Coping: The “Renaissance Core”

My run-in Monday morning with the troll-like comments about Ure’s truly – and a very thoughtful reply by Oilman2, who as you might expect is a friend, got me to thinking I should do a lot more explaining about what real UrbanSurvival thinking is all about.

Oh, sure, it will come into focus as you read the Thursday chapter of the “Millennial’s Missing Manual” when we explore [keyword: Worldview] but there is much more to it than that.

It begins with deciding what kind of person you really want to be in life: Key contributor, independent thinker, able to call “your own shots” when you feel like it? Or, is it enough to just stack a bunch of cash and own “things and people” sufficient to get you whatever it is you happen to want?

It’s not a simple question.

I’ve known lots of people in the $10-million net worth and up category, but something odd often happens to them. For one, most of them seem to lose their “connection” to the world.

After a certain period of “active disconnect” all the wait-staff and financials become an “expected.”

Not that such people don’t have it really good. They do – but only until change of a violent social or natural event takes place. When those come along, those folks are screwed.

We have only to look for examples and two outstanding ones come to mind.

Warren Buffett is one of my heros – not because he’s been able to get rich…anyone in America with a million to start with can do that. No, what Buffett got exactly right was the notion (which I’ll poorly paraphrase) that in “…any other time, I’d be dinosaur food.” He recognized that in the longer span of history, there are some skills that may be short-lived, although I hugely admire his accounting approach to investing (along with Charlie Munger’s) that has led them down the “get rich slowly” path while remaining (oddly) functional and humble.

The second example is the core character in the Bible. Carpenter, was he not? That’s always spoken to my heart about “hands-on matters” though the point is lost on many.

I contrast these facts with people who have come into a goodly sum of money and yet fail to appreciate their good fortune.

Since this weekend was Chinese New Year (28th) reminds me that most Chinese have an almost Buffett-like sense of humbleness. The Chinese, more than Americans, acknowledge that sometimes “good fortune” is all you need.

With the wind of Fortune at your back, you cannot fail. With it in your face, however, no matter how skilled, how hard you work, you’re fruits will be failure.

Fortune is a terrible Opponent in Life and anyone who doesn’t come to this perspective is either a liar, a fool, or both.

So what is the Renaissance Core idea?

In many ways it is about the values that are foundational to UrbanSurvival. If I had to distill it into two words it would be “Personal Competence.”

Talking the game is one thing. Doing it is quite another.

I kicked this idea around with once of my sisters long ago – 35-years maybe. What unfolded (since all of us Ure kids could have probably made it into Mensa) was that Life is much more than just having the highest functioning pile of gray matter. It’s in the “’doing.”

At the Core there are personal skills. What can you actually DO? With enough Core skills, you can be a walking Renaissance person.

The insulting comment from the reader about mobile homes as somehow being lesser housing that, oh, a McMansion, touched a hot-button with me.

Facts are facts and any sorry sonovabitch can write checks all day. Accounting department are full of such people, tool.

But who among the check-writers can (or has)  actually created value? Most check-writers are only able to put a yoke on the work product of others.

I know first-hand, Oilman2 creates tons of value (not to mention his kick-ass fortified homemade wines) in the petroleum industry. But when times cool as they have in the Oil Path he’s a masterful recyler/repurposer/re-user to boot.

He’s the poster-child for “No bad times, just bad people.” He will succeed for his family inspite of all conditions, and like a great rig engineer will spit in the face of Fortune when required.

Remember weekend before this I did a 5 or 6 course Chinese dinner from scratch? I love that kind of thing. Could I go out and BUY? Sure, just remember it comes down to what you do versus what you buy.

Folks like OM2 and our friends up the street have a remarkable handle on two pieces of Life’s puzzle set.

Sure, one piece is “what you have” but the other is “who you are and what you do.”

Saturday, my son called on his sat-phone from another wilderness location high in the Washington Cascades. He was overnighting in 20-degree temps and snow showers not because of what he “could do.” Of course he could have checked into a motel with a mountain view and room service.

But what turns G2’s crank is the “Who I am and what can I do to grow myself and my competencies” part of life. Which is what makes him Renaissance Core material. The concept fits someone like him well.

You find the mindset in a lot of places: Emergency medicine, Rangers, SEALS, MARSOC, law enforcement, fire/rescue and a lot more.  Yes, some in business, but few.

