afraid.. to go against the people that trafficked her.. FEAR… of retribution.. probably a good thing though.. her being afraid got her prison time.. and she will be to old when she gets out.. they will target someone much younger.. which is a blessing in disguise for her.. The same fear will keep the supreme court judges from making any rulings on this..
NOW… the people.. see it all runs on numbers.. we are a number coveting world.. you have a number and you can get anything you want.. you need those numbers.. I need those numbers.. its all about the number you sell your soul for.. we seen how devastating covid shut down was.. no gas being sold for a number.. no goods.. just the necessities ..
One of my worst situations my worst and best christmas ever happened because I made radiators for tractors.. the farming crises had the whole plant shut down.. no one was buying replacement radiators.. with taxes and expenses running higher because of the administration and the stupid crap they are doing.. will the general public cut back on non essential spending? big question there.. what effect will it have on the country all together..
loob, Trump no longer pays billions in salaries, Many of Trump’s employees make minimum wage without full time hours:,in%20the%20past%2036%20months.
Trump’s businesses had 22.5k employees in the past, some making minimum wage.
Trump hired hundreds of illegals:
As they whittle away at his empire trying to destroy him it will become less and less to.
Hes what almost ninety.. He has a big enough empire to support his kids and grandkids and his wife for the rest of their lives.. so take it down. ten of his leasers ten years ago paid almost two billion a year just to lease their office space.. not to mention a ten foot by twenty foot hotplate and a cot was almost four grand ten years ago.. so turn all of it into a parking lot.. If the state of NY says it isn’t worth the price he estimated it to be.. then take it down let someone else come build it for what the state of NY says its worth..simple sollution.. taxes on a vacant lot is a lot less.. let the employees go get a ten thousand dollar cash card and unemployment.. I am not sure how many apartments there are in his seventy two floor building for rent.. or what they pay for rent.. I know my nephew pays more for a parking spot in NYC a year than I paid for my house.. its like my friend in DC has a house smaller than my garage.. and his house payments are almost eight thousand a a house in another state fly back and forth to work..cheaper.. my sibling did that for years.. truck drivers.. if they get a sleep in.. they park a hundred or so miles away from NYC then drive in early..where they park it doesn’t make any difference..
What NY is saying to all business owners is..It doesn’t matter how big of a corporation you have. If you oppose us politically we can destroy you.
if Trump is only paying minimum wage…( I doubt that though..1 they couldn’t afford a subway pass..2 rent in nyc is extremely high even in the slums)
he’s would still be paying 10 mil a week in wages not even counting what benefits if any he would be paying ..taxes and social security.. alone would be over a quarter million a week to 1 mil alone..
then consider utilities..
G, re: ‘Fly Me to the Moon’ private company makes first moon landing in 50 yrs by an American:
Loob, ‘Trump pays billions in salaries’
Trump’s social media, Truth Social close to shutting down, lays off hundreds:
Trump no friend of the working class:
Trump hired many illegals:
Many of Trump Organization salaries are minimum wage:
NYC Out of Control – Giant Short!
NYC Bonds Are in Sell Mode…
It’s a good idea.
“Now this about Rover getting killed…and I read somewhere that NY is looking at taxing stock transactions universally too.”
Rover would’ve ended up in some illegal alien’s pot within a month or two, anyway.
Bernie came up with the idea of taxing D-J transactions (“We could tax stock transactions, a penny a transaction, and completely finance all college education for everyone…”) I still hear this garbage from the Bernie-backer old guard — even folks (like one of my kids) to whom I’ve repeatedly given the math: There’s about 1.1bln transactions per day. At 1¢ per, that’s $11mln per day (which is not enough money to cover the paychecks of the grounds and maintenance crews at SUNY, let alone pay any of the professors at it, or any of the nearly 1200 other colleges and universities in the U.S.)
It’s good to see your post…
Yeah, he’s gotta get up here with some of his plum wine again…
LOL LOL I have a niece that is working on her third PHD… at first I wondered what in the world would she need a third colory page on the wall.. then the daughter was talking.. she was talking about the grand daughter.. and the ten percent for the school loan that she was going to have to start paying since we was now out of school.. then it hit me.. she will be a life long student..
