Some hardcore economic reality leaked this week from one of the regional Fed chiefs. But it’s not making headlines. Maybe because it’s not a furtherance of monetizing Americans. A refreshingly candid view of things ahead.
Moral hazard abounds in America these days. Particularly in economics.
Would you walk into a crooked Casino if they had a sign outside that said: “We cheat so You can win!“? That’s the position investors are increasingly finding themselves in.
And the decision-making comes down to runaway nonlinear situations in healthcare, finance, pensions, monetary systems, and spills out onto the streets as the “shamed and blame” of Cancel Culture and other such pap.
What’s an investor to do?
Some thoughts on this after a few headlines in our ChartPack.
Do market cycles foretell events to come next week, or is the market merely reactive. Causative? Not?
My head hurts already…
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“We cheat so you can win.” lol.
Just added to my book of Ure classics.
Yes, that’s a good one.
Right up there with the law firm billboard that had this as a slogan to capture more business: ” Just because you did it doesn’t mean you’re guilty.”
every blessed word out of guvmint is PUB (pure unadulterated bullshit).
I cant get thru one single press release or statement from ANY guv official that is not pure spin bullshit – science and econ gov spin doctors being the worst offenders.
Fed guvs bullshit cited this AM…” pandemics grip wanes” – my ass!- The governments’ grip you mean. The pandemic has not done shit – hell they have not even isolated covert19 yet.
We know the science – “Variants come from Vaccination” – Luc Montagnier, nobel price (AIDS) virologists.
How bad are WE being gaslighted by our “leaders & media scum ?
Every friggin person reading Urban Survival has been BRAINWASHED – into calling A FAIL/FAILURE a Breakthrough! duuuh-ooh!
I can hear the Baaaa-ing baa baa sheep in my sleep- sounds like the stockyard outside the mea tplant – “sum ting in di air, and it dont feel right”..
* how do spell meat tenderizer in the pleiades? – mrna
Djedi knight; They tried to wash my brain but it was too dirty!
The real economic stats present an even more grim picture:
Unemployment by traditional measure approaches 25 percent while the govt papers over it with feel good stats.
The velocity of money has tanked as a significant portion of the GDP continues to be flushed into dark cesspools of capital we call crypto. The crypto is taking the economy back to the dark ages.
While factory overproduction was a major factor in the 1929 scenario, we primarily produce paper debt. Today, the overproduction is in the far east, but it still impacts our economy in a similar fashion as we are inundated with cheap imports.
We are in a stealth depression with no positive outcome in sight.
“If the public sees a big inflation coming, they will spend big and spend quickly. The supply chain collapses. the market would follow shortly thereafter and Depression after that.”
I already think that is what is happening now.. people are spending quick and buying the things they think they will need when it does come crashing down… we are in the economic death spiral.. you dip level off then dip again.. till theres nothing left to do but crash.. you can only coast so far..before it becomes a lead weight
There’s been a lot of talk about supply chain disruptions and shortages. Things people are seeing in local grocery stores and the like. Let me tell you how it’s really showing up. Over the last 8-12 months I’ve noticed a trend that some of our contractors who provide base-wide environmental services for military installations have started to encounter problems with delays in getting things like stainless steel drums for hazardous waste storage and the like. It started out as just one contractor at one installation. In the last month, it’s now gotten to the point that it’s nearly program wide. Not only are these items becoming backordered, which causes services to not be completed, but now several contractors at several different military installations are running into the suppliers not honoring quotes on materials because prices are starting to sky rocket. These prices formed part of the basis for the cost of the contracts. There’s always some cost fluctuations in material costs over the life of the contract. Smart contractors know how to plan for fluctuations and unforeseen costs by building some cushion into their proposals. At some point, though, the cushion is exceeded and things start moving into the red and that defeats the purpose of being in business to start with.
So, that is going to turn into a contractual problem. A lot of them. We have not decided on a clear path forward. We haven’t even talked about it internally and I’m almost 100% certain that I’m the only person in the whole organization that is even thinking about it other than a couple of my project managers who are dealing with this. I’m planning this coming week to bring this issue up with our contracting officers and ‘leadership’. On the one hand, we have the problem of critical services not being completed. What do we do about that? How do we help our customers here? I’m not sure. What happens when major military installations can no longer safely store or dispose of these materials? On the other is materials costs are going up to the point of contract modifications at the expense of the customer and ultimately the tax payer…because, let’s be real…there is NO government money. It’s our money. You and I will always get the bill.