This is the mindset we admire. Anyone can say “I’m a survivalist” but who walks it? Who really lives remote, plans for the unthinkable, and shares with others? Damn few…but gems they are that do.

Renaissance Core might be reduced to a simple “personal accomplishment’s checklist.”

You need to have one serious (preferably certified) skillset each for Earth, Air, and Ocean competencies. That may take some explaining:

On Earth, everyone likes to drive, and we all hold a mental image that we’re all NASCAR drivers for example. But have you actually gone through a high-performance driving school? Or, have you ever driven in a Porsche Club of America track day? Or, can you mow a field, till a straight line, bike 30 miles or jump a dirt bike 10-feet or more and land without falling consistent? I mean actually DO something outstanding on the face of the Earth?

Same thing when comes to Ocean skills. I’ve got 11-years and thousands of miles under the keel of my own boat so I take a checkmark. Toss in some basic (expired) resort course diving (max. depth 120-feet so far) and let’s not leave out summers of rowing the backwaters of western Puget Sound. Saved one person from drowning, too. Yeah, I’ll put a checkmark under “Ocean” proudly.

Others in the family have different Ocean skills, like long distance rowing (10 miles or more), advanced SCUBA, and water rescue training and such…but the point is Ocean is a Core competency, too.

Then we come to sky competence. Yes, hundreds of hours in our old Beechcraft and I need to get up and fly it again next week, even though we are planning to sell it. And a fresh biennial flight review will get done one of these days, too. Anyone can fly, but how many do?

G2 earned his “sky competence” as a Class C skydiver. And when I look at his abilities around boats, his overnighting in bitter winter mountain conditions and his marksmanship skills, I’m proud to say he’s the sort of 30-something who would pass the “basic competences” to display the Renaissance Core logo. He’s also an Extra Class ham radio operator.

As you can see this is a much different – broader and far more action-oriented group/tribal concept than the singularly-dimensioned sharp minds of Mensa members.

No, that’s not a dig – just a reminder that human capabilities are not one-dimensional. There’s a lot more that makes a person truly Renaissance Core material.

Let’s turn to the tools and survival part of membership.

Having come from a fire department family, I was able to name 10 different types of pliers by the time I was 10-years old. Slip-joint pliers, needle-nose pliers, gas pliers, lineman pliers…have ‘em all.

If you can’t name at least five or six kinds of pliers, you wouldn’t pass our Renaissance filters.

“Name six ways to cut a piece of 1” diameter PVC pipe into an accurate 12 1/8th ” length.”

Sure, a PVC cutter works, as does a hack saw, scroll saw, saber saw, table saw, coping saw, power hack saw, cut-off saw, lathe, milling machine….the mind boggles at how many ways there are to skin that cat (sorry Zeus!).

The point is damn few people in today’s “hands-off” world are really capable of answering such questions. Specialization, as someone said, is for insects.

Source that quote? Sure, Robert Heinlein:

“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.”

Do I have some deficiencies by Heinlein’s definition? Most of us do. Even Heinlein’s list deficiently doesn’t list an electronic competency yet that is today’s world.

There’s always room to grow, though. I have learning to play some musical instrument on my bucket list (although translating the numerics of stock market averages into the “music of the market” I would claim as original and creative in music theory…)

Then there’s the “dying gallantly” part…no hurry to get there. Fortunately that’s not something we could set Renaissance Core membership on.

It’s an interesting concept, however.

Interesting because people who make America great are not those with the most liberal attitudes or the biggest checkbooks (yes, you Mr. Soros).

It’s the people who work and by expressing innumerable competencies give this country the breadth, depth, inventiveness, and skills to surmount all obstacles and do things like get to the Moon first.

We’ve lost that.

Instead of banding together as a Company of Renaissance Persons, we have been sliced into political, sexual, demographic, educations, income, and ethnicities which doesn’t mean jack-zhit about who a person is, or what a person can create for the benefit of all.

Which is why Renaissance Core is kicking around as one possible route to refocusing our nation’s “creative Middle” back on the “Outcome Equation.”

With a professional-thinking, competency-based allegiance in the Middle, we should be able to drop the divisive politics and get on with the task making of things better. At the same time we’d all have more excellent adventures in Life as we each work to rediscover whether we really have any personal limits.

(Secret: We don’t.)

Reader comments on this – it’s almost the “1-upping of survivalists” – are welcome and invited. If this has scratched a “familiar itch” – (can we get past all this present bullshit and just move on to the Stars, please?) then it’s a project who’s time – 35-years later – may have finally arrived.

