(Phoenix, AZ) Time to consider changes to the UrbanSurvival web site. You’re a reader, so time to toss in your 2-cents worth.
Yeah, I know… been a semi-daily fixture of how many mornings now since we fired off the site in 1997…
But this trip on the road has about killed me: I awoke yesterday morning at 3 AM local time, wrote the column until 6 AM, and went back to bed for two more hours of sleep. And here I am this morning – 3 AM again – finding out that the wake-up call on the hotel wake-up system must be set to a pretty good clock, as both the cell phone alarm and the landline go off within a second or two of one-another.
Not to whine (although this may be taken that way), but I am thinking about changing the publishing schedule around here so that Urban would be published after the markets have closed for the day.
On days when there is “offishul big news/bs” – things like the purported inflation data, housing starts, retail sales, and unemployment, I would do a “special update” on a weekday morning.
But the amount of brain power available at 3 AM in the Mountain Time Zone seems less than at 4 AM in the Central Time Zone, even though by circadian department says it’s the same thing and I’m a moron. Or, did they say buffoon?
So here’s what’s up for discussion: Flex Publishing.
There would be an UrbanSurvival report available from, oh, around 8 PM on Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Our Peoplenomics.com subscriber newsletter would be out on Tuesday evenings and Friday evenings.
And, on days of meaningful reports, a short update – but not every day. Or, I would include a link to the propaganda/.gov posting the news.
The idea is that Elaine and I would then be (more or less) on the same “sleep cycle” and I wouldn’t be sleeping in “split-shift” fashion.
Not that the clarity of thought would improve; no promises there.
However, it would be useful –especially when traveling – to be able to watch the evening news shows and then sleep 8-hours, rather than going to bed at 6 PM when the rest of the (west coast and mid-west) world is still meandering home from work.
There are several publishing time options that work better (for me) than the current regimen:
Publish at 8:00 AM Eastern, which is what we do now. Benefits: We can size up overnight futures and morning press releases. Neutral: We can still do a long drive or flying jaunt – we just expect more turbulence and hotter weather in the summertime. Negative: Split-shift sleeping or going to sleep in late afternoons.. Elaine hates the schedule and we try to find deals on hotels with a sitting room and a separate bedroom to she can remain normal. Well, as close to it and being married to me permits…
Publish at 10 AM local time regardless of the time zone. Benefits: Sleeping until a regular hour. Negatives: When we fly the airplane, the BEST time to fly is from 1-hour before sunrise until about 1 PM in the afternoon. (6-hours of flying is about 750-800 miles, and that’s a pretty safe number. Flying more than 6-hours a day with one or two stops gets up into the unsafe area from fatigue.
Publish One Hour Before Market Close: Benefits: We can be pretty clear on the trajectory of the market for the day. If not, we can find an animal turd, give it a good throw, and use that as approximation. Other benefit: Regular sleep. Negatives: The day is not over and I don’t have time to look at closing numbers which are more meaningful once hot money has closed its positions.
Late Afternoon Publishing: Benefits: I get a whole days of flying, driving, project working, or whatever. Elaine and I can sleep uninterrupted.
Years ago, when we were living on our sailboat down at Oyster Point Marina south of San Francisco (just north of SFO if you know the area) we were coming back from a weekend of exploring and somehow we drove by Vacaville where there was a big prison next to the road. The place was blindingly bright – I mean you could read a newspaper a quarter mile up the freeway driving by. Ever since, she has referred to “The Vacaville lights” that go on when I am stumbling around looking for whatever in a new location.
From my side, it’s either lights or I am going to pee in a garbage can by mistake in one of these hotels. There have been several near miss events when lights were not used. A garbage can does make a slightly different note, however… ask me how I know..
Negatives: We will lose some of the “morning after” coverage of this, that, and the other thing. You can still read Urban, whenever you wish, but you’d just need to realize that Mr. Cynical will not have waved his magic wand at things for a few hours. Oftentimes, the absurdity of modern life is more obvious at some ungodly hour. Maybe, a bit less surly and more analytical would be a good thing.