This folks is what bad management looks like. Fraudulent elections have consequences.
a lot of the stores around here are filling in the blank spaces with back stock.. to give the isles the appearance that they are full.. prices on necessities has skyrocketed.. the big fall increase is coming along.. the plan is to increase utilities across the board.. employers are not giving raises in wages..they are busy trying to stay above water and staying competitive…. when the dam breaks.. they will reluctantly raise prices
every penny out has to have a penny in.. and until credit tightens.. they will use credit.. checker will ask.. paper or plastic..
I have been hearing about shortages, but I went into Winco today, and the shelves were full. Bulk and canned goods, milk and bread were fully stocked. When there is a panic, the bulk goods and canned goods disappear. When anything happens, milk and bread empty out fast. Prices are edging up..
MAJ13. One of the reasons I come here other than George’s infinite wisdom is the many posts from people like you, LOOB and others who are front line workers with real life experience and not the clowns that give us their bias filtered version of the news on MSM.
I had just read the following article before I read your post.
It seems to me we are in a real pickle here. Cargo ships stacked up, unable to unload goods based on our JIT inventory world. I keep thinking that many of these goods are very time sensitive. What happens to Halloween supplies that arrive on November 1, Thanksgiving supplies that arrive on December 1 or Christmas supplies that arrive on January 1?
I read anarticle last week that said many transport trucks are waiting for repair parts so they can move the goods to their destinations. What if those parts are still sitting out there on ship number 70. Combine that with lack of employees to drive the trucks because of vaccination refusual, COVID illness, government money to not work, etc. and we are surely headed for some very difficult months ahead.
What gets me is how everything is papered to look good.. and everything seems as if it is as usual..
Florida shippers are still taking orders for the holidays. Fresh fruit is always appreciated.
Interesting that you mention this – Cliff High talked about this extensively several months ago. Of course, your analysis here is limited – the real break point is where the US military cannot afford to ‘feed’, ‘cloth’, and maintain US troops and their families, especially in overseas bases. Now, a smart Joint Chiefs of Staff, would immediately bring home all dependent from all US military bases, and stop all ‘dependent’ tours. Next, start closing down all but the most essential US air bases and Ground bases – which means closing about 90% of them – NOW. The US military seems to be clueless about what is happening – the covid con, the fall of the US AND China economically and the eventual blow up of the entire financial system. They think the $USD will have value forever. Sorry – not in this universe!
The US military has had a good run since the end of WWII, spending whatever they wanted, and indulging in many phony wars. But, like their counterparts in the former Soviet military, they don’t realize that they will lose the ultimate battle – the value of a currency. Btw, I know things are going to get VERY VERY f-uped in the coming months and years. I am making my peace with the universe if I have to ‘depart’ in lieu of eating out of waste cans. I am not willing to suffer – 30 plus years of corporate America has already provided my ‘hell.’
Good Luck folks!
Clif High?!? Really?!?
I think a shark just got jumped.
When I retired from military service in 2003, DoD was doing or planning for exactly what you spelled out. You’re a little behind…
As for eating out of waste cans… When the SHTF in earnest, I suspect most waste cans will remain empty. People are resourceful and nothing will go to waste.
I also recommend you train yourself to eat less.
China’s tiger already limping before Evergrande default:
China loses it’s mfg base to other countries, Trump’s tariff plan didn’t bring the jobs back to U.S., instead jobs went to other countries (Vietnam, etc), China has lost 33% of market:
Trump’s tariff plan did not restore the 3.7 million U.S. jobs lost to China:
I almost forgot to add a little humor (and truth) I saw this morning:
If you watch TV then you’re in a deadly pandemic.
If you don’t watch TV, it’s Saturday.
It is perhaps eating less gained 25 percent of missing kidney and reversed cancer numbers.
” Who can foreclosure on the US government? ”
The $ is already no good so you don’t foreclose, you let people come to their own conclusions. Not to mention the chip factories were already taken. The Middle East bases were given away, Pat Tillman died in vain.
We got the BAG (Boeing/Amtrak/GM) and the bag holders, us.
