Has the Market called SB59’s outcome with the weak close Friday? And are there parallels between Trump ending runaway bureaucracy and the collapse of Chinese Civil Service at the end of the Qing Dynasty?
We think the answers are Yes to both. But the details? Well, that’s what the 50-yard seats around here are all about.
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I thought the Philly jet crash was an omen.
anyway,,, the owners decide who will win , it is an ‘entertainment’ industry, legally
back to Trump and them Q posts,
here is Trump at the Kennedy center, see the photo here,
compare to this photo in the Q link
entertainment,,, the show must go on,,, great movie, and the popcorn sales are up,,, I use coconut oil in the popper
side note,,, in my small town, a new cafe opened,, small,, breakfast and lunch place, in old down town,, uses raw taters and beef tallow for french fries, yahoo,,, diet is a great part of making ‘US’ great again,,,
The corporate diet has made US sickly and needing many Dr visits
ya, my ‘Q’ link said,
“Nothing can stop, what is coming”
I like Mr Ure’s column title,,, “Game Over”
Dec 10, 2018 1:58:22 PM EST
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: d5ad32 No. 4241967
here is six ‘Q’ posts with ‘GAME OVER’ including the one I copied
So you’re saying that there is just too much confucian around these days?
Pun police!!!!
RM gets a get out of jail free card for this one George! Absolutly Stellar!
Pun-Meister : “The Super Bowl Indicator is a theory suggesting that the outcome of the Super Bowl can predict the stock market’s performance for the remainder of the year”
Snork, if Elliot, and Kondratiev, and Gann, and so on and Crawford can’t predict what’s next, well, count me out on the SooperBowl predictor :0/ but it’s just for fun, hey?
WX wobbled again while I slept. Climate Changed! [note: it’s what climate does] Possibly Great Lake Michigan will shelter? Hope we’re on the snow side. Got plenty of ice.
DN Iceboat is coming to our party.
Fun ‘n games … Camaraderie.
Let’s Regatta ~~ /)/) ~
USAID Game Over …
(understand both Plato’s Allegory of the Cave on the one hand)
god I love that … who would have thought that Plato had it down pat so long ago..or that Confucius had it long before plato..
I believe plat and Confucius the Dao should be mandatory reading and discussion every year..
for the video lovers..same story different format..
Plato and Confucius were very intelligent individuals which leads me to believe there were many more intelligent folks way back when. In this era of (control) it seems only a few intelligent individuals squeaked through the vail of time.
I’ve been reading a lot about how your thoughts create your future and, how to do it. Getting rid of limiting beliefs and instilling positive beliefs into the subconscious. Damn fascinating.
One thing I’ve learned from all that is, what Jesus was REALLY saying and doing. It ain’t what the Vatican or the local fire and brimstone Preachers are peddling, it’s quite different. “Healed by Faith”. What is Faith? It’s what YOU Believe.
I’ve always said that what one believes matters. But it goes way beyond that, for sure. What you believe or don’t believe, creates matter.
Totally agree, PfB/ People today all missed the Time Mgnt courses we had in the 1970s. We had to learn how to prioritize. Not so anymore. Everything screams urgent. Cal newports book Deep Work would be such a hit if people naturally have lives for focusing more than a couple of milliseconds on each issue…
I totally agree….that’s one of the things that upsets me about network television..the violence and crime the desensitization of our children toeards the belief that its acceptable. .
you can walk into our home anytime with a child and the child can watch what I watch.
I have seen enough of the uglier side of life..I dont realistic the idea of grandkids being exposed to the desensitized world of hate violence and deviance.
I believe in the Hand Up approach not a hand out.. I will go out if my way to help someone WORK the problem.. we all face issues throughout our lives.. these we have to bravely face..today’s kids are not taught to work the problem .. I spent my whole life willing to face the unknown average work week was 100 hours hell year was 140 plus..been there done that.. my hope is to pass that on to my grandkids ..
it’s not what you have…but what you do with what your given..maybe I am totally wrong. like christ taught do unto others…be a little light in others lives…
Thats not where “truth” uses coconut oil.
Ure one O short of a full load, so to speak.
Speaking of full loads , where has that enourmous load chris christie gotten to, not like you can easily hide such a large load of scheisse. Prolly hiding out in some food warehouse in ME somewheres, eating up all the relief foods supposed to be sent to what remains of the Palestinian Peoples.
