Maybe not everyone, but most people can live an additional life if they put their minds to it: One life in the waking-state and one in the dream Realms.,
I’ve told you about this before and how I am wading through the error-correction process with my next book Psychocartography…
But a fresh dream Wednesday morning is a new “personal best” on a couple of different fronts.
The dream begins with Elaine and I being in this “other world” where in addition to the 2300 sf. condo in the foothills in an area called Lieneuw, we also have a boat and an airplane. So we were down at the marina and decided to take the dinghy out for a while.
It was late afternoon…and I decided to pull up on the beach for a while. I felt like a nap and Elaine wanted to go wander around on shore for a while. Fine. I went to sleep and (this is the first cool part) I actually SLEPT for a few hours IN THE DREAM.
When I woke up, it was nearly dark, but I could make out the marina. So we putted up that way with a strangely quiet 3-horse outboard unlike any I have seen before. It didn’t use fuel. It was a little bigger than a “normal” 3-horse but it was very neat.
So we come ion the north end of the marina – and while it’s almost like the topology from the north end of Shilshole Marina (and up to Golden Gardens) in Seattle – our old sailing grounds – it was also different.
I got off the boat and headed for the launching ramp. Elaine was going back to our (large) house-boaty boat.
There was something odd going on at the launch ramp. It’s like 7 PM and getting dark (in this world) and there are a bunch of feds there. Four to be exact including one or two with ATF jackets on. Coming in was a trawler – something about the size of a purse seiner – and it was under control of (and this made little sense) U.S. Marshalls who were guarding some perps. Something about weapons and drugs… Will go do a news search for this mid-morning Monday.
OK, so far, so good. Not sure if it was a “future glimpse” or what, but about here I began to wake up.
As I did so, however, I was told (from who knows where) “Be sure and pass on the Safe-Boat idea.”
The what?
By now I was quickly moving across the veils and back to the waking state but just as I got there, images of a new kind of sailboat designed to be faster and safer than existing boats came rushing into my head.
Here are some of the sketches of it:
Not only did I get enough time to “look” at the boat, but I also got some “engineering notes” than I sketched out as follows:
The “engineering” discussion went something like this:
On a 10-foot boat, you will usually find about a 12-foot mast. The mast will be set toward the front of the boat and it will have a boom (horizontal segment) of about 6-feet. The problem with this kind of conventional lash-up is that the boat’s sail will be roughly a triangle and the boom is 3 feet (approximately) up from the bottom of the boat so people can move around inside.
This leaves the sail area (not using anything fancy like a full roach-cut sail) at about 9 feet up by 6-feet long (54 SF) but since a triangle is 1/2 the area, you’d have around 27-feet of sail.
Now, to the Safe-Boater. The first thing is the sales are set on four “pylons” outside the hull 1 foot to 18-inches.
The masts don’t have to be nearly as beefy as the 12-foot mast because they can be 6-feet tall and still have 4-feet of boom. Since there are four (two on each side) this Safer-Boat would carry 48-square feet of sail! This means a lot more driving power. And since the thing would be built on a semi-catamaran hull (like Livingston dinghies used to be) it would be fast as the blazes!
Here’s what makes it a Safer-Boat (in the dream realms, anyway):
Because the sails are shorter, they have far less bending moment. In other words, where a 12 foot high mast might apply 500 pounds of force (to be countered by the hull’s righting moment) the half-height masts would only produce half that. While producing almost double the driving power.
All of which leaves the question of rigging this beast, but again, there was a simple answer: The two booms were simply attached with a piece of PVC piple that would be secured on either gunwale. With provision for a gust-release in very heavy winds.
I have to say, one of the most interesting “take aways” from the dream realms yet. Why it couldn’t be something more useful (a winning lotto ticket would be nice) is beyond me.
But there you have it.
Why Texans Chew
OK, who would have included a can of chewing tobacco in their prepping gear?
Of thing to think about right?
Wednesday our Orkin bug guy came by as he does five times a year. Only found one scorpion – in my office not five feet from my feet. When I tell you I have an incentive to seal up the floor to wall joint as part of the room upgrades this fall, I think you “feel my motivation!”
So we were talking and one of his children called from Louisiana. Seems this teenage girl with shorts on sat down on a couch an d was bit by a red-wasp.
The bite left her in tears and since dad knows bugs, he got the call.
“Tell you what…got any cigarettes or chew around there?”
She found some cigarettes..
“This is going to sound gross, but break one in half and chew it up. Just for a minute so its gooey and sticky. Then smear some of it on your bite…”
It worked so well that she put a picture of the bite with what looks like some brown goo on it on her FB page with a simple caption.
“Thanks Dad!”
Thank you, indeed. Remind me to get a can or two of snuff for our supplies. Works on wasps, though our bug guy hasn’t tried it on scorpions…We don’t want to be the first to experiment with it. Besides: Scorpion bite his wife got was treated with Benadryl and Epsom Salts..
If it works for the bug man’s wife…figure with an EpiPen…it’s worth having around.
Again, people like to prepare for whatever the best “story tellers” on the web can cobble up. But in reality? It’s the known risks that kill.
About 60-70 people die from bee strings, scorpion, and other spider bites every year. The number of people killed from a global coastal event here is…ummm….
Write when you get rich, and don’t waste the weekend!
I am always building something in my sleep.
Had a group approach me on something they are playing with using luminol it was cool but in my sleep I seen it was missing mass.
Tobacco.. Grow a couple of plants a year. Grind it up.. It makes a great bug and pest killer..
My Dad who was a native of New Orleans would do exactly as you described with tobacco when any of us got a serious bug bite or sting. It works! I wonder if this is strickly a Louisiana first aide method or something from days gone by that has been forgotten?
Might consider urine. Works on stinging plants in my mountain hiking days.
Dear George
Discovered many years ago that when I had a problem on how to do something out of the ordinary it was best for me to delay progress and “sleep on it”.
EVERY TIME the solution has arrived in a dream. Only works at construction issues.
( I dont believe in miracles- I rely on them)
Attempting to apply it to life-issues, money etc. Time is running out I am 64.
George maybe you can find a used Livingston dinghie hull and build a prototype of your sail ideal. You might want to submit a patent on the prototype before you pull it out of the shop and take it to the lake. I lost millions on a deployable Local Area Network by showing it to a retired full colonel before applying for a patent.
Mark “Red Dog”
George, your boat idea reminds me of the various multiprop ideas for electric airplanes and drones. Short, simple props, no massive moment(like a P-51 prop), redundancy and relative simplicity.
I like it!
Dear George: Thanks for the boat design. I have thought a lot about masts on the sides to get the boom away from the cockpit, because it is a big inconvenience to duck under it so often. One factor you neglected is that the wind speed is lower the closer you get to the water, so the top half of a sail has a lot more wind force than the lower half.
As for the motor, it sounds like Edgar Cayce’s design for a fuelless motor that somehow works off the difference in specific gravity and vibrations between mercury and water, which no-one has figured out.
Flip the sails upside down similar to a “lateen sail” used on middle eastern boats. that would get the biggest area of the sail higher into the wind flow.
My Dad once used pipe tobacco on a kid who bumped into a hornets’ nest with his head, hours from medical help. Probably saved his life, until we got to some benadryl. Apparently the saliva has enzymes that help break down the venom, along with whatever tobacco does.
I have had a few prophetic dreams. some really cool ideas and songs even. I keep my phone handy and as quickly as I can i record the song.. melody or lyrics or whatever. sometimes its just a really cool glimpse into another realm. my phone is loaded with my 2:30 am recordings. most are wacky, but some are brilliant.