Yes! At last! Super Tuesday. Don’t read this within 100-feet of a polling place, though.
You see, a lot of people vote for all the wrong reasons.
- They vote the “Party Ticket.”
- They vote “Conservative [or Liberal] Principles.”
- Many will vote today based on “Gender” and some hogslop about “Needing a female President.”
- A few will “Vote racial preference.”
- Others will vote “name familiarity.”
- A good number will vote “Based on promises of future action.”
In fact, as I will explain, ALL OF THESE ARE WRONG as I have it figured.
1. The Party Ticket? There has been no major action of fixing the border despite the republicans having a majority in both the House and Senate. In fact, there’s a story this morning about how Obama, et al, are quietly planning to increase the number of Syrian refugees coming into America. Worse, there’s also a report that illegal southern border immigration has hit a new all time high.
Both political parties are responsible. Not just One. And both report to the same paymasters (corporations and their legions of lobbyists. That is why the border hasn’t been fixed. There is vastly more money on the corporate side than there is on the people side. This is because a “wired” Supreme Court is really the Supreme Corps because everyone should know that the U.S. Government is a corporate entity. (See Citizen’s United.)
The blame-game goes back and forth on highly emotional issues while both of the leach parties whip people into a frenzy by doing nothing and talking haughtily. It’s all so they can turn us little people upside down and shake the money out of us.
Both parties are guilty and both are absolutely corrupted by the most influential element in politics. Money.
2. Conservative or Liberal Principles also don’t matter a whit. Again, it’s a sham, a put-up, and a power-tool to divide Americans against one-another.
You see, there is another set of Principles that No One talks about in a meaningful way – which is the follow-up, once in office with action.
And the lost Principle above all is?
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. GAAP.
There is no reason why American needs to be poor or depending on any other national on Earth, except maybe Bolivia (for their lithium for our batteries). We can, with a bit of effort be self-sufficient with food, energy, and be a net exporter if we choose.
But WE don’t get that. We send pathetic sociopaths and give them that power. OMG how stupid are we?
The reason we aren’t well-off as a nation? Circle back to point #1: Corporations don’t want fiscal responsibility, and the meal-mouth craptologists who allege to serve in the public’s interest general almost always serve their own interests first.
3. Do we need a female President? No. We need the most honest, smartest and independent President regardless of sex, religion, national heritage, sexual persuasion, or any other “movement.”
Feminism, racism, genderism, socialism, conservatism…hell, any “ism” you can think of does just one thing: It turns people against one another. And by doing so? It allows for emotions to be exploited. It facilitates fund-raising and selling the most base of human emotions to your prehensile brain. The very act of divisiveness ensures polarity and perpetuated the problems.
Am I the only one who can see the polarity of it all? Or, can you see it, too? You shouldn’t have to strain to find it.
4. Same goes for “racial preference.” Look: I’m all for an egalitarian world. But there maybe two instances we need to keep a clear head.
I’ll give you the examples: Fire and police departments used to have very strict height, weight, and lifting requirements for a reason: One State Patrol I know wouldn’t consider hiring anyone (this was years ago) unless they were at least 6-feet tall. Reason? Want to be on a deserted road with two drunks in a suspect vehicle and be short, not particularly imposing? Hell no. At that moment you would want to be 6-4, totally buff, and ready for anything that could happen. And it sometimes did.
When I read modern-day public service employee data (disabilities, injuries on the job) I have to ask myself “Is this an example of how what was sold as racial preference to help, for example, smaller-stature citizens of Asia extraction, could be having unforeseen consequences?”
If your house was on fire and you needed to be rescued, would you want to be rescued by someone who may not have the strength alone to carry you to safety? Is a person who is 4’11”” and 90 lbs. be less able to safely handle a 2 1/2” fire hose in a real working house fire compared to a 5’10” 180 pound person? I mean at some point, the laws of physics come up. No, that’s not racism…it’s physics.
But that is also the only time stature should matter.
Obviously, we have to come to some common sense guidelines. And that’s hard work, it takes time, and yes, it drives up the cost of government. Right there we come around to the how do we take racial profile questions (ancestry of small people) and balance that against GAAP and how much tax do we pay?
Doing the right thing does cost more money…that’s the truth of it.
I’ve seen the problem as a reporter and only the smallest bit of progress has been made and I’ve been watching it for more than 60-years.
We either treat all people TOTALLY equally or we are a racist society. But do we need to make that into an industry? Absolute equality based on absolute ability seems to me the only right path.
5. Voting on Name Familiarity? Why, that’s just putting your vote out there for the highest bidder.
And that encourages more divide, conquer, fund-raising, and name-calling.
I won’t mention any particularly rude person from Florida, but is that kind of behavior presidential? The last time I saw something so rude was Nikita Khrushchev – head of the Soviet Union in 1960 – banging his shoe on the desk at the U.N. to make a point.
I didn’t think much of him, either.
6. Promises of future action? Pah-lease. With the exception of two people who haven’t held office before, everyone else in the presidential fracas is a professional promise-breaker. We have just as much poverty today as we had when the Lyndon Johnson Great Society was launched in 1964 and $15-trillion dollars ago.
