Coping: Wujo and Personal Clinical Trials

“George, you know that favorite frying pan of yours, the one you love to do eggs in?  Have you seen it?” Elaine asked at breakfast Wednesday.

Oh-oh.  Not again…

We live in a very modest little manufactured home out at the end of the string (life past cell phone coverage) and there are only the 2 1/2 of us who would know anything about this frying pan:.  Elaine, me, and my retired brother-in-law.  But his quarters are off in another building with its own cooking capabilities, bathroom, and so on.  Sure, he comes over for breakfast most mornings, but except for boiling water and making oatmeal, or toast, or whatever, it’s just me and Elaine in the kitchen.  He doesn’t borrow dishes.

And we do have a few more pans, I suppose, than some people.  But we both get a tremendous amount of enjoyment from cooking, and I like to keep the “chef-wrist” tuned up, but doing perfect flips of two eggs over easy.  Great for hash browns, too.  To do this, you need a particular kind of pan.  One with very gently sloping sides to it. It went missing – on its own.

So there we were…wondering if the local ghosts (“the visitors”) had made off with another one of our goodies.

So we took the kitchen apart, including the oven, in which our cast iron gear lives so we don’t have to worry about mixing it with the Cuisinart hard-alloy, which would likely be ruined by just being around the cast iron.

Anyway, we both looked for about 15-minutes.  Then passed it off as simply gone.

And hour later Elaine exclaimed “Found it!”

Turned out that it was under the pizza pan, also in the oven.  We also season and dry it there, yada yah.

The problem is that it was there earlier…at least I didn’t see it when I looked, as the pizza pan was right on the rack…not above it as it was when Elaine showed me.

All of which was pretty damn interesting…It points out how Wujo-like events can often be solved:  You are simply tricked by perception and expectation.

Or, did it just return from the “wherever” and decide to pop up under a pizza pan where neither of us would put it, at least while in our right minds.  Deep rabbit hole there.

Still, the experience underscored for me that when people experience Wujo, they may simply be experiencing absolutely “normal” things going on that live below the perception threshold.

And then there are stories like this one from reader Georgann:

Hi there George,

A few weekends ago both my husband and I had something weird happen. I woke up in the early wee hours, with extreme time disorientation. I thought it might be weekday. And in my mind I was trying to find something to reorient myself, then I remember that I hadn’t met a friend for coffee yet, which was scheduled for Sunday morning.

Later that morning my husband wakes me up thinking it Monday and I needed to get up for work. He was surprised that it wasn’t. And you know, the whole day was off about 3 hours for both of us. It was very unsettling.

Would this fit as a WuJo? The only thing missing that I can tell was time.

Keep up the good work.

The “time thing” is a slippery beast.  I’ve only experienced a terrible “time becoming syrupy-like” a few of times in my life.  Once around a “moment of Grace” kind of personal event in 1987 (Universe dissolves and more). The other when we were living on our sailboat out in South San Francisco in 2001. There, time just got (no other word for it) syrupy.

Every once in a while (as in while mid-air, while falling off a ladder) I’ve had some brief flashes of time dilation, but the feeling that “time ain’t exactly right feeling”?  Ended on impact… 

Elaine’s only had the one time/teleporting experience ( and is still creeped out about it), but my latest rational mind (such as it is)  thinking is that maybe humans eat certain foods, in certain combinations, that seriously change how the brain works.  That, in turn, could dramatically alter how we experience things – like life!

For example, just before I come down with a case of gout, I get a tremendous rush of energy.  When the gout arrives, I take a colchicine, or three (over the course of a day) I can feel the “edge” disappearing (along with the joint pain, so it’s a trade-off)…and with it, something like a fog sets back in. 

Except fog it too harsh a word for it…more like a very thin haze if that makes sense.  Just ever so slightly off absolute, maximum, peak learning machine/man-of-action.  Slightly.  I can still fly, still do Morse code, and the recall’s there.  Just not as many “flashes of insight” if you will.  It’s like going from “personal brilliance” to personal “really good,”  No mediocre, and certainly not bad.  Just (to use a metalworking term for reader Russ) “deburred” if you will.