Perhaps I can have the final LAFF. (Limits Are For Fools) after all…

[Elaine thought this rambled a bit – and she’s right.  But I wanted to blast the concept out there…so *and I SDO hate this phrase( It is what it is…”]

Write when you get rich AND/OR competent,

34 thoughts on “Coping: The “Renaissance Core””

  1. George,

    I’m sorry to say that this larger concept is lost on a lot of people. I’ve always had that intangible thing in my being that makes me want to go out and DO and LEARN.

    Case in point, I recently decided to learn to make my own beer. I thought that it was interesting from a process standpoint and that it’s a good skill to have. Also, I didn’t want to just make beer…I wanted to learn to make GOOD beer. I’m proud to say mission accomplished.
    The real point of this story was that when I mentioned it to a few people half the time the response was something like ‘you know they sell it at the store, right?’ The concept of DOING or LEARNING was and is lost on them. Such as it is on a macro level when applied to the population at large. Most people basically jog in place at wherever they’re spawned onto the planet until they die in place. How boring…

    • MAJ-13,
      your case in point is fUNNY, and at the same time very sad, as it is so VERY true!! the average joes and others have had there thinking caps MAL-adjusted, there just seems to be a deficit of rational thinkers, i saw this starting to happen years ago in different areas of the USA and some overseas countries, non-third after observing and looking at possibilities, all i saw in common were people mentally attached to there TV sets and that is when the shows started changing to very strange mix and just continued to decline into what we have today, mostly sicko’S shows!!
      P.S. for George, I always defend you!!

      • Agreed, sick TV shows, sick movies, sick videos, sick MSM, and sick mentally deranged culture and moral and value killing messages. Even destroying what a man and woman and boy and girl is. When all this falls apart, I am counting on the wisdom of the true believers like, elders and oldies, to bring us up and set the example for the young. It won’t look like the sickness, but that won’t be accessible any longer.

  2. Nice. I remember the start, George.

    I was at the golf course yesterday. Yeah, it’s a skill. A Hillary supporter, who is not wanting to fight over every word, wanted to get some insight into Trump. He was open to listen.

    My preface, I do not intend to defend what the President does. I don’t control him, as in the last President. What I believe, so far, is that he is doing what he promised that he would do. And, I voted for him.

    He will make mistakes. He will adjust. Humans do this quite naturally. Don’t be afraid; it tends to cause paralysis. But, find something wrong with putting Americans first. Please.

    I have nowhere near the skills that you do, George. At this stage, I would not even try. However, I am building something (a village which is hard and fun), which requires having good networking skills. We cannot do anything alone in this world. We need each other.

    Standing at Confusion Corner in Williamsburg, VA, holding a sign, does not do anything. Sorry. Worse is driving off in Mommy’s and Daddy’s car and thinking you help the environment.

    Conservation is a loaded word. it means something. We have forgotten it. We’re getting back to the real.

  3. Hey George, what are some good ways to drum up flight training money so I can go from my Private all the way to my CFI/II/MEI? I want to make aviation something I do because i love it but I also remember what you said about finding a job that cant be replaced by robots and I wonder if UAS will take over my love of aviation. What is your advice George?

      • Thank you George! I look forward to it! Have a excellent day! Also, will this tie into how to find funds for flying? (Sorry, I’m still nursing a cup of coffee.) I pray I can do it as a job and career but of course, it may just become a hobby while I work with aviation another way.

    • The method I used to fund my flight training when I was 17 was to work part time at a flight school in exchange for lessons and wet aircraft rentals. Over time the owner became very liberal with his accounting on my behalf and I’m sure I received many more multiples of training and aircraft time than I earned. I would have performed the duties I was asked to perform for free anyway because I was learning so much in the office and on the flight line, but my point is that I was able to earn my private pilot license without cash because I traded skills. Just one more idea for you.

      • Thank you sir! Ill have to see if I can do just that and maybe sell the skills I have to make something happen!

  4. I agree with Elaine ‘keep on dreaming.’ Here is the problem: If I were to ask the next 10,000 people what they would rather have, $10-million net worth or qualities that you’ve listed, the answers would be unanimous. You’re just an exceptional man.

  5. George, if limits are for fools then why do you need six types of pliers [I can name them, too] if two will do most jobs?

