Coping: With the Holiday

Environment/Health:  We don’t have a lot to say this morning, other than have a great Christmas.

If you are looking for good reads, we have a number of suggestions.

These will ease the passing of time…

(Continues below)


For openers, our friend Chris Tyreman has finally given-in and set up a page of his artwork over on Facebook here.

Chris did the logo design for Urban and Peoplenomics…

Next, if you don’t have a ham radio license, there is a free online study guide over here  which can get you started

If you’re looking at a mound of leftover turkey, see our post-Thanksgiving report on how to solve that problem.

A very good (holistic) approach to stopping the onslaught of deserts is available here – and the best news is?  You don’t have to stop eating meat…

For a spot of Christmas music, might we suggest this (after the ad). Or this blend of groups (Mannheim Steamroller and the Trans-Siberia Orchestra…).

Warren Miller’s Higher Ground is a great ski & board pastime for days like this.

For us?  Well, we still have a lot of non-destructive pillow-testing to complete…but we plan to be back on the stick tomorrow.

Write when you wake up, and who was clattering on the damn roof all night?

15 thoughts on “Coping: With the Holiday”

  1. LOL, George your comical. Thank You for everything you have done this year, I am sure the line of tasks to be completed can get a little long at times. Let your rest be as deep and restorative as the sap in the roots of the oaks, and may spring bring the buds of fresh scent and new hope !!

  2. Merry Christmas and God bless youband yours. Thanks for your thoughtful insights. They have been very helpful and not only financially.

  3. Merry Christmas George and Elaine. Have enjoyed and totally appreciated all your hard work in sharing your experiences and knowledge via this blog. Thank you!

  4. Man look at all the early risers here!
    Even Brother Art!
    Well my wife is at the hospital today for her turn to hold down the Heart/Lung Transplant ICU (she was off Thanksgiving) So my turn in the kitchen. The ham and turkey will come out at 1130, the veggies and casseroles just went in, the potatoes will be mashed when i finish writing this, and the gravy will be scraped up from simmering giblets and the turkey drippings. Eat about noon, nap time all afternoon!
    Merry Christmas,
    Happy New Year!
    And the best of all Holidays all through 2018 from all ours to all Ures!
    Big Al in Birmingham

  5. Merry Christmas to you and all your family!

    Some reading for you as well:

    “The Herbal Drugstore”, by Linda White (MD) and Steven Foster.

    The BEST herbal reference for medical circumstance that I have found bar none!

    I unfortunately have vetted many of the medical protocols identified in the book as well as the herbal regimens enumerated for heart issues (and others!).

    The Rodale issued volumes are better for me because of the larger type but the signet reprints are great additions to a bug out bag since they are paperback sized. And . . . If you know your herbal plants insitu (great outdoors) you have your very own supply of medicinals.

    “Used” on Amazon has saved me a bunch since I have literally given away dozens of copies to family, friends, co-workers and people I’ve met in the course of my travels. (Along with “One Second After”) Yes to MDs as well!

    [Still upset that Materson didn’t know about Bitter Mellon and have a back up year’s supply for his daughter!]

    Thanks for your columns (both paid and unpaid)!

    Again . . . Merry Christmas to all!


  6. What a day! What a day! But we survived which was my primary goal all along. Hope my stomach forgives me in time. The dogs have bones to chew and the cat colony send Meowy Christmas to Zeus. As Garfield said once “Goodby holidays. Hello sugar withdrawal.”

    Merry belated Christmas George and all. Got to go feed the cows if the diesel will fire up. Its Christmas gift this year was a cord for the block heater.

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