In my quest to dig down into the science of what’s going on, I stumbled on a very good article over at the io9 website titled “10 supplements you can take today to increase your intelligence.”  Jeez…I need them! 

After reading it, I’ve added a few things to my personal “clinical trials” which I haven’t tested before:  One is Ginkgo – which I’ve shied away from just because it’s been the butt of so many jokes.  No small number of which have lost some of their intended humor the closer 65 gets.

The second one that goes into my Personal Trials mix will be Rhodiola Rosea. 

And MAYBE creatin.  I say maybe, but perhaps this one should be first, since the onset of gout is accompanied by a rise in serum uric acid levels.  Which in turn operates in concert with kidneys, and since creatin is eliminated through urine (along with uric acid)…well, just thinking out loud, for now.

But once we get past the holidays (Elaine’s got another turkey lined up for the purines experiment) and we get into the January “get back in shape” period, I’ll go back on my “Personal Clinical Trial” which is where I’ve been slowly working my way through every vitamin supplement I can think of, in order to see which ones provide useful effects.  Smarter, more alert, things that are useful beyond basic health. 

Not that basic health is bad, but I think all of us (as kids, which we continue to be) had a good dose of Popeye and Superman.  The question for improved “powers” is strong and deeply seated.  Deliberately? Hmmm…

Taking high doses of Vitamin C and Lysine has certainly had a nice effect both on visual acuity and blood pressure.  Linus Pauling was no idiot.

Disclaimer:  This is not medical advice.  But….The idea of “Personal Clinical Trials” seems to be a very good idea, since unlocking as much of our individual mental capacity as possible is a reasonable pursuit. 

I will keep in touch with my local doc throughout this, (I assume you will, too…yours – not mine!) and I’ll also keep an eye on BP and all that kind of stuff.  If clinical trials are good for drug company research (when they don’t let accounting a-holes sneak into the mix and twist up the results top help the bottom line) there’s no reason not to adopt the approach in order to optimize our own health.

Along the way, plan on making notes of anomalies, like changed perceptions of time and so forth (if any).

But for Georgann’s report, the most intriguing questions for her and her hubby involve what they ate the day before the “time off” period?  Since we are what we eat, is it possible that they might have eaten something which was a little spoiled?  Or, might there have been some odd mold on the mushrooms if they had pizza the night before? A partially spoiled head of cabbage or….

The questions linger, the answer elusive.  But at least we are still catching the scent clearly, now and then. Spinach is better than meds.  And the idea of unlocking big mental gains and being able to “further awaken”?  What could be more worthwhile than that.  Prior to the Big Sleep…

Speaking of Death and Dying…

I don’t know if you caught the George Noory interviews on Coast to Coast AM last night, but he had Sandra Champlain on.  Champlain’s got a website over here which deals with death and dying and is really quite good.  ( I love how C2C’s producer, Lisa Lyons, finds these people.  Saves the rest of us a ton of work.)

As in our own wanderings around the psychic landscape (occasioned by some serious personal wujo events in my past) she covers the waterfront in areas like mediumship, electronic voice phenomena (EVP’s) that I’ve told you about in the past, and reviews research into another favorite topic: Near Death Experiences.

So one of the stocking stuffers that won’t be waiting for sales in January will be her book,  We Don’t Die: A Skeptic’s Discovery of Life After Death which runs about $15 and change hardback or $9.39 for the Kindle version over here.

Since everyone’s going to die, sooner or later (later, hopefully!) it seems like a worthy topic to study.  Like studying flying so I don’t die, this is the study of what happens when I do. 

A lot of people don’t look the death data bang-in-the-eye; often wrapping it up in exclusionary belief systems.  But it seems to me that broad studies (multicultural and trans medical) are all painting something of a consistent topology of dead and after death.