*Philly plane crash – foreshadowed mahomes, kelce and tswizzle manifesting a smoking hole in the ground, that is KC Chiefs offense.
did ya ask Grok2,,?
wish ya good luck with ure team.
Chief 27-24 was the report,,, so to speak
heck,, I don’t really care, as I have no bet placed, and lack any emotional attachment to sports
well https://x.com/IWashington/status/1888256590144225611
ya trying to spoil my popcorn with the “truth” coconut remark?
yup, been one O short my whle life,
What a great day., every day
(“OK, off to another dandy weekend. Expecting 82 F today which ain’t back for February around here. “)
OTFLMAO…. go ahead rub it in.. we got three inches of s ow overnight… lol lo! lol
Buddy in Wisconsin texted me last night. “It’s not fair! You have more snow than we have. We just got lots of COLD!” (Mauna Kea has a few shreds of snow banks showing)
It surprised me…we went to the kids last night it was game night.I swear I’m taking my mini me grandson to vegas..going to hand him a lottery ticket to fill out to..
ten years old ..has his toy army men his toy cars and coloring all laid out playing with them while p!aying cards and kicks everyone’s butt..lol lol lol..
get home nothing..can’t wakes me to go out..and I have to get the snow boots on..told the son inlaw that a critter woke us up a couple nights ago.. something growling..probably at the elevator cats..
not sure but thought I seen a badger last week.. I sure hope it isn’t a badger I seen.. he’s putting a few live traps out.. I think boo is finally gone.. A wild rabbit that lived in the wood pile that would play peek aboo..
whatever it is..if we are to get chickens it has to be relocated..( I don’t approve of killing it .its just trying to survive like us)
(“We just got lots of COLD!”)
can’t be to volunteer hank… the vikings aren’t goint to the super bowl lol lol lol..here’s da yoke…
(“Ole and Sven in Hell
Ole and Sven die in a snowmobiling accident, drunker than skunks, And go to Hell. The Devil observes that they are really enjoying themselves. He says to them ‘Doesn’t the heat and smoke bother you?’ Ole replies, ‘Vell, ya know, ve’re from nordern Minnesooota, da land of snow an ice, an ve’re yust happy fer a chance ta varm up a little bit, ya know.’
The devil decides that these two aren’t miserable enough and turns up the heat even more. When he returns to the room of the two from Minnesota , the devil finds them in light jackets and hats, grilling Walleye and drinking beer. The devil is astonished and exclaims, ‘Everyone down here is in misery, and you two seem to be enjoying yourselves?’ Sven replies, ‘Vell, ya know, ve don’t git too much varm veather up dere at da Falls, so ve’ve yust got ta haff a fish fry vhen da veather’s dis nice.’
The devil is absolutely furious. He can hardly see straight. Finally he comes up with the answer. The two guys love the heat because they have been cold all their lives. The devil decides to turn all the heat off in Hell. The next morning, the temperature is 60 below zero, icicles are hanging everywhere, and people are shivering so bad that they are unable to wail, moan or gnash their teeth. The devil smiles and heads for the room with Ole and Sven. He gets there and finds them back in their parkas, bomber hats, and mittens. They are jumping up and down, cheering, yelling and screaming like mad men.
The devil is dumbfounded, ‘I don’t understand, when I turn up the heat you’re happy. Now its freezing cold and you’re still happy. What is wrong with you two?’
They both look at the devil in surprise and say, ‘Vell, don’t ya know, if hell iss froze over, dat must mean da Vikings von da Super Bowl.”)
Given the Chiefs won in 2023 and 2024 …. which is basically when the market rocket ride UP began … not sure this indicator works … but no telling this year …. roll the dice as the casino always wins time after time … good luck, be safe
re: “Game Over”
feat: The Zonkmeister
Portions of his “Reuters” interview have been posted on President Zelensky’s Telegram channel. Since the Donkey behind curtain #3 is out of the running, President Z. has apparently chosen to face the Elephant in the room. “Let’s Make a Deal!”