(More than) Fair Warning has been given.
While the sun is still out, and you still can, put by some water and food. (At the least) To last several days to two eeeks.
Even if it’s very modest, do SOMEthing — NOW!!
If nothing else, even a very modest effort will buy some time until more comprehensive help can arrive.
Ignore Fair Warning at your peril.
This is (for the moment) still a drill and opportunity.
Get your ass in gear! NOW!!
Great advice, and I’d add a couple of high grade, long life water filters too. I even filter my “tap” water. Even with the filters, don’t rely on near term rain – you need to have containers of water. My water line failed a while ago and I had no water service for a few days until I could bypass the leak. Other than being shy a shower or two, it made no difference in my lifestyle. Stored water is much cheaper than stored food and you can actually use the bottles that you buy other ingestible fluids in. Unlike many countries, we end up with containers for free.
you know that reminds me.. I have to pick up some water filters.. did a test and the water is above the standards I like.. thanks for reminding me..
“I even filter my “tap” water. ”
Be careful with that. Berkey specifically warns against doing so, in some situations. Doesn’t apply to me, so I didn’t read, just noticed it in passing.
I had never heard that one before..I put our filtering system in years ago now.. they found that the arsenic level and the Uranium level was to high in the water.. and suggested everyone put in a system.. I maybe overdo it a tad bit.. but we have had our system for over thirty years..
“Berkey specifically warns against doing so, in some situations. ”
Yet their ads are full of “filter your tap water” suggestions. I cannot find any warnings not to. I cannot imagine any situation where filtering tap water could cause any harm.
Where did you find that info??
“Where did you find that info??”
Hank, it was either on or I think it had something to do with chemically-softened water — maybe a sodium thing. Like I said, just saw it in passing and didn’t read the blurb itself.
Warranty Exclusions
“Using the water from a water softening system. Note: this action may clog the Black Berkey® Elements or cause the stainless steel to pit or rust.”
There are other caveats, but this is the one that caught my eye…
AHA! That makes sense. Thank you!
(Making matters worse? Dumbo speaks: Biden calls Putin a ‘crazy SOB’, takes aim at Trump during fundraiser for 2024 election – The Week. Which Russia does not take lightly: Russia slams Biden’s derogatory remarks about Putin, calling it disgrace to US. If you’re waiting for peace talks, ain’t happening. Planned insults.)
Think about that one for a moment.. I believe the reason we haven’t gone to war.. is everyone is waiting to see who is going to lead and win the election.. HMMM.. then with Irlamairs predictions.. HMMMM…
take a look at the inflation part.. we see how much power the politicians have.. they are demonstrating in NY that it doesn’t make any difference how big your empire or company is.. if you oppose us we will shut you down.. NOW.. you would assume that the supreme court would be leaping on this tragedy .. but I wonder.. will they…when they opposed the powers before on Rowe vs. Wade… some how all their personal information was released and the judges and their families were tossed in Harms way.. who did it.. no one knows for sure..
We have seen the three letter agencies all have been weaponized and appear that they are potentially complicit with corrupt business activities.. we have seen serious situations all ignored because of who was involved with those corrupt activities.. taxes just oh well.. its bubba’s taxes.. we will just forget it.. while the kid at burger world sweats making a mistake worth two hundred dollars..
So will the companies say omg.. my business is theirs and leave.. Trump pays more in salaries with over twenty five thousand employees that he takes good care of.. you just don’t walk into a trump company and get a job.. they make high end wages and someone has to die or retire before there is a job opening..
What would the effect be on NY if he just let everyone go.. my guess is he is paying more than what they are asking then evicted everyone or gave them an option of moving their business to another one of his companies on this no victim no crime case..
How would NY give out ten thousand dollars to millions of refugees.. they wouldn’t.. have the money..
the amount of power is astounding though.. look what they are doing and can do.. they almost started a civil war with Texas closing the borders.. I agree send them all to Arizona New Mexico and California.. they have bigger hearts and more money..