Just as you wouldn’t jump in a car with a full tank of gas and drive all day (but toward no particular destination), seems if we all know the (final) destination, a little study of the maps of what that place is like where we’re going, what the parking lot is like, and so on,  would be a reasonable investment of one’s time.  There may be more than one parking lot attendant, or maybe there’s just one who people call different names.  More readings.

Meanwhile: Dreams in sleep, from what I’ve been able to sketch out, are a kind of “mini mort” or  Death Lite.  Although I know of a very few people who claim to never dream, there’s been (in my experience) a high correlation between their lack of a healthy “dream life” and their staunch atheist beliefs. 

Which only makes sense, of course.  If you don’t learn to “hang around the mini-mort” and learn from (and about) your dreams, intuitively it seems to me that such people with have the hardest time with death.

Or not.  

Still, I wonder if its possible that those who don’t dream (there are some who claim this) could be “old souls” on their last time around/incarnation?  Maybe.   But isn’t it also possible they could be the very zombies that appear so often in movies:  The walking “dead” who are going to miss the next round of big adventure when this one times out?

Dying Oceans

One of our well-placed sources reminds us the time of “mass dying” may not be far off.

Read this link. “Study: Dead sea creatures covered 98% of seafloor last year about 150 miles off California coast; Unprecedented, had been below 1% prior to event — ‘Major’ changes began in spring 2011

It is just silly how no one can see the ELEphant in the room of how this die off started around March, 2011.
Oddly enough, that is when Fukushima melted down, and is in no way, shape, or form been remotely been resolved.
I really think that there are so many things coming together that 2015 is going to be the perfect focal point, and we are the ants under it.

Said reader assumes you grok the reference to ELE as extinction level event.  Which I’m sure you will now.

Readers Writes

From RD in Florida, a nice assortment of observations:

Hi George – the “fly in the ointment”:
“I don’t know about where you are, but “Impeach Obama” bumper stickers are being spotted around here now…”  Yes – but you live in Texas – a state that at least has (maybe) the ability to be it’s own master – you certainly won’t see such bumper stickers in MA, CT, NY, RI, ME, WDC, nor probably in CA.  If you see them in NH or VT – then I’d say there’s a possibility – but it would hardly fly with Boehner and certainly not with the Senatus Princeps from Nevada Harry Reid.  But perhaps we should send him and his hot air out to the outback to look for lost families.

An imperial central government is still an issue in about 1/2 of the country, methinks.

As for eBay – there is NOTHING the seller can do – eBay’s policy guarantees the buyer – short of having the item sent to eBay and inspected – the seller can claim that he sent the perfect, unopened, still in the original packing – and the buyer simply says it’s not all there – they get their money back.  You can put any disclaimer on the package or in your listing you like – eBay/Paypal will back the buyer.  and refund the money – all the buyer has to do is show with tracking and perhaps a signed for receipt that it was returned.

This is actually something that will be touched on in Peoplenomics this weekend.  We are already seeing the emergence of cracks in some of the most prestigious business models from the Internet bubble aftermath.  I’ll tell you another one to keep an eye on Saturday…a potential to short massively, maybe, one of these days when someone beside me (and Gaye up at begin to see it… All gets back to our “exploit” or “business model” discussion recently.

George, I understand you live in Texas – and while not the southern end, or is it the bottom end – I live in Florida – at about the same latitude as yourself (I think).  Both states have the ability to grow some things like food year round in their season – I picked the wife a tomato just this morning – but when you go to many groceries – you should check where your food is grown/is coming from – distributed by is the cryptic term for “somewhere other than here” in the U.S.A.   Much of it from South America (Chili) or China – and they can’t feed themselves either.  Currently the US cannot feed itself without imports – at least not what we are now serving on our plates.
Maybe more later – time for this old man to take a nap

Yep, know that one (value of local food) by heart since I’m (slow motion) working with a client to develop a food quality ranking system that would emphasize not only organic but a lot of other factors too, like fair wages and local.

More on that as it evolves….

Write when you break even…