Most everything I buy went up 25% in value. Quarts of oil from $4.79 to $5.89. Feed for the yard animals, from $1.00 a LB to $1.25 a LB,. Milk fell to $2.71 a gallon. Prepandemic milk was under $2.00 per gallon. Disposable razors really went up in value.
I posted the link indicating today’s Social Security contributor can expect an 80% return as recipient. That’s a 20% loss not including loss of purchasing power from ‘inflation’. Stop contributing and walk away.
When you reach your 40 credits w/ SS, your marginal return is zero so stop contributing and quit working unless you need the income or are expecting future raises. Let somebody who needs a job get yours.
That was my thought. I have no idea exactly how many quarters I have, but it’s not too much over 40 and I took SS at age 62. I didn’t plan on getting much back, but I planned on getting the biggest bang for the buck. Don’t forget that SS is money is in plain sight if the IRS or others should ever decide that you should pay them.
Someone close to me worked until age 70 and died a year later. There’s no guarantee of tomorrow, and SS stops when you die.
Try to comply with the system, but never trust them. They’re rather famous for changing rules in the middle of the game.
We’re being scammed.
Since the beginning of the year 25% of our life’s production was inflated away.
The value of any projected “benefit” 10 years out is 25% less (since the beginning of the year) and we’ll be getting 20% less of it.
That’s the cost to us bag holders for keeping the BAGs.
OWS, sometimes you just need to hit the reset button.
A few years ago, I was on a Greek island sitting in a barber shop patiently waiting my turn. Without warning, both barbers put down their tools and closed the shop — time for the siesta swim! I was very surprised but I didn’t get mad. They were back 2 hours later as promised and I learned that getting my hair cut was an event, not an appointment.
There is always Ecuador or Costa Rica, or the $2 villas in Italy…
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2011)
Not good advice. Zeroes hurt your benefit. IF you are still working and 62 or older, then consider this advice along with your particular situation.
You cannot collect SS after 10 years (40 credits) at 35, etc., 62 is the earliest without unusual circumstances.
CD is correct. Do your homework before implementing your plan.
” Who can foreclosure on the US government? ”
What an interesting thought… actually I don’t believe that the Federal reserve… is a part of the USA Gov’t.
I had always thought it was a private bank owned by five families from outside the USA.
Now I wonder if they could just drop that private bank create their own currency valued at more than the value of federal reserve notes (aka dollars) backed by something of value .. the federal reserve notes aren’t backed by anything at corn we back it by corn or my favorite nuts.. nut bucks..
the current US Corp Government and US private banks aka Feral Reserve are the crooked casino! until we fix our election system, we remain under house arrest. we are looking at the carrot$ instead of the bastards holding the carrot on a stick, leading US down the wrong path, enslavement(fake security) vs freedom. WE ARE OWNED, But the herd is waking up. Just the responses from Ure readers, varied as they be, generally are aware that they are being scammed/cheated/raped/pillaged /plundered, a few still blindly eat bait. ELECTIONS are our self defense, the enemy has snuck in and taken over our defense system with a trojan horse, the dems gave us computer election systems, first they flooded us with fake paper ballots(problem) and then pushed computer election machines(solution). Well it seems we now have a bigger problem with their solution. They do not like full forensic audits, what a battle for US to look at everything. It is War
I wonder what happened with Jovan Pulitzers portion of the audit in AZ. I wonder if it is include in the info handed to the AZ Attorney General, evidence to use in making criminal charges. It will come out, WHEN he files charges. Criminal charges against election officials will start an avalanche with several other states getting their legislatures to conduct their own state’s audits, full audits and not just recounting the same fake votes. Our votes have been watered down just like the US FERAL reserve note. OUR VOTES are GOLD. Fake votes are paper and electrons. They are Not real humans that are legal tender/US citizens. We have been robbed in more than one way, we have been devalued
Bank employees do NOT audit the bank they manage, the owners bring in their own auditors. The election boards and sec of each state are just bank employees so do we own our elections or does Dominion? Who the hell owns Dominion?
This movie is getting tense, popcorn chewing time.