With taxes going up.. wow.. I pay more in taxes here than I would in Canada or Mexico ..or texas.. my nephew pays more than I paid for my house in NYC for a parking spot.. go figure.. this thing could all blow up pretty quick.. Will the supreme court ignore it.. put it on a back burner especially since the last time they opposed the political alliance they were put in harms way.. Hmm.. when asked about whether or not one of the alphabets did anything.. they couldn’t answer.. they couldn’t answer why PTA members that opposed the political alliances were hit with swat teams.. over their opinions voiced at a school meeting..
Ladies and Gents, so many comments today are dead-on. I know I always refer back to the Roman Empire but it’s true.
We are currently 4th-5th century Rome. Minorities are the majority now as then. They don’t speak the language of the Empire, (nor care to), nor hold the Empire’s history in relevance, (not my history). They’re just here to get gather pay or handouts and bailouts just as then.
We have reached the tipping point. The “blow of steel” is at hand, final barbarian decapitation of the Empire, (be it, the modern “Axis” powers), and/or the immigrants hollowing it out from within. All that will be left is the city, (Rome=New York), being maintained by something forming a new institution as when the Church made Rome it’s capital to at lease make it look like it’s still afloat. Problem is with the advances of technology what took centuries only takes years. …
Rome lasted 1000 years. The USA will be lucky to make it to 2036……or 2026…..
AMEN…. it surprises me that no one in politics ever read a history book.. or are they just ignoring all the past historical events..
What is amazing.. if even with Caligula he was given the chance to do the right thing.. and ignored it basically flipping off the citizens of rome.. it was his own guards that took care of the situation..
In 41 AD, four months after he returned from Gaul, he was murdered by his closest advisors, including members of his Praetorian Guard. To prevent reprisals, they also killed his wife and daughter. Dead but certainly not mourned, Caligula was succeeded by his uncle, …
OK .. and ninety percent of the population that is begging their political representatives to do something in the USA.. the kid that basically is flipping off the people.. the brother that is doing the same thing publicly saying we don’t give a hoot what anyone here thinks.. we will do what we want when we want.. the judges in NYC that are trying to destroy a businessman because of his political differences.. all of this is being watched by everyone. Last night I was at walmart and the lady in front of me was talking to the checker and she asked the clerk.. Are we in the twilight zone.. over what was in the news… and the political representatives don’t have any care or worries about doing their jobs.. they only worry about the next govt holiday.. or their political alliances.. that they feel will keep them in their job.. instead of being worried about thier political alliance.. they should be thinking about the ninety percent of the population that are almost begging them to do their jobs.. look out for them and their needs rather than some political alliance in a city that is clueless about what is going on…
In a democratic country, the people have a greater role in how the nation is run. This means that the path the nation takes is largely determined by the people as a collective. So the more democratic the nation, the more a nation is shaped by its people. This means that in a fully democratic nation, the path that the nation takes is largely dependent on the people. In a controlled or flawed democracy, the people still play a strong role. However, not as much as in a full-fledged democracy. In a dictatorship or authoritarian government, the path of a nation is largely determined by the leadership. The role of the people can be far less or even negligible in the USA today we are seeing a huge change.. the screw you people we are going to do what we want. democracy is dying and it is being seen by everyone. .However, leaders still have a strong role to play in democratic nations. Leaders have shaped the way that democratic nations have been run. An example of this may be Winston Churchill in the Second World War. a common thread in the collapse of good governments usually happens when leaders who undermined and broke from upholding core societal principles, morals, and ideals. which caused the societies collapse was when leaders undermine social contracts with the people they represented. One silly question does anyone in the US political realm have any morals and convictions anymore. or are they all gone..
a professor emeritus of anthropology at Purdue University did a study on the collapse of modern civilizations he states.. “We refer to an inexplicable failure of the principal leadership to uphold values and norms that had long guided the actions of previous leaders, followed by a subsequent loss of citizen confidence in the leadership and government and collapse..
those that fared well were those representatives in their leadership roles that worked for the people.. everyone knows that I totally would vote for rand paul or ted cruz.. I believe they represent the morals and convictions of the people they represent. they are both smart.. and work hard trying to get the rest of the mess to look at the needs of the people.. not what the minority that are guiding the political representatives want..
in other historical times.. it was the top ten percent and the leaders that suffered for the lack of morals and ethics of the representatives.. I keep waiting to see if anyone on the television or in the posts will show them working.. keep praying they aren’t that stupid yet daily the news proves me wrong and a whole new path is shown.. they are that stupid that they refuse to do the jobs their only concern is what they can get.. people are pretty easy to understand they aren’t looking for riches or anything else they want to feel secure have the ability to put food on the table and go have a good time once in a while.. they will let a lot slide.. but after they are pushed beyond the tipping point it picks up speed.