The interview at the Palace was situated around a cozy round table. One and possibly both unidentified (Ukrainian?) interviewers had wired earpieces, as did President Zelensky. (Insert word salad.) So one is left to imagine that a script teleprompter would have been redundant. The President unveiled an alleged formerly secret map of Ukrainian mineral deposits. Unlike the visit of a few days past held around the big table with Black UK Foreign Secretary Mr. Lammy, water refreshment was at hand to lubricate the most recent ménage à trois soirée.
re: “Game Over”
feat: Go West…
Entertainer with a bad rap and Russian entrepreneur, Mr. Kanye West, may be banned from further travel to Russia. His pro-nazi tweets were the final straw such that his Russian partner of the “Yeezy” brand has now dumped him. Last July 1st, the “Daily Mail” had noted the arrival of Mr. West in Moscow. Apparently while his wife was kept under wraps he was there to celebrate his Russian partner’s birthday at the Beluga Restaurant in Red Square. It seems suitable accomodation was secured in the form of a £10,150 per night Presidential Suite at The Four Seasons Hotel, Moscow. The space is said to offer an unparalleled view over St. Basil’s Cathedral. St. Basil of course is revered in the Russian Orthodox Church as a Holy Fool to Tsar Ivan the Terrible.
West’s visit last summer was denounced by the telegenic head of Russia’s “Safe Internet League”, and rumoured love interest of the President of Russia. According to “Wikipedia, her brother toils at a branch of a gradely American law firm headquartered in Chicago. The Firm lists many accomplished lawyers including some who became ambassadors.
This subject comes up every year at this time – even the creator [ Leonard Koppett in 1978 ] of the “Indicator” stated that it was in fun.., just a “Sports Joke”.
Super Bowl Indicator
After its invention in 1978, it has been correct in 29 out of 43 games, a success rate of accurately predicting the stock market direction for the remainder of the year is 67%.
Get them to 7000 George, then we’ll see a retracement, but up to 7000 there’s all the time and money to write it on the cap. Never fall in love with a direction, you risk getting hurt a lot. Greetings to the States, finally and again….A free country.
Modern American Diet
I guy I know decided to test something he had read [ on-line ] As he lives alone it would pretty easy to do.
For 90 days his dinner consisted of a frozen TV Dinner. He did help them along with spices and sauces.., but other than that he made no item, or caloric changes, or additions.
After 90 days he weighed just two pounds heavier. What this experiment did to his cholesterol and sodium levels is another thing entirely.., he admits that. But he felt the same., had the same energy levels.., he noticed no changes at all. Even his weekly blood pressure reading barely changed in that 90 days.
Thoroughly modern man with a thoroughly modern diet.
How long someone could maintain a “frozen dinner diet” and not have something ‘pop’.., further down the road – I don’t know. I can not recall the last time I had a frozen tv dinner. In fact, I can not recall ‘ever’ having one. I’m sure I must have, some where along the line. Maybe I’ll buy a “Hungry Man Dinner” and see what they are like. Then again.., maybe not…….,
70 years ago!
Vintage 1955 Swanson TV Dinner Commercial
Ah, the power of marketing and mind control…
That’s great !
I had to watch that just to see if it was my sister. She did a few of those commercials in that time period, alas not that one.
Flashbacks! I remember having these as a kid. DIY dinner if Mom & Dad were not home for some reason. Well before ‘microwave dinners’ we have now.
The prepared entrees and dinners are a lot better than they once were. Same goes for prepared canned entrees. You just have to lay off the pasta and potato laden entrees. And there is nothing to stop you from combining frozen with canned or fresh items. A lot of really good recipes use canned soup as a sauce base. Campbell’s and Progresso are great. The goal is good, economical nutrition. The side dish I took to the Company Christmas potluck was a hit and it was made from a dried prepared dinner with canned beans and frozen sausage.
Combining canned, dried, fresh and frozen components for best effect is just plain old home economics. My mom taught home-ec when she was first out of college, and I picked up a lot from her. I trade with about five or six different grocery chains. Winco for staples, Brookshires for frozen, Joes for specialties and some breads, and Kroger for sales and things the others don’t have. Vitacost is a good place to find teas and cereals online not available locally. Wally World frequently has really good holiday meats. There are several other stores I go to for seasonal sales. Watch all for sales.
Different supermarket chains have vastly different assortments of frozen and canned foods. Try looking in Trader Joe’s frozen section.