Frankly, cynical curmudgeons have always been more interesting than the Harvey Milk-Toast crap that spews around the net. So if I start writing and publish around 6 PM, you will still have the same great content…prolly the same cynical view….and I won’t have to keep looking at lunch menu for dinner. We could actually watch our favorite TV shows (Blacklist, for example) on network TV instead of paying $5/day for streaming. On the $150 a month we save on streaming, I would also be able to snidely mention whatever new corporate mind-manipulations come along on corporate TV alleging to be commercials. I would know more about what to tell my doctor, too.
Comments are welcome:
a) Yes, I’d continuing subjecting myself to typos and bad attempts at humor, regardless of the time.
b) No, UrbanSurvival absolutely must continue as it always has been otherwise I will be spending more time on Tinder, eHarmony, and that will result in marriage and then I won’t have a life of my own anymore and you’ll lose a reader.
c) Do what you need to do.
Send remarks to george@ure.net
Sedona and Woo-Woo
If you have never been to Sedona, Aridzona, you might want to plan it.
Not for the shopping, which while plentiful looked over-priced based on some online research.
Nor for real estate… Not that we wouldn’t love to retire to one of the riverfront zillion-dollar homes, it’s just there aren’t enough banks to stick-up in the area to pay for one. Totally in the “nice but no cigar” range for us. YMMV.You may have been a better corporate suck-up than me, or you may believe in the future of defined benefits more than us…no telling.
Sedona is split into three parts: There is Sedona itself – which is nice. Then you drive south a mile or two through what looks like some national parkland (Coconino), and that brings you to the other southern region of the city which is Oak Creek. And. if you head west from one of the traffic circles, you can find West Sedona.
The airport elevation is 4,830.4 feet according to AirNav over here. We can fly that only under certain conditions: Elaine doesn’t bring 3 bags, we go out with half fuel, and it’s a cold day…which is why we drove this trip. That and no rental car bill when poking around.
The drive south from I-17, down the 89A cutoff down to Sedona is SPECTACULAR. There is the same grandeur of mountains towering above that people report going into the Grand Canyon. Except this is in a car and you have to put your head through the windshield in order to see the tops of surrounding mountains. This is inconvenient and I will get the bandages off later this week….
Eventually, you will go by a couple of river-front camp grounds and the aforementioned zillion-dollar homes.
It is so spectacular that I will be sending a set of metal-cutting saber-saw blades to our friends down in the flatlands so they can saw the top off their Subaru. With a convertible, it would be an incredible drive…good enough so that sawing the top off a non-convertible might make sense so as to have a special-purpose Sedonamobile. There will be savings on Band-Aids from the windshield, too.
On the Woo-Woo side, neither one of us dreamed winning lottery numbers, the winner of the presidential contest, or useful stock tips sleeping up there. Due to my split shift, I was able to get up, sneak out on the desk looking toward the looming cliffs in the distance and I saw what?
Exactly nothing. If you were paying attention, you’d realize that it was night.
I would like to stay in Sedona for a couple of months. Maybe there is some special relationship with the moon that only happens on certain days.
Our Chief Astrologer suggested I get Llewellyn’s 2016 Astrological Calendar: 83rd Edition of the World’s Best Known, Most Trusted Astrology Calendar – which I did, since Moon Void of Course might have had something to do with our lack of financially useful insights.
But that calendar doesn’t start for another month and that would mean another trip. We will keep an eye on Airbnd for deals.
But that gets us to…
Resort Fees and Golf
OK, I didn’t realize when I booked our hotel stays for this trip how much hotels are making on “Resort Fees.”
For a $24 daily charge at the current joint (in addition to the room rate) I can…
1. Get high speed internet (which I already have as a rewards program guy – so useless.
2. I can make unlimited local and long distance calls to 800-numbers. But since I have a cheap TracPhone, this has zero value.
3. Ditto the “free Valet Parking” because tipping is not included.
4. Complimentary Parking (a $10 value)
5. A selection of tennis and golf discounts which are of precisely NO interest to us.
6. Ditto the admittance to an adjoining water park. Unbelievable as it may sound: When you get into your 60’s the interest in going down water slides seems to have slid. I also don’t want lawsuits for scaring people.
