Coping: With the Matter of Intension

Elaine work up in a kind of Yogi Berra mood this morning.  There’s nothing like a discussion at 4 AM about the boundaries of intention to kick-off Monday.

On  her side of the ledger, the science is pretty obvious:  She figures that when people are born,  they are like fresh sheets of paper – blank – and ready for imprinting. The “printers” are the parents, schooling, expectation-setting, and social context – all of which turns the blank-pieces of humans into nice, malleable republicans and democrats and keeps most people coloring inside the lines.

Not that I disagree. 

BUT I think when we get to a certain age – if we’re reflective about it – we can see back over Life and understand that who we are now intended it to play as it has.  In other words, while intention may be a 90-95% before the fact thing, there may also be a larger than expected after the fact power, as well. 

And we know this, how?

By examining our intentions both before and after an event, of course!

Here’s an example:  I intended prior to the weekend to get one MAJOR project done this weekend.  And, I did.  It happens that with all the instruction, our 2014 income tax return – this weekend’s project – ran 65 pages of print out from TurboTax (half or so was comparisons and non-filed stuff).  Like I said: MAJOR project.  And it only took about 7-hours of work because everything is scanned, and that which isn’t may be conveniently plug & played from people like brokerage accounts.  It’s really pretty slick.,  No more downloading compulsive gambler options reporting software.  Zing.  Done.

Here’s the thing:  Yes, I intended before the 7-hour project to have it done.  So that’s our  90-95% intention part.

However, the future self looks back, intending (ex post facto) that it be done.  And that’s the feeling I have this morning:  One of both intention and satisfaction.  Intending it be done and filed, if that makes sense.

But – here’s my point – the “satisfaction” one feels at the end of a big project may be a sense of accomplishment or whatever you want to label it, but I maintain there’s a backwards intention involved in getting there.

It’s open to debate, of course.

The one really useful thing to come out of the discussion was that children have a “parent gap.”

That is, there’s an age between about age 18 and 30-something when young people don’t call parents.  We’re not sure why, except it seems to coincide with whenever a parent puts the foot down and turns off the “National Band of Mom and Dad.”

At some point (early 30’s) it must occur to the young that the loan officers might know something about life, after all.  And, for many,  the period from 35 up is spent trying to set right things screwed up earlier in life.  And screwing up new things, too.

Is this what Monday mornings are for?

There is an Honest Rich Guy

After a governor stuck his foot in it, claiming the horror story writer Stephen King didn’t pay taxes in Maine, King has quickly set the record straight.

Governors sticking their feet in the mouth is nothing new, of course.  What is refreshing is that at a time when a lot of pseudo-patriots demand a “right” to keep secret accounts offshore, here’s a rich guy who’s willing to stand up and pay his fair share – and then some.


All of which brings us to massive overhaul of the Tax Code which is unfair and unjust – but I didn’t see you’d filed for office with a better, alternative plan.  When you do, send me a note… but in the meantime, I don’t have much use for people who try to avoid taxes.  And I’m particularly not fond of corporations that hide big dough offshore in tax-havens.  Those I vote against with my wallet when I can.

Meantime, Stephen King earns our Monday Diogenes Sinope nod.

*Diogenes made a virtue of poverty. He begged for a living and often slept in a large ceramic jar[4] in the marketplace. He became notorious for his philosophical stunts such as carrying a lamp in the daytime, claiming to be looking for an honest man.

What we don’t know is if Diogenes had a dog named Cujo.

Curiously Timed?

A report from the American Chemical Society says that plenty of Vitamin D may slow prostate cancer development

They also have gotten onboard with climate change with a different report saying it may have something to do with people’s allergies getting worse.

Why “curiously timed” then?  Wasn’t it just 10-days ago that Senator Udall and Vitter found themselves in hot media over plans for the feds to usurp state chemical regulations?  Legislation that was drafted by care to guess whom? 

People tend to remember “the last thing” as impressions go, so the timing – to me anyway – sticks out as curious.  Or serious PR tactics.


That January Dream about the big April quake seems to be about on target.  Overnight we had a 6.4 off in the hinterlands of South America – down in Chile.

As one of our readers notes, these things have a way of ping-ponging around the Ring of Fire.  So April may be interesting, after all.

Did you notice, writes reader Paul, that Mauna Loa over in Hawaii is starting to show signs of waking up, too?  That would all fit.  Speaking of which…

WoWW:  Dreams and Coming Events

I have no idea what drives dreaming, but had a really odd one at about 2:30 this morning:  It involved a group of children being rounded up by authority of some kind.  I’m not sure where the event was, but seems like 21 kids were involved – and they were in their early teens.

I made a point to mention it because kids at that age tend to be very psychically active.

When you read as much about how woo-woo operates, as I have, it becomes apparent that teenagers, particularly females for some reason, seem to be psychically active around puberty.  Things calm down after high school, or so.

This being the bump in the data, I thought “Hmmm…story about children being ‘rounded up’ by adults (almost like a big truancy thing) was sure an odd one to pop up because I can’t think of any stimulus that would drive that.  So I’ll be hitting this Google search from time to timed waiting to see what pops.

Weird, huh?

Meantime at the Dream Center

Are we running out of wars?

Could be:  Check of Chris McCleary’s latest red alert over at the National Dream Center site here.