    It seems to me that forward progress has always been the result of thinkers who have been limited by circumstances and used the opportunity to overcome obstacles. This is also where I disagree with your near-deification of Warren Buffet and your comment that ‘in America anyone with a million can become rich’. Of course that’s a true statement, but the key is to have that million to start with. Priviledge is priviledge regards of the amount involved and it stands to reason that if you have an automatic edge on success the rest becomes very easy, wind at your back or not. I -and most others- generally have far more regard for that nearly-extinct “self-made man” than one who gets plenty of breaks along the way. I believe the real key to success is in being able to recognize those breaks when they offer themselves and then acting upon them… wasn’t it Alexander who said, “fortune favors the bold?”

    And, as ideal as Robert Heinlein’s model may have been, he still lived in a world of science FICTION only laced with fact instead of firmly grounded in it – and that was the core strength of his writings: that even a serious “LAFFER” can break out of his mold once his imagination takes over.

    It’s a fine thing to aspire to greatness, but the truth is that nobody arrives there without the help of someone else. Human successes have always come through building upon someone ELSE’S accomplishments and then tweaking them to conquer an old limitation and although there will be random flashes of genius from gifted souls they too already had something “special” to set them apart and even geniuses usually only excell in one specific field of endeavor. Simply put there are no all-around experts… at some point in life, even the most accomplished need the assistance of others even if only for a fleeting moment of clarity. And it’s that common need that binds society together as a whole.

    But it was a wonderful read today, George!

  6. I have concern for the younger generation. I learned about car repairs by owning pre-1976 Fords (fix or repair daily); and learned other skills by owning a house.
    Youth home ownership seems to be down; and in a Clif High interview on jsnip4, he states that millennials dont own cars, but instead own cell phones to connect with others. Now that cars are less mechanical, use more proprietary software, and require costly equipment to fix, I havent seen a young person under the hood (outside of a repair shop) for years. And I have to include my older self in that number.
    Random point being, if we have a long, catastrophic lack of electricity, I fear learned helplessness for most.
    But..they’ll have high self esteem over their lack of ability.

    • No cars, small apartments – the push is on to move everyone into metropolitan areas where they can be controlled over a much smaller geographic footprint.

  7. There is a simple fact that is often spouted or blurted out at times, mostly as an effort to lighten tension or to make one more sage in appearance. But this little phrase needs to be grasped, fondled, sniffed, carefully examined and fully comprehended:

    “You cannot take it with you.”

    When you realize this in your heart, it forces you to realize other things; like the only possible thing you might bring with you through the gate of death is what is in your head. That means your memories, good and bad and even the useless ones, like calculus.

    One would think that being cognizant of YCTIWY would induce a quick realization that making GOOD memories would be important. That helping others to understand YCTIWY would be of some importance. Perhaps most importantly, it will shift your reality from the purely material plane the world operates on to another, one where what you do is of far more import than what you say.

    When memories are important, your interactions with other people will change – bad memories can only be shoved into your mental closet until it is full – and then they spill out like oily poison.

    What you say matters, but not more than what you do. When you begin doing instead of talking, then you begin talking about what you are doing because it becomes what you are, a part of you.

    Soapbox away now – I have things I want to do today!!

    • Oilman,
      I like your reflection about the small “carry-on” we take with us as we exit that “refinery of our earthly existence”.
      I have great respect for you that have that “common-sense-ness” of building the “whole damn thing”
      versus us ” Instrumentation Field Engineer” types, who as you well know–are more concerned with “Only making the damn thing produce that black gooey,or gassy stuff( as per Process Design) out the gate!

    • Nothing ‘sage’ about it, it is the truth. After cleaning out grandparents and parents left behinds and being at their bed sides when they passed on to glory, and seeing it with my own eyes, I have renewed my desire to unload, disperse, reuse, recycle, donate, sell and deliver to your house if you will let me!

      • I got no idea of the origin of that quote, but likely it is very old and from some tongue other than English. Quote all you want!

    • Lack of exercise and sunlight is also affecting IQ. So is lack of social HUMAN interaction, and a FATHER.

  8. @ Roberta

    I am the proud owner of four millenials, and while two are quite the metropolitan Uber-users, the other two are not, and repair their own cars. Dad (me) taught them on the farm.

    Home ownership is down in urban areas, as the entire real estate industry is bubble driven in the cities, and it bleeds over into nearby countrysides. In the country, younger types are finding they can build their own and are doing it, whereas they can’t in urban areas due to regulations, inspectors, permits and rigged pricing by contractors.