7. And let’s not forget the 10% discount on T-shirts and sweats in the gift shop. Again, which we won’t get.
No matter how I sliced it, I couldn’t figure out where the value to the “resort fee” was. But paying it is not optional, I was politely informed because we are staying at a resort.
We like Indian casinos because they haven’t gone down this mark-up to mark-down game which is offensive to the thinking traveler.. Wampum of X and stay. I don’t know what to call this marketing — Gringology might work, but I wish they wouldn’t resort to it.
Next thing you know we’re going to be seeing ads for “Stay free – just pay the Resort fee!”
Land of Golf and Plenty
The friends we visited with live in the northwest part of Phoenix. More properly, it’s Peoria.
Here’s the thing we noticed about Peoria on the drive through: The city has annexed mile after square mile of absolute nothingness!
Oh,, sure, Elaine goes on about “Look at that barrel cactus and that Saguaro!” Not being a “desert rat” which folks around here seem to be quite proud of, one green thing that is prickly doesn’t do much for me, compared to another.
The important part is that Peoria has been busily annexing property on the expectation that when homes pop up in the cactus, they will be in the clutches of the city fathers (and mothers) who will already have laid the local property tax-heist traps. They have been staking out tax boundaries years in advance since jack rabbits can’t vote. I think they should all be shot for tax evasion (the jack rabbits, not the officials) but I tend to hold those thoughts to myself, though it gives Fusion Centers something to do.
Come back in a few years – after the rest of Mexico has finished invading – and I expect the patchwork of cities that has almost completed the megacity from San Ysidro/San Diego all the way up to past the Grapevine and arguably to Bakersfield, will be replayed in the desert here.
Except the city here will run from the (coming) Historical Marker where the border used to be all the way north to Flagstaff. It will just be a string of cities like Peoria, Black Canyon City, Prescott, Sedona… the same way it’s Dana Point, Lake Forest, Irvine, Garden Grove, Buena Park etc.in the Lost Angeles megacity.
For all the schools which tout programs in public administration, architecture, urban planning and design, seems to me like there’s something approaching fraud going on.
Worse: We keep importing low-end workers, send them to the diploma mills where they get loaded down with student loans, and toss them into the workforce.
When they figure out they can’t afford a home, or to have kids, it’s too late.
As a result, there is huge growth in multi-“family” apartments and condos (coops) and the smart people (*like our kids) have already done the parenting thing, or they are young enough to see the futility of it all.
Pick a fight with a new country, import military-aged males, which creates anti-terrorism and prison guard jobs, rinse, and repeat.
It’s a fact: smart people don’t over populate, dumb ones do. Or, more educated, if you want to be PC ‘bout it.
The good news is that having no kids leaves more time for Golf. Having no kids also means folks can afford it…
Our friends down here have been researching the absolute best pricing strategy to get the lowest cost per game – and there’s quite a science to it. Just short of spreadsheets, they’ve identified something called the “Southwest PGA pass” (whatever that is) will bring prices down to about $60 a round.
The POG (price of golf) can not be left out of retirement planning. I spent a few minutes pricing golf in the Phoenix area and it was very revealing.
Just last month, the local newspaper back home in Palestine, Texas announced that the Wildcat Golf Course in Palestine was re-opened. It charges $27 for 18 holes – including the cart. Which is less than half the prevailing price here in the Valley of the Sun.
Of course, the downside of East Texas golf is that you have to look at all those damn green trees around the course. Elaine thinks I under-appreciate the beauty of cactus and greasewood and whatever else is out there.
Traffic on freeways here is lousy. I don’t know if there are more pricks on the cactus plants or the 17 freeway.
The local golf course back home (may be a 9-hole, but will investigate and report back) is unique in that it’s a learning lab for kids from the local high school.
That’s a fine idea. I’m pretty sure they will hear some fine language arts when Mr. Slice hisself tees off when we get back.
OK…onto the serious part of the day…
Write when you break-even – and don’t forget to post a stunning review of five-stars when you get done reading my novel DreamOver: An Action-Adventure on the Frontiers of Reality. Thank-you.
