If you don’t think the Iran Appeasement Deal (now blowing up, figuratively anyway) was bad enough, the folks who surround Clueless Leader may have really stepped in it this time; tweaking China with a US B-52 flight into a newly declared Air Defense Zone which happens to conflict with a similar zone claimed by Japan. It’s a move which could begin to collapse the bubble in US markets in 2014… So how much do we need to target as our investment return in 2014 if a long wave economic war (think WW II) is only a couple of years? Hint: Lots. More specifics after we gulp the bean and few the leftovers…
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Our usual Wednesday morning update was delayed by some server updates over on our Peoplenomics site, but all is now well.
Remember, UrbanSurvival will be taking a rare day off tomorrow. Unless something pops, in which case come on by…
Meantime, www.backdoorsurvival.,com has things covered on the prepping side and www.nostracodeus.com has an eye toward the future. I wouldn’t take the day the world blows up off…so here’s hoping we get something approaching normal…whatever that is any more…