Oh Well, I got to get back to work, ordered a small crane with a hand winch to mount on my log splitter to lift the heavies, using a 2″ receiver that I will attach to the bottom of the beam. I have the stand up capable splitter but it is a PITA for me to use in the vertical mode. My hoist is like the GorrillaBac but a lot cheaper and I do not need the battery power option for the winch. I can always convert it to a power winch in the future if I so desire. It is off to Menards with rebate coupon in hand to buy a receiver and of course other goodies while I am there
That wood burning stove saved my assets last winter with the roving power outages i sub zero weather
Happy Trails to you Sir and we will keep the Light on
somebody shit her pants yesterday during the AZ Senate hearing, when Mr Cotton said they have video of the persons accessing the keyboards when election files were being deleted. you have to scroll down a little to read code monkey’s post. you can click content to see past posts
who is the lady(HER key card) with the key card that let people into that server room? when the files were deleted? Just a whim Sec of State for AZ maybe, I don’t know.
Did Q say something like “these people are stupid”?
Q also warned of suicides
code monkey cut/paste a quote from the AZ senate document in his post . the document source is given in a link at the bottom of the posting. go look for yourselves,,, it is a short easy read, just a small page, unless you decide to read the link, it is long but Code M’s paste is in there. I read it
I even read the Chameleon’s links, no matter how wordsmithed, the half-truth fabrications are, that he shares.
The AZ audit is just an earthQuake in the middle of the ocean, let him who hears the warning, seek high ground, somebody just turned on the fan, a big one
Gees G, all this talk about Dueling Nonlinearities has my head spinning, vorticular.
You talkin money flows and I am seeing human energy/attention flowing. The feedback here is a model of the larger flow, of human emotional energy.
And I used to get to work on these TLT fans, axial flow with pitch control blades, quite interesting pieces of equipment
“Who the hell owns Dominion?”
MAJ13 – I’d add petro fuel to rising costs. The U.S. military is unquestionably the largest institutional consumer of petroleum, and it too must eventually pay more for contracted deliveries. Of all the military, the USAF is the largest U.S. military consumer of petroleum, with its jets largely using JP-8, a kerosene based fuel. You mentioned contract costs rising – fuels are usually procured in yearly buys by the DoD. If push comes to shove, Congress would almost certainly authorize additional funding for military fuel acquisition, and due to national security priorities, petro cracking plants will supply the military and civil reserve components before all other consumers. The military Civil Reserve air fleet pulls from each U.S. airline when needed for personnel and supply transport.
Next for civil reserve requisition is certain OTR commercial trucking and rail, which also can be requisitioned for domestic transportation of military goods and supplies during emergencies and times of war. These vehicles would also get the highest fuel priority. I would not want to be in the military Logistics career field were such ‘borrowing’ of commercial assets ever to happen.
Ever notice in the sci fi movies how the urban areas get all the resources and the New Confederacy becomes the great wasteland? You think that’s a coincidence? In the early 1800’s, Thomas Jefferson downsized the Army and upscaled the Navy and coastal defenses. He wisely surmised that invasion of the country would have to come across two very big oceans or up through a desert, all easily monitored from afar. Today, DoD is focused on responding to U.S. threats from afar, preferring to engage the enemy on their turf rather than ours. If the time ever comes that it’s mission is to defend the U.S. on home territory, go to “Ever notice in the sci fi movies…”
There’s Red Dawn, and there’s Dragon Day.
Dragon Day (2013),
Three things to remember:
1) the power plant is outside the city. So are the transformer substations.
2) the water Purification Plants are at closest in the suburbs. The water sources are all outside the city. Waste treatment plants are too.
3) The food all starts outside the city. I don’t think I have ever seen a chicken processing plant in a city. The meat packers used to be in the city. Most I know of are in the country. And all food comes to the city on a truck, on a highway.
And a post script to the list. Engineers like myself who all live outside the city know already where the switches, the valves and the bottlenecks to the highway are.
You are better off outside the city. Your vision of the new Confederacy is written by a Hollywood Screen Writer with an Ivy League degree living in a big city.
When the new Confederacy arises, it will converge on the outskirts of the big city and erect chain link fences with the barb wire on top leaning in.
I’ve watched both movies – definitely worth the time.
Regarding the “enemy”, aka those who get to invade with no CBP inspection, look no farther than walking distance from the southern border.
We know they’re there and know how to stop them, and we don’t.
“Three things to remember:
1) the power plant is outside the city. So are the transformer substations.”
The grid… is designed for control.. not efficiency or grid security.( putting all their eggs in one basket). power plants are not only out of the cities but hundreds and thousands of miles away..with a substation positioned every few miles..