Diamond did a research paper on the collapse of a society..,society's%20response%20to%20its%20environmental
.Once the tipping point is reached and the masses no longer ask and beg their representatives and keep getting the response oh if they don’t like what we are doing let them eat cake…. the fall of the society picks up speed and nothing can hold back the masses.. with BLM and Antifa we seen how fast a few thousand marched across the USA.. when this goes ballistic I fear what it will actually be like and that isn’t even taking into consideration that we are involved in a war and wars that we should not be involved in.. and bankrupting the people to pay for it.. on eight fronts and allowing millions of illegals into the country from countries that openly said that was what they would do…. when it hits fever pitch it will be a real mess. I kind of wish I had the ability to move out of harms way because it will be something I sure don’t want to observe…. but then who am i.. just some old idiot that reads to much and sees the comparison to historical events.. hopefully this won’t go that route..
Looking – Great follow-up thank you. Even what you touched on regarding the elites also relates to the Late Western Roman Empire. The elites then bought the most protection they could acquire be it from the corrupted military or from the invaders themselves. They also became supporters of the “State-run” Church for additional “scratch my back” support. Like you I wish I could somehow get away from all of this but I’ve decided to let the Almighty Father dictate the way events must go and protect my family any way I can while I still can….
@Will in WA
“The elites then bought the most protection they could acquire be it from the corrupted military or from the invaders themselves.”
This only works until there is an outlier. When your bodyguard must suddenly choose between protecting you and feeding or protecting his family, you lose…
Hey G-reenshades,
Time is nigh to really warn the Readership.
Zuck,bozos selling off portfolios in big way lately, now news Kill Gates sold off 65% of portfolio…wakeywakey.
Market lemmings be MARCHing towards cliffs edge..March brings 311 to our collective consciousness- not prediction, not advice, just a turning of the Worms..
Remember-Don’t trust, VERIFY.
mass exodous of the wealthy to.. mass bunker building as well.. with decon rooms.. hmm..
I remember day labor cleaning decon tent systems.. they were testing dropping this horrendous yellow crap into the upper atmosphere.. not sure what it was but it stung like hell.. when you touched it.. then you read alois Irlmairs predictions.. dam if that isn’t scary..
no way in hell you could get me to move to a big city on any coast right now..
G. A. STEWART: I just warned readers about the Nostradamus’ prophecy regarding what I interpret as an Electromagnetic Pulse attack. Today’s large cellphone outage hints at the dangers to very fragile communications platforms. Will you be able to maintain communications with your Bitcoin wallet?
U Betcha, maintaining a connection to Ure Bank,Brokerage, UST accounts..bwhahaha
When all else had failed some True Patriots, and they were “debanked” from empires fin system, during past 2-7’s years, where the F do you think they went for Money to live off of ? Think long and hard, I’m sure you can figure it meantime see President of El Salvador’s speech yesterday highlighted on Zerohedge.
Wakey wakey you Fakey fakies.
great article ..or instead did they just shut it off…
my three year old accidentally got the cloud of a friend’s devices.. I had access to everything.. it was horrible..I could track him and his wife.. turn on and off their phone cameras and microphones. their banking and credit cards..
their kids banking information. it was scary..his job was in IT .. he thought I was being a smart I thought ok you want to see smart ass let’s do it. so I changed and added contacts to his phone down loaded beevus and butthead videos..
did this for a week.. then I contacted his son..the last few days there was a file called photo in the cloud so I would drop a photo in that file..he would erase it..I’d drop it in again..he’d erase it again..after his kid got through to him we were talking and I said dam I thought when you kept erasing that guys photo you would realize how dangerous it is..what I shared the photo.. that’s the pervert..what pervert oh this guy runs up rings my doorbell then was his ring doorbell every time I dropped it in his doorbell would ring. he gad the police searching for this guy..
then in 2910 every camera in the usa and every microphone including baby monitors was turned in.. I believed it was a show of what they can do.
a couple years ago security services were taken over with
Hey BCN, what happens when Ure Bank, Brokerage, UST accounts, etc., lose THEIR comms…?