    Why did they develop the Rural Electric Code? To make sure people wired their homes safely enough they wouldn’t catch fire or electrocute themselves. Then cities and contractors realized they could add additional layers of “safety” and get a cut for free – and poof! The same applies to Rural Plumbing Codes versus city/county/subdivision codes.

    Millenials are beginning to realize they can leverage the improved communications of internet here in the country and not have to deal with layers of regulations and fees. And they WANT to learn skills, because they also sense that something ugly is pending in their futures. This sense of impending crap has been part of their reality, and they either retreat from it or try to find another way.

    I believe there are likely to be MORE older people running around clueless than millenials in the event of electricity going byebye. But as I learned during mumerous hurricanes, there are doers and whiners, and they come in all ages.

    You are obviously the former!

  9. Urban Survival ,if read and followed as best you can…will…get you ready for the hard times that approaching…..some may even think they are here now…..but they are only experiencing the beginning….HARD is yet to come….too ALL….since WE are all ‘on board’ the same globe… may think you are ready, but as history shows…..some events happen in an instand…and from our early games played as a child…one says it all..” Ready or not here I come”…..and it will…..PS George, thanks for all the ‘heads up’ info… imho

  10. I think a lot of it is directly tracable to urban/suburban living. As an 8th grader we moved to a few acres in what was then the boonies of Florida circa 1970. I got a condensed version of what real farm kids do. Clear land, build fences, wire outbuildings, worked on trucks, etc. Worked with my dad doing construction, learned to weld. Now I oversee engineering projects in a utility and it’s a bit scary. The young engineers are wicked smart and can make a computer sit up and beg.
    But they have zero idea what can be built & maintained because they have no hands on with actual tools. None. On the “craft” side of the house there’s been a lot of retirements in the past decade and the new guys & gals really are “kids”, fresh out of trade school. Welders who can pass X-ray tests and a drug test are at a premium.

  11. George, you nailed what a great opportunity each of us has in this country to unlock our full potential as a human being. Most people, including me, fail to realize “When Opportunity Knocks” and don’t answer the door. Open your door and reread & apply this article.

  12. The comment re Mensa was so on-target! I’ve met some of the biggest losers ever at Mensa meetings. What we call IQ is just a tiny part of the equation. Attitude and willingness to learn and take on challenges is huge. Plus the wish to contribute or at least do no harm.

  13. In Heinlein’s Time programing a computer was electronics. I have worked on old USAF equipment(still in operation I might add) that require wire wrap and getting the circuits right. And Microwave will probably always be just as much an art as it is engineering. I am sure you know what thevenize(sic) is.

  14. Doing with egoic pride can be as addicting as chemicals or electronics. All this chatter reminds me of the INFANTRY unit an old first sergeant told me about. The unit had perfect uniforms, spotless barracks, perfectly maintained vehicles, clean weapons, and won the marching award in every parade. In spite of all these achievements, there was one small problem. Every time they went to the firing range, less than 10% of them could even qualify for the lowest marksmanship level. This is more common in America than one would think. The army sent an experienced Sargent Major to Vietnam to see why ammunition usage was so high with so few enemy casualties. He went to infantry units and would pull 10 men at random, take them to the range, give them 100 rounds to fire at a 100 yard target. Most chose to shoot full auto, and on average about 12% of the bullets would hit the target. Think things have changed? In Iraq, the USA expended over 200,000 rounds per confirmed enemy casualty.

    My point is, while young people had their heads in electronics, and boomers were distracting themselves with irrelevant activities (often for big salaries) and patting themselves on the back, the very fabric of the nation was destroyed under their feet. The Peter principle has gone rampant. How many of you worked for a company where your boss had risen to one position above his level of competence but never did anything about it? Well, that’s who you have for elected officials today, and until Trump it never bothered any of you.

    In summary, for every thousand hacking at the branches of the tree of evil, there was only one hacking at the roots.

    In my field, this was illustrated by a cartoon. The manager says, you guys start programming, I’ll go upstairs and see if I can figure out what the users really want.

    In Ecuador, we have a saying for the new expats. “Just because you can do it does not make it a good idea!” The biggest issue they have is that in creating their dream, they consume tremendous (relatively speaking) amounts of resources. This consumption is seen by the locals as a form of madness.