Oh, these clowns get elected but almost without exception, they haven’t solved a freaking thing since…
The fact is no one is demanding honest government jobs accounting, real job training, and bringing industry back to America…except that one guy. But then we go back to the name familiarity question.
Most others, except the good doctor, have already slithered around in the mud of non-performance in office too long.
So How to Approach Voting?
I have a couple of ways to think about it:
The first is to operate like baseball. If someone has held elective office three times and you don’t have some remarkable results to show for it, “You’re out.”
This is a tough one…in that here in my Congessoid district in Texas, we have a fellow who fits the Washington mold perfectly. Went to Washington poor and ready to change things and is now he’s rich and defending the status quo. Some people have called him the “Pay-day loan” congressman because he supported predatory lending.
Sorry; government should protect people who aren’t so bright. Pay-day loans are a fine example. But so are State Lotteries, which are a perfect example of how government places a penalty on people who don’t understand statistics. Lotteries are a tax on the statistically ignorant.
Yes, dear reader, government victimizes voters because it’s all part of “make up jobs…because even if they are inefficient, they still count as jobs.”
The second – and by far the best – way to approach voting to is look at the process today as when we get a chance to “run the human resources (HR) department” and we have hiring and firing power.
Go ahead – for just this one day, be the ruthless HR director. This is job review day. Has the job been done in stellar fashion in the latest term?
Fire ‘em.
Have issues not be aggressively addressed with solid solutions that strike the best possible balance between the public needs versus public costs?
NO? Fire them, too.
Not happy with local roads?
NO? Fire those commissioners and legislators.
Not happy with schools?
NO? Fire the school board.
Lookie here: Talk don’t mean jack shit. Action is the ONLY metric in this stuff.
Property taxes too high?
YES? Fire your state legislators and county commissioners and school boards.
Want fewer people in jail over one ounce or less of weed?
Fire your state legislators.
This is the dirt simple way to solve things in a hurry.
Mass firings are what corporations do when they have to suck it in.
And today is our chance to given ‘em all of taste of their own medicine.
This is the day for Revolution at the ballot box.
Those who have not been part of great solutions are part of the problem. And they gotta go. This is not supposed to be a country of career politicians. This is supposed to be citizen lawmakers.
A Final Point
You want to know who the ruling elites of America are? See if this little snip off the web (from an education web site) helps you to sort it out: What percent in Capitol Hill is lawyers?
Occupation: Of the total U.S. work force of 124 million people, only 6 percent are lawyers. Yet 45 percent of the members of Congress are lawyers.
It’s the biggest inequality out there. Fire the bastards when you vote today…fire every last one.
Remember, corporations make us working stiffs reapply for our jobs when there is a corporate take-over. We get to take over but only for today.
And this is the day to cut out all that old deadwood. And elect people at all levels that represent the racial composite, the religious values averages, the income average, and the working ethics that made America the Great Melting Pot.
Because in case you haven’t figured it out, by now, the modern world’s slave owners are members of the bar and members of the re-elected corporate establishment.
Write when you break-even,
George (Or will also get to me. I trust you noticed how the story about the former Attorney General of these United States using a basketball player’s name for official email has been buried by the corporate-owned press?) Thank God for Revolution Day.
As my long dead uncle used to say, vote out the incumbents and give someone else a chance at the graft
If only 50% of voters followed this advice we might make actually make some progress in taking back some control of our lives/country.
FIRE THEM ALL and start over. At least then we would have a short break while they had to re-organize and re-purchase their new little lawyers.
Am I the only one who can see that there is ‘NO issue and NO side’–except YOU yourself?
Rise up and vote!
Or … no complaining
I wold be quite confident in my rescuing police officer if he were Bruce Lee. Or someone with his skills.
I just thought of another wronged group, though small: persons with high IQ’s are being discriminated against in more than one police department hiring. The stupid reason is that they’ll get bored and quit. This went to court and the high-IQ person lost. Quite a statement.
Love your comments George. After reading your article I can understand why the GOP big boys (lawyers and the re-elected elite) are so up in arms and they never thought “the people” would finally revolt and they don’t know what to do about it. The way I look at it, this is the last chance we the people have to get it right before the US goes down the tubes.
I agree Shelly.. I know I am not going to vote for anyone that has a history of being a politician..
“””It’s the biggest inequality out there. Fire the bastards when you vote today…fire every last one.”””
EXACTLY…. and not for just one election.. but three elections.. that way by the third election anyone running for office would know that to keep his job he has to work for the people.. to take a moment to pay attention.. instead of running off with their Hawaiian shirts and Bermuda shorts on for vacations or break recess or that long needed work period..etc..
“If voting made any difference they wouldn’t let us do it.”
? Mark Twain
The campaign process for voters in the USA is like sitting in a rocking chair. Gives you something to do, but doesn’t get you very far.
The political situation in the USA is so far past resolution by ballot box it’s laughable. From control of information with algorithms (Google) to voting machine fraud (Diebold et al) to politicians that break every campaign promise they make (Obama), hope is simply a manifestation of mental illness.