Locally, Brookshires has the largest prepared frozen selection and a lot of sales. Look at breakfast foods. Atkins breakfast bowls have gotten in short supply with the egg panic, but are quite good. Try a Jimmy Dean breakfast burrito, if you can find one.
I hear stories about seniors eating canned dog food. There is no need for that.
Frozen and canned foods are nutritious and economical. Take a multi-vitamin and don’t be so Gd finicky. You can eat well without paying top dollar for everything.
Buy at least two dinners. They equal prison ration alone. Especially if you have friends in low places buy four=2×4. Get it?
While researching different types of meditation for graduate school I came across edging as a solitary practice for men in a book on spiritual practices. The book was in the monastery library. It was a surprising find in a place in a celibate environment.
Wife wants a dog so I put an order in for one these Chinese Black Panthers. Doesn’t eat or poop and gets its daily walk done in no time.
My great gran daughter wants a puppy..
they have a toy that’s cuter than ever.. spot.. I can’t find it now but there’s a report that shows the robot dog bringing beer lol lol
seen a video of a tech villiage..closed off to the public where they test robotics in a town environment..
training your new pet.. that’s the trick..
lol lol Mae ( aka fang 1 ) has me trained instead lol lol lol..
Backup to the backup to the backup
Ham Radio Department.
Originally, I suggested 7.299 and 3.999 as our ham radio designated channels.
A little while ago, I made some refinements, based on some longer-term actual observations.
For clarity, I repeat them here, as of Feb 9, 2025:
(superceding previous) (I am no authority. I’m just suggesting here.)
By day: 7.295 Upper sideband. (There is some hobby use of 7.295 AM, and by our spekking USB, it allows for non-annoying monitoring while awaiting a clear channel. 7.299 LOWER sideband sounds extremely annoying when somebody is on 7.295 AM. The “official” ARRL AM designate is still 7.290. That comes from the early days of poor VFOs, where band’s edge at 7.300 was something to avoid. Frequency tolerances today are much more reliable and accurate.)
3.999 LOWER by night. (No change.) (There are some groups that pop up from time to time, but they’re pretty rare.)
Some AMers can get very crotchety qhen they hear SSB They call it “slop-bucket.” Ignore them as the curmudgeons they are. invite them to go prform an anatomically improbable act, if you like. (Best is to pretend you do not hear them.)
Our procedure is NOT to “tune around,” but to stick to the spek channel and await a clear time. Our call-outs are suggested at HOUR+15 and HOUR+45 to avoid the “on the hour” and “on the half-hour” mind fixation most others will follow.
Recognition phrase is “business model.” Just work that phrase into your speech at some point, without drawing any special attention to it. Be subtle, so it’s missed by most listeners. Please do NOT say, “The word is ‘Business Model'” or anything like that. I repeat, be subtle.
Summary – as of Feb10, 2025:
By Day 7.295 UPPER sideband.
By Night 3.299 LOWER sideband.
Call outs on xx+15 min and xx:+45 min.
Recog: “Business Model”
These are consistent with FCC rules and various existing gentlemen’s agreements, as far as I know.
Observation: In any time of Super-Heavy Shitstorm, no one will be checking license class, and FCC minor official’s paychecks will not be arriving. I’m not advocating improper ot illegel action. I’m just sayin’…
KW1B sends…
“invite them to go perform an anatomically improbable act, if you like.”
In order to remain gentlemanly, you might suggest they attempt airborne intercourse with a perambulating pastry.
ERROR – Fixed here. Sorry.
3.999 is right: instead of 3.299 wrong
Re- Sumarizing:
By Day 7.295 UPPER sideband.
By Night 3.999 LOWER sideband.
Call outs on xx+15 min and xx:+45 min.
Recog: “Business Model”
KW1B re-sends…
( “the show must go on,,,”)
Now…is anyone else besides me curious?
Trump and his team took off like a rocket. uncovering billions and trillions of mismanagement and corruption wrapped up in our government. hit the streets running.. he has done more in the couple weeks than I had seen in fifty years.. showing the receipts to this corruption and abuse to the people..
so… last summer.. with a mountain of evidence on corruption within the businesses of the untouchables.. Congress didn’t do a thing..they rattled about it dragged that dead horse around the campaign trails to gather votes..
we all know that rarely does congress even think of showing up for work.. you never see anything other than a few attending sessions.. they’ll give you as many pages of excuses as to why they shouldn’t have to read anything that lawyers not even in the government system hired by special interest groups, countries other than the usa and cartels.. their cash donations and gifts in the billions to seven hundred people to get support and approval for their cause..
come time off.. everyone left for their time off periods even with a mountain of evidence as to their way of hiding the damaging activities that has been buried all these decades… not one stuck around to work it was business as usual.