We’re not too sure which war may be stopped, but it’s swirling around in the data.

All of which leaves us with an interesting calendar:  April for big earthquake news to be followed by CERN mishap/news in May and then what?  Peace breaks out this summer?

We’re left with an odd collection of contrary indicators to mention:  On the one hand, far-right supporters are coming to meet with Putin from various parts of Europe.  But, on the other, his opposition claims Putin has a kill list according to this NPR report..

Who knows:  Maybe the language is just averaging the extremes to conclude peace is coming.  It might be refreshing, but in many ways it would be an economic disaster unless replaced with an even more massive economic stimulus than the modern-depression counter to the Civilian Conservation Corps – known this time around as – is unveiled to keep the wheels of democracy (*term loosely used, lol) turning.

Sometimes Things Work Out

This morning, plans call for my neighbor and I to go flying the old Beechcrate for a while.  Then, Jeremy the mechanic will put the new attitude indicator in the airplane and we’ll test fly it.

A reader apparently had different thoughts on what an attitude indicator was…but no, here’s what it looks like, still in the plastic bag and fresh from

Not that the plane can’t be flown without it – it can be.  But this is the thingy that tells you when your wings are level when you can’t see a horizon about for all the clouds.

Weather permitting, Elaine and I will be heading out West for the weekend – time to visit the kids in Payson and that involves mountain flying which, while fun, is a very good place to have all instruments working according to Hoyle. 

Mountain flying maybe doesn’t seem to make sense in a small plane, but you get even better views than hiking and without the boots.  Seems silly, perhaps, but it’s challenging and rewarding to my lil pea-brain.  Tehachapi Pass, anywhere in the Cascades, Rockies, and seaplanes into high mountain lakes is particularly fun.  Mogollon Rim, here I come.

Besides, if you don’t have a goal, you don’t need a plan.  If you don’t have a plan, you’re as good as lost.  Which gets us around to defining a successful life as the successive achievement of worthy goals.  They don’t all come in dollar denominations and life comes with an infinite supply of them, but you wouldn’t be able to tell by how many people live.

Write when you break-even…


10 thoughts on “Coping: With the Matter of Intension”

  1. “But – here’s my point – the “satisfaction” one feels at the end of a big project may be a sense of accomplishment or whatever you want to label it, but I maintain there’s a backwards intention involved in getting there.”

    “satisfaction” – neat scheme~! *Grin…

    per taxes – I disagree… if we had a real government in place, called peoplesupport – not “control mind” = “government” by definition —the usa corp, states are corps too, as well as cities are incorporated, then they’d print money into circulation, they’d not steal money like robinhood, for the infrastructure etc. Taxes are not needed and spirits don’t die. Listen, if they say a lie long enough people “believe” that is the only way it is and will be. Belief is what leads people with another’s agenda. Truth is, death and taxes are a manmade construct, not a fact, a reality that is not so unless one chooses to believe it.

    It’s time people believed in creating better… nothing better than satisfaction in accomplishing different, following ones heart rather than another’s agenda, especially one that is harming. If people only thought about the word “employment” as an em”ploy”ee of a company. One is in the presence (company) of group think with a ploy = cunning plan…


  2. nice jokes about the ‘kneelers’ — too bad you do not realize that you and all your paying readers and most of the people in this country are exactly the same only you bow and kneel to MONEY! You know, that really important stuff that you are going to take with you when you travel on the ‘great- and final- SLEEP. Have fun carrying all that — lmao —

  3. Love you, man, but you really need to use spell check or let someone text edit your entries. I would volunteer but I work 12 hr days. I had to think too hard about what did you mean by the “National Band of Mom and Dad.” At end of the day took too long to figure out you meant ” Bank.” I think.

  4. One wonders if George tracks C. A. Fitts and/ or John Rappaport BUT it might “behoove” him to do so in pursuit of “reality”. Not that I don’t appreciate his perspective on the circus, it’s just that he seems to be missing some key notes in his narrative. Muzel Tov

  5. About tax avoiders: When the Fed prints up willy-nilly, to keep insolvent banks afloat, or “too big to fail” corporations, when our “elected” Government officials leave office multiple times richer than when they were elected, or if not take up a fat lobbying or corporate position (with no experience in the job), when our government throws away money on foreign mis/adventures and even gives to our enemies the sweat and blood of our own people, when bridges are still being built to nowhere and cow farts are more important than pot holes, when a handout is prioritized over a hand up; By God if I can find a legal way to avoid taxes I will do it.

    The government authorizes the printing of whatever money for whoever and whatever pays off the most for their re-election. And you think avoiding taxes is a bad thing? Sheesh, I think it’s down right patriotic. Every dollar saved is one less that a politician can steal from me. If I were a rich man I would use every conceivable way I could find to shelter-hide-protect all that I could. As it is I am too stupid not to follow the rules. Frankly it seems the only way to get ahead these days is to be an illegal alien who goes way into debt, files bankruptcy and ends up with a new house and car when all the columns are balanced. Ain’t that the way the big boys play the game, anyhow?

    Sorry for the run-on sentence way back up there. It was a one breath sort of thing.

  6. who is defining successful life? By your standards means one thing, by another may be quite the opposite and yes, just as relavant.You are not the standard by which all is measured. Grow up and wise up!

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