    • U see, this is where it all falls apart with trying to get a handle on U “Eex”–how can someone such as yourself, having assimilated your righteousness into the paradise of Ecuadorian society, give a “flying F—” about the cesspool of us “still-oats”.
      Do U really believe your referencing everything wrong within the USA will make a difference in your inability to “let go” and realize you Are NOT in Kansas anymore!

  15. “most of them seem to lose their “connection” to the world.”

    Mr. Buffett is my hero to..What is nice is when you sit down to talk to him it doesn’t matter what your station is in life.. He is right there with you. He hasn’t put himself above everyone nor has he put himself below you he doesn’t take advantage of his position.I am not sure but when he is talking to you it is if he is trying to put himself in your shoes he isn’t above getting you a cup of coffee and truly enjoys a good conversation and is willing to share his insight on what he has learned in life.
    Like so many executives that built their empires he has been able to connect with everyone that works for him and with all of his customers in the process.
    All of us in some way or other has the problem of not understanding what someone else is going through we have put ourselves on auto pilot. Most of my life was spent working with other people in different aspects of their life usually at their weakest moments. I always thought I understood what they were experiencing .. till it happened to me.. then I realized I didn’t have a foggy clue at all. that was a shock to me but I hope gave me a greater insight to the plight of others and their lives.
    I once met a person that lived in a dumpster a wonderful gentleman that even though his life was one that lacked all the amenities that we have he didn’t want for anything. He had adjusted his life appreciated everything he got and cherished what he received. I on the other hand have worked with people of great wealth. What the difference was with most of them is they disconnected themselves. One person in mind was a very very very wealthy person . they had built it got to the top of the heap.. their life at the end was a hard struggle.. in the time I spent with them there wasn’t one person that ever stopped.. when they passed I like always went to their funeral.. only to find that the only one to go to the funeral.. was myself, the speaker.
    the reason they separated themselves from everyone as the clawed their way to the top in the end what they had was nothing.. a few numbers on a sheet of paper.. their possessions distributed among anyone that wanted them for a few numbers.
    What was really funny and I didn’t take the time to really put this in perspective was that even though I hadn’t had the fortune of clawing the way to the top I had disconnected myself from others during the climb to my point on the hill.. when a serious infliction took me down. the biggest thing I discovered was that I like so many had sacrificed my living in a dumpster perspective. I had disassociated myself from everyone around me. My goals my vision of what was truly important had no importance at all what did have importance was the human connection. The ability to stay connected and live life.. I had worked with people my whole life seen it right before me and never connected the dots.
    I think that is what made the executives of old the ones that built their empires. many didn’t have the luck of receiving an education most built their empires through their lifes failures. Many thought of their employees as family wasn’t above sharing a cup of coffee with the one at the bottom and stayed connected. I have seen it a lot. a boss that considered and looked out for his janitors best interests.
    Trump is that man.. He built his empire out of his failures. if you check his companies have an above eighty percent retention. you walk in talk to Steve the bellhop five years from now Steve the bellhop is still cruising the unit working. That says a lot about what he is.. most of the workers feel he is accessible. When I felt my biggest feeling of pride was during the inauguration. On tv even though they were posting negative subliminal scenes etc.. one announcer that has been involved in reporting politics long before I even started to care about politics made an off the wall comment.
    The comment he made was during the celebration Donald trump went around and visited with everyone the staff bringing the coffee or serving to the guy picking up the trash told them all what a great job they were doing and visited with them on what they thought about things.. similar to having a conversation with Mr. buffett he was connected with them showed interest in their idea’s. The veteran announcer then said.. who had ever even heard of such a thing happening before.
    I wasn’t a true trump supporter but now I am. He is already famous.. he already has the money, he doesn’t need the job.. he is at the twilight of his life, My thought is he seen what is needed truly loves our country and decided he could help. A true leader I am betting that if you sat down to visit with him like the guy cleaning the dishes at his inauguration that he would make you feel as important as any celebrity or person of power. enough of my early morning ramblings.

    • I sometimes wonder if food wasn’t something that Donald trump lacked.. Like so many preppers you prep harder with the things that you have experienced lack of in the past. a person that has gone though the depression would undoubtedly have a jar of money someplace hidden.. but they would have a grocery store stocked up someplace.. for the just in case moment.
      At most of trumps places.. the employees all get a meal.. which makes me wonder is if at some point during his life he experienced hunger and made it his mission in life to provide a good meal to anyone fortunate enough to work for him.

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