George george@ure.net
My thoughts on changes to publishing schedule … I think you have two options.
1) Publish religiously on a fixed schedule. Your publishing is a “pull” operation. We pull the info from you. There is a limited number of times that people will come to a website and find that there is no updated content (yes, data freshness applies).
2) Change your operation to a “push” operation. Publish without a fixed schedule but ping me to let me know that fresh content is available. I can still go to the website to get the article but let me know when it is available. [An email notice would be easy, but that would be the least desirable. How about a one word text message to my cell? Or, a small app for a phone that notifies. There has got to be a canned way of doing this type of thing.]
Want to echo support for Steve’s option #2. You get up in the morning, have your coffee, read what you will, listen to the radio, watch the FTA. Find out something worthy of a post, to be discussed to whatever extent you feel the need or have the time during the day, maybe in the spirit of a chirp (lol). Formulate discussion of a topic you intend to cover that evening as a “regular” post.
Yes, your insight and willingness to entertain questions which don’t occur to everyone are neccessary. May the winds always be kind.
George-I have been reading you for at least 6 years. Your schedule has always amazed me, especially when you are travelling; never thought anybody past 30 could keep up a killer schedule like this for so many years.
I feel fortunate to get your report at ANY TIME, so publish when it is best for you.
I am a former Seattle resident for 40 years and relocated to NC a year ago. Unless it is for family reasons, can’t believe you would want to move back to that rain pit. (Unless the Palistine area is as boring as I think it is…)
Geo. in reading all the above comments regarding a possible change in your publishing times, I’m struck by how flexible and unselfish most people are and by how much they value and really care about YOU! You have some great and very loyal readers out here who want only what’s best for you and your lovely wife. Now to answer your question: I’m a person of habit. I like the current schedule, but could easily adapt to a change as long as the new schedule was consistent. If you decide to publish on a flexible sked and wish to let people know when a new column comes out, I’d appreciate an email notification or something. I don’t twit, tweet, Skype or any of that stuff. Half the time my email doesn’t even work, but that’s my problem, not yours. The bottom line here is pretty much what others have said. Do what’s best for you and your health. We want you to be writing stuff for many years to come. Jeff
George, I’m fine with your suggested move to an evening publishing schedule. In fact it probably would be better for me.
Right now I generally interrupt my morning at work with a 10-15 minute break to read your column. A move to the evening would stop that inefficient habit and allow me to read it at a more leisurely and thorough pace at home. My wife may not like it, but she says I have my nose stuck in the computer too much anyway. Unless we’re watching Blacklist together. Which we both enjoy. Too bad the season has ended.
So I vote yes, move to an evening schedule and enjoy life. You’ve earned it.
“c) Do what you need to do.”
IAW, use your own gut feeling ;-]
I would prefer the hour before close option. I could read before I retire or next morning. It also seems the best time to gather and digest the day’s news and your comments would be more up-to-date and relevant.
Thanks for considering my input.
To fit your schedule, I can handle a evening publish. East Coast
When the mother duck goes a walk in and the rest of the baby ducklings follow and maybe if the mother duck takes an off beaten path then the heck you might lose a few ducklings but at least you’re satisfying yourself now that’s fantastic ,do your own thing you will still have followers whichever hours you go and that’s a nice thing to feel your own spirit with your own spirit and not that of a regiment schedule, feel the free flow of being able to do what you want when you want and not being restricted.PS. – get lost in self and time ,ENJOY !!! LIKE A GREAT PERSON SAID, may all beings be lovingly fulfilled
But knowing George as we do instead of being 9 to 5 it’ll probably be 5 to 9, lots of laughs haha
In regards to changing your publishing schedule, I say do what you gotta do. Honestly, I’m not going to change my reading schedule either way. I come in early, so this works better because I’m not waiting for you to publish. I like to read your column first thing in the morning when I get to the office. It’s part of my daily ritual of intel gathering. I like to think of it as peeking out of my foxhole at first light to survey the battlefield.