Now that the mismanagement and corruption is being exposed and shown to the taxpaying citizens and all the hidden is being exposed. will they rush home? or will they stick around and try to stop the administration from descovered any more of the hidden corruption..
scary though..there’s a lot of very powerful people that are probably pretty upset at their secrets coming to light..
Did you not see the news coverage of the Congresscritters trying to crash the Department of Education HQ after Trump shuttered it?
Rumor has it those present are the worst of the worst thieves and scoundrels in our government, and the ones who yell the loudest are the ones who’re least honest. Now, I would never presume to validate this rumor, nor assert its accuracy, but I am also not in a position to dispute any of the claims made by others…
“Parallels Between Trump (2) and the End of the Chinese Civil Service System”
No offense to .gov workers but most are little minded people. We don’t need a ChatBot to tell us if Trump closes out employee contracts with buyouts most little minds will blow the cash. This will be hugely inflationary. Then duck-in multipliers and the DOW could hit 100,000.
I’m in the D and have seen auto company buyouts. Most people who get buyouts blow the cash. Some half-heatedly try to start a business but they just don’t have the skill set for business but their spend adds to economic activity.
Will the markets be higher/lower or about the same in 2029 from where they are today? Higher than today. We can’t know purchasing power but in terms of sheer numbers it ‘s up, up and away….
One from the nickle box when Vegas was still low-tower.
The 5th Dimension – Up, Up and Away (Official Audio)
The Libs say we will need more lettuce and broccoli pickers.
Problem solved…
Here’s a link for your bloggy, G, Melanie, Ivanka and Don were all big supporters of USAID in the past, gotta cowtow to rabid polarization in the present:
That sentiment is a far cry from Melania Trump’s own glowing characterizations of the aid agency’s work. During a visit with primary school students in Malawi’s capital, Lilongwe, where she promoted a USAID program that distributed more than 1.4 million textbooks to students, the first lady explained the value of American investments abroad.
In 2019 then-President Trump signed a memorandum launching a new “Women’s Global Development and Prosperity” Initiative aimed at empowering women in the developing world. The $50 million fund, known as W-GDP, was developed to be distributed by USAID with an ambitious goal of empowering 50 million women in developing countries by 2025.
In 2018, Ivanka Trump embarked on her own visit to Africa, where she met with women cocoa farmers who received support from a $2 million USAID-funded project meant to support female entrepreneurs across the continent. At a coffee shop in Ethiopia, she announced a loan backed by USAID for a coffee business owned by women.
ya know @c, you got me to wonder,,, if ya want to investigate what was said to be delivered and what they actually received, you have to send someone to see.
I bet the Africans were happy to give the beautiful, intelligent , graceful, and charming ladies a full tour.
There is a great chance, they were fact finding for Donald as to what USAID was up to on the other end.
learn to think , beyond the link,,, I like that phase,,, I’ve not read it before,,, let US make it a new saying,,, that reflects the change of time.
as links were chains that held US in slavery,,, mentally, morally, spirtually, economically and by hidden knowledge,
The dems sure are upset over US seeing what is going on behind the USAID curtain.
“Learn to think, Beyond the link”,,, new thoughts by Jack Handy aka tobd (not Handey)
@c has inspired me today
that is why we do not censor the other voices, even if we believe, they are full of it, let them speak,,, Trump like to put them upfront on the stage, he gave Fauci more air time than he ever had before Trump, made him a household name, there is no escape now.
Bernie Maddow had jillions of dollars invested under his control. His clients were all smart wealthy people.
Shows a smooth con can defraud even the sophisticates. Personally, I had a mostly positive impresion of him till the day the music stopped.
Heck … he had been the Chaiirman of the NASDAQ Stock Exchange, who would have suspected he was a crook? He was already somewhat wealthy … but I guess he wanted MORE. Riding on a chartered Cessna Jet was beneath him, he “NEEDED” that Gulfstream to travel in.