Considering the girl that the Jody was consorting with, it would seem to be worth risking 10 months in jail. The most surprising thing is that she was OK with it.
re: cynicism
feat: sinicism
Our intended global warming presentation has been placed on the backburner. This is in light of the current extraordinary cold wave hitting China during Spring Festival. Speaking of which, Chinese media CGTN offers a report interviewing two French youth visitors. Believe it or not, French holiday customs emulate the much older Chinese Spring Festival holiday recognizing family gatherings and culture.
Meanwhile the RFA website, Radio Free Asia, serves up a refreshed menu of linguistics for uncouth Western ears. The year of the dragon should henceforth be framed in a sinicized format as year of the “loong” says China. This reflects a more positive, favorable phonetic transliteration of Chinese rather than the negative-leaning imperial romanization “dragon”. One should infer that cultural self confidence requires speaking truth from the Chinese perspective.
RFA is a subsidiary of the non-profit USAGM (US Agency for Global Media). According to Wikipedia, the RFA organization traces to the 1996 Clinton administration to pick up where the 50’s and 60’s CIA-operated RFA left off. RFA is currently led by a most literate Asian woman of Chicago Tribune fame and a former US deputy assistant secretary of state for Europe and Eurasia.
Apparently the USAGM budget request to President Biden for 2023 was $840 million towards its various global media outlets.
And now, DJ George continues in studio with tips to plug into the grid for around $839.990 million less per year.
re: Tamar palms a date
feat: The Book of Genesis
Is it time for western msm “to bomb Voronezh”? The BBC has issued a report on the clearing of 16.2 square kilometers of land at the Gaza-Egypt border near the Rafah Crossing and El-Arish. The latter was known as Rhinocorura by Ancient Greeks . A concrete slab wall is taking shape. The North Sinai Governorate is quoted as saying a relief truck staging area is under construction for Gaza. Curiously the emblem for the governorate is a drilling derrick whose Tamar-like twin offspring image appears descendent from an Egyptian engineering company’s webpage in Cairo. The BBC offers a picture of the emerging Gazan border wall sourced from the North Sinai Governorate. The only other place that the image seems to have appeared so far is with Arabi21 six days ago. Reading between the lines from the intelligentia, it could appear to those with special reading glasses that the Fat Lady has deferred her singing engagement.
Phew.. the genocidal push that Israel is doing is not going to end well…
California’s debt crisis looms larger than Governor Gavin Newsom has publicly acknowledged, plunging the Golden State into an unprecedented financial quagmire. With a budget deficit ballooning to a record $68 billion, far surpassing earlier estimates.
– California defaulted on an $18.5 billion debt, leaving state businesses to face the consequences. This debt was incurred from a federal loan intended to cover the state’s unemployment fund shortfall during the COVID pandemic, underscoring the magnitude of the financial challenges California is grappling with??.
– “They are in worse financial condition now, then at the height of the Depression and it is just going to get worse., a lot worse.”
– – Update: California’s budget deficit has just been revised, again. It is now over $73 billion. [ .., and still growing.]
I find it fascinating that the entire world – nearly every stock market – is making a rocket launch this morning., all based on the financial report from one mega corporation.
– To me, this has all the ear-marks of one huge bubble forming and a blow-off top.
– In the spirit of fairness and transparency – I did make a sizeable bet yesterday [Options/Calls] on a couple of indexes. Did ‘very’ well. Better than I expected !
Digital currency
The ‘market’ capitalization quantifies the overall social damage that will occur when the house of cards collapses.
For society, a renewed boom-bust cycle of Bitcoin is a dire perspective. And the collateral damage will be massive, including the environmental damage and the ultimate redistribution of wealth at the expense of those “less sophisticated”.
The cryptocurrency market may be feeling like it just got a stamp of approval to go mainstream and how safe it is, with the debut of spot bitcoin ETFs, but don’t be fooled, Bitcoin is still nothing more than a long con and it’s base value is still zero.