Do what you need to do. I am a daily reader who cares not of the when’s or where’s, just the end result. In honor of your decision, I will eat a piece of pie or two as a show of support! (Long time reader humor).
“Sleeping until a regular hour. ”
Never happen.. my reasoning.. I went through a study years ago.. to see how effective a person can preform on little or not sleep.. the goal was to know how far the human body can be pushed with severe sleep deprevation.. there was 37 of us in this study.
what we would do is get two hours a day total sleep.. work in four hour increments and then take a power nap.. the study went just about three months before being canceled or they got the information they needed.. anyway like everything this tough times hit in the late seventies and with the recession of the seventies and eighties I had to work several jobs to survive so I thought heck I did it for three months.. I bought an egg timer and off to work I go.. averaged twelve to eighteen hours a day work not counting travel etc. a day of vacation was an eight hour day.. never took a vacation just work… going from one job to another the break time was power nap time..
It eventually took its toll on my body trying to live three lifetimes in one and I have no one to blame but myself..the sad part is.. I still only get a couple of hours of sleep a day on average in bed by one up at three three thirty some days I sleep in till five and then lay around.. your body is on the clock you have set.. so I doubt it will change you will still be functioning at the same hours you are presently accustomed to..
Sleep is important, too. So change to evening publishing and the rest of us will adjust. :-)
Do what you need to do for your own convenience. I’m sure that almost all readers will adjust.
Elaine is a saint for dealing with your split shift-like schedule. Publish in a way that makes the most sense and gets you the needed 7-8 hours of rest in one sitting. It could do wonders for your dream time. You’re the boss!
Evenings are good.
as a long time reader, yes fit your schedule to your convenince. no one should complain as the price is very good! ;-)
Do what works best for you. I can adjust to most anything.
We will all be fine regardless of how frequently or how much you publish.
None of us are machines. We need to be kind to ourselves.
Create a schedule that makes you happy first. We will simply adjust to it.
What he said…
c) Do what you need to do.
Get your life back – publish in the evenings. I read your work in the mornings as part of my daily ramp-up. Publishing time isn’t an issue – it’s still new to me.
Hi George, I support your interest in changing your publishing schedule. Also, I finished reading your book. LOVE it. Can’t wait for the next one. Thanks again for all you do. Georgann
Definitely, time to do what you want to do. At this time of your life, it’s not worth worrying about disrupting other peoples routine habits. Sleep is one of the most important things in keeping decent health. It seems you and Elaine are going to be making a major transition in your living arrangements, so this might as well be one of them. A total make over. Good luck.
As the years have gone by, while reading your site, I often wondered when this day would come. Even as one who has valued your observations on life and financial matters, I thought your writing schedule must be grueling for you. So I would add my vote for a Late Afternoon posting. You will hear from many readers, the loyal ones will always be here. In a nut shell Bryce @0813 says it as we feel it should be. Mike
I enjoyed your statement ” I don’t know if there are more pricks on the cactus plants or the 17 freeway.”. Reminds me of this one:
What’s the difference between a Porsche and a Porcupine?
The pricks are on the outside of a porcupine. :~)
I was dismayed by the low purchase numbers on the first day of your novel. And that feeling continues with the paucity of reviews a week after publication. (Yes, I did one).
Perhaps it is time to step back and reflect on a number of facets of your business model and your life plans. And consult that fine astrologer of yours.
You get up extremely early, day after day, and put out cogent ideas for your readership to chew on with their morning brew. Yet that reader base is not engaged enough, not reciprocative enough after all these years, to buy your first novel on launch day at the price of a cup of Starbucks? What is wrong with this picture?
My vote — do what YOU need to do.
Hell no! Why should you have a normal life and normal relationship with your wife Elaine. “Suffer” I say!! Go to bed at 5pm. LOL
‘Very doubtful anyone will squawk about the change,you’ve always been there for us thru-out all the krap we are having to go through.Enjoy your lives as much as you both can.
Greetings George
definitely c)
I prefer to do my reading from 7 to 11 AM. Would not matter to me if it was yesterday afternoon/evening publication.
If I have learned one thing in my sixty-seven years it would be Health/Family comes become everything else including money.