Seen it before … with Greedy People a lot is NOT enough, they always want MORE
It is so easy for anyone to get caught up in emotional “do good” help to third world countries. Quite often, it turns into “do bad.” Accountability is not in the dictionary of a lot of foreign aid. I saw it first hand in Africa and also in Haiti after the earthquake of 2010. It was criminal.
I saw fields of donated tractors having no wheels, windmills with no blades, water well pumps with no handles and water towers empty and rusting. I asked a government official why my country sent so much aid to his country and so little of it got to the people I was trying to help. He said when money comes in at the top, each time it goes down a level, a little comes off. I guess when it got down to the people who needed it, there wasn’t much left.
When I ran my corporation, I had an external audit every year. This was to protect my money. When I structured my charitable corporation, it received and continues to receive an external audit every year long after I am gone. This is to protect our donors money.
In the case of USAID, I would expect my President to ensure an independent audit to be done each year to ensure he protected my taxpayer money.
If you need any further proof of why this is necessary, this 2015 article should be an eye opener.
So, will all the leftie trolls wink out of existence in September ? That happened when Musk de-Stalinized X. And little by little, the trolls began reappearing under new bylines, but still waving the same old socialist talking points du jour, apparently under new sponsorship. The sources for the talking points are always impeccably papered progressive research outfits, who findings are always backed by other progressive research outfits. That all of it is a statistical house of cards being paid for by ill-appropriated public funds is now being dredge up into the light of day.
The issue with USAID was never that none of it got to where it was supposed to be going, it was that a large percentage of it was being siphoned off for progressive party fuckery. Where the money went has been audited, and cold deserts are being dished up for service to the guilty partisan looters. And if any of the other rival partisan swamp bog critters are sucked up by the swamp audit dredge, they can suffer the same fate.
Here is a link to an article highlighting recent discoveries in the USAID progressive looting debacle:
-$270 million to the East-West Management Institute, an organization partnered with George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, in the last 15 years, according to data from USASpending.gov. So how much of that was redirected to support arson and looting stateside ?
-The New York Times received tens of millions, primarily awarded via the US Dept of Health and Human Services and the National Science Foundation
-Millions to EcoHealth Alliance — which was involved in research at the Wuhan lab. WTF?
-The 2025 budget allocated $268.4 million to support “independent media and the free flow of information” That’s for Progressive information flow, that is.
-Reporters Without Borders (RSF) revealed that USAID funded 6,200 journalists, 707 non-state media outlets, and 279 media-focused NGOs in more than 30 countries in 2023.
USAID appears to be a cash cow for partisan mass disbursement of funds without fiscal oversight.
My daughter loves what Trump & Musk are doing, but, she’s scared of one element’s consequences. She has run the division responsible for all SSI data backups for over a decade. Her team of 20, are all white hairs, who can take the money and retire now. She hasn’t been able to hire & train any new people. The hardware is all mainframes running COBAL, the same as most government agencies. If a majority of the people leave to take the 9 month;s pay and go to work for more money at the banks and other compines running mainframes under COBAL, the US Government computer base will grind to a halt. She said, while COBAL is considered obsolete, her systems have never been hacked.
Probably be a big spike in unemployment about nine months from now.
Might be a huge botique specialty oportunity for some young people willing to learn COBAL and work for all the distressed old system owners before long.
I leared COBOL (note the spelling, please!) when I was in college.
The joke which was rather old at that time was that
“COBOL is a computer language that is so easy to use, that
any secretary can write a working program, and
any manager can understand it.”
For my own part, I would consider jumping ship to a gummint job such as that, with two conditions:
2. could do the job without moving to DC;
1. pay would be large enough to pay off my house in 3 years or less.
I doubt that they would ever get that desperate.
The company where I worked did a buyout at one point – mainly programmers and engineers. The ones they wanted to leave stayed, and the ones they wanted to keep took off. They ended up hiring most of them back as independent contractors to keep things going.
Systems there were still predominantly mainframe back then. It’s a totally different world. You don’t just write something and stick it out there. First you have to get about 30 other people to do their thing before you can even run your program. Of those, 10 will say they’re swamped, 10 will be on vacation, 5 will argue, 3 will be deceased and other 2 will do what you need but gripe about it. Once a program is tested it has to be scheduled for putting in production – some systems would only do that once a month. It’s a royal pain in the ass but definitely harder to hack.