Growing cybercrime activity that exploits the anonymity of digital currency has been growing as rapidly as it’s price increases., and bitcoin mining through the proof-of-work mechanism continues to pose large environmental concerns.
The two trillion dollar inflow of money can have a large impact on prices irrespective of fundamentals, but prices will eventually return to their fundamental values in the long run, and for digital currency that value is zero.
Ponzi schemes and cons always collapse. Always.
– Bet ’em., while you got ’em.
“A cellular outage in the United States was reported by AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon and other network users on Thursday, according to outage tracking website”
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 32:4
Who will make such an abominable breach in the Churches that neither the reds nor the whites without eyes nor hands will know what to make of it.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 32:4
Neither Christians nor Muslims, without communications or mobility, will understand what is happening to them.
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 32:5
And their power will be taken from them.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 32:5
Their technological power will be taken from them.
Yeah, them X-flares be some nasty work.
‘Next one arrives tomorrow…
Sure -and Ure precious USD is not a ponzi, bwahaha
Software is Eating the world, as predicted. The year is 2024, might be time to crawl Ure ass out of the dark closet that is Rothchilds and their dark sinister ilk..BIS and CB’s.
Dollar Sheep’s” might be the most brain damaged Peoples on the planet…nope correction, they are The Most Brain Damaged Human Slaves on the Planet. Can hear Ure gold&silver shackles clanking as read Ure BTC burn analysis.
You, Gpops & Ursula vander Chucky. – a brilliant troika indeed.
Michigan .gov is moving quick on gun law cases.
In short the new so-called “Safe Storage” gun law went into effect 02/13/24.
Two days ago a young MI child shot herself with her father’s firearm presumably because it wasn’t safely stored. .gov is charging him under the new law.
This guy seems to be a piece of work and doesn’t appear to have much money for a defense so…. I’m guessing he’ll be convicted and precedent set.
My take is if one can be assigned liability for an event the event can be insured. The last I read survivors victims of the Crombley school shooting are suing the school district for $2,000,000,000.00. (2 billion).
Insuring firearms creates a gun registry and insurance riders can make firearm ownership too expensive.
Overview links –
New Michigan gun laws go into effect Feb. 13: Safe storage, ‘red flag’, and expanded background checks rules
After 2-year-old girl shoots self, man becomes first person charged under Michigan’s gun storage law
BLM and Antifa.. the defunding of the police is what started everyone looking for guns.. I know people that never ever even thought of owning a firearm that went shopping..
I don’t have any want of a gun .. seriously I couldn’t hurt anyone.. but lately with everything that is going on.. I am considering getting a pepper ball gun just in case.. give us enough time to get to safety in the event this goes the way it seems to be leaning….
Sadly, yet another company, and a part of Americana is gone.
Again, as with many other companies, it’s mentioned that the Covid 19 pandemic has/had something to do with the business shutting down. I guess it’s easier to mention the plandemic as a reason, rather than go into detail about how destructive Bidenomics is. The economy sucks.
My sister took a two week cruise I forget where.. but she had to buy two birthings.. the total cost was 150.00 for the cabin for two.. she was on a cruise every week for the year.. and didn’t even pay out more than two thousand dollars for the whole years worth of travel.. seems that once covid hit.. and all the wars began no one wanted to travel and take vacations so they were giving them away just to fill the boat.. my kids took a two week cruise for the whole family for somewhere around a thousand dollars..
Beautiful boats.
Japanese Market HAS NOT exceeded it’s 1989 high once adjusted for Japanese inflation and currency fluctuations. It would actually need to reach 47,540+- to MATCH it’s valuation at it’s high (Dec 29, 1989)
Japanese inflation adjustment 1989 to 2023 (compounded?) 120.22%
Value of Yen vs Dollar
1989: y143.8/$1 (Dec 29, 1989 – all time high for Japanese stock market)
2023: y141.005/$1 (December 29, 2023)
Decline in value in Yen vs Dollar 143.8 – 141.005 = -2.795 (1.94%)
20.22% + 1.94% = 22.16% inflation and currency effect since Japanese market all time high on Dec 29, 1989. For the Japanese Market to actually be BACK to the same VALUE it was on that high date (as measured againt the dollar) would require it to be 22.16% HIGHER than the high reached on Dec 29, 1989 (38,915.87) , or 47,540!!