And yes I have managed to become wealthy/break even ( in my eyes ) over those years.
John David Yost
pub 2048D/F3BDEB55 2014-05-23 [expires: Never]
My preference would be the late afternoon. I’m in the PST zone and it is nice to get the update at 6 am since on my normal workday I get up at 4:30 or 5. But checking out the results of the days trading at the end of the day would be good.
Have you checked out Laughlin, NV? It’s the over 50’s Las Vegas. I bought a condo there for me ex-wife. You would be hard pressed to find anyone under 50 in that town and it’s right on the river.
Don’t change anything. Keep the hideous schedule.
Just kidding.
Do whatever is best for you. I’ll still read you. And, thank you for your efforts.
You provide us with an amazing amount of information. I think we will all read no matter when you post. That being said, make it work for you and your wife. Thanks for all you do!
Sounds like you took the 303 over to Peoria… that drive is a whole lotta nothing (although I find it gorgeous!) Makes for an easy drive over to shopping on that side of town from up here in Anthem (hope you waved at the world’s tallest Christmas tree!) A lot of that land is technically a giant wash/old river bed that is now dammed up & called Lake Pleasant. I have to say, I love living up here in the far north Phoenix ‘burbs… quiet, great schools, easy to get to Phoenix for anything you might need, low cost of living but GREAT nursing pay (husband is an ER nurse downtown.) And yup, they are building/selling houses here like crazy, adding 220 to Anthem in the next few years.
C – Do what you need to do George. Probably stick to the schedule, what ever you choose.
Hi George,
Love your columns always – I read them more for the insights into life & planning, and the woo, than the financial stuff anyway. It’s tremendous how you stay on top of the news – and so many other issues anyway – even though you give insights into how you do so it’s still a lot for one person. I myself have to “binge read” several columns at a time sometimes anyway, b/c I have so many things in flux and projects right now.
So, do what you need to do to keep writing for a long time to come.
Hope you enjoyed the trip and wedding – know you’re busy but I (as a long-time reader/occasional contributor) have been meaning to fire off an email to you at some point on issues…
Get some rest for yourself & family.
Do whatever you think is best and enjoy your life as much as you can — PERIOD! We all enjoy very much all the work and efforts that you go through. And hopefully — spend as much time as you can regarding the next step and where ( and who) will be going. Because as we all know — that’s the one journey no one avoids. Wouldn’t you like to know more about it?
Do whatever is best for you. Most, if not all, of us will still read it, and usually at the same time we read it right now. But if you establish a regular schedule, and then occasionally throw in extra piece, I’d like to be informed that an off-schedule article has been posted. I think an email notice would be better than a text message because there REALLY are some folks out there who still have a simple, no-text phone.
As for Sedona, I’m a full-time traveler who has seen many beautiful places, and Sedona is one of the most spectacular areas in our country. I LOVE it!
I say go for the late afternoon schedule for your and Elaine’s sake. I can easily adjust my reading schedule to your new publishing schedule. It’s the information and insights you provide that I enjoy no matter what time of day I get it.
C). Whatever works best for you is good for me. I love your posts!
Answer a) I’ll read whenever you choose to publish.
I especially like the idea of the late afternoon release. I never take market action within hours of getting new information; I like to mull things over. Plus, if you bring up something I want to talk about with the wife, I’ve got a better chance of remembering to do so if I read your column closer to our evening ‘together time’.
Here is another thought.
Besides shifting the time of publication, do you know someone who could “guest column ” for you a couple of times a month.
You could get better sleep and have a few “days off” each month.
Sleeping in shifts is inefficient and unhealthy. I’ll read you no matter when you publish.
Publishing in the evening makes more sense to me. Sometimes things happen during the day that I wonder how you would react to them but have to wait until the following day to find out. Also, I’ve usually been reading your columns at 4:30 Pacific Time which is not a very good time for my brain to concentrate! Really enjoyed DreamOver and would encourage any change of schedule that would allow for sequels!
As a long time reader, I concur with Jo: post anytime and have some pie.
If you’re near London in February…
Do what you need to do. Thanks for the insights.
