Just out:
NEW YORK, MARCH 25, 2025: S&P Dow Jones Indices (S&P DJI) today released the January 2025 results for the S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller Indices. The leading measure of U.S. home prices recorded a 4.1% annual gain in January 2025, a slight increase from the previous reading in December 2024.
The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price NSA Index, covering all nine U.S. census divisions, reported a 4.1% annual return for January, up from a 4% annual gain in the previous month. The 10-City Composite saw an annual increase of 5.3%, up from a 5.2% annual increase in the previous month. The 20-City Composite posted a year-over-year increase of 4.7%, up from a 4.5% increase in the previous month. New York again reported the highest annual gain among the 20 cities with a 7.7% increase in January, followed by Chicago and Boston with annual increases of 7.5% and 6.6%, respectively. Tampa posted the lowest return, falling 1.5%.
The pre-seasonally adjusted U.S. National and 20-City Composite Indices presented slight upward trends in January, with both posting 0.1% increases. The 10-City Composite posted a monthly return of 0.2%.
After seasonal adjustment, the 20-City and 10-City Composite Indices posted month-over-month
increases of 0.5%. The U.S National posted a month-over-month increase of 0.6%
Which means what for the end of the world, exactly?
Hmm…doesn’t look like that will be along today, anyway:
And, would you know it?
Stock futures turned up and the world’s end has been postponed.
At least until after lunch.
Write when you get rich,
Our nails are getting rusty, our insulation is defluffing.
Housing has to go up due to inflation and not because of the great value.
I’ll take a rusty nail and a tequila sunrise for the missus
All the Romex is kept under lock and key at the Depot these days. Finished material prices are just so high.
I get discouraged when I start pricing out project materials. A 25′ roll of solid #14 AWG conductor set me back $15.00.
Do you have any recommendations for a budget volt-ohm meter that works well? I bought a Klein on sale from the Zon, and it wasn’t a bargain. The little shirt pocket Commercial Electric VOM I got from the Depot appears to be from the same manufacturer, but works better, but has very limited range of measurements. Both have ETL/Intertek approval labels.
We be sprung, G !
As the little yellow Crocuses lining my front walkway up to house are beaming Yellow vibes to all who walk up to casa de BCN, have a listen-https://youtu.be/TfBlJ00Df-I?si=5YbBSRH8kEZfJ-sO
No picking the Stamens – as they be worth more tahn Gold, Cocaine..yeah them Yellow (Saffron) Crocuses..ya know for making Paella..YUM. Got clumps of multi colored Crocuses popping all over, Tulips have sent up first leaves and of course the Garlic is kicking out the jams in the garden this morning.- thx reader Vic (U inspired Moi)
Rolling along ? nein, nein, nein – We bee talking lickety split like, quicks like..now I know why Wisconians call their washing machines’ Speed Queen.
Whole tub filled Water pronto quickly – THE WHOLE FRIGGING TUB! no not High Efficiency washing a full load with 1 single Cup of Water – NERP! Filled to the top = amazing.
Machine simply Rocks steady. BOOM ! Wash is done. No thunks, bumps or other clickityclacking bullschit locking mechanisms.
Agitates like a Jack Russel Terrier – it dont stop.
How FUCKED UP is our modern American lifestyle – I had to Pay TRIPLE the cost of a Average Washing Machine JUST to get one that did the SIMPLE BASIC schit -3 knobs for Water Temp, Water Level, Options. On top of all that – new machine is at least 1/3 Smaller than all the HE models.
WTF, Over?
*next Asshole tries to tell/sell me anything High Efficiency is getting my Foot implanted in their Keister as EFFICIENTLY as is Humanly possible.
F YOU BRANDON and the horses YOU rode in on..AzzHOLES.
Housing. Ho hum. Dad (RIP) always said they aren’t making any more of it. That re: select real estate. He did well but worked it as a side hustle thing. Being a good landlord is rough sledding. Somethings always breaking. But, tenants paid the freight while debt went down and value went up. I helped sell a lot of it. What’s left can go to E2 who, if smart, will hand off to E3. Speaking of, my punch list is of Mrs. E’s making. The kids and Grandling are visiting soon and … Grandma has plans. Lots of plans.
Extra Credit Reading. This is an excellent (long form) article. If nothing else, ponder at least the opener, a quick rhyme with Bob Farrell’s 10 Investment Rules:
Markets tend to return to the mean over time.
Excesses in one direction will lead to an opposite excess in the other direction.
There are no new eras; excesses are never permanent.
Exponential rapidly rising or falling markets usually go further than you think, but they do not correct by going sideways.
The public buys the most at the top and the least at the bottom.
Fear and greed are stronger than long-term resolve.
Markets are strongest when they are broad, and weakest when they narrow to a handful of blue-chip names.
Bear markets have three stages — sharp down, reflexive rebound, and a drawn-out fundamental downtrend.
When all the experts and forecasts agree, something else is going to happen.
Bull markets are more fun than bear markets.
Granted, these are all rather subjective general “rules”. In hindsight one can see them working, however, when you are in the “here and now” it is always somewhat more challenging.
When you identify a condition of “excess,” there is nothing to say that these excesses will end shortly thereafter. Excesses (new highs or lows) or a topping/bottoming process can go on for a lot longer than you could ever rationally comprehend… as you will see in the charts below. But eventually, these excesses do come to an end for reasons you probably didn’t think of at the time. […]
Lessons From Market Cycles, by Chris Macintosh
A final tease, to encourage reading the rest:
“… The Magnificent 7 now account for an eye watering 25% of the market cap of the world stock market (MSCI World). …”
Have a fine day,
Think “no cutz” boneheads done missed the boat..again.
On da Boat wit G and kerPOW, a polar bear on a iceboat. Before long the Lake water Flips its scheisse..a warming trend indeed.
Higher bee the theme..
From the SPX peak valuation an interpolated 19 February 2025 5/11/11 of 13 day decay fractal series suggest a loss of 10-15 % over the next two trading days. This is an interpolated fractal series within a larger fractal series best observed in the leading STOXX 50 (XX:SX5P). Our former allies are voting with their feet and their money in US debt and equity investment. The weak DJ Transports, (indicative of transoceanic and Mexican-Canadian trade and transport to warehouses and stores)should provide the lead on this devaluation decay.
Creeping Crappification
The 1000 year toaster concept represents The Search For True Value to me.
With the coming of the MBAs, came things like just-in-time stocking — where even a small delay or disruption can cause huge problems,
This happens in Real Life often enough to make just-in-time a stupid, but seemingly smart, strategy. Nike sneakers are NOT worth $200. Ever. The margin has plumped up nicely, however, and the MBAs hold self-congratulatory victory parties. And it’s not MBAs per se, but it’s their style of short-term Greedthink.
Likewise, off-shoring labor to economies built on slave labor lowers prices a bit, until somebody raises a tariff, or a worker’s revolution happens.
Until then we get clothes washers trying to run on two cups of water, and we get (as I just did) a handy, small, rechargeable drill with no charger wall wart. (Uses a USB 5-volt supply and cord.) NOT INCLUDED. AND with ultra-shitty “instructions” in Chinglish and seventeen other languages. (In teensy mice type.) (Including at least nine pages of moronic warnings and “safety notices.”)
This Creeping Crappification is a raging monster, found everywhere, , making everybody’s lives incrementally more hassle-fied.
..and it’s probably only gonna get worse.