The Financial Services Industry AGAIN tries to compare apples and oranges so as to confuse the public.
It took the Nasdaq 15 years, until July 2015, and trillions of dollars of money-printing by the Fed to recapture its Dotcom bubble high of March 2000.
It took the Dow Jones Industrial Average 25 years, until November 1954, to return to the high of September 1929.
There are number of major global stock markets that are still below – and in some cases far below – their all-time highs a decade ago or two decades ago, including the major stock indices in China, Hong Kong, Italy, and Spain.
“Now think about this headline: 500,000 Dead and Maimed in Ukraine, Enough Already.”
Awfully light estimate…
Also: Does this count all the Rus the Azovs murdered between 2014 and 2022 and the Russians and Ukrainians they’ve murdered since? I think not.
“Biden calls Putin a ‘crazy SOB’… Which Russia does not take lightly: Russia slams Biden’s derogatory remarks about Putin, calling it disgrace to US.”
Four generations ago, when men were Men, Putin would be flying to the U.S. to smack Biden across the face with a glove and fix creepy coward Joe’s inability to connect his vocal chords to a functional brain…
What’s worse, ‘crazy SOB’ or ‘killer’?
Mar 17, 2021 … … Biden: I think Putin is a killer.
I suspect Vlad would be the first to admit to being a killer — starting with his wetwork in the 1980s.
“Killer” is accurate, “crazy” is not, therefore, it’s offensive.
“Joe Biden dog Commander bit Secret Service agents at least 24 times”
If I were in the SecSvc and on the Presidential detail, the dog would bite me once. I don’t care about the honor or the money. I would ask to be relieved, and if my superior didn’t, the next time the dog went for me, he would die…
“Globalists Coming for Home Gardens: WTF? WEF Orders Govt’s To Arrest Citizens Who Grow Their Own Food! The con is on…and they’re a coming for free humans.”
I broke this story here, a couple months ago…
“Vp Milquetoast is back making headlines: BREAKING: Mike Pence group launches $20 million effort to defeat populism in conservative movement.
What’s wrong with populism?”
It is antithetical to a structured society.
Pence’s religious beliefs have perverted his common sense. I fail to see a substantial difference between being enslaved to an emperor and being enslaved to a religion. In either case you end up with the jackboot of a despot on your throat. Our ancestors started this experiment because where they were, there was a religious heel on their throats, and they had the choice of:
1) Sail to NA, or
2) Die.
I personally don’t believe it is necessary for Mankind to repeat this period in history…
“I will be trying another fresh clean import attempt to see if TurboTax and E-Trade (by Morgan Whozzit) is working yet and keep you posted.”
You DO realize, of course, that the reason for the discontinuity is Quicken/TurboTax went “woke” some months back, and it now refuses to function properly for anyone who’s Caucasian, unreceptive of “Climate Change” as their religion, or unaccepting of Divisiveness, Inequality, and Exclusion (DIE), right?
“Winter’s End? Those hydroponic units are pushing up all kinds of baby plants now and the long-range weather looks like an early spring will be around this year. Only two nights with temps down into the low 40s through month-end, so we survived another winter.”
Sunday I had a blizzard, Monday it snowed, Tuesday morning the temperature was 7. Wednesday I was in shorts, as the temperature was 70. Thursday (49°) it rained, then fogged-up (one o’ them New Joisey Turnpike style fogs, where they have the hundred car pileups.) When I got the Expi I stripped the junk Ford foglights out and replaced them with Hella, factory Mercedes fogs (it was a near “drop-in” and a huge improvement.) With these fogs, visibility was ~30ft. Tomorrow, we’re back in the teens, with a snow storm.
I’ll believe Spring is here when the snow is out of the ditches and the seasonal first tornadoes are demanding my attention. Two years ago the Indy 500 was in the can before that happened…
Around here, we look for the “Easter cold snap”. Since Easter is March 31 this year, maybe that will be our last gasp of winter.