Early War Clouds with China?

If you don’t think the Iran Appeasement Deal (now blowing up, figuratively anyway) was bad enough, the folks who surround Clueless Leader may have really stepped in it this time; tweaking China with a US B-52 flight into a newly declared Air Defense Zone which happens to conflict with a similar zone claimed by Japan.  It’s a move which could begin to collapse the bubble in US markets in 2014… So how much do we need to target as our investment return in 2014 if a long wave economic war (think WW II) is only a couple of years?  Hint: Lots.  More specifics after we gulp the bean and few the leftovers…

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Our usual Wednesday morning update was delayed by some server updates over on our Peoplenomics site, but all is now well.

Remember, UrbanSurvival will be taking a rare day off tomorrow.  Unless something pops, in which case come on by…

Meantime, www.backdoorsurvival.,com has things covered on the prepping side and www.nostracodeus.com has an eye toward the future.  I wouldn’t take the day the world blows up off…so here’s hoping we get something approaching normal…whatever that is any more…