The texas energy outage was just a glympse of what could happen if a domino effect was to happen..five or six high altitude blasts could by estimate evaluating our fragile state.. shove the USA back ten thousand years..
They should be promoting and embracing solar and small wind. Instead they discourage it. .get homeowners to place them with a price increase freeze they have a system installed for let’s say ten years like leaves of a tree..then starting at the furthest point put up a solar tower at every sub station with an inverted trapezoid reflector between cells..east west and south..look at your tree line to get the angles for your arrays .here it’s basically 35 degree on south and 40 ish on east and west..
Go slow work your way back to the power plant.. like branches on a tree.. working your way back to the roots or power plant..
Unfortunately.. doing that doesn’t fit the business model..
The grid remains quite vulnerable and will ..may god help us if there is four or five high altitude flashes..
We should be greenscaping to.. that to doesn’t fit the business model..
Dragon day is on prime…
LOOB- It was failure of the commercial wind turbines to stay on line during the subzero weather that brought down the Texas grid. I am skeptical that adding more commercial-scale wind or solar will increase reliability of the grid. Perhaps more small-scale solar and wind generation with onsite batteries might help preserve essential services like refrigeration, lights and communications to individual households; but that won’t keep the HVAC on.
“LOOB- It was failure of the commercial wind turbines to stay on line during the subzero weather that brought down the Texas grid. ”
EXACTLY N_____ that is my point and for the cost of three of those big monstrosity wind machines.. a ten kw system could be placed on every household in our state..instead of six mw of power.. you would have what 7600mw per hour potential. the flutter of a butterfly..the leaves of a tree…
a gent I know put up a 50 or a 100 kw wind turbine..I asked him why he did such a stupid thing.He could have a whole lot more for less.. .I bet him that it wouldn’t be working in ten years..( it lasted three before he took it down) cost of maintenance is to high to many failure points.. like a string inverter. or those huge solar farms that they are building.. what a joke…. great I have five of the string inverters..( I am not a fan.. nice units but not very smart..).. ( you couldn’t buy the smaller inverters at the time.. congress wouldn’t allow them) to many failure points.. ever see how one of those things work.. oh my impressive as hell but a nightmare to much infrastructure change to manage and implement..
“LOOB- It was failure of the commercial wind turbines to stay on line during the subzero weather that brought down the Texas grid”
Lol unfortunately they are still stuck in the box on their business model..its all about control not security..
Bigger is pretty just not very practical or productive.. costs to much and difficult to integrate into the system..
It’s like the solar tower..when you talk towers the first thought they have is something a thousand feet high.. on a six inch a three sided 20 – 60 ft wide wings and 60 to 100 feet high.
If I ever win the lottery I will build one.. it only takes one to prove the concept.. fortunately china is building some now and so is Brazil…
“I am skeptical that adding more commercial-scale wind or solar will increase reliability of the grid. Perhaps more small-scale solar and wind generation”
That is my point.. to put up a wind turbine that produced 2 megawatts of energy is not nearly as efficient.. a fully washer rainstorm isn’t as beneficial as a gentle shower..
Electricity is like a rain drop.. that plants and land absorbs what it needs the rest flows into an aquifer and becomes beneficial in another area.
For those that want reimbursement for excess energy then price increases should apply.. for those that say here use my excess someplace else..then their price stays stable for a ten year period.. to disburse the small scale statewide helps keep the flow moving.. the smaller solar towers are basically a stabilizer for those that don’t setup a system..and reduces the cost of substation operation. The inverted trapezoid reflectors is for the light distributed along the arrays..( I think it would also look awesome.. like the lighthouse of Alexandria)
During an ice storm where it takes out main lines the main electrical distribution line may be affected but wouldnt be as dramatically vast..
I personally live the idea of battery backup.. but really that’s an individual choice.. one of my backup string inverters has cap system so that in the event of a power outage you can flip a switch and it will trick the system to continue to supply a backup circuit breaker box.
During WW-11 fuels and tires was issued to vital workers, They received a windshield # A 1st B 2nd C if you was lucky along with food stamps they also had small little tokens Red was for Meats Blue was for general foods
, Most foods were sent to the Military so shortage was common for the citizens extras like Cigarettes’ was hard to come by along with over the Counter Drugs, Clothing was another item that was costly along with any Home accessories. That generation had Just exited the World depression and was able to handle shortages of just about everything, Just imagine what the new generations will react with it when they get hit with it
Wrap your head around what’s in this article. If Jamie Dimon sounds an alarm, sit up and pay attention. It’s more evidence the world is getting too complex for us mere mortals to understand. I think it’s time to take my ball and go home.