The age of desolation has a new addition.
..wish someone would Teach that cranky ole Polecat about Qi/OG Source/Vital Force.
? Are we in the “the great darkness, that Precedes, the Great DAO ?
“Chickity China, the Chinese chicken
You have a drumstick and your brain stops tickin’
Watching X-Files with no lights on
We’re dans la maison
I hope the Smoking Man’s in this one
Like Harrison Ford, I’m getting frantic
Like Sting, I’m tantric”
One Week/BNL – https://youtu.be/69cR9J-V-Qg?si=Z0op30-q14LSlEpy
Yowusa.com is interesting for large comets
Don’t be surprised is mag 8 quake out carabean is followed by a new Madrid adjustment
“Game Over”
There’s a vibe on the glass – the wire is mostly gone and the Internet uses fiber – and it indicates Obama created DOGE back in 2014. DOGE was not conceptualized by Trump and Musk.
This reinforces the Werewolf Game concept. Link below.
I may post a few scraps of the Obama/DOGE connection I found later/tomorrow.
Mind-Blowing Game Invented by Russian Sociology Student
Planet x. Dr sam. Says currently orbit somewhere between orbit Jupiter and Saturn. Both have encountered internal heating and cloud cover color changes in the last couple of years.
“China invades Taiwan
US Treasury Bond Crisis
Breakthrough in AGI
Confirmed Extraterrestrial Contact”
I have one more for you. The hottest rumor in the world is that if the Kansas City Chiefs win, Travis Kelce will announce his retirement from pro football, and propose to Taylor Swift in front of the largest television audience in the world. I don’t do social time-wasters, so I hadn’t heard this until one of my daughters dropped it in my lap this afternoon. According to her, there’s about 500,000,000 “Swifties” worldwide who will be watching the end of the stupor bowl, just in case such an occurrence comes to pass…
” Judge blocks Trump from placing 2,200 USAID workers on leave.”
Not a good idea. USAID was created by Executive Order. Mr. Trump can eliminate it completely, any time he should be so-inclined, by simply cancelling JFK’s EO. BTW I expect Trump to use this as a sword of Damocles to axe many programs and eliminate many bureaucratic “jobs.” Then toward the end of his term, I expect him to axe USAID anyway. It is a terrorist organization. If it weren’t a “non-governmental” part of the U.S. Government, (I still don’t understand the logic or rationale behind this), it would be on terror watchlists worldwide — including ours.
So, who really controls the Internews Network agendas ?
The usual suspects:
Besides paying off journalists, I wonder how may leftist trolls are sponsored by Internews ?
Based on a math distribution model of Bitcoin, it may have a few more weeks to run in this bear market., but it appears this current run has reached it’s cycle top., and should start down very soon. This particular distribution model does not predict / show just how far down., just that it is turning over.
Not advice – just something you might want to keep an eye on.
You cannot be this stupid, why even my BFF Pinky is astonished by Ure lack of cognition.
– oh alright anything is possible I suppose.
Stretching the limits of my imagination I can barely see it.
..Nope, c takes the prize, CONGRATULATIONS c !
Hereby award you DFOUSBN !
D= dumbest
O- on
B= bar
N= none
Have a nice, Eagles kelly Green day.
Hmm…ego feathers make gud butt wipes, I s’pose… sheesh.
from @The Brain,,in his link, from Dr malone
““OCCRP is one of the largest investigative journalism organizations in the world, headquartered in Amsterdam and with staff across six continents. We are a mission-driven nonprofit newsroom that partners with other media outlets to publish stories that lead to real-world action.”
-the Organized Crime Reporting Project (OCCRP)”
“The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) has been found to have significant involvement (entanglement?) with the US Agency for International Development (USAID).
USAID Funding: The US government provided 52 percent of the money spent by OCCRP between 2014 and 2023.
OCCRP’s Independence: Despite presenting itself as an independent organization, OCCRP’s management has placed it in a position of structural dependence on the US government,
USAID has complete veto power over appointing key personnel and “helps” direct the organization’s annual work plan. USAID has been called “the new CIA” – and this makes its intimate involvement with OCCRP operations highly suspect.”
read the rest for yourselves