Ask yourself. Of the billions spent on campaigning this year, how much of that did you donate? So tell me again why you think these people are going to act in your interests?
They don’t need your vote, and they don’t need your taxes, they can print all the money they want. $100 TRILLION in wealth has been created by their system since 2007. You get any of that?
Terminal madness in the end times.
That’s how it looks from Ecuador.
Vote for your choice as long as 1. they are legal to vote for, 2. have experience in governance, and 3. are someone whose ideas one can stomach . . . I don’t think that is a terribly high goal but apparently this election such simple notions are extremely difficult to attain.
So I’ll make it even easier – can you handle the person’s Ethics? Or Non-Ethics?
Great rant, George! Keep ’em coming! The only thing that I would add is, GET RID OF THOSE BLACK BOX VOTING MACHINES! Bring back verifiable paper ballots, and only then will we know who really won the election. I don’t mind so much losing to the competition if I know the contest was fair. And as to the current crop of candidates, I know of only one who, as a congress critter, voted against the Help America Vote Act. Guess who?
Great rant, George! Keep ’em coming! The only thing that I would add is, GET RID OF THOSE BLACK BOX VOTING MACHINES! Bring back verifiable paper ballots, and only then will we know who really won the election. I don’t mind so much losing to the competition if I know the contest was fair. And as to the current crop of candidates, I know of only one who, as a congress critter, voted against the Help America Vote Act. Guess who?
a lot of good points in your post today! reminds me of ‘mouseland’–
I agree with firing all of them. Start the ‘Fire 545’ movement- all 535 members of congress, all 9 supremes, and of course the figurehead in chief. Start there, then work down to the state and local levels.
Mark Twain Quote: “Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason.”
I wonder how hard it would be to get State constitutional changes to require all state-wide ballots to offer the choice of “None Of The Above”, and as a consequence of a majority of votes for “None Of The Above”, a vacancy occurs until the next election.
That might give the “Silent Majority” a voice, and might get some attention. Then work on a change to the national constitution. … Dream On.
Roman Empire part II.
One could only wish it actually was a Mel Brook’s spoof, but alas… It’s a real time slo-mo train wreckage about to happen.
The one thing I’d force into place in government if it were at all possible would be to have ALL elected ‘officials’ PERSONALLY liable for both civil damages and criminal prosecution if they made a political promise that they failed to act on, and substantially complete. There should be a rebuttable premise of fraud if they failed at this.
My guess is that these people would speak more carefully.
Also, we need to remove this ridiculous title of “honorable”. There’s nothing honorable about the majority of carpetbagging politicians at every level, including judges. As a country, we disavowed titles, so let’s actually do it. If writing to a politician, I’ll be damned if I’ll use the words “dear” or “honorable”. It’s just galling.
***Am I the only one who can see the polarity of it all? Or, can you see it, too? You shouldn’t have to strain to find it***
No strain at all George. It is glaringly obvious and it is scary. At the end of the day, regardless of who wins the election there is going to be a deep polarization in the USA and the damage will continue for years. Both parties are guilty and we are going to pay a huge price.
Seems to me like “terminal madness” as one of your readers has posted today.
Please check out the video on Mouseland. It says it all …
Voted early, first time in “30 years” a vote of any kind. If big “T” does everything he says he will do, then the only thing we will have to worry about is his “health and well being.
I just want to live out the rest of my life with out all the krap. Is that too much to ask? :-)
I was watching a snippet on Jon Stewart last night and nostalgically sad to see this comedic political genius retire. One segment (over a decade ago)had him comment on Bush Jr.that says it all: George was saying how proud he was to be elected….” and Stewart deadpan face said, “But George, you weren’t elected”.
End of story.
I just love ALL of your comments today as it says it all too. Me thinkest the reading public is so wise it must scare the sh*t out of the PTW that are reading this. Hi NSA, ya got this?
George- what it takes is someone with real CHARACTER to not only get into office, but also stay in office for those with the mettle, pluck, statesmanship, honesty and poise to accomplish the political aikido it takes to survive the puppet-masters, is rare. Find me one and I shall consider re-instituting my voter registration to do so- if I thought it would count. Those sleepers’ are usually behind the scenes or second place and find themselves placed into office after a tragedy.
That is the real ticket. What votes actually count when puppets are placed into office (on any level)?
Enlighten me please.
What kind of so-called “greatest democracy in the world” always presents just two candidates of (to quote George Carlin) “rich mother$&@#€&% who don’t give a £€¥% about you and me” as their pre-selected douchebags for the low-information voter to give their meek assent. And this new strongman on the stage (Trump) is a red flag for those of us who remember history.
No, thank-you. I no longer vote, and all canned aspersions against my intelligence, sanity, patriotism, etc. aside, I think it just encourages the bastards. This country is toast. Pass the popcorn, George.
The only chance America has is leadership not bought by the PTB. Frankly, even if that is realized, in a presidential election, one man can not do it alone. Can we find senators and congressmen/women not “favored” into office by the PTB? Not likely. The system is corrupt, the country is lost. The only thing we not experienced yet is the funeral and the resurrection of the ideal.