“Major banks and other key financial institutions are working to tokenize assets ‘behind the scenes,’ says ‘Big Four’ firm EY”.
Yo Jorge, just ran across an interesting affadavit from a military doctor. See the link, gets really good around Para 24.
Just more info on the insidious ingredients these wack jobs are pushing. On a lighter note a little ditty from one of our lost musical bards:
Enjoy friends….
That was the best vax article I’ve yet read! I don’t know how they could possibly spin this to discredit her, although she has already been threatened.
I am reading that one too.
Also looking for all the links to SDS’s (Safety Data Sheets, used to be MSFS material Safety Data Sheets) for all the ingredients listed.
Should make for good after dinner reading.
I had the opportunity to purchase some $6.99/lb ground beef today. Funny thing, it looked exactly like the $3.99 ground beef I purchased two weeks ago for half-price. ‘Noticed the pre-prepared frozen and freeze-dried meals are up ~30% across the board.
I kinda wondered how long it would take that stoopid amount of money-supply inflation would take itself to work into the market.
For those not paying attention, it was a tic under 5 months…
My beef comes in 2 weeks my guess is something like 2 bucks a pound.. but I’ll know more in two weeks..I freeze dry all kinds of things..every fall I keep 2 freeze dryers working.
I built one … but to keep it working properly i had to constantly babysit it.. so I bought one.. totally love it.. a little spendy.. the cost of a FD is 30 percent higher since I got mine.. but still worth it.. I FD ice cream then blend it to a powder pack it in a bag for half gallon mix.. when you want fresh ice cream put it in your ice cream maker and whip it up..
Families will throw out the price of a freeze dryer in left overs.. I package them away for quick meals.. I retort my own MRE’s to..
Thom is a great guy to.. will guide you through retort canning all the way..
A 2014 paper here was asking Agenda 21: Pathway to a Better Tomorrow or Global Conspiracy to Subjugate Individual Rights?
In theory, this was all non-binding. Except it’s the libretto of the left and the end of discrete single family homes in the US is ahead.
This is why the commies infiltrated the US Chamber of Commerce, and its 50,000 (or so) local affiliates, beginning in the 1970s. Remember when the Chamber of Commerce was staunchly conservative and really big on laissez faire economics? Not no mo’. The Chamber of Commerce had been the most-successful communist outreach program in the United States in the past 40 years, until we had that All Out Crazy election a few years back and ushered in a bunch of hardcore Marxists with oversized mouths & egos. The USCC is full-blown Marxist now, and it is they who push for the simple change in zoning law which will bring about the demise of the USA (if none of the other systems in-play to destroy us don’t get us first…)
We can’t oppose it.. when your in the middle of a herd and the vast majority are running towards a cliff.. it’s hard to break away from the path that’s set.
Its surprising how many fail to see the things that those in power are doing.. but will complain about DJT because he was a narcissist and his bragging..
Get a huge Bag of Popcorn it is going to be quite a show
The wave of push back grows:
Over 3,000 Doctors and Scientists Sign Declaration Accusing COVID Policy-Makers of ‘Crimes Against Humanity’
A“Physicians’ Declaration” produced by an international alliance of physicians and medical scientists strongly condemns the global strategy to treat COVID, accusing policy-makers of potential “crimes against humanity” for preventing physicians from providing life-saving treatments for their patients and suppressing open scientific discussion.
The document states that “one size fits all” treatment recommendations have resulted in needless illness and death.
As of 1:00 Friday afternoon, the declaration had garnered over 3,100 signatures from doctors and scientists around the world.
A group of physicians and scientists met in Rome, Italy earlier this month for a three day Global Covid Summit to speak “truth to power about Covid pandemic research and treatment.”
Sorta makes one wish they were not of an age where one could easily be a carry into hospital patient, nor taking new perscriptions that make that necessary and insured enough to make it very? Profitable.
At 64 I’m still staying as far away from doctors as I possibly can but I know it won’t last much longer. Just hope I can make the ol’ bod last until there’s some sanity out there!
Jeez – you’ll live to be 1,000 for sure waiting for that, lol… hope you make it with miles to spare