G – As far as when to publish – keep it in the morning (mountain time). Don’t care what time in the morning but it’s part of my waking routine! Being retired I do have a bit of flexibility as to when I can start the the process of becoming human again each day. That said, whatever works best for keeping your razor sharp intellect intact works best.
The “third” option … George, PLEASE do what is best/right for you and your better half. Which means evening publishing is just fine.
… Take care of yourself, so that we will still have your valuable input available to us for many, many, many years to come.
P.S. Agree that Blacklist (as well as Suits) is great.
hi George
My first preference would be publication about an hour before market close. That way you can include any important numbers and activities of the day and there would still be some opportunity to trade on your observations and my reaction to them. Since most numbers are out before 11:00 AM US EST, any time after that (or after the key numbers of the day) would cover all of the key numeric elements of the day.
I have often felt that your current schedule is too early to catch some of these key elements and you often do an update (as for Case Schiller) which costs you extra effort and may alter your initial opinion of the day.
An evening publication would loose daily relevance. Too late to be actionable in the current day. Too early to have usability on the next day. If you move it back to 4:00 or 5:00 PM EST, that might still work as an end of day summary of activity but this would need a change of focus in how you write.
I do enjoy your work and have been a subscriber through my son’s Paypal account since 2009. I don’t join Paypal because I read their fine print. The implementation that was used for the Web Bot reports was better than your current choice as it did not require the user to set up in Paypal.
Being 67 myself, I have given myself 3 years to come up with an action plan of what to do when I retire.
best regards and good luck on your research
Will Horton
Whatever is fine.
Go with whatever works best for you. Show those evening prime time network news anchors how it’s done!
Evening is fine. Enjoy the extra snuggle time, important in one’s 60’s, 70’s, and on…
Whatever works for you and whatever makes your life easier is that way to go. Given that the daily column is ‘free’, there should be absolutely no complaints as to the time of publishing. Even for those who are paid subscribers, like me, that doesn’t need to be published first thing in dark 0’thirty…I can wait. No worries, no hurries.
Keep up the great work, but take care of yourself.
George your perspectives on life are refreshing what ever time of the day they arrive. Migrate to a schedule that best fits YOUR life. It is the only logical thing to do, and from your writings, I think you are a very logical man.
Red Dog
It’s still your boat, George. I have always marveled at how you can be coherent at such an early hour – every day!! Publish when it suits you best, I for one will still be reading.
George, I wish I could afford Peoplenomics, but have enjoyed your columns for a long time. Whatever change you make, I will agree. Get your life in order, and have more fun with your mate. Too short time in this life requires a change! So Go ahead and do what suits you both best.
Wait ’till you get home and back to your regular routine to make a decision on changes to your stellar job. Probably just age, thin air and a change in the water bugs that has you all out of sorts, right now.
But if I’m wrong, NO! Get back to work slave. I like things just the way they are.
Hey George,
Do whatever’s best for your health, sanity and marriage! We’ll adapt. I appreciate all your free content to supplement my subscription.
Since some of the choices you mentioned aren’t mutually exclusive, my choice is (a || c) [for those of a certain age and background, (a .OR. c) works too]
Those WERE booleans, weren’t they?
Regards, and 0x49s (73s in hex :-)
George, I think no writer can remain fulfilled & motivated over the long term, if the demands associated with writing are putting a serious damper on important aspects of “real life”.
I’m a big fan of your writing and hope you will remain happy (long term) to keep sharing your thoughts with all of us. So my vote is — do what ya gotta do to feel good!
Life is short and morning people amaze me at how they can be polysyllabic at such ungodly hours. Write at the hours that fit your life’s joy, I for one will remain a loyal reader. I read for your view on things not your punctuality or spelling.
I say go for the late afternoon post it won’t change my reading of it I will just read it a day later:)
If you write it, we will read.
I’d like your thoughts on the market close. If anything significant happens in your mind overnight, a post before 9:30 ET market open would be welcomed.
That said, I love your insights on most everything, not just the markets, so get a schedule more suited to the way you want to live in the future, and I’ll follow along.
Do What You Need to Do. I will be here to read it.